What activities do not require licensing in the Russian Federation? Features of business licensing

Subject to licensingtypes of activities are areas of business, the implementation of which requires obtaining a license. The list of activities subject to licensing is specified in the relevant regulations. We will describe below what activities need to be licensed and how this procedure is carried out in practice.

List of activities subject to licensing under OKVED in 2015

Today, there are a huge number of business areas: some have been widespread for a long time, while others are just gaining popularity and are being mastered by “pioneers”. Be that as it may, the most significant and important activities for the state and society should be carried out only after obtaining a license. Therefore, before talking about how to get one, you should know what activities must be licensed.

Licensing in our country is carried out on the basis of Law No. 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities” dated 05/04/2011. According to the provisions of Art. 12 of the above law, the list of activities subject to licensing includes:

  1. Development, production and implementation of information tools or systems aimed at encrypting any kind of information. An exception to this clause are funds or systems intended only for personal or household needs of individuals. or legal persons At the same time, this item may include the design and manufacture of means of protecting confidential information and activities for technical protection thereof.
  2. Development, production, sale and acquisition for the purpose of subsequent sale of tools and systems that are aimed at secretly obtaining information, as well as activities aimed at identifying such tools and systems.
  3. Production and sale of printed products that are protected from counterfeiting.
  4. Aircraft manufacturing (including the design, creation, testing and repair of equipment of this kind).
  5. Manufacturing of military equipment, weapons (including chemical), ammunition and pyrotechnics. This also includes the design, testing, storage, installation, maintenance, sale and disposal of such products.
  6. Activities related to work at chemically hazardous and explosive facilities, as well as fire fighting at industrial facilities or infrastructure facilities, installation/repair/maintenance of means aimed at ensuring fire safety in buildings and structures.
  7. Production of medicines and products, honey. equipment (except for cases when such equipment is manufactured for one’s own needs), narcotic and psychotropic drugs, pharmaceuticals, as well as activities directly related to the use of infectious agents and genetically modified organisms.
  8. Activities for the transportation by water transport (including sea) of passengers/goods that pose a danger, and loading and unloading operations in relation to such goods on water bodies.
  9. Activities related to the transportation of passengers/cargo by air (except for those cases when it is aimed at meeting the personal needs of an individual or legal entity).
  10. Activities related to the transportation of passengers or dangerous goods by rail, or related to the loading and unloading of dangerous cargo by rail.
  11. Towing by sea.
  12. Waste processing/transportation/storage/disposal activities.
  13. Activities related to the organization and implementation of gambling in bookmakers and betting shops.
  14. Private security and investigation activities (detective activities).
  15. Purchase/storage/sale/processing of scrap metals (both ferrous and non-ferrous).
  16. Activities for the employment of Russians outside our country.
  17. Communication services, radio and television broadcasting, as well as activities related to the production of phonograms and audio recordings.
  18. Activities related to the use of sources of ionizing radiation.
  19. Educational activities.
  20. Cartographic/geodetic work of national or intersectoral importance.
  21. Carrying out surveying work.
  22. Activities related to active influence on hydrometeorological processes/phenomena, as well as other types of activities related to or related to hydrometeorology.
  23. Medical activities.
  24. Expertise in the field of industrial safety, as well as activities. related to the circulation of explosives created and used for industrial needs.
  25. Activities aimed at preserving architectural monuments/cultural heritage.
  26. Management of multi-apartment residential buildings, etc.

Types of medical activities subject to licensing in 2016

I would like to dwell in more detail on the types of licensed medical activities. This is due to the fact that the legislator regulates in some detail the procedure for obtaining a license in this industry, since it is the state that is the guarantor of the citizen’s constitutional right to health care. This is manifested not only in the fact that free medical services are provided in government health care institutions, but also in the fact that the authorized bodies are inspection and control organizations in relation to all enterprises that treat citizens.

According to the provisions of Law No. 99-FZ, the following types of medical activities are subject to licensing:

Don't know your rights?

  1. Pharmaceutical activities.
  2. Any other medical activity (does not apply to private organizations engaged in medical treatment on the territory of Skolkovo).
  3. Production of medical equipment (with the exception of cases of production for the personal needs of an entrepreneur or legal entity).

How to get a license?

So, we figured out when it is necessary to obtain a license. Now let's discuss the issue of obtaining this document.

To obtain a license, an organization or individual entrepreneur must submit a package of documents specified by law to a specialized licensing body. This kit may differ depending on what kind of activity is licensed in a particular case. In its most general form, the list looks like this:

  1. Application for a license. The requirements for such a document are set out in Part 1 of Art. 13 Federal Law “On licensing of certain types of activities”. According to the norms of this article, it should indicate the name of the company/organization, INN, OGRN (OGRIP), the type of activity subject to licensing, details of documents confirming payment of the state duty and necessary for licensing a specific activity.
  2. Copies of papers that are identified as necessary to obtain a license to carry out a certain type of activity.
  3. List of documents attached to the application.

It should be noted that the application indicating the type of activity subject to licensing must be signed by the head of the legal entity. person or other person authorized to perform such actions. You can submit it and the documents attached to it in electronic form (provided that the document is certified with an electronic signature).

Within 3 days from the date of receipt by the licensing authority, the documents must be reviewed, after which a decision is sent to the applicant to accept the documents submitted by him for consideration or a reasoned refusal to do so. Refusal may result from the application not meeting the requirements established by law, or from providing an incomplete set required for licensing. In both cases, 30 days are given to eliminate violations identified during the inspection. If they are not eliminated during this time, the application along with other documents is returned by the licensing authority to the applicant.

The licensing authority has 45 days to review the papers submitted by the applicant. During this period, the submitted set of documentation is checked for completeness and accuracy. Based on the results of the inspection, the licensing authority must decide to issue a license or refuse it. This decision must be properly formalized (by order or regulation). No later than 3 days from the moment of its acceptance and issuance of the corresponding order/instruction, the applicant must be given (or sent by registered letter with notification) a license, or a reasoned refusal to issue one with references to the regulations that served as the basis for the negative decision. solutions.

Re-registration of the received document may be required only if the licensee’s data changes (they may relate to the legal form, name of the company/organization, full name, location, details of the document designed to confirm the identity of a citizen who is an entrepreneur, etc.), as well as in case of a change in the types of activities, i.e. the list of works/services carried out (provided) by the licensee.

Types of activities subject to licensing - 2017 according to OKVED,represented by several dozen positions. In what sources of law are they recorded? How can you find compliance with them in OKVED and why is this necessary?

Why know which OKVED documents correspond to licensed types of activities?

Strictly speaking, the presence of OKVED codes for a company that correlate with the licensed activity is, in general, not a condition for obtaining a license. License applications generally require only the substantive type of activity to be indicated (or this is implied by the structure of the application itself). The authorities issuing the license may not check what OKVED codes the company has.

But this criterion is important from the point of view of subsequent checks. If a company’s Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains a licensed OKVED, but it does not have the corresponding permit, then during a state inspection the company may be fined on the basis that, for one reason or another, the inspectors will consider that the organization is actually engaged in a licensed type of activity.

Thus, it is in the interests of a legal entity that does not plan to engage in licensing activities to ensure that there are no OKVED license codes in its entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The easiest way to identify them is to compare current types of activities according to OKVED, which are in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or which the company intends to enter into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for example, upon state registration), with the types of activities subject to licensing, focusing on their essence.

To do this, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the list of licensed types of activities in the Russian Federation.

To learn about the negative consequences for a taxpayer that identification of false data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities may have, read the article .

What types of business activities are licensed in the Russian Federation

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 12 of the Law “On Licensing...” dated 04.05.2011 No. 99-FZ, obtaining a license is mandatory for carrying out 49 types of activities (out of 51 points given in the text of the law, 2 have lost force). Conventionally, they can be classified into the following main groups:

  1. Production, sale of information security software, provision of services in this area.
  2. Production and sale of technical means for secretly obtaining information.
  3. Production of printed products that are protected from counterfeiting.
  4. Production of aviation equipment.
  5. Production, sale, maintenance of weapons, military equipment, ammunition.
  6. Storage and destruction of chemical weapons and waste.
  7. Carrying out operations at chemically hazardous, as well as explosion- and fire-hazardous industrial facilities within the framework of the circulation of explosives.
  8. Activities to ensure fire safety.
  9. Production and maintenance of medical equipment.
  10. Carrying out legal drug trafficking.
  11. Activities of laboratories for the study of microorganisms (infectious, genetically modified).
  12. Providing services for the transportation of passengers, delivery of goods by various modes of transport.
  13. Providing services for loading and unloading dangerous goods on various types of transport.
  14. Providing towing services by sea transport.
  15. Organization of gambling.
  16. Activities of security and detective services.
  17. Processing and sale of scrap metals.
  18. Employment of Russian citizens abroad.
  19. Providing telecommunications services, organizing broadcasting.
  20. Making copies of intellectual property on various media.
  21. Working with radiation sources.
  22. Provision of educational services.
  23. Carrying out geodetic, cartographic and surveying works.
  24. Activities in the field of hydrometeorology.
  25. Activities in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals.
  26. Activities to preserve cultural heritage sites created by the peoples of the Russian Federation.
  27. Providing industrial safety assessment services.
  28. Management of multi-apartment buildings on a commercial basis.

The business owner’s task is to compare the current OKVED codes with those established for types of activities that are to one degree or another similar to the licensed types of activities we listed above.

To do this, you need to refer to the primary source - the OKVED classifier. The nuance is that there are several of them in the Russian Federation. Which ones should you contact?

Which OKVED should a company use?

Until 2017, there were 3 lists of OKVED codes in force in the Russian Federation:

  • OK 029-2001;
  • OK 029-2007;
  • OK 029-2014.

The first OKVED was introduced on November 6, 2001 instead of such classifiers as OKONKH and OKDP, which are not used today in legal relations related to obtaining a license.

Classifier OK 029-2007 was introduced on January 1, 2008, but its entry into force, firstly, did not cancel the legal force of OK 029-2001, and secondly, its effect began to extend to a narrow range of legal relations related mainly to the collection economic statistics.

The OK 029-2014 classifier has been used as a valid OKVED source since January 31, 2014. From July 11, 2016, it began to be used to reflect the corresponding codes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs when registering legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 24, 2016 No. GD-4-14/11306@). Since the beginning of 2017, this classifier has become the only one operating in the Russian Federation. All other similar directories have been canceled (Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st).

Thus, in 2017, it is necessary to look for compliance of licensed types of activities with those types of activities that are prescribed in the OK 029-2014 classifier.

Note that, along with turning to the primary source - the OKVED classifier - significant assistance in solving the problem under consideration can be provided by the use of the provisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 No. 584. It contains lists of types of activities that businesses must notify the state about, and many of them (for example, information technology, working with explosives) coincide with those licensed. At the same time, the OKVED codes are also indicated for them in Resolution No. 584.

Therefore, to compare current types of activities with licensed ones, you can also use the list recorded in Resolution No. 584.

But it is often impossible to do without contacting the official OKVED classifier. Let's study the nuances of its use.

How to compare the OKVED code with the licensed activity

In the structure of the list OK 029-2014, types of activities are combined into sections and within each section are divided into classes, subclasses, groups, subgroups and types. The sections are designated in Latin letters, and each of the smaller registers has a numerical designation.

The OKVED code is formed from a set of digital designations of registers separated by dots. Searching for a code corresponding to a specific type of activity in the classifier is quite simple, since it is based on its correlation with the name of a specific section and, in descending order, with the name of each smaller register.

Let's look at several examples of finding compliance of OKVED codes with licensed types of activities.

In accordance with sub. 1. clause 1 art. 12 of Law No. 99-FZ, a license is required for the production and sale of cryptographic information security tools. OKVED OK 029-2014 does not contain the terms “cryptography” or “encryption”. But there is class 26 “Production of computers, electronic and optical products”, which also includes activities such as the production of information security means, the creation of information and telecommunication systems protected using information security means. This class includes group 26.20 “Production of computers and peripheral equipment”, which contains subgroup 26.20.4, which includes activities for the production of information security equipment, as well as information and telecommunication systems protected using information security equipment. This gives reason to recognize this type of activity as licensed.

The activity of detecting devices that are designed to secretly obtain data has a fairly close correspondence to OKVED codes. This activity is licensed in accordance with subsection. 3 p. 1 art. 12 of Law No. 99-FZ. We are talking about code group 80.20 “Security systems activities”, allocated in class 80 “Security and investigation activities”.

In the case of sub. 8 clause 1 art. 12 of Law No. 99-FZ licenses the development and sale of military equipment. In this case, it is legitimate to talk about the correlation with it of several OKVED codes according to the OK 029-2014 list. Namely:

  • 25.40 (for activities related to the production of weapons and ammunition);
  • 30.11 (construction of ships, including military ones);
  • 30.30 (aircraft release);
  • 20.51 (production of explosives);
  • 84.22 (activities in the field of military security).

Thus, comparing OKVED codes and licensed types of activities is a completely solvable issue, even taking into account the fact that in the structure of the OK 029-2014 list, the codes do not always clearly correspond to the types of activities that are recorded in the provisions of Law No. 99-FZ. Many OKVED codes at least do not contradict the specifics of the business segment to which the licensed type of activity belongs. And this may become a reason for classifying the type of activity of the taxpayer who has chosen such OKVED as licensed.


Types of economic activities in the Russian Federation that require a license are established by the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 99-FZ. A taxpayer who does not intend to engage in such types of activities, during the initial registration or making adjustments to registration data, must avoid the appearance in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of OKVED codes corresponding to the licensed types of activities, otherwise during the inspection a fine may be issued for lack of a license.

It is necessary to compare licensed types of activities with those types for which codes are defined in the list of OK 029-2014.

For many types of economic activity, when registering with the Federal Tax Service, you need not only to choose the correct OKVED code, but also to obtain the appropriate license. In this article we will tell you how to find the desired type of licensed activity in the list of codes and fill out the documents correctly.

The list of OKVED codes is constantly updated. The latest changes took place in August of this year. Therefore, if you already have a business, you still need to check the codes and send new information to the Federal Tax Service.

You can download the full list of OKVED-2 from the official website of Rosstat. But, let's be honest, working with him is not very convenient. There are resources on the Internet that have already processed the information and compiled it into a visual table. For example, https://code-okved.rf and https://okvd-2.ru.

The code numbers mean:

** - Class,

**,* - subclass,

**,** - group,

**,**,* - subgroup,

**,**,** - Kind of activity.

The code in the registration papers must consist of at least 4 digits (class, subclass and group). In addition to the main code (activity that will provide 60% of income), you can choose additional ones; their number is not limited by law. After choosing the types of activities, check whether they require a license.

Types of activities subject to licensing in 2018

A license is a document giving companies and private entrepreneurs the right to engage in certain activities.

Those areas of activity that have a potential danger to the life and health of citizens, and also relate to the sphere of state security, are subject to compulsory licensing.

Laws and acts on licensed activities in the Russian Federation

Activities requiring a license are regulated by federal laws. The main document in this area is Law 99-FZ of May 4, 2011 “On licensing of certain types of activities.” It names all the main areas of activity. subject to licensing. It was last updated on August 3, 2018. You can download the version of the document current as of August 2018.

Article 12 of Law 99-FZ contains a list of licensed activities, consisting of 53 points (download).

But there are other laws that indirectly regulate the activities of companies in this area.

These include, in particular, the following laws:

4015-1 dated November 27, 1992 – on insurance activities;

39-FZ dated April 22, 1996 – on the securities market;

325-FZ dated November 21, 2011 – on bidding;

395-1 dated December 2, 1990 – on credit institutions;

75-FZ dated 05/07/1998 – on the activities of non-state pension funds;

7-FZ dated 02/07/2011 – on clearing;

171-FZ of November 22, 1995 – on the production and trade of alcoholic products;

5485-1 dated July 21, 1993 – about state secrets.

A short list of activities that require a license, with OKVED 2018 codes

Not all areas of the economy are suitable for small businesses, and even more so for individual entrepreneurs. We have summarized the most popular licensed activities in a table and added OKVED codes to them.


Activities of hospital organizations (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, etc.)


General practice


Dental practice


Activities in the field of medicine and others (work of paramedical personnel, medical offices in schools, nursing homes, etc.; private laboratories, blood banks, sperm banks, etc.; transportation of patients)


Massage parlors


Private health resort or resort


Production of medical instruments and equipment

Production of drugs and materials for medical purposes

Trade in medicines (pharmacy activities)






(Note: A license is not required for individual teaching activities, without issuing certificates, diplomas and diplomas)

TV and radio broadcasting



TV broadcasting


Transportation and storage (transportation of goods, passengers and warehouse activities)

Transportation of passengers by rail


Transportation of goods by rail


Land passenger transport (intra-city and suburban routes)


Bus (car) transportation on intercity and international routes


Geological exploration, geochemical, geodetic, cartographic work


Sorting and processing of various scrap metals

Loans and credits


Travel agency and tour operator activities

Apartment building management

Production of weapons and ammunition

Activities of private security services

Security system

Private investigation (investigations)

Telematic communication services (Internet providers, etc.)

Production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages

Retail trade of alcoholic beverages, including beer

For a more detailed description listing the areas of economic activity, see the codes you need in the OKVED-2 classifier (download the current list of OKVED codes).

Features of licensing the activities of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

For individual entrepreneurs, unlike a legal entity, only a small list of types of licensed activities is allowed: medical (private practice), trade in pharmaceuticals, freight and passenger transportation, transport services, as well as private search.

If you want to engage in tour operator activities, open a bar or a private security company, you will have to register a legal entity. But a private detective may well limit himself to registering as an individual entrepreneur.

OKVED codes do not always coincide with the list of licensed activities. Therefore, it is important to decide on the main activity and additional services. For example, the hotel business does not need to be licensed. But the hotel usually has a restaurant where alcoholic beverages are sold, so you will need a license to sell alcohol.

How to get a license

There is no single place in Russia where a state license for a particular type of activity is issued. The application must be submitted to the licensing authority that has the right to control the area of ​​business you have chosen.

The full list of licensing authorities is presented in Decree No. 957 of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 “On the organization of licensing of certain types of activities” (download).

List of necessary documents to obtain a license for a particular type of activity according to OKVED 2018 codes

  1. Application for a license.
  2. Copies of constituent documents for LLC, certified by a notary. Or availability of originals for presentation.
  3. Receipt for payment of the state fee for consideration of the issue of issuing a license.
  4. Notarized copies of documents required to obtain a license for a specific type of business. (Document of lease or ownership of the premises, technical passports for equipment, certificates of conformity, certificates of education of employees, work books, etc.).
  5. Description of submitted documents.

You can prepare and submit a package of documents using this service.

Deadline for consideration of an application for a license in 2018

By law, the application and package of documents must be verified within three days. If errors are found, a month is given to eliminate them. Then, within 45 days, the commission of the licensing authority makes a decision: to issue a permit or refuse.

The license is issued in paper or electronic form (for presentation on the Internet, for example).

Be careful when registering a business. Correctly choose the main and additional codes from the 2018 OKVED list. Check whether you need a license for your type of activity. Please be patient while collecting documents and licensing.

Many people are interested in how to obtain a license for a particular activity. In fact, the process is not that simple. Especially if you don’t worry about the nuances of licensing your activities in advance. Not all types of work require a license. And this fact must be taken into account. Today we have to find out everything that only concerns the receipt of the mentioned document. The procedure for completing the paperwork will be discussed using the example of licensing the activities of a security guard, as well as the example of obtaining a weapons license. These 2 processes are seriously different from each other. So what should every citizen know about licenses? What should you pay attention to? What is the procedure for obtaining a document?


More and more often, citizens are thinking about how to obtain a license. But what kind of document is this? Without understanding this nuance, one cannot fully assert that a person knows what he is doing.

A license is a kind of permission to do something. For example, to conduct any activity within Russia. Or to carry a specific weapon. An extremely important document.

The list of types of activities that require the execution of the specified document for work can be seen in Federal Law No. 99 “On licensing of certain types of activities” dated May 4, 2011. For example, if a person plans to engage in security or detective work, he must obtain permission for this. Discussions about licensing psychologists are currently underway. But for now, such an innovation is just a rumor. How to get a license? What should every citizen know about this process? For example, it has already become clear that this or that work requires the execution of the specified paper. What's next?

Where to go for help

Next, you need to figure out where to go for help. More and more often, citizens are beginning to ask where to get a license. Interesting question. There is no clear answer to this question. After all, the modern population is offered a small choice of places to implement the task.

Among the most common organizations that issue licenses are:

  • multifunctional centers (not always and not in all cities);
  • portal "Government Services";
  • private licensing firms;
  • licensing authority (for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Emergency Situations).

Quite often the latter scenario takes place. The main problem is to understand exactly what activities and where to go. For example, Roszdravnadzor is responsible for licensing pharmaceutical activities, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations is responsible for licensing firefighting activities. These features should be clarified, for example, at the MFC. They will provide advice on where to obtain a license for a particular work. Multifunctional centers are also very often approached to implement the task.

Can they refuse?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if a person is thinking about how to get a license, he will have to prepare in advance. Why? This is far from the easiest process. And the licensing organization has the right to refuse to issue a document.

Usually, after submitting an application of the established form with a certain package of papers, you will have to wait some time. Approximately 3-5 days of waiting for a decision following the verification of papers. Ultimately, either the citizen comes and receives a certificate, or he is refused with justification for the decision. This is a mandatory detail.

In this case, the citizen will have 30 days to correct the situation. If the errors are corrected, the license will be issued. Of course, as soon as the reason for the refusal has been exhausted, it is necessary to submit evidence to the licensing authority. Evidence is reviewed within 45 days. But this period may increase. Concerns the initial consideration of the application. Therefore, you should not think that obtaining the specified document is a quick process. We'll have to be patient. But how to get a license? What other features should every citizen know about?


For example, if a person nevertheless received a license (or an organization did so), then he will have to come to terms with the fact that his activities will be controlled. What does it mean? Owners of organizations can expect various inspections from licensing authorities. About the requirements that are put forward mainly to organizations for conducting this or that activity. a little bit later. But it is worth noting that compliance with the set requests is carefully regulated. And the specified document may be canceled during a scheduled or unscheduled inspection.

For example, management companies that have received a license are subject to mandatory control. Each type of activity has its own special schedule of scheduled inspections. Usually it ranges from 1 to 3 years. In other words, during the specified periods, 1 compliance check is carried out.

Management companies that have received a license must go through this process as planned every 3 years. But there are situations in which the relevant commissions are able to arrive earlier.

About unscheduled inspections

Before thinking about obtaining a license, every person must understand that they will have to conduct their work in compliance with all established rules. After all, scheduled inspections are not the only way to control. Sometimes the relevant services are able to travel to unscheduled events.

When is this possible? Among the most common scenarios are:

  • expiration of the period allotted for eliminating certain violations;
  • when filing applications with licensing authorities for violations;
  • expiration of the license or suspension of the validity of the document;
  • independent request of an organization or citizen;
  • if there is an order from the licensing authority.

Most often there are complaints. That is why it is recommended to carefully monitor activities and work performance. Otherwise, an inspection commission may appear quite unexpectedly.

Requirements for organizations and individual entrepreneurs

Now it’s clear where you can get a license, as well as what you should prepare for in advance. After all, some believe that all problems end when the appropriate package of documents is completed.

How is a license issued? The thing is that a lot depends on the type of activity. Each job has its own requirements. What must an entrepreneur comply with if, for example, he wants to open an organization that engages in medical activities?

In this case, you will have to take into account the following features:

  1. Owned or leased there must be premises suitable for carrying out activities.
  2. The entrepreneur must have all the necessary medical equipment installed to provide certain services.
  3. Managers and responsible persons must have a higher education, including a medical one. Qualification in this case corresponds to the direction of work. And the total experience in the medical field is 5 years.
  4. If there are employees, employment contracts are concluded with all of them.
  5. Quality and safety control. This is the most important point that an entrepreneur should pay special attention to. Very often, checks show interest in this particular component.

Similar requirements are put forward for any type of activity. Therefore, if a person is thinking about getting a license in Moscow or any other city, he will first have to:

  • get the necessary education;
  • provide premises and equipment for activities;
  • ensure the safety of employees and clients;
  • conclude agreements with subordinates.

Documents for individual entrepreneurs or organizations

Among the papers are:

  • application of the established form;
  • constituent documents, copies (certified by a notary);
  • papers that are necessary for a specific type of activity (their list can be found in the licensing authority);
  • a list of documents attached to the application.

The basic principle of obtaining a document is clear. Now it’s time to figure out how to get a security guard or weapons license. What remains to be done? It's actually not that difficult.

For security guards

Where can I get a security guard license? You need to contact the LRO with a certain package of papers. In addition, it should be noted that security activities are much bigger problems for a citizen. Why? You will have to think in advance about what category the citizen wants to receive. Security guards have several ranks. Depending on them, you will have to go through certain procedures.

How to get a security guard license? If you don’t think about the discharge, you can highlight the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Passing a medical commission. It is worth informing that it is planned to obtain a security guard license.
  2. Training at the academy. Usually lasts several months.
  3. Passing exams depending on a particular rank of security guard.
  4. Collection of documents: identity card, conclusion of the commission at the academy, health certificates, photographs.
  5. Submitting an application to the LRO with a package of papers.
  6. Receipt of a standard document if the decision is positive.

Now it’s clear where you can get a license to conduct security activities. What to do with weapons? How does a citizen have the right to legally carry, for example, a pistol?


This issue requires a rather serious approach. If a person is thinking about how to get a weapons license, you should be guided by the following algorithm:

  1. Decide on the type of weapon you want to carry. The best place to do this is at a gun store. The employee will be able to help determine the type of license you need to obtain.
  2. To store weapons you will have to install a safe. This requirement is made very often.
  3. The person must undergo a medical examination. It is necessary to undergo a psychiatrist.
  4. Collection of documents: identification card, medical report, certificates of the presence of a safe, documents of no criminal record, photographs, application, hunting license (if we are talking about hunting weapons).
  5. Submitting an application to the LRO and waiting for a decision.
  6. Obtaining a licensing certificate.

In fact, there is nothing difficult or special. From now on, it is clear how to obtain a license for a weapon or for some activity. It is recommended that more accurate information on each type of work be clarified with the relevant authorities.

A certain type of activity, under which it is planned to sell any range of goods or services, may require a special document - licenses.

Its presence implies full agreement of the enterprise with the standards and norms developed by the Russian state.

Purpose and concept of licensing

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the license was introduced for the purpose of protection. This means that the goods/services that require this document can cause harm on a different scale.

If the license did not exist, everyone could freely carry out anything (for example, selling alcohol), the consequences of which could be disastrous.

Now we can articulate the concepts themselves:

  1. License - a document that allows you to engage in the activities specified in it for a given period subject to exceptional compliance with all conditions.
  2. a way for the state to secure control over an entrepreneur. This is a separate procedure in which an individual or legal entity is assigned the right to conduct the specified activity subject to mandatory compliance with all regulations and standards.

When is a license needed?

A complete list of activities that require a special document (51 items in total) can be found in Article 12 of the Federal Law. A short, most common list will be listed below.

Subject to licensing:

Each type of activity requires a separate license. The document as a whole applies only to the territory of the Russian Federation.

The license is valid for an unlimited time. A change is only necessary if there has been a change in the details of a private individual or company.

You can submit documents to obtain a license in two situations:

  1. After state registration.
  2. Immediately before starting an activity requiring a license.


More or less opportunities you have depends on the chosen form of government ( IP or Organization).

For example, the distribution and production of alcoholic beverages is possible only for legal entities.

Receiving process

The easiest way is to use the services of a third-party company, which will collect all the necessary list of documents within a certain period of time, thereby saving you from possible difficulties.

Second way- do everything yourself, which we will help you do.

Preparation of documents

The whole process goes step by step:

  1. It is necessary to write an application and indicate in it: the full name of the company (if available, in addition, abbreviated; if available, in addition, the company name); organizational and legal form of the legal entity. persons, including the address of the current location, the address of the place where the licensed company is planned to operate. State number confirming the creation of a legal entity. persons, data indicating the availability of information about the legal entity. person in the state register, where the address of the body that conducted the state registration must be indicated. registration. Legal phone number person, and, if available, email address.
  2. Full name of the individual entrepreneur, address of the current place of residence, address of the planned place of conduct of activities requiring a license. Passport series and number; state number confirming the existence of a record of registration of individual entrepreneurs. Data from the document proving the presence of information about the individual entrepreneur in the state register, also indicate the address of the location of the body that conducted the state registration. registration. Telephone and email address of the individual entrepreneur (if any).
  3. Tax number. Document data confirming the fact of registration of the applicant.
  4. The type of activity planned to be carried out by the applicant. Indicate all works and services.
  5. Any proof of payment of the specified state duty.
  6. Data from documents indicating the applicant’s compliance with the license requirements.

Additionally you should attach:

  • copies of legal entity establishment documents certified by a notary.
  • copy of clause 6;
  • list of attached documents.

How can you provide documents:

  • From hand to hand;
  • by mail, using the “Valuable letter” service;
  • representative through a power of attorney.

If errors were made in the registration, the authority sends a notification indicating what was found violations or absence of any data. To correct all problems is given 30 days.


The licensing authority has a period of a month and a half to make a decision on issuing a license or refusing it.

The reasons for the second outcome of events may be:

  • presence of false/distorted data provided;
  • finding that the applicant does not meet licensing requirements during inspection.

Responsibility for violations

The minimum punishment is administrative liability, a fine. What may be the reason for receiving it is activity without a mandatory license.

Behind no license in relevant activities:

  • legal persons - a fine of 400-500 minimum wages (+ confiscation of goods that comply with the law);
  • officials - a fine of 40-50 minutes. amounts of labor compensation (+ confiscation of goods that comply with the law);
  • citizens - a fine of 20-25 minutes. amounts of labor compensation (+ confiscation of goods that comply with the law).

In case of non-compliance license conditions will be imposed administrative penalty at the rate of:

  • legal persons - 300-400 min. wage amounts;
  • officials - 30-40 minutes. wage amounts;
  • citizens - 15-20 minutes. wage amounts.

You can also be attracted to criminal liability, If:

In case of extraction of particularly large profits by an established group that does not have a trading license or does not comply with its conditions, the punishments will be as follows:

  • Fine 100-500 thousand rubles. or the salary of a group member for 1 year to 3 years or a prison term of up to 5 years + a fine of 80 thousand rubles. or the income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months.


The entrepreneur, from the moment he receives the document, must be prepared for regular and unscheduled government inspections. As a standard, they happen once every three years, but there have been more frequent cases. Be prepared for an unscheduled arrival if:

  • The corresponding order was issued by the licensing authority in accordance with the requirements of the President or the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • The license was once suspended and began to be valid again.
  • Complaints have been filed against you with the licensing authority, which indicate violations of license requirements
  • Violations of the license were identified, and the period established for their elimination has expired.

Reasons for freezing and cancellation

In case of violation license requirements, your document may be frozen for a certain period of time. The punishment is valid one day after the court pronounces this verdict. The term is given once, and further extension is not possible.

What will happen if the reason that led to the administrative violation is not eliminated? Full annulment by court decision.

A license is a serious matter. To receive it, you must meet all the requirements and comply with all the conditions described in detail in it.

Don’t break the rules, do everything honestly - no one will ever freeze or cancel it!

In addition to the article, we invite you to watch an interesting video.