Read a bedtime story about a wolf. Tale of the Fox and the Wolf

Everyone in the forest knew that the wolf was an angry and rude animal. He chased hares, offended squirrels, took mushrooms from hedgehogs. The wolf often robbed fishermen who were fishing in an ice hole or scared children walking through the field and picking flowers. The tale about the wolf tells how Tanya managed to change the evil beast with the help of an ordinary mandarin duck.

Read a tale about a wolf

One day in winter, a small but smart girl Tanya went ice skating on a frozen lake in the forest. Tanya's parents forbade her to go into the forest alone. But the girl really wanted to learn how to skate like figure skaters and then compete at the Olympic Games. The lake was completely frozen, there was no one on it, you could ride all day. Tanya told her parents that she would be with a friend. And she honed her skills on the ice.
Sitting down to rest after a long workout, Tanya drank hot tea and ate a tangerine. Suddenly she heard someone sneak up on her. Tanya looked around and saw a wolf:
- Ha ha, gotcha, girl! - said the wolf and howled loudly throughout the forest.
But Tanya was not afraid and did not run away. Although, of course, her heart sank and it was very creepy. But she understood that the wolf would not do anything to her. If I wanted to do it, I would have already done it. Otherwise, he most likely just decided to scare her. But why?

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The wolf, the hare, the fox and the bear were always at odds, each trying to be more cunning and smarter. These fairy-tale characters are different, but in essence they are very good and instructive. In the hare we will see the cunning of the weak. In other fairy tales, friendship and kindness will win. Fairy tales teach us to be kinder and draw conclusions that for every evil person there is a smart one. Together is always better than alone. Let's live together, help, do good and love each other!

About the wolf and the hare

A hare was walking through the forest and suddenly he heard a plaintive howl from a hole. He looks, and there is a wolf sitting there, who accidentally fell into a trap. The wolf begged and asked the hare to help him get out. The bunny felt sorry for the gray wolf, and he helped him get out of the hole. And the wolf was so hungry that he decided to eat the hare! The hare cried: “How can this be, I saved you, and you want to kill me for it?” But the wolf was angry and adamant. Then the hare asked him to allow him to jump one last time before his death to stretch his legs. The wolf thought and allowed the hare to jump, maybe the meat would be softer.

The hare ran and jumped over the hole. The wolf rushed after him, but could not jump over the ditch and fell into it again! The wolf begged again, asked for help, promised not to eat. But the hare no longer believed the wolf and galloped away. Thus ended the fairy tale about the wolf and the hare. And the wolf remained sitting in the hole.

A fairy tale about a hare, a fox and a wolf

There lived a hare with his family, a lonely evil wolf and a cunning fox in the forest. The cold has set in and autumn has come to the forest. The leaves fell from the trees and it rained for several days. All the animals sat at home, and the hare and his family drank hot tea in the hole. Only the fox and the wolf did not have their own home. They huddled under a tree and froze under the cold

The wolf and the fox were jealous of the hare that his house was so warm and his family was so friendly. And the animals decided to drag the hare out of the house and eat it. But how to do that? And then the fox decided to spread a rumor through the forest that, due to heavy rain, a dam on the river had broken and the water would soon flood the entire forest. The hare and his family will get scared and come out of the hole, while the fox and wolf will hide in a hole nearby and catch the hare’s family!

The wolf liked the idea and decided to bring their plan to life. But the fox and the wolf did not know that the mole had overheard their whole plan. The mole was friendly with the hare's family and immediately went to them and told them everything.

The hare told everyone to stay in the house and not go out anywhere. But he himself passionately wanted to look at the evil wolf and the fox, how they were getting wet in their hole, waiting for him. Quietly the bunny climbed out of the hole and hid behind a bush, watching the fox and the wolf get wet in the hole, which was increasingly filled with water.

So the fox and the wolf got wet through and through. Their plan failed. They quarreled among themselves for a long time, accusing each other that one of them had spilled the beans. Then the wolf invited the fox to build his own house so that he would never freeze again. The fox and the wolf agreed and built a large house, where they now lived in warmth, became kind and friendly, and invited the hare and his family to come and have tea. The tale about the wolf and the hare, as well as the fox, is instructive. It's better to be friends than to be enemies!

A tale about a wolf and a hare, a bear

Once a wolf was chasing a hare. The hare runs quickly, but the wolf does not lag behind him. And the bunny saw a small hole in a large hillock, ran there and became quiet. The wolf walked around, could not get into the hole, and he decided to dig it up. He dug for a day, dug for two, dug a huge hole, and the hare goes further and further into the depths.

Here a bear was walking through the forest, he saw that a wolf was digging a hole, it turned out to be a big hole, cozy. And the bear decided to make it his den. He drove away the wolf and settled in a new house. And here the hare sits in the corner, trembling. The bear felt sorry for the little fluffy bunny, and it was boring to live alone in such a big den. And the bear invited the hare to live together. So they began to live and live well and make good money, the bear protected and fed the bunny, and the bunny cleaned the house and created comfort.

Each person experiences their childhood differently, but there is one thing in common that every child probably had - fairy tales. With their help, parents tried not only to entertain and calm their children, but also to teach them important life lessons in a veiled form. Every nation has its favorite fairy tales. One of the favorite fairy tales among Russians is “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.” And although it is quite old, this story remains relevant today.

Origin and author of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

Very often this incredibly popular tale is considered a folk tale. However, this is an erroneous opinion, since the children's fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” belongs to the pen of the German collectors of folklore, the Jacob brothers and

It is likely that the plot of this work did not belong to the Grimms, but was simply written down and revised by them, but in any case they are recognized as the authors of this tale.

It is also worth mentioning that the plot was popular not only in Germany, but also among other nations. This is evidenced by the fact that the plot of this fairy tale was included in Antti Aarne's Index of Fairy Tale Plots, which recorded the most popular fairy tale plots known to the world.

Appearance in Russia

It is difficult to say whether a similar plot existed in Slavic folklore. There is no reliable written evidence of this. However, in the nineteenth century, with the translation of the books of the Brothers Grimm into Russian, the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” appeared in Russia. Unlike other fairy tales by these authors, this one quickly gained popularity, and they began to retell it from mouth to mouth, often adapting some details to the realities of Russian life. Soon, the real author of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” was forgotten and it acquired folk status not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine (“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”).

The plot of the tale

In a small forest house lives Mama Goat, with seven adorable kids growing up. One day Mom had to go shopping at the market and leave the children alone. However, she learned that a hungry and evil Wolf was wandering near her house, wanting to eat her children. Therefore, before leaving, Mother Goat forbade her kids to unlock the door for anyone except her.

Soon after she left, the Wolf knocked on the door and began to convince the kids to open the door for him, assuring them that he was Mama Goat.

However, his voice was rude, and the kids did not believe him and did not open the door. Then the Wolf figured out how to make his voice soft, like Mom’s goats, and again tried to deceive them. This time he was let down by his gray shaggy paws, which the children asked to show as proof that he was their Mom. Then the Wolf rolled them in flour and the third time the kids opened the door for him.

Seeing that it was not the kind Mommy who was standing behind the doors, but the angry, hungry Wolf, the kids rushed to hide, but the Wolf found six of them, ate them and left.

When Mother Goat returned home, she found only one miraculously surviving kid and learned from him about everything that had happened. Then she armed herself with scissors, thread and a needle and went to look for the Wolf. It turned out that the villain, having had his fill, went to bed very close to the house.

He slept so soundly that he did not even feel how the Goat cut his stomach and released his children from there. Instead, she put cobblestones in his belly, sewed him up again, and went home with her children.

Soon the Wolf woke up and felt terrible thirst, he went to the stream and bent down to drink, but the stones pulled him to the bottom and he drowned. And the Goat and her kids began to live happily ever after.

Educational elements in a fairy tale

Like most ancient stories, the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” was intended to teach children the basic principles of social behavior.

In particular, the fact that you cannot open the door to strangers in the absence of your parents, otherwise the consequences can be the most dire. In addition, the fairy tale clearly illustrates that strangers trying to break into a house with children can be very cunning and inventive, so children must be very careful and learn to recognize the deception of other people and be able to resist it.

This fairy tale also teaches children that their parents will always come to their aid, even in the most difficult situation, as happened with the kids. After all, the Goat from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” showed the wonderful skill of a surgeon, saving her children. And the main thing that this fairy tale instills in children is faith in the victory of good over evil even in the most difficult situations.

Film adaptations

The fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” is so popular that it has been filmed more than once.

The first attempt was the cartoon of the same name produced by the Soyuzmultfilm film studio in 1957.

The classic plot of the fairy tale was slightly modified. The cartoon was a huge success among both children and adults, and with the advent of new technologies in 2008, it was digitized and restored. So today anyone can watch it on the Internet or buy a disc.

Eighteen years later, Leonid Aristov made a puppet cartoon based on the same fairy tale. And, although the plot of the fairy tale again did not undergo any significant changes, the new film adaptation had its own feature - all the characters of the new cartoon communicated with each other using the songs of Yuri Entin.

This film adaptation, despite an interesting interpretation of the classic fairy tale and wonderful music, could not reach the level of its predecessor. Although, perhaps, this was facilitated by the third film adaptation of the fairy tale, which appeared literally next year. This time it was a full-fledged musical film "Mom".

The script for the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” was carefully revised and supplemented with new bright and memorable characters. The role of the goat was successfully performed by Lyudmila Gurchenko, and Mikhail Boyarsky acted as the main villain. Many other famous Soviet theater and film actors also played in the film. It is noteworthy that there are three versions of this film: Russian-language, Romanian-language and English-language. Separate songs were written for each of them, and each was filmed separately. The film was a huge success, and many of the film's songs remain popular today.

Opera based on the fairy tale

In addition to film adaptations, an entire opera was written based on this fairy tale. Its author M. Koval divided the entire tale into three acts with a prologue, as well as a libretto. Most of the musical themes were taken from folk songs. In addition, the author introduced new characters into the plot of the tale - the Rooster and Baba Yaga. This opera was first shown in the summer of 1941 in Tashkent and was quite warmly received by the audience.

The popular and beloved fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, which has been popular since childhood, celebrated its bicentenary last year since its publication by the brothers Grimm, and, despite such an advanced age, it remains relevant and interesting to children today. I would like to believe that in another hundred years she will be no less loved by all readers, in addition, she will continue to inspire geniuses to create new original film adaptations and songs.

Once upon a time there lived a huge wolf who terrified everyone - he dragged cattle, killed animals. Gradually the animals began to shun him, and the wolf was left completely alone.

The wolf saw that things were bad and thought: “I have shed a lot of blood, caused a lot of trouble, and no one wants to know me. Isn’t it time to change the wolf way of life?”

And the wolf decided to repent. He ran to announce this to all the animals and met a donkey.

Hello donkey! Don't shy away from me. I am not the same now, I decided to become different.

That's good, wolf. “We will be very happy about this,” the donkey answered and began to peacefully pluck the grass.

Bull, don't run from me. Haven't you heard that now I don't touch or offend anyone?

“I’m very glad, wolf, I wish you good luck,” the bull answered. The wolf ran further and met the horse.

Horse! Horse! Don't be scared of me. Don't you know that I have repented. Now I don't hurt anyone, not even lambs.

“Oh, brother wolf, this is good news,” the horse rejoiced. And the wolf ran and ran and got hungry. What to do? In my stomach

The wolf was purring, and a horse, an ox and a donkey were grazing peacefully nearby.

Cursed be the hour when I repented! - the wolf exclaimed and ran back to the horse.

“Hello, wolf, I’m glad to see you,” the horse said friendly.

You have very little time left to be healthy, prepare for death! - the wolf growled.

But you repented and promised not to touch anyone again!

Stop talking nonsense! Now I'll eat you.

Let it be your way. Only I wanted to give you my will, according to which you will receive a whole herd. It's in my right hoof.

“Give me the will,” cried the delighted wolf. He bent down, but received a strong blow and flew to the side.

The blow did not relieve hunger, and the wolf ran to the bull.

Now I'll eat you! - the wolf yelled and wanted to jump on the bull’s back.

But you repented, right? - the bull muttered in surprise.

I don't have time to chat with you. Get ready to die!

Fine. Let it be your way. But I feel sorry for you, because you could lose a big inheritance. I have a will in my right horn for a herd of the most well-fed bulls.

Where is it? - the wolf howled impatiently and reached for his horns.

The bull was waiting for this. With a mighty blow he threw the wolf far away from him.

“Well, you won’t deceive me,” thought the wolf, running up to the donkey, and growled fiercely:

Get ready for death, but quickly!

Wait a little. You can always kill me. But as

be with my will? After all, I forgot it at home. Let me run after him.

“Why should I be afraid, the donkey has neither hard hooves nor sharp horns,” the wolf decided and sent the donkey home.

The wolf waited for a long time, and then people came running with sticks and beat him so hard that he barely carried off his legs.

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Russian folk tales are loved by everyone without exception: both children and adults.

Reading books not only makes it possible to brighten up a stormy winter evening, but also helps children's souls learn the experience of their ancestors, folk wisdom, learn not to abandon friends in trouble, and not to offend the weak.

In Russian fairy tales, animals are often found that are endowed with human qualities; the wolf occupies a special place among them.

This forest animal has great strength and endurance; a fox cannot cope with it in a fair fight. But in fairy tales, as a rule, the fox wins over the stupid and simple-minded wolf thanks to his cunning and resourcefulness.

This is what happens in our fairy tale. The wolf is strong and resilient, but naive to the extreme.

Let's get acquainted with the content of the fairy tale

A wolf and a fox were running somewhere about their forest business. In fact, the wolf is a pack animal and does not live alone. And if they kicked you out of the pack, then there was a reason for it. Maybe he was sick and old, or he was of no use to the pack at all due to his feeble mind. So he became a loner. But he met a fox and quickly realized that he could live well at the expense of the wolf, and even mock him when he wanted. The wolf is simple-minded, does not understand where the truth is and where the lies are.

So they ran and ran and saw a haystack in the meadow. For city kids, it is worth explaining that a haystack is a large pile of dry grass, folded in a special way so that it does not scatter to the sides during the wind. And the stack will remain here until it snows. And in winter they will take him to the village on a sleigh to feed the cattle. And so, at the very top of the haystack sits a beautiful bird with a black head with red and ginger feathers. A fox and a wolf scared her away, she flapped her wings and flew away.

The wolf was completely dumbfounded. He waved his paws, he also wanted to fly up, but whatever. His paws got tangled together, he fell and hit his forehead on the ground. Looks like he got a strong concussion, but maybe he didn’t, so what’s the point of shaking if the cat has lost his brains. As soon as the ringing began, stars floated before the wolf’s eyes. He came to his senses, shook his head, and said:

- I want to become a bird too.

And the fox is right there.

- Let's do it, what's the problem?

I already had a plan in my head about how to play a joke on a wolf. She was angry, lonely, since childhood there were only dirty tricks in her head. One of her eyes was damaged in a fight over her future husband. And no one needs a crooked fox. Who will bring the defective bride into the house, that is, into the hole? So she called a wolf to be her husband. In the absence of fish, the cancer is a fish. What can you take from a wolf? She's tired of him, he's worse than a bitter radish, he's bad at catching animals, there's nothing to talk about, he doesn't know how to lie. She needs to outwit or deceive someone, and that’s what she lives on. So he takes off on the wolf. And he believes everything the fox says. She let him into the house, which means she’s good, but what they say about her is a lie.

- If you want to become a bird, let it be your way

The fox said and sent the wolf to the village for a lit torch. Nobody knows what a torch is? Well, listen. In ancient times, when there was no trace of electricity, and only the rich could afford candles, simple houses were illuminated in the evenings with torches. A piece of wood was split with a sharp knife into thin and long sticks, they were inserted into special holders on the walls and set on fire.

The wolf ran with all four paws into the village, and the fox dug a small hole in the haystack. When the wolf brought a burning splinter, she forced him to climb inside the stack. She set the grass on fire and ran away. And the wolf, due to stupidity and stupidity, almost burned, barely survived. He came out with a black head and red tan marks on his sides. Why not a bird?

The moral of this tale is this: children, don’t be like a wolf, use your brains, don’t wish for what cannot come true. Yes, look around you, don’t hang around with cunning and arrogant liars, fox friends.

Read the Russian folk tale “How the Wolf Became a Bird” online for free and without registration.