Catering enterprise workshops. Equipment – ​​vegetable shop Vegetable shop diagram with description

The production of semi-finished vegetable products at the Vivat-Trade catering enterprise is carried out in a specialized workshop. For this purpose, the enterprise has equipped a special room where the primary processing of potatoes and vegetables and the preparation of semi-finished products from them are carried out. The vegetable shop is located next to the vegetable pantry and close to the pre-production shop for convenient transportation of semi-finished products. The equipment in the workshop is installed along the technological process, which ensures high productivity of workers and quality of products. Also, when placing equipment, the volume of work and the number of simultaneously employed workers are taken into account. The total area of ​​the vegetable shop is 24.58 m2. The range of vegetables processed by the vegetable shop includes: potatoes, root vegetables, greens, cabbage vegetables, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers; chicken eggs are also processed (separation from the shell). The entire technological process begins with the fact that before the start of the working day, the availability of an assortment of vegetables intended for processing is checked. Then an application is made.

Vegetables are usually divided into the following groups:

    tubers - potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear), sweet potato (sweet potato);

    root vegetables - carrots, radishes, radishes, parsley, beets, turnips, rutabaga, parsnips, celery, horseradish;

    cabbage - white, red, savoy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi;

    salad-spinach - lettuce, spinach, sorrel, nettle;

    onions - onions, green onions, leeks, garlic;

    spicy - dill, tarragon, savory, basil, marjoram;

    fruit (pumpkin) - cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon, melon, squash;

    tomato - tomatoes, eggplants, hot and sweet peppers;

    legumes - peas, beans, beans;

    cereals - sweet corn;

    dessert - rhubarb, artichokes, asparagus.

Primary processing of vegetables includes the following technological operations: sorting, washing, peeling, slicing.

Sorting serves to ensure the rational use of vegetables and reduce waste during processing. When sorting, rotten, dented specimens and foreign impurities are removed and sorted by size and quality.

Washing is used to remove contaminants from the surface of vegetables; it is carried out using vegetable washing machines or manually.

Peeling of vegetables occurs in vegetable peeling machines or manually.

Vegetables are cut mechanically or manually. Slicing serves for uniform heat treatment of vegetables, in addition, it gives the dishes a pleasant appearance.

Primary processing of vegetables is carried out in a vegetable workshop, where machines and units for washing, peeling and cutting vegetables, production tables, baths and containers for storing vegetables, devices for settling starch, etc. are installed.

Primary processing of vegetables is carried out in an isolated room, since the surface of the vegetables is contaminated with soil. Primary processing produces wet waste containing a large number of microorganisms.

After removing the skins, the vegetables are thoroughly washed. Peeled potatoes should be stored in water at a temperature no higher than 12 °C for up to 2-3 hours.

The quality of processed raw materials at the Vivat-Trade enterprise is controlled by a technologist who is based on sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

From a hygienic point of view, a vegetable shop poses a danger as a source of possible soil contamination of raw materials. Poorly washed vegetables can cause the spread of intestinal pathogens. In addition, large amounts of sand and stones washed off vegetables can clog the sewer system.

In this regard, when designing a vegetable workshop, its maximum isolation from the production premises is provided. In an enterprise with a full technological cycle, it is usually located in close proximity to the warehouse group of premises.

Workstations are equipped with tools and equipment to perform certain operations. In accordance with the technological process, 3 workplaces are organized in the workshop:

1. Peeling potatoes and root vegetables, further cleaning and washing them. The workplace for processing potatoes and root vegetables is equipped with a washing bath, a periodic potato peeler, a special table made of stainless steel with recesses for peeled potatoes and two grooved holes: on the left - for peeled vegetables, on the right - for waste, as well as equipment, a stock rack;

2. Processing seasonal vegetables and peeling onions and garlic. The workplace for processing white cabbage and seasonal vegetables and onions is equipped with a special table with a built-in bathroom and the necessary equipment (cutting boards, trays, knives, etc.).

3. Slicing vegetables, a production table, a vegetable cutting machine, as well as the necessary equipment are installed.

The equipment in the workshop is located next to the wall.

Each employee has a workplace equipped with a special table with an exhaust hood.

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager. There is one person working in the workshop – a 4th grade cook. For the evening work of the enterprise, semi-finished vegetable products are prepared in advance, taking into account their shelf life and sale. Head production according to the production program draws up a schedule for the release of semi-finished vegetable products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day, and the shelf life of semi-finished products. At the end of the working day, the responsible workshop employee draws up a report on the amount of raw materials consumed and semi-finished products produced.

To avoid accidents, kitchen workers learn how to operate equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager. Rules for its operation are posted at the equipment locations. The floor in the workshops is flat, without protrusions, and not slippery.

During work, waste is removed and processed in a timely manner, and the sanitary condition of the workshop and each worker is monitored.

The plan of the vegetable shop with the placement of equipment is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Layout of a vegetable shop with equipment placement

1 – electronic table scales CAS AD-5; 2 – RADA PT-2 accessory; 3 – sink for washing hands RADA Washstand 02; 4 – two-section bath with surface RADA Navy 2/620; 5 – electronic table scales CAS AD-5; 6 – Polair UC refrigerator; 7 – production table RADA SP-12/6; 8 – vegetable cutting machine ROBOT COUPE CL5; 9 – solid wall shelf RADA PS-12/4N; 10 – universal cleaning machine FIMAR PPF/5

Figure 2 Production equipment and containers of the vegetable shop

Production equipment and containers of the vegetable shop:

1. knives: a – root, 6 – carving, c – for peeling vegetables; d, e – to remove eyes;

2. vegetable graters;

3. devices for wiping vegetables;

4. containers for storing peeled vegetables.

Electrical equipment is grounded. When working with kitchen equipment, employees know and strictly follow the rules for operating this equipment. Before starting work, check the serviceability of the machine. Closed type switches and fuses. Turn the machines on and off using the START and STOP buttons. All moving parts of the machines are fenced, and the body is grounded. If a malfunction is detected, the supervisor is notified and the machine is not used.

Incoming control of vegetable raw materials is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Incoming control of vegetable raw materials

Object of control and current ND

Frequency of control

Type of control

Controlled indicators

ND for test method

Registration of results


Fresh table beets GOST 1722-85

Each batch



Appearance, taste, smell, size of fruits, content of damaged fruits with signs of spoilage, presence of soil stuck to root crops.

GOST 1722-85

Fresh table carrots GOST 1721-85

Each batch



Appearance, taste, smell, Size, content of cracked, ugly root crops, content of rotten root crops with signs of spoilage

GOST 1721-85

Logbook for quality control of incoming raw materials

Storekeeper, manager production

"I affirm"

Commercial Director

LLC "Vivat-trade"

Goncharova E.M.

control study of culinary products, flour confectionery

and bakery products, determining waste and loss standards for new types

raw materials, food products, materials

Name of the enterprise – Vivat-trade LLC

Venue: vegetable shop

Commission consisting of:

Head production: I.A. Ivanova

Director: Goncharova E.M.

Accountant: I.K. Chebnykh

Control preparation of the semi-finished product was carried out:

Peeled potatoes

For control testing the following was taken:


Semi-finished product yield, kg: 11.3 kg.

Cooking technology:

Peel the prepared potatoes in a potato peeling machine.

Signatures of the commission members:


In accordance with the technological process, the following workplaces are organized in the workshop:

Processing potatoes and root crops, cleaning and washing them;

Processing onions and garlic;

Processing fresh cabbage, zucchini, fresh herbs and other vegetables.

The workplace for processing potatoes and root vegetables is equipped with a washing bath, a batch vegetable peeler, a special stainless steel table with a recess for peeled potatoes and two groove holes: for peeled vegetables and for waste. Necessary equipment: containers for peeled vegetables and waste, chef's knives.

At the workplace for cleaning onions and garlic, a special table with an exhaust device is installed.

At the workplace for cleaning and processing fresh cabbage and seasonal vegetables, a production table, a washing bath, cutting boards, trays, and knives are installed.

The vegetable shop is designed for culinary mechanical processing of vegetables and root crops and the production of semi-finished vegetable products.

In a large vegetable workshop, production lines are installed for

potato peeling, in which all processes are mechanized, and

potatoes are served by conveyors. Peel potatoes in potato peelers of various capacities.

Proper equipment of workplaces, a certain form and

The quality of knives largely determines the output of the workshop and helps reduce waste when processing vegetables.

Potato processing line can be used for peeling

any root vegetables.

Cabbage, tomatoes, herbs, and cucumbers are processed separately. All

vegetables are sorted and spoiled ones are removed. Store peeled root vegetables and herbs in mobile tubs with a mesh bottom. Peeled vegetables are sent to pre-production shops as whole fruits or

sliced ​​depending on their further purpose. Rifling-

Vegetables are cut using vegetable cutters of various designs or by hand.

There are various forms of cutting: slices, sticks, co-

breaking, slices, cubes.

For manual cutting, use a medium-sized chef's knife.

chef's three, also pubic and root

knives and cutting board. Boards are made from hard

types of wood, the end side of the boards is marked by burning the corresponding letters: CO - raw vegetables, BO - boiled vegetables.

Wooden oars for washing vegetables, colanders for unloading vegetables from water, screens for washing greens, plastic buckets, tanks.

Peeled vegetables are stored in a refrigerated room at a temperature

temperature not higher than 40C for 12 hours.

Labor organization of vegetable shop workers

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager. The workshop has one second-class cleaner who performs all operations on processing vegetables and preparing semi-finished products. The production manager, according to the menu plan, draws up a schedule for the release of semi-finished vegetable products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day and the shelf life of semi-finished products.

At the end of the working day, the production manager draws up a report on the amount of raw materials consumed and semi-finished products produced.

The required amount of labor to work in the workshop is calculated depending on the agreed production standards, taking into account

increasing labor productivity and replacing workers on weekends and holidays. According to the complexity and nature of the work performed

in the vegetable shop, workers of categories III – V are used:

cooks, manufacturers of semi-finished food products and kitchen workers.

Financial responsibility for timely and high-quality

The production of semi-finished products is the responsibility of the foreman or shop manager.

Safety and health in the workshop.

unaware of operating rules. Every car should have

work rules and work safety manuals are posted. It is necessary to regularly provide each employee with ongoing training on the rules of equipment operation. The room temperature should not be lower than 160 C. Drafts are not allowed. Switches and fuses must be installed in a closed type. You can turn the machines on and off only using the "Start" and "Stop" buttons located directly on the

machine body. All moving parts of machines must be guarded and motors must be grounded. Replace replacement parts and lubricate

The machine should only be operated when the drive is switched off. Vegetables are possible

push into the loading hatch with a special pusher.

The floor must be level, non-slippery, with a slope towards the ladders for

water drainage. Production tables and bathtubs must be without

sharp corners, and vegetable washers and potato peelers must be protected with sides 10–12 cm high. Women have the right to lift weights of no more than 20 kg (together – 50 kg), men – up to 80 kg. To move larger loads, you need to use trolleys. Vegetables from baths with water should be unloaded with special mesh scoops or colanders. The capacity of the dishes for loading vegetables into the machine should not exceed 8 - 10 kg.

Rules of sanitation and hygiene in the vegetable shop.

Equipment in workshops is installed so that it has easy access for cleaning. After work, the working metal parts of the machines are disassembled, washed thoroughly, scalded with boiling water, and dried in the oven. After cleaning, the cars are covered with clean covers. Baths for washing vegetables are made of anti-corrosion material. Tables for processing food products and preparing culinary products are covered with sheets of stainless steel and duralumin. For cutting vegetables, table tops can be made of wood, but smoothly planed. For cutting vegetables, cutting tables and marked boards are allocated, which are stored in the vegetable shop in specially designated areas. Wooden equipment is cleaned daily, washed with soda, boiled, and dried. Plastic utensils are used from materials approved by state sanitary inspection authorities. Timely and properly organized cleaning of public catering establishments from various impurities, which is carried out using treatment facilities, is of important sanitary and anti-epidemiological importance. Liquid waste is removed in two ways.

1) special pneumatic sewage transport outside the populated area.

2) through pipes (floating system) - sewerage.

At public catering establishments, in addition to sewerage, it is necessary to provide a system for the collection and disposal of solid waste and waste. To collect such waste, it is recommended to install pedal buckets or small bins with a tight-fitting lid. It is allowed to store garbage and waste in production premises for no more than 4-7 hours.

On the territory of the enterprise, sealed collections should be provided, preferably container type, separately for food waste and garbage. All waste must be removed regularly, daily in summer, every other day in winter. To store food waste intended for livestock feed, it is advisable to equip special chambers that are cooled to a temperature of 2 degrees and have a separate entrance.

To collect waste, you can use metal garbage receptacles of small capacity (80-100 l). Garbage receptacles should be regularly cleaned and disinfected with a 10% bleach solution. They should be installed at a distance of at least 25 m from the main production.

Primary processing of vegetables is carried out only in the vegetable shop. Before peeling, potatoes and vegetables are washed. Peeled potatoes can be stored uncut in water for no more than 4 hours. Root vegetables are sorted, washed and peeled in the same way as potatoes, but stored without water, covered with a damp, clean cloth.

Personal hygiene of workers.

A number of sanitary rules that employees of catering establishments must follow. Following the rules of personal hygiene is important in preventing food contamination by microbes that can cause infectious diseases and food poisoning.

Personal hygiene improves the culture of customer service and serves as an important indicator of the overall culture of P.O.P. The rules of personal hygiene provide for a number of hygienic requirements for the maintenance of the body, hands and oral cavity, for sanitary clothing, for the sanitary regime of the enterprise, and for the medical examination of cooks. Keeping the body clean is an important hygienic requirement. Therefore, all employees are recommended to take a shower before work.

Sanitary clothing – protects products from contamination that may enter them from the body. The set includes: a robe or jacket with buttons, an apron, a cap, special. shoes, towel. Hair should be hidden under a cap, shoes with rubber soles without heels. Earrings, rings, bracelets, chains and other items are not allowed.

Only healthy people are allowed to work with food.

A sick person or carrier of pathogenic bacteria can infect food, and that, in turn, contaminate those who consume it. In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to comply with the rules of personal hygiene by all employees of public catering establishments.

Only persons who have passed the

special medical examination. It includes research

intestinal microflora for pathogens of acute intestinal diseases and

helminth carriage. Persons with tuberculosis are not allowed to work,

skin and venereal diseases. Each person hired is given a sanitary book, which contains the results of a medical examination and laboratory tests, subsequently medical examinations; examinations are carried out regularly in the manner established by sanitary and epidemiological stations; before starting work, it is necessary to wash your hands, put on sanitary clothing, and tuck your hair under a cap or headscarf.

The sanitary doctor checks the condition of workers daily. Temporarily removes from work persons with pustular skin diseases, cuts, burns. People who are sick with a sore throat and other nasopharyngeal diseases are also not allowed to work. Germs contained in saliva can get onto food when talking, coughing, or sneezing and cause contamination. When working with products, you must wash your hands after each technological operation. It is especially important to observe this rule when moving from cutting raw products to working with finished products. After washing, hands are dried with an electric towel. Before using the toilet, take off your overalls and then wash your hands thoroughly with soap. There should be no foreign objects in the pockets of the uniform; it is forbidden to pin it with pins. Change clothes as they become dirty, but at least once every two days. Persons working with products are prohibited from wearing rings, beads, or earrings. Nails should be cut short and without polish.

Layout of the vegetable shop: Appendix No. 5.

Vegetable shop Designed for primary processing of vegetables and production of semi-finished vegetable products. The vegetable shop is located next to the vegetable warehouse. All equipment in the workshop is installed during the technological process. In the vegetable workshop, independent lines are organized for processing potatoes and root vegetables, onion vegetables, cabbage, etc.

The range and quantity of semi-finished products produced by the workshop depend on the production program of the enterprise and its capacity.

Primary processing of potatoes and root crops consists of the following operations: sorting and sizing, washing, cleaning, post-cleaning, washing, cutting. Potatoes are sorted to remove foreign impurities (stones, clods of earth, etc.). Sizing machines are used to size tubers, which reduces waste during machine cleaning. There are several ways to peel potatoes: mechanical, thermal (steam), chemical and combined.

With the mechanical cleaning method, vegetables are peeled due to friction against the rough (abrasive) surface of the working parts of the machine with a continuous flow of water. You can wash potatoes in a potato peeler with an erased abrasive mass or manually in low baths, loading them in buckets into special nets.

With the thermal cleaning method, the tubers are steamed, then the surface layer is blown with a stream of steam or water under high pressure. This method is considered the most effective, but it is rarely used at Russian enterprises.

With the chemical cleaning method, potatoes are treated in special drums with a solution of caustic soda, then the surface layer is separated with a strong stream of water, while simultaneously washing the tubers.

Peel potatoes in potato peelers of various capacities. The machines are produced in floor-standing and tabletop versions. During cleaning, the pulp is washed off with water constantly flowing into the machine.

Equipment for a vegetable shop is selected according to Equipment Standards, depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment of the vegetable workshop is a potato peeler MOK-125, MOK-256, MOK-400, a universal vegetable cutter MPO-50-200, MPO-350, as well as non-mechanical equipment (production tables, tables for peeling potatoes, washing baths, stock racks for vegetables ).

Potato peelers have special settling tanks to catch waste. Vegetable washers and potato peelers are protected with sides 10...12 cm high.

Workplaces are equipped with tools and equipment to perform certain operations.

In the vegetable workshop there is a line for processing potatoes and root vegetables and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs. The equipment is installed along the technological process.

A washing bath and potato peeler are installed on the potato and root crop processing line.

Additional cleaning of potatoes and root vegetables (removal of remaining eyes, skin particles, etc.) is carried out on special tables. In the center of the tabletop there is a bathtub for storing peeled potatoes in water. In front of each worker there are two recesses: the left one is for peeled vegetables, the right one is for waste. Appropriate containers are installed under the table. Peeled potatoes are stored for no more than 2-3 hours in cold water. For manual cleaning, special grooved knives are used. Workers must have wooden flooring under their feet. The floor in the workshop should be level, non-slippery, with a slope towards the drains for water drainage. Production tables and baths must have no sharp corners.

Processing of root crops in vegetable shops is carried out on technological lines for processing potatoes.

Production tables and washing baths are installed on the cabbage and greens processing line.

Fresh cabbage and seasonal vegetables (pumpkin, eggplant, zucchini, cauliflower, peppers, etc.) are processed separately. On production tables, vegetables are sorted, sorted, and spoiled and heavily contaminated parts are removed. Remove the top leaf from the cabbage and cut out the stalk. At the workplace, to the left of the cook there are unpeeled vegetables, and to the right there is a container for peeled (processed) vegetables. Then the vegetables are washed in baths with mesh liners and large colanders.

On the processing line for greens (dill, parsley, green onions, etc.), sorting, sorting, removal of rotten or dried parts, and separation of roots are carried out. Cleaning and washing of greenery is carried out on special production tables that have a built-in bathtub and supplied water through a shower mixer.

Onions, garlic and horseradish are peeled on special tables equipped with exhaust devices. The workers' hands are behind the glass, inside the cabinet. This allows you to remove essential oils, which, when cleaning these vegetables, irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory organs. In small enterprises, onions are peeled near a fan; The onions are soaked before peeling. After soaking, the onions can be peeled on production tables. The blade of the knife for peeling and chopping onions is moistened with cold running water.

Peeled vegetables are sent to pre-production shops whole or chopped, depending on their further culinary use.

Vegetables are cut using vegetable cutters or by hand, for which they use vegetable cutting machines, knives, and cutting boards marked “OS”. Peeled vegetables are stored at a temperature of 2... 4 °C for no more than 12 hours

In the vegetable shop it is necessary to strictly follow the rules occupational health and safety:

Workers who know their structure well and have undergone special training are allowed to work on devices and machines;

Posters and safety instructions are posted at workplaces;

Workshop workers servicing the machines are prohibited from putting their hands into the working chambers of potato peelers and vegetable cutters;

Starting devices of devices and machines (buttons, switches) must be covered with special casings, and the machines must have grounding and grounding;

To load devices and machines, use containers with a capacity of no more than 8-10 kg; for women it is allowed to carry loads weighing no more than 20 kg;

Maintain the temperature in the workshop at a level not lower than 150 C;

For sanitary purposes, remove waste from the workshop as it accumulates.

Organization of labor in the workshop

The work of small vegetable shops is organized by the production manager; Large vegetable shops are headed by a shop manager or foreman.

Vegetable peelers of the 1st and 2nd categories, 2-5 people, perform all operations for processing vegetables and preparing semi-finished products. According to the production program, a schedule is drawn up for the release of semi-finished vegetable products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day.

At the end of the working day, the responsible workshop employee draws up a report on the amount of raw materials consumed and semi-finished products produced.

Purpose: for the primary processing of vegetables and the production of semi-finished products from them.

Accommodation: at large and medium-sized enterprises near vegetable chambers, hot and cold shops.

Equipment: potato peelers MOK 125 (250; 400), universal vegetable cutter MPO – 50 – 200, MPO350, universal drive P – 2, production tables, potato cleaning tables, washing baths, stock racks.

Tools and equipment: knives (root knives, carving knives, for peeling vegetables, for removing eyes), graters, devices for wiping vegetables, a device for cutting greens, containers, tanks, etc.

Technological lines:

· processing of potatoes and root crops (washing bath, potato peeler, finishing table);

· processing of cabbage and other vegetables, herbs (production tables, washing baths);

· peeling onions and garlic (tables with hood).

The finishing table has a bath for peeled vegetables and two holes: on the left for peeled vegetables, on the right for waste.

Organization of work in the workshop: Work in small vegetable shops is organized by the production manager. Vegetable peelers of the 1st and 2nd categories perform all operations for processing vegetables and preparing food. According to the production program, a schedule is drawn up for the production of vegetable products in batches depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day. At the end of the working day, the responsible workshop employee draws up a report on the amount of raw materials consumed and products produced.

Equipment in the workshop is installed along the technological process. At the entrance to the room, a chest or bin for potatoes and root vegetables is installed, next to it is a potato peeler without a grating surface for washing and a potato peeler for cleaning potatoes and root vegetables. Tables for cleaning root crops are installed, and then a bath for storing peeled potatoes, production tables and a universal drive are installed. To clean and wash the remaining vegetables, install a work table, a bathtub with one compartment, and a table for peeling onions and horseradish; There should be a sink near the front door, and a sand trap near the potato peeler (a starch settler is used to catch starch).

When organizing the work of a vegetable shop of any capacity, the entire range of vegetables intended for processing must be available before the start of the working day. The head of the workshop (foreman, cleaner) must have a production plan (indicating time), coordinated with the production plan of other workshops. In accordance with the production plan, work schedules are also drawn up.

11.3 Organization of workplaces in the vegetable shop

The level of organization of jobs in a vegetable shop is influenced by the volume of work on cleaning vegetables. Vegetables are usually supplied in containers, which ensures proper sanitary condition of the vegetable shop.

When the volume of processed raw materials is small, when various technological processes and operations can be performed sequentially on the same equipment, common workplaces are organized for processing potatoes, root crops and other vegetables. In high-capacity workshops, when several technological processes are carried out in parallel, separate workplaces are organized for processing potatoes, cabbage, herbs, and onions.

When organizing workplaces in a vegetable shop, the sequence of all operations of the technological process must be ensured.

Sorting tubers quality and size are determined in calibrating machines. It allows you to reduce waste during machine cleaning and allows you to load tubers of approximately the same size into the machine.

Washing produced in washing or washing-cleaning machines.

When washing by hand, low baths are used, which are installed under the ladder next to the potato peeler. Vegetables are poured from a box or chest into a metal mesh (bucket with a lattice bottom), placed in a bathtub and watered with water from a hose.

Cleaning Peeling of potatoes and root vegetables is divided into two operations: preliminary cleaning in special machines and post-cleaning of root vegetables manually.

Cleaning up In large enterprises, potatoes are produced on a conveyor belt, and in small and medium enterprises - by indigenous workers on special tables. On the table top there is a bath made of non-oxidizing metal, into which peeled potatoes are placed and filled with water. The breadwinner works while sitting on a chair with armrests. Taking a tuber from the bath, she removes the eyes with a knife. On the right side of the root bowl there is a chute for cleaning, on the left there is a hole for peeled vegetables. Waste flows through a chute into a container located under the table.

For manual cleaning, special knives are used - rooted with a short blade of 6-7 cm and a beveled end; grooved, having the shape of a tube cut lengthwise with a sharp end and a protrusion in the middle; The scraper knife is short, wide, groove-shaped, with a rounded-sharp cut off end.

Sulfitation is carried out after post-cleaning in a special machine or in a bath with two compartments. One compartment of the bath is filled with sodium bisulfite solution, and the second compartment receives running water for washing the potatoes. Potatoes in duralumin nets are immersed for 5 minutes in a bath with 1% sodium bisulfite solution. Then let the solution drain and immerse it 2-3 times in a bath of running water.

Slicing carried out both by machine and manually (curly). For manual slicing and chopping of vegetables, production tables with metal covers are installed at the workplace. Slicing is carried out on cutting boards placed on the table top.

The boards are made from hardwood, and the end sides of the boards are marked. When processing vegetables, tools should be on the right side, and raw materials on the left. On the worker’s left at the table there is a mobile tub with potatoes and root vegetables prepared for slicing, and on the right there is a container for chopped semi-finished products. Chopped vegetables are placed in mobile baths and sent to a hot shop for heat treatment.

Workstations for processing other vegetables.

Vegetables are sorted and peeled. Remove the top leaf from the cabbage. At the workplace where these operations are performed, production tables are installed. Waste is poured into designated containers. At the workplace, to the right of the employee there is a container for peeled vegetables, to the left are vegetables intended for peeling. If vegetables need to be washed after cleaning, then for this purpose mobile baths are used, into which water is poured, baths with an insert mesh, colanders, etc.

For washing greens, tables with containers built into them are convenient, to which water is supplied through a faucet - mixer with a hand shower. The container must have a drainage system with a siphon.

Peeling of onions, garlic and horseradish is done on a special table with a fume hood. The hood allows you to remove essential oils that are released during cleaning. The release of essential oils from onions is sharply reduced if they are soaked before peeling.


1. The blank shop is designed to:

1) for the production of semi-finished products;

2) for the procurement of raw materials;

3) for preparing canned food;

4) for the production of meat gastronomy;

5) for the manufacture of finished products.

2. The following does not apply to procurement workshops:

1) vegetable shop;

2) meat shop;

3) fish shop;

4) greenery processing workshop;

5) confectionery shop.

3. Vegetable shop equipment:

1) MOK-250; TMM-1M; MPM -800;

2) MOK-250; MRO 50-200; PU-0.6;

3) MOK-250; MV 35;

4) MOK-250; MRI 60;

5) MOK-250; MIM 82.

4. Methods for cleaning potatoes and root vegetables:

1) mechanical and manual;

2) mechanical, thermal, chemical;

3) mechanical and thermal;

4) on the production line and using a knife;

5) thermal and biological.

5. To prevent potatoes from turning black:

1) fill with water;

2) sulfite;

3) stored in a vacuum;

4) store in the refrigerator;

5) store in salted water.

6. Potato sulfation is carried out:

1) 1% soda solution;

2) 1% sodium bisulfite solution;

3) 3% sodium bisulfite solution;

4) 5% vinegar solution;

5) 0.5% sodium chloride solution.

7. Meat shop equipment:

1) MIM 82; MRI 60;

2) PM 1-1; MRO 50-200;

3) MIM 82; PM 1; MRG 300

4) MRM 15; MIM105; PM 1

5) MPZ 180; MIM 82; MRM 15.

8. Meat is thawed at a temperature:

1) 10-15 degrees;

2) 8-10 degrees;

3) 15-18 degrees;

4) 18-20 degrees;

5) 20-25 degrees.

9. The technological process of meat processing consists of the following operations:

1) thawing, washing, drying, cutting, boning, trimming,

cooking p\f;

2) thawing, washing, cutting, trimming, deboning, cooking;

3) washing, thawing, trimming, cutting, cooking;

4) deboning, trimming, washing, cutting, cooking;

5) trimming, cutting, washing, cooking.

A vegetable shop is a shop where mechanical processing of vegetables is carried out, i.e. processing, washing, sorting or grading, cleaning, washing and cutting.

Equipment intended for processing vegetables is located in accordance with the progress of the technological process. At the entrance to the premises there is a small stall for short-term storage of potatoes and vegetables. There is a potato peeler nearby. Pre-sorted potatoes and vegetables are poured into the machine in buckets and pushed through with a special pusher. Store peeled potatoes for a short time in a bath of water. Cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs are processed separately in a bathtub with running water through a shower mixer. Store vegetables and herbs in cauldrons and trays (greens under a wet cloth).

Slicing is done manually or on a vegetable cutter, which is located in a cold workshop. When chopping by hand, use a medium chef's knife and cutting boards marked “CO” - raw vegetables.

Conditions and periods of storage of peeled vegetables. Peeled potatoes are stored in cold water for no more than 1 - 2 hours. Treated root vegetables are stored at temperatures from 0 0 to 4 0 C, covered with a damp cloth, no more than 10–12 hours. In the cafe, the following equipment is used for work in the vegetable shop: peeling knives marked “CO” - raw vegetables, vegetable graters, waste collection barrels, cutting boards marked “CO”.

Table 1 - Percentage of vegetables entering the workshop

Table 2 - Waste percentages during mechanical processing of vegetables and waste standards

Table 3 - Culinary use of vegetables

Vegetable cutting form Net weight, kg. Culinary use
Entirely unrefined 0,9 The vinaigrette
Entirely peeled 14,25 Mashed potatoes
Cubes 20x20x20 20,0 Homemade roast
Blocks 7x7x50 Borsch
Carrots, whole, unpeeled 0,4 The vinaigrette 0,4 The vinaigrette
Peeled into 5x5x5 cubes 0,4 Sauce
Peeled into strips 2.5x2.5x60 0,5 Borsch
Whole beets, unpeeled 0,6 The vinaigrette
Peeled into strips 2.5x2.5x60 3,0 Borsch
Onion diced 2x2x2 2,0 Homemade roast
Straw 2.5x2.5x60 0,4 Sauce
Cubes 2x2x2 1,5 Liver in Stronov style

3.2. Meat - fish shop

Meat - fish shop is a shop where mechanical culinary processing of meat and fish, offal and poultry takes place.

Meat, fish, and poultry enter the workshop from the refrigeration chamber on a special trolley. The workshop is equipped with production tables, baths (for meat, fish, poultry), a refrigeration cabinet, and mechanical equipment.

Mechanical culinary processing of meat consists of the following operations:

Thawing, washing, drying, cutting, boning, cleaning, slicing, portioning.

The mascara is washed in the bathroom with water from the shower head. The carcass is cut into pieces on a cutting chair with an ax. Boning is carried out manually on a production table using a medium chef's knife with a thin blade. In addition to knives, various equipment is used for processing meat. When making cutlet mass, the meat is ground in a meat grinder and cut by hand. For portioning the cutlets there is a tray with breadcrumbs; cutting boards, spice boxes, bowls for soaking bread.

Currently, the cafe receives meat in large pieces, and instead of chicken, it buys chicken legs.

In a meat and fish shop, the meat is first washed and processed. Then the meat bath and production table are washed and treated with a 2% chloramine solution. After this, the processing of chicken legs begins.

Frozen legs are defrosted indoors at a temperature of 8-10C and a relative humidity of 85-95% for 10-20 hours. Then the legs are washed with cold running water, removing dirt and blood clots, and portioned into 120 gram portions. Weight of fried legs is 100 grams (see Appendix “Menu”).

Defrosting, washing, preparing semi-finished products

Cutting boards and knives are marked with the letters “SM” - raw meat, “SK” - raw chicken, “SR” - raw fish. In the same workshop, mechanical processing of fish and preparation of semi-finished products from it is carried out (see Figure 4 “meat processing diagram” and Figure 5 “processing diagram of fish with a bone skeleton”).

Table 4 - Percentage of raw materials entering meat - fish shop
