Ways to make money on the Internet. How to make money on the Internet - real ways

This article will be of interest to people who are just starting to get acquainted with the Internet, as well as to those who do not have special skills and knowledge, but want to start making money on the Internet.

If you can draw or have other special skills, then you should look through the sections of the site - - -

The Internet is very similar to real life and the laws of supply and demand also work in it. The more you know and know how, the more you earn. Do you know English? You can multiply the amounts of earnings given in the article by 3.

Ways to earn money are arranged in order of increasing knowledge required for work. Next to each method is indicated the approximate amount of money that can be earned per month and the knowledge necessary for this work.

Reading emails, viewing ads, clicks

How much can you earn - $1-$5 per month
Special knowledge is not needed

This job is suitable for people who have just got acquainted with the Internet. For this job, you do not need special skills, but you are unlikely to earn much in this way.

First you need to register on special sites - the so-called active advertising systems - ATS or, as they are also called, advertising boxes and mailing list services (mailers).

After that, you will complete paid tasks:

  • viewing ads
  • viewing advertiser sites (surfing)
  • reading letters
  • performing certain tasks, for example, registering on the site
  • downloading files

List of sites for this work

Website Cost-bridge pro-motra File download clicks Reading letters Surfing Tasks Minimum Payout
Greenstree 0.015-0.1 p. 0.08-0.37 rub. _ _ + + after viewing 100 links
0.021 rub. + + No
Wmreklama + 0.021 rub. + + No
Profitcentr + + + No
Orangebux + + + + No
SEOsprint + + + instantly
VIP Promotion + + + instantly
Wmmail + + + 0.1$
StreamWM - Closed 0.02 rub. 0.04 rub. 0.02 rub. 0.30 rub. 1.5 rub.

Paid Surveys

How much can you earn - $5-$10
Special knowledge is not required

Another way to make money on the Internet, which is suitable for beginners. You are paid money for taking an online survey. You just need to answer questions or choose answers from the options provided.

In order for you to receive more surveys, you need to indicate when registering on the site that you work full time and have an income of at least 30 thousand rubles per month.

List of sites with paid surveys

Website Survey cost Minimum Payout Polls per month
InternetOpros.ru 30 to 300 rubles. 200 rub. no more than 1 time in 2 months
itopros from 200 rub. 1000 rub.
platnijopros.ru from 30 rub. 150 rub.
onlineopros.com from 30 to 100 rubles. 300 rub.
Questionnaire from 30 rub. 100 rub.
profiresearch.net 0.5 to 2$ $15
anketka.ru from 50 rub. 1000 rub. 1
oprosy.kulichki.com from 8 to 50 rubles. $3 no more than 1 time in 3 months
globaltestmarket.com 0.25 to 5 $ $50 1

File hosting, photo hosting, video hosting

How much can you earn - $10-$50
Special knowledge is not required

This method of earning is also very simple. You need to register on the file hosting site, upload your file to the site and get a special link. Next, you need to find forums or special sites that allow users to publish news, and place your link there. The more people download your file, the more you earn.

List of popular file sharing services

Website Pay per thousand downloads Minimum Payout
depositfiles from $2 to $10 $10
letitbit from $4 to $17 $5
Vip-file 35% from every premium account sale $5
turbobit from $1 to $7 + % from premium account sales $10

With the growing popularity of torrent trackers, this type of income is becoming less and less profitable every year. And photo and video hosting sites are replacing file hosting services.

The scheme of work remains the same, only now you need to upload not a file, but a picture or video. And you will not be paid for downloaded files, but for viewing photos or videos.

List of popular photo hosting sites that pay per view

Website Pay per thousand views Minimum Payout
Image2You 200 rub. 15 rub.
Picasso from 30 to 105 rubles. 30 rub.
piccash.net up to 230 rubles 30 rub.
picforall.ru up to 170 rubles 50 rub.
pic4you.ru up to 210 rubles 15 rub.
pix-x.net up to 150 rubles 30 rub.
platimzafoto.ru 190 rub. 15 rub.

List of pay-per-view video hosting sites

This way of earning is very similar to the previous one. You need to register on special sites where you will be given the task of writing comments.

There are also sites with collections of reviews on various products and services. By registering on such a site, you can write your review and get paid not only for the amount of written text, but also for the number of views of your review.

List of sites for making money on comments and reviews

Website Price per 1000 review views Price per 1000 characters of text Minimum Payout
feedback from 0 to 500 rubles. bonus (calculated for each review)
city ​​key from $3 to $9 $0.01-$0.06 $3
zatexta 7 rub. 100 rub.
qcomment from 22 to 52 rubles. 100 rub.
irecommend 50 rub. 150 rub.

Writing texts

How much can you earn - $10-$300

Skills: fast typing, knowledge of the Russian language, knowledge of punctuation rules

Another popular way to make money on the Internet is to write texts to order. There are two types of tasks for a writer, rewriting - rewriting the text so that it becomes unique and copywriting - writing a text on a given topic based only on personal experience. You can also write articles for sale, perform microtasks (posting), write and add texts directly to the customer's website.

Your earnings will depend on the number of texts written, customer reviews and your rating on a particular exchange. You can read more about this in one of the content exchanges.

List of popular content exchanges or text exchanges

Website System Commission Minimum Payout
eTXT.ru 5% 250 rub.
text sale $1
neotext 20% $7
copylancer 120 rub.
textbroker 0,8% $20
turbotext 50 rub.


Now you need to set yourself a goal of earning. Or you come in for a good income, which can turn from additional income into the main way to get money. Or maybe you need money to meet small needs, such as paying for the Internet or topping up your cell phone balance.

Download either from your phone an application called Opera Mini. The essence of its action lies in the fact that everything that you view on the Internet is first sent to the application server, processed there, and only then sent to your phone.

In the application, you can adjust the font size, the overall scale on the screen, and much more, but the most important thing you have to do is check the "do not upload images" checkbox. By doing this, you will reduce your expenses significantly, and if you use a tariff designed for the Internet, then your expenses will be as minimal as possible.

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Helpful advice

Please check the app for compatibility with your phone model before downloading!

Every year more and more people become freelancers - remote workers who use the Internet to find work orders. This is very convenient, since the employee himself regulates the time and amount of work, and can also earn and receive money immediately, on the day the work is done, and not wait for a salary. To find such a job, you need to use freelance labor exchanges and professional communities.


Freelancers are most convenient to be the following:
1. translator.
2. journalist.
3. copywriter, .
4. website developer, web designer, programmer.
5. .
The demand for representatives of these professions is high, and they can find work in almost every freelance labor exchange. However, representatives of other professions can earn money on the Internet.

The most common freelance job exchanges are - www.freelance.ru. www.weblancer.net, www.freelancejob.ru. However, other, new labor exchanges are also quickly untwisting. To make money on the Internet, you need to register on as many of these exchanges as possible and keep track of the proposed projects. When you see a project that interests you, contact the customer (usually this is done via the website, via ICQ or Skype) and agree on the terms and payment for the work. It often happens that projects are posted in the morning, and, for example, they need to be handed in before 18:00, so you need to carefully monitor the emergence of new interesting projects.

To protect yourself from unscrupulous customers, who, unfortunately, are also found on freelance labor exchanges, it is best to work only with prepayment. This means that you must discuss with the customer the transfer to your bank card or Yandex-wallet of half the order amount before starting work. You can also, after completing the work, send a part to the customer and wait for payment for the work before sending the rest. As a rule, customers have nothing against such methods, and thus you receive your money on the same day that you do the work.

If there are no projects of interest to you on the freelance labor exchanges, then you can use professional communities - they also sometimes publish announcements about the need for remote employees for certain projects. For example, this is found in the communities of translators, lawyers, etc.

It should be borne in mind that quite often the work of freelancers is paid lower than the work of an office worker. For example, the rates offered by customers for freelance translators are sometimes extremely low, since there are many freelance translators, and not all of them have much experience. Therefore, initially, until you gain experience, it is unlikely that you will be able to earn more than 1,000 rubles a day on the Internet.


  • earn money immediately
  • How to earn 1000 rubles per day or per hour on the Internet without

Today, few Internet users need to be explained about electronic money and the rules for using wallets. With the advent of electronic wallets, an online business started, because it became possible to pay and receive payments with virtual money. For many, the spaces of the worldwide web have become a place of work. Why not try to make money on an electronic wallet.


Here is one of the ways that will allow you to simultaneously make a profit both in virtual and in life. Let's say you have a certain amount of money in an electronic wallet. There are people who, for various reasons, do not have the opportunity to replenish the balance of their mobile phone. You service the transfer of your virtual money to the balance of the needy, and take it in cash, taking into account the commission for the service. This procedure can be performed not only with the balance of phones.

On the network, you can also earn on the exchange of currencies at the rate agreed by the exchange participants. There are sites on which users, due to various circumstances, are forced to sell currency at a rate different from the official one, by agreement of the parties to the exchange. Here you can win on the difference in exchange rates. The transfer of currency to such sites is made through sites - exchangers, which can be presented in the form of programs. Each such exchanger has its own commission for the service.

There are large companies on the Internet that offer work in an Internet wallet. Usually this work consists in the fact that you transfer salary from the corporate wallet to the accounts of employees. For this work, you receive a certain percentage of the amount of money transferred, or a fixed salary. However, a lot of scammers have appeared in this area lately, so be careful.

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  • internet wallet earnings in 2018

On the Internet, there are many ways to earn money for users. Many probably thought about how you can earn some money on the Internet to pay for any needs.


To begin with, it is worth understanding that the money itself will not fall into the wallet, that is, you will have to work hard. The other side of this issue is that at this point in time, a large number of so-called "scams" have appeared on the Internet, which promise large amounts of money, but do not pay anything in the process of work. A lot of information is also written about this on special user blogs.

You can earn money by writing articles. For this, there are special exchanges that allow users to order and perform various work. At the same time, you can communicate with customers through the communication system on the site. Popular systems include Etxt, Advego, Miralinks and many others. You need to register in the system. Next, you find yourself a customer who gives you a job. You can post articles for sale. However, do not think that the articles will immediately be bought. Will have to wait a while. Try to write several articles a day.

You can create your own website, which, with successful optimization, will bring a certain income. At the same time, you can invest the received funds in the project in order to increase revenue. You can hire experienced programmers to develop your project or learn programming languages ​​to do everything yourself. However, this will take quite a lot of time.

You can also earn money on your wallet through bonuses. There are sites on the Internet that pay a bonus every 24 hours. The amount usually ranges from one kopeck to a ruble. This is not a lot of money, however, at least some amount will be. At the same time, the business level of your wallet will gradually increase, which will help you with large amounts in the future.

The Internet is a great way to get information, socialize and have fun. There are many ways to connect to the Internet, but they all have a significant drawback - you have to pay for access to the network. However, you can go online for free.


When using a dial-up modem, you can take advantage of promotions from companies that provide Internet access. These promotions are that the first thirty to forty seconds are free. During this period, you will be able to download a web page, and if you have a download manager, download any part of the file. Look for these promotions online. It is optimal to use a specialized dialer program. The principle of its work is that after a certain time it breaks the connection. Set this time in the parameters and use it for free access during the first thirty to forty seconds.

If you have a wi-fi adapter, activate it. Start searching for new networks. Due to the large distribution of wi-fi networks, there is a high probability of finding one that does not have a password. Connect to it and set up automatic connection. Do not use the received speed to the full, so as not to arouse suspicion. Don't upload large files. Use the speed limit in torrent clients and download managers - in this case, there is a high probability that you will go unnoticed. Otherwise, the network you use will one day be given a password.

Use free internet in public areas. Find places where you can use free wi-fi. Find a list of such places online or ask your friends. As a rule, these are restaurants, cafes and hypermarkets. Look for a sign that says wi-fi. Many cafes provide access only for their customers. Activate your wi-fi module and start searching for new networks. Find an open network and keep the automatic connection. If you find a wi-fi network, but it has a password, contact the service personnel to get a login and password for accessing the Internet.

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Tip 7: Who does Google provide free home internet to?

Google is now also an Internet Service Provider. On July 26, 2012, in the North American city of Kansas City, the presentation of the ultra-fast broadband network The Google Fiber took place, on the creation of which the company has been working for about two years. It is noteworthy that for their future customers, the creators of the network even provided a free option for using it.

Perhaps, few people refuse to have Internet at home with a data transfer rate of one gigabit per second. High-quality video can be watched without waiting for the end of the buffering process. And the transfer and download of large files will take only a few moments. In general, such speeds will open up horizons that until now users had only dreamed of.

It is these fantastic opportunities that The Google Fiber network will provide its customers - and "in one bottle" - or rather, at one end of a broadband cable under a single subscription. Moreover, residents of Kansas City will be able to use The Google Fiber in September 2012. While the subscription is underway. There are three tariff plans to choose from.

1. Ultra-fast home internet and TV. The cost of the standard package is $120 per month. If the client wants to connect some additional TV channels that are not included in the standard TV broadcasting list, they will also have to pay extra. There is no connection fee, moreover, the company will provide the client with a free

Asking the question of obtaining financial income, many people give their preference. Indeed, today there is an opportunity to earn money, having at your disposal only a personal computer with an Internet connection. At the same time, the amount of profit is practically unlimited. It all depends on the skills of a person, the correct choice of the direction of activity. As it turned out, there are enough ways to earn money, therefore, before proceeding with their consideration and choosing the best one, it is necessary to decide in advance on the following points:

  • what skills do you have;
  • how much do you want to earn per month;
  • What is your preferred work schedule?
  • how much time per day you can devote to a new activity.

So, it will be easier for you to make a decision, and the result will be as justified as possible. Now it remains to study all the existing options for making money on the Internet and decide on the best one.

How to make money through an online store

Online stores can be safely put on the leading positions in the rating, because they really bring good money, especially when the activity is organized correctly and responsibly. In order for the electronic trading platform to make money, you need to:

  1. have start-up capital to create a selling portal and purchase goods;
  2. find a supplier offering the lowest prices;
  3. regularly monitor the receipt of orders and deal with the dispatch of goods.

Remember, in order to earn good money, it is important to withstand the current competition - to offer the buyer something that he will not find from other sellers: quality products, low prices, pleasant bonuses, branded goods of popular brands.

The advantage of opening an online store is that you can manage it yourself, starting with a small assortment of goods. To make money on the Internet, it is not necessary to hire a large staff, rent a warehouse. Many people start businesses from home.

If you do not want to open an online store on your own, promote it and solve organizational issues, it is possible to get a job at an existing trading platform as a manager. Depending on the chosen employer, the range of duties will differ, as well as the amount of remuneration.

Sales Organization: Two Ways to Make Money Online

This option is somewhat different from the previous one. Here, the sale of goods and services takes place through existing trading platforms, bulletin boards. In this type of earnings, several directions are collected at once.

Sale of used items. This includes clothing, footwear, computer components, mobile and other equipment, children's toys. Simply put, with the help of modern technology, you can sell almost everything that you no longer need. It is possible to organize a kind of electronic commission, taking the things of relatives and friends for sale, selling them for a certain percentage, which will become your reward. You will not be able to earn big money on the Internet in this way, but the option under consideration will bring a good additional income. Used items are popular due to their affordable cost, and if they are in good, usable condition, they are sold quickly and without delay.

Sale of own services. The offers of electricians, plumbers, services for minor and other apartment repairs are very popular. So you can work for yourself, and the number of orders will depend on the attractiveness of the offer, including financial. Provided that the work is done well, the number of customers will quickly increase over time, and you will not even need to make significant efforts to organize advertising.

Affiliate programs and their benefits

This refers to the sale of other people's services, physical or digital goods. You act as a manager. The task is simple - to place ads on the maximum number of thematic resources, to make them attractive to potential customers. You can promote the offers of construction companies, repair teams, online stores, food or accessory manufacturers, and more.

To understand this area in more detail, we note that we are talking about numerous affiliate programs, and depending on the option chosen, the terms of cooperation and the amount of remuneration paid will differ. The latter is given to the person promoting the goods or services. Payment is made for actions performed by a user who clicked on his link from a site or social network group. The following is paid:

  • registration on the electronic resource of the seller;
  • subscription to the newsletter from the promotion customer;
  • purchasing a product or ordering a service.

Example! You have your own website, which is characterized by high traffic. You enter into a partnership agreement with the bank, place a link to its services on your site. Users follow this link to the electronic pages of the bank and apply for a loan. For each successful transaction, you are paid a cash reward.

When choosing an affiliate program, wanting to get the maximum profit and make money quickly, try to determine the topic closest to you, where you will fully realize the available opportunities. For example, you run a women's magazine or group. A good solution would be an affiliate program to promote cosmetics. In order not to waste time looking for a partner, use the help of a special aggregator. This is a kind of catalog, where all affiliate programs operating on the Internet are presented. Consider these options:

  • admitad;
  • cityads.

Focus on the terms of partnerships. Some programs do not allow mailing lists, and you risk getting banned. The traffic on your link must be understandable for the affiliate program, otherwise it is difficult to prove that the customer came from you.

To start using the selected program, you will need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Get registered. It is performed on the website of the seller whose product you are planning to promote.
  2. Register with the affiliate. Be sure to indicate the real data about yourself, so that later there will be no problems with the withdrawal of money.
  3. Register in a suitable payment system, open a wallet here, enter its number in the appropriate field of the affiliate registration form.
  4. Get a unique link from your partner that you will need to promote in the future, as well as additional materials, if they are expected to be available: training information, videos, promo codes.
  5. Start promoting and distributing the received link in all convenient ways that do not contradict the terms of the agreement.

Remember that the success of the undertaking depends solely on you and the chosen partner. The amount of profit is determined by the following factors:

  • Offer quality. The product or service must be truly worthy of attention. Your ability to promote the offer is also important.
  • Live target audience. If it was bought in the public, you should not wait for interest in the promoted product, the receipt of money.
  • Number of partners. To earn a large amount, you need to promote several programs.
  • The number of offers in the affiliate program itself. For example, you are promoting the services of a bank that offers several types of loans. Here, the probability that the user will select a suitable program is higher than in the case of a single loan option.
  • Commission amount. This is the amount your partner is willing to pay you.

Indeed, the considered method of improving the financial situation is worthy of attention. With a responsible approach, you will achieve your goal, especially if you have the tools necessary for this.

How profitable is doing handmade

Let's talk about the implementation of things made by one's own hands. A field of activity of unprecedented breadth opens up before you. Choose a direction depending on your skills and interests. Today, such handmade goods are popular: soap, knitwear, accessories for mobile phones and laptops, souvenirs and key rings, products made of natural stone, photo frames. maybe big money. The most profitable, according to the results of statistical studies, were such goods (arranged in descending order of income):

  • decorations;
  • childen's goods;
  • accessories;
  • designer clothes;
  • natural cosmetic.

First of all, the popularity of things made by one's own hands is due to exclusivity and originality. Similar products are difficult to find on the market in mass sale. That is why people who want to stand out in society, to be different from others, pay attention to them. It also attracts naturalness, if we talk, for example, about cosmetics. More and more women are ditching store-bought products containing synthetic ingredients and switching to natural ingredients.

To understand what you want to do and which option will be more profitable, immediately calculate the amount of start-up capital, determine the cost of the final product at which it can be sold, evaluate consumer demand, and think about your capabilities as a manufacturer. For example, if you study handmade business projects, you can see that felt cases and bags for mobile equipment and PCs are very popular. Here, the revenue is 8-10 times more than investments. At the same time, special efforts for the manufacture of products do not need to be applied. Everyone can master such an activity.

In order to make money selling handmade items (any other goods), you must have certain knowledge and skills. You can try to start from scratch, but to earn good money, you have to go quite a long way. Better if you own the following:

  • the basics of creating compelling ad headlines;
  • the correct composition of the text of the ad;
  • correct description of the goods;
  • the ability to choose the right consumer category;
  • awareness of the most advanced marketplaces and message boards.

The two main factors that ensure good money in this case are the correct choice of the sales market and the fair price of the products sold.

From the above information it is clear that everyone will be able to find a suitable occupation for themselves and organize earnings at home, the value of which is practically unlimited.

All the materials necessary to get started and successfully develop are on our website, so finding and studying them will not be difficult. The main thing is to show maximum responsibility, patience and perseverance.

Five ways to make money on YouTube

YouTube is a well-known video hosting company that provides users with video storage, hosting and sharing services. Her popularity is steadily increasing. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to make money in 2018, having only a computer connected to the Internet at hand, be sure to pay attention to this section.

The average income on YouTube is about $500 per month. We are talking about experienced users who are well versed in the intricacies of this business. If your income exceeds $ 1000, you can safely be called a professional.

Before talking about how to make money online, we note that initially you will need to create your own channel on YouTube. Next, you need to organize its effective promotion, conclude a partnership agreement with the portal administration. To successfully solve the problem, the following conditions must be met:

  • your videos do not violate the copyrights of other users;
  • more than 1,000 people view the video every day;
  • there are more than 10 videos in the public domain;
  • new videos are posted 1-2 times a week;
  • you have over 500 subscribers.

Promotion and promotion of the channel is a separate big topic. We only note that here you need to use social networks, apply in the video itself with an offer to subscribe to the channel, choose the right consumer audience, leave comments under the videos of other authors, even use paid services.

Let's take a look at the five main ways to make money with Youtube:

  1. Advertising. In your video, you can promote products and services of any companies, receiving a monetary reward for this. Its value and method of transfer are negotiated on an individual basis. Having decided to organize making money on the Internet in this way, remember that before the video itself, the name of the manufacturer or service provider should be displayed for 3-5 seconds, you can use a watermark.
  2. Contextual advertising. These are pop-ups with promotional offers that are placed on the page with your video. Usually they are themed. For each visit of a person through an active link, you are rewarded. This way of earning is not very profitable, but it allows you to receive a generous additional income.
  3. Selling your goods or services. Your video will be about an overview of the product being sold with a call to buy it. You can conduct one-sided trainings on any topic. For this, it is not necessary to have a special education and a large store of knowledge. It is enough to find thematic materials on the Internet, study them in detail and prepare responsibly for the training. The main thing is to clearly and correctly state the previously studied information.
  4. Partnership programs. If you do not want or cannot sell your goods or services, start promoting the offers of other organizations. Here it is necessary to make reviews of certain products, consider the advantages of their acquisition, calling for an order. The procedure for payment is negotiated individually, as well as the method of accrual of remuneration.
  5. Earnings on the Internet on other people's videos. You find suitable videos and post them on your own channel. Next, you need to use an affiliate program or resort to using contextual advertising. You can make good money without investing your own money, but there is a risk of getting penalties from YouTube.

Creating your own YouTube channel is easy. Do the following:

  1. Open YouTube. This is done on a computer or in a mobile version.
  2. Try uploading a video, creating a comment, or downloading a playlist.
  3. You will see a prompt to create your own channel.
  4. Check the correctness of the displayed information, confirm the action.

The main condition for creating a channel is having a Google account. Even if there is none, it is not difficult to open it.

You've seen how a channel with your name is created. When it is necessary that the name be different from the Google account, open YouTube and go to the channel list. Here you can open a channel for a new or existing brand account:

  • select "Create Channel". This will link it to the new brand account;
  • select an existing brand account. If one channel is attached to it, the other cannot be opened.

It remains to fill in the field with the name of the page, confirm the changes. Then, if necessary, you can add a channel manager or administrator.

Seven ways to make money freelancing

A freelancer is a freelance worker who provides certain services for a monetary reward. A person works in a schedule convenient for himself, has no management, is not tied to the office, and does not have to provide reports to anyone. This method, which are on maternity leave. They can independently regulate the level of workload depending on the amount of household chores. But, in fact, everyone can do freelancing, in particular, programmers who want to work from home. The most popular and profitable real ways to make money on the Internet are:

If you want to make money online without investments, choose one of the listed options. No payments are required from you. Remuneration is paid upon delivery of the finished work.

If you are looking for a job as a freelancer and hear about a down payment (this can be argued by various facts), it is better to refuse the offer. Most likely, you had to deal with scammers.

More about games as a source of income

The number of computer games is increasing every day, and this area can bring gamers not only pleasure, but also income. There are two ways to get financial profit:

  1. Attract new gamers. For this, developers of advanced and popular projects pay a lot of money.
  2. Help lower level players to further advance in the game. Here we are talking about the sale of upgraded accounts, where the maximum number of opportunities is open.

You can really make money online in certain ways:

  • Game stream. An online broadcast of the game process is considered. For this, special platforms are used. So you can simultaneously record video while playing your favorite game, which will be useful for novice players. The amount of profit depends on how exciting you are to tell about the process of the game, how many secrets of success and rapid leveling you reveal to users. To conduct a game stream, you need a powerful computer that can "pull" the game. It must simultaneously record video in decent quality, as well as run special programs.
  • Uploading videos to YouTube. Above we talked about the use of this portal. Here you can upload reviews of popular games, telling novice gamers about the essence of the gameplay, ways to achieve the desired level, discovering useful secrets. Game developers will also pay for the video, subject to the conclusion of an appropriate agreement, and the portal itself, subject to the receipt of the required number of subscribers.
  • Blogging. Without being ready to speak in front of the camera, describe the features of the gameplay, review games and consider useful tips in text form.
  • Tutoring for gamers. It is possible to organize a video conference where you will share the accumulated knowledge and learned secrets regarding the selected game. Clients will be novice players who want to understand all the subtleties as soon as possible and reach the highest possible level.

There are a lot of games, so it makes sense to consider the most popular options for making financial profit:

  • League of Legends. The game has been actively used since 2009 and the number of players has exceeded 100 million. The best way to make money here is on game streams. There are also 5x5 tournaments with a cash reward for the winner. To do this, you will need to assemble a team of strong players.
  • Dota 2. Another popular game. The first way to make a profit is to sell skins. You can do this on special exchanges, forums. If you have 3D modeling skills, you can create new skins yourself. If the developers accept your project, they will pay 25% of the amount of income that it will bring.
  • Counterstrike/CS. Here you can sell inventory, make reviews on YouTube. Experienced players benefit from participating in professional tournaments. The amount of profit reaches high levels due to the popularity of the game.
  • World of Tanks (WoT) is a game with worldwide popularity. Ways of earning are the same as in the previous version.
  • The era of clones - has existed in our country for more than eight years, is considered an economic strategy. The gameplay is almost endless. For certain actions, gamers receive a reward that can be converted into euros and withdrawn to an electronic wallet.
  • My Lands. The game is similar to the previous version. But in order to withdraw funds, you need to purchase a paid account, the price of which is about 6-7 dollars.
  • Rich Birds/Golden Birds/Money Birds - games are in great demand. They are classified as investment economic projects. The bottom line is to acquire birds, sell laid eggs. The resulting profit is converted into real money. The red bird is considered the most profitable, and you can buy it for a decent amount. But by inviting friends to the game, you are more likely to achieve the desired result.
  • Golden Mines. The essence is built on the mining of gold by dwarves. The latter are bought for real money. And the more expensive the gnome, the more profit you can get. 70% of the income remains for developers for further improvement, 30% the user receives to his account and can withdraw to the WebMoney wallet.

Whether it is worth considering games as the main way to earn money is up to you. The amount of profit depends on the level of professionalism, the amount of time that you devote to this activity.

Almost everyone finds themselves in a situation where there is not enough money or none at all, whether you are a schoolboy, student, mother on maternity leave, a retired person or you have been fired. Then you start to wonder where to make money online?

After all, you don’t have much time to go for a full full day, and you won’t find work everywhere. And the first thing that comes to mind is the Internet! Previously, they sat in it for fun, but now you can not only earn extra money, but also turn it into the main source of income!

Just do not forget that here, as in real life, a huge number of scammers.If you are offered to earn tens of thousands of rubles or dollars in a day, while not particularly straining, do not believe it.

You can't even catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Therefore, in this article I will give, already the most reliable ways to make money online without investment so with them. Now let's get started!

10 most popular ways to make money on the Internet for beginners and professionals

No. 1 Earnings on boxes

This method is considered the easiest way to earn money, therefore
suitable for beginners, I think that everyone started with this. Moreover, no investment is required.

You will need to browse sites, take tests and assignments.

I know some who manage to complete 3,000 tasks per month, given that their cost ranges from 0.20 to 400 rubles!

Here are the boxes that have proven themselves quite well:

  1. Seosprint
  2. Seo-fast
  3. Socpublic
  4. Profitcentr
  5. Wmmail
  6. Vip Prom

But I advise you not to stop at one box, it is better to sit on at least two to increase profits.
By the way, there is a foreign postal sponsor, if you are not very good at English, then it is better to try, because they pay several times more than our boxes. The best foreign mailer -neobux.

№2 Earnings in social networks

Did you know that in social networks you can not only communicate and have fun, but also earn money. Here there is an opportunity to earn more than on axle boxes. To get started, you need at least a Vkontakte account (it’s better to register wherever you can).

You will be prompted for certain actions, such as joining a group, like, repost, etc. All this is done on special sites, like these:

  1. Vktarget
  2. Smmok

Today I decided to write an honest article on the topic: how to really make money on the Internet without investments for a beginner? Here will be presented practical advice for beginners from many years of experience. Only really working and proven methods.

Below I will describe 5 popular and proven ways to make money online. The topic of making money on the Internet is gaining more and more popularity in recent years. In our difficult time, many people are looking for additional sources of income, including on the Internet. Today I will tell the truth and only the truth and will try to dispel many myths about easy money on the World Wide Web.

I must say right away that I am not the so-called "moneymaker", who everywhere teach how to quickly and easily make money on the Internet without any investment. Although, I think, I could also teach a lot, since since 2009 I have been very active on the Internet and earn my own work and knowledge (in particular, I provide website promotion and contextual advertising services). Plus, my sites bring some income. But today it is not about my successes and achievements. Whoever is interested in my modest person can always read about me on the corresponding page.

Earnings on the Internet without investments and without deception - myth or reality?

By the way, that review gathered dozens of grateful comments, even taking into account the fact that my blog at that time had very little traffic. All of his advice is still relevant today. Therefore, if you want to learn how to confidently distinguish worthwhile offers of earnings from "divorce", be sure to read the step-by-step instructions that are presented in the above article.

But now I would like to say something else. What do you think: for whom are offers usually written with promises of easy and quick money making online? For example, these:

“How easy it is to make money on the Internet?”, “How to earn the first money on the Internet quickly and without investment today?”, “How do I earn $500 a day?” etc.

All these offers of easy and quick money are aimed precisely at inexperienced people who know little and can do little in this area. In this case, you do not earn. The money is on you. After all, as a rule, any “super-efficient” and profitable system costs some initial amount, albeit not a very large one. How to understand whether this or that offer is worth your time and attention, I already wrote in.

Moreover, a couple of years ago I even recorded several video tutorials on how to determine the level of trust in a particular site (service) or offer on the network. How to know if a "domain" can be trusted, how to make secure online purchases, etc. Below is the first video tutorial from this mini-course.

Video tutorial: "How to determine the level of trust in a site (domain) - safe online shopping"

But the most important thing is that I want to convey to you and forever “invest” in your head. Ask yourself the question: "What do you know and can do on the Internet?". Why and for what should someone pay you money? Do you in your real life pay someone just because of your boundless kindness? Are you handing out money right and left in large amounts? Are you ready to tell everyone “money topics” in a row? If yes, then I would like to be included in your friends list.

It is worth understanding the fact that the more people use this or that type of "cunning" earnings, the more competition grows. As a rule, after a “very secret” money topic appears in the public domain, it stops working very quickly or becomes less effective. Do you still believe that super-cool "businessmen" want to tell you their secrets for ridiculous money? If yes, then congratulations, you are a potential client for "scammers" and scammers.

I will not argue that there are consulting services when an experienced specialist advises a particular business. I myself provide services for the audit of certain sites and draw up a technical task for the client. In it, I describe in detail: what needs to be fixed and implemented in order to get additional target customers, how to improve the site's conversion, how to increase sales, increase search positions, etc. But experienced professionals rarely sell their practical experience and knowledge (which they have accumulated over the years) cheaply.

So how can a beginner make money online without investment? What types of earnings exist?

Let's see now: how can you really make money on the Internet without investments and what are the offers of making money online? First, I’ll note right away: if one of you is looking for the “loot” button, forget it. I have been actively using the Internet for 15 years and have not yet come across this one.

Immediately understand for yourself that online, as in real life (offline), money is paid either for real goods or for specific services. Simply put, if you do not have goods that you can sell, then there is only one type of income left. Provide some service. Although no! There are many types of earnings. Is there some more passive types of earnings - when you sleep, and the money is "dripping". Someone thought that I was joking or trying to divorce someone? No, I am absolutely serious and below I will tell you what I mean.

Method 1: Earn money online with remote work (freelance)

To begin with, let's deal with the most "simple" type of earnings on the Internet for beginners to understand. This is remote work or the so-called freelancing. I myself can call myself a freelancer, since in most cases I provide services to customers remotely. Moreover, I have a whole group of verified freelancers (remote employees) whom I pay money for certain work.

For those who are interested in this type of earnings, I advise you to study at least the basic principles of this type of activity before starting work. By the way, a couple of years ago I also recorded a free mini-video course on making money on the Internet on popular freelance exchanges. It examines sites where thousands of job seekers and customers find each other.

The video tutorial below will look at the most popular remote work exchange on the Russian-language Internet. In particular, not only the basic interface of the service will be shown, but such points as “a safe transaction with the customer” will also be considered. In particular, you will learn: how to avoid fraud when paying for your work by a potential client and much more.

Video lesson: “Remote work on the Internet (freelance exchanges) - how to make money for a beginner without investments?”

I also give links to the two most popular remote work exchanges in the CIS FL.ru and Weblancer.net.

Method 2: "Passive" types of earnings on the Internet (affiliate programs)

Above, I mentioned the passive form of earnings on the Internet. I am sure that many people are interested in this option to generate income. Sounds great: You rest or do other things, and the money is dripping” ! It even smacks of some kind of divorce or deceit. But there is no scam here. This is a passive or active type of advertising of other people's goods or services. Or the so-called affiliate programs.

What are we talking about. For example, an online store sells goods. If you refer a client to him who buys the product, you will be paid a commission. Or, for example, some service provides a certain type of service. For example, a hosting company offers to rent its servers to host websites. If you register in the affiliate program of one or another store or service, you will be able to receive on an ongoing basis from 30% to 50% of each payment made by the attracted client.

It is worth noting that site owners have to pay monthly for the same hosting, and after each payment you will periodically receive your commissions. You can also cite as an example the same popular link exchanges that also have affiliate programs and tens of thousands of webmasters and optimizers buy links from them every day.

Simply put, there are a lot of affiliate programs of various sites. And at first glance, this type of earnings may seem like an easy task for a beginner. And it’s true that it’s easier: you go to thematic sites, forums and post your affiliate link in the comments and posts. People follow it, and then for years you receive your share of the income from the owners of affiliate programs.

In theory, everything sounds very easy and cool. Moreover, proven and popular sites, indeed, regularly pay large amounts of commission to their partners. Everything is automated and there is no cheating. If a person clicked on your affiliate link, then a special “cookie” is assigned to him for a whole year. And if he immediately or in the future orders a particular product or service and makes a payment, you will immediately receive your commission. Their payment, as a rule, can be ordered through a special affiliate account once every 2 weeks.

Also a very popular type of earnings is participation in affiliate programs of various information products. Most often these are programs, scripts or training video courses.

I do not want to give examples and recommend any specific affiliate programs, since each of them needs to be checked and tested. It happens that you advise someone this or that product, he will spend his money on advertising it, but he will not receive the proper return. In the end, you will be at fault. Although this could happen for absolutely objective reasons. For example, the author did not attract the most targeted traffic to the selling site (for example, he failed to correctly set up the same contextual advertising).

I didn’t say anything about contextual advertising in vain. Many novice affiliate program participants think that in order to make money on affiliate products, it’s enough just to go to different thematic sites and leave your affiliate link there.

I will immediately lower you “from heaven to earth” and dispel your rosy ideas about making easy money on the Internet in a similar way. I am sure that many have already imagined dollars “flying” before their eyes, etc. If everything were so simple, then many people would only be engaged exclusively in earning money on various affiliate programs.

Of course, such earnings are very honest and can bring high income with the right approach. But what is the correct approach? As elsewhere, without certain knowledge and skills, you will be able to make sales very unstable and most often “for good luck”. Why, you ask?

Firstly, any visited Internet resource (forum, portal, blog) is almost always checked by moderators or site owners. And your wonderful epithets in favor of a particular service or product (along with your affiliate link) will most often be immediately deleted within a day after writing. What to do? Is it possible to advertise for free?

If you turn on the "brains", then everything will work out. But to do this, you need to look for questions from real users on the topic of your affiliate product on forums and sites and give them, as it were, an “accidentally” answer or recommendation with your affiliate link to a particular site. Or create several accounts and ask on one behalf, and answer under another. Moreover, it is desirable to “hide” the “tails” of your affiliate links through special services. When you get your first link, you will understand what it is. As a rule, in an affiliate link, after the address of the main domain of the site (after the name of the site, for example, site.ru/), immediately after the slash ("slash"), there are various numbers or letters.

In the picture below, the so-called "tail" of the affiliate link is highlighted with a red rectangle:

Many "advanced" and "greedy" users, when they see such an affiliate link, specifically cut off this "tail", copying the site address without it. Thus, they go to the target site, but if they make a payment, you will not receive any commission. Although I don't really understand these people. After all, for them the price of the product does not change. Your commission is paid by the owner of the affiliate program from his earnings.

But many "well-wishers" do not want to express even a small "thank you" to you for your most often useful recommendation of a particular service or product. We have such "petty" people. And there are many. It costs him nothing, but he fundamentally does not want to let you earn.

Therefore, if possible, try to "hide" your links through special services or use other "tricks". Although especially "smart" users and this will not help. But still, the chances of "cutting" your affiliate link will be significantly reduced.

Also, do not forget that moderators and site owners are also not idiots and this is not the first time they see such “brilliant” advertisers. When all these “recommendations” are added from newly registered user profiles who have not written a single message before, and then they suddenly start talking about a particular site or product, it looks at least suspicious.

The same can be said about groups in social networks, etc. Of course, if you have old accounts on popular sites (maybe you can buy them or connect friends), then everything can be much easier. But in general, I will tell you honestly and immediately - this way of promoting affiliate programs is very complicated, time-consuming and very often ineffective.

“But how do people earn thousands of dollars on affiliate programs? I saw a screenshot of one partner, so he has hundreds of thousands of rubles there in just one month! one of the readers yelled back at me.

I believe you willingly, I will answer. I will say even more. I know partners who earn even more significant amounts. But who are these people? Are they geniuses or just lucky ones?

As a rule, these are the owners of visited sites. They advertise on their sites one or another affiliate product that may be of interest to visitors to this resource. They also include the owners of large thematic mailing lists. But therein lies the difficulty. To promote your site or mailing list and achieve high traffic - you need to spend a lot of time or money. More often than not, both will be required. And how much of these resources you spend depends only on your knowledge, experience and skills.

"Crap! Why are you destroying all my dreams? Give me a real way to make money on affiliate programs, or better yet, just the loot button! - shouted another novice partner.

In fact, most affiliates make money with the help of so-called contextual advertising. Which, if properly configured, can bring a very large number of targeted potential customers. But it is not free and inexperienced people very often "drain" almost all their money on it, and the return is either "zero" or minimal.

But this does not mean at all that contextual advertising does not work! Believe me, with properly configured advertising campaigns, it works just like a “money machine”. I see this in the example of my clients, to whom I provide services for the "promotion" of their sites (SEO + contextual advertising).

Therefore, I would not advise absolute beginners to start earning on affiliate programs. At least until you learn how to work with the same Yandex Direct at least at a basic level. By the way, for absolute beginners in contextual advertising, I once laid out an excellent one. But below I will also say a few important words: both about contextual advertising and about the “promotion” of any sites in general.

In general, you can search for any affiliate programs, test them and earn money from them. Well, I described the main "pitfalls" above.
If someone was scared away by a rather difficult way to make money on affiliate programs, then below I will tell you an option that is suitable even for the most beginners.

Method 3: The most "simple" method of making money on the Internet for beginners

What type of earnings do 90% of newbies on the Internet start with who do not have any knowledge, skills and initial capital? The answer is simple - with copywriting. In other words, writing articles to order. What can almost every at least a little literate person? Of course, write! And there are millions of sites on the Internet and they constantly require new content: articles, news, reviews, etc.

I myself have several trusted copywriters who write articles for my and client sites. Moreover, I am engaged in the "promotion" of sites, and for this business we constantly need new unique thematic articles. Another thing is that writing beautiful and unique articles is also a whole art. But some customers simply need to rewrite a certain text in their own words (the so-called rewrite). They don't pay very much for this, but for an absolute beginner, this way of earning is perfect. You will just be able to earn the first reviews on the most popular remote work exchanges FL.ru and weblancer.net.

Almost everyone can check errors in the text using the same Word (Word), but not everyone can write a beautiful and interesting article without the proper “skill”. Experienced "masters of the word" charge for their work from 300 rubles per 1000 characters (this is about a quarter of an A4 sheet). It is worth noting that each character is one letter in the text, commas and other punctuation marks, by the way, are also considered.

For those who want to earn "bread" in this way, I advise you to first download a couple of useful programs to your computer. For example, the same “character counter” in the text (there are a lot of free options), as well as a program for checking uniqueness. For example Advego Plagiatus. Nothing without her. Not a single customer will pay you a single ruble for a text if it is non-unique (copied from any site). The program should show the uniqueness of the text from 90% and above.

It is worth noting that 80% of customers require rewriting from performers, not copywriting. How do they differ from each other? Copywriting means writing a new unique article based on your "rich" experience. Ideally, you write exactly your knowledge in a particular topic. Of course, an experienced copywriter does not need to understand all areas. It is enough for him to read a few articles on a chosen topic and then write a retelling of what he deduced for himself from this.

But copywriting (writing articles) is always more expensive. That is why many customers ask for rewriting, which is much cheaper. You are simply given the source (for example, a link to an article) and you rewrite it in your own words. In other words, you are retelling it. The meaning remains the same, but the synonyms and the construction of sentences are already different.

If you are already completely delving into technical subtleties, then you need to “break” the so-called “shingles”. I will not now "load" you with this topic in the article. Those who are interested can watch the video tutorial below.

Video tutorial: How to check text for uniqueness for free? What is text uniqueness?

I give links to the most popular exchanges for copywriters. The same Advego, which was presented in the video above, and also the well-known TextSale exchange.

4 way: Earnings and building your own business (business) on the Internet

Most likely, you are interested in another question: what types of businesses exist on the Internet? As you already understood from what is written above, there are many types of earnings and monetization of your Internet resources. But here comes the main problem for beginners - creating your own site.

Method 5: Create your own online store and start making money on it?

Of course, creating a simple website for presenting your services is not difficult now. You can watch some video courses on this topic. You can order the necessary site from freelancers. There are also many free solutions, for example, the same ready-made online store can be created in just 2 clicks through the popular and reliable Insales service.

It is worth noting that quickly creating your own website or online store is not a big problem in our time. There are millions of such sites created "in 5 minutes" on the Internet. And they lie "dead weight" and do not bring any profit to their owners (well, or mere pennies). Another thing is to ensure that your site (for example, the same online store) looks as attractive as possible, enjoys the trust of customers, has all the necessary functions for sales, etc. This is where more knowledge is required.

You can immediately turn to professional studios for the development of a “cool” website or online store. But more often than not, they overestimate their services. Sometimes their prices reach 300,000 rubles per site and even more. Yes, yes, this is not a typo, some studios ask for the creation of serious projects from 1 million rubles or more. It is clear that such amounts are acceptable only for already operating and successful businesses. And for beginners who are just looking for opportunities to make money on the Internet, such amounts are very frightening and seem to be something unattainable.

At the same time, there are many more budget options for achieving success in the same online sales. For example, to create an attractive and functional online store, it is not necessary to pay a lot of money to freelancers or studios. You can do everything yourself. And this is an even better option, since you will go all the way from scratch and will know your site thoroughly.

And even if in the future you have to turn to specialists to implement certain tasks (for example, to order a beautiful design for a website), then you will no longer be hung on your ears because of ignorance of the simplest technical terms. When you already know the technical basics of the Internet business, you can easily compose a competent technical task for a freelancer and thereby save your money.

Any specialist immediately sees an amateur and tries to “charge” him with a high price for his services. When you know the basics, you will be perceived "on an equal footing". You can even tell a freelancer that you could do everything yourself, but you just do not have enough time now and you give him your work. "Colleagues" will not "bend" high prices for each other.

By the way, even if you can’t quickly “promote” your own Internet resource and start making money on it right away, you can provide services for filling, developing and technical support for other people’s sites. Believe that these services are in high demand. There are a huge number of large and small information portals on the Internet, the same online stores, and there are always not enough “working hands”.

How to independently create a quality website for your online business?

If we talk about the most high-quality and inexpensive training materials on this topic, I can advise the video course of the same Evgeny Popov "Quick creation of online stores on the InSales platform". The course is really great. Everything is literally told step by step and shown on the example of a real store. Before your eyes, a full-fledged online store with an excellent modern design and with all the functionality necessary for sales will be created.

You will only have to order goods, for example, from the same China. There are large wholesale sites for Chinese goods, for example, the same ru.aliexpress.com. Or, in general, there are companies that themselves will bring the goods you need, store them in warehouses, send them to customers (engage in processing, delivery of orders, etc.). And you have to transfer the net profit.

In words, everything sounds very simple. But you still have the most important and most difficult and costly task - to attract potential customers. If customers themselves came to the site without any extra effort, then every day I would create online stores of various directions and would be a millionaire. But everything is not so simple.

In the search engines Yandex and Google, for each target visitor, there is a real competitive struggle. In highly competitive niches, site owners invest huge budgets to outperform their direct competitors. In such topics as “construction”, “household appliances”, “plastic windows”, etc., there is a very fierce rivalry for the first places in the so-called TOP of search engines. Everyone wants to overtake each other, and some unscrupulous competitors even try to “annoy” one or another site that is ahead of them.

But such a "slaughter", as a rule, takes place in regions with the highest competition, for example, in such as "Moscow". If you are not going to cover the entire territory of the country at once and fight with everyone, then you can safely “bite off” your part of the market. Especially if you initially promote specifically in your city or region. Do not be afraid of competition. With the right approach and proper positioning, there will be enough customers for everyone.

How to quickly "promote" your site on the Internet and start earning the first money on it?

Another thing is how to promote your site on the Internet and start getting the first customers (real orders)? This is especially difficult to achieve with a new and "young" site (trust my experience). Now this is a separate and important topic.

By the way, if we talk about the same new online store that Evgeny Popov created in his course "Quick creation of online stores on the InSales platform", then this young site received its first orders for several tens of thousands of rubles even before the video course was completed. Just a few weeks after creation. And most importantly, without any material costs!

Of course, you can immediately attract potential customers to your site using the same contextual advertising. But there you need to pay for each attracted visitor from 2-3 rubles to several HUNDREDS of rubles. Yes, in niches with high competition (the same real estate, cars), the cost of one attracted visitor can reach tens and hundreds of rubles per click.

It is worth noting that out of 100 attracted target visitors, as a rule, 2-3 people make a purchase (sometimes less or more - it depends on many factors, for those who are interested, read about the term “conversion”). So, the main problem for beginners is that, due to lack of knowledge and experience, they very often incorrectly set up an advertising campaign in the same way and simply drain their entire budget. Very often, they do not receive ANY order.

It is after such “successes” that many beginners write that advertising on the Internet does not work. You can’t make money on sites, etc. If this were true, why then every day there are more and more new sites, and the old ones do not close? Are the owners of these Internet resources complete idiots? Don't think…

How, in the case of Evgeny Popov, did we manage to attract customers and get real orders worth tens of thousands of rubles for a completely new and “unpromoted” online store without spending a penny on it? The so-called search engine optimization (SEO) has helped here. By the way, in this case, it could not have done without my participation. I said at the beginning of the article that my main profile is website promotion. In particular, I am also engaged in the "promotion" of Evgeny Popov's popular projects. But promoting old sites that currently have more than 60,000 visitors a day and great authority with search engines is a different story.

In this case, Eugene asked me to record a video bonus for his course (the bonus video course was called: “Principles of SEO-optimization of a store on Insales”). And immediately tell everything and, most importantly, show it on the example of a newly created online store. Thus, in my videos, I performed basic search engine optimization of certain pages of this online store, so that the site immediately had the opportunity to receive the first customers from the search engines Yandex, Google, etc. And the most interesting thing is that in the end he received his first customers and real orders! This is how the author of one of the bonus video courses from Evgeny Popov turned out to be your humble servant, who is writing this article.

An important afterword and conclusions about making money on the Internet

If you are still an absolute beginner and are taking your first steps on the Internet, then you should not immediately buy some paid courses, seminars, webinars, and so on. Even the information that was presented above is already enough to start earning your first money through the Internet. And when you have already decided on a way of earning that can bring a stable income, then you should turn to various (including paid) courses on a particular topic. This will allow you to improve your skills in the shortest possible time and, accordingly, increase your income.

Most importantly, do it! At least a little, but do it. Read, watch, immediately do something from what you learned. If you paid money for a particular course, as a rule, the authors have customer support. So, implement it without putting off any moments and you will definitely have questions, and the author will help you solve them in hot pursuit.

And last but most important. Do not try to immediately become the best in your chosen niche: become the first freelancer on the exchange, make the best and most perfect online store, launch the most advanced service, overtake everyone in search engines at once, etc. Do everything gradually.

Do not immediately try to create this or that large business or online project. Better get a job with your future competitors (or partners), study and understand the whole "kitchen" from the inside. And only after that you will have an idea: how it all works, what you need for your business, what competitive advantages you will have, etc.

Feel free to ask your questions and share your opinions in the comments below!

The road will be mastered by the walking one. Good luck in all your endeavors! Sincerely, Ruslan Savchenko.