“ABC of professions. ABC of professions ABC of professions for elementary school

GBOU secondary school No. 544

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What is a profession?

Profession - A type of work activity or occupation that requires special training.

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Plays in the theater and acts in films

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A scientist who studies the past of humanity using material sources. Material sources are tools of production and buildings created with their help, weapons, jewelry, dishes, etc. The profession of an archaeologist is often compared to the work of a surgeon - in both cases, one wrong move with a knife can lead to the death of the patient. Of course, in most cases, archaeologists do not wield a knife, but a shovel, scoop, spoon, and even an ordinary toothbrush.

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Studying stars and planets

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Figures out how to grow more vegetables, fruits and grains

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Profession artist!

He is both a wolf and Santa Claus, And he makes kids laugh to tears, Last time he was a teacher, The day after tomorrow he is a driver, He must know a lot, Because he is an artist!

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A climber is always an athlete, in other words, a mountain climber.

The sporting essence of mountaineering is to overcome obstacles created by nature (height, terrain, weather) on the way to the top.

After all the Alpine peaks were conquered, the gaze of climbers increasingly began to turn to other mountainous regions of America, Africa, and New Zealand. The turn has come to the Himalayas.

The first attempts to conquer the peaks in the Himalayas date back to the beginning of the 19th century. However, after the first attempts, it became clear that an expedition to a peak above 6,000-7,000 m poses many new problems for climbers, primarily related to altitude, low development of mountain areas, and large scale approaches to the foot of the peaks.

When practicing mountaineering, you have to overcome various natural obstacles: rivers, rocks, snow, glaciers, icefalls. Overcoming them is usually associated with danger. Over the long history of mountaineering, a special technique for overcoming dangerous mountain terrain has been developed.

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Civil aviation flight attendant

Contents of work: Checks the sanitary condition of cabins, salons, the operation of electrical equipment, receives containers with food and kitchen equipment, mail and other cargo, places passengers in the cabin, organizes meals, informs about attractions, monitors the cleanliness of the premises, provides the necessary assistance to passengers during the flight . Professionally important qualities: * responsibility; * emotional-volitional stability; * communication skills; * good diction; * physical endurance and health; * ability to correctly assess the situation. Medical contraindications: * cardiovascular diseases; * diseases associated with loss of consciousness; * dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system; * disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

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Contents of work: Conducts individual conversations with readers, assists them in choosing books, magazines, organizes thematic literary conferences, book exhibitions, completes the book collection, keeps records of the library collection, etc. Professionally important qualities: * high communication skills; * tact; * emotional endurance; * good memory. Qualification requirements: Library technical school or the corresponding department of the cultural institute. Medical contraindications: * poor vision; * nervous and mental diseases; * allergic diseases.

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Contents of work: Performs accounting, audit and financial control at enterprises and organizations of the national economy, small businesses, joint-stock companies, joint ventures; verifies the accuracy of the information received, monitors compliance with the law when spending funds. Professionally important qualities: * ability to count quickly and correctly; * the ability to analyze numbers, understand the essence of production processes behind their dynamics and be able to influence them in a timely manner; * patience; * exposure; * perseverance; * resistance to monotony; * painstakingness.

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Profession doctor!

Don't be afraid of the pediatrician, Don't worry, calm down, And, of course, don't cry, He's just a pediatrician.

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A diver is a specialist trained in diving and performing various underwater work.

The main responsibility of a diver is to perform underwater technical work under water during the construction of hydraulic structures, servicing underwater oil pipelines, clearing the bottom of port water areas, etc.

Professional divers must have a very high level of training, good health and reliable equipment.

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The immediate subject of a paramedic’s work is a healthy population of farm animals, impeccable (in terms of sanitation, hygiene) conditions for their maintenance, growth, and development. A veterinarian carries out vaccinations and treats sick animals on a farm, livestock complex, as well as animals belonging to the public. Carries out measures to prevent the spread of animal diseases, vigilantly monitors the quality of meat and milk.

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Drawing is the deformation of metal by pulling rolled or pressed blanks through a hole in order to reduce their cross-section or obtain more accurate dimensions and a smooth surface. Processing of metals by drawing is carried out on a drawing mill, which consists of a die and a pulling device that imparts movement to the metal being processed through the die. The drawer carries out drawing and calibration on drawing mills and special lines of rod and coil metal of various diameters from steels of all profiles and grades, including hard-to-deform, heat-resistant, complex-alloyed and other special grades of steel in a hot state.

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Cleans hotel rooms

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The task of a geologist is to identify and evaluate mineral deposits. The work involves frequent business trips. The work of a geologist is work in the field. Working in a small team requires the ability to be tolerant of other people. Geologists can work in geological exploration expeditions, geophysical and drilling parties, research and design organizations.

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The engraver's profession is to leave traces: lines and strokes, letters and vignettes. He does not write on paper, his materials are glass, stone, metal, wood, linoleum. An engraver is an artist or craftsman who carves images onto plates of various hard materials. Imagination and imaginative thinking will help the master come up with a plot. The modern engraver comes to the aid of special computer programs that allow him to develop an image and then program the engraving machine for execution. But a computer, with all its capabilities, is just a tool, and the real author always remains a person who puts a piece of his soul, his vision of the world, his imagination into the work.

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Who is a doctor? A doctor is a person who treats sick people. Doctor prescribes medicine to sick people.

Doctors are different. Some perform operations, others conduct examinations of various human organs. For example, an ophthalmologist observes the patient’s eyes, an ENT examines the patient’s throat, nose and ears, prescribing treatment.

A doctor called a Traumatologist examines patients with fractures and bruises of the legs, arms, head, and fingers. An X-ray machine helps him in his work.

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Designers - graphic artists, specialists in the field of design; people involved in design, that is, the appearance and design of something.

The profession of a designer implies creativity, literacy, and the knowledge necessary to create beautiful things. But often the artistic vision of the customer and the artist do not coincide. Because of this, you either have to convince of the need for a specific design solution, or agree with the amendments.

The main thing that is required from people in this profession is an artist’s instinct and aesthetic taste. Design seeks to embrace all aspects of the human environment that is created by industrial production.

The object of design can be almost any new technical industrial product (set, ensemble, complex, system) in any sphere of human activity where human communication is socially and culturally determined.

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Interior designer

The profession of designer is one of the most highly paid and prestigious professions these days. The designer is engaged in the project and design of premises - residential buildings, offices, public institutions. The designer must be able to think through all the details of the project: volumetric-spatial composition of the interior, style solution, select finishing materials, furniture and equipment.

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Takes care of cleanliness on the streets

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(from German Jager - hunter) - an official in the hunting grounds of Russia; specialist hunter serving amateur hunters. Monitors compliance with environmental regulations and hunting laws.

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A scientist who studies ancient Egypt.

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A journalist is always at the forefront of events, where new things are born. The end result of a journalist’s work is material (information note, article, essay for a newspaper, television or radio program). This is preceded by painstaking work.

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A tinsmith is engaged in the manufacture, repair and installation of simple and complex parts, products and assemblies made of sheet metal, extruded profiles and pipes according to drawings, templates and samples, spherical and shaped products of large sizes using fixtures and pneumatic devices; makes simple and complex templates according to drawings and parts; performs straight-line manual cutting of sheet metal and cutting of shaped blanks of all sizes according to templates and markings, as well as cutting of parts and products with a curved contour from sheet metal of all brands and alloys on driven machines; performs soldering of products and parts from various metals and alloys with tin, copper, silver, etc.

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A cutter works in an atelier for custom tailoring and repairing clothes. In communication with the client, he finds out his wishes and clarifies the order. If necessary, gives advice on choosing the style of a future product, based on a professional assessment of the characteristics of the client’s figure, the purpose and sewing properties of the fabric, and fashion trends. Takes the necessary measurements. Draws the selected style option and draws up an order passport. Makes patterns for cutting. Performs economical layout of patterns on fabric and makes cutting (during repairs, recuts individual parts). Distributes sewing operations among the sewing team masters, taking into account the skill level of each worker. Conducts fitting and delivery of orders to the client.

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How to build a reliable bridge across a river? How to make wind and water work for the benefit of people? How to create a new car or plane? To answer these questions, you need to know many sciences very well: physics, mathematics, chemistry, drawing, etc. A person who has studied all these sciences and with their help can design a bridge or a car is called an engineer.

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Image maker

a specialist who professionally develops a client’s image. Imageology has become a specific profession relatively recently.

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Flies into space

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A profession in cinema, a performer of complex and dangerous stunts. Often a stuntman takes part in the creation of special props, costumes, insurance mechanisms, scenery with which the stunt is performed, as well as in the preparation of pyrotechnics that create the illusion of a dangerous situation. Often stuntmen are substitutes, i.e. e. they duplicate the actors in the frame while performing stunts. Therefore, the stuntman needs not only to have a good command of the technique of performing various tricks, but also to be able to transform in a certain way.

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Dog handler

Most people work with dogs as hobbyists, but there are also those for whom working with a four-legged friend is the content and essence of their profession. They are called dog handlers. Thus, cynology is the science of dogs and their breeding.

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The process of producing flour products has many manual operations performed by the confectioner using special tools: rolling pins, spatulas, knives, etc. The pastry chef prepares various types of dough, creams, fillings; prepares raw materials according to a given recipe: kneads, kneads, rolls out the dough; separates the resulting semi-finished products, cuts, shapes, bakes them; decorates products with cream, fondant, chocolate, etc.; checks the weight of finished products.

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A pilot is a person who controls an aircraft. Synonyms: pilot, aviator.

Most often, pilots are divided into military, civilian and amateur. There are also experimental aviation pilots testing new aircraft.

The pilot, performing the functions of the first pilot, controls the aircraft and makes decisions about the actions of the crew in difficult situations. The flight consists of several stages: take-off, climb, horizontal movement, descent and landing. Having received permission from the air traffic controller, the first pilot taxis to the runway, where the plane accelerates and, taking off from the ground, gains altitude. The first pilot's task is to control the plane so that it arrives at the right time at each of the points corresponding to the calculated trajectory. To do this, the pilot must constantly compare instrument readings with calculated data, while simultaneously monitoring the operation of six to seven devices.

Takeoff and landing are the most critical moments of a flight. After all, there may be several aircraft in the air near the airfield. The slightest deviation from the calculated trajectory threatens a collision. During takeoff and landing, the pilot not only monitors information, but also mentally analyzes it, comparing instrument data with what he sees from the cockpit window: taking into account weather conditions, the movement of other aircraft and the characteristics of controlling a particular aircraft. At the same time, he relies both on instrument readings and on a specific sense of flight, which consists of the sound of a running engine, sensations of vibration and roll. Any mistake in management threatens the death of people.

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Controls an airplane, helicopter, fighter

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Plays musical instruments

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For those girls who love fashion, outfits of famous designers, traveling around the world, the profession of a model is exciting and beloved.

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A model is a person (man, woman, child) who demonstrates clothing designs at fashion shows.

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Required knowledge:

  1. acting,
  2. basics of choreography,
  3. makeup art,
  4. ethics of behavior,
  5. main fashion trends
  6. Foreign language skills.
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    Personal qualities

    • endurance;
    • expressiveness;
    • emotionality;
    • persistence;
    • sensitivity;
    • strength of will;
    • determination;
    • communication skills;
    • intuitiveness.
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    Painting work is carried out during the final finishing of buildings and structures before putting them into operation. They include decorative finishing of facades, painting of walls, ceilings, partitions, floors, doors, windows and other elements. The painter is the last to leave the construction site; his work crowns the work of the entire team of builders. It brings joy to people moving into new apartments.

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    Collects and systematizes information about atmospheric processes, analyzes the information received, and participates in the preparation of long-term forecasts. A meteorologist works outdoors, including in adverse weather conditions. It is necessary to carry out measurements at strictly specified time intervals, regardless of weather conditions (rain, hail, storm at sea, thunderstorm, etc.). Work at remote weather stations often takes place in conditions of isolation and loneliness. Meteorological research data is used in agriculture, aviation and shipping, and urban planning

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    Fashion designer

    The fashion designer creates new clothing styles and influences the development of various fashion trends. A fashion designer brings creative ideas and plans to life, creates sketches, new models, adjusts industrial models, designs technically modern, comfortable, beautiful clothing compositions, organizes shows, exhibitions of fashionable clothing, selects materials for the implementation of project compositions.

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    A notary (from the Latin notarius - scribe, secretary) is an official of bodies whose functions include certification of transactions, registration of inheritance, rights, certification of documents to give them legal authenticity. The activities of a notary are regulated by the Law “On State Notaries”. The current legislation provides for a single notarial action - certification of agreements (transactions), consisting of an inscription about this on the agreement itself, signed by a notary with a seal attached.

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    The nanny feeds, washes and changes the child, walks and plays with him, reads books to him. According to the terms of the contract, her responsibilities may also include cleaning the premises, preparing food for the child, and purchasing groceries. The main task of the nanny is to provide the child with comfort and safety, and if necessary, she must be able to provide him with first aid. The nanny is required to have a medical record confirming that due to health reasons she can work with children, as well as letters of recommendation. Mistrust and checks on the part of the child’s parents are quite natural, and one must be prepared for them. For a nanny, a pedagogical or medical education is desirable.

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    Biologist who studies birds. Observes their behavior in the wild, in the metropolis and in captivity. Tracks seasonal migrations. Engaged in research work. Together with veterinarians, ornithologists are developing methods for treating bird diseases and fighting epidemics.

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    The profession of a waiter has existed for about 6 thousand years, but people still need it and are irreplaceable. A restaurant is unthinkable without a waiter. The level of service depends not only on the interior of the restaurant, its equipment, the quality of food, but also on the professional skills of those who create an atmosphere of cordiality and hospitality, and, first of all, on the waiters. Long before visitors arrive at the restaurant, waiters begin to prepare for their meeting: they clean the room, arrange furniture, get tableware, cutlery, table linen, and set tables.

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    A writer is a person who creates some meaningful text (work) and earns his living from it. The writer must have a developed imagination. It is impossible to come up with a work of art without a vivid imagination. He must know the rules of grammar, avoid making mistakes, and most importantly, be able to give a poetic color to an ordinary word with the help of synonyms, associations, and metaphors.

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    Profession firefighter!

    In a bright red car we are rushing forward. Hard and dangerous work awaits us, firefighters. The howl of a piercing siren can be deafening, we will put out the fire with water and foam. And we will be able to help people in trouble, because we will fight the fire bravely day and night!

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    Herds cows, sheep, goats or other animals

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    Performs on stage, sings songs

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    Profession chef!

    Give the cook the food: Poultry, dried fruits, Rice, potatoes... And then delicious food awaits you.

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    The art of a hairdresser is compared to the work of an artist: a true master has impeccable taste. The main and basic “tools” of a good hairdresser are his imagination, a sense of modernity, aesthetic taste, a faithful eye and skillful hands. At hairdressing schools and courses, hairdressers systematically learn new working techniques, modern methods of hair processing (coloring, curling, etc.), receive information about new haircuts, fashionable hairstyles, improving their skills. Depending on the type of work and the tools used, the profession of a hairdresser distinguishes specialties: hairdresser for men, women and children. A hairdresser communicates with a large number of people every day, so he needs communication skills.

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    A baker bakes bread and bakery products. He kneads the dough and determines its readiness for baking. He places the finished dough on sheets and sends them to the oven. The baker controls the baking process, regulates the movement of the oven conveyor, and determines the readiness of the product.

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    The responsibilities of the translator include: organizing and conducting excursions to cultural and historical places for foreign citizens, accompanying foreign citizens during their visits to the country, providing assistance in the accommodation and residence of foreign citizens, translations at presentations, business meetings, accompanying Russian-speaking groups when traveling abroad. border, translation of technical and fiction literature, teaching.

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    A carpenter

    Carpenter is one of the common construction professions. This is a wide-ranging profession. The specialist performs work related to wood processing and the manufacture of various parts, products and building structures from it.

    The profession of a carpenter is needed everywhere. He can work at city construction sites, in rural construction organizations, in construction and repair organizations, in repair shops of factories, in woodworking plants, in housing construction offices of house management. Even with widespread mechanization of construction work, a construction site cannot be done without a carpenter.

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    A pharmacist is a specialist with a higher pharmaceutical education who works in the production, storage, and sale of medicines. Historically, a pharmacy worker is called a pharmacist. Among specialists of this kind, a distinction is made between pharmacists - technologists involved in the production of dosage forms, and pharmacists - analysts involved in quality control. In addition, the responsibilities of a pharmacist may include monitoring the dispensing of medicines, including narcotic drugs, checking the operation of pharmacies, kiosks, and clinics. Pharmaceutical education can be secondary or higher. A specialist with a secondary specialized education in this field is a pharmacist, and a specialist with a higher education is a pharmacist.

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    Passenger carriage conductor

    The range of responsibilities of a conductor is quite wide and varied. His responsibilities include serving passengers en route, ensuring safe boarding and disembarking of passengers, and placing them in the carriage in accordance with travel documents. He must ensure the carriage of hand luggage in accordance with established rules and regulations; keep records of the population of the car being serviced and promptly inform the train manager about the availability of free and vacated seats in the car. The conductor receives bed linen, prepares beds for passengers, and at the end of the flight collects the linen and ensures its return. Prepares and distributes tea and tea trade products. The conductor monitors the technical condition of the car, ensures the safety and serviceability of its internal equipment. The conductor is obliged to notify passengers about the names of stopping points and the duration of the train stop; keep the car clean and tidy, carry out dry and wet cleaning of the car; Provide first (pre-hospital) medical aid to passengers if necessary.

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    The technology for making champagne is mysterious. Everything that happens around this wonderful wine, which has become a symbol of the holiday for many, is unusual and a little reminiscent of witchcraft. Few people realize how much effort and skill different professionals put into creating a foamy drink.

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    Restoration in art and architecture refers to the restoration of destroyed, damaged or distorted historical and cultural monuments in order to preserve their historical or cultural significance. The profession of a restorer includes several specialties that require professional education at various levels: restorer of decorative and artistic paintings, restorer of wooden works, restorer of decorative plaster and stucco products, artist-restorer.

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    Resolves disputes, sends criminals to prison

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    Performs at competitions and championships

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    The work of a gardener organically combines both mental and physical functions. In modern gardening, a master must possess a variety of agrotechnical skills necessary for growing planting material, planting gardens, and caring for plants, taking into account their growth and development.

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    Any clergyman, be it a priest, an archbishop, a mullah or a priest, is a mediator between people and God, in whose existence they believe and to whom they offer their prayers. People come to the priest both in sorrow and in joy, asking for advice, and entrusting their most intimate secrets. Therefore, he must be a person of authority, be able to empathize, have extraordinary patience, courage, humility and, of course, deep faith. The clergyman performs the sacraments and public worship, but his work does not end outside the temple gates. A priest can be stopped on the street at any time to ask for advice or help.

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    The secretary establishes contact with the employees of the institution, prepares and serves various meetings, sessions, conferences, and organizes the reception of the administrative staff and visitors. The secretary's role is also responsible in organizing various meetings. The secretary selects the relevant documents and, if necessary, prints them on the computer. Working with documents is one of the duties of a secretary. He keeps minutes of meetings, records telephone messages, orders, instructions. In this case, the secretary may use shorthand.

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    Discovering and investigating crimes, exposing the perpetrators, and restoring a person’s good name are the essence of the work of an investigator. The successful fight against crime largely depends on his skill and energy, perseverance, initiative and dedication. The activities of the investigator are carried out at three stages of criminal proceedings: initiation of a criminal case, preliminary investigation and reopening of cases based on newly discovered circumstances. Planning the investigation, conducting procedural actions, assessing the collected evidence, making decisions on the case is carried out by the investigator independently.

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    The modern rescue service has existed in our country relatively recently. This does not mean that no one has been involved in rescuing people in emergency situations before. Civil defense units took part in eliminating the consequences of accidents and disasters. Rescuers of a narrow specialty were used: water rescuers, mountain rescuers, rescue and search teams, firefighters. These services still exist today. However, emergency situations are increasingly arising that require the involvement of specially qualified specialists. Therefore, in 1990, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (EMERCOM) was created. In addition to performing the functions indicated in the very name of the department, the Ministry of Emergency Situations predicts and prevents circumstances fraught with threat to people, develops rescue tools, and creates new technologies.

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    Carpenter is a multifaceted profession, including a wide variety of professional skills. The most widespread professions are carpenters in housing construction and furniture production. A special small group includes cabinetmakers, whose work is dominated by artistic tendencies. The result of the carpenter’s work is various carpentry products, which are divided according to their design characteristics

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    Performs on stage, dances

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    A coach's responsibilities include preparing athletes for the upcoming season.

    Higher education is necessary to obtain a position as a coach corresponding to the specialization of the chosen sport, as well as to be an athlete yourself, even if he has been in the chosen sport.

    A coach working with children must be both a good specialist in his field, a psychologist and educator, and simply a person who loves children. Not all coaches manage to combine all these qualities. It is impossible to be a coach without truly loving this job. Both professional and amateur athletes need emotional support. A coach can and should be able to set up a student for victory, maintain his fighting spirit and desire to conquer more and more new milestones. Needless to say, a representative of this profession must be an authority for his students in everything: in attitude to work, in their lifestyle, in their views and assessments of everyday events.

    The trainer's working day begins very early at 6-00 am, because many trainers teach for more than one year and the youngest children train before kindergarten.

    A sports coach trains athletes. He supervises their training and prepares them for competitions. To achieve the best results, the coach needs to correctly plan a set of exercises, correctly distribute the intensity, mode and load of classes, taking into account the physical and mental resources of the athletes. Coaches of professional athletes have usually achieved certain heights in this field in the past. In children's sports schools and sections, masters of sports and graduates of physical education universities usually work in this profession. And although the maximum program of every coach is to bring his ward into big sports, for teenagers and young people the coach, first of all, remains an authoritative and close person who makes them believe in themselves, their strengths and capabilities.

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    The coach plays an important role in the life of an athlete. He teaches by word and personal example to reach the top. The coach must be a professional. He must have victories in competitions behind him. He will have to work with children of different personalities, so he needs to: understand psychology and be able to manage a team.

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    In modern Russia, a security guard is a specialist who carries out security measures on a contractual basis, undergoes training and has a license for private security activities. Main activity: ensuring the safety of the client as a whole. Today, the bodyguard profession is one of the most dangerous and risky professions, associated with both physical and mental stress, and requires qualified training.

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    The profession is mainly female. The main task of the weaver is to prevent unnecessary downtime of the machines, quickly eliminate accidental thread breaks, prevent defects, and quickly eliminate them if they arise. The weaver checks the quality of incoming threads by number and color, performs preventive work to prevent breaks in the warp (longitudinal) and weft (transverse) threads, fabric defects, controls the density of the fabric and the accuracy of the weave pattern. One weaver operates several looms.

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    Profession teacher!

    Our teacher is simply awesome! He loves us all. He helps us in our studies. We try, he knows. We are proud of our teacher, we strive for new knowledge!

  • Physicist

    There are many specializations within the physics profession:

    Space physics,

    Physics of the microworld,


    Electronics and others.

    Personal qualities required for representatives of this profession:

    curiosity, desire to know the laws of nature, observation, perseverance, patience, critical thinking, attentiveness, well-developed abstract thinking.

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    Florits is a representative of the creative profession who specializes in decor. He can decorate any object with flowers: a room, an office, a glass, a bracelet and more. Also called florists are scientists who study this branch of botany in order to track plants that grow in a certain area.

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    Pharmacy is a healthcare institution. Its employees - pharmacists - prepare, control and dispense prescription and over-the-counter medicines, sanitary, hygiene and patient care items, medicinal mineral waters, medicinal herbs, disinfectants, dressings and other pharmaceutical products.

    The pharmacy worker knows and informs doctors and patients about the availability of medicines, their pharmacological action, indications and contraindications for use, and comparative characteristics with analogue drugs.

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    The photographer takes photographs of various objects (people, buildings, nature, etc.) in stationary and outdoor conditions on black-and-white, color and reversible film. He develops, fixes, washes, dries negatives, retouches, and prints photographs. Photography provides ample opportunities for creativity. Experts believe that it is a form of art.

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    A choreographer is a representative of a creative profession who choreographs dances for a group of dancers. The choreographer conducts training with the dancers, visits and evaluates their performance. The choreographer must be able to dance, be original and have organizational skills. Choreographers can be found in dance companies, musical theaters, opera, television, film sets, and festivals.

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    Chemistry is one of the most important and broad areas of natural science, the science of substances, their properties, structure and transformations that occur as a result of chemical reactions, as well as the fundamental laws to which these transformations are subject. Since all substances are composed of atoms, which, thanks to chemical bonds, are able to form molecules, chemistry is mainly concerned with the study of interactions between atoms and molecules obtained as a result of such interactions.

    Personal qualities:

    A scientist who works in this field must have a good memory, an inquisitive mind, and have a large knowledge base that will allow him to draw logical conclusions during experiments.


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    Surgeon is a noble and responsible profession. Often only surgical intervention can save the most valuable thing - human life. The main task of the surgeon is to establish an accurate diagnosis, find out the cause of the disease, perform the operation itself, and, of course, help in the complete restoration of the body. The work of a surgeon is a huge responsibility for human life, and it is also physically difficult work. Sometimes operations last several hours.

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    Artists - people involved in the visual arts

    In the professional sphere, there are many different types of artists, depending on the drawing technique and responsibilities: graphic artists, painters, designers, illustrators, film artists, animators, photo artists, caricaturist, miniature painting artist, designers, costume designers, scenery designers, restorer, fashion designer, stylist, technologist and etc.

    Personal qualities and abilities

    Creative person;

    Rich imagination;

    The ability to perceive and distinguish a wide range of colors and their shades;

    Originality, resourcefulness;

    Developed spatial-figurative thinking;


    Observation (the ability to notice even minor details and shortcomings);

    Openness to perceive new things;

    A sense of harmony and taste.

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    Flower growers implement landscaping projects drawn up by specialists who have graduated from secondary and higher educational institutions. But, no matter how good the design concept is, its implementation depends on the skill and aesthetic taste of the flower growers. They participate in the planning of green spaces, make ridges, loosen the soil, and apply fertilizers. When the seeds are sown or seedlings are planted, the soil is loosened again, weeds are destroyed, mulched - the rows are covered with leaves, straw and humus, watered and fertilized. To give the plant a certain shape, it is pinched and pinched. To maintain a clear pattern of flower beds and lawns, they are trimmed, thinned, faded inflorescences are cut off, and fragile plants are tied to stakes.

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    An ecologist organizes the protection of the life and health of people, flora and fauna from the consequences of the irrational and uncontrolled use of scientific and technological achievements.

    • An ecologist is a profession for real fighters!
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    An economist is a specialist who analyzes financial and economic activities (enterprises, industries, etc.) in order to improve them.

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    A jeweler makes products (jewelry, household items, religious objects, weapons) mainly from precious metals, as well as some non-ferrous metals in combination with precious and semi-precious stones, amber, mother-of-pearl, bone, according to the drawings, drawings and models of the artist and developer.

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    Carries out legal activities. Uses legal means to solve problems to improve production efficiency, strengthen labor and production discipline, fulfill plan targets and contractual obligations.

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    Specialist, scientist in linguistics

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    Nuclear scientist

    Physicist, nuclear scientist

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    “...Having turned the book over, wind it around your mustache - all the works are good, choose according to your taste!”

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    We want to talk about the ABC of Professions project, which we prepared with 1st grade students during the period of literacy training. These are the first steps in career guidance work, which must begin from the first years of school. The project is carried out in an interesting, entertaining form; There are creative tasks, and parental assistance is required. The whole class participated in the project.

    Hello! We, students of class 1-A, present a joint project “The ABC of Professions”. In this work we wanted to show how many wonderful and worthy professions exist in modern life.

    My years are getting older
    It will be seventeen.
    Where should I work then?
    What to do?
    (V. Mayakovsky)

    Each of us will have to choose a profession to our liking in the future. How many professions do we know? Doctor, teacher, salesman, driver, programmer: these are perhaps the most famous professions for us. But we guessed that there were a lot of professions, very different, interesting, unusual. In a literacy lesson, we read a story in ABC about what the kids dream of becoming when they grow up. While learning new letters, we also read about people of different professions: cook, carpenter, diver. And so we thought, what other professions are there? It would be interesting to know about them. And not just find out, but connect it with literacy lessons. This is how the idea for the project came about.

    The first thing we started our work with was to find out the names of the professions that exist in the world. And to make this task more interesting, we decided to look for the names of professions for each letter of the Russian alphabet. Let's learn letters at the same time! Each student in the class chose a worksheet with three letters of the alphabet. (Appendix A). At home, together with our parents or on our own, we wrote down as many profession names as possible for each letter. The assignments were handed over to our leader - our teacher. She summarized this work and compiled a list of occupations in alphabetical order. It turned out that we found 207 names of professions for almost all letters of the Russian alphabet!

    And here is the next stage of work. From this large list we had to select the most unusual names of professions that we knew nothing about, had not heard of, or had no idea about. We worked in groups. We actively discussed, found out, argued. And as a result of the discussions, it turned out that in all groups three identical profession names were noted: agronomist, huntsman, radio operator.

    Now we had to find information about these professions that interested us. We worked at home, our parents helped us. Here's what we learned.

    An agronomist is an agricultural specialist who has comprehensive knowledge of the study and cultivation of field, garden, and vegetable crops. The word "agronomist" comes from two Greek words: "agros" - field and "nomos" - law. An agronomist knows when to sow and harvest, how to fight weeds, plant diseases, and pests. A high yield is the greatest reward for an agronomist.

    A huntsman is a professional hunter, game warden, and forester. He protects the forest area from poachers and controls the correctness of hunting. The huntsman knows the forest and forest inhabitants very well, prepares food supplies for the winter for animals and birds, and protects them from poachers. Helps amateur hunters. This is a very important and dangerous profession.

    A radio operator is a specialist in transmitting and receiving radio messages. He works at sea on ships, on submarines; in the sky on airplanes, in space; on earth where there is radio communication. A radio operator is a military profession. Information is transmitted using Morse code. Morse code is an encrypted alphabet.

    As a result of the work done, we came up with a “Dictionary of Professions”. It contains the names of professions in alphabetical order. Read and choose your future profession (Appendix B).

    To consolidate the acquired knowledge, we came up with a game. They composed a short fairy tale about how in one city an evil wizard harmed the inhabitants. It was necessary to answer the question of what professions people would help correct the situation and restore order (Appendix C).

    Our work has come to an end. Let's draw conclusions:

    There are countless wonderful professions in the world,
    And glory and honor to every profession!

    And most importantly, we realized that no matter what profession we choose in the future, we need to prepare for it now - study well, be diligent, responsible, careful.

    If you want to build a bridge,
    Watch the movement of the stars
    Drive a machine in the field
    Or drive the car up -
    Do a good job at school
    Study conscientiously.
    (S. Marshak)


    Appendix A. Sample assignment form No. 1.

    ABC of professions Write the names of professions for each letter

    Appendix B Dictionary of professions.

    Note: all names are written exactly as they were written by the students together with their parents. The purpose of such a task is to expand students’ vocabulary and increase cognitive activity. If you do a similar project, the job titles may be different. You can also format the dictionary in any form. We designed it in the form of a homemade bound book, and the words were arranged in a column.

    Dictionary of professions

    Aircraft designer, Race driver, Auto mechanic, Agronomist, Lawyer, Actor, Animator, Artist, Architect, Astrologer, Astronomer

    Banker, Bartender, Librarian, Biologist, Flight Engineer, Flight Attendant, Botanist, Boatswain, Bulldozer Driver, Accountant

    Car driver, Watchman, Layout maker, Veterinarian, Winemaker, Driver, Diver, Aeronaut, Vocalist, Educator, Doctor

    Geneticist, Geologist, Guide, Make-up Artist, Governess

    Janitor, Designer, Diplomat, Conductor, Trainer

    Railway worker, Tinsmith, Painter, Livestock breeder, Jockey, Juggler, Journalist

    Slaughterer, Manager, Breeder, Head Teacher, Caretaker, Cutter, Measurer, Refueler, Beller, Excavator, Medicine Man, Zoologist, Zootechnician

    Icon painter, Illusionist, Immunologist, Engineer, Inspector, Instructor, Toolmaker, Irrigator, Art critic, Tester, Historian, Ichthyologist

    Cashier, Whaler, Combiner, Confectioner, Cosmonaut, Blacksmith

    Forester, Lumberjack, Pilot, Speech therapist, Boatman

    Painter, Masseur, Machinist, Policeman, Sailor, Butcher

    Adjuster, Neurologist, Neuropathologist, Neurosurgeon, Standardizer, Porter, Notary, Nanny

    Ophthalmologist, Operator, Officer, Waiter, Hunter, Security Guard

    Hairdresser, Perfumer, Singer, Baker, Bookbinder, Printer, Stovemaker, Pianist, Pilot, Writer, Carpenter, Cook, Border Guard, Fireman, Polisher, Dressmaker, Postman, Poet, Programmer, Seller, Beekeeper

    Worker, Radio Operator, Director, Reporter, Realtor, Fisherman

    Plumber, Welder, Cattleman, Steelmaker, Stylist, Joiner, Dentist, Watchman, Judge, Cheese maker

    Taxi driver, TV presenter, Technologist, Commodity expert, Turner, Tractor driver, Trainer, Chimney sweep

    Cleaner, Coal Miner, Layer, Tamer, Manager, Urologist, Ufologist, Scientist, Accountant, Teacher

    Pharmacist, Packer, Packer, Paramedic, Figure skater, Physicist, Herbalist, Magician, Photographer, Photojournalist, Fashion model, Milling operator

    Halvomes, Chemist, Surgeon, Grain Grower, Cotton Grower, Choreographer, Artist

    Florist, Flower Girl, Clergyman, Circus Performer, Barber

    Watchmaker, Engraver, Draftsman, Carder, Cleaner

    Organ Grinder, Seamstress, Chef, Grinder, Showman, Chauffeur, Plasterer, Navigator

    Economist, Excavator operator, Tour guide, Electrician, Ethnographer

    Comedian, Jung, Lawyer

    Appendix C Examples of fairy tales invented by students.

    Good conquers evil.

    Once upon a time there lived Lilliputians. And everything was fine with them until the evil wizard arrived. He covered the entire city with white snow. All the trees and bushes died. And spring and summer no longer came. The Lilliputians were cold and began to get sick. Then everyone gathered wipers and swept away all the snow. Agronomists They plowed the land and planted new trees. A doctors They gave all the residents tea with raspberries, and everything became as before. And the evil wizard realized that he had lost and flew away.

    Georgy Timofeev, student of 1st - A class

    Once upon a time there lived an evil wizard of darkness. He made his way to the city where people were going to celebrate the New Year. Everything in the city was decorated with beautiful light bulbs. Everything around sparkled and it was very light. The evil wizard brought in a strong wind, and all the electrical wires were cut off. Then they came electricians and fixed all the wires, and policemen drove away the evil wizard.

    Maxim Shutikov, student of 1st - A class

    One day an evil wizard came to the city of Happiness. He was also harmful. And so he decided to harm people. The wizard waved his magic wand and all the children in the city became stupid. They forgot the letters. But children can get help teachers. They will teach children to read and write.

    Valeria Ploskonosova, student of 1st - A grade

    Evil wizard.

    An evil wizard mixed up the traffic lights in the city: when the pedestrians were red, the cars were also red. And so all traffic in the city stopped, and no one knew who to give way to.

    And they helped fix it traffic inspector movement. They began to regulate the movement of cars and pedestrians with their striped stick. And the evil wizard gave up - he returned everything to its place.

    Yana Durova, student of 1st - A grade


    Winter came. All residents of Moscow began to prepare for the New Year. Everyone began to draw New Year's pictures. But no one invited the evil wizard who lived in this city to the holiday. He got offended and ruined all the drawings. In all the drawings, instead of Santa Claus, Kikimora appeared. The residents were upset. Who will help fix everything?

    And in this city lived a good artist. People went to him and asked for help. With one stroke of his magic brush, he made Santa Claus appear in all the drawings instead of Kikimora.

    Santa Claus now has a magnificent exhibition of paintings in his hut.

    Ira Gerasimova, student of 1st - A grade

    Fairytale story.

    In a certain sea, in the very middle of it, lay an island. There was a city on it. Very friendly and hardworking people lived in this city. And then one day, when they were preparing to celebrate the big holiday “Island Day”, this story happened.

    On the most beautiful square, the residents set up tables for all the islanders and prepared a lot of delicious food. But one wizard, who lived on a neighboring island, was offended that he was not invited to the holiday, and ruined the entire treat. He turned it bitter and unappetizing. And he cast a spell on all the residents so that they would forget all the recipes. The inhabitants of the island were very upset, because their holiday was ruined.

    Suddenly, a beautiful woman came to their aid, as if from the foam of the sea. She had a metal suitcase in her hands. She opened it, put on her headphones and began transmitting some incomprehensible message. Residents of the town stood, watched and did not understand anything. A little time passed and a small red helicopter arrived. An important man with a white cap on his head sat in it. He brought a lot of food and prepared very tasty and unusual dishes. And the best dish was a huge five-tier cake.

    The residents were very glad that their holiday still took place. They even forgave and invited their neighbor-wizard to the holiday. The wizard apologized, cast a spell on all the residents and decorated the square with flowers and balloons. And at the end of the holiday he gave all the residents a festive fireworks display. Everyone was in a very good mood.

    Who were these mysterious helpers?

    What professions can they be classified as?

    Anna Sisetskaya, 1st - A grade student

    Extracurricular activity

    for students in grades 1-4

    "ABC of professions"

    Explanatory note

    Career guidance for schoolchildren has always occupied an important place in the educational work of primary school teachers. In order for a child to consciously make a choice in adult life, he must be introduced to the maximum number of professions. The ideas about professions for a 7-10 year old child are limited by his or her limited life experience - the work of mom and dad, a teacher in a kindergarten and a teacher at school, the profession of a pilot, policeman, intelligence officer, etc., which amaze with their outward heroic and romantic side child's imagination. But children, as a rule, know little and very superficially about these one way or another familiar professions. Meanwhile, in the modern world there are a huge number of types of work. Orientation in this ocean of human activities is the most important link in a child’s social adaptation.

    But it is impossible to conduct career guidance work only using a knowledge approach. You need to introduce people through an activity approach. Only through active involvement in social activities and conscious participation in it can success be achieved in this direction. The development of an extracurricular activity “ABC of Professions” contributes to this. Extra-curricular activities dedicated to introducing professions should be regularly held in all schools, starting from the first year of study. Information about professions, presented in accessible, interesting forms, will help children in choosing books to read, clubs, sections, and creative groups for extracurricular activities.

    Subject " ABC of professions"

    Target: introduction to certain types of professions


      Identify students’ existing knowledge about a variety of professions.

      Expand the knowledge, horizons, and vocabulary of students.

      To form a cognitive interest in working people and their professions




      Illustrations of various professions

      Exhibition of books on the topic

      A set of items for the game (syringe, thread with a needle, light bulb, red pen, etc.)

      Cards with letters on one side and names of professions on the other.

    Form of extracurricular activity: gaming


      Primary school teachers, class teachers, organizers of extracurricular activities (this development can be taken as a basis when creating a scenario for a gaming extracurricular event).

    Focus, possibilities of application of the development:

    This extracurricular activity can be held:

      in any elementary school class

      in middle and junior classes during career guidance classes.

    Terms of sale:

      presence of a computer, music speakers, screen and projector in the office

      teacher's ability to use this technology

      positive attitude of the teacher and students, since the event is planned in the form of a game and requires the active participation of players and an adequate reaction to humor and unusual situations

    Duration: 40-45 minutes (lesson)

      Organizing time(slide 1).

    “Shall we talk? - About what?
    About everything and anything else.
    About what is good and not so good.
    I know some things, and you know some things.
    Shall we talk? - Let's talk!
    It will be interesting for us!"

      Introductory talk

    U: Today we have gathered to talk. And what we will talk about, you will say for yourself when you look at the screen (slide 2). Name it in one word. Yes, these are professions (slide 3).

    III. Main part

    U: Let’s start our conversation with a proverb (slide 3). What does this proverb mean? (If you don’t work hard, you won’t get anything done. You won’t achieve a good result).

    U: What professions do people need to work in? (Everyone needs to work).

    U: Guys, how many professions do you think there are on earth?

    U: I’ll show you a letter, and you name the person’s business (profession) starting with that letter.

    P – cook, tailor, hairdresser

    R – fisherman, radio operator

    O – security guard, ophthalmologist

    F – photographer, phthisiatrician

    E – huntsman (game warden)

    S – shoemaker, plumber

    S – mechanic, carpenter

    I – historian

    I am a coachman, linguist

    U: It turns out there are so many professions that you are not yet familiar with! And this is a tiny part of all existing on earth. It is impossible to list all the professions and specialties of a person. There are more than 4 thousand of them on earth.

    U: I asked you to prepare drawings at home in which you tried to depict your future profession. What would you like to become? Show your work and briefly describe it. (They show their drawings).

    Physical training “Professions”

    A bricklayer builds a wall from bricks. Nobody's house.

    (Place your right hand on your left, your left on your right, etc. higher and higher.)

    I am a painter, I paint walls,

    (Move your hand up and down with a relaxed brush.)

    (“painting the ceiling”)

    and your kitchen.

    (Move your hand left and right.)

    I'm electric. I'll turn on the light

    (“Turn on the light by pressing the switch.”)

    I'll just screw in the light bulb.

    (“Screw in the light bulb” - rotational movements with the right hand.)

    Come to a new home

    (Palms like a house.)

    And live long in it!

    (Spread your arms to the sides.)

    Game "Telegram"

    11th grade student: Guys, today, when I was walking to school, I met the postman. He asked me to give you telegrams. You must determine which professions they are addressed to. Shall we help?

    1) In the evening I had a headache, a fever, a sore throat, and a runny nose. Who should I contact? (Doctor.)

    2) The fire burst out from under the control of man. It soars and swells with gusts of wind, like the fiery Serpent Gorynych. It is difficult for a person to cope with the power of a raging fire. But there are people whose profession is to defeat fire. Who are they? (Firefighters.)

    3) I wanted to cut my hair and get a beautiful hairstyle. And the skillful hands of the master worked their magic on my hair and made me irresistible. Who is this master who handled my hair so skillfully? (Hairdresser.)

    4) One day the traffic light broke down and the cars could not cope with the traffic on the road on their own. Pedestrians were also confused. Who helped them? (Policeman-regulator.)

    5) I went to a bookstore to buy a book for a friend for his birthday. The store had a large selection of children's books. Who should I consult with, who can I turn to? (Salesman.)

    6) This wizard prepared a delicious dish for us in a cafe from ordinary ingredients and decorated it in an original way. The name of this dish is a masterpiece of taste. It was very beautiful and appetizing. Who is this wizard? (Cook.)

    7) This profession is very interesting! The car is always in motion, the landscape outside the window is constantly changing, the people inside the car are changing. And the one who is driving can accurately distinguish all light signals and has excellent vision and hearing. (Chauffeur, driver.)

    8) Around us are residential buildings, schools, shops, kindergartens. They were built for us by people with great diligence, considerable physical strength, skillful hands and a desire to work. With their work they bring us joy. What kind of people are these who give us this joy? (Builder).

    Riddles “Professions of rural residents” (slide 4)

    11th grade student: Guys, I want to talk to you about the professions of rural residents. I suggest you solve these riddles.

      The horn sings, the horn sings!
      We drive the herd to the meadow.
      We herd cows all day long,
      As soon as it gets hot, we drive into the shade.

      Hiding my bangs under my cap,
      My dad and I are plowing in the field.
      I'm proud to work on the land
      My shirt got wet from sweat...
      But your palms are on the steering wheel.
      (Tractor driver)

      Good hostess
      She called the chickens and gave them grains.
      Hostess: “Chick-chick-chick!”
      And the chickens: “Rash-rash-rash!”

      Very careful care
      Looks after the animals:
      For the cows - milkmaid,
      And for the pigs - pig farm.

      He studied science.
      It’s as if he has tamed the earth.
      He knows when to plant
      Sowing is like harvesting.
      He is an expert in his native land
      And it's called...

      Rye bread, loaves, rolls
      You won't get it while walking.
      People cherish bread in the fields,
      They spare no effort for bread.
      (Grain grower) (slide...

    Photo report (slide 5,6,7).

    11th grade students: Look at the screen, here we have presented a photo report about the excursion to the Letyazhye peasant farm enterprise, which is headed by V.N. Selikhov; fire department, head Sidorov Yu.N. and a medical clinic. (Slide….)

    Game "Lost and Found"

    11th grade student: Guys, today I was at the Lost and Found Bureau. These items were given to you, determine who they belong to. (Syringe, needle and thread, light bulb, red pen, camera, tape measure, etc.).

    IV . Reflection

    U: We will continue to talk about professions, you will learn a lot of new things. Talk to your parents at home, find out from them where and who they work for, what they do at work. Does it bring them joy? And I will continue our lesson with a riddle:

    Lays brick by brick -
    Growing floor by floor,
    And every hour, every day
    Higher and higher is the new house. (Builders)- slide 8.

    I invite you to be builders. If you had fun and interesting, take red bricks for construction. Interesting, but boring - yellow cubes. And if you weren't interested, take the blue cubes. (To the music, the guys take blocks and build a house).

    V. Summing up

    U : Our lesson is coming to an end, and I would like to tell you a parable

    Good conquers evil.

    Once upon a time there lived Lilliputians in their small town. And everything was fine with them until the evil wizard arrived. He covered the entire city with white snow. All the trees and bushes died. And spring and summer no longer came. The Lilliputians were cold and began to get sick. Then everyone gatheredwipers, and swept away all the snow.Agronomists plowed the ground gardeners new trees were planted.Builders destroyed houses were restored,fitters brought light into them. Adoctors They gave all the residents tea with raspberries, and everything became as before. And the evil wizard realized that he could not interfere with people who have so many professions in their town. He realized that he had lost and flew away.

    What conclusion can be drawn? (All professions are needed, all professions are important!)

    VI. Portfolio page design.

    U: Yes, guys, there are many different professions in the world, each of them is necessary and important. In the future, I wish you to choose a profession to your liking. When a star falls in the sky, people make a wish and believe that it will come true. There are stars on your desk. Write the name of the profession you dream of on one side and your name on the other. This is your dream. We will save the stars until 11th grade. You will probably be very interested to know whether your wish will come true. Put the stars and your drawings in your portfolio.

    At the end of the event, the 11th grade children give the first graders the “ABC of Professions”, which they compiled during the “Professional Self-Determination” course.


      Entertaining ABC studies: Sat. /comp. V.V.Volina. M.: Education, 2000

      Internet resources.

      Pryazhnikov N.S. Career guidance at school: games, exercises, questionnaires.

      Yurmin G.A. All works are good, choose according to your taste! M.: Det. Lit., 1999.

    Slide 1

    Slide 2

    Slide 3

    What is a profession? Profession - A type of work activity or occupation that requires special training.

    Slide 4

    Archaeologist A scientist who studies the past of humanity using material sources. Material sources are tools of production and buildings created with their help, weapons, jewelry, dishes, etc. The profession of an archaeologist is often compared to the work of a surgeon - in both cases, one wrong move with a knife can lead to the death of the patient. Of course, in most cases, archaeologists do not wield a knife, but a shovel, scoop, spoon, and even an ordinary toothbrush.

    Slide 5

    Slide 6

    Slide 7

    Profession artist! He is both a wolf and Santa Claus, And he makes kids laugh to tears, Last time he was a teacher, The day after tomorrow he is a machinist, He must know a lot, Because he is an artist!

    Slide 8

    Climber A climber is always an athlete, in other words, a mountain climber. The sporting essence of mountaineering is to overcome obstacles created by nature (height, terrain, weather) on the way to the top. After all the Alpine peaks were conquered, the gaze of climbers increasingly began to turn to other mountainous regions of America, Africa, and New Zealand. The turn has come to the Himalayas. The first attempts to conquer the peaks in the Himalayas date back to the beginning of the 19th century. However, after the first attempts, it became clear that an expedition to a peak above 6,000-7,000 m poses many new problems for climbers, primarily related to altitude, low development of mountain areas, and large scale approaches to the foot of the peaks. When practicing mountaineering, you have to overcome various natural obstacles: rivers, rocks, snow, glaciers, icefalls. Overcoming them is usually associated with danger. Over the long history of mountaineering, a special technique for overcoming dangerous mountain terrain has been developed.

    Slide 9

    Flight attendant of the civil air fleet Contents of work: Checks the sanitary condition of cabins, salons, the operation of electrical equipment, receives containers with food and kitchen equipment, mail and other cargo, places passengers in the cabin, organizes meals, informs about attractions, monitors the cleanliness of the premises, provides necessary services in-flight assistance for passengers. Professionally important qualities: * responsibility; * emotional-volitional stability; * communication skills; * good diction; * physical endurance and health; * ability to correctly assess the situation. Medical contraindications: * cardiovascular diseases; * diseases associated with loss of consciousness; * dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system; * disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

    Slide 10

    Librarian Contents of work: Conducts individual conversations with readers, assists them in choosing books, magazines, organizes thematic literary conferences, book exhibitions, completes the book collection, keeps records of the library collection, etc. Professionally important qualities: * high communication skills; * tact; * emotional endurance; * good memory. Qualification requirements: Library technical school or the corresponding department of the cultural institute. Medical contraindications: * poor vision; * nervous and mental diseases; * allergic diseases.

    Slide 11

    Accountant Contents of work: Performs accounting, audit and financial control at enterprises and organizations of the national economy, small businesses, joint-stock companies, joint ventures; verifies the accuracy of the information received, monitors compliance with the law when spending funds. Professionally important qualities: * ability to count quickly and correctly; * the ability to analyze numbers, understand the essence of production processes behind their dynamics and be able to influence them in a timely manner; * patience; * exposure; * perseverance; * resistance to monotony; * painstakingness.

    Slide 12

    Profession doctor! Don't be afraid of the pediatrician, don't worry, calm down, and, of course, don't cry, he's just a pediatrician.

    Slide 13

    Diver A diver is a specialist trained in diving and performing various underwater work. The main responsibility of a diver is to perform underwater technical work under water during the construction of hydraulic structures, servicing underwater oil pipelines, clearing the bottom of port water areas, etc. Professional divers must have a very high level of training, good health and reliable equipment.

    Slide 14

    Veterinarian The immediate subject of a paramedic’s work is a healthy population of farm animals, impeccable (in terms of sanitation, hygiene) conditions for their maintenance, growth, and development. A veterinarian carries out vaccinations and treats sick animals on a farm, livestock complex, as well as animals belonging to the public. Carries out measures to prevent the spread of animal diseases, vigilantly monitors the quality of meat and milk.

    Slide 15

    Drawer Drawing is the deformation of metal by pulling rolled or pressed blanks through a hole in order to reduce their cross-section or obtain more accurate dimensions and a smooth surface. Processing of metals by drawing is carried out on a drawing mill, which consists of a die and a pulling device that imparts movement to the metal being processed through the die. The drawer carries out drawing and calibration on drawing mills and special lines of rod and coil metal of various diameters from steels of all profiles and grades, including hard-to-deform, heat-resistant, complex-alloyed and other special grades of steel in a hot state.

    Slide 16

    Engineer How to build a reliable bridge across a river? How to make wind and water work for the benefit of people? How to create a new car or plane? To answer these questions, you need to know many sciences very well: physics, mathematics, chemistry, drawing, etc. A person who has studied all these sciences and with their help can design a bridge or a car is called an engineer.

    Slide 17

    Geologist The task of a geologist is to identify and evaluate mineral deposits. The work involves frequent business trips. The work of a geologist is work in the field. Working in a small team requires the ability to be tolerant of other people. Geologists can work in geological exploration expeditions, geophysical and drilling parties, research and design organizations.

    Slide 18

    Slide 19

    Who is a doctor? A doctor is a person who treats sick people. Doctor prescribes medicine to sick people. Doctors are different. Some perform operations, others conduct examinations of various human organs. For example, an ophthalmologist observes the patient’s eyes, an ENT examines the patient’s throat, nose and ears, prescribing treatment. A doctor called a Traumatologist examines patients with fractures and bruises of the legs, arms, head, and fingers. An X-ray machine helps him in his work.

    Slide 20

    Pilot A pilot is a person who controls an aircraft. Synonyms: pilot, aviator. Most often, pilots are divided into military, civilian and amateur. There are also experimental aviation pilots testing new aircraft. The pilot, performing the functions of the first pilot, controls the aircraft and makes decisions about the actions of the crew in difficult situations. The flight consists of several stages: take-off, climb, horizontal movement, descent and landing. Having received permission from the air traffic controller, the first pilot taxis to the runway, where the plane accelerates and, taking off from the ground, gains altitude. The first pilot's task is to control the plane so that it arrives at the right time at each of the points corresponding to the calculated trajectory. To do this, the pilot must constantly compare instrument readings with calculated data, while simultaneously monitoring the operation of six to seven devices. Takeoff and landing are the most critical moments of a flight. After all, there may be several aircraft in the air near the airfield. The slightest deviation from the calculated trajectory threatens a collision. During takeoff and landing, the pilot not only monitors information, but also mentally analyzes it, comparing instrument data with what he sees from the cockpit window: taking into account weather conditions, the movement of other aircraft and the characteristics of controlling a particular aircraft. At the same time, he relies both on instrument readings and on a specific sense of flight, which consists of the sound of a running engine, sensations of vibration and roll. Any mistake in management threatens the death of people.

    Slide 21

    Interior designer The profession of designer is one of the most highly paid and prestigious professions these days. The designer is engaged in the project and design of premises - residential buildings, offices, public institutions. The designer must be able to think through all the details of the project: volumetric-spatial composition of the interior, style solution, select finishing materials, furniture and equipment.

    Slide 22

    Slide 23

    Huntsman (from German Jager - hunter) - an official in the hunting grounds of Russia; specialist hunter serving amateur hunters. Monitors compliance with environmental regulations and hunting laws.

    Slide 24

    Notary A notary (from the Latin notarius - scribe, secretary) is an official of bodies whose functions include certification of transactions, registration of inheritance, rights, certification of documents to give them legal authenticity. The activities of a notary are regulated by the Law “On State Notaries”. The current legislation provides for a single notarial action - certification of agreements (transactions), consisting of an inscription about this on the agreement itself, signed by a notary with a seal attached.

    Slide 25

    Journalist A journalist is always at the forefront of events, where new things are born. The end result of a journalist’s work is material (information note, article, essay for a newspaper, television or radio program). This is preceded by painstaking work.

    Slide 26

    Ornithologist A biologist who studies birds. Observes their behavior in the wild, in the metropolis and in captivity. Tracks seasonal migrations. Engaged in research work. Together with veterinarians, ornithologists are developing methods for treating bird diseases and fighting epidemics.

    Slide 27

    Cutter A cutter works in an atelier for custom tailoring and repairing clothes. In communication with the client, he finds out his wishes and clarifies the order. If necessary, gives advice on choosing the style of a future product, based on a professional assessment of the characteristics of the client’s figure, the purpose and sewing properties of the fabric, and fashion trends. Takes the necessary measurements. Draws the selected style option and draws up an order passport. Makes patterns for cutting. Performs economical layout of patterns on fabric and makes cutting (during repairs, recuts individual parts). Distributes sewing operations among the sewing team masters, taking into account the skill level of each worker. Conducts fitting and delivery of orders to the client.

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    writer A writer is a person who creates some meaningful text (work) and earns his living from it. The writer must have a developed imagination. It is impossible to come up with a work of art without a vivid imagination. He must know the rules of grammar, avoid making mistakes, and most importantly, be able to give a poetic color to an ordinary word with the help of synonyms, associations, and metaphors.

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    An image maker is a specialist who professionally shapes the client’s image. Imageology has become a specific profession relatively recently.

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    Stuntman A profession in cinema, a performer of complex and dangerous stunts. Often the stuntman takes part in the creation of special props, costumes, insurance mechanisms, scenery with which the stunt is performed, as well as in the preparation of pyrotechnics that create the illusion of a dangerous situation. Often stuntmen substitute, t .e. they duplicate the actors in the frame while performing stunts. Therefore, the stuntman needs not only to have a good command of the technique of performing various tricks, but also to be able to transform in a certain way.

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    Confectioner The process of producing flour products involves many manual operations performed by the confectioner using special tools: rolling pins, spatulas, knives, etc. The pastry chef prepares various types of dough, creams, fillings; prepares raw materials according to a given recipe: kneads, kneads, rolls out the dough; separates the resulting semi-finished products, cuts, shapes, bakes them; decorates products with cream, fondant, chocolate, etc.; checks the weight of finished products.

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    Profession teacher! Our teacher is simply awesome! He loves us all. Helps us with our studies. We're trying, he knows. We are proud of our teachers and strive for new knowledge!

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    A model is a person (man, woman, child) who demonstrates clothing designs at fashion shows.

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    choreographer A choreographer is a representative of the creative profession who choreographs dances for a group of dancers. The choreographer conducts training with the dancers, visits and evaluates their performance. The choreographer must be able to dance, be original and have organizational skills. Choreographers can be found in dance companies, musical theaters, opera, television, film sets, and festivals.

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    Required set of knowledge: acting skills, basics of choreography, makeup art, ethics of behavior, basic fashion trends, knowledge of foreign languages.

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    Florist Florist implements landscaping projects drawn up by specialists who have graduated from secondary and higher educational institutions. But, no matter how good the design concept is, its implementation depends on the skill and aesthetic taste of the flower growers. They participate in the planning of green spaces, make ridges, loosen the soil, and apply fertilizers. When the seeds are sown or seedlings are planted, the soil is loosened again, weeds are destroyed, mulched - the rows are covered with leaves, straw and humus, watered and fertilized. To give the plant a certain shape, it is pinched and pinched. To maintain a clear pattern of flower beds and lawns, they are trimmed, thinned, faded inflorescences are cut off, and fragile plants are tied to stakes.

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    The profession of a model is considered prestigious and highly paid. Career growth opportunities are present. A top model can gain fame and receive invitations to appear in advertising and as a host of various television shows.

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    Meteorologist Collects and systematizes information about atmospheric processes, analyzes the information received, and participates in the preparation of long-term forecasts. A meteorologist works outdoors, including in adverse weather conditions. It is necessary to carry out measurements at strictly specified time intervals, regardless of weather conditions (rain, hail, storm at sea, thunderstorm, etc.). Work at remote weather stations often takes place in conditions of isolation and loneliness. Meteorological research data is used in agriculture, aviation and shipping, and urban planning

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    Nanny The nanny feeds, washes and changes the child, walks and plays with him, reads books to him. According to the terms of the contract, her responsibilities may also include cleaning the premises, preparing food for the child, and purchasing groceries. The main task of the nanny is to provide the child with comfort and safety, and if necessary, she must be able to provide him with first aid. The nanny is required to have a medical record confirming that due to health reasons she can work with children, as well as letters of recommendation. Mistrust and checks on the part of the child’s parents are quite natural, and one must be prepared for them. For a nanny, a pedagogical or medical education is desirable.

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    Ecologist Ecologists are those specialists who try to explain why rivers dry up, fish die, or snow falls in the summer. They study the state of water, land, air, the impact of industrial waste on plants, animals and humans. An ecologist organizes the protection of the life and health of people, flora and fauna from the consequences of the irrational and uncontrolled use of scientific and technological achievements. An ecologist is a profession for real fighters!

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    Waiter The profession of a waiter has existed for about 6 thousand years, but people still need it and are irreplaceable. A restaurant is unthinkable without a waiter. The level of service depends not only on the interior of the restaurant, its equipment, the quality of food, but also on the professional skills of those who create an atmosphere of cordiality and hospitality, and, first of all, on the waiters. Long before visitors arrive at the restaurant, waiters begin to prepare for their meeting: they clean the room, arrange furniture, get tableware, cutlery, table linen, and set tables.

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    Profession firefighter! In a bright red car we rush forward. Hard and dangerous work awaits us, firefighters. The howl of a piercing siren can deafen, We will use both water and foam to extinguish the fire. And we can help people in trouble, After all, we will fight the fire boldly day and night!

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    Profession chef! Give the cook the food: Poultry, dried fruits, Rice, potatoes... And then delicious food awaits you.

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    Hairdresser The art of a hairdresser is compared to the work of an artist: a true master has impeccable taste. The main and basic “tools” of a good hairdresser are his imagination, a sense of modernity, aesthetic taste, a faithful eye and skillful hands. At hairdressing schools and courses, hairdressers systematically learn new working techniques, modern methods of hair processing (coloring, curling, etc.), receive information about new haircuts, fashionable hairstyles, improving their skills. Depending on the type of work and the tools used, the profession of a hairdresser distinguishes specialties: hairdresser for men, women and children. A hairdresser communicates with a large number of people every day, so he needs communication skills.

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    Baker A baker bakes bread and baked goods. He kneads the dough and determines its readiness for baking. He places the finished dough on sheets and sends them to the oven. The baker controls the baking process, regulates the movement of the oven conveyor, and determines the readiness of the product.

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    Translator The responsibilities of a translator include: organizing and conducting excursions to cultural and historical places for foreign citizens, accompanying foreign citizens during their visits to the country, providing assistance in the accommodation and residence of foreign citizens, translations at presentations, business meetings, accompanying Russian-speaking groups when traveling abroad, translation of technical and fiction literature, teaching.

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    Carpenter Carpenter is one of the common construction professions. This is a wide-ranging profession. The specialist performs work related to wood processing and the manufacture of various parts, products and building structures from it. The profession of a carpenter is needed everywhere. He can work at city construction sites, in rural construction organizations, in construction and repair organizations, in repair shops of factories, in woodworking plants, in housing construction offices of house management. Even with widespread mechanization of construction work, a construction site cannot be done without a carpenter.

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    Pharmacist A pharmacist is a specialist with a higher pharmaceutical education who works in the production, storage, and sale of medicines. Historically, a pharmacy worker is called a pharmacist. Among specialists of this kind, a distinction is made between pharmacists - technologists involved in the production of dosage forms, and pharmacists - analysts involved in quality control. In addition, the responsibilities of a pharmacist may include monitoring the dispensing of medicines, including narcotic drugs, checking the operation of pharmacies, kiosks, and clinics. Pharmaceutical education can be secondary or higher. A specialist with a secondary specialized education in this field is a pharmacist, and a specialist with a higher education is a pharmacist.

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    Passenger carriage conductor The range of duties of a conductor is quite wide and varied. His responsibilities include serving passengers en route, ensuring safe boarding and disembarking of passengers, and placing them in the carriage in accordance with travel documents. He must ensure the carriage of hand luggage in accordance with established rules and regulations; keep records of the population of the car being serviced and promptly inform the train manager about the availability of free and vacated seats in the car. The conductor receives bed linen, prepares beds for passengers, and at the end of the flight collects the linen and ensures its return. Prepares and distributes tea and tea trade products. The conductor monitors the technical condition of the car, ensures the safety and serviceability of its internal equipment. The conductor is obliged to notify passengers about the names of stopping points and the duration of the train stop; keep the car clean and tidy, carry out dry and wet cleaning of the car; Provide first (pre-hospital) medical aid to passengers if necessary.

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    Remuer The technology for making champagne is mysterious. Everything that happens around this wonderful wine, which has become a symbol of the holiday for many, is unusual and a little reminiscent of witchcraft. Few people realize how much effort and skill different professionals put into creating a foamy drink.

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    Restorer Restoration in art and architecture refers to the restoration of destroyed, damaged or distorted historical and cultural monuments in order to preserve their historical or cultural significance. The profession of a restorer includes several specialties that require professional education at various levels: restorer of decorative and artistic paintings, restorer of wooden works, restorer of decorative plaster and stucco products, artist-restorer.

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    Gardener The work of a gardener organically combines both mental and physical functions. In modern gardening, a master must possess a variety of agrotechnical skills necessary for growing planting material, planting gardens, and caring for plants, taking into account their growth and development.

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    Clergyman Any clergyman, be it a priest, archbishop, mullah or priest, is a mediator between people and God, in whose existence they believe and to whom they offer their prayers. People come to the priest both in sorrow and in joy, asking for advice, and entrusting their most intimate secrets. Therefore, he must be a person of authority, be able to empathize, have extraordinary patience, courage, humility and, of course, deep faith. The clergyman performs the sacraments and public worship, but his work does not end outside the temple gates. A priest can be stopped on the street at any time to ask for advice or help.

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    Assistant Secretary The Secretary establishes contact with the employees of the institution, prepares and serves various meetings, sessions, conferences, and organizes the reception of the administrative staff and visitors. The secretary's role is also responsible in organizing various meetings. The secretary selects the relevant documents and, if necessary, prints them on the computer. Working with documents is one of the duties of a secretary. He keeps minutes of meetings, records telephone messages, orders, instructions. In this case, the secretary may use shorthand.

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    Investigator Discovering and investigating crimes, exposing the perpetrators, and restoring a person’s good name constitute the essence of the work of an investigator. The successful fight against crime largely depends on his skill and energy, perseverance, initiative and dedication. The activities of the investigator are carried out at three stages of criminal proceedings: initiation of a criminal case, preliminary investigation and reopening of cases based on newly discovered circumstances. Planning the investigation, conducting procedural actions, assessing the collected evidence, making decisions on the case is carried out by the investigator independently.

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    Rescuer Modern rescue service has existed in our country relatively recently. This does not mean that no one has been involved in rescuing people in emergency situations before. Civil defense units took part in eliminating the consequences of accidents and disasters. Rescuers of a narrow specialty were used: water rescuers, mountain rescuers, rescue and search teams, firefighters. These services still exist today. However, emergency situations are increasingly arising that require the involvement of specially qualified specialists. Therefore, in 1990, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (EMERCOM) was created. In addition to performing the functions indicated in the very name of the department, the Ministry of Emergency Situations predicts and prevents circumstances fraught with threat to people, develops rescue tools, and creates new technologies.

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    Carpenter Carpenter is a multifaceted profession, including a wide variety of professional skills. The most widespread professions are carpenters in housing construction and furniture production. A special small group includes cabinetmakers, whose work is dominated by artistic tendencies. The result of the carpenter’s work is various carpentry products, which are divided according to their design characteristics

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    Coach The coach's responsibilities include preparing athletes for the upcoming season. Higher education is necessary to obtain a position as a coach corresponding to the specialization of the chosen sport, as well as to be an athlete yourself, even if he has been in the chosen sport. A coach working with children must be both a good specialist in his field, a psychologist and educator, and simply a person who loves children. Not all coaches manage to combine all these qualities. It is impossible to be a coach without truly loving this job. Both professional and amateur athletes need emotional support. A coach can and should be able to set up a student for victory, maintain his fighting spirit and desire to conquer more and more new milestones. Needless to say, a representative of this profession must be an authority for his students in everything: in attitude to work, in their lifestyle, in their views and assessments of everyday events. The trainer's working day begins very early at 6-00 am, because many trainers teach for more than one year and the youngest children train before kindergarten. A sports coach trains athletes. He supervises their training and prepares them for competitions. To achieve the best results, the coach needs to correctly plan a set of exercises, correctly distribute the intensity, mode and load of classes, taking into account the physical and mental resources of the athletes. Coaches of professional athletes have usually achieved certain heights in this field in the past. In children's sports schools and sections, masters of sports and graduates of physical education universities usually work in this profession. And although the maximum program of every coach is to bring his ward into big sports, for teenagers and young people the coach, first of all, remains an authoritative and close person who makes them believe in themselves, their strengths and capabilities.

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    Coach The coach plays an important role in the life of an athlete. He teaches by word and personal example to reach the top. The coach must be a professional. He must have victories in competitions behind him. He will have to work with children of different personalities, so he needs to: understand psychology and be able to manage a team.

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    Bodyguard In modern Russia, a security guard is a specialist who carries out security measures on a contractual basis, undergoes training and has a license for private security activities. Main activity: ensuring the safety of the client as a whole. Today, the bodyguard profession is one of the most dangerous and risky professions, associated with both physical and mental stress, and requires qualified training.

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    Weaver The profession is mainly for women. The main task of the weaver is to prevent unnecessary downtime of the machines, quickly eliminate accidental thread breaks, prevent defects, and quickly eliminate them if they arise. The weaver checks the quality of incoming threads by number and color, performs preventive work to prevent breaks in the warp (longitudinal) and weft (transverse) threads, fabric defects, controls the density of the fabric and the accuracy of the weave pattern. One weaver operates several looms.

    World of professions Doctor Well, who is stronger here than all the diseases and colds? As if Doctor Aibolit will protect us from the flu? I'm not afraid - I run, I jump To visit the good doctor! Sailor A sailor is sailing on a ship. He does not yearn for land. He is friends with the wind and the wave. After all, the sea is his home. Firefighter If suddenly something bad happens, Something catches fire somewhere, A fireman is needed there urgently. It will pay off, that's for sure. Serviceman Defenders of the monastery. Brave fighters. And valiant knights. Dashing brave men. The dark forces are the winners. Without titles and names. Servants of the Fatherland. Soldiers of all times. Policeman If you are in trouble, dial 02. The police will come to you, help everyone, save everyone. Pilot The pilot knows his business, He flies the plane in the sky. He flies over the earth boldly, making a flight. Driver Rolling, Flying At full speed I myself am the driver, I myself am the engine. I press the pedal - and the car rushes into the distance! Painter I am a painter, walking towards you with a brush and a bucket. I will use fresh paint to paint the new house myself. I paint the walls, I paint the door, My brush dances... My nose has now become white, friends. Teacher The cheerful bell rang in yellow-red September. The school doors were opened to our noisy children. Into a long life exam Along an indirect path Will lead to the land of knowledge Our teacher is the helmsman. Artist He will draw fruits, nature, and portraits. The artist took brushes, paints and an easel to work. Cook Give the cook food: Poultry, dried fruits, Rice, potatoes... And then delicious food awaits you. Dressmaker I've been sewing all day today. I dressed the whole family. Wait a little, cat, you will have some clothes too. Carpenter A hammer is needed in the work, And a carpenter is friendly with a saw. I sawed the plank and made a birdhouse. Builders Let the parents not be angry that the builders will get dirty, Because the one who builds is worth something! And it doesn’t matter that for now This house is made of sand! A manager manages a large company both wisely and skillfully, distributes money in such a way that the business grows and becomes stronger. He gives instructions to all his employees, so that the company moves forward and brings profit to them. Hairdresser Give me scissors and a comb, He will do your hair. The hairdresser will certainly give you a modern haircut. Musician How a musician plays, How beautiful the sounds of violins are! He has great talent, golden hands. Clown I'm a clown! I will rush to the audience. I'm a clown! I will make the audience laugh. Let your tears flow from laughter! I really love it when people laugh. Cosmonaut He is an example for all the guys. They call him a hero. An astronaut proudly bears this title. Geologist I want to become a geologist - I teach different stones. Here is the ore, it contains metals. Here are the different crystals. The stone here is sea coral, nearby pearls sparkled. The strongest diamond, you know, I will find it more than once. Milkmaid In the morning the sun shines brightly, The milkmaid carries milk. Warm, cow's, for children's health. Combine operator At dawn, as soon as the dawn ray of the poplars browns, the combine operator will take the helm and quickly go to the fields. He looks like a captain, but he leads a steppe ship. He argues with the wave stubbornly, Only with the golden wave. Solve the crossword puzzle

    1. Tell me, who cooks cabbage soup so deliciously, Smelly cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes, All breakfasts, lunches? 2. The patient will not solve problems, He will treat all the sick ... (doctor) 3. He will draw fruits, and nature, and a portrait. I took brushes, paints and an easel to work today. (artist) 4. The traffic light is flashing for me, he knows that I am .... (driver) 5. Who teaches children to read and write, to love nature, to respect the elderly? (teacher) 6. He is not a pilot, not a pilot, he is not flying a plane, but a huge rocket. Children, who, say this? (astronaut) 7. Who lifts dumbbells and throws the cannonball the furthest? Runs fast, shoots accurately, how do they all call them in one word? (athlete) 8. Among the clouds, at a height, we are building a new house together, so that the people in it can live happily in warmth and beauty. (builder) 9. Our hero of the day smells like paint: he painted the thousandth house... (painter) Solve the crossword puzzle
    Balasheva Natalya Petrovna Primary school teacher, State Educational Institution Secondary School “School of Health” No. 1920, Moscow