Types and types of planning in dhows. Basic principles of planning in preschool organizations at the present stage

Types and forms of planning at preschool educational institution

Changes in Russian education encourage teachers to look for new approaches to implementing the tasks of preschool education. The changes affected not only program documents, but also, mainly, the activities of teachers with children. It is known that the first step to action should be planning.

The document on which we primarily focus when planning a preschool educational institution has remained unchanged. This is the order of the Ministry of Public Education of the RSFSR dated September 20, 1988 No. 41 “On the documentation of preschool institutions.”

According to this document, preschool educational institutions usetwo basicplanning forms: annual and calendar plan .

Annual plan work for the school year is the most important local act of a preschool institution. It must fully comply with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, federal and municipal legislation and be based on modern achievements in pedagogical management, didactics, psychology, etc.

The form of writing the Annual Plan of the Preschool Educational Institution may be different.

    calendar (broken down by month),

    cyclical (contain a certain cyclical nature of work forms),

    text (have a text description of the content),

    tabular (have a tabular form of writing),

    block-schematic ( divided into specific blocks of work).

But no matter what form the annual plan is written in, its first part is “an analysis of the work for the past academic year.”

Now I would like to talk in more detail about the planning of preschool teachers.

Teachers traditionally use suchtypes of planning Howcalendar-thematic, perspective-calendar, block, complex. A new type is modular planning. Let's consider each type separately.

Comprehensive planning educational process in age groups - this is planning in accordance with the main general education program of the preschool educational institution in all educational areas and is its integral part.

Such planning is compiled by the methodologist and teachers of each age group jointly and is developed before the start of the school year (from September to May inclusive).

This type of planning is often called complex thematic. Such planning is prepared in printed form and must have a title page.

Long-term planning of the educational process in age groups – this is an advance determination of the order and sequence of the educational process for the academic year with the definition of tasks and content for each month. It is based on the basic general education program of a preschool institution.Long-term plan is being compiledteachers of each age groupfor a month, quarter, six months or a year (correction during work in terms of this type is acceptable). The long-term plan is developed independently by educators and specialists for one academic year and is implemented on the basis of a curriculum approved by the head.

Long-term planning of GCD is compiled for each age group, taking into account complex thematic planning.

Now about calendar-thematic planning educational process in age groups. E that is, the advance determination of the order and sequence of educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, means, forms and methods used.A unified structure of calendar and thematic planning is established in the preschool educational institution.

This planis drawn up for two weeks and provides for planning all types of children’s activities and the corresponding forms of their organization for each day.

This type of educational work plan should provide for a reasonable alternation of organized and independent activities of children based on children’s initiative and activity, and should also ensure the organization of children’s life in three forms:

Direct educational activities;

Unregulated activities;

Free time provided for a child in a preschool educational institution during the day for free spontaneous play activities and communication with peers.

Block diagram planning can be presented on one sheet, or each quarter on a separate sheet. With this kind of planning, there is no need to separately write out monthly activities for teachers. This type of planning is more often used by senior educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions.

And now aboutmodular planning technologies. When drawing up a plan based on a module, a unified scheme for distributing forms of work with preschoolers for a week is created; the teacher can only write down the name of the games, the topics of conversations, indicate objects of observation, and specify the tasks of work for a given period.

The creation of a plan module begins with the distribution of activities organized by the teacher with the children and the search for their place in the daily routine.

In order to streamline these arbitrary types of planning, it is advisable to introduce unified approaches to planning in a preschool institution. This can be done in the form of a local act adopted and approved by the preschool educational institution.

It is no secret that paperwork is often given a secondary role. However, a plan drawn up in a timely and correct manner can become our first assistant.

You know, while looking for quotes from great minds about plans and planning, I realized with some disappointment that most of them ridicule planning, saying that we make plans, and someone decides for us what the final result will be. But there is one man, Americanbook authorand audio programs on topicsBrian Tracy, who said this about planning: “Remember that every minute you spend planning saves ten minutes of your work.” And I completely agree with him.

Thank you for your attention! And I wish that your work plans coincide with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and the current legislation.

These recommendations will help in strategic, or long-term, planning, which is designed to determine the main strategic goals of the organization to improve the level of education in a preschool educational institution, as well as the policy and strategy for obtaining and using resources to achieve these goals.

Planning system in a preschool educational institution

An analysis of the planning function in the practice of managing preschool educational institutions revealed a number of problems in its implementation, in particular, insufficient awareness by preschool educational institutions managers of:

The meaning and essence of planning in a management system;

The role of parents in improving the mechanism for planning the educational process;

The need to create new types of plans and planning technologies.

The most important trends in the development of planning in the field of education are:

Transition from centralized and administrative planning to decentralized and democratic;

The transition from planning carried out by a narrow group of people to

participatory planning, i.e. with broad participation of members


Transition from planning of current functioning to systemic planning of functioning, development and innovation;

The transition from tactical and operational to planning based on the main goal, the development strategy of the institution;

The transition from planning in-depth into the internal environment to open and flexible planning, focused primarily on the needs of the external environment.

The ability to analyze the situation, the ability to identify the main trends in life and outline ways for the development of the institution become important criteria for the professional skills of a manager.

Marketing research should become the basis for formulating a strategy, operational planning and solving pressing problems of a preschool institution. Preschool institutions provide additional services with little or no study of supply and demand, which is why paid clubs, sections, and classes are haphazardly conducted in preschool institutions.

At the level of marketing research of a preschool institution, an analysis and forecast of the preschool educational institution's capabilities, potential, region, city, republic is carried out; the situation is assessed; patterns and development trends are identified.

The main principle of the marketing activities of a preschool educational institution is the following: a preschool institution must find consumers to whom it wants to provide services, find out their needs, and then organize services that best satisfy their existing needs.

The range of services may be as follows:

Education and training of children attending kindergarten (according to the main kindergarten program, additional programs and plans);

Education and training of children in the neighborhood who do not attend kindergarten (according to the general program, according to individual plans);

Educational outreach work with the population of the region, city (at the place of residence);

Other types of kindergarten services depending on its capabilities.

In order to develop a forecast for future activities, it is necessary to answer the main question: “What is the preschool educational institution striving for: to work in a stability mode or in a mode of constant development and innovation?”

Marketing research should also include external analysis, the purpose of which is to provide the institution with a clear event picture of its functioning, development in the past and accurate explanations of the reasons for its current state. The so-called external analysis includes:

Environmental analysis - study and interpretation of information about the development of the social environment of a preschool educational institution;

Analysis of the educational market - demand for education - identification of changes: the number of students in different groups of preschool educational institutions; the number of pre-school pupils in the past, present and future, etc. and “educational offers” - finding out: the number of registered pupils; number and types of preschool institutions in the area; presence and forms of innovation, etc.

Consumer analysis – quantitative and qualitative description of consumers: gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, attitude towards education;

Studying the motives that guide children and parents when attending preschool educational institutions, as well as the dynamics and reasons for refusing the services of the institution;

Positions and directions are highlighted. For which the most significant inconsistencies exist, and thereby the set of problems to be solved will be determined;

Analysis of the “image of a preschool institution” - identifying the prevailing public opinion about the institution, the degree of its popularity and prestige among the population, the level of its authority and recognition in the professional teaching community;

Marketing research can be recognized as complete and comprehensive only after conducting an internal analysis aimed at solving the following issues;

Was the marketing policy used effectively in the preschool educational institution?

Do the educational services of the preschool educational institution meet the needs of target groups?

How to evaluate the activities of a preschool educational institution in comparison with other preschool institutions in a village, city, district in accordance with educational requirements?

What are the prospects for preschool institutions in the educational market?

It is necessary to carefully compare the results obtained and the real facts of the activities of the preschool educational institution, and record the degree of discrepancy.

Basic documents for planning the activities of preschool educational institutions.

The planning process must create a certain planning system in which the following are clearly visible: 1) the main content of the plan; 2) its time section; 3) the person or group of persons responsible for its implementation. The purpose of creating such a system is to guarantee the realism of the plan, and the main task is to transform it into a permanent process that takes into account the characteristic, individual features of a given institution. This system, as a rule, consists of several layers or levels of plans. Some experts distinguish two, others three levels of planning: strategic, tactical and operational. The second point of view is more correct.

First level- strategic, or long-term, planning - is intended to determine the main strategic goals of the organization, as well as the policy and strategy for obtaining and using resources to achieve these goals. The strategy is a comprehensive plan designed to ensure the implementation of the mission of the institution and the main goals of its activities. The general strategic plan should become a program that guides the activities of the preschool educational institution over a long period of time, taking into account the fact that the conflicting, constantly changing business and social environment makes adjustments to innovation inevitable.. The main features of strategic planning are:

Inclusion in its content of the main problems of the institution’s activities;

Creating guidelines and frameworks for detailed planning and ongoing decision-making;

Long-term nature (compared to other types of planning);

Aiming at imparting internal unity to the activities of the institution;

The objective necessity inherent in this type of planning, a kind of “duty” of management, is to intensify and modernize the work of the institution.

Second level of planning - or short-term, tactical planning - is the process of developing detailed short-term decisions regarding what activities should be carried out within the institution, who should implement them, and how these activities should be implemented.

Third level - operational planning is the development of specific actions of people and structures, taking into account all necessary conditions.

The combination of strategic, tactical and operational levels appears to be comprehensive and systemic.

Strategic planning - the only way to formally forecast problems and opportunities that ensures the creation of a long-term plan; provides a basis for decision-making, i.e. knowledge of what and how the organization wants to achieve; helps reduce risk when making decisions; helps to establish the relationship and unity of planning goals;

Tactical planning guarantees the development of specific plans for the implementation of strategic plans;

Operational planning completes the unified planning system, since it represents the development of specific actions taking into account all necessary resources.

The practical implementation of this method involves:

Determining a hierarchy of planned goals, objectives and activities that is understandable and realistically achievable for preschool employees;

Creation of a coherent goal-setting system (main goals, secondary objectives, control measures), specifying the main target programs and instructions of educational authorities;

Establishing a clear analysis of the work for the year and designing the work for the next period;

Building a system of relationships between long-term, long-term and operational plans while maintaining the possibility of making adjustments;

Clear forecasting of performance results for the planned period, etc.






for 5-10 years

Preschool development program

Preschool development concept

Educational program





Annual plan


Class network


teachers' plans

Individual development cards





plans image. work



Bring up long-term plans


what plans

Diagnostic development cards

Required conditions:

!) Coverage of all areas of activity of preschool educational institutions;

2) Consistency with external circumstances;

3) Consistency with resource capabilities;

4) Connection with long-term directions in the development of preschool educational institutions;

5) Taking into account priorities in the goals and objectives adopted by the preschool educational institution;

Compiled by: , methodologist of the office of preschool and primary education of the State Educational Institution of Further Professional Education BelRIPKPPS


from work experience

Planning – this is an advance determination of the sequence of educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, means, forms and methods.

To create a planning system in a preschool educational institution, several different types of planning are used:

1. A long-term development plan or development program for a preschool educational institution, drawn up on 3

Of the year;

2. Annual plan of the preschool educational institution;

3. Thematic plans (by main types of activities);

4. Individual plans of specialists and administration;

5. Schedule and long-term planning in a specific age group.

Let's take a closer look at the two types of planning necessary for a teacher - long-term and calendar-thematic, since in practice it has been proven that teachers, using only a calendar plan, much more often make mistakes in planning.



Let's write down the first three principles and then look at them in detail.

  1. Compliance with the optimal educational load for children (the number and duration of classes meets the requirements of SanPiN).
  2. Compliance of the planned pedagogical process with the physiological growth and development of children (biorhythms are taken into account, complex classes are planned on Tuesday, Wednesday).
  3. Taking into account medical and hygienic requirements for the sequence, duration of the pedagogical process and especially for the conduct of various regime processes.

What do you think is the purpose of the first 3 principles?

(Preservation and promotion of children's health). Open page 1 and tell me what points must be followed when implementing 1 principle?... 2 principles?....

3 principles?

  1. Taking into account local and regional climate characteristics.

Almost all comprehensive programs are designed taking into account the climatic conditions of our region and do not need correction.

  1. Taking into account the time of year and weather conditions. This principle is implemented during walks, hardening and recreational activities, and environmental classes.
  2. Taking into account individual characteristics. (you need to know the child’s temperament type, his hobbies, strengths and weaknesses, complexes in order to find an approach to his involvement in the pedagogical process).
  3. Reasonable alternation in terms of organized and independent activities. (classes; games, club activities, joint work of children and the teacher, as well as free spontaneous play activities and communication with peers).
  4. Taking into account changes in children’s performance during the week when planning classes and requirements for their compatibility (planning classes with maximum mental load on Tuesday and Wednesday, alternating static classes with classes with high physical activity).
  5. Taking into account the level of development of children (conducting classes, individual work, games in subgroups).
  6. The relationship between learning and development processes (learning tasks are planned not only in classes, but also in other activities).
  7. Regularity, consistency and repetition of educational influences (one game is planned several times, but the tasks change and become more complicated - to introduce the game, learn the rules of the game, follow the rules, cultivate a friendly attitude towards children, complicate the rules, consolidate knowledge of the rules of the game, etc.)

Let's consider, using the EXAMPLE of the role-playing game “Family”, what tasks can be planned within 1 – 2 weeks:

Day 1 – Help children develop the ability to follow the rules of role behavior;

Day 2 – teach children to come up with a game plan in advance;

Day 3 – promote unification with the game “Shop”, pay attention to

Communication culture;

Day 4 – promote the use of substitute items in the game;

Day 5 - cultivate a friendly attitude towards children.

  1. Inclusion of elements of activity that promote emotional release (psycho-gymnastics, daily relaxation, as well as color therapy, music).
  2. Planning is based on the integration of the efforts of all specialists.

It is necessary to interact with specialists, plan work on one topic, conduct individual work to prepare for classes, and conduct integrated classes.

  1. The planned activity must be motivated.

Motive is interest, desire.

The motivation is practical - to learn how to do it.

Game motivation (use of game techniques in class N: Dunno came to visit, something happened to him, we need to help. How?...)

Cognitive motivation (interest in new information – Do you want to know how

Do birds live in the forest?...).

  1. Plan a variety of activities to help each child reach his or her maximum potential.

In order to implement this principle, it is necessary not only to plan a variety of activities, but also to create a full-fledged subject-development environment in the group: corners - environmental, sports, theatrical and musical, patriotic (in the art. gr.), artistic speech, manual labor, mummering (in the early age group and younger) – in Art. gr., sensory; centers “Science”, “Entertaining Mathematics”, an area of ​​role-playing games.

  1. The planned activities of the teacher with children should be based on the general objectives of the preschool educational institution.

It is expected that parents will be required to be involved in the general educational process.(consultations, conversations, educational work - “What to teach at home?”, “What should a child know and be able to do by the end of the year?” Doing homework in notebooks is given only on weekends.


1. Knowledge of software tasks.

2. Knowledge of the individual capabilities and abilities of children.

3. Using the principle of repetition with increasing complexity of tasks (3 - 4 times) with a small interval.

It is very convenient to use task tables for all sections of the program.

If a task is used in class more than 4 times, take it to an unregulated activity.

4. Joint drawing up of a plan by both educators. As well as a constant exchange of opinions on the results of observations of children: how they learn the material covered, how they perform their duties, what their behavioral skills are, manifestations of what character traits were observed, and so on. Thus, the main part of the plan is outlined by both educators, and the details are outlined by each individual.


Long-term plan –compiled for a quarter or a year (corrections during work in a plan of this type are acceptable).

In the long term it is planned:

1. Goals and objectives (for the quarter);

2. Types of children's activities:

A) gaming activity;

B) social development;

C) physical education and health work (hardening, sports exercises,

Outdoor games);

D) cognitive and practical activities (observations, familiarization, experiments,


D) artistic activities (speech, theater, music, games,


E) elements of work activity.

3. Working with family.


Calendar and thematic planning –structures the content of the educational process. In order to develop a detailed calendar and thematic plan it is necessary:

  1. Set the volume of the plan in conditional teaching hours.
  2. Determine the topic, content, number of classes for each topic.

N: Vegetables - 2 lessons, Lifestyle - 6 lessons, Seasons - 4 lessons.

  1. Select the optimal forms of conducting classes and teaching methods to achieve your goals and objectives.

It is impossible to oversaturate unregulated activities, as the plan will turn out to be very strict. Other activities can be added as needed as scheduling progresses throughout the year.


Goal: Organization of a holistic, continuous, meaningful pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process is a set of various activities and phenomena aimed at teaching, developing and educating children from goal to result.

The pedagogical process is a joint activity between the teacher and the child.

Calendar plan– provides for planning all types of children’s activities and the corresponding forms of their organization for every day.

The calendar plan is a mandatory document (1987).

The components of scheduling are:

1. Purpose. It is aimed at development, education, training.

  1. The content (types of actions and tasks) is determined by the program.
  2. Organizational and effective component (forms and methods must correspond to the assigned tasks).
  3. Result (what was planned at the very beginning and what was received must match).

The goals and objectives planned in the calendar-thematic plan must be diagnosable. N: cultivating a love for nature is not a diagnosable goal, but developing a caring attitude towards the flowers in the flower garden (watering, not picking, etc.) is a diagnosable goal.

The calendar-thematic plan should be drawn up for one day, but practice shows that teachers, working in pairs, alternately draw up a plan for 1 - 2 weeks. Let's consider what events and in what period of time need to be planned:


MORNING. Target: create a cheerful, cheerful, productive mood.

In the morning, you can plan all types of activities at the request of the children (games, communication, work, individual work, etc.), but they must meet the following requirements:

  1. The activity should not be long (15-20 minutes), the child should see the result of his work. N: Role-playing and construction games are lengthy and are not planned in middle and high school groups.
  2. It is not advisable to plan activities in the morning that involve a lot of


  1. You cannot plan an activity in the morning that involves

Use of piercing and cutting objects.

  1. In the morning we plan only activities that are familiar to children.
  2. Morning exercises are planned. Learned in physical education class

The complex changes after two weeks.

WALK. Target: provide highly active, meaningful, varied, interesting activities and relieve fatigue.

The walk begins with observation if it was preceded by a dynamic activity (musical, physical education, choreographic, etc.) and begins with an outdoor or sports game if there was a static activity before the walk. Let's take a closer look at what you need to plan for your walk:

1. Observation (of weather, nature, transport, adult labor, seasonal

Changes in clothing, etc.). Observations of natural phenomena are carried out

More often.

  1. Outdoor game (plot “Geese-geese...”, plotless “Day - Night”,

competitive - “Who is faster”), in which all children of the group take part. It is planned taking into account the weather and the characteristics of the season.

3. A sports game, exercise or elements of a sports game are planned in

Senior groups (badminton, basketball, football, hockey, small towns).

4. Didactic games, round dances, fun, creative.

5. Individual work on the development of movements, in preparation for

Classes (mathematics, speech development) with children who have not mastered

Material (3 – 7 minutes), with gifted children, on preparing for the holidays.

6..Work in subgroups (at the request of the children - what they want to do). In babies

It is necessary to create a need for labor.

It is not necessary to follow the sequence of actions during a walk; it all depends on the mood and desire of the children.

7. Conversations are planned on the culture of communication, on the education of moral qualities.

EVENING. Target. Create a joyful mood so that the next day the child will be happy to go to kindergarten.
At this time it is planned to:

1. All types of games - board-printed, role-playing, construction,

Mobile, didactic, developmental, theatrical. Desires are taken into account

Children's needs.

2. Entertainment, holidays, surprises conducted by the teacher are planned once

Weekly (Thursday or Friday).

Approximate names of the holidays: the holiday of “Soap bubbles”, “Balloons”, “Paper snowflakes”, “Thread (paper) dolls”, “Fluffies”, “Flying pigeons”, “Jumping frogs”, “Funny words”, etc. Also Various types of theater are planned, mini-concerts at which children perform their favorite poems, songs and dances; New toys are brought in and played with.

  1. Labor (manual labor, household chores (cleaning, washing) collective, in subgroups.

There is no planning for a familiar type of duty

Necessity, the plan reflects only innovation.

4. Individual work on all types of activities. According to fine arts

Activities, construction before the lesson, the lesson is the result of the work

Educator. Before class, it is advisable to plan individual work with

Timid, “weak” children in this type of activity, in order to

These children felt more confident during the lesson.

6. Working with parents.

7. Work on ZKR.

In order to systematize activities outside of class in a plan, a cyclogram is needed.

Direct educational activities.

Recording GCD in the calendar plan must be done as follows:


Objectives (program content).

Objectives (educational, developmental and educational). What to form, what mental processes to develop (thinking, memory, eye, curiosity, etc.) and what moral qualities to instill. Triple tasks are mandatory.


Activation of the dictionary.

Methods and techniques.


The methodological literature specifies in detail educational and developmental tasks and often lacks educational tasks (see Vasilyeva’s program).

N: EDUCATE – goodwill, the ability to take care of children, express sympathy, not interrupt the speaker, the habit of behaving calmly in the room (don’t make noise, don’t run), c. negative attitude towards rudeness, greed, etc.

At the end of each quarter, final classes are planned in the form of quizzes, KVNs, and entertainment.


Forms of planning depend on the program and on the professional level of the teacher. The following forms of planning exist:

1. Text - the most detailed form of plan. It is necessary for beginning educators. It describes in detail all types of activities, tasks, methods, and forms.

2. Grid diagram.

Page 1 – list of children.

Page 2 – activity grid.

Page 3 – the main tasks of training, development and education (no more than 10). These tasks are set throughout the week, in all types of activities.

N: write down the game “Wonderful Bag”, and next to it is the task number in brackets.

A list of children in subgroups of 2 to 6 children is located at the end of the notebook and filled out in pencil, since the composition of the subgroups may change during the year. The younger the children, the more subgroups there are. Subgroups are formed according to the children's sympathies.

Planned events should be interconnected by the same topic throughout the week. The complication of each event should be a continuation of yesterday's events. The grid diagram is used by experienced educators.

3. Block planning– an option for creative, responsible educators.

During the week, one object, phenomenon or theme is played out.

This form of plan is feasible in early childhood and junior groups.

N: Theme “Fish” Speech development Reading the poem “Where the Fish Sleeps”

Drawing – “Let’s draw a tail for a fish”, Object world – “Multi-colored fish”, etc.

The main criterion by which the quality of a good plan is determined is providing each child with meaningful and interesting activities.


calendar planning for 1 week

A game


cognitive development



individual work

1 half day

Didactic, developmental.


1. with math

2. on ecology

3. on speech development

4. finger


Observations from the window

for the state of nature

birds, snow, etc.

In a corner of nature.

1. Conversations (morals, ecology,

Patriot, healthy lifestyle, safety)

2. Review


3. Reading fiction


In a corner of nature



speech development,



Movable, sports


1. check the weather

2. per animal. and plants

3. for changes in


4. behind the work of adults

5. for transport

Conversations on morals


Consolidation of knowledge,

received in class.


domestic labor

Labor in nature


Speech development

Preparing for


2 half day



theatrical, music-did.,


Writing stories.


Memorizing a poem.

Looking at pictures.

Manual labor


household work,


1 entertainment in

a week

Fine art, design


In preparation for


TYPES OF ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE NODS FROM ______ TO ______ _________________

A game


cognitive development



individual work

1 half day

D/i "Wonderful"

bag" - secured. zn.

geom. figures

D/i “What they cook what from”

vegetables fruits

R/i "Tangram"


P/i “Edible –


1. Consider

blossoming flower

(how to care)

2. Behind the wind from the window -

drives clouds, shakes trees (bends).

1. Conversation “The city in which we are

We live” - architect. monuments

2. “Parts of the day” - what we

We do it morning, afternoon, evening.

3. “I love vegetables” - teach

Composition descriptive. story.

4. “Living and non-living nature” -

Who? What?

5. “Visiting a fairy tale” review.

illustrations for fairy tales.

1. Teach

On one's own

prepare material

to classes.

2. Flower care

in a corner of nature


3. Teach

dress and undress independently.

1. Correct

use a fork -

Petya, Kirill.

2. Reinforce the concept

vowel sounds – Artem,


3. Color, shape, size -

Artem, Yulia.

4. Tree names –

Katya, Dima.

5 Article control -Julia,

Dima, Artem.


P/i "Homeless Hare"

P/i "At the bear's


P/i "Day and Night"

Sp/i "Football"

Sp/ex. "Towns"

S/r i. "Chauffeurs"

1 Behind the clouds - reading the poem “Why

clouds look like"

2 For insects –

about the benefits.

3 At the games of the elders

children - compliance

rules, friendliness.

4. For cargo


1. Shopping at the store" -

Closed knowledge about vegetables, where

They grow, what they do with them.

2. Compiling stories based on

Theme "Autumn"

1. Fruit collection

rowan for manual


2. Involve children in

cleaning dried

flowers and flower beds.

3. Washing toys

After the walk.

4. Cleaning


5.Help the kids

Reach the group.

1.Secure temporary

concepts: morning, day,

evening, night - Katya, Petya.

2.Score within 10 –

Kirill, Artem.

3.Learn to throw the ball at

target – Julia, Artem.

4. Repeat text

nursery rhymes – Katya, Vera.

5. Accustom to actively participate in games -

Vladik, Nastya.

2 half day

S/r and “Library”

S/r "Family"

S/r Store"

D/i “What has changed”


D/i “Say kindly”

Page "Cities and


P/i "Mousetrap"

1. Compiling the story “If

I wish I were a wizard"

2. Retelling of the fairy tale “The Fox and

Jug" (based on illustrations)

3. Learning proverbs about


4. “Our Street” (considered

No pictures according to traffic rules)

5. Memorizing the text

Finger gymnastics.



2. Learning to work

By finished




old books (learn


using tracing paper).

1. Literary


"Find out the fairy tale"



According to the text,

According to the riddle)

1.Teach correctly

rinse your mouth – Artem, D

2. Expansion of the dictionary by

theme “Autumn” - Andrey,

Kirill, Vera.

3.Learn to cut from

paper figures by

outline - Nastya, Katya.

4. Learn to answer

question with a complete answer -

Julia, Vera.

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Introduction to fairy tales.

Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Learning riddles, proverbs,


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Getting to know people


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Reading and memorizing nursery rhymes,


Household work.

Household work.

Household work.

Household work.

Observing seasonal changes in nature.

Observing seasonal changes in nature.

Observing seasonal changes in nature.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.


I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.

Animal observation.

Bird watching.

Insect observation.

Observation of the inanimate


Getting to know creativity


Getting to know creativity


Getting to know creativity


Getting to know creativity



Traffic rules (reading).

Traffic regulations (games).

Traffic regulations (conversation).

Traffic regulations (observation).


Target walk.

Target walk.

Target walk.

Games with math

Quantity, count.

Games with math

Shape, size.

Games with math


Games with math

Orientation in space.

Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic



Literary hour.

Literary hour.

(world folk art)

Literary hour.

(poetic works)

Literary hour.


Plant observation


Plant observation


Plant observation


Plant observation


Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Work on consolidating the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on consolidating the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on consolidating the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on consolidating the topic

on cognitive development.


PPB (conversation)

PPB (reading)

PPB (game).

PPB (reading).

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

Games for memory development,


Games for memory development,


Games for speech development,


Games for speech development,


Observation of inanimate nature.

Observation of inanimate nature.

Observation of inanimate nature.

CYCLOGRAM. Distribution of activities by day of the week.

1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Educational games

"Merry Count"


Logic exercises.

Orientation, shape.


"Day and Night"

"Seven Brothers"


"Calendar", "Clock"


Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.







"Russian Literature"

speech development, vocabulary.

Writing stories,

creative storytelling


Word games.

Literary quizzes.

"Natural World"

Vegetable world.

Animal world.

The relationship between a person and


Ecology: conversations,



Animal and

vegetable world.

Animal and

vegetable world.

Animal and

vegetable world.

Animal and

vegetable world.







"Learning to be healthy"

Life safety.

Culture of behavior,

rules of etiquette.

Life safety

Hygienic basics.


Reading, dramatization,

theatrical games

Learning by heart.

Meeting the writers.

Riddles and answers.


For the weather.

For the weather.

For the weather.

For the weather.


Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.


"The world around us"





"Our Motherland"

"Our Motherland -


"Our town"

Adult labor.

“I’ll open it myself” in the club



Adult labor.

Adult labor.

Adult labor.

Adult labor.


In a corner of nature.

In a corner of nature.

In a corner of nature.

In a corner of nature.


Traffic regulations

Reading works.

Looking at posters

illustrations, paintings.

Creating problematic

situations, games.


Introduction to Russian

national culture

Rituals, holidays.

Proverbs, sayings,

folk signs.


Target walk


For transport.

For transport.

For transport.

For transport.

Manual labor

With paper.

With natural materials

waste material.

Builder drawing up a plan.

With fabric.

Forms of work in the second junior group.







Conversations on illustrations

(development of speech, familiarization with the environment).

Didactic game on REMP.

Outdoor game.

Board educational games with rules.

Articulation gymnastics.

Observations in a corner of nature (environmental education, speech articulation).

Telling fairy tales using pictograms.

Outdoor game.


Play finger gymnastics.

Individual work to familiarize yourself with the environment (game, communication)

Conversation on moral education.

Individual work on artistic activities.

Outdoor game.

Learning poetry.


Theatrical activities.

Conversations on life safety, stories from personal experience.

Didactic game for the formation of grammatical structure of speech.

Individual work on labor education.

TRIZ elements.

Outdoor game.

Individual work to develop self-service skills.

Outdoor game.

Didactic game on REMP.

Writing a descriptive story.

Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Experimental game.


Outdoor game.

Individual work on REMP (preliminary preparation for a future lesson).


Problem-game situation (education of humanism, familiarization with the environment).

Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.

Reading fiction.

Modeling, “playing out” crafts and speech work.

TRIZ elements.

Outdoor game.

Designing, “playing out” crafts.

A game exercise to develop articulation (onomatopoeia, phrasing).

Dynamic hour.

Role-playing game.

Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.

Individual work

To consolidate skills in using scissors, a brush and glue.

A game to develop memory, attention, and thinking.

Reading fiction.

Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.

Household activities (by subgroups).

Poetry competition.

Dramatization game.

Didactic game to expand and activate the vocabulary.

Musical and sports entertainment.

Cyclogram of calendar planning for the “Childhood” program.

Forms of work in the middle group.







Observation in a corner of nature.

Learning poetry.

TRIZ elements.

Development of phonemic hearing (sound automation).

Compiling stories according to the scheme (description).

Outdoor game.

Didactic game for speech development.

Conversation on moral education (solving problem situations, stories from personal experience, reasoning).

Outdoor game.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for speech development.

Compiling stories according to a scheme (narration).

Outdoor game.

Individual work on the grammatical structure of speech.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for speech development.

Folk game.

Labor education.

Outdoor game.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for speech development.

Individual work according to the sign. with others.


Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.


Didactic game for speech development.

Individual work on REMP.

Individual work according to the sign. with others.

Role-playing game.

Preliminary work to prepare for applique (with paper and scissors).

TRIZ elements.

Reading fiction.


Outdoor game.

Individual work on moral education.

Role-playing game.

Compiling stories using diagrams.


Educational game for the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Dynamic hour.

Outdoor game.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills.

Educational game for the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Work on differentiating sounds.

Role-playing game.


TRIZ elements.

Outdoor game.

Individual work (preliminary preparation for a future lesson on cognitive development).

Role-playing game.

Reading fiction.

Theatrical and gaming creativity.

Cyclogram of calendar planning for the “Childhood” program.

Forms of work in the senior group.







Didactic game for speech development.

Individual work on artistic activities.

Outdoor game.

Compiling stories using diagrams (description).

Didactic game on REMP.

Didactic game for speech development.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills.

Outdoor game.

Observation in nature.


Outdoor game.

Individual work on REMP.

Compiling stories from personal experience (narration and reasoning).

Articulation and finger gymnastics.

Outdoor game.

Individual work in notebooks to develop fine motor skills, activate thinking and speech.

Activating communication (solving problem situations).

Learning poetry.

Outdoor game.

Didactic game using signs. with others.


Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.

Individual work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game on REMP.

Learning poetry.

Outdoor game.

Individual work on the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Reading fiction.


Theatrical and gaming creativity.

Individual work on physical education.

Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.

TRIZ elements.

Dynamic hour.

Designing with “playing out” crafts.

Outdoor game.

Experimental game.

TRIZ elements.

Reading fiction.

Dramatization of a fairy tale.

Outdoor game.

Individual work to activate the dictionary.

Role-playing game.

Individual work on the development of phonemic hearing.

Household work.

Musical and sports entertainment; competition of readers, riddles, etc.

Cyclogram of calendar planning for the “Childhood” program.

Forms of work in a preparatory group for school.







Activating communication (stories from personal experience, solving problem situations).

Observation and work in a corner of nature.

Individual discussion of completing “homework” in notebooks.

Outdoor game.

Compiling stories according to diagrams (narration, description).

Didactic game using signs. with others.

Articulation and finger gymnastics.

Outdoor game.

TRIZ elements.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills.

Experimental game.

Household work.

Educational game (logical and spatial thinking.

Outdoor game.


Learning poetry.

Conversation (social and moral education).

Educational game (spatial and logical thinking, imagination).

Outdoor game.

Conversations using pictograms on life safety.

Articulation and finger gymnastics

Outdoor game.

Fun game (folk, round dance, low mobility).

Dramatization of a fairy tale.


Outdoor game.

Individual work according to the sign. with others.

Role-playing game.

Didactic game to prepare for learning to read and write.

Didactic game on REMP.

Individual work

on the development of phonemic hearing, elements of sound analysis of words.

Preliminary work to prepare for a future lesson on cognitive development.

Role-playing game.

Outdoor game.


Individual work on REMP.

Didactic and developmental exercises using cards (attention, memory, hand motor skills).

Preliminary work to prepare for a future art class.

Outdoor game.

Reading fiction.

Didactic game to activate vocabulary.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills.

Household work.

TRIZ elements.


Didactic game (grammatical structure of speech).

Individual work on REMP.

Designing, playing with crafts (2nd week - musical and sports entertainment).

Models for writing notes on educational activities (nodes).

Option 1.

  1. Node theme.
  2. The triune task (education, training, development).
  3. Equipment.
  4. Activation of the dictionary.
  5. Methodological techniques (forms of organizing cognitive activity):
  1. Organizational moment (motivation)
  2. First part (consolidation of the material covered)
  3. Second part (familiarization with new material, formation of vocabulary concepts)
  4. The third part (consolidating new material)
  5. The outcome of the lesson in accordance with the goals.

Option 2.

  1. Node theme.
  2. Triune task (education, training, development)
  3. Specially organized workspace.
  4. Activation of the dictionary.
  5. Methodical techniques:

a) First part (introductory). The purpose of the activity is to set children up for active work, positive contact with each other, and create interest in the upcoming activity.

b) The second part (motivational basis of activity). The purpose of the activity is to stimulate the acceptance of elements of the educational task, to create interest in the content of the lesson.

c) The third part (joint productive activity). Creating a problem situation and finding a way out of it.

The fourth part (final).

A variety of methods and techniques.


  1. story for the teacher to get carried away with verbal methods
  2. reading training is not allowed - it leads to
  3. conversation formal assimilation of knowledge.

Visual (connection to memorization and assimilation of educational material

All senses - hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch):

  1. Observation The most necessary methods in the process Demonstration of initial training.
  2. Consideration


  1. intriguing start
  2. emotional plot
  3. surprise moment, etc.


  1. creating an entertaining situation
  2. asking riddles
  3. creating a situation of novelty
  4. surprise effect, etc.

Methods that arouse interest in acquiring knowledge and skills:

  1. creating a situation of clash of opinions
  2. game (cognitive, developmental, didactic, active, etc.)
  3. game exercise
  4. heuristic method - discovery method
  5. conducting an experiment
  6. experimentation
  7. problem-search methods

Calendar and thematic planning

Academic year

Kind of activity _______________________________________________

Age group_______________________________________________

Program ___________________________________________________________________
_(complex, partial



Direct educational activities

Joint and independent activities


a week

GCD theme

Program tasks

Additional methodological support

Games, play exercises, reading, memorization, observation, experiments. Experiments, excursions, search and research activities, etc.

(1-3 events)

  1. This type of planning is developed for the entire academic year.
  2. The number of educational activities must correspond to the curriculum of the preschool educational institution.
  3. Program tasks must correspond to the age standard and program requirements.
  4. In column 5, it is necessary to indicate methodological literature and pages.
  5. Topics must be consistent with the program.
  6. Joint activities are determined by the choice of the teacher.

  • 3. Ideal goal of education
  • 4. Real goals of education
  • 5. Modern goals and objectives of educating preschoolers
  • 6. Regularities and principles of education of preschool children
  • 1. History of the creation of public preschool education in Belarus
  • 2.Improving the system of public preschool education in Belarus
  • 3. Characteristics of the modern preschool education system
  • 1. The importance of the program for fulfilling the tasks of raising preschool children
  • 2. History of the creation of policy documents on preschool education
  • 3. Curriculum, Curriculum.
  • 5.Variable Belarusian programs for the education and training of children of early and preschool age
  • 1.Features of physical and mental development of children in early childhood
  • 2.Interaction between teacher and children
  • 3. Pedagogical work with children during the period of adaptation to a preschool education institution
  • 4. Organization of a developing subject environment
  • 5.Planning teaching activities and monitoring children
  • 6. Organization of joint work between teachers and families
  • 1. Development of subject activity
  • 2. Development of speech and verbal communication
  • 3. Social development
  • 4. Cognitive development
  • 5. Aesthetic development
  • 6. Physical development
  • 7. General development indicators
  • 1. Game in human history
  • 2. Social nature of the game
  • 3. Characteristics of gaming activities
  • 4. Play as a means of education
  • 5. Game as a form of organizing the life and activities of children.
  • 6. Classification of children's games
  • 1.Characteristics of a role-playing game.
  • 2. Structural components of a role-playing game.
  • 3. Patterns of the emergence and development of role-playing games.
  • 4. Stages of development of role-playing game
  • 5. Management of role-playing games.
  • 1.The essence of director's games
  • 2. The emergence of director's acting
  • 3. Features of director's games for children of different ages
  • Topic 4. Design and construction games for preschoolers
  • 1. Features of design and construction games for preschoolers
  • 1. Teaching children constructive activities.
  • 3. Guiding design and construction games for preschoolers
  • 1. Characteristics of the toy
  • 2. The history of toys
  • 3. Development of pedagogical thought about the meaning of toys
  • 4. Pedagogical requirements for the toy
  • 1. Definition of the concept of “labor education” of preschool children
  • 2. The importance of work for the development of the personality of a preschooler
  • 3. The purpose and objectives of labor education of preschool children
  • 4. The uniqueness of the work activities of preschoolers
  • 5. Requirements for organizing child labor
  • 1. Formation of ideas about the work of adults
  • 2. Types and content of children's labor.
  • 3.Forms of organizing the work of children in different age groups
  • 4. Conditions for organizing the work of preschool children
  • 1. The role of IPV in the system of holistic development of preschool children
  • 2. Basic concepts of the theory of IPW.
  • 3. Tasks of IPV of preschoolers
  • 4. IPV means for preschoolers
  • 5. Conditions for the intellectual and cognitive development of children.
  • 1. The importance of sensory education for the development of a child.
  • 2. Analysis of sensory education systems for preschoolers in the history of preschool education.
  • 3. Objectives and content of sensory education.
  • 4. Conditions and methods of sensory education in kindergarten
  • 1. General concept of the didactics of preschool education institutions.
  • 2. The essence of teaching preschool children.
  • 4. Principles of teaching preschoolers.
  • 5. Models of teaching preschoolers
  • 6. Types of education for preschoolers
  • 7. Methods of teaching preschoolers
  • 8. Forms of training organization
  • Topic 1. Theoretical foundations of social and moral
  • 2.Tasks of social and moral education of preschool children
  • 3. Content and means of social and moral education of preschool children
  • 4.Methods of social and moral education of preschool children
  • 1. The concept of the culture of behavior of preschool children.
  • 2. Objectives and content of instilling a culture of behavior in preschoolers.
  • 3. Conditions for instilling a culture of behavior in preschoolers.
  • 4. Ways, means and methods of instilling a culture of behavior in preschoolers
  • 1. The importance of gender education for preschool children
  • 2. Theoretical foundations of gender education of children.
  • 3. Physical and mental differences between children of different sexes
  • 4. Objectives and content of gender education for preschoolers
  • 5. The role of the family in gender education of children
  • 1. Features of character education in preschool children
  • 2. The importance of will for nurturing the moral qualities of a preschooler’s personality
  • 3. Cultivating courage in children. Causes of children's fears and ways to overcome them
  • 4. Education of honesty and truthfulness. Reasons for children's lies, measures to prevent them
  • 5. Cultivating modesty in children
  • 6. Whims and stubbornness, ways to overcome them.
  • 1. The uniqueness of a group of preschoolers
  • 2. Stages and conditions of development of the children's team.
  • 3. The personality of the preschooler and the team
  • 4. The essence of an individually differentiated approach to children
  • 1. The importance of patriotic education of preschool children
  • 2. The originality of patriotic education of preschool children
  • 3. Objectives of patriotic education of preschool children
  • 4. Ways, means and methods of patriotic education of preschool children
  • 1. The importance of aesthetic education for preschool children
  • 2. The originality of aesthetic perceptions and experiences of preschool children
  • 3. Principles of aesthetic education of preschool children
  • 4. Objectives of aesthetic education of preschool children.
  • 5. Means of aesthetic education for preschool children
  • 7. Forms of aesthetic education for preschool children
  • 8.Modern research and programs for aesthetic and artistic education of preschool children
  • 2. Objectives and content of interaction between marriage and family
  • 3. Stages of interaction between the preschool institution and the family
  • 4. Forms of interaction between nursing home and family
  • 1. The essence of children’s readiness for school
  • 2. Structure of children’s readiness for school.
  • 3. Age indicators of children’s readiness for school
  • 4. Indicators of children’s unpreparedness for school.
  • 1. The essence and objectives of the continuity of preschool and primary school education
  • 2. Contents of joint work between the university and the school
  • 3. Requirements for the organization of the educational process in the senior group of Udo and 1st grade of school
  • 4. Adaptation of 6-year-old children to school as a condition for ensuring continuity
  • Types of planning
  • Structure and content of the long-term calendar plan
  • 6. Planning work during the summer health period
    1. Types of planning

    The work plan is a mandatory document that determines the procedure for organizing educational work in the group. The success of the work, and therefore the success of the tasks being solved, depends on how it is compiled, its clarity, compactness of content, and accessibility.

    When drawing up a plan, the teacher needs to remember the following.

      Planning of educational work with children should be flexible (the number of classes and other forms of work is determined by the teacher together with the management, taking into account the age characteristics of the children, providing not so much for frontal ways of organizing upbringing and training, but rather subgroup and individual ones)

      When planning, it is necessary to take into account the operating conditions and operating hours of the preschool institution, and the annual tasks of the institution.

      The right to choose to engage in one form of activity or another remains with children

      The details of the plan depend on the teacher (his education, work experience, individual style of activity).

    Planning the process of raising and educating children can be represented by the following types:

    - promising;

    - perspective-calendar;

    - calendar.

    Forward planning is planning in which program sections or activities cover a quarter or a month. This kind of planning. Such planning makes it possible to ensure systematic work and aims the teacher at predicting the final result, promotes timely and systematic monitoring of the development of each child, and a creative approach to the implementation of the program.

    In long-term calendar planning, some sections cover a month (tasks, morning time periods, cooperation with parents, physical education and health work), and types of children's activities are planned every day.

    Calendar planning involves planning all types of activities and corresponding forms of work with children for every day.

    One of the options for a long-term calendar plan is thematic planning.

    Such planning has a number of advantages:

    In this regard, the system of working with children can be traced (both in organizational activities and in independent activities);

    All activities are aimed not only at the formation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also at the development of mental processes, the creation of a developing subject-game environment.

    As research shows, children constantly accumulate in their active vocabulary many words that characterize objects and phenomena. It is easier for children to remember and retain in memory information that is interconnected and systematized into specific groups according to the principle of semantic proximity, that is, systematic groups (“Animals”, “Birds”, etc.). This once again confirms the feasibility of thematic planning of work with children, taking into account the age characteristics and objectives of the CE Curriculum.

    1. Structure and content of the long-term calendar plan

    The structure of the long-term calendar plan includes the following sections:

      Preschool goals for the year. This section records the annual tasks of the school year.

      Planning sources. At the beginning of the year, a list of methodological literature, manuals, recommendations, and developments is compiled for all sections of the program, which the teacher uses when planning various types of activities. This list is updated throughout the year.

      List of children by groups. The list of children is compiled for each six months, taking into account the health status and level of development of the children.

      Cyclogram of joint activities between the teacher and children (structure of routine moments) is compiled for more precise planning of the teacher’s work with children during various scheduled periods in the first and second half of the day. It is created by the teacher at the beginning of the year for each age group, taking into account leisure schedules, work groups, swimming pools, and includes various forms of work with children in the main types of activities. An approximate cyclogram looks like this: (see table).

    The general sections of the plan that provide work for the month include the following.

      Collaboration with family. In this section, various collective and individual forms of a preschool institution with a family are planned: parent meetings, consultations, conversations, home visits, thematic folders, etc. The specific content of the work is planned, taking into account the topics, timing, and those responsible for implementation according to the following scheme.

      Individual correctional work with children. Reflected in the plan or planned in a separate notebook. Correctional work takes into account diagnosing the level of neuropsychic development of children in the “toddler” group, pedagogical and psychological diagnosing of preschoolers, daily observations of the child are drawn up according to the following scheme:

      Physical education and health work. This section provides for measures to protect labor and improve the health of children and their full development. Various forms of work are planned:

    a) morning exercises (for 2 weeks: 1st and 2nd weeks, 3rd and 4th weeks, 2nd and 4th with changes and additions);

    b) physical exercises and outdoor games on the 1st and 2nd walks (planned for each week, taking into account the topics);

    c) exercises after sleep (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks), the complex includes exercises that promote the gradual transition of children from sleep to wakefulness;

    d) active recreation (physical education, health days). In the middle and senior groups, taking into account the frequency and duration of the program, the level of mastery of the program, seasonality, topics. Physical education 1-2 times a month, health days - 1 time a year (winter, spring - one week). In this section, activities are planned to strengthen children.

      Specially organized training. This section is presented by a long-term plan of didactic games, games-activities in the 1st and 2nd junior groups, the middle group and classes in the senior group for each month on approximately four topics (at the discretion of the teacher), which reflect: type of lesson, topic, specific training, development and educational tasks, sources of planning

      Types of children's activities. To implement program tasks on a specific topic, both specially organized training and other types of joint activities of the teacher and children are used. In this section, work is planned on five main types of activities: communication, cognitive and practical activities, play, art and elementary labor activities. The planning of activities is also based on the thematic principle. Forms of work with children for each type of activity are planned for each week:

    cognitive and practical activities

    Play activity

    Artistic activity

    Basic labor activity

    Communication situations,


    Explanations, explanations, situations of non-verbal communication, sketches, conversations

    observations of nature, elementary experimental and experimental activities, examination of objects, space

    Finger, role-playing, educational, didactic, musical, moving, director's, etc.

    Artistic speech and theatrical play activities (dramatization games, reading, storytelling, listening to grammatical records, memorizing nursery rhymes, poems, riddles, dramatization, all types of theaters)

    Musical activities (listening to music, playing children's musical instruments, entertainment),

    Fine art activities (looking at paintings, drawing, appliqué, modeling, etc.)


    self-service, household work, work in nature, manual labor, duty.

    Annual plan- this is a pre-planned system of activities that provides for the order, sequence and timing of work to solve clearly defined tasks of the team. It consists of five sections and subsections that determine its structure and content.

    The first part is the definition of the main tasks. Moreover, these tasks are the main ones for this kindergarten, since they are dictated by the specific conditions of the institution and its specifics. It is recommended to outline two or three tasks for the year, because the practical implementation of each requires a lot of organizational and methodological work from the manager.

      Introductory part.

    Annual objectives;

    Expected results of the work.

    The second part is the content of the work, where measures to implement the assigned tasks are determined.

    Organizational and pedagogical work;

    Work with personnel;

    Management and control;

    Working with parents;

    Administrative and economic work.

    Everyone participates in the preparation and approval of the work plan for the year. team. It should be based on the following principles: scientific, promising and specific. Scientificity involves the organization of all educational, administrative, economic and social work of the kindergarten on the basis of scientific achievements and advanced pedagogical experience. Prospects can be ensured by defining general objectives, based on the fact that a kindergarten should form the foundations of a materialistic worldview, lay the foundation for the education of a socially active personality, provide basic knowledge, create the prerequisites for the successful education of children at school and, above all, strengthen their health. Specificity manifests itself in determining the exact deadlines for the implementation of planned activities, in clearly assigning those responsible for their implementation, in systematic, comprehensive control.

    The director, when planning the work of a preschool institution, proceeds, first of all, from an analysis of the results of the kindergarten’s activities for the past academic year. Reports from teachers, discussion of their work at the final pedagogical council, which is held in May - June, as well as analysis of the activities of other employees - all this makes it possible to identify not only achievements, but also unresolved problems, and determine tasks for the next school year. The head must carefully prepare the final pedagogical council, give each of its members the opportunity to express their proposals on issues of raising children, improving the material base of the institution, nutrition, and pedagogical propaganda. A collective, business-like discussion will allow the manager to draw up a draft annual plan for the next year.

    The plan should be compact. To do this, its introductory part needs to be reduced to a minimum (in many plans it looks like a report on the work done). A description of the results achieved over the past year can be included in the materials of the final pedagogical council. A plan is a guide to action. It reflects the main tasks set for the preschool institution in the new academic year. The main goal of the work outlined in the plan is to raise the quality and efficiency of raising and educating children to a higher level. Therefore, when drawing up a plan, it is very important to think through the reality of its implementation and take into account the capabilities of the entire team.

    a) Annual objectives. Expected results.

    The annual goals of a preschool institution must be formulated specifically and clearly. Their implementation ensures the improvement of the pedagogical skills of kindergartens, the manifestation of creativity in working with children, and the improvement of the joint work of the kindergarten and family in the upbringing and development of children’s individual abilities. As practice shows, 2-3 tasks are actually feasible, so it is advisable to plan no more than two or three tasks.

    A clear formulation of tasks makes it possible to determine the degree of their novelty: is the task new or a continuation of work on the task of the last academic year.

    b) Organizational and pedagogical work

    This section plans to:

    a) meeting of teachers’ councils;

    b) work of the methodological room (equipping the pedagogical process, organizing exhibitions, summarizing advanced pedagogical experience);

    c) entertainment events, holidays, theme evenings;

    d) holding competition reviews.

    Work of the methodological office assumes:

    Organization and design of exhibitions (current and permanent);

    Replenishment, equipment and systematization of methodological and didactic materials;

    Continuity of activities between kindergarten and school;

    Equipping the teaching process with educational visual aids, toys, etc.

    Development of notes, scripts, preparation of consultations, questionnaires, tests;

    Organization of seasonal exhibitions, exhibitions of children's works, new items of methodological literature.

    Spectacular events, celebrations and entertainment. The annual plan includes entertainment events, themed evenings, holidays provided for in the program, calendar, ritual and theatrical performances, holding joint holidays with parents, entertainment, and original exhibitions of children's works.

    Shows, competitions. It is planned to hold shows and competitions for the best toy made by children together with their parents, for role-playing game paraphernalia, for an interesting craft, didactic and educational toy, etc. For each show-competition, regulations are developed, which are approved by the teachers' council and depend on the needs of the school.

    c) Work with personnel.

    This direction includes the following types of work.

    A) training: participation in problem-based creative workshops; attending courses; participation in city and regional events; participation in the “School of Excellence”, in exhibitions, and participation in advanced training courses.

    b) certification. It is planned in accordance with the received applications from teachers for receiving the category. The names of those being certified are entered in the annual plan.

    V) work with young specialists. It is planned if there are young specialists in the teaching staff. The content of the plan includes specific measures to provide effective assistance to beginning educators from the most experienced teachers, as well as from the administration: consultations on planning and organizing educational work with children, practical seminars, drawing up notes for conducting classes, performing routine processes, selection methodological literature for in-depth study, preventive control over the work of a specialist.

    G) group meetings. The main purpose of group meetings is to provide an analysis of work with children over the past period and determine further tasks in raising children. Group meetings are held in early age groups depending on age: in groups from 1 to 2 - quarterly, in groups from 2 to 3 years - 2 times a year. It is advisable to schedule the first group meeting for November. In September - October, the level of intellectual development of children who entered kindergarten during the adaptation period should be studied and analyzed, and neuropsychic development cards should be drawn up for each child.

    d) collective views. They are planned once a quarter in order to study the work experience of teachers. The topics of the screenings are determined by the issues discussed at teacher councils, seminars, and the tasks that arise in connection with the study and implementation of advanced pedagogical experience. For collective viewings, it is necessary to provide for problems of the pedagogical process, observation and analysis of not only educational activities, but also other types of children’s activities (cognitive-practical, play, elementary labor, art, communication). It is not advisable to overload the plan with collective views.

    e) seminars. They are the most effective form of methodological work. Depending on the specific operating conditions of each control center, theoretical seminars, problem-based seminars, and workshops are planned. They can be one-time (one-day), short-term (weekly); permanently operating.

    and) consultations. They are planned to provide pedagogical assistance, familiarize themselves with new teaching material, and also based on diagnostic results. Consultations can be individual or group. Consultations are planned taking into account the relationship with issues of annual tasks, teacher councils, as well as taking into account the categories of employees and their professional level. The number of consultations depends on the quality level of the teacher’s educational process in groups, as well as on the qualifications and experience of the teacher, but at least once a month. Accounting for consultations and seminars is reflected in a separate notebook according to the following scheme: date, name of the event, topic. Category of listeners, who conducts, those present, the list of those responsible.

    h) other forms of work with personnel. In order to increase the level of theoretical and practical knowledge of teachers, as well as their professional skills, the following active forms of work with personnel can be planned: discussions, competitions of pedagogical skills, pedagogical quizzes, pedagogical ring, methodological festival, business games, role-playing games, crosswords, solving pedagogical situations, methodological week, interactive methods and games (“Metaplan”, “Four Corners”, “Weather”, “Complete the Sentence”, etc.).

    d) Management and control

    Purpose of control– checking the implementation of instructional and methodological documents, proposals of instructing persons, as well as the implementation of decisions of teaching councils based on the results of previous inspections. An important task is to study the teacher’s outlook, his spiritual interests, find out how he lives, what he reads, how he follows the achievements of science and culture, what place art occupies in his spiritual life, etc.

    When planning various options and forms of control, you must be guided by requirements for control, namely:

    Control must be targeted, systematic, consistent, comprehensive and differentiated.

    It should combine the functions of checking, teaching, instructing, preventing shortcomings, and disseminating the best teaching practices.

    Control must be combined with self-analysis, self-control and self-assessment of the teacher’s activities.

    There are several types of control: preventive, thematic, frontal, episodic, comparative, operational...

    e) Working with parents

    In this section, as necessary, various forms of work with parents are planned: parent meetings (general kindergarten - 2 times a year and group - once a quarter), individual and group consultations on current topics, “health clubs”, lectures, conferences, exhibitions and etc.

    and) administrative work.

    In this section, meetings (once a quarter) of the labor collective are planned, where issues of labor discipline, implementation of instructions, discussion and approval of the work plan for the summer period, etc. are discussed; measures for the rational use of budget funds, creating conditions for organizing the educational process (repairs, purchase of furniture, equipment, etc.); measures for landscaping the territory of the kindergarten, arranging a sports ground, and updating equipment in the areas.


    When we spend time planning,
    there is more of it.
    M. Rustam (Indian scientist)

    An analysis of pedagogical literature and existing planning practices in preschool educational institutions shows that this problem is still complex and insufficiently developed at the scientific and methodological level.

    As a rule, the heads of preschool educational institutions independently, through trial and error, look for ways of optimal planning. This often takes years. Time and effort are spent studying literature, getting acquainted with the experience of others, thinking about one’s own thoughts, and directly drawing up an informal real plan.

    A clear classification of preschool educational plans has not yet been developed; many options for drawing up plans are proposed, the essence of which, as a rule, boils down to rewriting the content from annual to monthly, from monthly to daily; existing recommendations often focus on individual qualitative characteristics rather than on an integral process and planning technology, and sometimes even further confuse and disorient preschool education specialists.

    The following difficulties in planning can be identified: lack of a clear and at the same time simple concept (model) of planning, poor implementation of the main principles of education and training (systematicity, consistency, etc.), lack of relationship between different types of activities (play - work - learning), overload (underload ) plans, unbalanced distribution of responsibilities between performers, uneven planning of event dates.
    Let's try to figure out what plans exist today, how to deal with shortcomings in planning, and what kind of plan does a preschool educational institution need today?

    Planning is the study of the future and the outline of an action plan, the central link of any activity; it includes setting goals, developing rules and sequences of actions, anticipating and forecasting results.

    To be successful, a preschool educational institution needs a plan that has the following: characteristics:
    unity(the goals of each substructure of the preschool educational institution are firmly connected)
    spontaneity(reliance on both short-term and long-term foresight)
    flexibility(the ability to adapt if conditions change) and
    predictiveness(the ability to predict final and intermediate results).

    There are different types of planning in preschool educational institutions, which can be divided into several groups:
    1.Planning the work of the entire kindergarten(annual planning) - carried out by the head and senior teacher, it is discussed and adopted in August at the teachers' council.
    2. Thematic planning(for certain types of activities) - compiled by the authors of partial programs or senior educators of preschool educational institutions together with the head.
    3. Individual planning by specialists(senior teacher, music director, speech therapist, etc.)
    4. Planning work in a specific age group– are made up of group educators under the guidance of a senior educator.

    As a rule, the sequence of drawing up plans is from top to bottom. First, a work plan for the year is drawn up, then thematic planning, then, based on the first two, planning by specialists and educators.

    Plans can be like promising(compiled for a long period - year, quarter, month) and calendar(for a short period of time - a week, a day). Accordingly, the order of compilation in this case is from perspective to calendar.

    Planning of any kind is carried out in several stages:
    1. Study (diagnosis) and analysis of the subject of planning (drawing up the work of the entire kindergarten, the level of development of children’s knowledge, skills, developmental characteristics of children in the group, etc.)
    2. Formulating the goals and objectives of the proposed activity.
    3. Determining ways and means of solving set goals and objectives (collection and analysis of proposals for the draft plan from all interested substructures)
    4. Drawing up (“assembling”) all parts of the plan into a single whole.
    5. Acceptance and approval of the plan.
    6. Implementation, control of its implementation.
    Compilation work plan for the year - the most labor-intensive procedure.
    As a rule, it consists of several sections:

    • Methodical work:
    • equipping the pedagogical process
    • formation of a development environment
    • study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience
    • work to ensure continuity with the school.
    • thematic exhibitions.
    • Work with personnel:
    • meetings of teachers' councils
    • seminars - workshops, business games, etc.
    • collective views
    • consultations
    • training
    • certification
    • work with young specialists
    • Control
    • Working with parents:
    • parent meetings
    • consultations
    • other forms
    • Administrative and economic work.
    • Health work

    Teacher's work plan May be promising(for a month, a quarter), calendar(for a week, every day), perspective-calendar.
    Various forms of writing plans are used: text, tablet (pocket), text using a card index, schematic-block, in the form of a cyclogram, plan-scheme, etc.
    Teachers can independently choose the form of the plan. Although it is possible that it will be different, for example, for children or an older group, young specialists (detailed text plan) and for experienced teachers (graphic form), etc. Nevertheless, it is advisable for preschool educational institutions to adopt a unified form of writing a plan.
    At the request of the teacher long-term plan compiled for a month or a quarter. As a rule, work with parents, morning exercises, entertainment, classes, etc. are planned for a month.

    The long-term plan may include:

    1. Goals and objectives.
    2. List of children by subgroups.
    3. Cyclogram (structure of operating moments)
    4. Types of children's activities:

    • communication (communicative situations, stories, explanations, explanations, conversations, non-verbal communication situations, etc.)
    • physical education and recreational work (hardening, sports exercises, outdoor games)
    • gaming activities (finger, role-playing, didactic, board, educational, for the development of memory, attention, imagination, thinking), construction, folk, musical and didactic, verbal, computer, outdoor games, etc.)
    • organized classes
    • cognitive practical activity (familiarization with the phenomena of surrounding life, observations of living and inanimate nature, elementary experimental and experimental activities, etc.)
    • artistic activities (speech and theatrical games, music, visual arts)
    • elementary labor (errands, self-service, household and manual labor, duty)
    • individual work with children
    • working with family
    • prospects

    Calendar plan provides for planning all types of children’s activities and corresponding forms of work for every day.

    Schedule options

    Drawing up both long-term and calendar plans by the teacher allows one to avoid many of the disadvantages of planning, but overloads the teachers, since in this case the teacher has to maintain two plans.
    More modern is perspective-calendar planning: part of the work is planned for a month (regular moments, entertainment, activities, games, work, etc.), and specific content is planned for every day (individual work, description of some fragments of work: morning - evening)
    Long-term calendar planning provides for:

    • The relationship between the main types of children’s activities: play, work, learning, etc.
    • Implementation of the principles of consistency and systematicity in solving educational and educational tasks for the month.
    • Continuity of tasks across all sections of the program for a certain age group.
    • A system of individual work with specific children - immediately after a lesson, game, or work.
    • Record observations in the plan the day before or on the same day in the morning.

    It is rational to carry out such planning in several stages.

    • Enter all events (for a month, a quarter) according to the kindergarten work plan.
    • Determine the days for final classes, conversations, excursions, and comprehensive classes.
    • Direct planning:
    • classes on speech development and familiarization with the outside world, on visual arts and design, physical education, music, on the development of elementary mathematical concepts, etc.
    • preliminary work before modeling, drawing, appliqué, etc.
    • individual work
    • walks indicating the main points of observations, work, types of games, individual assignments, taking into account the planned games and activities.

    4. In accordance with the objectives (educational and educational), indicate the types and frequency of repetitions of didactic, role-playing, creative, outdoor and other games, as well as the purpose and types of work.
    5. Analyze the plan, tracing the relationship of all its sections.
    6. Plan work with parents.
    7. In senior and preparatory groups, provide work with a teacher.
    8. Provide what equipment will be needed for teaching work in a group.
    For any type of planning, it is advisable to use a card index:

    • classes (the description of which is not in the literature, but they are provided for in the program)
    • walks or observations
    • morning exercises
    • some types of labor, etc.

    In general, long-term calendar planning saves the teacher’s time and effort, allowing him to build and see a holistic picture of educational work with children in preschool educational institutions.
    Now I would like to dwell on new approaches to planning educational work in preschool educational institutions and talk about the experience of maintaining long-term and calendar plans for kindergartens from other regions of our country.
    So Bagautdinova S.F. (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences) and Kornilova K.V. (senior lecturer at the Department of Educational Management, Magnitogorsk State University) note that the effectiveness of the educational process in preschool educational institutions largely depends on the quality of its planning. They analyzed the quality of planning the educational process in the practice of preschool educational institutions. The analysis showed that The main elements of planning the educational process of a preschool educational institution are the educational program and teachers' plan.
    They note that in order to systematize planning, it is necessary to determine how to develop an educational program in a preschool educational institution, then to determine approaches to the development of plans for educational work, so that they implement the educational program as a supporting document of pedagogical planning.

    A mechanism for systematizing the planning of the educational process of a preschool educational institution may include, in their opinion, the following actions:
    1. At the initial stage, you should decide to create your own educational program.
    2. Development of an educational program for the following actions:

    • determination of the general and conceptual idea of ​​the educational program
    • highlighting the stages of its development
    • creation of a creative group (teaching team, senior teacher)
    • determining development progress
    • determination of a system for coordinating the development of an educational program.

    3. Implementation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution through the plans of teachers.
    Long-term and calendar plans are tactical planning documents for the implementation of the educational program, so they should not contradict it.
    Systematization of pedagogical plans includes the following actions:
    1. A decision is made on the form of planning the educational process.
    2. If a unified form of planning is adopted, then the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution develops an approximate structure of a long-term and calendar plan in accordance with the educational program.
    3. If a differentiated approach to planning is adopted depending on the professional training of the teacher (outline plan, schedule, grid), then the senior educator records the planning form of each teacher.
    4. A system of general requirements characteristic of pedagogical plans for the implementation of the educational program is determined:

    • tasks of working with children according to sections of the program for a certain period
    • content of educational material according to the educational program
    • a set of methods and techniques for working with children
    • Depending on the form of the plan, sections of the program are distributed by month, day of the week and routine moments, blocks of interaction between adults and children.

    5. The relationship between each component of the educational program and pedagogical plans is determined.
    As Bagautdinova S.F. points out. (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences) and Kornilova K.V. (senior lecturer at the Department of Educational Management, Magnitogorsk State University) the implementation of this mechanism in the practice of preschool educational institutions will help streamline the planning of the educational process, which will affect its effectiveness, progress and results as a whole.
    Alyamovskaya V.G. (Candidate of Psychological Sciences from Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical University) proposes the following structure of the thematic plan:

    • Base unit.
    • Developmental side.
    • Block "Creativity/Correction".
    • Block of rating lessons.

    Base unit includes lesson topics, the main goal of which is to give children the necessary knowledge base and develop certain skills in educational activities.
    IN development block The topics of classes are indicated in which children will have to “obtain” knowledge on their own.
    Block “Creativity/Correction” includes a series of classes , creating conditions for applying the acquired cognitive experience in an unfamiliar situation, as well as (if possible) for transforming knowledge into other areas of cognitive activity.
    Rating block classes reflects the theme of control-slice classes (we called them rating classes), which make it possible to timely record the child’s personal experience in each specific type of educational activity. There are three types of rating:

    • Rating of learning material mastery.
    • Personal development rating.
    • Creativity rating.

    Traditionally, the thematic plan is presented in the form of a table, although other options are possible:

    Block name

    Topic title, summary

    Number of hours

    Forms of organizing classes


    Wild animals


    Why does a person have no tail?


    Kostinitsa for animals

    Total according to plan

    …….. - and so on.
    Tr is a traditional teaching activity.
    IG - game form
    Тн – training form
    Ev - heuristic conversation
    SP - independent search
    KMD - collective mental activity
    De – children's experimentation.
    GOU d/s N1755 in Moscow works according to the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” and in practical activities, kindergarten teachers give preference to long-term planning. In their opinion, this model:

    • Takes into account the relationship between various sections of work with children;
    • Provides systematic and consistent work;
    • ensures unity in the work of educators.

    In kindergarten N 1755, tables and diagrams in A4 format are compiled, which reflect:

    • physical education and health work: health certificate, hardening system taking into account the time of year and age, system of motor activity taking into account the time of year, gymnastics;
    • work to familiarize yourself with nature and the phenomena of surrounding life;
    • work related to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills and norms of behavior;
    • work related to the development of gaming activities;
    • interaction with parents.

    As an example, here are tables and diagrams for planning gymnastics for 3 months and planning gaming activities for 1 quarter:

    Planning gymnastics for the 1st quarter.

    Types of gymnasticsName of the month (entered by hand)Name of the month (entered by hand)
    1st half of the month2nd half of the month3rd half of the month1st half of the month2nd half of the month3rd half of the month
    MorningComplex without objects(indicate literature, author, page)
    After sleep(indicate literature, author, page)
    ArticulatoryBreathing exercise “Pump” (specify literature)

    Planning gaming activities for the 1st quarter.


    Program tasks

    Role-playing game


    Identifying children's actions is a play role through a chain of subject-specific actions.
    The child calls himself the name of the game character

    The doctor is sick. The doctor invites patients to an appointment, looks at the throat, makes medicine. Aibolit – sick animals (management techniques: looking at illustrations, advice)

    Outdoor game

    "Get to your places faster"

    Teach children to follow basic rules

    The teacher organizes a p/n with the entire group or subgroup of children.

    Didactic game

    "Who's doing what"

    Strengthen children's knowledge about professions

    Creating a gaming environment, introducing d/i

    At the request of teachers, a long-term plan is drawn up for a month or quarter; Within each time period, the immediate tasks for the month are determined.

    The long-term planning includes a so-called grid of important matters for each age group, where all activities (for a month, a quarter) are included in accordance with the work plan of the methodological office, music director, physical education instructor, and planning instructor.

    Grid of important matters.


    Annual work plan of the preschool educational institution

    Musical director

    Physical education teacher

    Swimming instructor


    Kindergarten birthday

    Invitation of artists from the Kakadu Theater

    Games - relay races

    Helps in organizing and holding birthday parties

    Thematic lessons “Our garden”.
    Dedication of newly arrived children.

    Holiday for children of the first junior group “Top-top”

    Conversations, questioning of parents.

    Consultations for parents of younger groups

    Theatrical performance “Autumn” with the participation of former students.

    Based on long-term planning, educators draw up a calendar plan in the following form:

    For the first junior group, teachers use the following table:

    Days of the weekModeling/appliqueDrawingSpeech developmentConstructionPhysical trainingSensoryMusicWalkDidactic gamesRole-playing gamesLeisureIndividual work
    with kids
    Individual work
    with parents

    Kryukova V.V., Deputy Head of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Rosinka", Art. Rosinka, Rebrinsky district, Altai Territory, offers a planning form that is advisable to use for teachers focused on high results in educational work with children. The proposed planning system has been implemented in kindergartens for 10 years and is accessible to most teachers and is time-efficient.
    Complex thematic planning and the use of a certain hierarchical series of plans: thematic (for the year), long-term (for the month), calendar (activity cyclograms) help educators solve the following tasks:

    • plan integrated cycles of lessons that combine different areas of work with children (familiarization with the outside world, speech development, artistic activities)
    • train preschoolers in accordance with such a work plan with greater efficiency, since complex knowledge contributes to the formation of systemic thinking
    • use this type of planning in order to reduce the teaching load on preschoolers (a systematic and integrated approach helps reduce the number of classes on the topic)

    Planning rules.

    1. A thematic plan for the academic year (the topic and period of work on it are indicated) is necessary in the presence of basic, variable and additional programs that must be included in the unified education system for preschool children of a given institution and group.

    Subject of classes.

    The annual thematic plan can be more detailed, aimed at reducing the time spent by the teacher when writing a monthly long-term plan.

    Thematic plan for the senior group at ______________ school. G.

    NPeriod Educational topics
    Recommendations Productive
    1 2 3 4 5
    1 Rating classes in basicKey themes highlightedRating classes in basic technology
    topicsand diagnostics are carried outmom

    Autumn has come to visit us

    2 September1. Seasonal changes in natureOnly taken to class1. Autumn carpet (stripe pattern, rhythm,
    and human life (non-livingcomplex topics. Largedipping).
    genus, plant and animalsome of the material can be used2. Rug “Rowan” (square pattern,
    world).use jointlysymmetry, finger painting).
    2. Garden, vegetable garden (trees and bushes)activities with children, pro-3. Portrait of autumn (decorative drawing)
    nicknames, vegetables, fruits, labor of loveconducting observations, conversations,by design).
    harvest activities, professionsconsidering natural4. Tomato and cucumber (drawing with
    in agriculture).objects, sensory developmenttours, “arc” reception).
    3. Secrets of Russian cuisine (projectties (taste, smell, tactile5. Apple, grapes (wet,
    "Russian antiquity")Feel)finger).
    6. Still life “Fruit” (according to plan, variable samples).
    7. Khokhloma painting (apples, section
    8. Khokhloma painting (currant, circle)______________________________

    2. In the monthly long-term plan, one topic unites all types of classes horizontally.

    Direction of studies.

    3. The topic permeates the plan vertically, the teacher distributes which sections to include for teaching in the classroom (complex subtopics, system-forming areas, important links in the logical thematic chain), some topics are advisable to be implemented in the joint activities of the teacher and children, certain tasks can be solved through the appropriate organization independent activities of children.

    Organization of activities.


    Getting to know your surroundings


    Forest and its inhabitants.

    1. “Plants of the Forest”
    2. "Forest floors"
    3. How animals prepare for winter"
    1. "Willow"
    2. “Trees big and small”
    3. “Who lives in the dense forest”
    Cooperative activity1. "Tree Species"
    2. “Fruits and seeds”
    3. Reading works about the forest.
    4. Examination of illustrations and natural objects.
    Unconventional technique in drawing trees:
    Birch (candle)
    Spruce (wet)
    Autumn tree (monotype)
    Independent activity1. Wall of cognitive development (sections on the topic)
    2. Didactic games “Whose leaf?”, “Animals on the paths”
    1. Creativity corner
    2. Panel “Our Forest”
    3. Didactic game “Magic Drawings”

    4. Detailed long-term monthly planning, in compliance with the above rules, will help minimize calendar planning, and highly qualified teachers will work only on the basis of long-term planning and activity cyclograms; The content of the work for the day is reflected in mini-method corner cards included in the long-term plan.

    Mini corner method.

    1. Card index of morning exercises.
    2. Card file of gymnastics after sleep.
    3. Card file of corrective gymnastics.
    4. Card file of breathing exercises.
    5. Play massages.
    6. Finger gymnastics.
    7. Articulation gymnastics.
    8. Outdoor games for children of this age.
    9. Imitation outdoor games.
    10. Russian folk games.
    11. Verbal outdoor games.
    12. Card index of physical education minutes.
    13. Games for social-emotional education.
    14. Games to develop communication skills.
    15. Psycho-gymnastics. Games.
    16. Psycho-gymnastics. Sketches.
    17. Small folklore genres (rhyme songs, fables, teasers).
    18. Chest of riddles (by topic).
    19. Artistic word.
    20. Folk signs.
    21. Counting books.
    22. Tongue twisters.
    23. Pure sayings.
    24. Card index of experiments, experiments.
    25. File of observations.
    26. Walking maps (by seasons), a complete list of tasks for a walk.
    27. Card index of games for development:
    - memory;
    - thinking;
    - imagination;
    - attention;
    - perception.
    28. Card files of classes (in all areas).

    Calendar planning of educational work is carried out according to activity cyclograms. Each day of the week has a specific focus, which allows you to pay attention to the priority area for a given day, implementing it through various types of activities.

    Cyclogram of activities of senior groups
    Times of Day Monday (ecology and speech) Tuesday (development) Wednesday
    by interest)
    Thursday (communication day) Friday (work and physical development) ______
    1 2 3 4 5 6__________
    Morning1. Duty and observation in a corner of nature.
    2. Examination of illustrations.
    1. Work at stands for cognitive development and in sensory corners.
    2. Riddles by topic
    1. Working in sports areas.
    2. Director's games.
    3. Role-playing
    1. Communication games.
    2. Finger gymnastics.
    1. Organization of assignments and duty.
    2. Physical education minutes.
    1 3. Verbal sub-
    vision games.
    4. Getting to know the na-
    family sign -
    5. Environmental
    didactic games
    3. Games, exercises
    tions with elements
    4. Desktop-printing
    new developing
    5. Individual classes in physical education corners
    4. Work in corners
    5. Work in a bookstore
    6. Independent
    children's activities
    3. Tabletop
    printed group
    games with rules.
    4. Class in the theater
    rapine corner
    3. Path is healthy
    4. Sports classes
    creative corner

    1st half of the day

    gymnastics with elements of breathing and corrective, play massage

    1. Articulatory
    2. Speech games and
    3. Finger gym
    4. Observations in nature
    1. Outdoor games
    2. Experiments and experi-
    riments during
    3. Kinesiological
    gymnastics (inter-hemispheric connections)
    1. Imitation
    outdoor games.
    2. “Iso-boxes”
    strappers" (thrown
    3. Games, psychogym
    1. Teaching staff (problem-
    new pedagogical
    2. Relaxation
    gymnastics (between
    occupations), “government”
    la friendly game"
    1. Physical education minutes -
    2. Outdoor games
    and exercises.
    3. Logo elements
    2nd half
    wine of the day

    Gymnastics after sleep,
    including relaxation, ophthalmic training,
    play massage, physical education, outdoor games, hardening

    1. Role-playing
    a game.
    2. Reading fiction
    vein literature.
    3. Review
    2. Developmental and
    logic games.
    3. Games and exercises
    tions for development
    1. Interactive classes
    2. Circle work.
    3. Psycho-gymnastics,
    fairy-tale-, game-tera-
    1. Entertainment.
    2. Theatricalized
    new games, games-
    3. Working with sk-
    1. Work in a group, on
    area, in nature.
    2. Dynamic
    3. Manual labor.
    4. Unlearning
    4. Excursions and tours
    left walks. 5. Manufacturing
    6. Individual work on ZKR.
    7. Learning numbers and tongue twisters
    mental processes.
    4. Experimental activities in a mini-laboratory
    4. Familiarization with
    works of art.
    5. Independent activity of children.
    6. Acquaintance with different types of creativity, non-traditional directions
    4. Quizzes, con-
    5. Conversations on education
    tania of culture of behavior.
    6. Reading fiction.
    7. Safety rules
    dangerous behavior
    (road, social
    al, valeological, fire safety)

    new mobile

    5. Didactic

    Games and SKETCHES on
    formation of the KGN. 6. Conversations, games on the formation of valeological culture

    Evening1. Planting seeds or seedlings.
    2. Labor and observations in mini-gardens.
    3. Games and activities in book corners
    1. Constructive activity.
    2. Working with savings
    some substitute items.
    3. Development games
    geometric thinking
    1. Independent activity of children in the creativity zone.
    2. Games with mosaics.
    3. Constructive
    4. Looking at illustrations
    1. Collective creative activities.
    2. Games for social
    but emotional education.
    3. Games, exercises
    knowledge, situations to master the rules
    1. Duty in a corner of nature.
    2. Observations
    adult labor.
    3. Didactic
    games considered
    illustrations about professions, sports

    Cyclogram of activities of junior groups

    Times of Day Monday (speech development) Tuesday (physical development) Environment (sensory, motric) Thursday (getting to know your surroundings) Friday (communication)
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    Morning1. Individual conversations.
    2. Examination of illustrations.
    3. Looking at toys.
    4. Listening and repeating songs and nursery rhymes
    1. Physical development streak.
    2. Outdoor games.
    3. Breathing exercises.
    4. Play massage.
    5. Finger gymnastics
    1. Didactic games.
    2. Individual lessons in the sensory area.
    3. Games for developing motor skills.
    4. Games at the Water and Sand Center
    1. Observations of natural objects.
    2. Looking at illustrations
    (according to the topics studied).
    3. Ecological games with toys and waste materials
    1. Conversations.
    2. Playful educational situations.
    3. Outdoor games of a communicative direction.
    4. Children playing together
    1st half of the day

    Morning exercises with elements of breathing, relaxation, and play massage

    1. Finger gymnastics.
    2. Word games.
    3. Small folklore genres.
    4. Reading fiction
    1. Learning new outdoor games.
    2. Adaptation gymnastics.
    3. Walk with high physical activity
    1. Finger gymnastics.
    2. Working with Montes-sori materials.
    3. Self-care exercise games
    1. Materials on the cognitive development stand.
    2. Looking at paintings and natural objects
    1. Conversation games on the topic “Know yourself.”
    2. Games, sketches (psycho-gymnastics).
    3. Playing together with objects
    2nd half of the day

    Gymnastics after sleep, adaptation, breathing, play massage and other wellness activities

    1. Theatrical and role-playing games.
    2. Reading fiction
    1. Logorhythmics.
    2. Outdoor, simulation games.
    3. Exercises on the health track.
    4. Articulation gymnastics
    1. Finger gymnastics.
    2. Constructive games, productive activities
    1. Games at the Water and Sand Center.
    2. Didactic games, including with natural materials
    1. Entertainment.
    2. Story games with substitute objects.
    3. Mobile activity
    Evening1. Observations in nature.
    2. Board games.
    3. Learning number sayings
    1. Imitation games.
    2. Folk games
    1. Exercises to develop fine motor skills.
    2. Board and printed games (sensory)
    1. Examination of illustrations.
    2. Word games
    Board and printed games (in subgroups)

    At GOU d\s 2502 in Moscow, teachers considered several planning options and created their own system. For each age group, a separate notebook with a laminated cover was created, consisting of bound, printed A4 sheets. Planning is developed for each age group separately, but they differ in modes and assigned tasks.

    Sheet 1. The notebook begins with information about teachers and a list of children. Here we also included the data from the “Health Certificate”. This information (weight, height, physical development, health group, diagnosis, physical education group, appropriate furniture group) is necessary for the teacher, and there are no uniform requirements for their registration and storage. As a rule, the “Health Sheet” is a truly separate sheet of paper, which is stored among other pedagogical documentation. In our version, it is always at hand.

    Spread 1. The left side of the first spread is a “Special Notes” sheet. The need to introduce such a sheet is due to the fact that currently there are many children with manifestations of allergies and various physical and mental characteristics. Thanks to this information, the teacher knows what a particular child cannot eat, his characteristics (even down to what to name - we had a case when the child had to be called only by his full name - Fedor, he did not respond to the name Fedya). Such data is necessary when a permanent teacher in a group is replaced by another teacher.
    The daily routine is written on the right side of the spread, so there is no need to write it yourself. In each age group, the regime differs in the time allocated for classes, sleep, and eating.

    Special marks

    Daily routine for preparatory group N_____

    Regime moments Time
    Reception of children, examination, games, duty, individual work7.00-8.00
    Morning exercisesV.00-8.12
    Preparation for breakfast, breakfast8.12-8.45
    Independent activities, games, preparation for classes8.45-9.00
    Preparing for a walk, walking, returning from a walk10.50-12.30
    Preparing for lunch, lunch12.30-12.55
    Getting ready for bed, naps12.55-14.50
    Gradual ascent, aerial procedures14.50-15.00
    Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea15.00-15.25
    Games, activities, leisure15.25-17.00
    Preparation for a walk, walk, return from a walk (indoor games - in unfavorable weather conditions)17.00-19.00
    Going homeUntil 19.00

    Spread 2. On the left side is printed the motor mode of the children, which reminds the teacher what standards he should meet. On the right is the class schedule (blank space).

    Motor mode
    preparatory group N___

    Timetable of classes

    Day of the week

    Title of the lesson

    Time spending

    Type of occupation



    Morning exercises

    Daily in a group or hall 12 minutes

    Motor warm-ups

    Daily during
    10 minute breaks
    between classes

    Physical education minutes

    Daily during each static lesson, as needed 3-5 minutes

    Outdoor games and physical exercises/on a walk

    Daily 25-30 min

    Individual work on movement development

    Walk 12-15 minutes daily

    Exercising after a nap

    Class schedule from __________

    Physical education training sessions

    Pool exercises
    Physical education on a walk

    2 times a week 30 min

    Once a week for a morning walk of 30 minutes

    Day of the week Title of the lesson Time |


    Independent motor activity

    Daily under the guidance of a teacher indoors and outdoors, duration depends on the individual characteristics of the children

    Physical education

    Once a month 40 min

    Moving children around the building

    Approximately 20 minutes per day

    In just a week
    (organized motor activity)

    Minimum 8 hours 40 minutes

    Spread 3. On the left side is printed a blank table “Distribution of children into subgroups for various activities.” In the nursery version there are three subgroups, in others there are two, for classes in the pool and physical education.
    The right side is occupied by the already printed “Tasks of education and training in the _ group.”

    Self-analysis of the organization and conduct of classes from the standpoint of health conservation

    1. Group environment and hygiene conditionsThe temperature and freshness of the air, the rationality of lighting, and the presence of monotonous sound stimuli are checked.
    2. Number of types of educational activities, average duration and frequency of alternationMonotony tires children, and frequent changes require additional adaptation efforts
    3. Teaching methods usedThe availability and choice of methods that promote initiative and creative self-expression are checked.
    4. Pupils’ poses, alternation of posesIt is analyzed whether pupils alternate poses in accordance with the type of work, whether the teacher observes the sitting of preschoolers
    5. Physical education minutes and other health-improving moments in classTheir place, content and duration are revealed
    6. The content of the lesson includes issues related to health and a healthy lifestyleIt turns out whether classes shape the need for a healthy lifestyle, attitudes towards a person and his health as a value
    7. Pupils have motivation to workInterest in classes, desire to learn more, joy from activity, interest in the subject and phenomenon being studied; methods used to increase motivation
    8. Psychological climate. Presence of emotional discharges in classThe atmosphere in class, jokes, smiles, musical moments, etc.
    9. Class density (%) - the amount of time spent on academic work to the total class timeNorm - no less than 60% and no more than 75-80%
    10. The moment of onset of fatigue of pupils and decrease in activityNorm - by the end of the lesson (determined during observation by increasing motor and passive distractions)

    Scheduling cyclogram educational work outside of class with children of senior preschool age

    Morning Walk Evening Walk
    a game. Individual
    al work
    according to REMP
    a game. Didak-
    game of nature
    th content-
    nia. Educational
    ny games
    Reading fiction
    ry or display dia-
    meaningful content
    nia. Individual
    line work -
    drawing paint-
    mi. Didactic game - musical
    naya work -
    development of basic
    ny movements.
    game - educational
    work - development
    these basic
    movements. Di-
    game - get acquainted -
    relationship with social
    a game
    Teaching games with
    construction materials
    rial Games -
    work - get acquainted -
    love with art
    a game. Didactic
    ical game –
    WednesdayOutdoor game.
    work - for-
    sound culture
    speech rounds
    a game
    work - rice-
    tion. Individual
    naya work – musical
    cultural education
    work - development
    tion of movements.
    nature game
    Vedic content
    ThursdayOutdoor game.
    work - training
    a game
    Reading fiction
    ry. Didactic
    game - depict
    active activity
    ness. Didactic
    ethical game
    poems |
    FridayRound dance
    a game. Didactic
    ical game –
    a game. Didak-
    game by
    Entertainment. By-
    repetition of poetry
    rhenium. Individual
    al work –
    modeling, applications,
    Spor training - 1
    disagreements. Under-
    vision game.
    nature game

    Turn 20. The left side is occupied by the table “Perspective plan for working with parents for the quarter,” filled out by educators. On the right is a long-term work plan for the month.

    Long-term plan for working with parents of pupils atIquarter


    the date of the

    Long-term work plan for ____________
    Complex of morning exercises with “____”__________
    By "_____"______________

    Initial position


    Turns 21-26. Here is a daily work plan, which includes the following points: individual work (for the day), morning, classes (the teacher only needs to indicate the name and number - after all, the tasks are already indicated in the work plan for the year), walk, evening (games, conversations are indicated , observations, various types of organized and independent activities of students in accordance with program objectives). This is the traditional and most convenient option in all respects.

    date Individual work Morning Classes Walk Evening Walk

    On the last page The table “Methodological support” is given, where teachers indicate the literature used. They refer to this same page when planning.
    Methodological support.


    1. Andrianova I.L. System of methodological support in planning work with children. – //Handbook of senior educators, N9, September 2009, pp. 20-29.
    2. Kryukova V.V. Comprehensive thematic planning in preschool educational institutions. – //Management of preschool educational institution, N8, 2008. – P. 8-23.
    3. Zhuravskaya T.V. There are a lot of plans. – //Management of preschool educational institution, N3, 2002. – P. 4-8.
    4. Malaeva E.V. Constructive planning (real plans of preschool educational institutions) - //Management of preschool educational institutions, N3, 2002. – P. 21 – 27.
    5. Alyamovskaya V.G. New approaches to planning educational work in kindergarten. – //Management of preschool educational institution, N3, 2002. – pp. 28-33.
    6. Baeva L.V. Planning educational work in preschool institutions in modern England. – //Management of preschool educational institutions, N1, 2007, pp. 110-116.
    7. Alyamovskaya V.G. Development of variable calendar plans. – //Management of preschool educational institutions, N, 6, 2002, pp. 25-35.
    8. Alyamovskaya V.G. New approaches to planning educational work in kindergarten. – //Management of preschool educational institution, N4, 2002. – pp. 29-32.
    9. Bagautdinova S.F., Kornilova K.V. Approaches to planning the educational process in preschool educational institutions. – //Management of preschool educational institution, N7, 2007. – From 56-59.
    10. Modern approaches to planning educational work in kindergarten: reference and methodological materials/comp. Vershina N.B., Sukhanova T.I. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. – 111 p.