Harry Potter Party: Script, Games, Decoration and Butterbeer Recipe. Scenario of the holiday of the last call "Harry Potter and the big exam" Harry Potter scene at school

What school are you in? Does it have lessons in spells, potions, or broom flying competitions? Would you like to be in such a school for one day? If yes, then we invite you to the school of magic and wizardry.

A small note. On February 1, my son will turn 10 years old, he has long since re-read and then re-watched all of Harry Potter. In that year on New Year I bought him Harry's costume (robe, glasses, and most importantly, a magic wand), and recently I bought a Dispensing Hat with an opportunity. And I also have a large number of science kits and chemical glassware that can be used as part of such a holiday. The desire to make a holiday on this topic was back in 2014, but all hands did not reach. If it wasn't for the competition, maybe we wouldn't have made it :).

Age and number of guests– 8-10 years old, mostly boys, 10 people

Location— Rented hall in children's center or anti-cafe

Room decoration

  • Old paper invitations written in green ink
  • Hogwarts Express sign
  • I really want to make a curtain with a brick wall
  • Tesla ball (ball of predictions)


  • Cake to order in the form of Hogwarts Castle
  • butter beer (dry ice cocktails)
  • Cookies Magic Wands
  • jellies in the form

Brief story of the holiday- The guys receive invitations to study at the school of magic and wizardry. To be successful, you need to earn credits in all major subjects.


  • magic cauldron (fondue pot)
  • sheets of paper for origami and diagram
  • copper pipe with magnet
  • hair dryer, ping pong ball
  • flasks, test tubes, pipettes
  • magic wand, foil figurines

A detailed description of the holiday with games and tasks.

Distribution hat by faculties. Put notes in the hat, on which the inscription is made with ink from a spy pen. The inscription appears when you shine an ultraviolet flashlight on it. For further mobile competitions, it will be convenient for the children to be divided into two teams, so there will be only two names of faculties.

Potions Lesson

Professor Stalk first invites students to explore how different magical fluids interact.

Experience 1. Three flasks: in one - living water (ordinary water), in the second - unicorn's tears (water with citric acid), in the third - crane's tears (water with a pipe cleaner, for example, "Mole"). In small cones, snake venom (red cabbage juice), dragon's blood (beet juice), phoenix blood (hibiscus).

Little wizards receive a set of empty test tubes, into which they pour solutions from three flasks, and then add snake venom, dragon or phoenix blood, drop by drop.

(Juices are natural indicators, so solutions will begin to change color. For example, red cabbage juice is blue, in an acidic environment it turns red, in an alkaline environment it turns green. Our wizards will observe real magic).

Experience 2. We brew a potion of eternal friendship.

In a magic cauldron (fondue pot) with hot water, add the ingredients according to the recipe.

Recipe: Kindle the Flame of Friendship (ignite dry alcohol)

In the cauldron, each guest, clockwise, must pour the powder of joy (powder from the supermarket for making jelly), while each wizard must utter part of the spell (some good wishes), stirring three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise.

Add mandrake flowers (clove buds). Stir three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise.

Each at the tip of a knife, add a finger of romance (ground cinnamon) and stir three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise.

Add fidelity motes (vanilla sugar) and stir three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise.

Say the spell "Reducto!", Pour into cups, drink and send to the next lesson.

Transformation Lesson

Prof. Minerva McGonagallsuggests using a spell to transfigure a piece of paper. Ogir schemes.

Quidditch competition.

Pre-paint one tennis ball gold. On others, write a different number of points. Distribute throughout the room.

The guys distributed by faculties must first collect the balls in a certain time, and then using an object that produces the wind (hair dryer) to collect all the balls in one place. If a golden ball is found, the collection of balls stops and you can transfer only those that have already been found.

The children are invited to make a tennis ball levitate with a hair dryer. (The air jet will keep the ball in the air thanks to Bernoulli's principle).

Levitation Lesson.

Prof. Flitwick teaches little wizards how to fly. First, the professor himself demonstrates the wonders of levitation with a magnet and copper pipe. The professor first asks how long the magnet will fall in the air? (Approximately half a second). The magnet passes freely into the pipe. How long will he fall in it?

The professor casts the spell "Wingardium Leviosa" and the magnet hangs in the pipe.

(The reason for this is the inseparable connection between magnetism and electricity. The movement of a magnet generates a change in the magnetic field, which, in turn, induces circulating circular currents in the pipe. And these currents generate magnetic fields that interact with the field of the magnet, slowing down its fall.)

Next, the children are given a magic wand. (A science toy that contains a Van de Graaff electrostatic generator, which, as the name suggests, generates static electricity.) The task is to keep foil figures in the air.

Magic Lesson

The professor teaches children some simple magic tricks

Divination Lesson

Experience 1. Divination in milk

Fatty milk is poured into each bowl, dyes are dripping. Next, the magic wand (ear stick) is dipped into the elixir of truth ( liquid soap) and the dyes are set in motion and an abstract picture is obtained. Imagination will help to see what awaits us in the near future.

The wizards pull out sheets of paper that look blank. Predictions are applied to them in advance with an indicator. The guys draw with a brush dipped in lye, and the predictions appear.

Care of Magical Creatures Lesson

The guys make a slug (gum for hands from polyvinyl alcohol and borax).

Congratulations. You have successfully passed the exam in all subjects and receive diplomas of the Master of Magical Sciences!

Sincerely, Rusanova Oksana

P.S. This article is the author's and is entirely intended solely for private use, publication and use of it on other sites or forums is possible only with the written consent of the author. Use in commercial purposes Absolutely forbidden. All rights reserved.

ZTM. On both sides of the stage are screens projecting a video clip from Harry Potter. In the center of the stage, the screens are moving apart, behind which are the hosts of the competition - Hermione and Harry Potter.

G. Harry, Harry Potter, it's been 30 years since I first saw you at Hogwarts, and in all that time there hasn't been a day that you haven't been in some kind of story. What is this place, Harry?

GP. You don’t understand, Hermione, this place is at the very point of the earth’s passage, where the rays of the star Barlaon from the constellation Scalapetra and my flashlight are refracted in the consciousness of unconscious being, forming an energy flow accumulated by the forces of higher spatial excitation and aimed at creating a directed flow of young minds with the goal of development of paranormal abilities through teaching elements of elemental influence in psychophysical action in order to ...

G. Harry, if I weren't smart, I could turn out to be a complete fool right now ... Are you opening your own school?

GP. Our, our school with you, Hermione, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. And this place...

G. Yes, I have heard about Scalapetra...

GP. No-no! This is the place where the first applicants for one of the places of free education in our school - the school "GP and G" will appear any minute!

G. "GP and G"?

GP. Harry Potter and Hermione!

Fanfare sounds.

G. Potter, Harry Potter, you invite students here, and you didn’t even think that you need to simply clean up here, remove something unnecessary: ​​(says the spell).

Pr-lr-rpm. Harry flies backstage.

G. I'm sorry, Harry, something unnecessary - it's not you.

The spell is spoken again. Pr-lr-rpm. "Elementary order" is introduced on the stage.

G. Well, that's a completely different matter.

Music. A dragon runs out onto the stage, throws a letter and runs away.

G. What have you done with your owl, Harry?

GP. It's not an owl, Hermione, it's a genetically altered Transelvanian mail carrier dragon. Thanks Norbert!

G. Harry, you have a letter.

GP. To me? me a letter?! First letter in 30 years?! Oh, the letter, how I was waiting for you!.. I wonder what's in it?

G. Maybe you should read it, Harry?

GP. You are right as always, Hermione.

GP. takes the letter, opens the envelope and reads it.

GP. "Mr. Potter! The Ministry of Magic and Wizardry informs you of its consent to the opening of a new school of HP and G under our jurisdiction and sends the first students to you ... "

G. Harry, I'm just burning with impatience to meet these charming girls who have come to study at Our school! And where is our magic hat for enrolling in faculties? (A hat comes out.) Now everything is ready! So let's meet:

The facilitators introduce the participants. After each Hat expresses his summary. The participants line up on stage. Harry clutches at his scar with a groan.

GP. M-m-mmm!

G. What happened, Harry?!

GP. They are back…

G. Who?

GP. Those who must not be named!

G. What will happen now, Harry? Our school is in danger?!

GP. Yes-ah-ah ... No! I know what to do! Not for nothing did Dumbledore say: "Keep your enemies to yourself, and they will become your best friends." They need to be told. Let everyone know them by name, and by sight too. And they, in turn, will become the examination committee that will help in choosing the best of the students of the Harry Potter and Hermione school!

The composition of the jury is announced.

GP. Well, that's it: it's in the bag!

G. In Hat?

GP. Of course, Hermione, we will pass our truthful hat to the masters for the impartiality and objectivity of their judgments and ...

G. In the bag?

GP. Exactly!

The hat goes to the jury, and the presenters offer the participants to prepare for the first task.

G. Well, Harry, an exciting life full of adventures begins again, as then, 30 years ago, at Hogwarts!

GP. Yes, Hermione, those were golden times... Thanks to our teachers, and, in my opinion, they did not try in vain! ..

PM and G sing "Wizards Graduates"

G. Well, Harry, it's time for our students to introduce themselves.

GP. Yes, Hermione, and I would immediately like to know who the girls will become in 50 years, when they are already respected masters.

G. But is it possible?

GP. Of course: "Hyperous!"

GP says a spell, waves his wand, a gong sounds. Participants present a "Business Card".


HP and G come out with huge books.

G. Harry, look what I found. Here it is written how to change the gravity field of a single mountain troll and then shift the brain disorder towards the Norse humpback dragon in order to obtain a fire-breathing margalena of the third level! Can you hear me? What are you looking at, Harry?

GP. Harry Potter Part 2 DVD.

G. Stop your jokes, Harry. At Hogwarts, you always had problems in your classes in any subject, because you were doing god knows what! Well, of course, I'm not talking about Quidditch - you've always been great at that game.

GP. Yes, Hermione, but yours: “cut the air and wave the wand of the wingardium leviosa, not the leviosa”, has long been included in educational books all schools of witchcraft in the world. So, Professor Granger, in our school, it will be you who will teach Levitation.

G. Thank you for your trust, Professor Potter. But what about our exam? I think the girls are ready to present their second task to us.

GP. And this is true, let's be curious about what subject they will give the most preference, and what lessons they really like. "Hyperbeus!"

GP says a spell, waves his wand, a gong sounds. The contestants present "My Favorite Subject".


GP and G come out, chant their chant, laugh.
Hogwarts, Hogwarts,
Take us in turn;
It will do us good.
Fill us with our attics
good lessons,
And now we have them
Mossy and abandoned.

G. Yes, witchcraft is not just about waving your wand and muttering stupid words.

GP. I totally agree with you Hermione. And, therefore, in order to bring out the special abilities of our participants, our next task is transfiguration, or in other words, the art of reincarnation. Let's see how they handle it.

G. Are we going to transform ourselves?

GP. Of course: Petrificus Totalus.

GP says a spell, waves his wand. ZTM. Gates. Heroes are reincarnated as simple leaders. Gong strikes.
The contestants introduce their heroines (Catwoman, Witch, Lady Mary, etc.) and the hosts ask each of them tricky questions.


GP. Yes, studying at our school will be fun and interesting. In PE class, instead of jumping over a horse, you can fly on a broomstick. At home we will ask an essay about werewolves, and in the lesson we will turn mice into a box. This is a real little wonderland!

G. Is it possible to continue the transformation?

GP. Well, it hasn't hurt anyone yet.

G takes the doll, says a spell, ZTM, strobes, the doll turns into the soloist of the "Daisy" project and sings.


G. Harry, don't you forget that our future students have already been invited to Hogwarts School for a fun party, and now is the time to prepare for it.

GP. Yes, Hermione, perhaps it's time to start rehearsal. Somewhere out there, in a closet, our old acquaintances are waiting in the wings. Well, let's wake up our friends! "Mobile-Arbus"

GP says a spell, waves his wand, a gong sounds. Various heroes appear on the stage, and then the contestants. All this disgrace ends with a common photo session.

G. And, in my opinion, everything went fun and nice.

GP. And, in my opinion, too. Our participants with dignity passed all the tests and coped with their tasks, and we transfer the fate of each of them to the hands of a respected magistrate.

G. Expelliarmus!

GP. What are you doing?

G. I remove them from the room.

GP. Hermione, dear masters, they themselves know where the room for secret meetings is and are already heading to it for a verdict.

Departure of the jury, applause.

G. Harry, I hope our party continues?

GP. Surely, Hermione, we must not make our guests bored. Moreover, I see that some of them are already eager to enter our school.

Contests for spectators. Concert numbers. Announcement of the results of the competition.

Sections: Extracurricular work

The music is John Williams - Chamber of Secrets Prologue.

Harry, Ron and Hermione exit.

Harry. Well, Ron, Hermione, here we are almost finished Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which among the Muggles is called GOU Secondary School No. 297.

Ron. It stands on Diagon Alley, again called 1st Botanic Drive among Muggles.

Hermione. We now know almost everything: we have mastered the art of levitation, we can protect ourselves from dark forces. Well, spells are generally my forte.

Harry Potter grabs the scar on his head.

Hermione. Harry, Harry, what happened?

Harry groans.

Ron. Look, what is this stone?

Harry. There are inscriptions on it ... If you go to “A”, you will end up in the army.

Hermione. If you go to “B”, you won’t get to the institute

Ron. If you go to “C”, you will leave with a sore head. USE…

Hermione. And who is the USE?

Ron. This is probably a fire-breathing dragon - a tailhorn.

Harry. I understood everything, that's why the scar hurt ... The Unified State Examination was sent to us by the Black Lord - Volan de Mort.

Hermione. It's not a problem, I'll remove this stone now. Imperius. (Stone in place).

Ron. Cruceatus. (Stone in place).

Harry. Patronus.

Sounds of hell.

Voice behind the scenes (Vold Mort). The magic wand won't help here. You must answer the questions of my exam...Otherwise...all Gryffindor graduates will turn into goblins and run away into the twilight forest. HA-HA-HA.

Harry is holding on to the scar.

Hermione. Don't be afraid, Harry. Together we will overcome everything.

Gwen Stefani – Wind It Up Compilation

Part "A". I am part A. You must choose one correct answer.

With a tail, but not a Phoenix bird.
With a bell, but not the rat Scabber.
With spurs, but not Buckbeak.
With a medal, but not a Quidditch winner.

Answer options:

  1. Uncle Vernon.
  2. Keykeeper Rubeus Hagrid.
  3. Aunt Petunia.
  4. Graduates.

Harry. Wow.

Chorus. The fourth answer is graduates.

Part "A". Correctly. Go to part "B"

Britney Spears - Piece of me.

Part "B". You must accurately answer the question: "Which order do the following commandments belong to?"

  • The more you sit down, the more you write.
  • No one has died from knowledge yet, but it's not worth the risk.
  • Bad habit being late for the first lesson gives rise to a good one - to sleep sweetly.
  • A heavy character can be compensated for by an easy behavior.

Ron. I know it's the Order of Mamburu. Cheerful and positive guys...

The Nogu Svelo group - Haru - Mamburu. The dance, part “B” goes with them.

Ron. I'm shocked

Hermione. Don't drift, boys. We can't do it alone, of course. We urgently need the help of the masters of magic, their magical energy and knowledge.

Harry. Onward to Hogwarts.

To the motive of the song by E. Terleeva - Take the sun with you

Without traffic lights, through the intersection
The school is standing, and it seems - everything is simple!
Step over, gain knowledge baggage.
We remember teachers today.
There is no better than you! We know this for sure!
Together we walked the hard way.

You are our sunshine at school
And the source of knowledge
Charm of the sea.
Our ultimate dream.
Let's take a memory
Humor and smiles.
We keep you in our hearts
We'll fix all the bugs.


Cutting "Aria of the Star" from the musical "The Star and the Death of Joaquin Murietta".

Harry. And here are our masters: Master of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Writing Pen.

Master 1. I am your freedom, I am your star. On the lips of hot clear water.

Master 2. Whatever happens, call me. I will be with you even in broad daylight.

Master 1. I am your luck.

Master 2. I am your destiny (with surprise).

Master 1. All that you have time in life is me.

Master 2. It's me.

Together (hugging, swaying).

I shine for you because of the gray clouds
Don't lose sight of my running beam freeze with inspiration).


Students. Professor Trelawney! Professor Trelawney! Oh please

Teacher. And do not persuade! You never have enough time to prepare for work, but there is always time to rewrite it!

1 student. Well, professor, we love your subject so much - “Mathematical fortune-telling on coffee grounds”!

2 student. Last time!

Teacher. You have already rewritten this diagnostic work on the exam 10 times! You've had enough! And where can I get so much coffee?

1 student. Well, how is enough? How is enough? The first time I guessed 1 task, the second time I answered 2 tasks, on the fourth attempt I solved 4 tasks! And there is something to strive for, because seven tasks is an assessment of three.

2 student. It's addictive!

2 student. I have never experienced such a craving for coffee grounds. Your subject is a drug for me!

Song to the motive of Dj slon and Angel - Jimmi, Jimmi.

The night replaces the fast-lived day,
The stars are circling in the darkness carousel.
I take integrals, I'm not lazy!
Derivatives know now!
And my heart hurts so much, and there is no more coffee!
And in the head of the exam, I will send him greetings!
Maybe I'll decide everything, or maybe it's a dream.
I love math - such a movie.
Jimmy, Jimmy, acha, acha, acha, acha.


To the tune of Celine Dion - My heart will go on.

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
Every day English go on
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
It will come in handy in life too.

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
And I will always be.
Repeat present perfect
From morning to morning.


The melody from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle” sounds, an introduction.

Ron. Question on ingenuity. What links physics and chemistry?

Harry. Real magic! Remember how Professor Chemius-Snack taught us the art of making potions.

Ron. We learned to brew glory! They prepared a potion.

Harry. Oh experiences! We have seen miracles with our own eyes!

Ron. And then we learned to see these miracles around us . Do you remember how interesting it was for the lessons ....

The music is louder. The teacher comes on stage with a flask, in a white coat.

4 girls, 2 guys, Harry and Ron stand in the ranks of the guys, girls on one side of the teacher, boys on the other.

Teacher. So. Checking homework. Neville Longbottom will go to the board.

Neville steps forward, his legs trembling.

Teacher. Neville, what can you use to get gasoline?

Neville. With a magic wand

Teacher. You are welcome . He puts the flask on the floor.

Neville. Ingardium Leviosa.

Explosion sound . One of the girls replaces the flask with a soft toy.

Teacher. Yes, up to gasoline for you, Neville ... as up to the moon. Start over. Periodic table of elements … Continues to explain how in a movie with the sound turned off, the children nod their heads to the beat

The melody from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle” sounds fast.

Harry. So, from lesson to lesson, patiently and persistently ...

Ron. Our favorite Name and patronymic led us to think about...

Hermione. That chemistry will have to fall in love.


Harry. Introducing the Master of Economics-Geographicus.

Interruption. Shakira

2 times only music.

Geography, geography,
Economics, Economics.
Oceans-s-s, Oceans-s-s
And mother-and-ki, and mother-and-ki

Name-ahh Name-aaa
Light Surname, light Surname.

Geography, geography,
Economics, economics.
We love you, we love you
Our master is the highest class.

Physical Education

Hermione. Our Masters: Madam Hook - flying on a broomstick, Madame Keen Eye - Quidditch coach.

Romance Turtle Tortila.

Dragged childhood mud.
You have to think forever.
I was like Harry Potter when I was young.
I then wear a sports suit
It was very fitting.
The snitch flew right into my hand.
And he didn't hit me in the face.
“Only be forever young,
Who taught everyone to win.
Physical education is not work.
Physical education is a passion.”

Cut from the cartoon "Bluebeard".

But: iron nerves, healthy kidneys,
Gymnastics, yoga, jogging.
And so every day, to the handle, to the point,
And so endlessly to the end ...

Loss to the tune of John Paul Young – Love is in the air.

Elf washes the floor. Harry and the elf collide with their backs. Harry screams.

Harry. Uh... Hello! Nimbus -2012 - cool!

Dobby. Harry Potter! For a long time Dobby dreamed of meeting you... Such a great honor...

Harry. Spa… thank you. Who you are?

Dobby. Dobby, sir. Just Dobby. Dobby is a school elf.

Harry. Why haven't I seen you at Hogwarts before?

Dobby. Good things often go unnoticed. We try to do our job efficiently and discreetly.

Harry. We…

Dobby. There are many of us, elves… We live in the hearts of nannies, security guards, nurses, accountants, secretaries, librarians and, of course, cooks.

Harry. Wow and never mind!

Dobby. Bad Dobby! To pinch my ears with the oven door!

Revealed the secret! Dobby d-should punish herself (bangs her head against the wall.)

Harry. Relax. I am a graduate. This secret will leave the school with me.

To the motive of Verka Serduchka's song - "Everything will be harassed".

Dobby sings.

If we have comfort and beauty in our school.
We'll be honest: it's just us!
Always positive - externally and internally,
And we are not afraid of any trouble.

And at school…Good! Everything will be fine!
Everything will be fine, we know it, we know it!
Well! Everything will be fine!
The director completely trusts us, but checks ...


To the melody of Lyapis Trubetskoy “AU-AU-AU. I'll find you anyway."

If you don't come to my lessons,
I will follow you as a scout,
You are still mine, doo-doo-doo.
If you come to me with a war.
I will resolve it very quickly.
Hide, don't hide,
You are still mine, doo-doo-doo.

Anyway, I'll find you all
Aw-ow-ow, hey-gay!

2. If you go to the cinema instead of classes,
I'll buy a ticket on the front row.
Like the Germans in the 45th, don't even hope
I'll freeze everyone.
If you become the Entente,
I will find the Triple Alliance on you.
Hide, don't hide
You are still mine, doo-doo-doo.

You are the soldiers, I am the war
You are the game, I am the final.
You are unemployment, I am a Trudovik!
You are Italy, I am Madrid.
You are a socialist, I am a social package.
You are the flowers and I am the bouquet.
You are the defendants, and I am a lawyer,
I am in the lesson, and you are in the clouds.

Still, I love you all.
Aw-ow-ow, hey-gay!


Paul Mauriat, screensaver from the program "In the Animal World". Students run out.

Pupil 1. Where is our Professor McGonagall?

Student 2. So you saw her! She is a cat woman.

Student 3. Yes, no. The theme of her project: “Study the limb ”, probably working with magical creatures, that's why it's delayed.

Student 1. Well, guys? Relax?

All. OK.

Student 2. Anamora.

Everyone turns into monkeys.

Monkey dance to the motive of the remix from the movie "Bingo-Bongo".

The teacher appears.

Teacher. Meow. It's not my policy to use transfiguration as a punishment, but...Expelarmus.

Sounds like a cartoon “Catdog.”

The guys squat on opposite sides, dance.

Interrupting Pink – Trouble.

Call. 2 girls on a chair, the rest behind.

Teacher. So, today in the lesson we are studying information signs that allow you to safely travel through the Twilight Forest. Draco Malfoy, to the blackboard.

Draco pretends to be a troll.

Teacher. What is this sign?

All. Watch out, troll!

1 Boy. Madame Securities, what about hydrants?

Teacher. Everyone looked at me with kind attentive eyes.

To the motive of D. Bilan - The impossible is possible.

We know exactly the Pythagorean theorem,
"War and Peace" four volumes are familiar to us.
Newton's laws in a dream come at night
And we know exactly what crossover is.

We go to OBZH, always like the first time.
Let's try to take our chance now

To put out the fires
And master the hydrant.

Anton, you'd better move away, you can't sing!
So that's what we talked about before Anton
I didn't know about fire extinguishers before.
Today we want to master the “sleeves”,
And check out the fire shields!

Administration and Director

Muse - Supermassive Black Hole

Ron. There is a Chamber of Secrets on the 4th floor of Hogwarts. A secret known to all. It contains keys and magic books with grades.

Hermione. You can get into it only by saying the password “Kaput Draconis”.

Ron. Sometimes all the masters gather in a secret room, and for round table nervously inventing a new spell of torpor for overly frisky students... But if that doesn't work...

Hermione. We also have special masters… It is better to be friends with them… Otherwise, you will become a prisoner of Azkaban.

Ron. The most important, wisest master in the school is Professor Dumbledore.

Harry. We simply call him our director.

Harry. Well, so we remembered all the masters of magic at Hogwarts school. And what to do with part C is not clear?

Hermione. Harry, does your scar still hurt?

Harry. No, once we got to Hogwarts, the pain went away. I feel strong and confident.

Hermione. And I have the same feeling.

RON (slowly). Guys! I think I understood… Our masters have been giving us their knowledge and love for 11 years. And we will be able to pass part “C” only by returning at least a small part of this love.

Hermione. Exactly, and... how simple it is.

Lament and John Williams - Chamber of Secrets - Fawkes Is Reborn.

Voldemort. You have already done it. Part "C" completed. Friendship and love, as always, won! And with you, HARRY, I'll meet again.

Harry solemnly demolishes the stone, Ron and Hermione waltz.


Harry Potter - Xenia I.

Hermione - Alla A.

Ron-Olesya I.

Voldemort - Valentine N.

Albus Dumbledore - Marina Yurievna

Book - Elena A.

Professor McGonakal - Vika Yurievna

(To the song of Slepakov Harry Potter, Ron, Hermione take the stage and sing about their problems )

Ron: My friends, I remembered that we have a magical source.

Harry: Exactly

Hermione : We must use it!

( They run up to the jug Phonogram drops, and it is empty, the heroes begin to resent)

Harry Potter: How so?

Ron: Who stole the elixir?

Hermione: Well, just a total mess. I know what we should do, we have a book of secrets in the library at Hogwarts, and there is a recipe for making an elixir. Forward!

(there is a door on the stage, the light is dimmed, the characters go to the door, they are afraid of each other, they stumble, Ron comes to the door and conjures)

Ron: Wooden door, please let us in!

(all the characters stand and look at the door, it does not open).

(Harry says a spell)

Hermione: Ron, what are you? (laughs) You talk to the door.

Harry Potter : Deprimo! ( Phonogram Opening the door)

(The door opens with a creak)

(Heroes get into the library, look around, look for a book with flashlights, go backstage, magical music and a library slide or video)

Harry: Well, where is this book? (looking for it)

Hermione: I'm already tired of walking. shines a flashlight on the stage, and also tries to find a book)

Ron: Harry, you stepped on my foot. Yes, what is it, the flashlight went out.

(The flashlights go out, a book appears on the stage in the dark, a spotlight is directed at her, books fly backstage)

(phonogram crying)

Hermione: What kind of hysteria, where does such a sound come from?

(They go to the book)

(And the book begins to sing "Brown Mud")

Book: (sobbing) Hello. I am a magic book that knows everything in the world, but then a misfortune happened, one of my pages disappeared. I don't know who did it.

Ron: What page?

Book: A page that contained an ancient recipe for the magical elixir of knowledge.

Harry: Here is how always.

Hermione: We knew it.

Harry panics, Hermione reassures.

Hermione: We must go to Professor Dumbledore for help, he knows everything, he will help us.

Dance with sticks

Dumbledore : I know who stole the page, our eternal enemy, and a tramp!

(Heroes look at each other and guess)

Harry: So Voldemort stole the page...

Hermione: But how can we find it?

Dumbledore : I can help you, I have it on skype in enemies.

(We're calling, the dialing soundtrack, the "Unholy" beep soundtrack sounds)

(Curtains move, lights flicker)

Dance of the Unholy

Video ( how Voldemort goes, eventually goes on stage and introduces himself)

Performance Voldemort (on the motive Leontiev's songs "Casanova")

(after the song, the villain goes backstage, and the heroes come out to meet him, from both sides, blocking the way)

Dumbledore : We know that you stole the recipe page for the magic elixir of knowledge. Bring her back!!!

Voldemort: Yes, I stole it, but I am unable to return it, the page is torn into three parts.

Harry: And how can we get it back now?

Ron: Harry, what are we going to do?

Hermione: (referring to the villain). And how do we now return these parts, what do we need to do?

Voldemort: You must fulfill my three conditions, then parts of the page will return to you.

Dumbledore : And what are these conditions?


1 condition - You must destroy all your memories of life (about CDT).....

Condition 2 - You must make all your friends cry and fill the bag with their tears.

Condition 3: And the last condition, you must cast a dark spell on the professors of the school

Leads the heroes astray

1 condition..

Ron: No! We cannot do this.

Harry: My friends, we need to find some way out.


Video clip of remembrance, Video of good deeds, song

(A whirlpool of memories _ we are under glass, videos about the CDT). Live song from Larisa or Alla, a wonderful country student song

talking hat

Going to Skype to communicate with the dark lord 3 times he gets worse each time

Heroes will either call, or introduce themselves, or go out with a professor

2 condition (Professor McGonachal) playing with the audience (Musical screensavers) and cause mass joy that one of the heroes collects in a bag

Song - Scene of teachers

Skype exit: you win, get your pieces (recipe) back

Book: Thank you my friends for bringing back the page. Now I have become again magic book great secrets. And now each of you will find in me.....................

Teachers come out to the music and Professor Dumbledore reads out the recipe, which is in the book. Meanwhile, letters with the recipe appear on the slide.

Six cups of LOVE you mix with CARE,
Three spoons of TRUST, a cup of WORK,
Two cups of FORGIVENESS and a handful of KINDNESS,
Add a little FAITH, gentle DREAMS.

Three cups of HOPE and FRIENDSHIP half a bowl,
A glass of RESPECT for elders and loved ones.
Two spoons of LAUGHTER, a little LUCK,
A pinch of PATIENCE. And your task

Flavor everything with a hearty SMILE and TENDERING,
And your life again, turn into a "Fairy Tale".

Phonogram of the murmur of water (the jug is full)

The professor takes the jug, everyone surrounds him, and each teacher supplements the jug with his wishes and the heroes also wish.





As a result, they say a common spell, which is directed to the hall, so that the children also receive a source of knowledge.

Hermione: Hooray! I finally got my presentation.

Pugachev song "On the way to the sun" Associations presentation

Ron: I have a craving for knowledge

Hermione: We want to know more

All the heroes come to the piles of books on the front stage, take them and the flash mob begins.

Flash mob dance with books

The Adventures of Harry Potter and Friends Prom Scenario

Prom Scenario

« The Adventures of Harry Potter and Friends»

adult characters:

Black Mage - White Mage (aka)

Sinbad the Sailor



Harry Potter

His friends: Ron Boy, Hermione Girl

Siren Birds - girls with pipes

Little Muck

Oriental beauties

aliens - boys

Clowns and clowns

Spiders are boys

Snakes - boys

Fanfare sounds. Leaders enter.

1 presenter: Orchestras, play!

Sound, fanfare!

The children are in a hurry for the holiday.

Today we see the children to school,

It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten!

2 Presenter: Today, the excitement is impossible to contain.

Your last holiday in kindergarten,

Our hearts are warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and go to school!

Together: Meet our Graduates!

Children come in pairs, and the teachers announce them!

Leading 1st:

For a holiday with a friendly family

We got together for the last time.

We take the kids to school

They go to first grade.

Leading 2nd:

So beautiful and huge

All life will open up for you

And the first step of the modest

You will be in your first grade.

The children take turns reading the poems.:

We happily went to kindergarten,

It was cozy and light.

Educators, like mothers, loved us

And they gave affection and warmth.

Every day we learn something

The first words were hard to write

Letters printed in a notebook.

Adults were taught to help in the garden,

They taught songs to sing, sculpt and dance,

We were happy to go for walks

And they all loved to play together.

Building factories together

Castles, towers and bridges

From the designer and clay

Unprecedented beauty.

Ate delicious meals

Slept in the bedroom at a quiet hour,

And frosty winter

We fed the birds many times.

Answered in class

They listened to the story in silence.

Were noisy, funny

Naughty kids!

We fly away today

Like birds from a nest.

sorry, have to say goodbye

Kindergarten forever.

And today is the farewell day

We won't get discouraged

Our kindergarten will be long

Good word to remember!

"Song of kindergarten» . (Children sit down).


Guys! Do you have today prom . And how can there be a ball without miracles? Do you love magic? Then name the wizard boy who studied at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry "Hogwarts" and knew how to perform various fantastic actions and magic.

Children: Harry Potter!

presenter: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we will begin the fairy tale".

Sounds magical music Enters the boy- Harry Potter with a magic wand in hand.

Harry Potter:

I - Harry I can work miracles!

With me always my faithful friends.

The boy Ron and the girl Hermione come out


Song "The world is like a colored meadow" music V. Shainsky, sl. M. Plyatskovsky.

Boy Ron:

Lets do it, Harry Let's spin the silver moon!


You are welcome! (Points up with a stick, where the mirror ball on the ceiling turns on)

Girl Hermione:

Let's, Harry let's make a starfall! (Rip out of the caps "stars" from the ceiling)

Suddenly loud music is heard. (Music. Strauss "Thus Spoke Zalathustra")

The Black Mage enters. (Mirror ball turns off).

Black magician:

Ah-ah-ah! There you are?

I forbid you to do magic.

I am the main Black Mage!

I want the whole Earth to be plunged into darkness and evil.

Let my spiders and snakes crawl out

And you try to fight them.

Dance of spiders and snakes (2 boys and 2 girls) Muses. E. Griga "In the Hall of the Mountain King"

At the end of the dance, they throw a web - a network on Harry and his friends

Black magician:

Caught in a web, you friends!

Do not get out and do not go anywhere!

I'll take the magic wand

And I can rule the world!

Friend Ron:

Harry! Here's the trouble!

Who will come here to help us?


Keep calm, friends,

I call the fairy-tale hero!

1,2,3! Sinbad the Sailor - come!

Black magician:

Give it to me! (Black Magician takes away the magic wand).

Enter Sinbad the Sailor to the music

Sinbad: (with spyglass)

I travel all seas

And now I have come to you.

AT different countries I've been

Seen all the wonders of the world.

Black magician:

Sinbad! Do not forget,

I'm in charge here!

And all my evil spirits!

Harry with friends:

Sinbad! Help!

Sinbad save us!


I will definitely help you!

And I want to defeat the evil Mage.

He brought with him magical birds from the glorious St. Petersburg,

Let them dance their beautiful dance to you

And Sleep and slumber on the evil Mage will be conjured!.

Dance "Birds" music "Saint-Petersburg" O. Kvashi (4 boys with canvases and girls with birds)

The Black Magician yawns and falls asleep (leaves a table to the side, spiders and snakes crawl away to their places.

Sinbad removes the web from Harry and his friends.


Thank you friend,

You saved us from trouble

Sinbad leaves with the birds.

girl, friend Harry(whispers):

While the Black Magician sleeps

Take the magic wand

And we will invite new guests!


Well, it's time for us to adopt the experience of magic,

We will invite Little Flour to visit!

Waves a magic wand says magic words:

1,2,3! Little Muck come visit!

Little Muk enters with his Oriental beauties (2 girls)

Little Muck:

O! Harry, My friend!

Hello, here I am!

In your magic shoes

I arrived quickly!

I want to share my secrets

And give you a master class!

Oriental beauties, take out the fruits!

Oriental beauties carry pears and apples on a tray.

Little Muck:

You need to eat a pear -

Ears will grow!

How to eat an apple

Your nose will skyrocket!


Help yourself, friends!

I'm starting the experiment!

Magical music sounds - a whole-tone scale.

friend eat pear (ears up). Girlfriend eats an apple (nose grows). (Fake ears attached to hairband, nose made of papier-mâché with an elastic band. A girl and a boy enter in turn into a hoop covered with fabric. The host raises the hoop, shakes it, and the children themselves put on their ears and nose, attached inside the hoop).

Harry: Your magic, Little Mook, I don't like it. (waves wand):

1,2,3! Do a miracle!

(Nose and ears fall off - behind the canvas)

For the Black Magician, this magic is also not suitable, because the Black Magician is sleeping, and it will not work to feed the sleepy Magician with fruits. But we want to invite you, Little Muk, to school so that you become even smarter.

Little Muck:

What is a school?

Three people come out friends(Harry, Ron and Hermione). (Lyrics by L. Chadova):


What is a school?

How do you answer?

This is where they rush

All children in the morning.

What a strange question

If you have grown up?

If seven, then just right

Go to first class.

Friend Ron:

This is where you will know

About everything in the world:

About the multiplication table,

About verbs and compounding,

About planets and seas

What a round earth!

Girlfriend Hermione:

Changes and calls

Buns in the buffet

And diary entries

And assignments on the board.

You will know and understand everything

If you come to school.

Little Muck:

I really want to go to school.

I can be modern!

I want to know the alphabet

Song about school "Alphabet" R. Pauls

A game "Make a Word" in big cubes "World", "Mum", "School" (3 children play).

Little Muck reads the words.

Little Muck:

Thanks for the tutorial and tutorial!

I want to dance for you

This is true pleasure!

East Dance

Little Muk and 4 oriental beauties

Little Muck:

Goodbye! (goes to a place or behind a curtain)


Do you hear? It's a UFO flying.

Rocket noise, UFO takes off, Aliens enter (4 boys and an alien). They speak unusually, with intonation of high sounds. The alien lays out geometric shapes made of cardboard on the carpet: triangles, squares, circles, rectangles for two teams.


Hello, Harry, Ron and Hermione.

1st alien:

On an interplanetary cruiser

We came from the planet Andromeda.

2nd alien:

Decided to help your trouble

So that goodness and joy win.

3d alien:

Our intellect and mind will not cause barriers,

And our squad will start brainstorming.

presenter: Our children know a lot

And they also dream.

There are many different desires

Listen to them, aliens.

Everything in the world to know

So I'm going to college

I will become a PhD!

D 2. And I want to be a model

I will admire everyone with my gait,

Look, I've become a beauty!

I will shoot for a magazine.

D3. And I'll fly into the sky

I want to become a stewardess

I will try very hard

Passengers smile.

M4. And I will become a businessman!

I will travel to "Mercedes"

and don't think about anything!

I'll take care of myself!

A lot of a round dance!

I will go to the Canaries

stay there for a whole year!

M5. I will study at school

I promise not to be lazy.

And as soon as I grow up

then I'll go to the scientists!

I will study all subjects!

I want to be very smart!

D6. Grow up and be a mom

I will love children

And ice cream, of course.

I will feed all day!

D 7. I dream of becoming a doctor

For people to live longer

To be more happy.

M8. I will become a skilled cook

I will cook all the dishes for you deliciously.

Dumplings and barbecue, okroshka and salad,

everyone will be happy to taste my sushi.

M 9. I dream of being a driver,

carry passengers,

I take the bus!

So that useful people be.

M 10. I don't know yet

What do I want to be in life...

Maybe I'll go to the Ministry of Emergencies -

I'll save people there!

M 11. And I want to become a banker,

Manage a huge bank.

M 12. Maybe I'll become president -

I will rule the country!

But I'll try my best

To make everyone proud of me.

Everyone takes their seats. Wakes up and comes out yawning Black Mage.

Black magician:

Oh, how long have I been sleeping

I haven't seen much.

And who are they?

What kind of circles, big figures? (considers)


Guess our message

Here's a task for you!

Chinese game "Tangram". The alien is playing the game. You need to fold 2 shapes: rocket, ladybug. Children are divided into 2 teams Harry Potter and the Black Magician. From the team Aliens play Harry Potter, and from the team of the Black Magician - spiders and snakes. From planar geometric figures lying on the floor, a rocket and a ladybug are assembled.

alien: Alien squad, stand up! Equal! Attention! Dance start!

Dance of the Aliens. (boys dancing)


And here are the riddles for the logical mathematical mind for the Black Magician. The Black Magician is confused, he calls everything in rhyme, but not correctly.

Riddles (funny):


Cheerful company, redouble your attention.

Previously, rhyme helped, but now it has become insidious.

1. The word tasty ear. The letter starts... (not X, but Y)

Don't rush my friend, don't get hooked.

2. Letter one, friends, in alphabetical order... (not me, but A).


1. The bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are even. (not 5, but 4).

2 I have a dog, she already has tails. (not 6, but 1)

3. At the board you say that the ends of the stick. (not 3, but 2)

4. There is such a rumor among the people, six minus three turns out ... (not two but three).


Alien squad, come to me!

We take the Black Magician into the ring

And we will read all his thoughts.

Aliens surround the Magician and make circular movements of the hands around

Black Magician (as psychics).

Aliens 1st:

Reading minds from a distance:

Afraid of light, laughter, loud sound!

Aliens 2nd:

We will conquer the insidious spirit,

As soon as we make Maga laugh.

Alien 3rd

Let's call the parents to us!

And let's start the endless fun with them!

2-3 dads or moms come out

Game "Sing a song "In the grass Grasshopper sat" V. Shainsky, sl. M. Plyatskovsky in a new way.

A coffee table is exposed, and on it are various soft toys-animals. presenter (adult) one by one bottom raises: then a toy Frog (children sing "qua-qua", then dog ( "WOF WOF", then the kitty ( "Meow meow", then duck ( "quack quack" etc.). CHILDREN LAUGH AND THE MAG CHANGES INTO A WHITE CAP!

White Mage:

So I became kind and cheerful,

All evil spells are gone.

Let the music flow like a seething river,

Happiness and joy stay with us for a long time!



Emission of balloons from behind the curtain.

General dance "Winged swing" (with flowers).

1 presenter

Desks set off on a long journey,

There, ahead, there will be more abrupt starts

And they will be more serious, but for now.

2 Presenter: It all starts with the school bell,

The road to the stars, the secrets of the ocean,

Everything will be sooner or later

Everything is ahead of you friends!

A girl and a boy take the school bell and go around all the children in a circle.