First-grader script September 1 title. "Masha goes to school"

Music is playing “They teach at school”

Presenter 1: Hello adults!

Hello children!

Today is an unusual day in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school has opened all its doors to everyone.

And don’t be sad, girls, boys,

According to games, ventures and fairy-tale books,

It all starts with school life,

We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

Young woman: Dressy!

Front doors!

So darling!

Combed, with bows

The girls are coming!

Young man: And the boys are great!

So cute

So neat

They carry flowers in their hands!

Together: All former pranksters -

First graders today.

Everyone is good today

They're waiting for people like them at school!

Presenter 2: We are going on a trip on this train.

You can get on the train

This train is moving fast:

From border to border -

Through the steppes to the blue mountains

On the green signal.

Presenter 1: He's rushing to school now

Come to our first grade party for a holiday.

You can't be late for the holiday -

Everyone knows this.

The First Class train is rushing,

Speed ​​is picking up.

Presenter2 : And our train makes a stop. Who's meeting us? Guess it!

My father had a strange boy,

Cute, wooden,

And the father loved his son -

Naughty...... (Pinocchio)

Right! This is Pinocchio from the fairy tale by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio!”

Music "Pinocchio" sounds

(Pinocchio enters, holding a book in his hands.)

What kind of book is this?
Pinocchio : I don’t know, because I can’t read.

Leading : So, let's see! This is the Primer. He will help us learn the alphabet and learn to read!

Pinocchio : Oh, how interesting! I really want to learn to read, what about you guys? (Yes!!!)
But first, let's play and solve the riddles!!!

1. There is a cheerful house.

There are a lot of agile guys in it:

They write and count there,

Draw and read! (School)

2. I know everyone, I teach everyone,

But I myself am always silent.

To make friends with me,

We need to learn to read and write. (Book)

3. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,

Be able to write about them!

What am I? (Notebook)

4. Black Ivashka – wooden shirt,

Where he will hold his nose -

There's a trail there. (Pencil)

5. I love directness

I'm straight myself.

Make a straight line

I help everyone. (Ruler)

6. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, eraser, paper clips, buttons -

Anything for the soul. (Pencil case)

7. Black, crooked, dumb from birth,

They will sit in a row and everyone will talk. (Letters)

Pinocchio : Well done! How interesting it is with you guys. Can I come to you sometimes to learn to read, write, and count.

Presenter1 : Of course you can Pinocchio. And our journey continues. Oh, what is that noise? It seems we have another guest.

(Baba Yaga flies in on a broom) “Ditties by Babok Ezhek” sound

Baba Yaga : What kind of meeting is this, what kind of assembly is this? What are the fees for?
Presenter2 : Oh, you scared us, Baba Yaga. And we gathered for the holiday.

Baba Yaga : How? What kind of holiday is this? So let's look at the calendar (takes out the calendar and flips through it) New Year has already happened, March 8th too, May 1st and May 9th have passed. There is no such holiday on the calendar. Why are you deceiving old grandma?

Presenter1 : We have a special holiday “September 1, Knowledge Day!”

Baba Yaga : Well, here we are. How many years have I lived, but I don’t know such a holiday. What kind of holiday is “September 1, Knowledge Day!”

Presenter 2 : And this means, dear Baba Yaga, that on this day all children go to school after the summer holidays and children who go to school for the first time. And we give them the key to the door of knowledge!

(Baba Yaga snatches the key from her hands)

Presenter1 : Baba Yaga return the key to the guys!

Baba Yaga : But I won’t return it! Who did you trust with such a valuable key? Let me give you guys a little test. If you pass the test, I’ll give you the key; if you don’t pass, I’ll keep it. Got it? Here is my condition!

Presenter2 : Well, guys, will you be able to pass the Baba Yaga test?

Children : Yes!

Presenter1 : Say your task, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga : Let's pack our school bag!

So, children, if I name an object that you need to take to school, you

Clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, then don’t clap, just raise your hands up!!!

Textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

Clockwork locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

Brushes and paints,

New Year's masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

Pencil case and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Student ready for school!

Presenter 2 : You see Baba Yaga, our guys are great, they know everything!!!
Baba Yaga: Really well done!!! Well, so be it, I will return the key to the Wonderful Land to you. But we will meet again, I promise you! (Leaves)

Presenter1: We continue our journey. Guys, who knows this hero? Let's get acquainted.
The song “Don’t Twist the Motley Globe” is playing.

PDDeshka: Well, it landed. Hello, oh, I mean hello! There are so many of you here! Let me introduce myself - I am the good sorceress of the road PDDeshka. I help pedestrians and drivers, but I came to you for the holiday for a reason, but for help.

I live in the magical land of Traffic Lights. And we had a problem, our owner Svetofor Svetoforovich got sick and now the guys, just like you, can get into a dangerous situation on the road.

Presenter 2: Guys, let's help PDDeshka?! If you like to travel, then let's go to the magical land of Traffic Lights.

(Magic music sounds.)

PDAshka: Oh, guys, we didn’t even notice how we ended up with you in the country of Traffic Lights. To get to the Svetoforovich Svetoforovich itself, we will have to go through several tests, but you will learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things.

Presenter 1: And here we have our first test. The road signs got mixed up and they forgot what they mean. Help them, tell them what they mean.

(Signs are shown on the screen, children tell stories.)

PDDeshka: What a great fellow you are! How much do you already know? Do you know what traffic rules are?

(Answers from the audience)

Do you know when and in what country the traffic light appeared?

Presenter 2: Well, PDDeshka, you asked the guys such a difficult question, they are still first graders. Let me tell you about it better.

The first traffic light appeared in 1868. In the city of London, in front of the Houses of Parliament. And this year he turned 145 years old!

PDDeshka: How interesting everything is! Guys, here is the house of Svetofor Svetoforovich, we have arrived.

Let's all say hello together, Hello, Svetofor Svetoforovich.

All: Hello, Svetofor Svetoforovich!

Traffic light: Hello guys! Friends, but who are these children who came to my country? (He looks around the hall with a broad gesture.)

PDDeshka: This is, Svetofor Svetoforovich, students of the first grades of secondary school No. 122. They came to your country to cure you and become real pedestrians.

Traffic light: Yes, everything is clear to me. Welcome to my country! My country is huge, there are many people in it: road signs, pedestrians, drivers and a lot more, but unfortunately my country is a complete mess, I am very sick and cannot manage it.

PDAshka: Guys, we promised to help! You need to keep your word. Svetofor Svetoforovich, what needs to be done for you to recover?

Traffic light: Oh... for this you need to be brave and smart, and of course, correctly guess my riddles. Let's play the game "Traffic Light". When I raise the red circle, we stop, when I raise the yellow circle, we get ready to move, and if it’s green, then we move. Guys, we are now in the assembly hall, so we are moving in place.

(Music sounds, children play)

PDAshka: And you are doing well, but we didn’t just come here to play, we want to become real pedestrians.

Traffic light: Then you must study and follow the TRAFFIC RULES. The most important rule: Be careful, never rush and don’t play on the road. And in order to become real pedestrians, I have to test you.

And avenues and boulevards
The streets are noisy everywhere.
Walk along the sidewalk
Only on the right side.
Here to play pranks, disturb people
Be an exemplary pedestrian

If you are traveling on a tram
And there are people around you,
Without pushing, without yawning,
Come forward quickly!
We know how to ride like a hare
Give way to the old lady

If you're just walking,
Still look ahead
Through a noisy intersection
Pass carefully.
Crossing at red light
When it's green - even for children

Well done! You have become real pedestrians!

PDAshka: Guys, well, our journey through the country of Traffic Lights has come to an end. In a few seconds you will find yourself in the Wonderful Land of Knowledge. Let's close our eyes and count to three. One two Three!!!
Magic music sounds

Presenter 1: Guys, we have reached the Wonderful Land of Knowledge. School graduates have prepared an order for you:

1. The desired hour has come:
You are enrolled in 1st grade
You, my friend, listen to us, We will give you an order.

2. Tell everyone about the school,

Cherish the honor of the school!

Always keep it in order

Books, copybooks, notebooks!

Be careful, be polite,

Don't forget to say hello!

4. You should know perfectly:

Fighting at school is indecent!

So that you are always cheerful,

Sing more good songs.

5. To always be healthy,

Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!

Listen to dad, listen to mom

And the teacher too.....

6. You master the program,

If anything, we will help!

If you carry out the order,

Prepare for the second class.

Presenter 2 : Are you ready to fulfill the order?

And now, guys, you will say the first-grader promise. I will read the promise, and you will say “I promise” in unison.

    I promise everyone to be healthy

    And I won’t forget my promise!

    In chorus: I promise!

Presenter 1: School is a fun, carefree time, enjoy it!
Presenter 2: So, to summarize, I announce my decision.

All of you are enrolled in the school fraternity!

Our big school

The door was opened for you.

You will learn.

You are schoolchildren now!

Now let's all get up and dance a fun holiday dance!!!

Song: We are little children, we want to go for a walk.

(balloons are distributed)

Presenter1: Thank you, dear guys! See you again!

Game program for first graders on “Knowledge Day”
The song “They teach at school” plays. The presenter comes out.
Ved. Hello, dear children and dear adults!
Today, September 1, the whole country celebrates Knowledge Day. For you, dear first-graders, this holiday is special because it is the first. Exciting discoveries await you in the land of knowledge. I congratulate you all on the beginning of this difficult, but very necessary and interesting path.
Let's congratulate each other on the very first Day of Knowledge with loud, stormy, incessant applause! (Clap your hands)
The bell rings.
Ved. The bell rang, let's start our lesson!
Answer me honestly, did you enjoy going to school today?
Will you be a good student at school or lazy?
Aren't you lazy? And not stupid? I'll check it now!
Come on, answer me in unison, in rhyme and with enthusiasm!

Who walks with a bag of books
Going to school in the morning? (Student)

Meets us with a bell
Our spacious, bright... (Class)

Should always be in order
Your school... (Notebooks)

Whether you are a good or bad student,
He will tell us honestly... (Diary)
If you barely know,
Then you'll get the number (Two)
If you know everything,
Your rating will be (Five)
Well done, kids! Sorry, I wanted to say: well done, students!
Let's check which of you will receive what grades! I have a lot of grades, both good and bad (I take out a bag, show them squares with numbers from 2 to 5, put numbers 2 and 3 in a secret pocket glued to the bag, I suggest to the bravest ones that they pull out a grade for themselves from the magic evaluation bag, the children pull out 5 and 4)
It turns out that you will all be good students with excellent grades.

Presenter: Guys, to get to the land of knowledge you need to pass several tests.

Here's your first test:
First, I'll check with you what you're going to first grade with.
Well, tell me, what should every student have?
Children: Briefcase.
Do you know what should be in every first-grader’s briefcase?
So I'll check this now. If I name those items that should be in your briefcase, you shout “YES” loudly and clap loudly, and if they shouldn’t be there, then shout “NO” and stomp loudly!
If you are going to school,
Then you take with you in your briefcase:
In a squared notebook?
New slingshot?
Broom for cleaning?
Diary for A?
Album and paints?
Carnival masks?
ABC in pictures?
Torn boots?
Markers and pen?
A bunch of carnations?
Colored pencils?
Air mattresses?
Eraser and ruler?
A canary in a cage?
An album to draw on?
Chewing gum to chew?
Covered textbooks?
Plates, forks, spoons?
A sofa to lie on?
Cardboard to cut out?
Presenter: Well done, guys! Everyone passed the first test. But the next test will be more difficult, let's see what kind of attentive students you make!
I will read you a fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood!
(to the children) Listen to the fairy tale, and where I make mistakes, you should clap your hands together.

"Once upon a time there was a girl and her name was Yellow Riding Hood... No? Which one, Blue Riding Hood?... Sorry. Once upon a time there was a girl, and her name was Little Red Riding Hood. Once my mother made dumplings... Oh, pies! Once my mother baked pies and asked Yellow Riding Hood... That is, Little Red Riding Hood to take them to grandfather... And to whom?... That's right, grandmother.
Purple Riding Hood is coming... Excuse me, Little Red Riding Hood is coming, singing songs, collecting flowers, and a crocodile is meeting her... That is, a hippopotamus... And who? That's right, wolf! The Wolf tells Red Beret... That is, it says to Riding Hood: “Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie”... No? What does he tell her? Oh yes. “Where are you going, White Panama”... That is, Little Red Riding Hood.
The elephant recognized... That's right, the wolf, where Red Scarf is going... Riding Hood, and ran the short way. He ran as fast as he could to the hut where Baba Yaga lives... That is, grandmother, and knocked on the door. And the kikimora... No, grandma, she answers him: “Who’s there?” - “It’s me, postman Pechkin!”... That’s right. "It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!" And he hears in response: “Pull the string, my child, the door will open.”
The wolf pulled the string and ate the grandmother. And when Little Red Riding Hood came, he hid under the bed... And where did he hide?... He changed into grandmother's clothes?... And then what happened?... And he ate Little Red Riding Hood too?... What a glutton!
Then the police came... That's right, hunters. They ripped open the wolf's stomach and seven kids jumped out... That is, grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood. Everything ended well, the wolf married Little Red Riding Hood... And who, grandma or what?... In general, the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - a cucumber... And whoever listened - well done!

I see you know fairy tales well, and now the third test:
Let's see if you know the letters, I will ask riddles, and you will guess.
This letter is on parade
Stands ahead of others
Heads the alphabet.
What letter is this? (A) showing the letter

The white lamb was a darling, he ran fast and loved to run, so quickly give me the answer starting with the letter, what is his name? (B) showing the letter

She is third in the alphabet.
You'll notice it right away.
What kind of pinwheel is this?
Vanka-stand up, cheerful? (B) showing the letter
Birds love this letter:
Pigeon, jackdaw, rook, turtle dove.
Who can tell me
And name this letter? (G) I show the letter
Well, you know the letters, well done, and now the very last test will see if you can count
The problems are not simple mathematical ones, listen carefully, don’t miss anything and count accurately.
1.Under the bushes by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them? (four)
2. Six funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries
But one of them was tired and fell behind his friends
Now find the answer:
How many bears are ahead? (five)
3. Five pies were in a bowl.
Lariska took two pies,
Another one was stolen by the pussy.
How much is left in the bowl? (two)

4. Once to the bunny for lunch
A neighbor friend came galloping up.
The bunnies sat on a tree stump
And they ate two carrots.
Who's the smart one, guys?
How many carrots did you eat? (four)

Presenter: You have passed the fourth test to the land of knowledge, the door is now open for you. Congratulations on your first day of school!
The bell rings.
The bell is ringing, the bell is ringing, and our fun lesson is over, you answered perfectly, and now the guys are recessing and we will watch a puppet show at recess.

(After the line, the children, together with their parents, are invited to the classroom for the first lesson. The children sit at their desks.)

Progress of the lesson:

- Dear Guys! How beautiful, elegant, and happy you are today! I congratulate you on this important event in your life. You have now become disciples. This is a big holiday not only for you, but also for me and for your whole family. The school will become a second home for you, and I will become a second mother for you. At school, you guys and I will learn to read, write, solve problems, and most importantly, guys, we will learn to be friends and find many new friends here.

“But I’m wondering, is everyone here?”

- Are the girls here diligent?

- Are there any smart boys here?

- Are there caring mothers here?

— Are loving dads here?

—Are the kindest grandparents in the world here?

— Are there strict but fair teachers here? Here. So, our lesson can begin. Our first lesson is called “Lesson of Knowledge”.

Today you have become more mature and older,
And your mothers are worried today
And the school welcomes happy people
Let's start the new school year.

First, guys, let's get to know each other. My name is (Name Patronymic name)

Well, say it in unison... . And I, children, will lead you through an amazing country called the Land of Knowledge. But only students can travel around this country

To become a student
Here's what you need to know:
You are sitting in class
Quietly, quietly, like a mouse.

Show how you will sit in class so that your parents don’t worry about you.

The back is right next to you
We do it like I do.
We put our hands like this
And we are still waiting for the task.
If you want to say
Either go out or get up -
You need to hold your hand like this.

(I show how to sit and raise your hand correctly)

— School is an amazing place where it can be very difficult, but very interesting. And the most interesting thing that happens at school is the lessons in which you and I will make some discoveries. And why wait for tomorrow when we can start today. So, the first discovery is how the kids are ready for school.

Competition "Grammar"

- I have letters in my hands. What can you make from letters? That's right, letters can be used to form syllables and words. Now we’ll see how you can do it.

(12 children are invited and receive cards with letters, green and yellow cards.)

- Well, let's line up. And we will look at you and think about how to divide you into two teams? That's right, the yellow team and the green team. (Children are divided into teams, each team collects a word from cards friendship.)

- Well done, guys. This word is very important; you can’t do without friendship at school. Friendship is the most important thing in a school community. We need friendship not only in school, but also in play. And now we will see if our guys know how to play. Yes, play in such a way as not to quarrel.

Game "Musical toy".

(Children run around a chair with toys to the music. There are one fewer toys than there are children. As soon as the music stops, the children take the toy. The loser is eliminated. The game is repeated until a winner is identified.)

— Did you like the game? We will often play it during breaks. And now, guys, the second opening. And a mathematical competition will help us make this discovery.

Mathematical competition.

(2 teams of 5 people are invited. Children have cards with numbers on their backs: 1,2,3,4,5).

— Guys, now you have some kind of number on your back. The task of each team is to line up in order. And you can complete this task correctly only in consultation with your team. So, let's start!

(Children line up).

- Now, let's check if you completed this task correctly. Turn your face to the board and we will count. We count: 1,2,3,4,5! And the second team: 1,2,3,4,5! Well done! Please tell me what helped you complete this task correctly? Of course, friendship. You see how friendship is needed not only in games, but also in studies.

“Well, guys, you’re probably waiting, can’t wait for you to become students.” And here we can’t do without magic.

- Tell me, what magic words do you know?

(children's answers)

— What magic words from fairy tales do you know?

- Which of you knows any magic spell?

- Now we’ll learn a magic spell. Cribly-crabry-booms!

- Now let’s close our eyes and say it again: Cribly-crably boom!

- Guys, I got a magic wand and I became a sorceress. And now I will transform you from ordinary boys and girls into extraordinary, talented, intelligent and diligent students. Raise your hand if you want to become such a student.

(Initiation as a student. I touch the shoulder of each child with a magic wand, calling by name).

— Dear guys, I congratulate you on this significant event. Now we must take a solemn oath in front of our classmates, in front of our parents. Everyone stand up, stand still. Please answer my questions with a friendly word - We swear!

— Do you swear to love Russia?

- We swear!

- Do you swear to be kind and honest?

- We swear!

— Do you swear to respect your elders?

- We swear!

- And don’t hurt the kids?

- We swear!

- Do you swear to cherish the world?

- We swear!

— Do you swear to work hard and never be lazy?

- We swear! We swear! We swear!

- Sit down, children! Remember this day forever. September 1. Our class's birthday. And without what is there no birthday? No gifts. And today I will give you guys the first educational book - the ABC. And I will be waiting for you again tomorrow. We will make new discoveries.

For the full text of the material Scenario for the holiday on September 1 in grade 1, see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.

Ermakova Elena Nikolaevna
primary school teacher
MKOU Anninskaya secondary school No. 3 with UIOP
Voronezh region

Lesson objectives:

  1. create conditions for positive motivation for learning among first-graders through the use of game forms of learning;
  2. activate the emotional factor of learning;
  3. develop students' communication skills, guided by the principles of trust, support, creativity and success.


  • for the teacher: media projector, screen
  • for students: gifts, balloons

Hello adults! Hello children! Today is an unusual day in the world - Music is everywhere, smiles and laughter - The school has opened its doors to everyone. And don’t be sad, girls, boys, For games, ideas and fairy-tale books, It all begins with school life, We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

Slide 2

Good afternoon moms, dads, our guests and, of course, our most important guests - you guys. This festive, exciting and memorable day has come for you - you have become students. The first school bell rang and you took the first step into the beautiful land of Knowledge. Here you will find amazing discoveries, meetings with interesting book characters, sports and music, and, of course, good, reliable friends. You will have many important events ahead, but each person only has this day once. Remember it. You have become schoolchildren.

Slide 3

I congratulate you all on the Day of Knowledge. Be persistent, curious, careful and you will succeed. It won't be long before you become adults. In the meantime, I wish you to joyfully and confidently walk along the roads of the Land of Knowledge, unravel and learn the secrets of our beautiful world.
The school will become a second home for you, you will find many new friends. In this room, called the classroom, you will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candies. This is knowledge.
Who will help you with this? Guess the riddle:

There are Alina and Albina, two Valeria and Danila, Anya, Slava, Lilya, Dima. Sonya, Vanya and Egor Yaroslav, Oleg, Arthur. Two Victorias and Seryozha. Mikhail, Ekaterina, Borya, Lena, Kolya and Karina Our school welcomes you and wishes you success. I am the parent of a large family. Did you guess it? I - …. (teacher)

Yes, I'm your teacher. We already know each other, but for those who have forgotten, I will remind you that my name is Elena Nikolaevna. I will pass on to you, my dear students, all my knowledge so that you grow up smart, kind, hardworking. School years are the most wonderful and fun years. They are so interesting. That you will be endlessly surprised! What happens for the first time is especially memorable and remains in the memory for a long time.
Smile at each other, and at my signal, let everyone say their name loudly. And I will try to hear everyone.

Slide 4

Now you all know each other. And we can go on an unusual journey to the land of Knowledge.
We will travel along it for many days. You just need to open the lock. For this we need to be very careful. Then the door will open.
I will ask questions, and you, where necessary, say - I.

Teacher: Who loves chocolate?
Children: I.
Teacher: Who loves marmalade?
Children: I.
Teacher: Who loves pears?
Children: I.
Teacher: Who doesn't wash their ears?
Children: Dirty.
Teacher: Who loves orange?
Children: I.
Teacher: Who loves tangerine?
Children: I.
Teacher: Who drinks gasoline?
Children: Car.
Teacher: Attention, I'm opening it.

Slide 5

Now the door to the Land of Knowledge is open, And we can go on an unusual journey.
I invite you to take our journey on this wonderful train. Along the way we will meet stations where we will make stops. But since this journey is unusual, then we will also encounter unusual – magical stations. We have to complete all the tasks and at the end of our journey a surprise awaits us. Is everyone ready? Well, then let's go! Wave to your parents.
“Too-too!” - our train is leaving. (Simulation of train movement)

Station "Guess - ka"

Slide 6

Our train makes its first stop at the "Guess - ka" station. Here we are met by Pinocchio. He prepared questions and assignments.
There is a cheerful, bright house,
There are a lot of nimble children in it,
They write and count there,
Draw and read.
- What kind of magical house is this?

Slide 7

Today you crossed the threshold of our school. Each school has its own rules that every child must follow. Want to know which ones?

Slide 8-17

  1. Wake up early in the morning
    Wash yourself thoroughly.
    So as not to yawn at school,
    Don't peck your nose at the desk.
  2. Dress neatly
    So that it was pleasant to watch.
    Stroke the uniform yourself, check it,
    You're big already.
  3. Train yourself to order
    Don't play hide and seek with things
    Treasure every book,
    Keep your briefcase clean.
  4. Don't giggle in class
    Don’t move the chair here, don’t move it here,
    Respect the teacher
    And don't bother your neighbor.
  5. If you want to answer, don't make any noise.
    Just raise your hand.
    If you want to answer, you have to stand up,
    When they allow you to sit down, sit down.
  6. A desk is not a bed
    And you can't lie on it.
    You sit at your desk slimly
    And behave with dignity.
  7. Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant,
    Try to help everyone at school,
    Don't frown in vain, be bolder
    And you will find friends.
  8. That's all my advice,
    They are wiser and simpler,
    You, my friend, don’t forget them -
    Stay on your way to the Land of Knowledge.

Well done! They passed the first test. Test two, guess the riddles.

Question 2.

  1. I carry a new house in my hand,
    The doors of the house are locked.
    The residents here are made of paper,
    All terribly important .
  2. (Briefcase)

  3. Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line,
    Write on me - ka,
    You can also draw
    What am I?
  4. (Notebook)

  5. Doesn't look human
    But he has a heart.
    And work all year round
    He gives his heart.
    He writes when dictated,
    He draws and draws,
    And this evening
    He will color the album for me.
  6. (Pencil)

    Slide 20

  7. I love directness
    I'm the most direct
    Make a straight line
    I help everyone.
  8. Slide 21


  9. Your braid without fear
    She dips it in paint.
    Then with a dyed braid
    In the album he leads along the page.
  10. I have a grimy back.
    But my conscience is clear -
    I erased the blot from the sheet.
  11. (Rubber)

    Slide 23

  12. You need me for order
    Don't flip the pages in vain.
    Where I lie, read.
  13. (Bookmark)

    Slide 24

  14. What kind of stick is in your hand?
    Is he quick to draw on a piece of paper?
    Have you written everything you need?
    Put it in your pencil case!
  15. (Pen)

    Slide 25

  16. I know everyone, I teach everyone.
    But I myself am always silent.
    To make friends with me,
    We need to learn to read and write.
  17. There is no river, no pond,
    Where can I get some water?
    Very tasty water
    In the hole from the hoof.
  18. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)
  19. And the road is far,
    And the basket is not easy,
    I would like to sit on a tree stump,
    I would like to eat a pie.
    ("Masha and the Bear")
  20. A girl appeared in a flower cup,
    And that girl was no bigger than a marigold.
    Who has read such a book?
    He knows a little girl.
  21. Red - the girl is sad,
    She doesn't like spring
    It's hard for her in the sun,
    The poor thing is shedding tears!
    ("Snow Maiden")
  22. He is kinder than everyone else in the world,
    He heals sick animals.
    He is famous, famous.
    Good doctor...
  23. Near the forest on the edge
    Three of them live in a hut.
    There are three chairs and three mugs,
    Three beds, three pillows.
    Guess without a hint
    Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
    ("Three Bears")
  24. In the clearing near the oak tree
    The mole saw two fungi
    And further away, by the aspens
    He found another one.
    Who is ready to answer us?
    How many mushrooms did the mole find? (2+1=3)
  25. We counted the holes in the cheese
    3 + 2 total... (5)
  26. 4 lions under the tree
    One left, only one left... (3)
  27. How many bagels in a bag
    Did you put it down, Cockerel?
    - Two, we’ll give one to grandpa,
    And it will remain... (1)
  28. I found 5 berries in the grass,
    I ate one, left... (4)


Slide 22


Slide 26

You did an excellent job.
Let's say goodbye to Pinocchio and say “Thank you!” for interesting tasks. Are you ready to continue your journey?
Then we go to the next station. “Too-too!” (simulation of train movement)

Station "Read-ka"

Slide 20

At this station we are met by Little Red Riding Hood. She wants to see how much you know fairy tales and their characters.
What fairy tales are these lines from?

Well done! Let's say goodbye to Little Red Riding Hood. And on the way to the next station!
“Too-too!” (simulation of train movement)

Slide 21
Slide 22

Station "Mathematical"

At the Matematicheskaya station we have to solve problems.
Task 1. Geometric.
Look who's greeting us! This is a math pig. What geometric shapes does this piglet consist of?
How many triangles? (3)
How many circles? (7)

Task 2.
Now let's see how you can solve problems. But be very careful!

Well done! You have completed all the tasks. And now we are arriving at our final station - the land of Knowledge.

Slide 23
Slide 24

Our first journey through the Land of Knowledge has ended. The path to the Land of Knowledge is open for you.
Successes and good luck to you in the Land of Knowledge! In memory of this day, I give you this instruction to a first grader with a magic pen - a talisman that will help you in difficult times.
But this is not only your holiday, but also a holiday for the whole family. Today, grandmothers, mothers, and fathers are worried.
Dear parents! Today your child has become a first grader. I congratulate you on this wonderful event. I believe that the school years will be a wonderful time for both your child and you, and will bring you joy, happiness, and good luck. I’m glad that your children will be next to me for four years and will bring me the joy of communicating with them. Together with you we will raise the future Man. I'm always glad to hear your wishes and advice. In the meantime, take my advice. I hope that by following these tips you and your child will have a wonderful relationship.
(The teacher distributes leaflets with tips for parents to read at home)

And now, guys, the most interesting part. Take a magic pen and write your name on a piece of paper. I want you to make a wish. But a prerequisite: this desire must be connected with school. Now look up. (A balloon hangs above each child) This is your next gift. To make your wish come true, we will now do the following. When I tell you, your parents will help you tie this leaf to a balloon. All together, in an organized manner, we will go out into the courtyard of our school and, at my command, on the count of “One, two, three, my ball, fly!” Let's release these balls at the same time. And your wish will definitely come true!

Presentation in .ppt format and lesson notes in .doc format, volume 2.4 Mb

The first of September for first-graders is an exciting and solemn day, and it would be good if the adults around them: teachers and parents try to fill it with positive emotions and vivid impressions. In addition to the ceremonial assembly, getting to know the school and the first lessons, we recommend organizing a small celebration, and refreshments are not necessary, because every first-grader will probably have a delicious feast at home with his family, but a small one with gifts and active fun games and competitions is what necessary. We offer a new script for a game program for first-graders “FIRST-CLASS 1st September with Rosa Barboskina”, which can be arranged right at school and on your own. One of the teachers or parents (or a guest animator) can act as the presenter.

Why Rosa Barboskina? Yes because , What heroes of your favorite and popular animated films as presenters is the best option for holding a children's party. Children recognize their favorite characters and respond well to everything that he (or rather, the presenter dressed as this character) offers and arranges. If it is not possible to purchase a full-fledged cartoon character costume, then you can get by with just a few accents of clothing (hairstyle). All you need to do is put on a white wig with ponytails and a pink T-shirt, and cartoon music, characteristic behavior and recognizable phrases will complement the image and create the necessary atmosphere.

Duration of the event: 2 - 2.5 hours.

Full musical accompaniment- in the folders MUSIC FOR SCRIPT 1 and MUSIC FOR SCRIPT 2

A set of medals to choose from- in the folder MEDALS FOR FIRST GRADES

(Archive folders and text can be downloaded at the end of the full version of the script)

Scenario for first-graders "FIRST-CLASS 1st September with Rosa Barboskina"

While the children are gathering in the room (classroom, hall), it sounds in the background Track 1, 2, 3.The music at the very beginning should be less recognizable to children, so that the moment the hero comes out is a surprise for them. When the children take their seats, the program begins.

Sounds loud Track 4.

Rosa Barboskina runs out. She has a handbag hanging on her shoulder. The bag contains various girly accessories: a headband, hairpins with a bow, bracelets. Rosa runs up to the guys, says hello, and dances. Then he takes out his phone (Lyphone) and takes a selfie with the first-graders (a couple of pictures is enough). The music fades out.

Rosa Barboskina: Hello my dears! How cute you all are! ( Surprised). Why are you all so the same? ( He approaches the guys and looks at the school uniform). Your shirts are kind of strange, all white. Sundresses of the same color. Didn’t you know that you would come to Rosa Barboskina’s party? ( Children's answers). - It’s okay, we’ll fix everything now!!!

Sounds Track 5.

Rosa Barboskina begins to decorate the children. He gives the boys gel balloons, and puts on the girls bracelets, headbands, and hairpins. The music fades out.

(Note from the author: You can also arrange face painting for children in the style of the cartoon “Barboskiny”, which will be carried out by professionals ordered in advance. So that this moment does not drag on, let the makeup be symbolic, and there will be several makeup artists).

Dating game for first graders "Hello"

Rosa Barboskina: Now it's a different matter! What am I, well done! The boys look brighter, and the girls are absolutely beautiful, you can immediately see that they came to have fun! Let’s now, at my command, release the balloons and shout to the holiday and to each other: “Hello!”

One two Three!

(the guys release the balls and shout).

Rosa Barboskina: Well, it's so unfriendly, let's do it again

(plays a musical game for getting to know each other)

- Come on, stand up and look,

Who did the audience gather today?

Guys, teachers and parents!

Is no one late?

Then we can First class

Let's start the party!

Now let's follow me together

Repeat the movements!

Track 6 is playing- the presenter shows different greeting movements, everyone repeats after her.

. The phone rings.

Track 7 sounds - Rose takes her favorite Lifephone out of her purse.

Rose: Sorry, phone number. A friend is calling. Hello. Hi friend. I haven't forgotten anything. I know that today is September 1st. How is Knowledge Day? First class?! (stretches out the word, speaks syllables) Briefcase? No. I don’t know, and I don’t know this either. Oh, mommies!!! (Rosa anxiously puts the phone into her purse).- You, why didn’t you tell me that you came to Moscow for the first time today? And why is this so responsible? What to do? How scary! ( panics, runs around the hall in different directions).


Rose: Eureka! I remembered that somewhere Gena had an encyclopedia book “How to become a first-grader?” Where is she?

Sounds Track 5. - Rose runs around looking for a book, looks under chairs, asks parents and children. Finally, he finds a previously hidden book………

- Team competition "Collect a briefcase"

(A fun, active team competition with the participation of all first-graders)

To conduct this competition You need two chairs on which there are briefcases or backpacks, two empty boxes and two boxes with various items, among which there must be school supplies, but also a lot of unnecessary props, toys, and sweets. It is advisable that each box contains items no less than ½ of the number of students. Among the items may be: pen, pencil, ruler, pyramid, chips, doll, notebooks, pencil case, textbook, cover, etc. Please note that the more things there are in the box, the more fun and difficult it is for schoolchildren to collect a briefcase.....


- Unity game "Tour of the school"

(A game for unity and raising a festive mood, which can also be used for children to actually remember the location of the class. Lisa shows the movements, everyone repeats, when in the opposite direction, it is better to speed up the pace, it will be more interesting)

Rose: Do you know the wonderful news that you got into a first-class school? (Yes)

Do you know that this school is great to study in, but an inexperienced first-grader can get lost in it? (Yes)

Then let's take a tour of it, smile at each other to make it more fun (everyone smiles)

So, you came to school for the first time and are looking with your eyes, where is your home class? (captain's gesture - hand over eyes and everyone looks right and left).........................

- Competition "Fun Counting"

Entertaining and educational competition. Number of participants 17.

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount (350 rubles) to the site development fund. - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain the full version of this script.

(download by clicking on the document)

HOW TO GET SCRIPT number 28- FIRST-CLASS 1st September.docx