Where to find an interior designer. How a new interior designer can find clients

If previously only people with high incomes turned to designers for help, now this work is one of the most in demand among everyone who wants to arrange their home or apartment as comfortably as possible.

Young interior designers of the Yudu website have the following necessary professional qualities:

  • sociability
  • artistic imagination
  • spatial-imaginative thinking

The young designer will transform the interior of any room. For him, developing a project is an interesting task in which he can realize his creative impulses.

Changing the interior: stages of work for a novice specialist

Finding a designer who does his work efficiently and inexpensively will not take much time if you use the Yudu service. With it, the creation of a project will be effective, and the customer will definitely like the end result.

Before developing documentation, the specialist agrees on the following issues:

  • room decoration style
  • dimensions and number of floors of the object
  • primary colors
  • preferred materials
  • preparation of documentation corresponding to the project

The main task of the young specialist is to find optimal solutions and create a project that will take into account all the customer’s requirements. He will be able to find a way out of any situation so that, if necessary, he can combine incompatible things in order to emphasize the client’s individuality.

What does a design project consist of?

The services of a beginning designer are not much different from the work of specialists with extensive experience in this field. If you hire a beginner specialist, you will receive the same package of documentation as when working with the most famous masters of architecture and design.

The documentation consists of the following sections:

  • planning solutions
  • technological solutions
  • style solutions
  • decoration
  • selection of materials and equipment
  • author's supervision

To find a suitable solution for decorating a room, a novice designer goes to the site, takes the necessary measurements, and also discusses all issues with the customer. Significant changes to the project are possible only at the initial stages, so it is very important to immediately determine what exactly the client wants.

How to order services from Yudu masters

Using the Yuda website, you can hire a designer who can complete the design of the project at a low cost. To order services, you must fill out an application in which you indicate the main criteria, as well as the price for the work. The advantage of the site is that the client can set his own prices.

After placing an application, available performers will begin sending their proposals. The price for creating an interior designer can vary. If desired, the application may not indicate the cost of the work so that there is an opportunity to discuss this issue in person. On the Yudu website, any interior designer is a master with specialized education and creative thinking, and a beginner also has a “fresh” look and approach to solving the task.


Build your portfolio. Regardless of what you specialize in - design, website development or landscape - a potential client needs to understand your capabilities and level of skill. Create a portfolio in paper and electronic form and don’t forget to update it with new samples as you work.

Designers specializing in website design and graphics should pay attention to freelance exchanges. Significant disadvantages of these sites include increasingly growing monetization, in which specialists are offered to pay for an increased status in the system or access to job search. Also keep in mind that you will most likely have to start with low fees until you have established a good reputation.

Create a business card website. A few pages will be enough for clients to evaluate your abilities. Develop a database of design projects for different types of layouts or sites, depending on your specialization.

If you don’t have work experience and examples of your activities, try to find clients who are willing to trust a person without experience for free. You can also contact your friends, they may need your services. Although this work will not be paid, you will have a real example of your work and a practical understanding of design.


  • where to find clients for a designer

Tip 2: How a designer can establish a stable flow of clients

The process of searching for orders can hardly be called pleasant. However, there is a way to eliminate it altogether and still provide yourself with a constant flow of clients.

The easiest way is to get orders on freelance sites. This method is bad because on such sites there is usually extremely high competition and very low pay. In addition, for a long time you may not find clients. There is another option.

It consists of creating and developing public pages dedicated to design on social networks. At the same time, you need to create group “logos” yourself, constantly update content, show your work, and post materials useful for the target reader. If there are still few or none of the latter, you can use a “fake portfolio”, that is, fulfill supposed orders for different companies.

Why is this method good? Firstly, the development of the public and an increase in the number of subscribers at the same time increases the number of potential clients. Secondly, the latter immediately see your work, your “portfolio”. Thirdly, this option increases the client’s trust: a certain publicity of the designer-administrator of a promoted public page creates the impression of his trustworthiness.

If you complete the task correctly, then you don’t have to worry about the availability of clients.

A huge number of designers. Different prices. Various works. How to find an interior designer, your contractor for the design of an apartment or house? Why does a project cost 300 rubles per square meter in some places, and 3,000 rubles in others?

Choosing an interior designer

What should you pay special attention to when choosing a designer? Here's the one you need a list of what you should pay special attention to when choosing a designer.

1. Portfolio of the designer you have chosen:

You should like the designer's work. If viewing the work does not make you feel anything, this is not your designer. The atmosphere of your future home is in the hands of the designer. If you don’t like the works in the portfolio or they simply don’t evoke any sensations, then don’t expect them to design a better interior for you. A designer may have many awards, several diplomas, and be an excellent specialist, but if you don’t like the work, this designer is simply not suitable for you.

2. High-quality images in 3D graphics

The more realistic the 3D images (3D visualization) in the designer’s portfolio, the easier it will be for you to understand, even at the design stage, what your interior will look like. You should pay attention to the clarity of the transmitted materials and their lighting.
Compare 3D renderings of the project with photographs after renovation of the same object. This is what will show the quality of 3D visualization and the detail of the project.

3. Availability of photographs in the portfolio and video reviews

It's one thing to draw beautiful images and a completely different thing to bring your planned project to life. Ask the designer for photographs of completed projects. Ask to tell about the object in the photo. Find out what difficulties there were during implementation? What material did the designer use?

On a construction site, everything is never perfect: there are always problems, some inconsistencies, difficulties. The point is who will solve these difficulties: the customer or the designer. You definitely need to ask about this in order to understand how the designer organizes the work to implement the project.

Photos of projects are one thing. And it’s quite another thing for the designer to have videos with reviews of completed projects. With the advent of YouTube, finding specialists has become easier. Now, to look at a designer and understand how he communicates with clients and works with builders, just watch video reviews of interiors.

In general, the presence of a video with confirmation of a live already implemented
interior design is an indisputable confirmation of the results of the designer’s work. It is very difficult to fake such a video.

4. Price

As for the cost of designer services, most often it depends on how much the designer or studio frees up time for clients. A high-quality, serious project is not cheap - we won’t talk about this, since this is a constant that everyone already understands.

One of the most significant investments after purchasing a property is renovations. Therefore, the most important thing is to find out the cost of all repair work and ask the designer questions about how he plans to work with this budget. Therefore, always look at the cost of the final implementation, and this cost should be reasonable. The designer’s task is to correctly allocate the budget, and not just draw everything beautifully.

It is clear that it is possible to imagine the budget for the entire project at once quite roughly. Therefore, we recommend discussing the reality of the proposed budget with the designer, ask him to show you estimates of similar and already implemented design projects.

Based on the information received, determine how much time you will need to free up for all these processes. And, depending on how much your time is worth, you can determine for yourself the adequate composition and cost of designer services.

5. Cooperation with materials and furniture factories

In Europe, it is accepted that by turning to a designer, the client saves money during renovation, since designers work directly with furniture and materials factories. Therefore, purchasing furniture through a designer is cheaper. In Russia, there is a stereotype (and there are indeed cases) that a designer is in “conspiracy” with suppliers and increases his cost by offering a service to the client. Therefore, ask: does the designer cooperate with furniture suppliers and will you save on materials? Which factories are they?

6. Comfortable in communication

You should feel comfortable communicating with your designer. A professional designer will work with you for a long time. It also happens that the project is implemented over several years. And throughout the entire time you will tell him about your lifestyle, share your characteristics. Therefore, mutual understanding with the designer from the very beginning and from the very first contact is very important.

7. Narrow specialization should coincide with your desires

Ask the designer what he does best and what his weaknesses are. A specialist who is good at designing restaurants and residential interiors, both classic and modern, should alert you. There are no super specialists in everything. It is better for a designer to specialize in one thing and be a professional in this specialization. And your task is to find a designer whose specialization coincides with your needs.

If you are looking for a designer for a 250 m2 house, it is advisable to find a professional who has a lot of practice with such projects, rather than turning to a super specialist who does everything. A designer with your specialization will make the project better, faster, and offer the best solutions, since he constantly does similar projects. And this is obvious.

Be careful when searching for a designer, and take a responsible approach to the process of selecting a contractor. Get to the bottom of the details and essence of the designer’s presentation. Pay attention to the designer's reaction to your questions.

8. Reviews

Of course, video reviews are a very rare case. But, if there is at least one such review, this is a high indicator. Not every customer agrees to a video review, so text reviews also need to be read. There is no such thing as too perfect. Therefore, if everything is written very well, then either the designer does not post everything, or the reviews are not real. A genuine review can always be understood by the description; real emotions in the text are difficult to fake.

9. Publications in the media, speeches.

A true expert is invited everywhere: to write an article, give a comment, or speak at an event. Professionals in their field share their knowledge, since it is very difficult to keep it secret and keep it to yourself. There comes a time when the owner of skills and knowledge begins to transfer them, because he wants to share his experience.

Pay attention to publications of works, articles by the designer, speeches. But it’s important to remember our first rule: not every expert is right for you. First of all, the designer must suit you in spirit; the designer’s philosophy and approach to design must suit you. You and the designer must look in the same direction and your views on design must coincide - this is the only way to create the ideal interior for you.

Gerasimov Pavel

You have decided to engage in interior design. The eyes are shining, but there is no portfolio. You won’t get far on projects for relatives and friends: expensive customers don’t come to such cheap projects of the same type. What to do?

Previously, finding the first expensive project for a designer was a matter of luck: they looked through friends and acquaintances. Word of mouth still works, but you can speed up the process instead of waiting for the project to come.

We talked to experts and will tell you where to start as an interior designer, how to fill out your portfolio and reach high-value customers.

Do projects for apartments where you have never been

Nobody will order if you don't have any work. Throwing up your hands and saying, “Well, I just started,” is useless. The customer wants not to waste money, get the project faster and start repairs. Without a portfolio, it is difficult to understand that a designer is professional: a sense of style cannot be appreciated in words.

Start doing projects for apartments you've never been to. While you don’t have a customer, do it on the table. Apartment layouts are posted on the websites of luxury complexes. Download them and make some design decisions.

Layout of an apartment in the residential complex Monet Residence - residence-mone.ru

It is important to make the most beautiful visualization of the project. Imagine: a client came and bought an apartment for 20-30 million rubles. You won’t do a project on your knees, somehow cutting out pictures in Photoshop. If you don’t know design programs, hire a designer and design it beautifully. Do the same with portfolio work. You invest effort and money in them, and then they will work for you.

Interior of a kitchen-living room of a country house from the project “Studio 3.14”

Interior of the kitchen-living room in the residential complex "Fili Grad" of the project "Studio 3.14"

If you are good at drawing, instead of drafting a design on the computer, draw sketches. These are quick hand sketches using ink, watercolor or markers. A quick sketch takes 10 to 15 minutes, with details working out it takes several hours. Such a presentation will highlight your portfolio and add skill in the eyes of the customer.

If you don't have an art background, sketching can be easily learned in three or four classes at art schools.

Interior sketches by designer Elena Lapshina

First customer - table

Make a website

You have drawn several interior designs. What to do with them next? Post it on your VKontakte page or on a freelancer exchange?

The best way is to post projects on your website. On designer exchanges, you are limited by the rules of the site: you adapt to someone else’s design template. At any moment the site will close, and you will lose your work.

You can design your website the way you want. You can post an unlimited number of photographs, tell us what the customers’ goals were and what problems you had to solve when preparing the project.

It seems that creating a website is difficult and you don’t want to think about it. You need to learn programming languages ​​or spend money and turn to freelancers or agencies. It will be expensive and long.

Make a website using a free website builder - Tilda, Redimage WordPress, Pingendo. Tilda is simpler, it makes layout according to the “sandwich” model, you just fill the layers with information. In Redimage you arrange the objects yourself, it’s more difficult, you need to know the basic principles of layout. If you are already a little familiar with columnar layout, it is convenient to create a website in Pingendo.

In parallel with the development, you need to fill the site with information. Create three main sections - information about yourself, portfolio and standard solutions for different interiors. Don't rush to write about your achievements. Ask yourself: what questions torment the client, what pain are you “treating”?

Each sentence of the text should show how you help the client create the interior of his dreams and solve his problems. Write down how you work, which projects you love more than others, when you are ready to start working and how long you have been working on the project.

Nobody wants to buy a “pig in a poke”: the website must have prices. This is not the 90s, when the cost of a project was determined by the appearance of the customer. The ideal option is when there is a calculator, and the customer can immediately estimate the cost. Tell us how you work, what is included in the price, what are the stages of project preparation, what are the payment options.

A website is a story that needs to be constantly maintained. You can’t make a website once and forget it. It is necessary to update, add articles and new projects.

It’s better to make a website in a day using a website builder than to make it for months and not get it done

Register on exchanges and choose a specialization

You made a website, but no one knows about it yet. Of course, you can post it on your VKontakte page, but only your friends will go over. And you need as many new people as possible to know about you.

Exchanges and portals about interior design come into play. Register, fill out information about yourself and place a link to the site.

The most important thing is not to offer everything at once, choose a specialization. Perhaps you have made a beautiful project for a clothing boutique or beauty salon. Focus on these jobs and you will find clients in areas that are already familiar to you.

Don't target economy class customers. Many programs have been created for them for independent design. Such clients will come to you for free recommendations, and then disappear and do everything themselves, and you will only waste time.

The exchanges have the same story as with the website: update information, post new articles, answer customer questions on forums. If a person sees that your answer is clear and to the point, it is quite possible that they will come for a paid project.

Don't waste time on economy class clients

Start a blog

A blog can replace your website or become an additional source of traffic. Search engines rank sites with useful and interesting content higher. A person is looking for information about interiors and renovations, comes to read your article, feels an expert position and moves on to the site, reads information about you.

It is important that the blog contains not just a statement of your thoughts, but well-structured materials with photographs and examples. If the content solves a problem and describes practical solutions, such an article will move closer and closer to the top for requests. For a beginning designer, a blog is an ideal option. There are no costs other than

What to write about? It would seem that everything has already been written before you.

Don't write banal things and don't retell other people's articles. Steal, but don't repeat yourself. If you stole a theme, look at it from a new angle, serve it from a different angle or sauce.

Make a temnik. Look at what questions clients most often ask on the Internet, interview friends and relatives, and remember how you did the repairs yourself. Rely on these topics and write from your experience: what complex problem was solved, how did you cope with a complex layout, what unexpected color combinations did you find.

Elena Lapshina, interior designer:

If it is difficult to find topics, you can look on English-language sites. They usually go ahead of us and introduce new trends. If you know the language well, you can translate articles. Also useful and interesting

It would be good if the article contains materials that you can download and save for yourself: layouts and color combinations, universal furniture combinations.

Starting a blog is not difficult. Like the website, it can be made on the free platforms Egee or WordPress.

Steal ideas and make something unique

Don't ask for good reviews

The first point is where the review is posted. If on your website, there is less trust. There you can write whatever you want. It’s better if your customer wrote a sincere review on his page on social networks. This way you will kill two birds with one stone. Get a response and immediately find an audience of friends of your customer who also do repairs.

The second point is how the review is written. Many people think that a review should contain a lot of praise. But such reviews from the outside look fake and have little credibility. Everything is never good.

Ask the client to tell you what went well and what could be improved. You will receive feedback and reliable assessment that people will trust. No one expects an aspiring designer to be the best specialist in the world. The main thing is that everything is completed on time, and the customer is satisfied.

If you have a good relationship with the client, ask to leave a review on interior portals such as Houzz. Authorization is required there, so there is more trust in such reviews. It is also important to monitor portals, because clients can leave reviews and not tell you about it.

Too positive and fake