Startup ideas for business. Startup without a budget! Where to start and how to realize your ideas! Great startup ideas for business from abroad

Aspiring businessmen who are inspired by the idea of ​​their business are looking for opportunities to implement it. Often, to implement an idea, initial capital is required, which is not available. And the search for investors begins, and those who are weaker in spirit completely refuse to implement the idea. Is it even possible to organize a startup without a budget? There is already an answer to this question: “Really!”
In order not to be unfounded, the article provides examples from world practice when startups were created with a zero budget, growing to companies with million-dollar turnover. How did they do it?

Startup without a budget: what's most important?

It’s not worth saying right away that newcomers have little chance of realizing global ideas. That dreams will remain dreams without financial support from investors and a highly paid professional team. But everything is not as banal as it seems at first glance.
After all, there are examples of entrepreneurs who, despite the lack of money, moved towards their goal and achieved it. Why do some people succeed and others don't?
Why do teams with high hopes fail to live up to expectations, while someone without connections or money can bring an idea to life? A striking historical example!

Inventor Samuel Langley had a good team and excellent connections. He worked at Harvard, was a mathematics professor, and had open doors to the most successful people who could support him.
He was given a $50,000 grant from the US Department of Science to invent the world's first flying machine. His work was covered by journalists, to whom he constantly promised the first plane.
At the same time, the Wright brothers were also trying to build an airplane in Ohio. They didn't have a grant, they didn't have any connections, they didn't have funding. They were in their garage, where they sold bicycles, got together with their friends and invented an airplane. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers flew the first airplane, and they changed the world.

What is the principled approach of S. Langley and the Wright brothers. Langley wanted popularity, strived to be the first, the brothers, in turn, wanted to improve the world. And their friends who helped them were like-minded people who also had this dream.

Moving forward towards your dream depends on motivation and belief in success!

What is the secret to a successful startup?

Simon Senech, a speaker on the popular TED show, made the following conclusions.

100% of companies know what they do, what product and service they produce.
— Some companies understand how they differ from others, what their competitive advantage is.
- Few companies know why they are doing this business. This does not mean profit, since it is only a result. Why is the original reason, belief in something, a dream, the engine of the process.

What can get you out of bed in the morning? Why is your startup needed? Why should they love him? The answer to the question “Why?” - this is the secret key to the client’s heart!

Scientists have conducted studies of the most successful people and concluded that they think, communicate, and approach their work in a very special way. What they do is completely different from what others do.

Let's take an example if Apple were like everyone else. How would she communicate with her clients?
— We produce computers. They are easy to use and beautiful in design! Want to buy?
This approach is the main one of many manufacturing companies.

A similar example in other sectors:

We have opened! Grocery store 24 hours! Come to us!
-We are a large law firm. We serve such and such prestigious clients. Waiting for you!
This approach is not effective.

What is the ideology of Apple that brought them popularity?
“Everything we do, we believe it brings new standards of quality. We believe it is possible to think differently. Believing in this, we make our products easy to use, modern and beautiful. It just so happened that we make good computers, iPads, and iPhones.”
The very first buyers of these products were the first to believe in what they believe.
Believing in the company’s ideology that it is changing the world for the better, products are bought for a lot of money, despite the cheaper analogues of competitors!

Another example. The first MP3 player was released by the Singaporean company Creative Technology called 5GB3MP, but it was not popular. 21 months later, Apple released an iPod player called “100 Favorite Songs in Your Pocket,” which everyone loved. Do you feel the difference in the presentation of goods?

When we tell you what we do, what we produce, this should not force people to buy our product. How can we make customers loyal for many years? Demand for a product cannot be maintained only by constantly giving discounts.
We need something that will enable customers to become like-minded people with the manufacturer. And this can only be done if we broadcast ideas in which we ourselves believe.

What target audience should you attract?

Why is it important to find like-minded buyers? Because they are the engine in creating new demand!
There is a well-established rule for developing demand. The entry of a product into the market consists of several stages:
1. 2.5% of customers who will be the first to buy a product are innovators;
2. 13.5% early adopters;
3. 34% previously majority;
4. 34% late majority
5. 16% laggards.

When purchasing a new product, the very first customers rely on intuition and impressions of the product; they will be the engine of further sales through word of mouth. You need to find clients who will believe in what you do.

How to create a team of professionals without money?

When selecting people for your team, you need to look for like-minded people who will also believe in your idea, who are ready to work for free until the result is achieved, and not for the sake of receiving a salary.

A striking example was the creation of Facebook, when development partners were offered a share in the company instead of a salary, because no one knew what this could lead to.

There are also other non-monetary motivators, for example, the creation of a flexible work schedule, a convenient place of work or the ability to work remotely from home, public praise of employees, and arranging entertainment for them.

Where can you look for employees? A good way to negotiate with higher and specialized educational institutions where to get interns to get practice as interns. In turn, you can be useful to them as a mentor.

Instructions for implementing a startup!

  1. Make a plan of what you would like to achieve in the market, i.e. ultimate goal. Knowing it, you need to understand what approximately you will have to do to achieve this. An ordinary business plan here is doomed to failure, because... it is static, not flexible. Don't try to fit the development of your new idea into some old market framework. Write what you would like, without being limited by anything.
  2. Analyze the current market situation in this area. Find niches that have the least competition. Choose one as your main one.
  3. Make a trial batch of a product or service and offer it to customers. We need to make sure that people want to buy it.
  4. Make short-term planning for the quarter. The main emphasis should be on achieving immediate goals.
  5. Officially register with the tax authorities. Build a system of repeating business processes.
  6. Release of goods and services in proportion to sales.
    There is no need to make a large inventory. Minimize costs.
  7. Adjust business development.
    Take into account changes in market dynamics, remove inconvenient processes. Plan short-term, while leaving the opportunity to quickly make adjustments to the current plan.

Where to make money: 5 unique business ideas that will help you get rich! How to make money quickly on the eve of the holidays? Working methods from Anatomy of Business!

From a beautiful idea and blueprint to the sale of a startup, Zuckerberg needs to go through several important steps and not stumble. So what are you waiting for? Forward!

Ignat Sakharov

Selecting a location

The world is one, the Internet erases boundaries - and this is wonderful. But only for those who have already received investments. And if you have just drawn the first prototype of your drone vacuum cleaner for catching flies, a long road awaits you. Because talking with a business angel on a hovering Skype from Kostomuksha is awakening the business devil in him. Presentations and negotiations require personal presence, which means you need to go to where there are accelerators, business incubators, technology parks and other nests of investors.

In America - Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Seattle, and, of course, Silicon Valley, where every beggar has a startup presentation with him.

In Canada, there is the small town of Waterloo, where Blackberry is struggling for life and a young generation of startups is growing, many of which are associated with the half-dead giant.

In Germany - Berlin.

In India - Bangalore, the local equivalent of Silicon Valley, where investors from all over the world come to get their hands on shares of very high-quality Indian startups.

In Russia - Moscow, where there is Skolkovo, and besides it - well-known accelerators and venture funds: IIDF, GenerationS, Farminers. Also Kazan, where the Pulsar Venture accelerator operates, and St. Petersburg with iDealMachine.

Selection of assistants

It just seems like there are a lot of ideas around, but not enough money. There really isn't much to invest in. Reliable banks have zero interest rates. In stocks, the risk is high, but the return is not very good. But a successful startup gives up to 1000 percent per annum - there will definitely be people willing to help.

FFF - from family, friends, fools (family, friends, fools). They will finance you slightly at the start, because they happen to have common genes, study together or be optimistic.

Business incubator. If the project is impressive, the incubator will provide space, office equipment and a coffee maker for a small bribe or share in the project. Unfortunately, they don't give secretaries.

Accelerator is a business incubator with training and supervision options. The goal of the accelerator is to polish the project so much that investors do not have more suicidal thoughts when reading the presentation. And then sell. Business angel - will buy a share from the accelerator if he believes in the growth of the project. There is no clear boundary between an accelerator and a business angel; they can replace each other. But business angels are usually more selective.

Venture fund - this is where you will get your first big money. Or you won't get it. The foundation can spend hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars on your project, but only if everything is already working and growing at the pace of a broiler chicken.

Answers on questions

This step will be repeated every time, from investor to investor. And it’s the easiest one to trip on. So first, answer the questions for yourself.

Does anyone need your product? Most startups close because the product is not needed. Yes, the public has simply not yet grown up to the application that determines the German philosopher based on the first volume of the text. But it's better to understand this right away.

Is this a venture business? If we are talking about 25 percent per annum, it is easier for an investor to buy a beer hall in Munich. A startup can only attract him with a tenfold profit in a short period of time. This is the essence of venture business: big reward for big risk.

Do you have anything to show? Investors want to see an MVP (minimum viable product) - a product that can be sold immediately, even if it is crude. That is, the drone prototype should at least bounce. Can you scale quickly? To grow 10x quickly, a business must scale quickly. Making 100 more beer bars is a year and a billion. Including new sales channels for the application is a week and a million. And what is more attractive?

Is there a competitive advantage? Creating the same Facebook, but with purple buttons, is a feat that will not be appreciated. Investors are advised to “look for pain” - find out from buyers what they are missing in an existing solution to a certain problem.

Is this a seasonal business? The application for urgently calling Santa Claus will set a download record on New Year's Eve, but the rest of the year will only interest bored penguins. And this is a rather narrow market.


Startup co-founders discussing pre-seed in a coworking space over a glass of smoothie often forget that the end result will still be a banal LLC or CJSC with tax reporting and staffing. Or GmbH, Ltd, LLC, SRL - depending on the country. Therefore, any investor will want to see at least basic documents.

Confirmation of the existence of a legal entity. Charter, constituent agreement, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificate of registration. The entire procedure of pumping money into a startup is accompanied by transfers of shares from one hand to another. The investor must be sure that not a single detail in the design of the legal entity will interfere with this.

Registration of intellectual property. If you came up with a rubber suitcase that holds everything, and immediately shared the idea with the whole world, as we do now, the investor, at best, will pour you strong sweet tea to relieve stress. Because someone else has already patented the product and is preparing it for sale. All your ideas must be formalized, and there must be contracts for other people’s ideas.

Receiving the money

Pre-seed stage. There is a team, there is a working prototype, there are first buyers, but there is no money for a full-fledged launch. At this stage, it is better to go to three Fs, or engage in bootstrapping - this is the delicate name for emptying out a piggy bank, mortgaging an apartment to a bank, or selling a favorite collection of Bryansk porcelain. Accelerators at this stage give money only to very tasty projects. The investment amount is usually 1–1.5 million rubles.

Seed stage. The rights have been issued, the market has been studied, growth charts have been drawn in Excel, the economy has been calculated. Here you can connect an accelerator or business angel. The main mistake a startup makes at this stage is generosity out of desperation. If you give the first investor a third of the enterprise, then during the next financial injections, other people’s shares will exceed 50 percent. And venture funds believe that a startup with a small share of their own loses motivation - they don’t give big money to such people.

Round A. The project worked for a year or two, the unit economy (income per client) was positive, growth was continuous and there was still room to grow. This is the stage at which the accelerator or business angel is ready to sell its share to a venture fund. This means that you will have communication with a major investor who will pour 50-100 million rubles into your business.

Round B. Everything is going well, and the investor proposes to start scaling in earnest, at the international level. Here they can pour up to a billion rubles into promotion.

IPO. The secret dream of every startuper and investor, for the sake of which everything is started, is to launch the shares of an enterprise into free circulation. The procedure is slow and requires transparency and good reporting. But it is on the stock exchange that your share will be valued in money and can immediately turn into money, you just need to give an order to the broker.

Round BBB (beach, boat, blond). Yes, we read in your business plan about the mission and benefit to society. But it was all about this round, right?

Growth technologies

A startup can be launched with only an old laptop and a mobile phone. But there must be something new in them so that the chance of success becomes higher. For example, new information technologies specifically designed for startups. If you don’t know about these, then your competitors probably already know.

VDC. A virtual data processing and storage center is when you are leased the power of a cloud service and there you create a virtual machine with up to sixteen cores. Rostelecom has such a service: it rents out the capacity of the National Cloud Platform. You can scale up - for example, as site traffic increases - quickly and without contacting technical support.

Virtual PBXs. If your startup relies on a lot of incoming calls, you need several lines. And buying them separately will just cost the entire tranche of round B. But a virtual PBX gives a bunch of lines and internal subscriber numbers on one city number. Again, it scales quickly.

VPN network with protection against DDoS attacks. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. That is, you don’t run cables around the office, but rent a virtual server and work through it. Rostelecom also protects tenants from DDoS attacks - this is when villains overload the server with requests so that no one can log in.

Virtual contact center. Instead of renting a semi-basement for the price of a suite at the Ritz and moving operators there, you can order a service that comes with Rostelecom’s virtual PBX. In a couple of days, you will have a contact center of any size deployed - it can be controlled remotely without buying new equipment.

Web video conference. If any meeting with partners and investors ends with beer and dancing until the morning, there is no point in risking your business. By connecting to the Internet at Rostelecom, all negotiation participants can be united in one video conference without downloading new software and regardless of what browsers they have.

It's no secret that ideas for startups are in great demand and can generate enormous income. All modern projects correspond to the spirit of the times and fully reflect the main trends occurring in society. Today we will try to figure out what the very concept of “startup” is and what projects will help you start your own business from scratch.

What is a startup

Only the lazy have not heard of the fashionable word ““. It is often heard in advertising, displayed on banners in the city center, and even films and TV series are made about startups.

First of all, it is worth understanding the concept itself in order to have a comprehensive understanding of the subject of conversation.

A startup is a type of business project, the implementation of which is impossible without the use of modern technologies and fundamentally new products.

Many netizens have the opinion that startups are nothing more than hyped projects that have no deep meaning, and that a startup is a youngster with no work experience, but this is fundamentally wrong.

The face of a start-up is really young, since young people are more interested in non-standard solutions, risks and the creation of exclusively new products.

According to expert estimates, just over one hundred million new startups appear every year. This figure is shocking and suggests that millions of people were not afraid to fulfill their own dreams and achieved their goals.

Literally translated, the concept is interpreted as “start” and really means that the development of an effective business model begins. The term was first heard by prominent businessman Steve Blank and began to quickly spread in business circles. Each startup is unique in its own way and at the same time they are similar to each other, as they are built on the same principles:

  1. Startup is a process of development, creation of a new product or service;
  2. Lack of restrictions and specific links to anything;
  3. Uniqueness. Each startup represents a new material, something that the consumer has not previously had the opportunity to see;
  4. The project can be implemented without having initial capital. The fact is that promising startups are always of interest to investors who are willing to pay exorbitant amounts of money;
  5. There are no consistent estimates, and the future fate of the project is difficult to predict.

The last point is quite controversial as it is both a plus and a minus of startups, making them ambiguous and vulnerable.

IT technologies

Not every person is capable of starting their own IT business, but this is one of the current ideas for a startup. To succeed, you need to understand all the intricacies of the industry, keep abreast of the latest innovations and trends. Living in the era of the flourishing of information technology, it would be foolish not to seize the moment and turn your own skill into a tool for making money.

Although the threshold for entering business in the information technology market is relatively low, few people manage to gain a foothold in it and reach heights. Today, the largest corporation, Microsoft, is actively interested in the activities of young startupers and is ready to allocate money for the implementation of the most successful projects.

They put forward special requirements for projects, often they are minimal and are limited to application in a specific industry; limits may be set on the age and cash turnover of the future company. In any case, you need to think about creating a project that can be useful and relevant here and now. A successful IT startup can bring in tens of thousands of dollars, but you will have to work hard, starting with market analysis and ending with testing the final product.

Creating an application

Continuing the topic of computer developments related to them, it is impossible not to talk about a business idea for a startup - creating unique applications.

Applications make it possible to simplify important processes in a person’s life, so a new product should interest the end consumer and become necessary for him. It is better to channel your creativity into developing simple but effective mobile applications.

They are all in strong demand and do not require capital investment. Where to begin? There are several basic cross-platform applications that allow you to create your own project from scratch (for example, Cordova). If you do not have sufficient knowledge, then it is better to hire a third-party specialist who can understand the technical part of the startup.

Once the project is implemented, over time you can invest in advertising and promotion, as well as sell your product in the future.

Agricultural business

The Russian government actively supports everyone involved in agriculture, and we think this is a good business idea for a startup. Eco-products are in particular demand today, and by growing vegetables and fruits without chemicals, you can find regular customers in the form of supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

Particularly popular are mini-farms where you can raise ostriches, pheasants, and quails. An ostrich farm is a real trend, since it is a waste-free production: you can sell meat, eggs, and feathers from ostriches. Each position brings in enormous income. It is no less interesting to start breeding fish and crayfish, and arrange supplies of products to restaurants and shops. Such ideas for startups cannot be called new, but if you come up with competent packaging for them with the same eco-labels, things will take a completely different turn.

Sale of goods from China

Chinese goods are the most common idea for a startup with minimal investment today. Sometimes it seems that only the lazy have not opened their own online store with Chinese goods. A good stable business that can take you from the status of a small entrepreneur to a large businessman. Finding a supplier is no longer a problem, given that they do not hide and provide their data on various exchanges and affiliate program services.

  1. We analyze the market. It is necessary to identify those areas that are little developed, find out about the existence of competitors located in close proximity to you;
  2. Avoid products that are prone to breakage, are not certified, or are created in questionable ways;
  3. Purchase a trial batch of products to understand how interesting it is to the consumer and how profitable it is;
  4. Think in advance about the issue of delivering products to your city.

It is extremely important not to make a mistake with the choice of the product being sold. Now you can find many online stores of women's and children's clothing, cosmetics and perfumes. This is a “trodden path”, but we are no longer talking about ideas for a startup here. Think about opening a shop with strange things, unique souvenirs, a shop with non-standard dishes, etc.

Blog on YouTube

Every teenager dreams of having their own channel on YouTube; young people are literally delirious with millions of views, want to be the leaders in audience choice and, of course, receive substantial fees for advertising.

How to achieve this? You need to think about filling the channel, making it bright and memorable.

Look at those who have already achieved success working with video hosting. At some point they “shot out” and created fresh, unlike anything else material. The main task of a startup is to show something more that has already been announced, then subscribers will grow, and advertisers will queue up for cooperation.

You will need:

  • High-quality technology. It’s worth purchasing a professional camera, adjusting the light and sound so that the picture is not second-rate, but of really high quality;
  • Come up with your own tricks, be creative in channel design, greetings and symbols;
  • Work daily on creating new videos to quickly monetize your channel.

Online store

The theme of the online store closely echoes the idea of ​​selling goods from China. Why not combine two startup business ideas for maximum impact?

You can, of course, sell any product in an online store, whether it is purchased from wholesalers in your hometown, in China, or created with your own hands. Promotion plays a huge role in this matter.

You can have a small store and run a public page on social networks, or bother creating your own website. The main thing is to optimize it, promote it to the masses, and make it recognizable. To attract the attention of your audience, we recommend thinking about bonuses, sweepstakes and valuable prizes.

To write a book

A good modern book is a rarity, but if you manage to explode the readership with your bestseller, you have every chance of becoming a rich and successful person. Despite the fact that many today prefer to watch movies on their smartphone or “stick to” the channel of their favorite blogger, the circle of people who are inspired by reading remains unchanged.

The period of writing a book is quite painstaking; it requires a lot of time and involvement in the creative process. In addition, only those who have writing talent can become a writer.

The main idea for a startup is to create a book that will help you look at familiar things differently and will make a splash among the readership. Today, those books are popular in which the author mixes several styles, weaving the realities of the past and the future into the plot.

Creation of online schools

The information business is at the peak of popularity and on the Internet you can increasingly find various online courses, video lessons and audio books, where we are taught some of the intricacies of communication, self-realization and promotion. Why not help people reach their potential? Online school requires time and careful planning for the entire learning process. You need to register on one of the platforms where you can gather with your students and give valuable lessons and advice.

It will take a lot of time to prepare the visual material needed during the learning process. These are the same video and audio files, development of trainings and elaboration of possible tasks for students.

You can work in the “classical format” by opening a school for studying the French language, or organize specific courses, for example, “growing orchids,” “breeding ostriches,” “dating the opposite sex,” etc.


For those who do not want to bother creating a unique project from scratch and want to make money as quickly as possible, many franchises have been created. Having the opportunity to purchase the rights to use a nonsense and its concept, you can get a good start, but this will definitely require start-up capital.

Fast food franchises, barbershops and brand stores are popular in Russia; the choice is great and you can certainly find something to suit your taste and budget.

Car service

Becoming the owner of your own car service haunts many men, so why not make your dream come true? Let us immediately note that the idea for a startup is costly and requires enormous investments.

To stand out among the mass of existing offers, you need to come up with your own style, combine classic services with non-standard ones. In the end, you can get not just a banal service station, but a real club of interests, where customers will return with great enthusiasm.

Renovation of apartments

The business is suitable for those who have mastered the basics of repair work and can bring fresh ideas and a non-standard approach to ordinary things to repair. It is enough to put together a team of craftsmen, advertise on the Internet, attaching several photo examples of your work, and clients will definitely appear on the horizon. What is the startup idea? You can make repairs in a certain direction, in a specific style. For example, today the loft style is in particular demand. Why not decorate the premises according to all the canons of fashion and receive a good fee for your work?

You can call your project a “design studio”, constantly update your portfolio with professional photographs, offer new fresh ideas using the services of a web designer, and your business will become extremely profitable.

Open your own production

The work of craftsmen has been valuable at all times and nothing has changed in the 21st century. You can open your own small production at home and sell products through social networks. Your main task is to identify products that are guaranteed to please the public. What do you think of the startup idea for creating houses, baskets and scratching posts for pets? Or production of homemade cheese and cottage cheese, baking cakes to order?

Today, any handmade product looks attractive, from edible “bouquets” to handmade furniture and clothing. The flight of imagination is limitless, and a person’s desire to eat, wear and use everything natural in everyday life is inexhaustible.

Beauty saloon

The demand for services to maintain female beauty remains unchanged, regardless of the circumstances and time of year, the fair half of humanity wants to look perfect. Why not become the owner of a beauty salon?

The beauty industry does not stand still, so you can safely introduce the latest technology developments into the list of services and such a salon will have no equal.

  • Take the development of a startup with all responsibility, this brainchild can change your life forever;
  • Choose the direction that you are really good at;
  • Startup ideas for small businesses are changing due to changes in society, stay up to date with all the latest developments;
  • Constantly develop, go beyond your own capabilities;
  • Believe in your strength and everything will definitely work out!


Ideas for a startup are amazing in their scale and quantity; all that remains is to choose the most suitable one and begin to implement it. Thousands of people have achieved unprecedented success thanks to their projects, it's your time to show what you can do!

Opening a startup is a great way to start a career from scratch and, perhaps, it is even better than a diploma. Starting your own business gives you the knowledge and problem-solving skills that are highly valued in successful companies. These companies encourage accelerated learning and personal freedom, and make sure that all the effort invested is well compensated.

My startups couldn't live up to my expectations, at least financially - I was only able to complete one small one (which was enough to pay for a sabbatical leave). I spent four years on my projects. Two years ago I left them - now I help other startups as a programmer, mentor and/or project manager.

I truly believe that if I had had the following knowledge from the very beginning, I would have prevented my three projects from failing and would now be the founder of several successful companies.

If I could go back in time, I would give myself the following advice:

Look for negative reviews

Collect as many reviews as possible and don't miss out on the harshest critics. If you convince them, you can convince anyone.

Evaluate your ideas against harsh reality. Positive reviews are nice and fluffy, but they don't reflect the challenges your product may face.

Results are more important than hard work.

Many startups mistakenly think that success comes only through hard work. Some even prove this to others by talking about how they sleep less so they can work more.

But if you spend long hours of tedious work thinking through strategies, you will achieve greater results with less effort. Your productivity will increase and you will achieve your goals faster.

Don't jump into development right away / don't come up with an idea while you're writing code

You shouldn’t throw yourself headlong into development, which will drag on first for weeks and then for months. Prototype without code first and improve it based on feedback.

Business and design issues should be addressed separately from development. Development can require ten times more effort, and the pace of work is set by the slowest process.

Before you start writing code, collect feedback and use it to refine the product through revisions and evaluation.

It doesn't matter what you can do. What's more important is what you can't do

Your brain has a limited supply of productive time. The less you work, the greater your ability to think outside of your work tasks.

So you will have to distribute responsibilities. The ability to do this is perhaps the most important skill of any leader or team member. Sharing responsibilities will allow you to scale your performance and improve results with the help of others.

Yes, it's not easy. Effective sharing of responsibilities will require social skills, humility, and confidence. But I truly believe it's worth it.

The next time you find yourself stuck at work, there is no need to increase the number of hours you work or move the deadline. Think about those who can help you.

Learn from other people's mistakes

You can learn from your own, but if you pay attention to the experience of others, your mistakes will become more original, and therefore more valuable for the community and yourself.

There are many ways to learn from others. What I like most is going to meetups and meeting experienced people who know something better than me. There are also TED talks, blogs, vlogs, books, online communities and more.

The community will tell you more than friends and colleagues

Friends always leave nice reviews because they truly believe in your business. Or they like you and don't want to express their disagreement. The real reason for their words is not easy to find out.

Thus, all of these people are unreliable sources of constructive feedback. Don't just rely on your inner circle - instead, reach out to your community of potential clients and investors, as well as other startups and experts in your industry. They may make natural, open-minded advocates for your cause. Get out of your comfort zone and go meet these people!

Create an action plan in case your startup fails

If you put everything on one card, you will experience a huge amount of stress, and because of it, your IQ level decreases.

So do yourself a favor and prepare all the acquired skills, contacts and other advantages in case the project fails. Don't be afraid to periodically update your LinkedIn or page and check out new offers; you'll gain confidence in your abilities if you understand your worth in the market.

Welcome to the website: website. The concept of “startup” is especially popular these days. They are used by both beginning entrepreneurs and experienced managers. A lot of news is full of this word. Now let's figure out what it means.

In a general sense, any startup can be called new project or a start-up company that is located at the start of your journey. There is no precise time period after which the concept cannot be applied to a firm, but it is usually on the order of several months.

Currently, most of these projects are developed in IT sphere. In Russia, this word means a new information project, the creators of which count on quick capitalization.

In the USA, such projects are more often created by students. Therefore, they are sometimes also called “ garage" But this word can be used to describe any venture project.

After some time, any startup has two options for further development: cessation of activity or attraction of investments.

Startup is a very popular word. It is advisable to use it only in relation to new and exclusive ideas.

Translated from English, “start up” translates as “ launch», « float" We are talking about commercial projects that should bring profit to the owner in the future.

A startup is a project based on fundamentally new ideas, and not copied from someone else.

People who create a startup are called -. Not to be confused with old farts)).

How to start and promote your startup business

One of the most important principles of a novice businessman is the ability to think outside the box and be able to use everything that is at hand. These tools include a personal computer, phone, laptop or tablet. Do not forget about such a wonderful invention of mankind as the Internet.

You should start with the product. No one will allow you to enter the market with a finished product, because it has already occupied its niche. Therefore, first you need to analyze the situation and understand what the potential consumer is missing. Afterwards, you can develop a strategy for developing your business.

There are a large number of examples when people took out loans, purchased a large amount of goods, and then could not sell it, since the niche was already occupied.

You also need to remember that without an initial investment it is very difficult. If the investment is small, then the income is small. But who said it would be easy from the very beginning? There is also no guarantee that it will be easier to start work with a million rubles invested. And here's the thing.

There is such a thing as payback period. It shows how long it will take for the business to start making a profit. If the initial investment is greater, then the income is greater. But the investment will take a long time to pay off.

Don't forget that a startup may not be successful. In this case, the probability of losing a hundred thousand rubles, and not a million, does not look as bad as it could.

A little about the team. Any business requires a team that can help, take on part of the work, or simply support. But it is natural that people may ask for money for working under your leadership. Not everyone does this, but still. In the beginning, there may not be enough money to pay employees. This is one of the disadvantages of startups.

One of the most difficult processes in a startup is obtaining investment. To do this, of course, you must first find investors. And this is not the easiest process.

To begin with, you can refer to the so-called “ business angels" This is what they call highly paid specialists or non-managers of not very high levels. With the right approach, they can invest a decent amount of money into an idea. But at the same time, when a big investor comes, such people will immediately sell their share. Thus, assistance from them will only be available at the start of a business.

Next stage - large investors. It is very difficult to ask such people for at least some amount, because you are unlikely to be the first on the list of those wishing to receive financing. And this is understandable. Most novice entrepreneurs see such people as simple money bags, who will be ready to give a large sum of money at the first request. But it is far from a fact that a potential investor will receive at least some profit from this. Therefore, most often money is invested in those projects in which funds have already been invested. This reduces the likelihood of losing money due to a runaway entrepreneur.

How startups raise money

For any business project, financing is the lifeblood. The idea itself will not work if it is not fueled with money. There are several ways to raise money. We have already considered one of them, using invested funds. Let's look at a few more.

Loan from friends or family

Everything is very simple. Come to your loved ones and ask for money. Due to your close communication, the likelihood of receiving funds is high. The problem is that the amount and term are unlikely to be large.

Bank lending

Credit itself is not the most desirable word for many people, especially in Russia. But it may be that this is the only way to receive funds. But be aware of extortionate interest rates on late payments.


New for Russia. These are platforms on which anyone, be it a large company or a small enterprise, can post their idea and start raising funds from ordinary people. In return, you can promise anything. Large gaming companies guarantee that people who invest a certain amount will receive a collector's edition of the game or some special bonuses that other players will not have as a gift.


Nowadays, the grant system is very widespread. There are a large number of private and public companies that issue grants for various projects, including startups. Of course, in this case you will need to make detailed reports on the funds spent, but the amounts can be impressive.


These are business supervisors who are ready to invest some money in a startup and at the same time will tell you how and what is best to do.

How can a startup reachICO

ICO is a specific way of investing in a startup. Its essence is to release your own. For example, you have an idea to produce some kind of product. You realize that you need funds and are trying to attract investment in various ways. To do this, you issue your own cryptocurrency, which people buy in the hope of making money from it. You earn start-up capital and begin production of your product. The success of the company is growing, and with this the prices of the tokens that your company issued are increasing. This is the purpose of the ICO.

It’s quite easy to enter an ICO. It is enough to come up with your own currency, “throw” it onto the market and advertise it competently.

Educational videos about what a startup is:

20 startups that brought in a million:

Top 10 startups of all time:

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