How to open fb2 on mac. A worthy replacement for iBooks on Mac

Paper books gradually moved into electronic form, and now all book lovers are getting a variety of files instead of extensive bookshelves. And sooner or later the question will arise about how to open the Fb2 file, because these types of books are the most common and convenient to use.

Fb2 is the most popular format for e-books. Its main advantage is that it will look invariably the same on all types of devices from any operating system and screen resolution.

From this it becomes clear that there are programs for opening Fb2 files for all platforms and devices. Moreover, there are a lot of such programs, and I will talk about some of them in this article.


One of the most popular tools for opening Fb2. He earned his fame due to simplicity and ease, as well as cross-platform. The program runs fast, and there are versions for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Blackberry and many other operating systems that run on desktop and mobile devices. On the developer's website, you can download the version for the desired operating system.

FBReader supports the following features:

  • creation of offline and network libraries;
  • book sorting
  • work with bookmarks;
  • work with the table of contents;
  • search function;
  • other.

Cool Reader

A multifunctional program that has many options for customization. Versions for Windows, Android, Linux and other systems have been developed. On the developer's site you can download the version you need.

Cool Reader has these features:

  • in addition to being able to open an Fb2 file, it can also handle other text formats, such as Doc, Txt and others;
  • there is night mode reading;
  • work with the table of contents;
  • work with bookmarks;
  • Search;
  • animated page turning;
  • There are various appearance settings.

ICE Book Reader

You can open the Fb2 file using the universal ICE Book Reader, which also supports a huge number of other text files. This program created exclusively for Windows, unlike those described above, but it has maximum functionality.

Some of the features of ICE Book Reader include:

  • opens text files of different formats.
  • you can open the Fb2 file and enable autoscrolling.
  • work with bookmarks;
  • work with the table of contents;
  • Search;
  • There are many options to customize the program for yourself.

So, in this article I have given the most popular programs that allow you to open the Fb2. They became so famous for their comfort. It is unlikely that there will be programs more convenient than those that I have described. So use.

Reading books on a computer is less convenient than on a mobile gadget. But with the help of some programs, you can ensure that the discomfort is almost invisible. In this article, we'll talk about the top 5 e-readers for Mac and why they're so great.



Despite the fact that Bookmate does not have a Mac app and can only be used in a browser, it is still the top 1 service for reading books. Cloud synchronization, nice appearance and the ability to download both your own books and buy them in the built-in store make it one of the the best readers for Mac.




Caliber is one of the most functional tools for working with books. In addition to reading, it also allows you to use your computer as a cloud library and convert books to any format. As a reader, Caliber is also very good and will appeal to many.

iBooks is Apple's standard reader that comes preinstalled on all Macs. If you have a large library of books in epub or you often buy books in iTunes, then iBooks will be the only possible solution. However, in terms of the number of functions and settings, it noticeably loses to other readers. Whether they are necessary is up to you.


BookReader supports all common book formats, supports Retina displays, and is expensive. Interesting: BookReader also supports the Leap Motion controller, which means that you can turn pages without even touching the keyboard or mouse.

clear view

Clearview also supports a variety of formats, allows you to choose a theme and read multiple books in different tabs. I do not quite understand why this is necessary, but perhaps it will be useful to someone. Clearview's price is noticeably lower than BookReader's, so it's worth considering both apps carefully before buying.

I will assume that they did not use test versions of macOS Mojave. If so, upgrade to the final one soon, it's worth it. By the way, it works great, so don't worry about your Mac.

I bring you up to date with a selection of the most important features of the system that you need to try immediately after the update.

I draw attention to nuances of use and alternatives.

1. First you need to try the dark system design

Where to include:"System Preferences..." > "General" > "Appearance" > "Dark".

Yes, macOS Mojave "finally" has a dark theme. Why in quotes? Personally, I didn't like it. It seems like in the evening it is more comfortable for the eyes with him, but the rest is unusual.

Dark theme changes the look of Finder, iTunes, Safari, Mail, and other standard macOS Mojave apps. Try it, you may have a different reaction.

Sadly, this isn't the "Smart Invert" from iOS 12. Third-party apps without dark theme support won't get it with macOS Mojave.

To do this, turn on the dark design, open "Settings" in "Mail", go to the "View" section and turn off the "Display messages on a dark background" item.

But be aware, a lot of mail today comes with HTML markup. There the background is prescribed by the author, and this technique does not work.

2. Then make the wallpaper change according to the time of day

Where to include:"System Preferences..." > "Desktop & Screen Saver" > "Dynamic Desktop Background" > "Mojave" or "Dawn Till Dusk".

The possibility is extremely interesting. With it, macOS Mojave changes the desktop screensaver more than 10 times a day. It is as bright as possible during the day and darker in the morning and evening.

When there is a lot of work, a change of scenery will help you navigate the time: if the Mac desktop is already completely dark, it's time to stop working, and if it's still light, go ahead and with a song!

What are the nuances? Please note that for reasons that are not known to us, the dynamic desktop background in the first test versions of the system did not work in its dark design.

It was very strange, because initially the dark design was positioned as a night theme for work in the evening.

However, today this feature works without problems with both dark and light design.

3. Don't Forget to Enable Tab Icons in Safari

Where to include: Safari > Preferences > Tabs > Show website icons in tabs.

At this point, active Chrome users burst into loud laughter: this is an “innovation”, in any normal browser this has been around for several years.

I can retort: ​​Chrome still eats MacBook battery power like crazy, so self-respecting Mac owners have long abandoned it.

But most importantly, tabbed website icons make navigating through them noticeably faster, which is great.

What are the nuances? It's a pity, but the bookmarks bar still only has icons in folders.

Apple has always sacrificed convenience appearance, so this state of affairs is not even bewildering.

On the other hand, the less interface elements distract from the content, the better.

4. Learn to manage desktop stacks

Where to include: Calling the context menu on the desktop> "Collect in stacks".

Appeared in macOS Mojave unique opportunity sorting files into stacks. It works only on the desktop and is designed to quickly clear it of useless junk.

With the help of stacks, you can scatter files into groups that will expand immediately after clicking.

Consider these special smart folders.

What are the nuances? After enabling stacks, expand the context menu again and select one of the options from the Group Stacks menu:

  • type
  • by date of last opening
  • by date added
  • by modification date
  • by creation date
  • by tags

Sorting happens in a really smart way.

For example, if you have both simple photos and screenshots there, the latter will fall into a separate pile.

5. Finally, turn off recent programs in the Dock

Where to disable: Dock Settings... > Show Recent Programs in Dock.

By default, the Dock on macOS Mojave shows you the latest programs you've been running.

A special section of the panel shows only those programs that are not pinned to the Dock.

This feature seems to me mostly useless, because there are more interesting alternatives.

FB2 was a very popular book format and before the launch of the iPhone, almost no one could compete with it. With the massive entry of iOS into the software market, and in particular applications for reading books, the format also received public acceptance. How to convert your entire collection of books from FB2 in an understandable format ePub read in this article.

In contact with

How to convert FB2 to ePub from iPhone, iPod touch or iPad

If the book you need is in an “enemy format”, then it can be converted into an iBooks-readable ePub right from your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. This will help the excellent application Fb2-to-ePub, available for download absolutely free.

1. Download Fb2-to-ePub app for iPhone, iPod touch or iPad (App Store).

2. Open Safari and find the required book in FB2 format, then click " Download FB2».

3. After downloading the file, Safari will prompt " Open in "Fb2-to-ePub"", we agree.

4. After a short conversion process, the book will be ready for reading.

5. In the upper right corner, click on the menu button and select the icon with the caption " Open in iBooks».

6. The book of interest will immediately be displayed in the standard iOS reader.

How to Convert FB2 to ePub on PC/Mac Online

If you have a computer at hand and a large amount of books needed to convert from FB2 in ePub, then you can use the popular online service , for what:

2. Choose a book in FB2 format by clicking on the folder image.

3. Specify the desired file to convert.

4. If necessary, you can embed one of the available fonts in the corresponding window.

5. Click " Convert».

6. After a short process of converting a book from FB2 in ePub the finished file will appear in the format ePub, which can download.

Also on the resource page there is a converter of books from FB2 in mobile- Kindle tablet owners format.

The developers have released offline versions of their service for OS X - Fb2Epub and for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad - Fb2Epub.

Since both options are paid, we will use free alternatives, since they are available.

How to Convert FB2 to ePub via PC or Mac

One of the most powerful tools for working with books on the law is the program Caliber. Its functionality does not stop only at converting books of the format FB2 in ePub. With help Caliber can:
- read books;
— edit metadata;
- convert and edit books;
- search for books on the net, and much more.

To convert FB2 in ePub on Windows or Mac you need:
1. Download free program Caliber from the developer's site. Supported platforms are Windows (including 64-bit architecture), OS X, Linux, and there is also a Portable version for flash drives. Russian localization is present.

2. Install and run the program.

3. Click " Add Books» and in the explorer select the required book in the format FB2.

4. Select the added book -> Convert books.

5. Go to the left side menu in the tab " EPUB output" and press " OK».

6. After conversion, in the right side menu in the section " Formats» The ePub book is displayed.

7. Right-click on the EPUB format and select " Save EPUB format to disk».

8. Specify the path and click " open».


1.FB2 - what is the format?

Fb2 is one of the most common e-book formats. The FB2 format allows you to create a universal document format that can be displayed the same on all devices.

2. How to open FB2?

- FB Reaber is a reader program that opens fb2 files. It works on all popular and well-known operating systems: Mac OS, Windows, IOS, Android and even Linux. On the official website of the program, you can choose under which OS to download the installation file of the program.

This program can automatically detect all existing fb2 files on the PC. They are automatically sorted by genres and categories, and when viewing files, book covers, its authors and title are immediately displayed.
The installation archive weighs no more than 5 MB, which is very convenient.

While viewing and reading a document, it is possible to search for it, create bookmarks, change the size of the displayed font, and so on.

- Ebook Reader- Another good Windows program that can work with two book formats, namely: epud and fb2. The program has a PRO version and a free version.

The app even works on Windows 10. main feature this utility - increased speed, simplicity of the interface. With it, reading will become more enjoyable, because nothing will distract you. The program can work in 20 languages.

3. How to open fb2 on MAC OS?

- Caliber- a utility created specifically for MAC OS, with its help the user gets the opportunity to open mobi, epub, fb2 formats.

Users will have access to the function of their own rating of books read. Through it, the user has the opportunity to connect to e-book libraries: Amazon and Barnes & Npble. Also, "Calibri" can convert e-book formats.

4. How to open fb2 online?

shop(Magazon) service is a simple site where the user will only have to select the required book on the PC and upload it to the server. Once downloaded, it will automatically open in your browser window.

BooksGuide(BooksGid) - Allows the user to access a library of free e-books. Where each work is divided by plot and genre.

Also, you can use the download of your fb2 file and read it online.

Read books ( Chitai Books) is a similar service for downloading a book from a PC to a website and reading it further in a browser window. This is done in the standard way, as on the above sites.

5. How to open the fb2 format on Android?

Cool Reader one of the most popular programs official store Play Market applications. It can open almost any book format, including the Fb2 format. The program is completely free. The app does not support custom styles, adjustments, or illustrations. It included two modes: day and night. The ability to customize the background, bookmark and create your own "bookshelf".

Easy Reader- another reader released on a free basis. Its advantage is a free interface. The user can save bookmarks, change the text size, turn pages. Easy Reader automatically finds all the readable formats on the phone.