Opening of a massage parlor providing erotic massage. How to open a massage parlor: business plan

Dear visitors, below is an example of a business plan for a massage parlor with economic calculations prepared in Excel. The calculations and the document were prepared by specialists with extensive experience in planning and are made in such a way that, based on this document, you can draw up your own enterprise development project and submit it at the place of requirement.


Goal: opening a massage studio in a city with a population of over 500 thousand people.

Objectives: organizing a massage salon-studio “Exotic Asia”, providing health massage services for clients with average and upper-average income in a new residential area of ​​the city.

Initiator of the project

The opening of a massage salon is planned using loans and savings from the founder - a former beauty salon administrator who has established connections with professional massage therapists and a small client base of his own.

Investment costs

The volume of financial investments for opening a massage studio is planned in the amount of 600 thousand rubles. The main amount will be intended for cosmetic repairs of the premises (to bring it into compliance with all the requirements of supervisory authorities), as well as for the purchase of equipment. In addition to investment expenses, it will be necessary to cover losses of the first two months of work in the amount of 70,000 rubles. Working capital costs (consumables, towels, bathrobes, etc.) are not significant.

Main investment amounts by cost item:

  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs, production of a seal, account - 15,000 rubles.
  • Payment of a guarantee to the landlord of the premises - 45,000 rubles.
  • Cosmetic repairs in accordance with the requirements of the SES - 70,000 rubles.
  • Obtaining permits to open a salon from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and fire inspection - 50,000 rubles.
  • Development, production and placement of a sign on the facade of the building - 20,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment (massage tables and chairs), appliances, furniture and decorative items - RUB 325,000.
  • Purchase of consumables - 60,000 rubles.
  • Starting advertising costs - 15,000 rubles.

The massage salon opens in a non-residential premises with a separate entrance on the fourth (attic) floor of a retail and office building. The building is equipped with comfortable elevators, using which clients will get to the 3rd floor to the entrance with a staircase to the attic leading directly to the salon. On the floor below in the same building there is a fitness center (including a yoga room).

Within walking distance from the newly opened massage salon there is one universal beauty salon, which provides therapeutic and wellness massage services. In addition, there are two medical institutions in the area, which also provide massage rooms. Prices in all of the above organizations are at the city average.

Project financing

To open a massage salon, the savings of the business founder in the amount of 400,000 rubles and 200,000 rubles of a consumer loan issued for a period of 5 years at 23% per annum without collateral will be used. An additional 70,000 rubles of savings will be used to cover losses during the first 2 months of operation of the massage parlor.

Project payback

Taking into account the input data when opening a massage parlor, the following profitability and payback indicators were calculated:

  • IRR - 313% per annum;
  • simple payback period - 12 months;
  • discounted payback period - 13 months;
  • NPV - 11,433,000 rubles;

Calculations were made for a period of 10 years with annual inflation of 10% per annum.

Suppliers and contractors

The main suppliers of consumables, towels, bathrobes, disposable sheets, etc. will be wholesale companies in the city, providing cumulative discounts for regular customers. The purchase of consumables will be entrusted to the individual entrepreneur - the founder of the business.

Equipment, furniture and appliances for the studio will also be purchased from stores and wholesale stores in the city. Preference will be given to Russian-made products, which will facilitate further maintenance of machinery and equipment and their repair.

The renovation of the premises will be carried out by an external construction company that already has experience in preparing premises taking into account the requirements of the SES and other supervisory authorities.

List of services provided

The massage salon will specialize in Asian techniques. The list of services provided will include:

  • Classic Thai massage (1 hour);
  • Classic Balinese massage (1 hour);
  • Ayurvedic massage “abhyanga”, 4-hand massage, “shirodara” procedures and other types of Indian techniques (1 hour);
  • Local massage: neck, back, legs, abdomen, etc. (20-30 min.);
  • Anti-cellulite massage (45 min.).

Additionally, next to the reception desk there will be a sale of creams, aroma oils, candles and other products for home skin care and aromatherapy.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Investment plan

The total amount of initial investment in opening a massage parlor will be 600 thousand rubles. Key cost areas are presented below:

The work is planned according to the following schedule:

Production plan

The general layout of the premises for a massage salon-studio is shown in the figure:

After climbing the stairs, clients of the massage parlor will find themselves in a hall with a total area of ​​7.6 square meters. m., where they will be met by the administrator. There will be cabinets for outerwear and shelves with replacement shoes for visitors.

Next, clients will enter the waiting area, located in a room with a total area of ​​24 square meters. m. The administrator's workplace, upholstered furniture and a TV in the waiting area will be located here, as well as a small area intended for staff rest will be fenced off on the right side of the room.

Three rooms with an area of ​​18.3, 18.4 and 18.4 sq.m. with adjacent bathrooms will be given over to massage therapists’ workplaces (two massage tables per office). Each room will be decorated in one of the styles: Indian, Thai and Balinese, where massage services will be provided using the appropriate techniques.

According to the requirements of the SES, at least 8 sq.m. must be allocated for each massage therapist’s workplace. area, and in a room with two working specialists - at least 12 sq.m. In this room, all requirements will be met. In the future, it will be possible to organize one more (third) workplace in each of the offices.


The massage tables and chairs purchased for the studio will be made in Russia. This will significantly reduce the costs of both the acquisition and subsequent repair of equipment.

To create additional comfort for clients of the massage salon, it is planned to purchase a TV with a diagonal of at least 81 cm, as well as a kettle and a set of dishes for preparing hot drinks. The coffee machine will be provided for rent (free of charge) by the company that delivers coffee beans, tea and other consumables for preparing drinks.

Salon operating hours

Since the manicure studio will operate in a residential area of ​​the city, the operating hours are scheduled daily from 09.00 to 22.00, without days off or lunch breaks. The main flow of clients is expected in the morning (after yoga classes in the fitness center on the floor below), lunchtime and evening, as well as on weekends and holidays.

The salon's working day will last 13 hours. Consequently, it will be necessary to organize the work of two shifts of employees (6 massage masters and 1 administrator in each).

Manufacturing process

The duty administrator will be in charge of keeping records of clients, meeting and seeing them off, and making cash payments. In addition to the above functionality, the administrator’s responsibilities will include selling related products for skin care and aromatherapy, preparing hot drinks for clients and staff. Cleaning of the premises will be outsourced - employees of a third-party company coming 3 times a day will carry out daily washing of floors and bathrooms, and on a weekly and monthly basis - wet cleaning of cabinets, window sills, etc., plus window washing. Additionally, an agreement will be concluded with the laundry for regular washing of towels, bathrobes, etc.

Direct customer service will be provided by foreign citizens (who speak Russian at a basic level) invited to work from India, Indonesia and Thailand. All employees have issued work visas and are tax residents, so payroll taxes for such employees will be similar to taxation for Russian citizens.

The responsibilities of foreign specialists will include cleaning the workplace after completing a massage session with each client and preparing for the next session.

The production process of a massage salon-studio will consist of the following main parts:

  1. Pre-registration of clients for a massage by phone or through social networks and instant messengers, as well as direct contact to the client’s salon “from the street” if the masters have free time.
  2. Mandatory reminder to clients about the appointment time on the eve of the day of services and two hours before they begin (the responsibility of the salon administrator).
  3. Direct provision of services selected from a general list by foreign experts.
  4. Payment for massage at the reception desk (cash and bank transfer), possible purchase of related products.
  5. Sign up for the next session.

In order to create the most comfortable conditions for service, a bank terminal will be installed at the reception desk in addition to the cash register to allow clients to pay for services with bank cards.

Cost of services and fixed costs

Considering the specifics of the services of a massage salon (a high share of expenses for wages of masters and other employees), the cost of consumables will not be significant - about 5% of the price list. Basically, these will be: massage oils, creams (depending on the type of massage), disposable sheets, disposable underwear, etc.

The staff wage fund (fixed part) will be 107,000 rubles per month. In this case, bonuses from the volume of work performed (variable part) will amount to 35% of the total revenue (from 5% for each studio administrator to 30% for massage therapists). In this case, individual bonuses will be calculated based on the volume of services provided by a specific specialist.

In addition to wages, a significant share in the total costs will be occupied by rent, payments for security and utilities - 45,000 rubles per month, payment for the services of an accountant and cleaning company (outsourcing) - 25,000 rubles. All other costs (maintenance of the cash register, equipment, tea, coffee, etc.) will total 13,000 rubles.

Tax payments (UST) will be calculated based on the amount of income minus expenses (15%).

Marketing plan

Competition and location

The massage salon will be located in a new residential area of ​​the city, where business and elite class housing predominates. Within walking distance there is 1 beauty salon, which provides wellness massage services and 2 medical institutions. However, none of them provides massage services performed using Asian techniques (Thai, Balinese, Ayurvedic) - here the business being organized has no competitors within the area.

The salon will offer an average price level for the city, extended opening hours (until 10 p.m.), and a narrow specialization in wellness massage using Asian techniques. The services are intended for a wide audience of potential clients living in the area, as well as for visitors to the shopping and office center and fitness club located on the floor below.

Assortment and prices

Prices for massage parlor services are calculated at the city average. The main competitive advantages of the studio will be the attraction of foreign masters (specialists in national massage techniques), the quality of services provided, the organization of comfort during procedures (aromatherapy, the presence of a bathroom in each office, the provision of towels and bathrobes, watching entertainment programs on TV, reading magazines , provision of hot drinks while in the waiting area).

Planned sales shares by type of services provided:

  • Thai classic massage - 25%;
  • Balinese classic massage - 25%;
  • Ayurvedic massage - 25%;
  • Local massage - 15%;
  • Anti-cellulite massage - 10%.

Prices for services will directly depend on the time of the procedure: classic programs and anti-cellulite massage - 800 rubles per 1 hour, local types of massage - from 300 rubles. in 20 minutes. For clients purchasing passes for 5 and 10 sessions, discounts of 10 and 20% are provided, respectively.

Planned sales volume

The average bill at the salon (including discounts on subscriptions) will be about 700 rubles for a 1.5 hour stay (massage + time to shower before and after, relaxation in the waiting area). At 70% workload of each master (6 clients per day), daily revenue is planned in the amount of 25,200 rubles, which per month will be about 750,000 rubles per month.

The need for massage parlor services does not have a pronounced seasonality. The dynamics of demand for massage services is presented below:

An increase in demand for massage services is observed in the spring months with a peak in March and April, with a slight decline in the summer and autumn months.

Due to the presence of a client base with an individual entrepreneur - the founder of the business, as well as the planned hiring of foreign specialists with experience in Russia, already in the first month of work it is planned to receive 60% of the estimated revenue with a further 10% monthly increase. The planned revenue figures for the first year of operation of the salon are presented in the graph:

SWOT analysis

In order to most accurately position the massage parlor, a SWOT analysis was carried out for the business being opened.


  • The project initiator has experience in administrative work in a beauty salon;
  • Attracting foreign specialists who have extensive experience in this field both abroad and in Russia to work in the salon;
  • The absence of direct competitors in the microdistrict in the provision of massage services with an emphasis on Asian national techniques;
  • The location of the massage studio is in a new residential area, with already built and under construction business and elite class housing.

Weak sides:

  • The project organizer lacks experience in running his own business;
  • Competition from universal beauty salons and medical institutions in the provision of substitute massage services (therapeutic, etc.).

Possible difficulties that could complicate business development:

  • Possible opening of similar massage parlors in the neighborhood;
  • Personnel rotation (loss of part of the client base due to the departure of foreign specialists to their homeland).

Opportunities for further business development

  • Expanding the staff and increasing the number of services provided by installing a third massage table in each of the offices (+3 potential jobs).

Advertising strategy

From the point of view of attracting clients to the microdistrict, the emphasis will be on outdoor advertising (making a banner on the facade of the building). During the first two months of operation, special promotional coupons will be printed for a discount on the first visit to the massage parlor, for the distribution of which it is planned to involve promoters.

The director of the salon, an individual entrepreneur, with the involvement of studio administrators during working hours, will organize the attraction of potential clients on social networks and instant messengers. It is planned to cooperate with several fitness and yoga centers in the city for the exchange of client bases and mutual placement of advertising materials.

To attract and retain regular customers, the sale of subscriptions for 5 and 10 massage sessions will be organized with a discount of 10% and 20%, respectively. Since there are no plans to make the subscriptions personalized, their holder will be able to transfer them one-time to his friends and acquaintances, which will have a positive effect on the influx of new visitors. It is also planned to produce gift cards.

Organizational plan

Business registration and taxation

To organize a business, the project initiator will register as an individual entrepreneur. As a taxation scheme, the choice was made in favor of the simplified system (UST). Since rent and payroll of employees will constitute the main amount of total income, preference was given to the option of calculating tax in the amount of 15% of the amount of income minus expenses.


The total number of personnel in the massage salon (including an individual entrepreneur in the position of studio director) will be 15 staff units.

At the same time, 6 massage masters and 1 administrator will be providing services per shift (working schedule 2 every 2 days).

The business organizer will be assigned the functions of a director; accounting and cleaning services will be provided by employees of the outsourcing company. An agreement will also be concluded for the provision of laundry services.

The staffing schedule of the massage salon is shown in the table:

Scheme of subordination within the staff of the massage studio:

Financial plan


When calculating the payback of a massage parlor, the following assumptions were taken into account:

  • Annual inflation - 10% per annum;
  • Income tax - 15% of the amount of income minus expenses (STS);
  • Deductions calculated from the payroll fund - 34.2%.

Project financing

Investment costs for opening a massage parlor will be covered from the savings of an individual entrepreneur, as well as from a consumer loan issued by the bank at 23% per annum for 5 years. The debt to the bank is planned to be repaid monthly with annuity payments.

Project payback indicators

Key performance indicators of the massage parlor opening project:

  • IRR - 313% per annum;
  • simple payback period - 12 months;

    The main risks of the project include:

    • Declining incomes of the population - the transition to economy mode most often leads to the refusal of types of beauty salon services (massage in particular). The influence of this factor is reduced due to the location of the salon in a new microdistrict with predominantly business and elite class housing.
    • Rotation of personnel - the departure of foreign specialists to their homeland can lead to the “departure” of a certain part of the client base, accustomed to the services of a particular master. The influence of this factor is planned to be reduced by retaining experienced specialists due to the high level of bonus component in wages, officially registering employees as staff and providing them with all social benefits.


    The considered business plan for opening a massage parlor is attractive due to its quick return on investment, short period before reaching the break-even point and minimal start-up investments.

    The obtained profitability indicators allow the project initiator to attract funds from potential investors or bank credit resources.

  • 1 How to start organizing a business with massage parlor services
  • 2 Do you need permission to open a massage parlor?
  • 3 Where is the best place to open a massage parlor?
  • 4 Recruitment of personnel for a massage parlor
  • 5 What equipment is needed for a massage parlor
  • 6 How much money do you need to open a massage parlor?
  • 7 Profitability of a massage parlor
  • 8 How much can you earn from the services of a massage parlor?
  • 9 Problems of a massage parlor and their solution
  • 10 How much can you earn by opening a massage parlor?
  • 11 Which OKVED ID should I indicate when registering a massage parlor?
  • 12 What documents are needed to open a salon
  • 13 Which tax system to choose
  • 14 Technology of massage parlor operation
  • 15 For a newcomer to the mass salon services business

Just a few years ago, business ideas for services provided by a massage parlor were available only in large cities, and even then it was considered a luxury.

Now such salons are located in each of the cities.

Where to start organizing a business in massage parlor services

Many young entrepreneurs are faced with the question of how to open a massage parlor?

They don't know what paperwork needs to be completed, where to get the right equipment, and so on.

According to statistics, it takes about four months to open a massage parlor and generate income. It is during this time that regular customers will appear, and this type of business will advance.

But first of all, the success of such a business will depend on the right business plan and qualified specialists.

This type of business as a massage parlor is a very profitable business.

But, of course, this field of activity cannot do without various nuances. Namely the working area. One specialist requires a space of at least 8 meters.

Do I need a permit to open a massage parlor?

In order to open such a salon, you do not need any special documents or licenses. The only thing that is needed is permission to carry out procedures from the epidemiological station, that is, all employees are required to undergo an annual medical examination.

Where is the best place to open a massage parlor?

Of course, a large area with a large crowd of people is best.

For example, in the city center. But it is important to remember that renting premises closer to the center is more expensive.

If you want to open a massage parlor in a small room in order to save money, then it is unlikely that anything will come of this idea.

Firstly, you will not be able to obtain permission for such an office. It is best if you open several massage parlors, which will be located in different parts of the city.

Recruitment of personnel for a massage parlor

In addition to all this, you must remember that the main trump card of your business should be qualified specialists. Each employee must have at least a secondary medical education and, of course, receive a certificate as a specialist in their field.

Finding such a specialist will not be easy. After all, those who have some experience in this field open their own salons, or demand a salary that will be 50 percent or more of the cost of a massage.

What equipment is needed for a massage parlor?

If you are planning to open a massage parlor, you should know that there must be a bathroom with a bathtub or shower. And all this is desirable in the aisles of one massage room.

After all, after a massage with oils, the client needs to take a shower. In addition, for better relaxation, you can install a bath or jacuzzi. In addition, the walls of your office should be covered with tiles in order to make cleaning and disinfection of the room easier and more often.

Also in the salon there should be special folding massage tables and couches. The cost of one table is about 15 thousand, but the couches are about 4 thousand.

How much money do you need to open a massage parlor?

If your salon has an approximate area of ​​70 sq. m, then you will need other cash expenses:

  • For the purchase of various furniture and periodic repairs of the premises - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of space, payment of utilities - 100-150 thousand rubles.

You also need to remember about employee salaries, which are calculated depending on the attendance of your office. According to calculations, in order to open such a business you need about 400 thousand rubles. And within 5-7 months your office will be functioning.

Profitability of a massage parlor

The purpose of this business is to provide qualified massage services to the population. Thanks to massage, many ailments can be cured. These are osteochondrosis and rheumatism, and even realignment of the spine.

The main thing that should be in a massage parlor is an atmosphere of hospitality. If your employees can establish contact with clients, then such an office will become popular and successful.

As for profitability, it is about 50%. Even though this figure is not that great, it is still a worthwhile business.

The peak popularity of visiting a massage parlor occurs in the spring.

Firstly, people begin to get their bodies in order after the winter period.

And secondly, due to a lack of vitamins and sun, various ailments begin to worsen. In summer, you can notice a slight decline in attendance.

But in winter and autumn the picture is moderately stable. Although relaxation and therapeutic services are always popular.

For example, such fashionable trends as yoga, Thai massage or qigong.

How much can you earn from massage parlor services?

As for the classic massage, its price is 300 rubles (back only), and in order to massage the whole body you will need about 700 rubles. According to calculations, such a salon will pay for itself within a year, but the project itself can pay for itself even earlier, in just a few months.

Massage parlor problems and their solutions

The main problem of such a business remains competitors. After all, today there are many salons and offices that help people improve their health. In addition to them, there are also public clinics, where the price of services is much lower than in salons.

Typically, entrepreneurs open such salons exclusively for themselves.. They make small investments and provide a narrow range of services. But if you master the main goal of the salon, then in the future you can expand it and offer more and more types of services.

In order to eliminate your competitors, you just need to become popular among customers. The main thing is to approach this matter correctly and creatively.

Another pitfall on the path of your successful business can be personnel selection.. You should not allow your specialists to acquire skills and then leave and take the bulk of the clients with them. Recruiting personnel is perhaps the most important thing in creating a massage parlor.

Before you advertise your salon, pay attention to other salons, their location and how they advertised their business. In order not to make a mistake, you will have to be a little creative and come up with a memorable slogan.

If you decide to become a businessman, then the idea of ​​opening your own massage parlor will certainly help you get rich.

You just need to think through and calculate everything correctly, and then your salon will become popular, and you will be able to happily earn the desired profit.

How much can you earn by opening a massage parlor?

An office with three to four specialists can serve up to 15 people per day. The cost of a classic massage is from 300 rubles. (back) up to 700 rub. (general), relaxing or oriental 1,000-1,500 rub.

70% of visitors come for a relaxing or anti-cellulite massage, in our example this is 10 people, 2 people. order a back massage and 3 people. - general massage.

The salon will receive 17,700 rubles per day:

  • 10*1,500 rub.=15,000 rub.;
  • 2 * 300 rub. = 600 rub.;
  • 3*700 rub.=2,100 rub.

Profitability is 20-30%. Full payback occurs in 2 years; under good circumstances, the project will pay off in 3-4 months.

Which OKVED ID should I indicate when registering a massage parlor?

OKVED 96.04 - physical education and recreational activities.

What documents are needed to open a salon?

Since opening a massage parlor requires a license, it must be obtained either for the salon or for the massage therapist. If the future entrepreneur has a medical education, then you can register an individual business and obtain a license for yourself. If there is no appropriate education, then it is better to register a limited liability company and obtain a license for a massage therapist.

Which tax system to choose

It is necessary to select the most effective taxation system - this is the simplified taxation system (STS). Since not all expenses can be attributed to costs, the optimal tax regime is the simplified tax system of 6% (income tax).

Massage salon technology

When creating a massage salon, it is necessary to correctly calculate the area of ​​the salon; each massage therapist needs at least 8 sq.m., in addition, the office must be equipped with a bathroom and a bathtub or shower room. Since after receiving an oil massage, the client needs to take a shower or a relaxing bath. The ideal area for the salon is 80 sq.m. It is better to open it in places where the flow of people is significant.

The salon must employ qualified specialists, but selecting them is not so easy, since a good specialist requires a premium.

  • Description of products and services
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • SPA business technologies
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a massage parlor in a residential area of ​​the city, with a population of 1.3 million inhabitants.

The goal of our project is to organize a massage parlor (Thai massage) that provides unique and high-quality services to the residents of our city. Currently, there are many massage parlors open, but there are very few worthy organizations. We conducted research during which it became clear that people are willing to pay 2-3 thousand rubles per session, as long as the massage is of high quality, health-improving and beneficial for the body.

Step-by-step plan for opening a massage parlor

According to the plan, the opening of a business will be preceded by the following steps:

  1. Analysis of investment prospects, risk assessment;
  2. Search for sources of project financing;
  3. Preliminary search for highly qualified massage therapists;
  4. Finding a convenient and advantageous location for the salon;
  5. Registering a business, concluding a rental agreement for premises;
  6. Minor repairs and room design;
  7. Purchase of massage equipment;
  8. Personnel employment;
  9. Active advertising of services and opening of a salon.

How much money do you need to open a massage parlor?

According to preliminary calculations, opening a massage parlor will require an investment of about 1,180,000 rubles:

  • Repair and design of the premises (to offset the rent) - RUB 300,000.
  • Purchase of equipment and furniture - 500,000 rubles.
  • Consumables - 30,000 rub.
  • Advertising budget - 100,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

Description of products and services

A special feature of our salon will be the availability of a large number of popular SPA programs. The list of services will include:

  • Thai traditional massage;
  • Balinese traditional massage;
  • Deep relaxation;
  • Figure correction;
  • Romantic programs - SPA for two;
  • Anti-aging and anti-stress programs;
  • Wrap and thalassotherapy;
  • Power massages;
  • Facial care;
  • Foot massage.

The cost of a massage will depend on the duration of the session (15, 30, 60 minutes or more) and the time of service. On weekends the price will be higher. Thai and Balinese massage will cost an average of 2,500 rubles per hour of session, foot massage - from 2,000 rubles. per hour (1300 rubles for 30 minutes). Body correction will cost the client 3,000 - 5,000 rubles per hour. The rejuvenating program will cost 2000 -7000 rubles for 1.5 hours. According to preliminary calculations of the business plan, the average bill for our salon will be 1,500 rubles per person. The average attendance per day will be 15 people. Potential revenue will thus be 22,500 rubles. per day and 675,000 rubles. per month. In fact, this is an average annual figure, since during the season (spring and autumn) revenue can be much higher, while during the off-season (summer, winter) income will be lower.

Download massage parlor business plan

Production plan

To accommodate the massage salon, it is planned to rent a premises with an area of ​​82 square meters. m on the first floor of an apartment building. The premises are located in a residential area of ​​the city, in an area of ​​elite new buildings. The rent will be 49,200 rubles. per month. According to SES standards, each visitor to a massage parlor must have at least 8 sq. m, supply and exhaust ventilation must be installed in the room, and the lighting level must be at least 120-150 lux. These requirements will be fully complied with. The premises will be divided into several rooms:

  • Living room - waiting and relaxation area for visitors;
  • Bathroom and toilet;
  • Three massage rooms (12 sq. m. each);
  • Staff room;
  • Visitor reception room (administration desk).

What equipment to choose for a massage parlor

As for the equipment, we will purchase massage couches lined with foam rubber, round bolsters, tables and special chairs for massage, cabinets (for storing towels, sheets, bathrobes and massage accessories). The living room will include a soft leather sofa, a coffee table, a plasma TV and a massage chair with a coin and bill acceptor. Some of the funds will be spent on purchasing special oils, towels, sheets and other consumables. In total, at this stage, from 400 to 500 thousand rubles will be spent.


Some difficulties may arise with finding personnel. There are very few good Thai massage masters in our city. The best massage therapists are from Thailand and Bali. We will attract craftsmen through high wages. The master's salary will be 50% of the cost of the session. On average, our master will earn 1000 rubles per client. It will be important for us that the master has a high qualification. After all, the price tag for services in our salon is far from cheap, so the level of the specialist must be appropriate. At least twice a year (or even more often) our masters will be sent to advanced training courses. In addition to massage therapists, we will need to employ two administrators to work on a 2/2 shift schedule. The wage fund will be 34 thousand rubles per month. The services of a cleaner and an accountant are planned to be provided under an outsourcing agreement (12 thousand rubles per month).

What OKVED code should I indicate when registering a massage parlor?

An ordinary individual entrepreneurship will be registered as an organizational form. The OKVED codes will be: code 93.02 - “provision of services by hairdressing salons and beauty salons”, code 93.04 - “physical education and recreational activities”.

Which tax system to choose for a massage parlor

The optimal taxation system for a Thai massage salon is the simplified tax system, 6% of revenue.

Marketing plan

Special attention will be paid to ways to promote massage services. Thai massage is a fairly popular trend, familiar to many people (at least they have heard about it). It is only necessary to convey information about our salon to the maximum number of potential customers. And you can already get your first visitors. We will launch all possible popular advertising channels: distributing leaflets at the entrances of houses, advertising in newspapers and specialized magazines about beauty and health, radio advertising, banner advertising. Active cooperation with local beauty salons is planned. In the first months after opening, there will be promotions and massages will be offered at reduced prices. We also plan to hold drawings for certificates for a free visit to our salon (on special coupon sites). A good tool for attracting visitors in large cities is the Internet. Thus, according to statistics from the Yandex search engine, the phrase “massage salon Ekaterinburg” is searched more than 2,800 times a month (and this is not yet the high season).

By creating your own website and placing contextual advertising, you can attract up to 10-15 clients a day through a search engine alone. The cost of opening your own business card website will be about 50 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses for contextual advertising (Yandex Direct) will be 10 - 15 thousand rubles.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of the project's economic efficiency. Fixed monthly expenses:

  • Rent of premises - 49,200 rubles.
  • Salary and insurance contributions for administrators - 44,200 rubles.
  • Advertising (including outdoor advertising, contextual advertising on the Internet) - RUB 25,000.
  • Utilities - 10,000 rub.
  • Outsourcing (accounting and cleaning) - 12,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 155,400 rubles.

Variable expenses: wages for massage therapists. It will amount to 50% of the salon’s revenue or 337,500 rubles per month.

How much can you earn by opening a massage parlor?

The organization's net profit will be 154,785 rubles. per month. The profitability of the massage parlor is 31%. The return on the initial investment with such calculations will occur within 8 months. The actual payback may be 5-6 months longer, since the organization still needs to develop an audience of regular customers and reach revenue targets.

We recommend download massage parlor business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What documents are needed to open a massage parlor?

The package of documents required to open a salon will include:

  • conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor;
  • contracts for disinfection, deratization, disinfestation,
  • contracts for maintenance and cleaning of swimming pools and sewers;
  • contracts for washing workwear;
  • accounting documentation:
  • documents on personnel qualifications.

Do I need a permit to open a massage parlor?

A license to operate a massage parlor must be obtained only if the services include manual therapy or medical massage. When the services include only Thai, relaxation or similar types of massage, a license will not be required. But you need to pay attention to one more detail. If you invite citizens of foreign countries to work, they must register, otherwise you may have problems.

Pavel (name changed) recently turned 32, but he doesn’t look 25. “Bring the tea and tell us not to disturb us,” he says briefly to the hostess girl at the bar and leads me to the VIP room. When asked why he so easily agreed to a meeting with a journalist, he simply answers: “I like to take risks.”

Photo: Ekaterina Voronova

The fate of Paul deserves special attention. He is an orphan and grew up in an orphanage. Then he ended up in a foster family. The father of the family, a physicist and mathematician, taught the children at home. They went to school only to pass exams and receive assignments for the next year. After 9th grade, Pasha entered college, but did not study for even a year. He says he's tired of wasting time. That's all his education is. “My father taught us to find information on our own. For every unfamiliar word, look into Ozhegov’s dictionary. And so on until everything becomes clear,” he explains. He started working as a gas station attendant, posted advertisements, and was involved in decorating apartments.

The story of erotic massage began with an advertisement in the “Va-Bank” newspaper. They recruited young guys to work in a strip club and promised to teach them everything. The guy didn’t pass the interview - he was too thin: “I say - I don’t need any money, I don’t need anything, as long as they take me. They shrugged their shoulders - “well, come.” Now I remember this time as the best.” The duties of a stripper in the club included erotic massage services. No special skills were required. The main thing is to bring the guest to the final.

“I like it: opening up, being frank. And I like exactly the same people. The higher a person’s intelligence, the more he wants to embrace the immensity,” says Pavel. - After some time, I organized my first erotic massage spa at home. I rented an apartment, created a VKontakte group and off I went. But over time you burn out. Just imagine: every day you see the same thing before your eyes.”

Two years ago, Pavel was offered to rent an erotic massage spa in the city center. Now he manages the entire complex. He says that in order to do erotic massage, you do not need special education: “The main principle here is do no harm. How do I usually conduct business? If I do something, then I must understand what I am doing. Thanks to my father, I got used to studying everything myself. I watched a lot of videos about erotic massage and re-read books. There is a lot of information about this.”

Why do people go for erotic massage?

“People like new experiences. They don't come for sex. They go, between us, for debauchery. Of course, in the end he will have an orgasm. Here's a guy, he has money, he has enough of everything in life: a good wife, a good apartment, a good car, three mistresses. But he is coming to us. After all, what is the essence of massage? The longer a person is in an excited state, the brighter the ending. This doesn't happen during regular sex. And there is no such revelation, games and lightness.”

The massage consists of a classical part (light stroking) and an erotic part, the final of which should be an orgasm. The girls work completely naked. The session usually lasts about an hour. But there are also short programs (20 minutes) - “express lunches”. The girls call them “lunch breaks” among themselves. In total, Pavel has 30 programs in the club, he wrote them all himself. There are inexpensive ones -  up to 4 thousand, and there are VIP programs -  up to 30. The cost depends on additional services: the use of toys, dressing, the number of girls or finals. “The guest can finish before the massage and after,” explains Pavel. - And we guarantee it. There are programs where the guest can do a massage himself. There is a program for two. At the end, the couple can be left for half an hour. There is where the guest is his own director: he tells how a girl should stand up. There are guests who like to pose themselves.”

Intimacy (coitus) is prohibited in the salon. “Penetrating caresses” are also not allowed. But, as Pavel admits, there was, is and will be sex in such salons. He fires girls at the slightest suspicion that she gave her number to a guest. But it’s impossible to keep track of everyone. According to Pavel, there is a high turnover of personnel in this business: “We have a hard contingent of workers. You need to constantly monitor and suspect. They don't consider it work. Wanted  -  came, wanted  -  left.”

According to Pavel’s calculations, there are more than 100 erotic massage salons in Perm: artisanal (in apartments) and commercial -  those that pay taxes. He employs 20 massage girls. Pasha conducts the interview himself.

“The most important thing is that the person is not shy. At the first stage, I tell how we work, and at the end I ask the girl to undress. Of course, they are all in shock: I’m not ready. As experience shows, if a girl can’t do it in front of me, then she won’t be able to work. Once a very beautiful girl came, but refused to undress. I think, oh well. I put her on the schedule, less than a week passes, she quits, and the guests are also unhappy. All shy, what is she even doing here? Undressing helps to recognize complexes. Moreover, girls love such stress,” he smiles. -  They train new masseuses who are the best at massage. I know who works best. I also take the final exam myself.”

Usually there are up to 10 masseuses working per shift. The shift lasts 12 hours. The guest can choose any one. All the girls come out and take turns getting to know him. “Now it happens that a girl may not get a single massage in a day. You understand, there is a crisis. A person would rather spend money on food or go on vacation than on this. But in good months, the net profit was in the region of 500-600 thousand.”

The salon is visited by wealthy clients. Others can’t afford it: “I can remember people by sight. But my job is not to remember appearances and names. It is better not to make friends in this area. You make friends with guests, but they start asking for a loan and then don’t give it back. And it doesn’t matter whether there is money or not.”

Pavel notices that erotic massage salons in Perm are growing like mushrooms:

“In our city, it’s generally impossible to do business, because you opened a karaoke -  everyone starts opening karaoke, you opened a bathhouse -  everyone starts opening bathhouses. It's the same with salons. We now have more of these salons than there are people who go to them.”

Master of erotic massage

Nina (not her real name) has been pole dancing for a long time. While I was studying economics, I worked part-time in clubs in the evenings. After graduation, I got a job as an accountant, then worked as a secretary and assistant manager. At my last job I was laid off. I no longer wanted to pursue a specialty. On the Internet I came across an advertisement for recruiting masseuses for an erotic massage salon: “You don’t need any skills, we’ll teach you everything, but there’s a lot of money.” Then the girl was 25 years old.

Nina doesn't tell her friends what she does Photo: Ekaterina Voronova

“I came to the club and they took me right away: I can do a massage, I have a good body, I can also communicate with men. When you learn strip plastic, you get rid of your complexes. I thought, what is there to be afraid of? Well, man, well, naked. So what? An ordinary mortal. No one will bite me for this. Although, let him bite, but for an additional fee (laughs). Any whim, as they say, is for your money. Girls without experience, they are afraid. They are literally shaking: what if he doesn’t succeed.”

Nina worked at the spa for two and a half years. He says that a lot has changed during this time. If earlier erotic massage was not the main source of income, now girls become masseuses immediately after school, because they understand that in a few years they can earn an apartment here. “The young people, of course, dream that they will meet among the guests a prince who will take them away from the salon, with whom they will start a family. But most girls come for money. Our guests are married people. What family are we talking about? Few people want to be a mistress.”

Many girls save up for plastic surgery to correct their nose or enlarge their breasts. But there are others - single mothers. These people work to feed their children.

“Mostly secretaries, lawyers, and managers come into our field. Doctors and teachers meet,” says Nina. -  We receive 25-35% of the cost of the program, but everyone’s salary is different. There are ordinary girls, and there are top girls like me. I have a lot of “regulars”; they make appointments with me and come see me. Salary from 50 thousand and above. You can easily earn 100. If a girl is not chosen, then she can get 20. But they take everyone. For the bosses, the more girls the better, because some men want a new girl every time.”

During her time working in the salon, Nina saved up for her own apartment, fully furnished it, and so on, little by little: branded clothing, expensive perfume and cosmetics, beauty salons.

Before the start of the shift, the masseuses are carefully examined by the administrator: “Right literally: he walks by, touches with his palm so that everything is shaved,” Nina shows where. -  Evening dress, beautiful lingerie, stockings, shoes, makeup. It is important to be well-groomed. There is strong competition between the girls. Each will fight for a man. I’m interested in him coming to me next time and giving me money.”

Example program


You are guaranteed juicy impressions of what is happening! Your master will bring himself to the peak of pleasure before your eyes...

Relaxing classic massage

Relaxing erotic massage

The erotic part includes an explicit peep show performed using a toy

One master

One final

70 minutes - 6500 rub.

Mostly men come to the spa. Sometimes couples. Very rarely -  women. Among the guests there are bank managers, taxi drivers, but more often serious people: “We don’t need to know about this. Sometimes the bosses say this: “Nina, an influential person will come, you shut your mouth and don’t ask him anything.” You cannot discuss work, salary, his family. He came here to relax, so forget about work.”

In some cases, a masseuse may refuse to provide her services to a guest. Firstly, if he is heavily intoxicated with alcohol or drugs. “Well, what’s the point? He won’t succeed,” explains Nina. The second reason for refusal is a pronounced skin disease: “I work with my bare hands. I’m not a doctor, maybe he has ordinary dermatitis or eczema, but I’m not ashamed to ask about it. All kinds of people come to us: old, fat, bald, smelly. Sometimes it's all together. I realized that we have very few healthy men. That is, I washed it, but it smells even worse. But if your skin is clean, go to work and smile.” Thirdly, a guest may be refused if he pesters a girl: “They sign an agreement that the salon does not provide services of an intimate nature. He will be kicked out and the money will not be returned. Several times I refused to non-Russians (from the market) because they behave disgustingly. The richer a man is, the more decent he is. Leaves tips and treats the girl with respect. And these people come from the market and want to get everything for 2 thousand.”

It’s their women’s fault that men come to spas, Nina believes: “They like that we meet them beautiful, we don’t compost their brains, we don’t ask questions, we don’t ask for anything. They gave him a massage, rubbed his legs, stroked his head. Hiring a prostitute is dirty for them, just “ugh”. And the spa salon is a pleasant pastime. He's lying there, having fun, he's having a great time. Why their wives don’t do this is beyond me.” Nina herself doesn’t have a man. He says that with such work there is no energy or time left for him.

“If it doesn’t become a habit, it’s neither good nor bad.”

We asked psychiatrist-sexologist Tatyana Semashko to explain the popularity of this phenomenon.

Photo: Ekaterina Voronova

“Orgasm was given to man by nature in the process of evolution, so that he would not lose the desire to reproduce. After all, this is an energy-intensive process and life-threatening: you need to constantly fight with rivals. Therefore, the very first ejaculation in a man is accompanied by voluptuous sensations, that is, orgasm. From a neurophysiological point of view, orgasm is a reflex caused by irritation of trigger zones in the genital area.

For a modern person, sexuality is, first of all, relationships. The state of falling in love changes the biochemistry of the brain, internal drugs are released: neurotransmitters that are responsible for joy, hormones of empathy and passion. Orgasmic signals enter this biochemically altered brain along pathways through brain structures. And that animal orgasm that I talked about above turns into ecstasy.

Now let’s put next to it the cramp from masturbation or sex with ecstasy. This can be compared to taste sensations: it’s one thing to suck a caramel, another thing to put a piece of exquisite Swiss chocolate in your mouth. What happens during an erotic massage can be called the satisfaction of lust. If it doesn't become a habit, it's neither good nor bad. The alarm should be sounded if this has become the only way to realize one’s sexuality. Since I am a practicing specialist, people who become addicted to erotic massage come to me. I won’t say that such men stand in line to see me, but there are several of them every year. In patients, pair relationships are disrupted because a whole link—the desired woman—falls out of the sexual chain.”

“Sexual services can be different”

Lawyer Igor Savvin, representing the Ural-Garant company, explained where the line should be between just a massage and an action that violates the law.

“If this massage does not involve contact with the genitals, but is only of a relaxing nature (and whoever experiences what  — you can’t relate this to the case), then this activity cannot be recognized as prostitution, and liability in this case does not arise. Important signs of prostitution are systematicity, communication with various partners, always for a fee, and the fact that this activity is a constant and sometimes the only source of income. As for sexual services, they can be different; as a rule, they must use the genitals of partners. If a massage involves contact with a man’s genital organ and bringing him to orgasm, albeit through masturbation, then this should be qualified as the provision of intimate services and falls under Art. 241 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. “Organization of prostitution.”

The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Perm Territory answered the question of whether the activities of erotic massage parlors are a crime and answered this:

“In response to your request, I inform you that in the Perm Territory there is no judicial practice regarding the criminal activities of erotic massage parlors. All operational-search activities carried out by police officers in this area are strictly confidential and at the moment are not subject to disclosure in the media.”

Nina doesn’t consider herself a prostitute, but she doesn’t really know whether her profession is legal: in her memory there were no checks. The girl said that in large salons there is a special signal. If it works, she should put on a medical gown and proceed to a classic massage. “We each have a sanitary book. We complete all tests on time. Nothing will happen to the girl. The authorities will sit down,” she is sure.

Pavel’s salon was also never inspected: “I’ll tell you this: they punish those who are not needed. Prostitution, strip clubs and spas are needed. But everything must be civil. This is a kind of socialization. People need to rest. I think we're under control. We pay taxes. They are worried about those who receive at the apartments. There are real brothels there, breeding grounds for drug addiction and AIDS.”

Having your own massage parlor is one of the most profitable types of business, which allows you to earn good money with minimal investment. To open it, it is enough to have a small specially equipped room, a couch and a specialist with a diploma in completing a course in massage therapists. In addition, to provide cosmetic and restorative massage services, permission from the Ministry of Health is absolutely not required.

Salon registration

An important step in starting a business is registering an enterprise. At the same time, it is important to decide on the direction of services, since the type of business activity and whether you need a diploma in medical education depends on this.

If you are going to provide exclusively cosmetic or hygienic, restorative massage services, then you do not need a medical education. In this case you will need:

  1. Register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Conclude agreements with special waste disposal services.
  3. Conclude agreements with services that carry out disinfection and disinfestation.
  4. Obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.
  5. Obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor.
  6. Pass a fire department inspection.

The situation is somewhat more complicated when you are going to provide manual therapy and medical massage services. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a license to provide services from the Ministry of Health . It can be obtained by a person with a medical education. Therefore, if you do not have a medical diploma, as well as a certificate of completion of massage therapist courses, you need to register the company as an LLC and invite a person with a higher medical education to serve as director. In this case, it will be he, not you, who will officially provide the services.

Premises requirements

Serious requirements are also put forward for the choice of premises for the provision of services. It must comply with the following standards:

  • The room should not be located in the basement.
  • There must be at least 8 square meters per massage therapist.
  • If two specialists providing couples massage services work in one office, the room must have an area of ​​12 square meters.
  • The room must have tiles or washable wallpaper.
  • The room must be equipped with a bathroom.
  • Availability of working ventilation and air conditioning.
  • Availability of showers with cold and hot water for employees.

Also, for the convenience of visitors, it is desirable that the office be located on the first or second floor.

A big plus would be the presence of a bath for relaxation.

It is advisable that each massage therapist have a separate room and 1-2 rooms are equipped for couples massage.

In addition to the massage room, there should be an administrator's office combined with a waiting room. A break room for employees would also be nice. In general, 70-80 sq. m is enough to open a salon.

As practice shows, there should be up to 5 workplaces in the salon. If there are more of them, the right decision would be to open another salon in another area of ​​the city.

As for the geographical location, it is desirable that there are no competing salons near the new salon. A very good option is to locate the salon in the building of a fitness center or not far from it. By the way, you can also open a fitness club yourself.

Sanitary requirements

As in any establishment that provides cosmetic or medical services, sanitary requirements are imposed on the massage parlor. The main one is weekly disinfection.

It is important to record the date of cleaning and the products used during it. Once a month, general cleaning of the offices is required.

Water must be supplied to the massage therapist's workplace. Hand sanitizers should also be available.