Organization of sports clubs legal registration of investors. How to open a sports section

[q]How to register a sports club? Which form is more profitable Ch.P, N.P. ROO. NOO. OO?
Before you start registering a club, you need to determine the scope and legal form of your club. In my opinion, the most optimal is the RPO (Regional Public Organization) or if you need a scale of activity much larger than the city or district, then the MPO (Interregional Public Organization). PE (private entrepreneur), I would not recommend due to the narrow field of activity. NP (Non-Commercial Partnership) has recently become quite popular, but it also has a number of significant drawbacks. We will not consider commercial options such as CJSC and the like, since this also has a number of significant drawbacks, one of which is taxation.
If we previously settled on NGO (Public Organizations), then the following should be said:
The activities of all public organizations are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation..php.
If we don’t delve into everything, then let’s take only one so far: [b] “Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 82-FZ “On Public Associations” (as amended on May 17, 1997, July 19, 1998, 12, March 21, July 25, 2002, December 8, 2003, June 29, November 2, 2004.) Adopted by the State Duma on April 14, 1995.
According to the above Federal Law, there are the following organizational and legal forms:

[u] (Extracts)

[b] Article 7. Organizational and legal forms of public associations

Public associations can be created in one of the following organizational and legal forms:
public organization;
social movement;
public fund;
public institution;
organ of public initiative.
The activities of which are regulated by the federal law "On Public Associations".

The territorial scope of public organizations is also determined by the above-mentioned Federal Law, or rather Chapter 1. General Provisions. Art. 14.

[u] (Extracts)

[b] Article 14. Territorial sphere of activity of Russian public associations

All-Russian, interregional, regional and local public associations are created and operate in the Russian Federation.
An all-Russian public association is understood as an association whose activities, in accordance with its statutory goals, are carried out on the territory of more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which has its own structural divisions there - organizations, departments, branches, representative offices.
An interregional public association is an association whose activities, in accordance with its statutory goals, are carried out on the territory of less than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which has its own structural divisions there - organizations, departments, branches, representative offices.
A regional public association is understood as an association whose activities, in accordance with its statutory goals, are carried out within the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation.
A local public association is understood to mean an association whose activities, in accordance with its statutory goals, are carried out within the territory of a local self-government body.
All-Russian public associations may use in their names the names "Russia", "Russian Federation" and words and phrases formed on their basis without special permission from the competent state body.

If you have decided on the legal form and territorial scope of activity, then in this case we will go further.
If you want to hear my opinion, then I would advise you to choose the organizational and legal form "Public Organization" or "Public Fund", and the territorial scope of activity is interregional or regional. As I wrote above, for a sports club, city level, the most optimal is ROO, i.e. "Regional public organization". I think that to your question: “Which form is more profitable?” I answered. If YES, then in the next answer I will write the main terms and conditions of registration, as well as list the documents and the procedure for their submission to the registration authorities. If my answer was not complete for you, you can ask additional questions. I will answer any questions within my competence and knowledge.

Nowadays, the market for fitness services is developing at a very fast pace. This direction is considered one of the most common types of business. In terms of popularity, fitness services are second only to IT technologies and the entertainment business, for example,.

Since the competition in this type of business is still small, you can enter it without any problems. Therefore, many entrepreneurs who create a profitable business are interested in how to open a fitness club from scratch. In order for a business to be successful, it is necessary, first of all, to draw up a competent business plan.

Business Features

A modern fitness club is an unusual rocking chair that lacks basic amenities. Such an institution is obviously doomed to failure, because people want to play sports in comfortable conditions. It is unlikely that anyone will pay good money for visiting a gym that does not have air conditioning and a shower. The future belongs to modern, state-of-the-art fitness clubs.

In order for customers to visit your establishment with pleasure, you do not need to rent a huge hall with a swimming pool. It is enough to find a cozy room in an ordinary residential area, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 100 square meters. meters. The most important thing is to choose the right simulators and find experienced highly qualified instructors.

The cost of opening a fitness club directly depends on its location. For example, renting a cent will cost you sky-high, and you will have to work for several years without a profit to compensate for the costs. Therefore, give preference to sleeping areas of the city.

Room selection

Before renting a room for a fitness club, pay special attention to some important points:

  • The fitness club should be located in a convenient place to visit.
  • Competitors should not work near your establishment.
  • You should choose a densely populated area with high-rise residential buildings.
  • Pay attention to transport interchange.
  • The room must be equipped with a ventilation system, as well as showers and toilets.
  • The ideal option is to purchase the premises in the property, rather than renting.

It is advisable to equip a sauna in the fitness club. This is a fairly popular service, thanks to which your institution will be very popular. When compiling a business plan for a fitness club, it should be taken into account that wealthy people usually visit fitness clubs, which offer additional services such as cosmetic massage, solarium and bar. According to experts, they can get up to 30% profit.


The most common simulators that can be found in almost all fitness clubs are:

  • Horizontal bench - up to 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • Bench with a leg machine and a barbell rack - 4 thousand rubles;
  • Press simulator - 5.5 thousand rubles;
  • A simulator for developing chest muscles - 22 thousand rubles;
  • Smith's car - 19 thousand rubles;
  • Treadmill - 16 thousand rubles;
  • Leg press simulator - 24 thousand rubles.

In addition, you need to purchase various barbells, dumbbells, discs and more. If you do not have enough funds, you can lease the equipment for the fitness room.

Also, do not forget about monthly expenses:

  • Public utilities;
  • Equipment depreciation;
  • taxes;
  • Advertising;
  • Employee salaries.

Before you open a fitness club, select professional highly qualified staff. Many clients refuse to work out in a certain fitness club just because they cannot find a common language with the instructor.


If you invest about 10 thousand dollars in a fitness club and set the price for classes at 50 rubles. for one workout, your investment can pay off in just 1.5 years. An elite institution will require more serious investments, but the cost of one visit to such a fitness club is much higher. The profitability of such an institution, according to experts, is about 30%.

What can you save on?

Many entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a sports club without spending a lot of money.

There are a few easy ways to save you money:

  1. Visitors to fitness clubs rarely pay attention to what the ceilings or walls in the room are decorated with. If you refuse to finish with elite materials and paint them with ordinary paint, you can save a decent amount on repairs.
  2. When it comes to equipment, you should not buy expensive equipment from well-known manufacturers, as customers pay little attention to their origin. The main thing is that all equipment is durable and of high quality.
  3. An inexpensive economy class fitness center does not need advertising on television or radio. It is enough to stick ads around the area and make a bright attractive sign. Distribution of leaflets and advertising on the Internet, for example, in social networks, are also excellent for these purposes. It is also desirable that your first customers post positive reviews about your fitness club online.

What can't be saved?

If you want to open an institution that will generate a stable income, when developing a business plan for a sports club, consider a few important points:

  1. Don't skimp on staff salaries. Only highly qualified employees should be hired. Remember that real professionals will never agree to work for a penny.
  2. If the hall is stuffy, customers will go to another fitness club. Therefore, make sure that the room is equipped with a high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system. Thanks to this, you will be able to maintain a comfortable temperature in the hall.
  3. Each locker room should have at least 2-3 showers. For these premises, buy expensive high-quality plumbing, which is durable and has a pleasant appearance.

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When it comes to what you need to open a fitness club, do not forget about the execution of documents that confirm the legality of your activities. Since 2009, health and fitness services are not subject to licensing. A license may be required only for the provision of medical services. To open a small fitness club, it is enough to register as a private entrepreneur in order to pay a single tax.

Since customers do not have much confidence in private entrepreneurs, they prefer to buy fitness subscriptions from legal entities. To avoid paying heavy taxes, you can register an LLC. After that, the coaches are registered as private entrepreneurs who pay a single tax and sublease the premises to them. Start-up businesses may not pay income tax for several years. This is provided for in the Tax Code. Thanks to this, you will save yourself from unbearable tax payments.

Where to get start-up capital?

To enter the fitness services market and become a full-fledged participant, you will need a large start-up capital. Some entrepreneurs who do not have free funds on hand, but want to work in this area, are interested in how to open a fitness club without money? The answer to this question is simple - contact the bank and take a loan. It should be remembered that such an institution pays off in 1-3 years. In addition, private investors who want to raise their image can be attracted to their business.

Summing up

A successful fitness club, in which 40-50 thousand dollars has been invested, can pay off in just a year. In the future, its profitability largely depends on the number of customers, pricing policy, as well as the introduction of various additional services. What can be opened in a fitness club has already been mentioned above. The profit of a small gym is usually 1-10 thousand dollars per year.

About how to open a fitness club for beginners - we present a step-by-step action plan and detailed calculations.

♦ Capital investments – 3,000,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 2-3 years

Rampant drinking, all-night parties, burning life in, owning a discount card for a regular customer at McDonald's - all this has long gone out of fashion. Today, something completely different is very popular: proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, caring for your figure.

And what can be the right way of life without going to the gym?

Sports clubs, no matter how many of them are located in one city, are never empty. As a result, businesses often think how to open a fitness club and how much money is needed to implement this project from scratch.

If you also set out to open a gym to earn money from it, then you probably have a lot of questions. You will find answers to them in this article.

Benefits of opening a fitness club

If you are in doubt whether or not you need to open a gym for sports training, then perhaps indicating the advantages of this type of business will help you make the right decision.

Opening your own fitness club is beneficial because:

  1. There will always be a category of people who cannot imagine their life without sports.
    Even in times of crisis, they will visit fitness clubs, saving on something else, so you will not be left without customers.
  2. This type of business is quite profitable, you can earn good money every month if you think over your strategy in advance.
  3. The owner of a fitness club can easily form a competitive advantage in order to attract as many customers as possible.
  4. In any city, there are enough well-qualified trainers looking for work, so you can easily staff your fitness club.
  5. Having a gym, you yourself will be able to train there to keep your body in good shape and at the same time you will not have to pay for it.
  6. This type of business is incredibly promising today and the emerging trend will only grow over time, so open a fitness club while there are still unoccupied niches.
  7. Being the owner of a fitness club is prestigious, it is a very noble business.

Disadvantages of opening a fitness club

The advantages of this type of business really abound, but in no case should you forget about the existing disadvantages of owning a sports club.

There are not many of them, but knowing the weaknesses of this business will allow you to make an informed decision:

  1. This market is quite saturated.
    In every city, depending on its size, there are dozens of fitness clubs.
    An unoccupied niche and a way to stand out among competitors is quite difficult to find, although it is quite possible.
  2. You need to understand that building such a business from scratch is not easy, you have to take care of a lot of details.
  3. Opening a fitness club is not a business for poor people, since the necessary start-up capital to launch a project is in the millions.
    How much money will be required to open the club, we will tell you later.
  4. In order to pay off the initial investment in a fitness club, you will have to work successfully for at least two years.

3 ways to open a fitness club

Before you start launching a startup, you need to study the theoretical side of the issue.

There is not one, but three ways to open a fitness club. You just have to choose the right one for you:

1. Gym, open by franchise.

That is, you open a fitness club using an already promoted brand. This is one of the most profitable and easy ways to become a business owner.


  • you will be able to work under an already promoted sign that people trust;
  • you receive assistance in finding premises, in purchasing equipment, in bookkeeping, in registering an enterprise, you can consult on how best to equip a fitness club and organize its work;
  • banks are much more willing to give loans for a gym that is purchased under a franchise than for one that is made from scratch.


Perhaps the main disadvantage of a franchised fitness club is how much it costs.

If we are talking about such popular brands as Tonus Club, Gold’s Gym and others, then the amount may not be affordable even for wealthy entrepreneurs.

Another reason business people don't want to get involved with a franchise is that they have to constantly match the level of the acquired brand, which can be quite expensive.

2. Fitness club, equipped from scratch.

This is the most popular way for businessmen to get hold of a gym. Although it also has both its advantages and disadvantages.


In a sports club founded from scratch, you can equip everything the way you want:

  • rent a room suitable for you in size and location, decorate it to your liking;
  • come up with your own name;
  • to form independently the pricing policy of your fitness club, work schedule, range of services and much more.


Arranging a fitness club from scratch is quite an expensive pleasure, because you have to buy everything yourself, from exercise equipment to towels for the shower.

The cost of such a business project is estimated in millions of rubles.

3. Buying a ready-made fitness club

Very often, entrepreneurs decide to purchase a ready-made gym in order not to get involved in the difficulties that no startup can do without. In addition, a ready-made fitness club can be bought not too expensive if its previous owner urgently needed money.

The main difficulty is to find a suitable business project that you would like to acquire and, at the same time, have enough money to buy a fitness club and reform it.

2 ways to quickly get clients to your fitness club

The success of your business project directly depends on how quickly you form a client base.

And you will not be able to do this without two essential components: a good advertising campaign and well-formed competitive advantages that would distinguish you from other fitness clubs.

Competitive advantages of a fitness club

In order for people to go to yours, and not to some other hall, you need to stand out from your competitors for the better. This will not be easy to do, since there are so many fitness clubs with tempting offers on the market today that it will be very difficult to compete with them.

And yet, customers will be drawn to you if you:

  1. You will provide a wide range of services: strength training, cardio, dancing, and something more relaxed, such as yoga.
  2. Focus on the gender and age of your customers.
    Let you have women's and children's groups.
    Let one of your trainers prescribe a special program for those “who cares”, because older people definitely need physical activity.
  3. Think over the pricing policy so that both the rich and those who earn very modestly can purchase a subscription in your fitness club.
  4. Let regular customers feel special by developing a loyalty program for them.
    And we are talking not only about discounts on subscriptions, but also about small gifts for the New Year or birthday.
  5. Hire highly qualified trainers and smiling polite administrators who can find an approach to any fitness club client.
  6. Arrange your room so that it is convenient to get to it both by public transport and by your own car.
    Arrange parking for customers with their own cars.
  7. Think over the interior of the fitness club so that it is comfortable to be in it, but so that it does not look boring or cheap.

Fitness club advertisement

Even at the stage of equipping the gym, you need to launch an advertising campaign so that as many people as possible learn about your club.

  • commercials on local radio and television;
  • advertising banners, leaflets, announcements;
  • social networks, specialized forums, etc.

It is very important for a fitness club to have its own website, so you will have to spend money on its creation.

The site must contain information about what services your gym offers, how much they cost, what trainers and with what qualifications you work.

You can create separate sections for articles, for example, "Proper nutrition", "All about a healthy lifestyle", etc.

Well, of course, all information should be supported by photographs of your fitness club, which demonstrate it in all its glory.

If you want to get as many clients as possible from the first day of your hall, then organize a magnificent opening. Try to let as many people as possible know about it, invite the media (such materials are considered advertising, which means you will have to pay for them). Decorate the entrance with balloons, invite the presenter to entertain the audience, raffle off several season tickets among the audience.

On the opening day of the fitness club, you can sell various promotions: “Three subscriptions for the price of two”, “Annual subscription with a 30% discount”, “Buy a six-month subscription, get a gift”, etc.

Listen to the wishes and criticism of the hall visitors to further improve your business.

Calendar plan for opening a fitness club

Opening a fitness club cannot be done too quickly, because a lot of time is spent on finding a room, repairing it, purchasing equipment, hiring staff, etc. If you do everything right, you can launch a startup in six months, but get ready for the fact that you may need more time.
Registering a business and obtaining the necessary permits
Premises rent and repair
Buying furniture for a fitness club and installing it
Purchase of gym equipment and other sports equipment
Advertising campaign
Opening a fitness club

What does it take to open a fitness club?

Gym equipment

Before purchasing equipment, you must decide what services your fitness club will initially provide.

For example, if you have, in addition to the gym, a dance studio, a yoga class and step aerobics, then you will need approximately the following equipment:

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:1 400 000
Equipment (both strength and cardio)
1 000 000
Jump ropes, dumbbells, hoops and other small sports equipment
30 000
Step platforms
200 000
Yoga mats, fitballs, mats, etc.
50 000
Other120 000

And this is only sports equipment, directly for training, but you still need a lot of different furniture to equip your fitness club, for example:
Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 750,000
Counter and chair for administrator
30 000
Sofas for waiting customers in the reception area
70 000
Lockers, benches and other locker room furniture
50 000
Machine tools and mirrors in the gym and dance halls
150 000
Office space furniture
200 000
Other250 000

As you can see, you need to spend a lot of money on the equipment of a fitness club, and this is not counting the rent of the premises, staff salaries, utility tax payments and other obligatory monthly expenses.

Gym staff

Again, it’s definitely impossible to talk about exactly how many and what kind of employees you should hire in your fitness club. It all depends on what services you will provide, what functions you will perform yourself and on the schedule of your gym.

The average payroll table looks like this:

How much does it cost to open and maintain a fitness club?

The numbers in the tables that you will see below are very relative. Your calculations may differ, because in your city the prices for renting real estate are higher or you want to open a large fitness club with many services.

Here you will see calculations for an average sports club in the province of 500 sq. m. with a gym, dance class and a room for group classes, which will work:

  • 4 trainers (2 - in the gym in shifts, 1 - in the dance class, 1 - to lead group classes);
  • 2 administrators (work schedule 2/2);
  • 2 cleaners (work schedule 2/2);
  • part-time accountant.

Table of expenses for opening a fitness club

As you can see, just to open a fitness club, you will need about 3,000,000 rubles, and this is not counting the mandatory monthly expenses.

Useful tips from experts,

how to profitably open a fitness club and how to avoid pitfalls:

Fitness club monthly expenses table

How much can you earn from opening a fitness club?

The main income of fitness club owners is the sale of subscriptions, so it is in your interest to attract as many clients as possible in order to increase monthly income.

The owners of successful medium-sized sports clubs claim that their monthly earnings are at least 1 million rubles.

It is in your power to increase this amount in order to recoup the initial investment as quickly as possible.

Now you know all about how to open a fitness club. This is a fairly profitable business that has both disadvantages and advantages, so think through everything in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises.

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Service Cost, rub) Term
Consultation FOR FREE
Sports Federation
28 000 35 days
Sports Federation
55 000 35 days
from 17 000 35 days

Sports Federation is a public organization created on the basis of membership. The goals of the Federation are the development of one or more sports, their promotion, organization, as well as the holding of sports events and the training of athletes - members of sports teams.

Since the sports federation can only be created in the form of a public organization, then the procedure for the creation, operation, and liquidation of the federation is determined in accordance with the law “On Public Associations”, taking into account the specifics, the law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”.

Which question are you interested in:

Registration of the Federation Federation re-registrationAnother question

Territorial status of the Federation:

All-RussianRegionallocalDifficult to answer

We guarantee that your data will not be passed on to third parties!

Our firm assists in the registration of Sports Federations in the Ministries of Justice: Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region, and we also prepare documents for all regions of the Russian Federation.


  • Consultation on the establishment of the Federation.
  • Preparation of documents for registration of the Federation, 3-5 days.
  • Registration of the sports Federation in the Ministry of Justice, 6-7 weeks.
  • Registration of the registered Federation with the IFTS.
  • Print making.


Name of service Price Term
Federation Consultation For free
Registration local/regional Federations 28 000 rub. 35 days
Registration All-Russian Federation.
At least 43 branches in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
55 000 rub. 35 days
Only preparation of documents: regional / All-Russian 24,000 rubles/50,000 rubles 5 days
Registration of a branch of the Federation 24 000 rub. 35 days
Amendments to the charter of the Sports Federation from 20 000 rub. 35 days
Registration of a sports club - ANO (detailed) 19 000 rub. 25 days
Departure of a specialist to the client's office to place an order For free
* State duty (4000 rubles) is not included in the cost of services.


  • At least three individuals.
    In fact, 4 founders are needed, since the head, as a rule, is a member of the founders and the council of the organization, and no more than 1/4 of the employees of a public organization can be a collegiate body.
  • Legal entities - only Public associations.


  • Name of the Sports Federation.
  • Information about the head of the Sports Federation (passport data and TIN are required).
  • Information about the founders - individuals of the Sports Federation (passport data and TIN are required).
  • Address of the location of the Sports Federation (you can use the home address of the head).
  • Contact phone number for government agencies.


  • You provide us with information and documents in person or by email.
  • We sign the contract.
  • You make an advance payment.
  • We send you the Charter of the Sports Federation for approval.
  • After the approval of all documents, we submit them for registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  • We receive the registered documents and hand them over to you according to the act of acceptance.


Have you decided to open a sports federation or a sports club? The question arises - where to start?
To register a sports Federation on your own, you need to study the legal provisions of NGOs and correctly fill out the documents. It must be understood that the creation of a sports federation is not an easy procedure. How to open a sports federation, the timing of the creation of a sports federation - there are many questions! The term for opening a sports federation depends on the region of registration, but, as a rule, is 6-8 weeks. This is provided that the documents pass the Ministry of Justice without suspension, otherwise, the period for creating a sports federation is extended by 4-5 weeks. The state fee is not refundable. That is why it is very important to prepare documents correctly and competently.

We offer you step by step instructions.

  • First of all, you need to decide on name. The name should reflect the type of activity of the organization. All-Russian public associations-sports federations may use in their names the names "Russia", "Russian Federation" and words and phrases formed on their basis without special permission from the competent state body.
  • Need to decide on founders. It must be understood that after the registration of the Federation, the founders become members of the organization and have equal rights.
  • It is necessary to form governing bodies.
    The governing bodies of the Federation are formed upon creation and are immediately prescribed in the protocol. The supreme governing body of a sports federation is the meeting of the members of the organization.
  • Need to decide on location address.
    The residential premises of the founder may be the legal address of the organization.
  • Need to decide on activities and goals creating an organization.
  • After all the main points have been determined, it is necessary to collect a set of documents and submit it to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for registration.


  • Application form 11001.
  • Charter of the Sports Federation.
  • Protocol/decision on the establishment of the Sports Federation.
  • Documents confirming the use of a legal address.
  • USN notice.
  • State duty for 4000 rubles.


In the names of public organizations - sports federations, sport-specific indications must be used included in the All-Russian register of sports.
Name of sports federation must contain an indication of the organizational and legal form of the sports Federation- "public organization" and the territorial scope of its activities: local, regional, all-Russian.
Sports Federations have the right to use in their names the words "union" or "association", which in this case are not an indication of their organizational and legal form.


Sports Federations in Russia are included in the All-Russian Register of Sports. In one subject there can be only one Federation of a certain sport. The register is maintained by the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.
One sport in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation the relevant executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation is obliged to accredit only one regional sports Federation. If there is an All-Russian Sports Federation for the relevant sport or sports, a regional Public Organization accredited as a regional sports Federation for the same sports must be a member of such an All-Russian Sports Federation.
To obtain state accreditation and acquiring the status of a regional sports federation, the regional public organization submits documents, the list and deadline for submission of which are determined in accordance with the procedure for state accreditation of regional sports federations.
On the territory of the Russian Federation, only one public organization can be accredited as the All-Russian Sports Federation.


Local Sports Federation is created and operates in order to develop a certain type or certain sports in the territories of a municipal district, urban district, intra-city municipality of the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg.
Regional Sports Federation- a regional public organization that is a member of the All-Russian Sports Federation, or a structural subdivision of the All-Russian Sports Federation, which has received state accreditation and whose goals are the development of one or more sports on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, their promotion, organization, holding of sports events and training of athletes - members of sports teams of the subject of the Russian Federation.
All-Russian Sports Federation- All-Russian public organization, which was created on the basis of membership, received state accreditation and whose goals are the development of one or more sports on the territory of the Russian Federation, their promotion, organization, holding of sports events and training of athletes - members of the sports teams of the Russian Federation. You can apply for the creation of the All-Russian (All-Russian) Federation through our website: by calling or filling out the online order form.


Sports clubs are legal entities that carry out training, competitive, physical culture and educational activities.
Sports clubs can be created by legal entities and individuals in the form of physical culture and sports clubs at the place of residence, work, school sports clubs, student sports clubs, professional sports clubs and other sports clubs.
Sports clubs may be assisted by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments through:
1) construction, reconstruction, repair of sports facilities and other sports facilities;
2) transfer for gratuitous use or long-term lease on preferential terms of premises, buildings, structures that are the property of the Russian Federation or constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipal property;
3) provision of sports facilities and equipment;
4) providing other support in the manner and in cases established by the regulatory legal acts of the federal executive authorities, the regulatory legal acts of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipal legal acts.
Sports clubs carry out their activities at their own expense and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Sports clubs are created in the form of ANO (autonomous non-profit organization). The procedure for registration of ANO.


In what cases is it necessary to amend the charter of the sports Federation:

  • Name change.
  • Change of legal address.
  • Change of territorial status.
  • Amendment of other provisions of the charter.

OUR CLIENTS (2018 - 2019)

We do not make publicly available copies of registration certificates of our clients, as in accordance with clause 4.5. agreement on registration of NCOs - this information is confidential.

  • REGIONAL PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "WATER POLO UNION IN MOSCOW" (ORGN: 1177700023489) — received accreditation from the Ministry of Sports without the word "Federation"