Commandant of PPE standards. Model industry standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of organizations of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Reserves

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Not only employees of medical institutions have the opportunity to wear special clothing, which is issued free of charge in accordance with legal regulations.

At many enterprises, personnel must receive personal protective equipment that will protect not only from pollution, but also from the negative impact of production factors.

Let's figure out what PPE employees of enterprises are entitled to.

General aspects

Let's find out what is considered PPE and what legislative provisions in this case should be considered.

Basic moments

PPE is personal protective equipment that is used by workers to prevent or reduce the impact of harmful and dangerous factors at work.

Also used as protection against pollution. Necessary in cases where safety cannot be ensured by equipment designs, process organization, or collective means of protection.

There are special requirements for PPE labeling. They must meet the requirements and relevant standards.

The need for PPE for workers is stated in the following regulatory documents:

  1. In intersectoral rules on labor protection.
  2. V et al.

Certain standards have been established for the issuance of certified PPE to workers in each production area.

In order to find out what industry the specialty belongs to, you need to review the documents.

Management has the right to independently issue protective equipment in excess of established standards if we are talking about unfavorable conditions.

It can replace some PPE with others if protection is not compromised. But then such actions need to be coordinated with specialized committees.

In no case may personal protective equipment be issued below the norm.

Employers undertake to provide personal protective equipment free of charge, taking into account the personal characteristics of the employee and legal requirements.

The company can also register the issuance of PPE, according to which they are issued for a period of time.

The requirements for special clothing are as follows:

  1. According to health standards, it should not injure the skin or cause allergies.
  2. There must be no release of harmful substances.
  3. Clothing must comply with sanitary standards.
  4. A slight odor and some chemical are acceptable according to the toxicity scale.
  5. Overalls should protect from environmental factors.
  6. Clothing must fit the employee in size.
  7. PPE should be light, etc.

What does it include?

PPE is classified according to. There are 10 classes, and accordingly, several types, taking into account the design.

We are talking about:

Special protective clothing sheepskin coats, coats, short coats, capes, robes
Insulating clothing Wetsuit, spacesuit, pneumatic suit
Clothing that protects respiratory and hearing organs Pneumatic mask, respirator, pneumatic helmet, protective headphones, etc.
Protective equipment for hands, head, eyes, feet Foot wraps, knee pads, helmets, wristbands, etc.
Warning elements Protective belt, manipulator
Special designs Grounding, grounding
Protective dermatological preparations Cleaner and protective agent

Legal basis

When issuing specialized clothing, you should rely on the standards.

Standard industry standards for PPE have been established (as amended on December 17, 2001).

The provisions approved by:

  • dated December 9, 2014 No. 997n;
  • dated August 12, 2008 No. 416n;
  • dated June 22, 2009 No. 357n, etc.

Emerging nuances

According to inter-industry standards, workers have the right to receive specialized clothing of a certain type and quantity. PPE is provided only when performing work that is specified in the lists.

If employees combine several specialties, clothing is issued according to the standards in accordance with the combination of specialties.

Trainees, interns, and employees who are required to observe the performance of work may temporarily use special clothing. According to the climate zone, PPE is issued taking into account the climatic location.

Employers must comply with the norms of Order No. 777n and requirements. Otherwise, the liability provided for will apply.

For cultural workers

Provision is also made for the provision of PPE to cultural workers. This applies to:

  • film studio employees;
  • television and radio broadcasting organizations;
  • film copy factories;
  • film distribution;
  • cinematography;
  • fine arts organizations, etc.

Such personnel are issued uniforms until they are worn out. The kit may include:

  • robes;
  • overalls;
  • rubberized aprons;
  • gloves and boots
  • a pair of safety glasses;
  • waterproof raincoats;
  • high boots with fur;
  • a cap;
  • boots;
  • insulated jackets and trousers (according to climate zone);
  • dielectric galoshes and mittens.

The specific list of items issued will depend on the specialty and tasks performed in production.

Education staff

Let's present a list of PPE in the form of a table, taking as an example some employees of educational institutions.

Drivers Suits; signal vests, gloves; boots, jackets According to Order 357n dated June 22, 2009
Library Managers Cotton robes According to
Warehouse managers Robes and gloves According to Order No. 777n dated September 1, 2010
Canteen Managers Robes, caps or headscarves, a pair of slippers According to
Laundry washing operators Special suits, aprons, gloves, galoshes In accordance with
Cooks Caps, robes/jackets, aprons, arm ruffles, a pair of slippers According to Order No. 308
As an auxiliary worker Cotton suits, mittens and boots, a pair of felt boots (if necessary) According to Order No. 541n
Teacher assistants Aprons that have a bib, robes, scarves, gloves, a pair of galoshes According to Decree No. 68 of December 29, 1997
Plumbers Suits, a pair of boots, several pairs of gloves and mittens, a gas mask By order No. 541n
To the watchmen Suits, leather boots, warm jacket, waterproof cotton raincoats By order No. 541n
Cleaners Robes, mittens, gloves and galoshes Same
Chemistry teachers, laboratory assistants, technology teachers Robes, special aprons, rubber gloves, a pair of safety glasses, respirators, a pair of leather slippers
Physics teachers A pair of dielectric gloves, dielectric mats, a tool that has insulating handles, voltage indicators According to the Decree of December 16, 1997 No. 63

Workers of housing and communal services (housing and communal services)

Housing and communal services workers receive PPE in accordance with the provisions established by Order No. 541n.

The need to issue special clothing to this category of personnel is due to the fact that they perform work that:

  • recognized as harmful or dangerous;
  • have special temperature conditions;
  • associated with pollution.


Bakelites, bandage workers, tram drivers, switch post attendants Aprons with bibs, mittens made of canvas or other material (taking into account the profession), a pair of dielectric galoshes and gloves. Additional equipment - warm jackets and trousers, felt boots, taking into account the climate zone. For some types of work, waterproof raincoats are required
Dispatchers Raincoats made from raincoats
Painters Oilcloth aprons, a pair of safety glasses, overalls, mittens, respirators
For railway construction machine operators Overalls, leather shoes, mittens, a pair of dielectric galoshes and gloves
For operators of sump units Suits, boots and mittens, waterproof raincoats, warm jackets and trousers
For saw and hacksaw carvers Aprons with bibs and mittens
Standard standards for issuing personal protective equipment to gas boiler house workers provide for the provision Protective suit against dirt and mechanical damage, warm jacket and boots (in winter)

Approximately the same list of PPE is issued to other workers. You can look in more detail in the Order approved at the legislative level.

In cross-cutting professions

For example, in the field of crop production and land reclamation, employees will be given:

  • protective suits;
  • mittens;
  • a pair of leather ankle boots;
  • a pair of safety glasses;
  • respirators;
  • warm jackets and trousers with waistbands;
  • aprons made of cotton fabric or rubberized;
  • waterproof raincoats;
  • hats.

You can find out more about PPE by profession by re-reading the Order itself.

Irrigation and filtration field operator A suit, a pair of rubber boots, a dozen gloves and mittens
Rice farmer Suit, leather shoes, pair of rubber boots, gloves
To the gardener A suit, rubberized aprons with bibs, a pair of rubber boots, mittens. In some cases, respirators and a pair of safety glasses
To the tobacco grower Suit, leather shoes, mittens and respirators, gloves and a pair of safety glasses
Hop grower Suit, robe, cotton apron, leather shoes, mittens, hats, respirator
Beekeeper Suit, net or mosquito nets, gloves. In the Siberian region, anti-encephalitis suits
For fish farmers Fishing suits, water-repellent aprons, raincoats, mittens, gloves, a pair of rubber boots

Foremen must also receive special clothing and footwear, as well as other personal protective equipment in the same quantity as workers in this profession.

HR specialists have to work with various regulations and constantly monitor their updates. Particular attention is paid to the labor protection system, which is also regulated by certain regulations and standards.

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Workwear and safety footwear are intended for workers whose activities are carried out in hazardous and health-threatening conditions. According to the standards, workwear must be worn by workers in production, public transport drivers, catering workers, medical institutions, housing and communal services, etc.

Technological clothing is a type of workwear. It is used to protect tools. In addition to overalls and shoes, you also need to have additional protective equipment - individual ones.

Types of protective equipment:

  • protection from mechanical stress and heat, dirt, hazardous liquids, etc.;
  • protection of eyes and respiratory organs from hazardous factors;
  • hygiene supplies.

Who is entitled to it?

Working clothes, safety shoes, and protective equipment are issued only to those workers whose professions are included in the Classifier and provided for by regulations.

If the specialty is not included in the documentation, a person can purchase protective equipment for personal convenience at his own expense, in agreement with the manager - with partial payment.

All new employees are required to familiarize themselves with the procedure and rules for issuing workwear before employment.

If the organization for any reason has not issued protective equipment, you cannot begin work. In this case, the worker is paid idle time in the amount of about 65% of.

Legislative regulation

The rules for issuing special clothing to workers can be found in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 N 290n. According to this document, providing workers with protective equipment, clothing and footwear is an integral element of the system of occupational risks and worker health protection.

Article 221 of the Labor Code states that when working in hazardous conditions, employees are provided with certified protective equipment in accordance with legal standards.


The issuance of protective equipment is carried out taking into account the Standard Industry Standards for their free provision. The document contains a list of professions and positions that are subject to these rules.

Employers, in agreement with the state labor protection inspector, can replace some types of protective equipment with others, which also provide complete protection at work.

The standard standards were approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 63.

The standards for the free provision of workwear depend on a number of factors:

  • scope of the company;
  • working conditions;
  • hazard categories, etc.

Accepted standards

The provision of protective equipment is carried out in accordance with equipment standards and staffing schedules. Positions and specialties must be included in the Classifier of Specialties.

All clothing, shoes and additional equipment are subject to certification (Article 215 of the Labor Code).

Management may introduce additional standards for the provision of protective equipment in order to implement a program for protecting the health of workers in hazardous and hazardous work conditions. Reducing the limit of protective equipment is not allowed.

The improvement in the standards for free provision of workwear is reflected in. After certification of workplaces and agreement with the labor safety inspector, issuance standards in excess of the established ones can be adopted.



In various areas of economic activity, they rely on the annex to the Model Industry Standards adopted by the Ministry of Labor in 1997. These standards give different categories of workers the right to receive protective equipment, establish their names and quantities.


Cross-sectoral standards establish the procedure for the provision of protective clothing and footwear in various sectors of the economy.

Resolutions of the Ministries of Labor and Health have determined a list of specialties that are entitled to special protection. Intersectoral rules were adopted in accordance with Order No. 290-.

Part-time workers are provided with clothing and shoes in accordance with the standards for citizens combining professions. Students and trainees receive protective equipment during their internship.

By climatic zones

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 70 introduces uniform rules for issuing insulated protective equipment according to climatic conditions.

Terms of use (in months):

Climate zone Warm jacket Warm lavsan-viscose jacket Warm pants Warm lavsan-viscose trousers Felt boots
1 36 36 36 36 48
2 30 30 30 30 36
3 24 No 24 No 30
4 18 No 18 No 24
Special 18 No 18 No 24

Additional fur clothing for special belts:

  • mittens;
  • earflaps;
  • sheepskin coat

Requirements for workwear and safety footwear

Occupational safety requirements for workwear are different for each profession.


Increased demands are placed on protective clothing for construction workers, since they are worn by people working in extreme conditions.

Requirements for construction clothing:

  • compliance with the declared protective qualities;
  • comfortable microclimate regardless of weather conditions;
  • high wear resistance, resistance to mechanical damage;
  • high-quality sewing material;
  • convenience;
  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • aesthetics.

Main types of protective equipment:

  • costume;
  • vest;
  • jacket, trousers;
  • waterproof raincoat;
  • shirt;
  • a cap;
  • boots, rubber boots;
  • personal protective equipment for the head, eyes, hands, etc.

In order to minimize accidents, some employees are issued safety vests of the second class of protection.

The list of professions and specialties has recently been expanded: the number of free protective equipment has increased, and the list of insulated winter clothing has been expanded. Management is entitled to an expanded set of clothing and shoes.

The period of use depends on the climate zone, and not on the type of clothing.


The procedure for issuing special clothing to motor transport workers was updated in 2009. The standards for warm and summer clothing are separate.

Summer clothes:

  • cotton suit;
  • mixed material suit;
  • shoes or boots;
  • gloves.

Warm clothes:

  • warm suit;
  • warm boots or felt boots;
  • wool gloves.


In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health No. 777-n, upon employment, cooks are provided with uniforms and hygiene products free of charge.


  • cotton trousers;
  • jacket;
  • robe;
  • cap;
  • apron;
  • towel.


According to the appendix to Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 9, 2014 N 997n, loaders are provided with clothing and shoes depending on the specifics of the organization and working conditions.


  • warm trousers and jacket (in winter);
  • overalls with mittens (in summer).

Trade workers

List of clothing for trade workers in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to Industry Standards:

  • waterproof sleeves and apron;
  • robe;
  • insulated jacket and felt boots (for rooms not heated in winter).

Housing and communal services

Overalls for housing and communal services workers in accordance with Order N 997n:

  • overalls;
  • signal cloak or vest (or suit);
  • gloves;
  • boots;
  • warm jacket, trousers, boots and mittens (in winter).


Overalls for workers in the agricultural sector in accordance with the appendix to Order of the Ministry of Health No. 416-n:

  • costume;
  • mittens;
  • shoes or boots.

In winter, warm clothing is provided.


The set of clothing depends on the industry in which the employee is employed.

List of protective clothing in accordance with the appendices to the Model Standards:

  • waterproof suit;
  • waterproof raincoat;
  • shoes or boots;
  • warm trousers, boots and jacket (in winter).

Health workers

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health No. 777-, employees of medical institutions are issued:

  • robe;
  • shirts;
  • dress, trousers or skirt;
  • slippers;
  • cap.

Emergency medical personnel are provided with winter and summer kits. Additional protective equipment includes goggles, rubber aprons, masks, etc.

Russian Railways

The rules for providing Russian Railways employees with special clothing are established by the Regulations of JSC Russian Railways.

The workwear set includes:

  • costume;
  • shoes or boots;
  • jacket;
  • signal vest;
  • waterproof clothing;
  • gloves.

In winter, a coat, a fur jacket, felt boots, mittens, a hat and a helmet are provided.


According to Appendix No. 11 to the Model Standards, fabric for making clothing must be heat-resistant.

Set of clothes:

  • dielectric galoshes, gloves;
  • helmet with heat-resistant shield;
  • heat-resistant underwear;
  • winter heat-resistant set.

Procedure for issuance and replacement

A personal registration card is created for each worker, in which protective equipment, clothing, shoes and sizes are entered. After receiving the kit, the employee signs for it.

If there is no signature, it is considered that the clothing was not issued. In addition to the cards, a Personal Protective Equipment Logbook is kept.

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Duties of the parties

Employer Responsibilities:

  • purchasing work clothes and shoes with your own money;
  • ensuring cleaning, care and storage of workwear, equipment of locker rooms and cabinets;
  • disinfection and repair of workwear (if such capabilities are not available, an agreement is concluded with a specialized company);
  • replacement of worn-out uniforms on the basis of an act;
  • Conducting instructions by the labor safety inspector on the use of protective clothing, checking the integrity of the protective equipment entered in the Log;
  • Providing employees with hygiene and preventive means (in dirty industries).

According to occupational safety requirements, employers must provide staff with work clothing that provides them with protection when working in conditions of heavy pollution, increased trauma, or associated with health hazards. In order to simplify business accounting, make it more formalized, and at the same time introduce regulatory recommendations on labor safety as a standard, standards for the issuance of workwear by profession have been established. Our review provides comments on this issue and the peculiarities of accounting for work uniforms classified as personal protective equipment - PPE.

Free provision of work clothes for workers and compensation of costs to the Social Insurance Fund

The order of this type of product from an enterprise, according to existing rules, is classified as cost. Providing professionally involved workers with special equipment cannot be lower than the established requirements reflected in the relevant industry orders of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the maximum standard norms for issuing workwear have not been defined, and enterprises set them at their own discretion. This is usually reflected in the collective agreement.

The quality of workmanship and some production features inherent in branded clothing are not regulated either. Work uniform sets describe the standards for issuing workwear by profession, available to enterprises in a special document - in Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 997n dated December 9, 2014.

When are special clothing required?

First of all, it must be taken into account that the employer is obliged to issue protective clothing only if employees can come into contact with harmful substances or biologically hazardous organisms. If they work in special conditions that are dangerous to life and health - with increased levels of light, pollution or noise. PPE is necessary for workers involved in industries with a high risk of injury.

Important note: despite the fact that there are occupational health and safety requirements in the workplace, they apply only to professions associated with certain risks of injury, infection, and mutilation. Uniforms, which are determined by internal corporate standards, are an element of company advertising. In this case, it is written off as another expense item and is not always taken into account as workwear.

Economic accounting of equipment simplifies the definition of three standards, the existence of which requires employees to wear special uniforms that have protective properties:

  • when working in conditions of possible danger and harm to health;
  • in conditions of heavy pollution;
  • when in unfavorable climatic conditions.

Reimbursement of costs for special equipment by the Social Insurance Fund

Please note that according to the new rules, the Social Insurance Fund reimburses expenses for workwear made in accordance with the standards specified in 2018 for each individual profession. The activities of enterprises that reimburse expenses, as a rule, relate to production and are considered to be associated with hazardous factors.

These requirements were approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 997n dated December 9, 2014. The list includes about 200 professions. In addition, for almost every production area or type of clothing there is a separate regulatory order for the standard for issuing workwear.

Excessive issuance of workwear

The described requirements for labor protection establish the minimum necessary kits, while the enterprise has the right to establish its own internal standards for providing workers with special equipment. These conditions for ensuring the professional activities of employees can be enshrined in a collective agreement or in the accounting policies of the production company.

Keep in mind that the financial service can write off the purchase of workwear as an expense and reduce the amount subject to taxation only if a special assessment of labor conditions has been carried out. They are approved by internal regulations. These requirements are enshrined in Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-03-06/1/59763 dated November 25, 2014. The right of enterprises to attribute these expenses to production costs is described in paragraphs. 1.3 art. 254 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 221 describes the possibility of manufacturers developing their own standards and limits for the issuance of equipment. At the same time, writing off excess costs and inflated costs when completing an order with improved quality is possible only if there is a special assessment. This document defines the factors for choosing clothing and justifies the presence of certain characteristics of specialized uniforms, including its quantitative issuance.

Production can justify excess standards of working uniform in accordance with the Intersectoral Rules approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 290n dated June 1, 2009. Or increased limits are agreed upon with the workers' union, this is reflected in Art. 221.2 Labor Code F and in the rules approved by the mentioned order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development (clauses 6, 7, 35).

Typically, internal standards justify excess standards as follows:

  • climatic conditions in the region;
  • the need for frequent changes of clothes;
  • the feasibility of replacing with another type of workwear.

Note! To coordinate excess requirements with state accounting authorities, you can send a request to the local inspectorate for supervision of working conditions. If you receive a positive answer, you can write off the workwear according to your own standards.

Orders and resolutions

To justify the advisability of enterprises purchasing special clothing for employees and workers, another document can be used. It defines a number of additional grounds on which workwear and personal protective equipment can be purchased without reference to the profession code. These standards are described by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 1104n dated December 14, 2010. First of all, attention is paid to providing metalworking and mechanical engineering enterprises with special clothing.

Climate-adapted equipment and the standards for its issuance and provision to employees are fixed by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 70 of December 31, 1997. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 416n dated August 12, 2008 describes the grounds for providing work uniforms and safety shoes to workers in the agricultural sector. One of the orders of the Ministry of Social Development regulates the provision of reflective equipment to road workers and construction workers. Widely in demand workwear for construction workers is also mentioned in a number of documents. In total, more than 70 Orders and Resolutions are known containing industry standards for the issuance of workwear.

List of recommended protective clothing by profession (standards for issuing workwear 997n)

Workwear determined to be inappropriate working conditions is issued free of charge. According to tax standards, objective expenses are reimbursed through social security payments. That is, the costs of ensuring safe work for workers can reduce tax payments to the Social Insurance Fund and are a way to optimize the tax burden (pay attention to the requirements for tax accounting of clothing). At the same time, the level of industrial safety of employees is ensured.

In order to correctly write off costs and receive compensation from social insurance taxes, you need to take into account the requirements of the mentioned Order No. 997n dated December 9, 2014. For example, a battery operator is entitled to the following set of equipment:

  • a tight suit made of special materials;
  • thick apron made of special materials;
  • thick rubber boots;
  • sleeves coated with polymers;
  • rubberized gloves;
  • face helmet;
  • eye barrier products;
  • respiratory protection device.

This list implies the issuance of one product from the set for 1 year. There are 12 pairs of gloves, that is, one pair for each month.

The list of protective clothing for drivers of different types of vehicles will be different. The only common things that remain in common are a work suit, resistant to dirt and mechanical damage, and gloves, which may have different properties depending on the field of activity and the category of goods transported. These requirements apply only to drivers of production vehicles.

The list includes, according to the legislator, all working professions associated with any risks and requiring protective clothing, even if the risks are minimal, for example, cleaners. These workers are entitled to the following PPE:

  • protective suit;
  • apron with polymer coating;
  • rubber boots;
  • rubberized gloves.

Again, we are talking about janitors and cleaners of production areas, but in this context the standard is often interpreted in a broader sense, if this is approved by internal requirements. All norms reflected in the standard are determined by industry characteristics of labor and production needs. Are justified by realistic professional working conditions.

A full description of the standards for issuing workwear for 2018 can be found at the link -.

Characteristics of fabrics and styles of special equipment

The characteristics of workwear are regulated by a number of national GOSTs and a pool of occupational safety regulations. The main regulations in the selection of products from suppliers supplying materials for PPE are:

  • GOST R 57877-2017 Fabrics for special clothing;
  • GOST 12.4.073-79 System of occupational safety standards. Fabrics for workwear and hand protection. Nomenclature of quality indicators.

A number of additional regulations are also used, including:

  • requirements for asbestos materials with wear-resistant coating (for mittens);
  • classifier of standards for the production of dust-proof materials;
  • standards for fabrics made of cotton and mixed raw materials used for sewing work equipment for skilled workers;
  • standards and quality indicators for materials resistant to infrared radiation;
  • requirements for raw materials used in sewing welders' clothing;
  • standards for burn-resistant materials;
  • requirements for materials for the production of hand protection equipment and safety footwear.

When purchasing products, choose a professional supplier of industrial equipment that provides the necessary certificates and guarantees compliance with GOST requirements. Cooperation directly with the manufacturer will allow you to choose from a wider range of workwear and footwear.

Special tailoring

Direct cooperation allows us to carry out special tailoring of personal protective equipment according to the internal requirements of production in an individual style. At the same time, the supplier offers a guaranteed quality product at a reasonable price with elements of production branding.

Regulatory regulations also imply the correct choice of size according to body type and height, weight group when designing standard patterns for men (GOST R 52774-2007) and women (GOST R 52771-2007). For these purposes, a unified system of design documentation is also used (GOST 2.114-95).

We also note that these requirements do not apply to uniforms, sportswear and personal equipment. These types, often used in corporate practice, are not subject to general rules; they are sewn according to technical specifications approved by the management of the customer company.

A low price for products can be offered by the manufacturer only when working directly with the production of materials. In this case, the supplier offers a wide range of colors of available materials made from cotton, blended, polyester, acetate and nylon fibers.

Properties of fabrics for workwear

The modern fabrics we offer for workwear have a number of sought-after protective properties. Have the following features:

  • antistatic;
  • hygroscopic;
  • fire retardant;
  • heat-saving;
  • antibacterial;
  • windproof;
  • signal;
  • barrier (ensuring sterility);
  • breathable.

A number of innovative fabrics with specific properties are also available, primarily those that differ in characteristics that allow the retention of human body heat in critical conditions without increasing the weight of the clothing. Workwear made from these materials is in demand in construction, especially in regions with an unfavorable climate. With a complex order, workwear for builders wholesale that meets modern requirements has an affordable price. The corresponding special assessment allows you to fully compensate for the cost of this product at the expense of the Social Protection Fund.

With an integrated approach to labor protection and proper accounting, it is possible to compensate for quite large costs at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. At the same time, the workers involved are provided with comfortable working conditions in uniforms that correspond to the risk level.

These are the conditions that the fast-growing company Viking, whose production facilities are located in Ivanovo, can offer. Today, this Russian company offers the most popular range of products on the market of branded, special, camouflage and sports equipment.


When choosing workwear, it is important not only to ensure its full compliance with state specifications, but also to purchase the highest quality products. Sewing from special fabrics ensures comfort in use and compliance with GOST requirements. At the same time, an adequate pricing policy of the supplier will make it possible to fully compensate for the costs of manufacturing workwear at the expense of the Social Protection Fund.

If work activity negatively affects the health of workers, then they are supposed to be provided with protective equipment.

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Overalls are provided free of charge in the required quantity. What are the standards for issuing PPE in Russia in 2020?

Workers of certain professions must perform work functions in special protective clothing.

The employer is obliged to provide staff with such clothing free of charge, if required by law.

Failure to fulfill the obligation to issue protective clothing is a violation of the law. According to what standards are special clothing provided in Russia in 2020?

Basic moments

In accordance with labor safety requirements, employers are required to provide employees with personal protective equipment, special clothing and footwear.

But such equipment is only available to representatives of certain professions. The procedure for issuing, types and quantities of workwear are determined by Interindustry Standards.

According to the standards, workers whose work involves unfavorable conditions need to be provided with overalls.

In particular, during the performance of work activities there is an impact on:

  • negatively affecting people due to temperature conditions;
  • associated with air and skin pollution;
  • causing harm to health.

For example, representatives of such professions as mechanics, plasterers, masons, etc. are required to wear special clothing.

To determine the need for protective equipment, a work environment assessment must be conducted every five years to assess working conditions.

The list of professions for which special clothing is required is approved by the Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Temporary workers who start work for which special clothing is required receive “special clothing” on the same basis as permanent employees.

Upon completion of the work, if the service life of the clothing has not expired, it is returned to the employer.

The standard standards provide for the provision of workwear to workers in 195 professions found in various economic sectors.

Cross-cutting professions require the receipt of specific sets of workwear. Moreover, the wearing period will certainly be specified.

The employer has the right to change existing standards for the issuance of workwear. But it is prohibited to tighten the current operating conditions for PPE or reduce standards.

What it is

Workwear is personal protective equipment (PPE). It was developed to protect workers and ensure safety during work activities.

The overalls must ensure the prevention of damage to the health of employees if work functions can provoke harm.

It is important to distinguish between uniforms and workwear. The purpose of wearing a uniform is to comply with corporate culture and unify the appearance of employees.

Workwear differs from uniforms in that:

What is their purpose

The PPE classification has been established. All protective equipment, based on their purpose, is divided into 11 classes, which are divided into types according to design.

According to the norms of the Technical Regulations, workwear is classified as:

Depending on the class, the purpose of protective clothing may be to protect against:

  • mechanical impact;
  • high or low temperature;
  • X-ray and radioactive radiation;
  • non-toxic dust and toxic substances;
  • electromagnetic and electric fields;
  • acids and petroleum products;
  • biological threats;
  • general industrial pollution.

Thus, the bus driver is provided with a suit to protect against mechanical and external contamination, gloves, and sometimes it is possible to be provided with special shoes.

Workwear in medical organizations consists of sanitary clothing and gloves. The stoker must receive protective trousers with a jacket or suit, rubber boots, safety glasses and gloves.

Regulatory regulation

The obligation of employers to provide workers with PPE has been established.

The rules for providing protective equipment, the procedure for issuing, using and maintaining protective equipment are set out in.

Requirements for protective equipment are given in.

Specific lists of PPE are indicated in the Model Standards for the free issuance of PPE adopted. This document is also valid in 2020.

Employers should be guided by its provisions when purchasing PPE. The standard has 14 sections and here the standards for issuing workwear, the procedure for provision, distribution limits, and specifics by profession are described in detail.

To determine which workers need to be provided with workwear, one must be guided by inter-industry and sectoral standards and local acts adopted on their basis.

In particular, the Regulations on the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSMS) are important.

In particular, the order approving the procedure for issuing PPE includes:

  • scope of application of PPE;
  • professions for which special clothing is required;
  • issuance standards;
  • procedure for provision;
  • lifetime.

In order not to rewrite the order every year, it is not necessary to indicate the employees by last name, it is enough to register the positions and indicate the date from which the order comes into force.

Sample order on standards for issuing workwear by profession:

Photo: order on standards for issuing workwear by profession

Summer uniform

Summer workwear is not issued at all enterprises. For some professions, the standards for winter and summer special clothing are practically the same.

For example, a librarian is entitled to only one suit or robe that protects from external contamination. And a catering worker or food seller is required to wear an apron with a bib.

Additional protective equipment is required for workers performing outdoor work in areas where there is a risk of infection from insect bites in the spring and summer.

Summer PPE includes:

  • suit made of cotton fabric;
  • tarpaulin or rubber boots;
  • work gloves or mittens.

Summer clothing is provided only for certain times of the year. Then the clothing is deposited with the person responsible for the safety of the workwear.

Write-off procedure

When providing PPE, entries are made in personal cards for recording the issuance of special equipment. The standard form of such a card is given in the appendix to the Rules for Providing PPE for Workers.

Clothing is issued under the personal signature of the employee. Electronic record keeping is permitted.

In this case, the employee’s signature is replaced by the number and date of the document in which the employee’s signature on receipt of PPE is present.

After the period of use of clothing has expired, it is written off. The following rules are observed:

With a service life of more than a year Write-off is carried out using the straight-line method. When the period of use is shorter, the workwear is written off immediately after it is issued to the employee.
At a low cost of PPE The amount is written off in full one time. When the price is high and the period of use is more than a year, the cost is written off in parts. For example, the service life is three years. Write-offs are carried out in equal amounts monthly throughout the entire period
PPE is written off according to the season of use Summer in the summer and winter in the winter
An employer who regularly pays taxes Can receive reimbursement for workwear from the Social Insurance Fund if PPE was issued free of charge and in accordance with legal requirements

Workwear is used in various organizations to assist or streamline the performance of professional activities by employees. Employees are provided with it through management, that is, the directors of the enterprise or specially appointed persons are responsible for this provision. The standards for issuing clothing are regulated by law.

Basic standards for issuing workwear

To begin with, let us clarify that by workwear we need to understand not only clothing itself, but also other means of protection - shoes, means to protect hands or face, hearing or vision, etc. That is, a protective mask will also be considered workwear. What are the features of issuing specialized clothing?

  1. Typically, workwear items are issued to employees for an annual period of use. After a year, they must be replaced with new ones.
  2. Items made from very strong and durable materials (for example, safety glasses) are issued in one copy until worn out.
  3. Items that are subject to significant external negative influence, but are made of durable materials, are issued in a single copy for a one-year period of use.
  4. Items consisting of low-strength materials, but used quite often (for example, rubber gloves), are issued in sets of 2-12 pairs per year.

The issuance standards are determined by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, and regulate, if necessary, the employee must be provided with an additional set of special clothing, unless otherwise prescribed by local legislative acts. Some employers sometimes use a trick: in situations where property is damaged, even due to circumstances beyond the employee’s control, they oblige him to purchase new protection attributes.

Standard standards for issuing workwear

Standard standards for issuing workwear were approved in 2014 by order of the Ministry of Social Protection and Labor of the Russian Federation. They are directly related to the name of the profession and the set of workwear to be issued, as well as the service life and number of elements in the set of workwear.

In total, the list of norms contains comments on 195 types of professions. Let's look further at some of the specialties that are most famous:

  1. dishwasher . A suit for protection against pollution (1 piece per year), an apron with a bib (2 pieces per year), rubber gloves (12 pairs per year), polymer sleeves (until worn out) are provided.
  2. Groom . Grooms receive a protective suit (1 piece per year), protective trousers and robe (1 set per year), rubber boots (1 pair per year), a polymer apron with a bib (1 piece per year), polymer gloves (4 pairs per year). year). Other workers with animals, including veterinarians, are also provided with a similar kit.
  3. Lifter . Lift operators are provided with a protective suit (1 piece per year) and polymer gloves (6 pairs per year).
  4. Farmer . For farming work, the specialist is provided with a protective suit (1 piece per year), as well as polymer gloves (12 pairs per year).
  5. Library employee . Equipped with a protective suit (1 piece per year), as well as a protective gown (1 piece per year).

Standard standards for other professions can be found in the tables:

In addition to the installed kit, employees are also provided with additional protective accessories if necessary. This could be a hard hat or helmet, special underwear or an insulated balaclava, etc. As a rule, such items have a service life “until wear out” and are issued only for use on the premises of the enterprise.

Order on approval of inter-industry standards for the issuance of workwear

The Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Development regulate intersectoral standards for the issuance of protective clothing. These standards provide a special procedure for issuing protective footwear and clothing, which is valid in all sectors of the economy. This list of standards was approved in 2009, replacing the 1998 resolution of the Ministry of Labor. The order can be found below:

Standards for issuing summer workwear

Summer workwear is seasonal and is not available at all enterprises. This is due to the fact that some professions require types of clothing that are used in both cold and warm periods of the year. Summer workwear includes:

  • cotton suit;
  • uninsulated boots or boots;
  • mixed fabric suit;
  • uninsulated mittens or gloves.

Almost all elements of workwear are issued in a single copy, with the exception of gloves, which can be issued in sets of 2-12 pairs.

Summer workwear can be issued to the employee either for the entire season, or only if necessary for the period of work. At the end of the summer season, clothes are handed over to the enterprise for storage.

Standards for issuing workwear according to climatic zones

The climate zone has a direct impact on the service life of workwear. There are 5 climatic zones in Russia - 1, 2, 3, 4 and special. There are also several types of workwear that are issued in these climatic zones. These include a warm jacket, trousers, felt boots, and boots. Let's look at the period for which they are given in different zones:

In the first climatic region, the average winter temperature is -1 degree, in the second - -10 degrees, in the third - -18 degrees, in the fourth - -41 degrees and in a special region -25 degrees.

Standards for writing off workwear

Most often, workwear is written off at the same time when the service life of the issued sets expires (that is, after 12 months). However, the write-off procedure has its own nuances:

  1. The cost of clothing, in order to reduce the labor intensity of accounting work, is written off at a time to the debit of suitable accounts for accounting for production costs at the time of transfer of this workwear directly to the employees of the organization.
  2. Workwear can be written off on a straight-line basis at the time it is put into use.
  3. When reflecting the write-off of the cost of workwear in tax accounting, you must be aware that the tax authority considers the cost of workwear to be economically justified only when the need for its purchase is suggested by the results of an inspection of working conditions or special equipment. assessments.
  4. Accountants are advised to consistently write off the cost of workwear, distributing it evenly over the period of expected use. For example, if one of the elements is an insulated vest costing 4,800 rubles, and its period of operation is 2 years, then 200 rubles will be written off monthly. Moreover, if the attribute is relatively cheap (for example, rubber gloves for 50 rubles), then the amount will be written off at a time.
  5. Any element of workwear cannot be taken into account as part of fixed assets.

When recording write-offs, the season of use should also be taken into account. For example, if a warm jacket is winter workwear, then in the summer it cannot be written off. In this case, the employee will need to hand over the attribute for seasonal storage within the enterprise.