Problems and prospects for the development of light industry in the Russian Federation. Textile industry market overview

the main objective The development of light industry in Russia consists of transforming it into a dynamically developing, high-tech, efficient and competitive industry, ensuring an increase in the share of domestic goods in the domestic market and access to the foreign market.

To achieve this goal, it is extremely important to solve the following tasks :

– carrying out technological modernization of organizations and ensuring stable innovative development of the industry on this basis;

– increasing the level of processing of domestic natural raw materials (flax, wool, leather and fur), reducing, and subsequently completely stopping the export of raw materials in unprocessed or insufficiently processed form;

– increase in the share of chemical fibers and threads in the raw material balance of the industry;

– increasing production profitability to the level of 20-25%;

– increasing the level of management and marketing in organizations;

– liquidation of unprofitable production and optimization of the industry structure based on the concentration of production;

– increasing labor productivity, solving social problems associated with the release of light industry workers;

– ensuring the protection of the domestic market from unfair competition;

– creation of economic conditions for a gradual reduction in the use of tolling work schemes by organizations;

– creation of a system of systematic training, retraining and certification of personnel at technical and managerial levels;

– expanding Russia’s integration into the global production of light industrial goods.

The main condition for increasing production in light industry, increasing sales in the domestic market and entering the international market is increasing the competitiveness of products. It should be achieved only through technological modernization of enterprises, minimizing costs, increasing the criteria for assessing the quality of raw materials, and increasing the level of scientific, technical and personnel support for the industry.

For these purposes, the following are required directions for the development of basic technologies in light industry:

in the cotton industry:

– introduction in the spinning industry of automated production lines for loosening and mixing fiber, carding and drawing machines with an automatic regulator of the linear density of the tape, spinning and winding machines with automatic package removers and electronic yarn cleaning;

– introduction in the finishing production of periodic and continuous equipment for finishing into stretching both pure cotton fabrics and fabrics using chemical fibers and threads;

in the wool industry:

– expanding the range of woolen fabrics through the use of new generation chemical fibers, mastering the production of new clothing models in fashionable artistic and color designs;

in the silk industry:

– increasing the production of household fabrics using promising types of chemical raw materials, incl. polyester, polypropylene, biologically active and other modified threads and fibers;

– expansion of the range of silk fabrics for technical and special purposes for the medical industry and law enforcement agencies;

in the linen industry:

– expansion of production of flax-containing mixed products based on new technologies that ensure high consumer properties of products;

in the knitting industry:

– increase in the production of lightweight outerwear, underwear and products, incl. for sports based on the development of modified polyamide, polyester and viscose threads of low linear density;

– widespread introduction of electronically controlled circular knitting machines, warp knitting machines with advanced technological capabilities, incl. Rachel machines for highly tensile guipure;

in the nonwovens industry:

– increasing the production of materials for road construction;

– automotive industry and construction industry;

– expansion of the range of production of medical products and filter materials;

in the clothing industry:

– reforming production by disaggregating it for greater mobility and producing clothes in small batches;

– expansion of the range of workwear for various industries;

in the leather and footwear industry:

– expansion of the range of natural leathers with a given set of consumer properties in a wide range of colors with various types of finishing for shoes, clothing, leather goods, upholstery materials;

– increasing the environmental friendliness of leather production; in the fur industry:

– industrial development of new generation chemicals for processing fur raw materials;

– equipping centers for modeling and designing fur products with the latest versions of software.

The most important direction is the development of technical regulations for the production of light industry products in accordance with the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” and the development of national standards that ensure improved product quality.

The industry’s business community has made a lot of efforts to radically change the situation and, first of all, to prove the extreme importance of supporting and developing domestic textiles. There is an understanding of this at all levels of government. The problems of the industry became the subject of discussion at a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council, and are constantly in the field of view of the Government of the Russian Federation and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry, industry associations and unions took the initiative in solving many problems in the industry. Their initiatives found active support in ministries and departments, the Federation Council, the State Duma, and the Government.

In 2009 ᴦ. The Strategy for the Development of Light Industry in Russia for the period until 2020 was adopted, which provides that in 2020 the share of domestic textile and light industry goods in sales volume on the Russian market will be at least 50%.

The solution to these problems must be achieved on the basis of accelerated modernization of the industry.

The main directions of modernization textile and light industry are:

– modernization and technical re-equipment of equipment;

– modernization of intersectoral interaction based on the creation of industrial clusters;

– modernization of sectoral planning and coordination.

Modernization and technical re-equipment of equipment are implemented on the basis of investment projects in spinning, weaving and finishing fabrics, in knitting and non-woven production. Financial investments are primarily directed towards technological process innovations and the acquisition of modern spinning equipment from the companies Schlaffhorst, Trutschler, and Rieter; wide-width weaving looms from the Picanol company; high -performance automated finishing equipment of firms “Sptork”, “Ridjani”, “Shattorman”, “Proban”, “Textima” and others, which is not only produced by competitive products, but labor productivity is increased by 8-10 times, the salary of tax receipts in the calculation of one worker – up to 20 times. At the same time, modernization is carried out exclusively on the basis of imported equipment, since the state of the domestic textile engineering industry, corresponding to the third technological structure, can be assessed as a catastrophic lag.

Given the high capital intensity of textile production, significant investment resources are needed to modernize the industry. Thus, the average cost of modernizing enterprises with an average production volume requires project implementation costs from 100 to 125 million rubles, and for large textile enterprises - from 750 to 1500 million rubles. . Even without taking into account the rise in prices for equipment and construction and installation work, according to expert estimates, modernization of the industry will require 170–180 billion rubles, and on average until 2020. Every year it will be extremely important to attract and develop investments in the amount of 14–15 billion rubles. The industry does not have such resources, but they can and should be found.

First of all, this is expanding enterprises’ access to long-term credit resources. At the same time, only 8% of Russian banks consider the textile and light industry attractive for long-term lending. The remaining banks adopt a restrictive policy on issues of industry lending to enterprises, which is manifested not only in the size of the lending rate, which is significantly higher than global practice, but also in the fact that banks sometimes take on functions in lending that are not typical for them. This refers to the tendency of banks to become the owner of the borrowing enterprise requesting a loan for investment in development. Often this condition is decisive in the refusal of enterprise managers to abandon their innovative intentions or postpone them.

Another possibility for modernizing equipment is to create regional industry leasing companies with the participation of state capital. Significant funds could be raised from the profits of enterprises, exempting from tax the part of it that is allocated to the introduction of innovations. This issue requires a legislative solution, and there is such positive experience of government support for the industry. Thus, over the past two or three years, serious measures of state support for the industry have become:

1. Cancellation of import customs duties on almost the entire product range of foreign trade activities of the Russian Federation for technological and laboratory equipment (components and parts for it) intended for the textile and light industry.

2. Cancellation of VAT on imported technological equipment, components and spare parts for it, which have no analogues in the Russian Federation, incl. 39 HS items for the industry, or 25% of the number of approved items.

3. Increasing the amount of reimbursement of part of the costs of enterprises for paying interest rates on loans from 1/2 to 2/3 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

4. Allocation from the federal budget in 2008–2009. 100 million rubles each to subsidize interest rates on loans for technical re-equipment of production with the prospect of increasing the amount of subsidies to 200 million rubles. in 2010 ᴦ.

In Russia, it is extremely important to modernize, or rather, restore the domestic textile engineering industry together with leading importers. For this, scientific support is extremely important; it is extremely important to revive the scientific potential of the industry. This will allow for technological breakthroughs.

Such a breakthrough could be the development and implementation of the program “Oil, products of its processing, finished goods of textile and light industry”. This idea forms the basis for the modernization of the industry by organizing a new form of intersectoral interaction based on the creation of textile industrial clusters.

In accordance with the Instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the first pilot project of the textile cluster was launched in 2008. in the Ivanovo region as a complex of interaction between the textile industry and related industries, including the oil and gas complex, mechanical engineering, clothing production, trade, and the financial and credit system.

The cluster should include: core industry - textile industry enterprises; auxiliary industry - enterprises producing textile raw materials, chemical materials and dyes, textile equipment and spare parts for it, educational organizations; service industry - trading enterprises, warehouse complexes and customs terminals, financial and credit organizations. At the same time, there is currently no concept of a textile-industrial cluster, and this is holding back its development processes. The mechanism of cluster formation remains unclear: who should organize the cluster - the regional administration or it self-organizes as an objective economic phenomenon inherent in the market. Each cluster participant is an economic entity with its own economic interests and commercial benefits. In order for him to become a participant in intersectoral interaction, he must understand the mechanisms for extracting commercial benefits, and if it is not available to each cluster participant, then he will not have to count on their voluntary participation in this process. The benefits of each must be clear. It is important to take these interests into account and unite.

The integration of enterprises and industries into the cluster should be carried out in accordance with regional industrial policy, aimed not at supporting individual enterprises and industries, but at developing inter-industry interaction and cooperation, thanks to which a local economic complex with strong sustainability features will be formed in the Ivanovo region, capable of developing the textile industry. industry out of stagnation, create conditions for economic growth and initiate positive economic dynamics in the region.

The objective conditions for the formation of a regional textile cluster were the practical actions of textile enterprises in the Ivanovo region, aimed at self-preservation, preserving the industry and protecting its interests by combining into vertically integrated financial and industrial groups and holdings based on the merger of capital.

As a result, large regional integrated structures were formed that operate in the country's textile market, such as PJSC (until 2015 OJSC) FPK Roskontrakt, PJSC (until 2015 OJSC) KhBK Shuya Calico, CJSC Mega Company, Association of Enterprises ʼʼTDLʼʼ, CJSC TC ʼʼRussian House, LLC Industrial Group Rosko, LLC Yakovlevskaya Manufactory, PJSC (until 2015 OJSC) Alliance Russian Textiles, Association of Enterprises Vostok-Service, PJSC (until 2015 OJSC) Central Committee F PG ʼʼTextile Holding ʼʼYakovlevskyʼʼ, uniting about forty textile enterprises in the region.

This made it possible to form a regional market balance at a new level, ensured not only taking into account market requirements, but also the extremely important connection between the production of the textile cluster.

To ensure connectivity, technical re-equipment of leading enterprises in the textile industry and the construction of additional capacities in spinning and weaving, clothing and knitting production included in the textile cluster of the region are required, with the coordination and financial support of the Government of the Ivanovo region.

Similar decisions were made in 2005–2007. The leading textile enterprises of the region, using their own funds, realized the following volumes of investments in fixed capital: PJSC (until 2015 OJSC) Samtex - 3.5 million euros; PJSC (until 2015 OJSC) Rodniki-Textile – 1,500 million rubles; PJSC (until 2015 OJSC) KhBK "Shuiskie calico" - 1150 million rubles; PJSC (until 2015 OJSC) Alliance Russian Textile – 720 million rubles; LLC Industrial Group Rosco – 350 million rubles; PJSC (until 2015 OJSC) Central Committee of the Financial Industrial Group “Textile Holding “Yakovlevsky” - 300 million rubles. At the same time, the growth rate of investment in fixed capital in 2006 was ᴦ. in the Ivanovo region was higher than the average for the Russian Federation and amounted to 108.6% versus 105.6%.

These measures made it possible to accelerate the modernization of the industry and increase its competitiveness.

Modernization of sectoral planning and coordination requires a unification of efforts, but this cannot be considered as a return to the past, since it must be solved using different approaches. The business entity must retain complete freedom and independence in its decisions. It is necessary to return to sectoral planning and coordination, but on different approaches than before, taking into account the interests of private business and regional benefits from consolidating efforts, more efficient distribution and use of resources. Vertically integrated centers and financial and industrial groups can and should become “outposts” of corporate solidarity and protection of the interests of the industry, which will increase the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the industry.

Integrated structures of the FIG type in the textile industry include the Rostekstil concern. Today it is Russia's largest association of textile manufacturers, including about 350 enterprises located throughout Russia, which produce up to 80% of the industry's products.

The Rostekstil concern, created on the basis of the former Ministry of Textile Industry of the USSR, represents a type of horizontally integrated structure with a tendency to build vertically integrated industrial chains.

The main goal of the joint stock company Rostekstil is to provide textile industry enterprises with representative, advisory and information services, production and sales of textile goods. The concern sees its functions in organizing trade, conducting marketing, organizing fairs, participating in federal and regional programs to support the textile industry, creating production chains, and mainly in representing the interests of the textile industry in government bodies.

Thanks to previously established connections, the concern's management manages to cope with representative functions quite well. According to independent experts, PJSC (until 2015 OJSC) Rostekstil is one of the few organizations that can influence the state of affairs in the textile industry. At the same time, Rostekstil does not aim to help members of the concern at the enterprise level.

It is quite difficult to assess the market efficiency of the concern due to the difficult situation in the industry in general. It is impossible to say unequivocally that the merger of textile enterprises into a concern played a positive role and strengthened their position in the market. At the same time, taking into account the passivity of the majority of domestic textile manufacturers, marketing activities carried out by the central company of the concern, assistance in organizing sales, supply of raw materials and the development of interregional relations have a positive impact on the position of enterprises and the industry itself.

However, modernization of the planning and coordination system should be considered as a factor in stabilizing the industry and initiating its positive economic dynamics.

Prospects for the development of light industry in Russia - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Prospects for the development of light industry in Russia" 2017, 2018.

Prospects for the development of the textile and clothing industry in Russia until 2015

3.2 Problems of development of light industry of the Russian Federation

The main reason for the crisis in the light industry is the technological backwardness of most enterprises, which leads to a decrease in the competitiveness of products. To get out of this situation, it is necessary to intensify innovation activities, the main task of which is the implementation and use of the results of scientific research and development in enterprises. An analysis of the situation in the field of innovation activity showed that the demand for basic scientific and technical achievements and technologies is quite low, which increases the technological lag of the industry. The innovative activity of enterprises is mainly hampered by a lack of financial resources; other reasons include too high costs for innovation and long payback periods.

To enhance innovation activity, the following measures are necessary:

1. Improving the regulatory system on the part of the state, in order to increase the innovative activity of the enterprise;

2. Economic support for enterprises involved in innovation activities;

3. Support for innovation at the regional level;

4. Development of international cooperation in the field of innovation.

To improve innovation activities, it is necessary to have research institutes.

There are also staffing problems. Firstly, there is a shortage of qualified senior and mid-level specialists. Secondly, many managers lack the knowledge and initiative necessary for the successful transfer of production from command-administrative methods of functioning to market ones and the successful development of the enterprise in modern conditions. This problem can be solved by training new and retraining old personnel.

For a separate branch of light industry, there is a problem of the raw materials market. First of all, this is a problem in the textile industry, the main raw material for which is cotton. In Soviet times, the main suppliers of cotton were Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, but with the collapse of the USSR, economic ties were also disrupted. Due to the desire of the former Soviet republics to earn more money, raw materials were supplied at dumping prices outside the former Union, which reduced the supply of cotton to Russia. This problem can be solved by reducing the share of cotton products and changing the structure of production.

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the main objective The development of light industry in Russia consists of transforming it into a dynamically developing, high-tech, efficient and competitive industry, ensuring an increase in the share of domestic goods in the domestic market and access to the foreign market.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Carrying out technological modernization of organizations and ensuring, on this basis, stable innovative development of the industry;

Increasing the level of processing of domestic natural raw materials (flax, wool, leather and fur), reducing, and subsequently completely stopping the export of raw materials in unprocessed or insufficiently processed form;

Increasing the share of chemical fibers and threads in the raw material balance of the industry;

Increasing production profitability to the level of 20-25%;

Increasing the level of management and marketing in organizations;

Elimination of unprofitable industries and optimization of the industry structure based on the concentration of production;

Increasing labor productivity, solving social problems associated with the release of light industry workers;

Ensuring the protection of the domestic market from unfair competition;

Creating economic conditions for a gradual reduction in the use of tolling work schemes by organizations;

Creation of a system of systematic training, retraining and certification of personnel at technical and managerial levels;

Expanding Russia's integration into the global production of light industrial goods.

The main condition for increasing production in light industry, increasing sales in the domestic market and entering the international market is increasing the competitiveness of products. It can only be achieved through technological modernization of enterprises, minimizing costs, increasing the criteria for assessing the quality of raw materials, and increasing the level of scientific, technical and personnel support for the industry.

For these purposes, the following are required directions for the development of basic technologies in light industry:

in the cotton industry :

Introduction in the spinning industry of automated production lines for loosening and mixing fibers, carding and drawing machines with an automatic regulator of the linear density of the tape, spinning and winding machines with automatic package removers and electronic yarn cleaning;

Introduction in finishing production of periodic and continuous equipment for finishing into stretching both pure cotton fabrics and fabrics using chemical fibers and threads;

in the wool industry:

Expanding the range of woolen fabrics through the use of new generation chemical fibers, mastering the production of new clothing models in fashionable artistic and coloristic designs;

in the silk industry:

Increasing the production of household fabrics using promising types of chemical raw materials, including polyester, polypropylene, biologically active and other modified threads and fibers;

Expanding the range of silk fabrics for technical and special purposes for the medical industry and law enforcement agencies;

in the linen industry:

Expanding the production of flax-containing mixed products based on new technologies that ensure high consumer properties of the products;

in the knitting industry:

Increasing the production of lightweight outerwear, underwear and products, including for sports, based on the development of modified polyamide, polyester and viscose threads of low linear density;

Widespread introduction of electronically controlled circular knitting machines, warp knitting machines with advanced technological capabilities, including Rachelle machines for high-stretch guipure;

in the nonwovens industry:

Increasing the production of materials for road construction;

Automotive and construction industry;

Expanding the range of production of medical products and filter materials;

in the clothing industry:

Reforming production by disaggregating it for greater mobility and producing clothes in small batches;

Expansion of the range of workwear for various industries;

in the leather and footwear industry:

Expanding the range of natural leathers with a given set of consumer properties in a wide range of colors with various types of finishing for shoes, clothing, leather goods, upholstery materials;

Increasing the environmental friendliness of leather production;

in the fur industry:

Industrial development of new generation chemicals for processing fur raw materials;

Equipping modeling and design centers for fur products with the latest versions of software.

The most important direction is the development of technical regulations for the production of light industry products in accordance with the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” and the development of national standards that ensure improved product quality.

The industry's business community has made a lot of efforts to radically change the situation and, first of all, to prove the need to support and develop domestic textiles. There is an understanding of this at all levels of government. The problems of the industry became the subject of discussion at a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council and are constantly in the field of view of the Government of the Russian Federation and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry, industry associations and unions took the initiative in solving many problems in the industry. Their initiatives found active support in ministries and departments, the Federation Council, the State Duma, and the Government.

In 2009, the Strategy for the Development of Light Industry in Russia for the period until 2020 was adopted, which provides that in 2020 the share of domestic textile and light industry goods in sales volume on the Russian market will be at least 50%.

The solution to these problems can be achieved through accelerated modernization of the industry.

The main directions of modernization textile and light industry are:

Modernization and technical re-equipment of equipment;

Modernization of intersectoral interaction based on the creation of industrial clusters;

Modernization of sectoral planning and coordination.

Modernization and technical re-equipment of equipment are carried out on the basis of investment projects in spinning, weaving and finishing fabrics, in knitting and non-woven production. Financial investments are mainly directed towards technological process innovations and the acquisition of modern spinning equipment from Schlaffhorst, Trutschler, Rieter; wide-width looms from Picanol; high-performance automated finishing equipment from Stork, Rigani, Shtorman, Proban, Tekstima and others, as a result of which not only competitive products are produced, but labor productivity increases by 8-10 times, wages are more than 3 times, budget efficiency from tax revenues per worker - up to 20 times. However, modernization is carried out exclusively on the basis of imported equipment, since the state of the domestic textile engineering industry, corresponding to the third technological structure, can be assessed as a catastrophic lag.

Given the high capital intensity of textile production, significant investment resources are needed to modernize the industry. Thus, the average cost of modernizing enterprises with an average production volume requires project implementation costs from 100 to 125 million rubles, and for large textile enterprises - from 750 to 1500 million rubles. Even without taking into account the rise in prices for equipment and construction and installation work, according to expert estimates, modernization of the industry will require 170-180 billion rubles, and on average, until 2020, it will be necessary to attract and develop investments in the amount of 14-15 billion rubles annually. The industry does not have such resources, but they can and should be found.

First of all, this is expanding enterprises’ access to long-term credit resources. However, only 8% of Russian banks consider the textile and light industry attractive for long-term lending. The remaining banks adopt a restrictive policy on issues of industry lending to enterprises, which is manifested not only in the size of the lending rate, which is significantly higher than global practice, but also in the fact that banks sometimes take on functions in lending that are not typical for them. This refers to the tendency of banks to become the owner of the borrowing enterprise requesting a loan for investment in development. Often this condition is decisive in the refusal of enterprise managers to abandon their innovative intentions or postpone them.

Another possibility for modernizing equipment is to create regional industry leasing companies with the participation of state capital. Significant funds could be raised from the profits of enterprises, exempting from tax the part of it that is allocated to the introduction of innovations. This issue requires a legislative solution, and there is such positive experience of government support for the industry.

Thus, over the past two or three years, serious measures of state support for the industry have become:

1. Cancellation of import customs duties on almost the entire product range of foreign trade activities of the Russian Federation for technological and laboratory equipment (components and parts for it) intended for the textile and light industry.

2. Cancellation of VAT on imported technological equipment, components and spare parts for it, which have no analogues in the Russian Federation, including 39 items of the Commodity Classification of Foreign Economic Activity for the industry, or 25% of the number of approved items.

3. Increasing the amount of reimbursement of part of the costs of enterprises for paying interest rates on loans from 1/2 to 2/3 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

4. Allocation from the federal budget in 2008-2009. 100 million rubles each to subsidize interest rates on loans for technical re-equipment of production with the prospect of increasing the amount of subsidies to 200 million rubles. in 2010

In Russia, it is necessary to modernize, or rather, restore the domestic textile engineering industry together with leading importers. This requires scientific support, it is necessary to revive the scientific potential of the industry. This will allow for technological breakthroughs.

Such a breakthrough could be the development and implementation of the program “Oil, products of its processing, finished goods of textile and light industry.” This idea forms the basis for the modernization of the industry by organizing a new form of intersectoral interaction based on the creation of textile industrial clusters.

In accordance with the Instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the first pilot project of the textile cluster was launched in 2008 in the Ivanovo region as a complex of interaction between the textile industry and related industries, including the oil and gas complex, mechanical engineering, clothing production, trade, and the financial and credit system.

The cluster should include: the core industry - textile industry enterprises; auxiliary industry - enterprises producing textile raw materials, chemical materials and dyes, textile equipment and spare parts for it, educational organizations; servicing industry - trading enterprises, warehouse complexes and customs terminals, financial and credit organizations. However, at present there is no concept of a textile-industrial cluster, and this is holding back its development processes. The mechanism of cluster formation remains unclear: who should organize the cluster - the regional administration or it self-organizes as an objective economic phenomenon inherent in the market. Each cluster participant is an economic entity with its own economic interests and commercial benefits. In order for him to become a participant in intersectoral interaction, he must understand the mechanisms for extracting commercial benefits, and if it is not available to each cluster participant, then he will not have to count on their voluntary participation in this process. The benefits of each must be clear. It is important to take these interests into account and unite.

The integration of enterprises and industries into the cluster should be carried out in accordance with regional industrial policy, aimed not at supporting individual enterprises and industries, but at developing inter-industry interaction and cooperation, as a result of which a local economic complex with strong sustainability features will be formed in the Ivanovo region, capable of textile industry from stagnation, create conditions for economic growth and initiate positive economic dynamics in the region.

The objective conditions for the formation of a regional textile cluster were the practical actions of textile enterprises in the Ivanovo region, aimed at self-preservation, preserving the industry and protecting its interests by combining into vertically integrated financial and industrial groups and holdings based on the merger of capital.

As a result, large regional integrated structures were formed that operate in the country's textile market, such as JSC FPC Roscontract, JSC KhBK Shuya Calico, JSC Mega Company, Association of Enterprises TDL, JSC TC Russian House, Rosko Industrial Group LLC, Yakovlevskaya Manufactory LLC, Russian Textile Alliance OJSC, Vostok-Service Enterprise Association, Central Committee FIG Textile Holding Yakovlevsky OJSC, uniting about forty textile enterprises in the region.

This made it possible to form a regional market equilibrium at a new level, ensured not only by taking into account market requirements, but by the necessary connection between the production of the textile cluster.

To ensure connectivity, technical re-equipment of leading enterprises in the textile industry and the construction of additional capacities in spinning and weaving, clothing and knitting production included in the textile cluster of the region are required, with the coordination and financial support of the Government of the Ivanovo region.

Such decisions were made in 2005-2007. The leading textile enterprises of the region, using their own funds, realized the following volumes of investments in fixed capital: OJSC Samtex - 3.5 million euros; OJSC "Rodniki-Textiles" - 1500 million rubles; OJSC KhBK "Shuiskie chintz" - 1150 million rubles; OJSC Alliance Russian Textile - 720 million rubles; LLC Industrial Group Rosco - 350 million rubles; OJSC Central Committee FPG "Textile Holding" Yakovlevsky " - 300 million rubles. At the same time, the growth rate of investment in fixed assets in 2006 in the Ivanovo region was higher than the average for the Russian Federation and amounted to 108.6% versus 105.6%.

These measures made it possible to accelerate the modernization of the industry and increase its competitiveness.

Modernization of sectoral planning and coordination requires combining efforts, but this cannot be considered as a return to the past, since it must be solved using different approaches. The business entity must retain complete freedom and independence in its decisions. It is necessary to return to sectoral planning and coordination, but on different approaches than before, taking into account the interests of private business and regional benefits from consolidating efforts, more efficient distribution and use of resources. Vertically integrated centers and financial and industrial groups can and should become “outposts” of corporate solidarity and protection of the interests of the industry, which will increase the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the industry.

Integrated structures of the FIG type in the textile industry include the Rostekstil concern. Currently, this is Russia's largest association of textile manufacturers, including about 350 enterprises located throughout Russia, which produce up to 80% of the industry's products.

The Rostekstil concern, created on the basis of the former Ministry of Textile Industry of the USSR, represents a type of horizontally integrated structure with a tendency to build vertically integrated industrial chains.

The main goal of the Rostekstil joint-stock company is to provide representative, advisory and information services to enterprises in the textile industry, production and sales of textile goods. The concern sees its functions in organizing trade, conducting marketing, organizing fairs, participating in federal and regional programs to support the textile industry, creating production chains, and mainly in representing the interests of the textile industry in government bodies.

Thanks to previously established connections, the concern's management manages to cope with representative functions quite well. According to independent experts, OJSC Rostekstil is one of the few organizations that can influence the state of affairs in the textile industry. At the same time, Rostekstil does not aim to help members of the concern at the enterprise level.

It is quite difficult to assess the market efficiency of the concern due to the difficult situation in the industry in general. It is impossible to say unequivocally that the merger of textile enterprises into a concern played a positive role and strengthened their position in the market. However, taking into account the passivity of the majority of domestic textile manufacturers, marketing activities carried out by the central company of the concern, assistance in organizing sales, supply of raw materials and the development of interregional relations have a positive impact on the position of enterprises and the industry itself.

Thus, the modernization of the planning and coordination system should be considered as a factor in stabilizing the industry and initiating its positive economic dynamics.

The development of the clothing industry today is strongly influenced by new technologies. At the same time, in the harsh conditions of a market economy, only those players who offer not only high-quality products, but also original ones in aesthetic and design terms, are able to maintain demand for their products. There are also niches that use standard methods for the production of textiles, more often used for domestic needs. Regardless of the direction of the factory, the clothing industry requires participants in this market segment to regularly update their production infrastructure. Today it is not just a matter of switching to automatic lines, but a task of comprehensive modernization of technical infrastructure.

Garment industry technologies

The technological processes of sewing production can be divided into three categories: cutting, manufacturing and control. The first includes technologies for forming a cutting map, calculating the material, preparing raw materials and flooring, drawing up a pattern layout, etc. Depending on what problems in the clothing industry a particular enterprise solves, employees use certain methods. For example, direct cutting of material is carried out manually or mechanized, by cutting or cutting out.

Technologies for manufacturing garments also represent a broad group of techniques. Among them are direct sewing, thread joining, stitching, stitching, seam setting and quilting. Each operation is also implemented in several ways, the choice of which depends on the operating conditions of the factory.

As for technologies for ensuring product control, production usually carries out a kind of revision of materials based on qualitative and quantitative characteristics, after which sorting is carried out and a product passport is drawn up. The modern clothing industry is actively introducing control stages using automated equipment or special measuring tools that allow accurate assessment of product characteristics.

Equipment for the manufacture of sewing products

A significant breakthrough in technical modernization in the clothing industry occurred about 20 years ago, when engineers and technologists were able to achieve a sharp increase in the speed of machine operation. At the moment, the existing sewing speed indicators are considered optimal. Today, units with thyristor control and AC drives operate in several modes. In this case, the technological process can be performed in a separate order or as one of a group of tasks that a universal installation solves.

For example, there are special units for laying finishing stitches along the edges of facing materials. Such blanks include cuffs, valves, shirt collars, etc.

It is important to emphasize that the technology of the clothing industry in the form of the same stitching or cutting is implemented with different parameters. That is, even if the machine is focused on performing one function, the operator can set the characteristics of the operation in different formats.

For example, the mentioned thyristor control implies the ability to change the length of the stitch and the direction of the ruler running along the edge. The most advanced mechanisms also provide for the ability of machines to make automatic corrections to the work process depending on sensor readings. Of course, the clothing industry cannot do without. This group can include support, fixation and transportation units, which implement an indirect additional function in the production process. These are usually semi-automatic machines controlled by the operators themselves.

Concept of connected equipment sets

Practice shows that effective operation is possible only if the equipment is operated not separately, but integrated into one complex. Sewing machine developers have been working in this direction for a long time, offering multifunctional installations. Such models perform several operations simultaneously, providing the output with a product with a certain degree of readiness. It cannot be said that the complex method allows one to cover the full list of technological actions, and it also cannot be said that the units are combined into one machine. Still, this concept is conditional and only demonstrates the principle of the approach, in which a tight coupling of technical equipment is achieved, which extremely optimizes the manufacturing technology of products.

In particular, the modern clothing industry operates machines that make it possible to perform lysing of armholes along the back and along the front, sirring of sleeve edges, sewing in sleeves and other related operations in a single complex of several machines.

But it is important to consider another aspect. While integrated production lines certainly provide high efficiency with minimal labor input, they cannot always compete with the traditional piecemeal approach of performing technical sewing activities within quality parameters.

Production process management

Traditional methods of control and management come down primarily to methods of technical organization of individual sections of the production workshop. Physically, operations can be controlled in three ways: manual, semi-automatic and automatic. Some equipment models provide three modes at once, but this is rare - more often there are two formats, one of which is automatic.

Using the user interface, the operator sets a program that implements a particular operation with certain parameters. In particular, a modern garment factory can lay out patterns automatically in accordance with the diagram that was stored in the computer. The schemes and commands themselves are usually specified using the menu. Mechanized management methods are also not completely out of the industry, since in some cases they turn out to be more efficient and economical. This applies to small enterprises and individual lines in which the use of automated production is not economically justified.

Computer technology as a means of management

Controllers and microprocessors are being actively introduced in the clothing industry. These are small devices responsible for controlling various technological processes. For example, one microprocessor can manage dozens of operations simultaneously.

Of course, physically the actions are performed by means of mechanized hydraulic and electromechanical units and components, to which commands are sent from the controller. The starting point for generating certain solutions are sensors and detectors. This could be, for example, a device for monitoring the remaining thread length. As it ends, the processor receives a corresponding signal, after which the controller gives a command to automatically insert a new coil. A striking illustration of such approaches is the thread cutting mechanism. With this equipment, a garment factory, without operator intervention, can automatically reduce the length of the trimmed ends of the threads so that they correspond to the thickness of the eye of the needle. Most often, trimming movable mechanisms are used in zigzag stitch machines.

The difficulty of operating computerized production lies in the fact that the operator or a group of maintenance personnel must work out in detail the programs and operating modes of the controller, otherwise the slightest error in the specified parameters will lead to defects on a large scale when it comes to mass production.

Raw materials used in production

Sewing production requires the use of a wide range of materials, including accessories. The raw material base is formed mainly by textile materials. These include polyester, wool, wool blend, cotton and viscose fabrics. Some clothing models also require a group of duplicating materials, which includes dubbing, interlining and various linings in the form of twill, polyester and viscose. Fur of natural and artificial origin is also in demand. We can say that this is a premium raw material for the clothing industry, which ultimately affects the price tags of products.

As for fittings and finishing materials, these include sewing cotton lavsan threads, reinforcing fibers, buttons, rivets and various hardware. It is important to note that the fittings differ in many characteristics, even if functionally the same elements correspond to each other. Through shape, color and texture, manufacturers convey the design shades of a specific part.

Manufactured products

The range of clothing is huge, but we should not forget that clothing factories not only produce such things, but also produce technical products using the same textiles. One way or another, the basis of the assortment of any clothing factory is clothing, which is presented in different groups and subgroups. In particular, these can be coats, hats, pants, sundresses, swimsuits, etc.

Various characteristics are used to organize and classify products. In particular, products are distinguished by material, shape, seasonality, purpose and other parameters. The branches of the clothing industry that specialize in the production of certain products can be classified accordingly.

Recently, highly specialized factories have become widespread, covering a specific segment and striving to occupy a leadership position in it. These include enterprises engaged in the production of extreme clothing, uniforms, things for fishermen and travelers, etc.

Main consumers of clothing products

Most of the products produced cover the household needs segment. Participants in this market focus on the needs of the average consumer, offering not only clothing, but also carpet materials, home textiles, and everyday goods. Again, specialized enterprises in the clothing industry often cooperate with law enforcement agencies, medical institutions and representatives of the construction industry. They offer these consumer groups products in the form of geotextiles, membrane insulators, substrates and other specific materials.

Some areas in which clothing factories also present their products include furniture production, sports, tourism, and mechanical engineering. In these areas, clothing production in the light industry is represented only indirectly, but some products in this segment are produced only using textiles. For example, for tourists, manufacturers offer backpacks, sun loungers and tents made from highly durable materials. Large factories are developing unique technologies for the production of raw materials, which are subjected to multi-stage processing to obtain the necessary protective properties.

Development of the clothing industry in Russia

The future of the industry largely depends on technological innovations, but they are not the only ones that determine the direction of further development. Small and large enterprises are paying increasing attention to logistics optimization. Transportation, storage of raw materials, circulation within production lines - these and other stages require maintaining high efficiency, otherwise their organization costs an unreasonably high cost. Of course, the clothing industry in Russia has advanced in technological support in recent years. But, unlike foreign manufacturers, the same automated and robotic lines are more often used on the conveyors of large enterprises that manufacture standard products.

Original products, produced in small batch formats, are still produced in traditional mechanized conditions. Computerization, in turn, leaves its mark not only on controls.

Thanks to special programs, the clothing industry in Russia has the opportunity to effectively develop new design solutions within individual production units.


The success of garment factories depends on a wide range of different factors. These include the level of technical equipment, the quality of the raw materials used, as well as labor productivity. At the same time, the modern clothing industry cannot help but focus on the needs of the target audience. Some manufacturers initially choose a specific narrow niche, while other factories reach a wide audience of consumers, adjusting the focus of production depending on the trend. Also, the chosen development approach to a large extent determines the methods of planning the enterprise’s activities.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher professional education

North Caucasus State Technical University

Nevinnomyssk Technological Institute (branch)


in the discipline Industry Economics

Subject: Prospects for the development of the textile and clothing industryslennosti in Russia until 2015

Nevinnomyssk 2010

  • Introduction
  • 1. General characteristics of the light industry of the Russian Federation
  • 2. Territorial structure of light industry of the Russian Federation
    • 2.1 Principles of industrial location
    • 2.1.1 Light industry in the Central Federal District
    • 2.1.2 Light industry in other federal districts
  • 3. Problems and prospects for the development of light industry in the Russian Federation
    • 3.1 Characteristics of light industry. Assessment of the state and trends of its development
    • 3.2 Problems of development of light industry of the Russian Federation
    • 3.3 Prospects for the development of light industry in the Russian Federation
    • 3.4 Draft strategy for the development of light industry in Russia for the period until 2015
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Appendix A


Light industry is an industry for the production of consumer goods, which must meet the needs of the country's population. The main task of the light industry is to meet the growing needs of all segments of the population.

Today, the share of light industry in the country's total production is about 1.3%, which is very small for this industry. To understand the reasons for such a low share of total production, it is necessary to analyze the state of the industry and the problems of its development. To increase the share percentage, it is necessary to find ways to develop this industry.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2009 N 623 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 31, 03.08.2009);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 3, 2009 N 798 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 41, 10/12/2009).


1. Approve the attached Rules for the provision in 2009 of subsidies to organizations of the light and textile industry to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions (clause as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 2009 N 100; as amended by Government Decree Russian Federation dated October 3, 2009 N 798 - see previous edition).

2. To establish that the provision of subsidies to organizations in the light and textile industries to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions is carried out if the provision of such subsidies is provided for by the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year and for the planning period in in relation to loans received during the period determined by this federal law.

The purpose of this work is to analyze development problems and propose prospects for the development of light industry in the Russian Federation.

The work consists of an introduction, main part and conclusion. The main part consists of three sections. The first section outlines the general theoretical foundations, the second section contains a brief description of the territorial structure of light industry, the third section discusses the problems of the industry, ways to solve them and prospects for development.

To write this work, we mainly used popular science magazines, as well as official documents and textbooks. An analysis of the literature has shown that the state of light industry is not given due attention, and the material presented does not give a complete picture of the light industry of the country as a whole.

1. General characteristics of the light industry of the Russian Federation

Light industry is one of the sectors of the complex producing consumer goods. This industry is a manufacturing industry and produces products for the population: fabrics, clothing, shoes, knitwear, hosiery and fur products, hats, textiles and leather haberdashery. In addition, light industry enterprises supply fabrics and cord for the production of tires, steel rope cores for coal mines and the metallurgical industry, filter and screen fabrics for the food, chemical and electrical industries, fabrics and other products for agriculture, fabrics for transport belts, used in all industries of Russia. Thus, light industry enterprises, along with consumer goods, produce raw materials and auxiliary materials for other sectors of the national economy.

In the light industry there are 20 research institutes, which are specialized in accordance with groups of industries and serve the textile, knitwear, clothing, leather and footwear and fur sub-industries. The institutes have their own developments, many of which have received recognition at the annual international invention salons. But at the same time, in recent years there has been a tendency to destroy the scientific and technical potential and the previously effectively functioning system of training specialists, which is primarily due to insufficient funding.

Light industry affects the overall economic situation in the country because, firstly, it is an industry with a rapid turnover of capital; secondly, its technological cycle draws agriculture, the chemical industry and other industries into its sphere.

The raw material base of Russia's light industry is underdeveloped, because does not meet the industry's needs for raw materials.

The main supplier of natural raw materials for light industry is agriculture. Flax growing is in a difficult situation: the crops of long flax are being reduced, and its yield is falling. Flax growing is distributed unevenly: over 60% of the harvested raw materials are in the Central Federal District, 25% in the Northwestern District, and only 15% in all the rest. Flax growing today is the only supplier of domestic plant raw materials, and prices for flax fiber are the lowest of all types of fiber.

At the moment, the needs of the flax industry for raw materials are met through imports, and the main supplier of flax is Belarus.

Natural wool comes mainly from sheep. Recently, their number in Russia has decreased, and the quality of wool has deteriorated. Only wool coming from breeding farms fully meets all quality requirements, but little such wool is supplied, since it is the breeding stock that has decreased the most.

Light industry could provide itself almost completely with natural leather raw materials, but a significant part of it is exported from Russia.

The raw materials for the production of twisted products (twine, ropes) are hemp, jute and sisal. Hemp is made from the stems of hemp, the cultivation of which has been declining since 1960, while jute and sisal are imported from abroad.

Cotton is not grown in Russia, therefore, after the collapse of the USSR, the developed cotton industry is entirely based on imported raw materials. Raw cotton comes mainly from Uzbekistan, also from Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, a small part comes from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

In addition to natural raw materials, light industry uses synthetic and chemical fibers and artificial leathers supplied by the chemical industry. The starting materials for their production are petroleum products, natural gas, and coal tar. The main delivery areas are the Central and Volga Federal Districts.

The structure of light industry includes about 30 sub-sectors, which can be combined into three main groups:

Textile industry, which includes linen, cotton, silk, wool, knitting, as well as primary processing of flax, wool, network knitting industry, felting, production of non-woven materials and others.

Garment industry.

Leather and footwear industry, which also includes fur.

The factors for locating light industry enterprises are varied and each industry has its own characteristics, but the following main ones can be identified:

Labor resources. This factor requires a large number of people and highly qualified specialists.

Raw material factor. This factor primarily influences the location of enterprises for the primary processing of raw materials. For example, enterprises for the primary processing of leather are located near large meat processing plants. Consumer factor. Finished products of the clothing industry are less transportable compared to raw materials. For example, fabrics are economically more transportable than finished products. In the textile industry, on the contrary, finished products are more transportable than raw materials. For example, when washed, wool becomes 70% lighter.

Textile industry.

The main branch of light industry in Russia is the textile industry. Despite the fact that it belongs to typical “old industries,” the production of textile fibers has not decreased during the era of the scientific and technological revolution. The textile industry accounts for about 70% of the total volume of marketable products sold throughout the light industry of Russia.

The main products of the industry are fabrics, which are used to meet the needs of the population and are used as raw materials and auxiliary materials in the clothing, footwear, food industries, mechanical engineering and other industries.

Cotton industry is a leading branch in the structure of the textile industry. Historically, the main area of ​​concentration of the cotton industry is the Central Federal District. The reasons for this location of the industry were many years of experience in the development of the linen, silk and cloth industries, the availability of equipment and qualified labor, the presence of consumers, and the availability of transport. These factors led to the growth of the cotton industry in the Moscow and Ivanovo provinces. Currently, the leading factors for the location of the industry are the availability of consumers, the availability of skilled labor and the provision of employment in heavy industrial areas.

In the structure of the textile industry, the linen industry is also distinguished. Today, 70% of the fabrics produced in our country are fabrics for industrial and technical purposes. There is not enough production of costume and dress fabrics. Flax is also used to make waterproof workwear, tarpaulin for covering equipment, tents, fire hoses, etc.

Initially, the industry was located near flax-producing areas, but currently the raw material factor plays a lesser role. Of primary importance for locating an enterprise in the area is the provision of qualified personnel, and the primary processing of flax is concentrated in flax-growing areas.

Wool industry produces a variety of products: household fabrics, blankets, carpets, etc. The bulk of woolen fabrics is used for personal consumption and only 5% is used for technical purposes.

Garment industry.

Garment industry enterprises are distributed more evenly throughout the country than textile industry enterprises. They are available in almost every region and mainly satisfy the internal needs of the region. The main factor in locating enterprises in the clothing industry is consumer. This is due to the fact that it is more economical to transport fabrics rather than finished products. Typically, clothing manufacturing enterprises are concentrated in large industrial centers.

In recent years, the Russian clothing industry has been quite successfully cooperating with foreign countries, using the form of international cooperation, i.e. placing orders at Russian enterprises for the production of clothing based on models and materials from foreign countries. Foreign manufacturers in our country are attracted by the high level of professional training of specialists and at the same time low labor costs, as well as territorial proximity to the Western market. For Russian manufacturers of the clothing industry, cooperation with foreign manufacturers allows them to improve the quality of products and make them more competitive in the domestic and world markets.

2. Territorial structure of light industry of the Russian Federation

Light industry, compared to other branches of production, has a less pronounced territorial structure, since there are some enterprises in almost every district. However, it is possible to identify specialized areas, especially in the textile industry, producing a certain range of products. For example, the Ivanovo region specializes in the production of cotton products and ranks first in Russia in terms of production volume. The Central Federal District specializes in the production of all branches of the textile industry, and only in this federal district is light industry a branch of specialization. Most often, sub-sectors of light industry complement the economic complex of the region.

Further, in characterizing enterprises in different regions, statistical data on the volume of output for each enterprise is used. To understand how large a share an enterprise occupies in the production structure, it is necessary to know the total production volumes. Statistical data are presented based on the results of the light industry in the first half of 2003. In total, clothing industry enterprises produced products worth 12,505 million rubles.

2.1 Principles of industrial location

The location of industry is one of the forms of social division of labor, expressed in the spatial distribution of industrial enterprises and production on the territory of an economic region, republic or country as a whole. It acts as an important factor in increasing the efficiency of social production. The correct geographical location of industrial enterprises is a prerequisite for the effective use of the country's natural resources and labor resources, reducing irrational transportation of products and strengthening Russia's defense capability, better meeting the needs of the population, and increasing its well-being. In the process of placing industrial production, not only purely economic, but also socio-political problems are solved - overcoming significant differences between city and countryside, increasing the economic level of development of formerly backward regions of the country, and the growth of highly qualified national personnel in them.

The principles of industrial location represent the initial scientific principles that guide the state in its economic policy in the field of planned placement of productive forces.

The most important principle of industrial location is to bring industrial production closer to sources of raw materials, to areas of consumption, provided that the necessary products are produced with minimal expenditure of social labor.

Ensuring the rapid pace of expanded reproduction and growth in the productivity of social labor requires the widespread deployment of industrial production throughout the country and an increasingly even distribution of industry.

The uniform distribution of industrial production throughout the country based on industrial specialization and the use of all natural resources and labor resources should be considered as one of the fundamental principles of industrial location. The uniform distribution of industry is a qualitative feature of the development of this important sector of the national economy. Bringing industry closer to sources of raw materials and a more uniform distribution of production throughout the country makes it possible to avoid excessively long-distance transportation of raw materials, fuel, materials and finished products to the places of their consumption. Transportation over long distances causes transport costs, which significantly increase the cost of production and reduce the economic efficiency of industrial production.

The increasingly uniform distribution of industry throughout the country, however, does not mean that all branches of industry must develop in all economic regions. Some industries gravitate towards areas where mineral deposits occur, others - towards sources of agricultural raw materials, and others - towards areas of consumption. The task of locating these industries is to develop them in areas that have the necessary economic and natural prerequisites.

An important principle of the distribution of productive forces is the rational territorial division of labor with the aim of the most effective specialization of individual economic regions by industry and the creation of territorial production complexes.

The essence of the territorial division of labor lies in the purposeful planned formation of the economy of all economic regions of the country on the basis of the planned placement of material production, constantly improving industry specialization, rationalization of production and social infrastructure, rationalization of inter-industry, inter-district and intra-district production relations.

The basis for the economic development of the economic regions of our country is industry. The creation in each region of a complex of industries, clearly specialized in accordance with the natural and economic characteristics of this region, most fully satisfying national and intra-regional needs, is the most important component of the entire comprehensive development of the regional economy and plays a leading role in this development.

The integrated development of regions, combined with the elimination of irrational transportation of raw materials and finished products, ensures equalization of the levels of economic development of all regions of the country.

The principle of production location is the international division of labor based on economic integration. With the development of the world economic system, this principle is becoming increasingly important in the distribution of industry both throughout the system and in each of its member countries. The division of labor ensures the most rational development of the economy of each country and the specialization of individual states in those industries for which they have the most favorable natural, economic and social conditions.

Along with the stated economic principles, the practice of locating certain industries also takes into account other circumstances that are historically transitory in nature, but have great social, political or defense significance.

The impact of these principles on the specific process of industrial location is carried out through a number of factors that can be divided into three main groups: natural-economic, technical-economic and economic-political. An independent factor of location is the provision of districts with vehicles and their technical level.

2.1.1 Light industry in the Central Federal District

The development of light industry in this district is due to history. There is a large scientific and technical base, qualified personnel, high consumer demand and availability of transport, as well as providing employment in heavy industrial areas.

The Central Federal District accounts for 1/3 of light industry production in the Russian Federation.

The Central Federal District is the main concentration area of ​​the cotton industry. Over 90% of all cotton fabrics in the Russian Federation are produced here. The first place is occupied by the Ivanovo region, 70% of Russian cotton fabrics are produced here. There are about 40 cotton industry enterprises in the Ivanovo region, followed by Moscow and the Moscow region in terms of production volume. Here the cotton industry is represented by the Orekhovsky plant, the Glukhovsky plant and others. It is worth noting the large enterprise Trekhgornaya Manufactory, which produced products worth 41 million rubles in the first half of 2003. Cotton industry enterprises are also located in the Ivanovo, Smolensk, Kaluga, Tver, and Yaroslavl regions.

The Central Federal District is the main region for the production of linen fabrics. The main production centers are Vyazniki (Vladimir region), Gavrilov-Yam (Yaroslavl region), Vyazma (Smolensk region).

The production of woolen fabrics is developed in the Bryansk region (Klintsy), Ivanovo region (Shuya) and others.

In the Central Federal District there are enterprises producing clothing industry products. In the Moscow region there are enterprises "Bolshevichka", "Firm "Cheryomushki", "PTSHO Salyut" (Moscow region). According to the results of the first half of 2003, they produced products worth 282, 112 and 87 million rubles, respectively. In the Vladimir region - “Vyaznikovskaya Garment Factory” with a product output of 69 million rubles, “Children’s Clothing” with a product output of 68 million rubles, “Sobinovskaya Garment Factory” with a product output of 64 million rubles. In the Ivanovo region - “Ivango Sewing Factory” with production worth 71 million rubles. Here are the largest enterprises that produce products worth over 40 million rubles.

2.1.2 Light industry in other federal districts

As mentioned above, light industry has a less pronounced territorial structure and, usually, complements the economic complex of the region. If in the Central Federal District it is an industry of specialization, then in other federal districts it has not become such. However, it is possible to identify places with the greatest concentration of light industry enterprises.

Enterprises producing linen industry products are located in the Northwestern Federal District, in the Pskov and Vologda regions, 3.3% of Russia's linen fabrics are produced here. There are also enterprises in the Volga, Ural and Siberian federal districts. The largest of them are located in Kazan, Kirov, Yekaterinburg and Biysk.

The second place in the production of woolen fabrics is occupied by the Volga and Ural Federal Districts. The main enterprises are concentrated in the Tyumen, Sverdlovsk, Ulyanovsk and Penza regions.

Unlike enterprises in the textile industry, enterprises in the clothing industry are distributed more evenly throughout the country. They exist in almost every region of the country, but there are the largest ones. These are enterprises such as the Gloria-Jeans Corporation, which produces products worth 1,592 million rubles, and Donetsk Manufactory, which produces products worth 181 million rubles, located in the Rostov region. Also, large enterprises are the Pskov garment factory “Slavyanka” with the production of products worth 309 million rubles; "Grammer" with the production of products worth 178 million rubles, located in the Kaliningrad region; "Elegant" with the production of products worth 136 million rubles, located in the Ulyanovsk region; the Sinar enterprise with the production of products worth 127 million rubles, located in the Novosibirsk region and others.

3. Problems and prospects for the development of light industry in the Russian Federation

In 1999 and 2000, light industry enterprises used the created opportunities to expand import substitution, increasing the growth rate of production volumes to 20% annually.

However, since 2001, the light industry experienced a slowdown in production growth, and then its reduction, and the financial and economic indicators of the industry deteriorated.

In order to understand what this is connected with, it is necessary to consider the problems of the development of light industry.

light industry industry Russia

3.1 Characteristics of light industry. Assessment of the state and trends of its development

After the crisis of 1998, the growth rate of production of all types of fabrics compared to the previous year was 20.9% in 2000, 12.7% in 2001, in 2003 it decreased to 3%, and in 2004 the growth rate was already negative value - 95.6 percent.

The greatest decrease in growth rates over the period 2000-2004 occurred in industries that provide normal conditions for human life, namely: in the clothing, knitwear and footwear industries, the growth rate of product output decreased in 2004 compared to 2000, respectively, by 29.5 to 9 and by 13.9 points.

And only starting from the second half of 2005, the industry overcame the trend of falling production volumes and achieved good results at the end of 2006.

But already in 2007, the growth trend in production compared to previous years not only slowed down, but for certain product groups (fabrics, knitwear and footwear) the growth rate of output volumes was negative. This indicates an unstable and spasmodic trend in the development of light industry, not only by year, but also by type of product, Fig. 1.

Fig.1 Dynamics of growth rates in production volumes of the main types of light industry products.

In 2007, 2.7 billion m2 of fabrics were produced, which is 2.4% less than in the previous year. The volume of production of cotton fabrics decreased by 3.9% (the decrease was caused by market saturation in bed linen and a reduction in its output by 18.3%). The production of woolen fabrics decreased by 1.7% and linen fabrics by 18.7% (the reduction is due to a drop in demand for linen fabrics on the foreign market, about 75% of the volume of which was exported in the form of raw materials). Currently, market conditions have changed, the demand for fabrics with improved consumer properties and fashionable design, the share of which in the industry’s product range is still insignificant, has increased, which also affected production volumes.

The volume of shipped goods in current prices for the period 2005-2007 increased 1.3 times, for the nine months of 2008 - by 15.9% compared to the level of the corresponding period in 2007 and amounted to 128.7 billion rubles.

The dominant position in the commodity structure of goods sold is occupied by products of the textile industries (cotton, wool, linen, silk, knitwear, non-woven materials, etc.), the share of which in the volume of shipped products amounted to 53.7%, and the share of clothing, leather and fur products, footwear and other industries - 46.3 percent.

The dynamics of the growth rate of textile, clothing and fur production for the period 2006-2008 is clearly shown in Fig. 2.

Fig.2. Growth rates of textile, clothing and fur production

It should be noted that the growth in the production of a number of light industry goods in recent years is associated with the improvement of the taxation system, because the possibility of producers switching to a simplified taxation system contributed to their exit from the “shadow”.

During the analyzed period, the structure of commercial output also improved, in the total volume of which the share of finished products for the population (clothing, knitted and fur products, shoes) increased, the volume of high-quality natural and artificial leather for shoes and leather goods increased, and new types of medical products appeared , Fig.3.

Fig.3 Structure of commercial output of light industry products in 2007 - 2008

A slight deterioration in the activity of light industry in 2008 is evidenced by the increase in the share of unprofitable enterprises (Table 1) and the low level of utilization of production capacity.

Table 1. Share of unprofitable enterprises in light industry activities

Share of unprofitable enterprises, %

Manufacturing industries

Textile, sewing and fur

Production of leather, footwear and leather goods

The level of production capacity utilization in the main industries is characterized by the following indicators:

- cotton - 70.1%, linen - 35.9%,

- wool - 33.0%, silk - 36.1%,

- knitwear - 51.0%, footwear - 54.0%

In the context of annual growth in production costs, underutilization of production capacity brings losses to the industry and creates an irrational structure of its balance sheet, in which non-current assets occupy about 90 percent.

3.2 Problems of development of light industry of the Russian Federation

The main reason for the crisis in the light industry is the technological backwardness of most enterprises, which leads to a decrease in the competitiveness of products. To get out of this situation, it is necessary to intensify innovation activities, the main task of which is the implementation and use of the results of scientific research and development in enterprises. An analysis of the situation in the field of innovation activity showed that the demand for basic scientific and technical achievements and technologies is quite low, which increases the technological lag of the industry. The innovative activity of enterprises is mainly hampered by a lack of financial resources; other reasons include too high costs for innovation and long payback periods.

To enhance innovation activity, the following measures are necessary:

1. Improving the regulatory system on the part of the state, in order to increase the innovative activity of the enterprise;

2. Economic support for enterprises involved in innovation activities;

3. Support for innovation at the regional level;

4. Development of international cooperation in the field of innovation.

To improve innovation activities, it is necessary to have research institutes.

There are also staffing problems. Firstly, there is a shortage of qualified senior and mid-level specialists. Secondly, many managers lack the knowledge and initiative necessary for the successful transfer of production from command-administrative methods of functioning to market ones and the successful development of the enterprise in modern conditions. This problem can be solved by training new and retraining old personnel.

For a separate branch of light industry, there is a problem of the raw materials market. First of all, this is a problem in the textile industry, the main raw material for which is cotton. In Soviet times, the main suppliers of cotton were Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, but with the collapse of the USSR, economic ties were also disrupted. Due to the desire of the former Soviet republics to earn more money, raw materials were supplied at dumping prices outside the former Union, which reduced the supply of cotton to Russia. This problem can be solved by reducing the share of cotton products and changing the structure of production.

3.3 Prospects for the development of light industry in the Russian Federation

Despite the existence of serious problems in the development of light industry, there are also promising areas of development.

It should be noted that today Russia has a sufficient raw material base for light industry, which can be used with greater efficiency. Already, Russia can almost completely satisfy the needs of enterprises for flax fiber, leather and fur raw materials, artificial fibers, threads, and wool. It is necessary to resolve the issues of producing sufficient quantities of synthetic fibers and threads.

One of the promising areas of development will be changing the structure of production of the textile industry, reducing the share of cotton and increasing the share of linen products. This requires widespread development of flax processing processes not only at flax industry enterprises, but also at cotton industry enterprises. In the future, the following tasks must be solved:

Creating a reliable base of domestic natural raw materials by increasing gross flax harvests, as well as releasing flax from the production of technical products;

Replacement of part of the purchased cotton fiber at cotton industry enterprises with flax fiber through the development of new technologies;

Development of export potential through the supply of flax, as well as high-quality linen fabrics and finished products.

Also, for the long-term development of the industry, it is necessary to improve the quality of products and make them competitive in comparison with imported goods. This requires the modernization of production and the development of the scientific and technical industry. In the near future, it is advisable to develop existing techniques and technologies in the direction of existing technological equipment, which makes it possible to more fully use domestic natural and chemical raw materials in order to expand the range, improve the quality, and competitiveness of products.

For the future development of light industry, it is necessary to increase the investment attractiveness of production. For this, an appropriate regulatory framework is necessary; it should be profitable for an entrepreneur to invest financial resources in light industry enterprises. On the one hand, in light industry the turnover of funds occurs 2-4 times, which in itself is already profitable. But besides this, it is necessary to change the financial and legal policy of the state in relation to light industry. On the part of the state, the priority measures aimed at creating conditions for the development of the industry will be:

1. reduction of import customs duties on highly efficient technological equipment for light industry not produced in the Russian Federation;

2. optimization of customs duties on raw materials and supplies used by light industry enterprises;

3. inclusion in existing and developing federal target programs of the most important work aimed at introducing new technologies in light industry

4. suppressing the illegal import of light industrial goods into the territory of the Russian Federation and improving the mechanism for receiving and using humanitarian aid;

5. suppression of illegal production of light industry products

6. intensification of work on the implementation of measures that contribute to improving the supply of raw materials to light industry."

Also, government activities are aimed at supporting the export of products, as evidenced by the Concept for the development of state financial support for the export of industrial products, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2003 No. 1493-r.

3.4 Draft strategy for the development of light industry in Russia for the period until 2015

The development strategy for the light industry of Russia for the period until 2015 was developed in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2008 No. Pr-1369 and the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 2008 No. VP-P9-4244.

The Strategy is understood as a set of target functions, principles and decisions, interconnected in terms of tasks, implementation deadlines and resources, which must be implemented in plans of measures and complex activities of a regulatory, legal, economic, scientific, technical and organizational nature, in innovative, regional and budgetary target programs, in individual projects.


- determines the goals, objectives, main directions of long-term socio-economic development of the light industry, taking into account the challenges of the coming period, structural changes and ways of its transformation into a competitive and dynamically developing industrial complex, receptive to innovation;

- ensures coordination of actions of executive and legislative authorities at various levels in making decisions on supporting light industry at the state level in priority areas of industry development;

It serves as a conceptual basis for the development of small businesses in the industry, stimulating pilot projects and the most important state-important investment projects for modernization and technical re-equipment in the production of high-tech, market-demanded new generation products based on the use of public-private partnerships.

When developing the Strategy and activities, the following were taken into account:

National interests of Russia (increasing the level and quality of life of the population, the health of the nation, the strategic and economic security of the state, ensuring high rates of industrial growth and creating potential for the future development of the Russian economy);

Proposals of federal executive authorities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and business, expressed at a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation, held on June 20, 2008 on the issue of raising the light industry economy, identifying ways and means to increase its competitiveness in the market of consumer goods, technical textiles and strategic products appointments; the most important legislative and regulatory acts that determine state policy in light industry for the medium and long term.

Proposals from constituent entities of the Russian Federation, industry research institutes, public organizations and associations on the necessary measures to support the industry in priority areas and problematic issues;

Features of the light industry as an object of expected impact and the starting conditions of its activity at the present stage to determine the targets for its development for the period until 2015.

The following materials served as the basis for the development of the Strategy:

- goals, target indicators, priorities and main objectives of long-term state policy in the social sphere, in the field of science and technology, as well as structural transformations in the economy, provided for in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2015 dated November 17, 2008 . N 1662-r;

- the main directions for the development of light industry, approved by the participants of the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation on June 20, 2008 (Ivanovo);

- regional programs, concepts and clusters for the development of light industry, official sources of information;

- “Methodological recommendations for developing strategies for the development of industrial sectors” (dated July 30, 2004, MF-P13-4480).

The Strategy is based on the transition of light industry to an innovative development model aimed at increasing its competitive advantages and increasing the output of high-quality products of a new generation. Particular attention is paid to the issues of protecting the domestic market from illegal trafficking of goods, technical re-equipment and development of industry science, import substitution and export, providing the industry with material and raw materials and professional personnel.

To implement the Strategy, it is planned to use venture funds, an innovation fund, grants, enterprises’ own funds, subsidies and budget financing of R&D, mega-projects and other innovative projects that ensure the competitive level of the industry, as well as investments from domestic and foreign investors, commercial banks and insurance companies.

The mechanism for solving problems and implementing the Strategy’s activities is comprehensive, systemic and strategically targeted in nature and covers all types of light industry activities: from deep processing of raw materials to the production of finished goods and their promotion to sales markets.

The development of the Strategy was carried out using the program-target forecasting method, the choice of which was determined by:

- integrating goals, solving industry problems using systemic methods, minimizing risks and ensuring the feasibility of the Strategy’s measures through harmonization of resources and tasks, and the absence of duplication in their solution;

-combining economic and administrative management levers to ensure the implementation of the Strategy’s activities within the established time frame.

As a result of the implementation of the Strategy, economic conditions will be created for an increase in production volumes of competitive products by 2015 to the 2008 level by 3.8 times and an increase in exports by 4.2 times, the volume of which in 2015 will be about 3.5 billion US dollars.

The implementation of the Strategy’s measures will increase the competitiveness of Russian companies, strengthen their positions and conquer new segments in the domestic and foreign markets. The share of domestically produced products on the Russian market should be at least 50%. At least 80% of Russian light industry products must be innovative and patent protected (trademark, utility model). This will help ensure economic and environmental security, increase Russia’s defense capability, develop regions, and create new jobs.

The strategy is intended to become one of the main instruments of state policy in solving the problems of light industry and attracting investments for its effective development for the period until 2015. It must interconnect the task of effective development of the most important sector of the Russian economy with meeting the needs of the country's citizens, law enforcement agencies and departments, and related sectors of the Russian industrial complex for high-quality and affordable consumer goods, for technical and strategic products.


Having analyzed the state of the industry, we can propose the following areas of development:

1) carrying out technological modernization of light industry enterprises and ensuring, on this basis, stable innovative development of the industry;

2) ensuring deep processing of domestic raw materials, both natural (linen, wool, leather and fur) and chemical fibers and threads;

3) reduction in imports of raw materials from abroad;

4) legislative provision of a sustainable position for domestic producers through state regulation.

5) ensuring the protection of the domestic market from competition from illegally imported products;

6) ensuring protection of the domestic market from competition of low-quality products;

7) solving the problem of staffing, training and retraining of specialists.

The implementation of the main directions will improve the efficiency of the industry, ensure a transition to an innovative development path, modernize enterprises, increase the competitiveness of products and the share of domestic goods in the Russian market, and expand the export capabilities of light industry.

Expanding the market for domestic light industry goods will help improve the economic situation in the country, as well as increase the share of light industry in total production.


1. Andronova L.N., Gerasimenko O.A., Kapitsyn V.M. Ways for the textile industry to emerge from the crisis. // Problems of forecasting. 2008. No. 2.

2. Borisov A.S. On scientific, technical and innovative problems of light industry. // Industry of Russia. 2007. No. 8.

3. Zhivetin V.V. State and prospects for the development of textile and light industry. // Industry of Russia. 2008. No. 6.

4. Zhukov Yu.V. On state support for the export of industrial products. // Garment industry. 2006. No. 6.

5. Zverev S.M., Smolnikova G.N., Yampolskaya N.Yu. The need for state management of the quality and competitiveness of products.// Leather and footwear industry. 2008. No. 1.

6. Regional economy. Textbook for universities./ Ed. T.G. Morozova. M.: UNITY, 2006.

Appendix A

Light industry of the Irkutsk region.

The region's light industry includes the organizations OJSC Sewing Firm "ViD", LLC PKF "Revtrud", LLC "Bratskaya Garment Factory", LLC "Telminskaya Garment Factory", LLC "Blik", LLC "Spetsobuv". The leather and footwear industry is represented by the Irkutsk tannery for the primary processing of leather, the Usolsky chrome plant, which supplies raw materials for the Irkutsk shoe factory (Angara company), and a factory for the production of felted shoes.

In Irkutsk there is a large fur raw materials factory, which receives furs for primary processing from Siberia and the Far East.

Table 2. Dynamics of production in light industry of the Irkutsk region

Indicator name

Physical volume index, %

Volume of industrial production, million rubles.

Share in industry, %

Investments, million rubles.

Number of enterprises, units

Number of employees, people

Average monthly salary, rub.

The volume of shipped products in 2005 amounted to 424.8 million rubles, the weighted average index of industrial production in 2005 was 104%.

Main problems:

1. Annually increasing imports of light industrial goods from the countries of Southeast Asia, Germany and the CIS countries. At the same time, the growth rate of imports of goods is faster than the growth rate of production in the region.

2. Inefficient use of production capacity in some organizations (load percentage - no more than 50%).

3. Wear of technological equipment (its active part).

4. Low level of management.

5. Low wages.

6. The inability of light industry organizations to obtain long-term loans for 10 - 15 years to replenish working capital, technical re-equipment of production and production of competitive products.

7. The absence of textile mills in the region, the location of the main producers of raw materials and materials in the European part of the Russian Federation.

Today, the industry is characterized by a backward production base of specialized enterprises, weak competitiveness of domestic goods in terms of “price - quality - design”, the reasons for which are:

- weak development of the Russian Fashion Industry, its lag behind European and world trends by 2-3 years;

- high production costs due to the high cost of raw materials, dyes, TVV and accessories (a large share of which are imported from abroad) in the cost of production and high energy costs, the prices of which are unreasonably growing at an extremely fast pace, Fig. 4.

Fig.4 Industry average structure of production costs in light industry in 2007 - 2008, %

Table 3. The main tasks of the development of light industry in the region and ways to solve them


Implementation of highly effective business plans aimed at producing competitive products, technical re-equipment of production, providing employment to the region's population

1. In the manner established by law, providing regional state support for investment projects implemented by light industry organizations, placing regional government orders.

2. Creating favorable conditions for promoting products of domestic manufacturers to domestic and foreign markets.

3. Ensuring the implementation of mutually beneficial exchange of goods between light industry organizations of the region and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the creation of joint organizations.

4. Assistance in organizing the export of finished products, including to Mongolia, to expand sales markets.

5. Promoting the creation of an effective mechanism to suppress illegal imports, as well as monitoring compliance with the quality and certification of products imported into the territory of the Russian Federation.

6. Assistance in organizing specialized exhibitions and fairs with the participation of domestic manufacturers.

7. Assistance in organizing education, training, retraining and advanced training for managers and specialists of industry enterprises

Carrying out measures to increase the output of competitive products, preserve jobs, increase wages, and increase tax deductions are envisaged by organizations annually in the business plans (investment projects) they develop. At present, long-term investment projects have already been developed for the technical re-equipment of production at OJSC Sewing Firm ViD, LLC Spetsobuv, LLC Blik. Mutual obligations between the regional administration and light industry organizations are enshrined in annual Agreements, the implementation of which ensures the solution of the tasks set for the current year.

Growth of production in light industry of the Irkutsk region.

In 2005, for the first time in the last five years, production growth was observed in the light industry of the Irkutsk region.

In the industries “Textile and clothing production” (for large and medium-sized enterprises) the growth was 102%, in the “Production of leather, leather products and footwear production” - 111.9%. In Russia, these figures were 97.8% and 98.5%, respectively. In the subjects of the Siberian Federal District: Krasnoyarsk Territory (95.2% and 91.9%), Kemerovo Region (58% and 63%), Novosibirsk Region (85.7% and 45.7%), Altai Territory (88.3 % and 83.6%). Positive results were achieved thanks to the focused work of the department for the development of the industrial complex. More efficient use of regional budget funds has been ensured. As a result, 38 million rubles (48%) of those provided for in the regional budget for 2005 were placed in the form of regional government orders at light industry enterprises in the region.

In 2004, this amount amounted to 20 million rubles (27%).

In 2005, the regional budget provided 145 million rubles for the purchase of soft equipment. Most of these funds are planned to be sent in the form of government orders to light industry enterprises in the Angara region. This will increase the growth of production volumes and development of light industry enterprises in our region.

At the same time, the department for the development of the industrial complex is completing work on agreeing on a draft agreement between the regional administration and light industry enterprises of the region. Securing relevant obligations in the agreement will ensure the effective operation of enterprises subject to mandatory government support. This will ensure that this year the industrial production index is achieved at the level of 105-107%, the preservation of four thousand jobs and an increase in tax deductions to 10%.

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