Sad statuses about love.

People sometimes want to leave in order to be able to yearn, wait and enjoy the return.

Only if you finally part with a person, you begin to be truly interested in everything that concerns him.

Even the most beautiful and perfect flowers fade sooner or later, inevitably turning into a handful of ashes.

Don't hold back your tears. May they wash your soul.

Sometimes even the best friends don't need you because something more important happens in their life than friendship.

You think: okay, I'll get through this. I'm ready for the worst - but still you cherish a little hope, and it spoils your life. It just kills you.

My subscriber is no longer mine. He is somebody. With someone drinks tea, coffee. He talks about me like some kind of disaster.

You have to be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you.

Sometimes she stared into my eyes for no reason. And every time I felt unbearably sad.

Happy people do more stupid things than sad people, but sad people do more stupid things.

It just rolls sometimes strongly, I can’t do it anymore. I need a person next to me, and not just someone, but so that I can breathe next to him.

She wears little makeup in the morning, sleeps little. He is afraid of evil people, bites his lips so that it bleeds. Everything is taken to heart. She is like that. He quickly gets used to people, gets burned, disappointed, cries.

You begin to understand that everything is really bad when the person who always calmed everyone is crying.

How painful it is to be a friend with someone you love.

Everyone in life, there is a person who is not completely forgotten by him.

When you need support, you usually turn out to be of no use to anyone. But in reality, no one needs you all the time. You just notice it only when you need support.

Nothing changes from day to day, everything is as usual and sad at heart, and you don’t know why you live. Outside the window is autumn bad weather, in the heart is the cold of winter.

Learn to give up a sad and uninteresting book in time, not watch a boring movie to the end, leave a job that does not suit you, and delete bad people from your life.

I voluntarily became dead because being alive hurts too much.

We will never understand how little we need in this world for absolute happiness until we lose it.

"James Matthew Barry"

A cigarette is the best pain reliever. Together with the smoke you exhale sadness.

Nothing is eternal. So it's better not to wait. After all, when there is nothing, it’s not scary to lose.

If this is your destiny, no one and nothing will separate you. But if someone else's fate - nothing will make it yours.

Sad statuses with meaning

There is an end to everything in the world: love, tears, suffering, but there is no end to only one thing - memories.

It hurts, my heart said. Forget it - time has calmed down. But I will sometimes come back - whispered memory.

Sometimes when you reach your ceiling, you sadly realize that it's just someone's gender.

I'm probably the most sad man whom I have met in my lifetime.

I've always been around, only you didn't always notice it.

We make unhappy people who love us and are trying to make happy people who are happy without us.

Know how to keep all the pain inside, people do not care about your feelings.

To try to forget someone means to remember him all the time.

Sad statuses with meaning - "Erich Maria Remarque"

The hardest thing is to forget those people with whom you forgot about everything.

When someone close to you lies,
The soul from this, of course, will not die.
But here is the question from century to century:
“And if he lies, is he a close person?”

It is on the outside that I give the impression of a person who is satisfied with his life. But inside, under the outer veneer, despair reigns.

Loneliness is when you are surrounded by wonderful people who love and understand you, but each of them has someone closer than you.

There are no sadder words than "everything could have turned out differently" ...

And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone simply does not understand me ... They often tell me that I am beautiful ... I would exchange beauty for happiness ...

It is our own illusions, fantasies and dreams that give us the greatest mental pain.

Time does not heal. It just teaches you to live with pain...

After all, the soul is not an organ! But how much do you feel when it hurts...

Sometimes I really want to turn off my phone just to be lost, but I'm afraid that when I turn it back on, I will realize that no one was looking for me.

More than anything, I regret that fate brought us together. I used to be happy, now I'm sad because of your indifference...

I'm losing everyone I'm attached to. Every time I open up to a person, he leaves my life.

There are things that cannot be forgiven. There are words that cannot be forgotten. There are moments after which the people closest to you become nothing.

I think there is nothing worse than a big quarrel before the death of a loved one.

I don't mind that he didn't call. I'm sorry that I waited like a fool.

You need to cry when the rain is crying ... Then it will not be clear which of you sheds tears ...

How many times have I heard the phrase "there is nothing more terrible if Mom cries." I agree, it is. but only he who has seen the tears of the Father truly understands what pain is.

I'm tired of people because all they do is disappoint me. I'm also tired of myself because I place too much hope on others...

Yes, they say that failure makes us stronger, but it's hard to breathe when no one believes in you.

Tears can mean more than a smile ... Because we smile at everyone in a row, and weep only because of those we love ...

I feel myself, as usual ... I am very sad and everything is so familiar ... and in my heart there has long been no meaning. In the soul, as in the weather now, only frosts ...

When you let go of a person who is very dear to you, you always wish him only the best, but when you see him happy without you, your heart begins to stop slowly ...

This is how it happens, one constantly says that he loves, and the other loves for real. And after parting, one begins to look for a replacement for the old love, and the other just continues to love ....

Tears are not a sign of weakness, they are a sign that a person has a soul.

Sometimes you want to say something important, and you are asked to wait. and you realize that, probably, you don’t need to say anything anymore.

I am sad because of our relationship ... Until recently, we walked everywhere holding hands and were so happy together, now we blame each other for our shortcomings ...

We take a lot from life, but then it can take something in return ...

Life is so arranged that when you are sad, peace can only be found with someone who is also feeling bad ...

The joy of love is great, but the suffering is so great that it is better not to love at all.

He was the worst person in my life. Or better, I don't know yet. If it is true that one must learn from one's mistakes, then he is my best mistake. He is my brightest and most favorite failure.

A little sadness is eloquent, with great sadness - you can’t find words anymore ...

The love of the person you love makes you happy. The hatred of a loved one helps to stop loving him. The indifference of a loved one kills.

Memories are an amazing thing: they warm you from the inside and immediately tear you to pieces.

When people leave, let go. Fate rules out the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played...

But it's really scary. It's scary to live your whole life and end up completely alone. No family, no friends, no one.

You don’t understand one thing when you hug another, that you will never be happy with him ...

Now I wear dark glasses. They ask me less why I always have sad, tearful eyes.

I helped strangers and did not ask for thanks. I was dying in my soul, and people were passing by.

We often don't appreciate what's around until we lose it.

I'm not afraid to confess anything. I'm afraid that no one needs my confessions...

Pain pierces when you are forgotten by those who are most missed.

The strongest feeling is disappointment. Not resentment, not jealousy, and not even hatred... After them, at least something remains in the soul, after disappointment - emptiness.

You comfort your friends when they feel bad. When you're down, you don't have friends.

The most sincere words are spoken by people precisely when they are suffocating from the abundance of tears pouring from their eyes.

Those people who most often forgave and endured the longest usually leave once and for all!


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In the life of each of us, no matter how easy and successful everything is, there is always a place for sad moments, thoughts, events. Sadness, in its concept, is inherent in everyone - both man and animal. Loyal pets are always sad and miss their missing owner or their soul mate, because everyone knows that animals have as many emotions as a person. Sadness from boredom, due to loneliness, quarrels or corny bad weather. After all, how many people are in this state, looking at the pouring rain! It is not always at all that a person’s sadness to tears shows bad events, because often this feeling of despondency makes it clear the importance of what is happening or the awareness of longing for a loved one or loved one. Sometimes it’s even good to be sad, but, of course, in moderation. Even a happy person can find a reason to be sad, to retire with his thoughts, perhaps to put them in order. You can always find good side even in the most hopeless situation. Yes, and walking along the path of life is much more fun and easier if you solve all problems with thoughts that are pre-configured for positive. All feelings and emotions are not given to us in vain, they all help us to one degree or another to cope with different situations. life situations and never neglect what is going on in your soul and your heart. Statuses sad to tears are presented just for you and your sad life moments.

They hurt, and then they think that everything goes away from the word "sorry" ...

Sometimes she stared into my eyes for no reason. And every time I felt unbearably sad.

How many people do not trust, it turns out that it was necessary to distrust even more!

You see my clothes, but you don't see my soul. You know my name, but you don't know my history. And the worst thing is that you have enough of it.

But everyone mercilessly lies in the eyes. Spitting into your soul without regretting anything.

Before, I did not know that a person can be hurt so much, after which one does not want to live. And for this there is only one reason - the fact of its existence.

Everything changes, strangers become relatives, relatives become strangers, friends become passers-by, loved ones become acquaintances.

We always think that a person does not care about us, but we never know what is inside him.

A person does not feel physical pain when it is drowned out by mental pain ...

Sometimes a person laughs, dances, sings, fools around. And then he suddenly remembers something, goes out onto the balcony and bursts into tears.

There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, and a whole sea in the heart.

At arm's length... All those who are not loved by us live. And those not many that we need ... Desired, but insanely far away.

Sometimes only after a loss, by the size of the void that has formed, you can understand how much space a person occupied in your soul.

The man has come, the man has gone. And he doesn't know how much he changed your life. He doesn't care at all. He left to ruin the lives of others. And he doesn't care.

There is no loneliness stronger than next to a person who does not see you point-blank...

There are moments in life when tears cloud the eyes... but it is a thousand times harder when the soul cries, but the eyes are dry.

All the old scars on the soul can be removed... if you peel it off again and alive...

Happy people do more stupid things than sad people, but sad people do more stupid things.

If a person does not value you and does not put you in anything, do not hope that one morning he will wake up and understand that only you need him for life.

It's a shame when you wait and miss people, and they have fun, they feel good without you. It feels like you never existed for them.

I would like to be born again in order not to make the mistakes that I have already made.

It's so scary to be disappointed in people for whom I was ready to give everything!

Loneliness is not the absence of people, but the presence of those who do not understand, offend, do not appreciate.

Don't break down doors that aren't waiting for you. There, from yourself, your disappointment is hidden.

Someday everyone will understand that it is important to be happy, not perfect.

Everything starts to fall apart when you start to think that everything is already fine ...

Everything is going well ..... just past.

When a loved one lies to you, the soul, of course, will not die from this. But the question has been going on from century to century: "And if he lies, is he a close person?"

It happens that you look at a person and you understand that he is an asshole, but it happens even worse, you look at a person and you don’t understand that he is an asshole.

I regret opening up to some people. And this is my mistake. There are those who don't even deserve to know me.

We ask to be left alone... - when we need someone's support.

The heart is like the wings of a butterfly... It is very easy to break...

You make sacrifices, and the person sees it for granted. Therefore, live only for yourself. Your sacrifices will never be appreciated.

Heartache cannot be hidden under a smile and feigned laughter, it is reflected in our eyes.

It hurts a lot when you are with all your heart, and they turn their backs on you.

How tired of this life, but you won’t wish for another. Hold on to it more strongly one moment and you will lose ...

After an unbearable mental pain, a person first begins to learn to EXIST, and only after that he begins to learn to LIVE again...

And time is gaining momentum ... More and more of those who are on the bitter list of losses ... Who will no longer come, call or write ...

I don’t go to the cinema, I don’t read books, I don’t seem to have died, but my soul has drooped.

Sometimes you hold back tears just because you don't want to ruin your makeup..

Don't be sad, said Alice. - Sooner or later everything will become clear, everything will fall into place and line up in a single beautiful scheme, like lace. It will become clear why everything was needed, because everything will be right ...

Here, if you drown, no one will give you a hand, but as soon as you die, they are ready to call you a friend in chorus.

It's annoying when you make a mistake in a person, but it's even more annoying when you were warned in advance.

Youth ends when you realize that the sheets of the calendar are torn off, but you are not.

Everyone has a song that when you hear it, you remember one person. But sometimes we listen to it on purpose, knowing that it will hurt. But we still listen and more than once ...

You begin to understand that everything is really bad when the person who always calmed everyone is crying.

A week later, silence ... and spring is blooming in the courtyard ... emptiness again in my heart ... and only vanity in my thoughts ...

Time... it's like a bandage... it doesn't heal wounds, it just bandages... you take off the bandage - and there's still blood...

I just want someone to hold my hand when I feel like my life is falling apart.

It's sad to see so many friends turned into strangers this year.

Sometimes when you reach your ceiling, you sadly realize that it's just someone's gender.

And if I meet you again ... I will hide the pain ... I am an actress, I will play my best role ...

When I feel bad, I start to be silent. It's easier for me to lock the pain in myself. Without harming another person. I don't care that it slowly consumes me from the inside.

The bear seems to understand everything... And even if you are not 6 for a long time... He is near and you again wipe the bitter tears on the plush wool...

You can resist everything. And don't break. That's just betrayal and lies can break so that then for a long time you will not be able to restore trust in people ...

People push away those they need for the sake of those they need. And in the end, they become useless. Foolish people.

When they push me away, I move away; when they forget me, I will not remind myself of myself with a look or a word.

Sadness proves that your soul is not dead.


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Our whole life comes down to knowing ourselves and understanding what we stand for and what we want. Sometimes, sadness and longing finds on us when we think that there is no way out, that there is no way further, but we are often mistaken. Precisely because we do not believe that there can be something better. Sadness is a passing thing, because after every sunset comes a dawn, as you know. It is human nature to filter your thoughts badly, which, at times, can cause powerful damage to the psyche and state of mind. It is not for nothing that in all spiritual practices it is advised to meditate or read prayers more often in order to avoid bad thoughts and their negative impact on a person. If sadness has piled on you, and you want to reinforce this state with appropriate information, then sad statuses with meaning just for you. We have compiled a selection of the most interesting and vivid expressions that should please you. We wish you the best improvement in mood and success in life.

If sadness has settled in your heart, these short sad love statuses will help ease the pain. Don't forget - you are not alone. We hope that some of the meaningful statuses here will help you feel a little better. Let sad statuses about love with meaning remain only on the pages of social networks, and joy will appear in your life again.

The love of the former does not happen.

Love more than you can show, express feelings more than you think.

If you lose a loved one, think about it, but is he loved enough to fight for him?

It is better to sincerely part than to fake mercy.

We said goodbye. with you, Autumn cried sadly .. And threw. in our face, Clouds of Lead tear ...

Calmness is stronger than emotions. Silence is louder than screaming. Indifference is worse than war.

The world is made up of lovers who want to love and those who want to experience the power of love.

And die one day. I will not be afraid .. It is only important to know. which is wrong...

Today you can say "about love", but remember that yesterday she could go to another.

Everything is changing. Life is changing. People are changing. And everything seems to be fine. But sometimes the old is missing. That life. Those people…

While you were waiting for the best one, the real one went to another.

My destiny. It breaks me, wrapping my Way, With a gray mist, and sometimes knocks me down, sends me trials .. But with tears in my eyes, with a Prayer to God. on the lips, from my knees I will rise ...

Sometimes I want to become a child… because only now I understand that broken knees heal faster than a broken heart…

It happens. as if with a Razor, Pain cuts my Soul.. And suddenly it seems that in the Whole World, I am alone, and no one needs me...

Love must be given and kept in its present.

So sweet, smiling, but in her heart she is sad, happy and forever in love. Lonely in life. No, not abandoned. Just not defined.

There are no sadder words in the world than "burnt with love forever."

Indeed, in Life, sometimes it happens, as if the Devil steps on the earth, among the Human herd, and it seems to you, As if you are in the middle of Hell ...

There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, and a whole sea in the heart.

When turning off the phone, you should worry not about what they will look for you, but about what they can quickly forget in general.

When you are sad alone, the mirror doubles the loneliness.

If your love is rapidly running from one to another, then you should think about whether it is “corrupt”.

Know how to survive exactly that moment when it seems that everything is lost ...

Lovers are content with little, loved ones find strength in everything.

On an autumn day, we parted with you, and like a Bird with a wounded wing, and I turn a farewell look, I'm to my Heaven, and I hear a cry in response of the Flock of the one that flies to our home Native, but only this time it's not with me ... not seeing my eyes filled with tears ...

It is very important that your statements fully express the meaning of your sadness. Everything you write in social networks should be endowed with deep meaning. Then no one can accuse you of ignorance or insincerity.
Magnificent thought forms about the most various types sadness awaits you on our website. Here you can find the status sad to tears, or you can find its analogue, filled with sarcasm or regret.
The whole gamut of feelings is waiting for you on our living moving pages, which are constantly updated. We do it for you.

Sad statuses to tears

Sad statements that can make not only the most sentimental cry, will make your page a place to cry. For some time, your account will turn into a kind of Wailing Wall, where everyone can speak out. But do it not secretly, but openly.
Statements in social networks are the desire to be heard and understood. If your soul wants to scream, you will find with us exactly the cry of the soul that will correspond to your direction of thought.
Don't be afraid to be frank. Only the rude and callous will not understand you. But you are not writing for them. Nobody writes to them. Their soul is cold.

very sad status

Does sadness also have a certain scale? How to define it? Your heart will unmistakably define it. Come to us, read the statements we offer, and it will become much easier for you. Perhaps some people who care about you are to blame for your sadness. Well, on our pages you will find exactly what you need. Your offenders will regret what they did to you.
Sadness is a sign of spiritual beauty. Don't let her into your heart for long. You deserve joy. Our site is able to satisfy your aesthetic feelings and aspirations. Come visit us and draw on our verbal treasures that we have collected for you.