Job description of the head of the poultry farming division. Job Description for Poultry Livestock Technician

Added to the site:

1. General Provisions

1.1. The operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms is a worker and

reports directly to ______________________________________________.

(name of manager's position)

1.2. An operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms of the 2nd category must know:

Technical conditions for assigning eggs to one category or another;

Rules for sorting, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation of eggs;

Design and operating conditions of egg sorting and egg washing machines;

Ways to increase animal productivity and improve product quality;

Design and rules of operation of mechanization equipment used on farms and complexes;

Rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

Requirements for the quality of work performed, for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

The procedure for notifying the manager of all deficiencies discovered during work;

Rules for providing first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

1.3. An operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms of the 3rd category must know:

Documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in paragraph 1.2 of these instructions;

Differences in poultry by sex and age, production purpose of the flock;

Methods of catching and loading birds onto transport;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(types, names and details of other acts and documents)

1.4. An operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms of the 4th category must know:

Documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3 of these instructions;

Technology for incubating eggs of various types of poultry in incubators of various brands, types and their design;

Techniques for controlling and servicing technological equipment of the hatchery;

Methods of biological control in incubation;

Veterinary and sanitary instructions for hatchery workshops;

Construction of disinfection units;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(types, names and details of other acts and documents)

1.5. An operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms of the 5th category must know:

Documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in paragraphs 1.2 - 1.4 of these instructions;

Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of poultry;

Technology and progressive methods of keeping young and adult poultry and raising broilers on an industrial basis;

Construction of instruments and equipment;

Rules of technical care;

Basic requirements for feed rations;

Methods of preparing feed;

Norms and procedures for feeding feed;

The need of the served bird species for protein, vitamins and minerals;

Veterinary and sanitary requirements in poultry farming;

Rules for maintaining breeding documentation;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(types, names and details of other acts and documents)

1.6. An operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms of the 6th category must know:

Documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in paragraphs 1.2 - 1.5 of these instructions;

Technology of cage keeping of poultry, breeding young animals and selective poultry under conditions of complex mechanization;

Methods for increasing the productivity of the served poultry population;

Construction and maintenance of equipment used in cage keeping;

Features of raising and keeping breeding birds;

Basic methods of selection and breeding work;

Signs of individual assessment and selection of birds;

Main crosses of chicken lines;

Rules for controlling lighting mechanization means;

Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of all types of poultry;

Zootechnical requirements for sorting young poultry by quality and sex;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(types, names and details of other acts and documents)

1.7. An operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms of a higher level must be able to perform work that is comparable in complexity to workers of lower qualifications, as well as supervise operators of poultry factories and mechanized farms of a lower level.

1.8. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Responsibilities

2.1. Before the start of the working day (shift), the operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms:

1) undergoes a pre-shift (preventive) medical examination in accordance with the established procedure;

2) receives a production task;

3) if necessary, undergoes training on labor protection;

4) takes over the shift;

5) checks the serviceability of devices, tools, equipment, etc., personal protective equipment;

(other duties)

2.2. During the work process, the operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms:

1) performs the work for which he has been instructed and authorized to work;

2) uses special clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the immediate supervisor on the performance of the task, safe techniques and methods of work;

4) complies with the rules for using technological equipment, devices and tools, methods and techniques for performing work safely;

5) identifies sick animals and provides them with first aid;

6) immediately notify the immediate supervisor of all deficiencies discovered during work;

7) complies with the requirements of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

8) ___________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3. During the working day (shift), the operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms:

2.3.1. 2nd category:

1) sorts and calibrates eggs using equipment;

2) washes contaminated eggs using egg washing machines;

3) carries out marking, laying and packaging of eggs;

4) delivers containers to the packaging site;

5) assembles boxes and delivers packaged products to the stacking site;

6) cleans equipment and premises;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3.2. 3rd category:

1) catches and places birds in cages or boxes;

2) prepares poultry houses for catching birds, darkens windows, installs screens in sections of the poultry house;

3) carries out carrying cages with birds and loading them onto transport;

4) transfers the caught poultry to another workshop or delivers it for slaughter;

5) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work that is comparable in complexity to workers of lower qualifications;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3.3. 4th category:

1) collects eggs from control nests with a mark on the egg of the nest number, laying hen number, and date of laying;

2) delivers eggs to the warehouse;

3) takes part in the recruitment, selection and ringing of a group of birds;

4) culls the birds;

5) sorts eggs in accordance with the standard;

6) waters and feeds poultry using feeding machines;

7) carries out disinfection, irradiation and laying eggs in the incubator;

8) conducts control inspections of eggs and culling of defective ones;

9) maintains the established temperature, humidity and gas exchange conditions in incubators and premises;

10) moves trays from incubation to hatchers;

11) unloads trays with young poultry;

12) carries out sorting and irradiation of hatched young animals;

13) counts and disposes of weak young animals;

14) prepares boxes and packs day-old chicks into boxes for sending to farms;

15) cleans the incubator and prepares it for a new laying of eggs, washes equipment, containers and premises;

16) carries out technical care of equipment and mechanisms;

17) carries out disinfection of premises;

18) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work that is comparable in complexity to workers of lower qualifications;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3.4. 5th category:

1) performs mechanized work on caring for the adult poultry population of an industrial floor-keeping flock, young animals of an industrial flock and broilers, watering and feeding the birds;

2) carries out measures to increase the productivity of poultry, feeding them with feed balanced in nutrients;

3) carries out sorting, selection and culling of poultry;

4) collects eggs and delivers them;

5) takes part in carrying out preventive and therapeutic measures;

6) removes droppings;

7) cleans the premises, washes drinking bowls, and cleans feeders;

8) manages all means of mechanization;

9) makes adjustments, adjustments and minor repairs of equipment;

10) regulates air exchange, temperature and humidity in poultry premises;

11) carries out work on counting eggs by nests and laying hens, selection by lines and breeds;

12) carries out the acquisition of breeding birds, weighing and placing eggs in hatching trays according to the mothers’ numbers;

13) weighs young and adult birds;

14) selects chicks from trays and rings them;

15) maintains established breeding documentation;

16) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work that is comparable in complexity to workers of lower qualifications;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3.5. 6th category:

1) performs mechanized work on caring for caged poultry, breeding young animals and birds of the parent and selection breeding flocks;

2) carries out feeding and watering of birds, removal of droppings;

3) carries out measures to improve the productivity and breeding qualities of poultry;

4) takes part in appraisals;

5) sorts eggs by breed, cross, line;

6) carries out the separation of young animals by sex at one day of age with simultaneous sorting by quality;

7) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work that is comparable in complexity to workers of lower qualifications;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.4. At the end of the working day (shift), the operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms:

1) puts devices and tools in proper condition and transfers them for storage;

2) removes dirt from workwear and safety shoes, if necessary, places them for drying and storage;

3) submits established reports;

4) performs an inspection (self-examination);

5) hands over a shift;

6) ___________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

3. Rights

When performing his duties, the operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms has labor rights provided for by the employment contract concluded with the employee, internal labor regulations, local regulations, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other acts of labor legislation.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for improper performance through his fault of the duties listed in this instruction.

4.2. The operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms bears financial responsibility for ensuring the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him.

4.3. The operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms for committing offenses in the course of their activities, depending on their nature and consequences, is subject to civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.

4.4. ___________________________________________________________________.

5. Final provisions

5.1. This manual has been developed based on

Tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession "Operator of poultry farms and

mechanized farms, 2nd - 6th category" (Unified tariff-qualification

directory of works and professions of workers. Issue 70. Section "Works and professions"

workers in livestock farming", approved by the Resolution of the State

USSR Committee on Labor and Social Issues and the Secretariat of the All-Union

Central Council of Trade Unions dated July 19, 1983 N 156/15-28),

(details of other acts and documents)

5.2. The employee is familiarized with this instruction when

hiring (before signing an employment contract).

The fact that the employee has read these instructions is confirmed

(signed on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this


instructions (in the instructions log); in copy


instructions kept by the employer; in another way)

5.3. ___________________________________________________________________.

Enterprise managers, in agreement with trade union organizations, on the basis of standard norms and time standards, establish specific standards for servicing poultry in relation to given production conditions and approve them in higher organizations.

If poultry servicing is organized according to standard standards, time observations are carried out and standards are developed in relation to these conditions.

Established standards are replaced by new ones as measures are implemented that increase labor productivity in individual areas, workplaces and operations or provide improvement in the organization of production and labor in the enterprise as a whole.

For the period of mastering new equipment, technology or organization of production and labor, temporary standards are established for a period of up to three months, which can be extended by agreement with the trade union committee of the enterprise.

The deadline for introducing the standards is announced to workers no later than two weeks in advance, with a detailed explanation of the reasons for the revision of the standards and the conditions under which they should be applied.

Workers in poultry farming are paid based on established standards and prices at daily tariff rates (for a 7-hour working day).

The work of foremen is paid according to categories III-VI of the time rates of tractor drivers approved for workers of the first group, while tariff rates of categories V and VI are established only for especially large teams.

Single-tier cage batteries APL-14.5 (OBN, FKT): when servicing two poultry houses for two performers (poultry operator and operator)

when servicing three poultry houses for three performers (two poultry operators and an operator)

when servicing three poultry houses for two performers (poultry operator and operator)

Single-tier cell batteries APL-22 Double-tier cell batteries APL-2G Cell batteries KBN-1 Cell batteries UKB-4 Cell batteries R-21 Cell batteries BK-5:

prn mechanized feeding with manual feeding Floor maintenance in a poultry house equipped with the “Industrial” set: when servicing an industrial flock of laying hens;

The work of poultry operators in servicing an industrial flock of caged laying hens, parent flocks and breeding young animals with complex mechanization of the main processes belongs to the VI category, and with partial mechanization or manual work - to the V category.

The work of poultry operators in servicing an industrial flock of laying hens, young stock of industrial flocks and in raising broilers with complex mechanization of the main processes belongs to the V category, and with partial mechanization or when performing work manually - to the IV category.

Category IV also includes the work of cleaning trays when keeping poultry in cages and the work of operators in the incubation workshop.

The operator’s work in determining the sex of day-old chicks is classified as category VI.

The work of catching poultry during full-time housing is assessed in the III category, and the work of a poultry house in the evening and at night, as well as the work of sorting and washing eggs, is assessed in the II category.

Workers with the title “Master of Livestock Husbandry I Class” and “Master of Livestock Husbandry II Class” are entitled to an additional payment to their wages for receiving products and servicing poultry of 20% and 10%, respectively.

Based on the standard regulations for enterprises, in agreement with the working committee of the trade union, a regulation on the remuneration of workers is developed, providing for specific conditions for remuneration and bonuses, a list of professions subject to bonuses is established, based on the approved wage fund, as well as production and service standards and the annual norm production of products.

The regulation is approved annually by a higher organization in agreement with the relevant trade union committee, then it is brought to the attention of workers. All wage calculations are carried out in accordance with the regulations approved for the farm for a given year. Workers are given two weeks' notice of cancellations or changes in the situation.

Labor organization of poultry operator and operator

Production conditions. A typical poultry house measuring 12x102 m is equipped with single-tier APL cages, central heating, water supply and sewerage, ventilation and electric lighting. The poultry house consists of two rooms separated by a glass wall. In one room there are cage batteries with birds, in the other there are control panels, an elevator with a receiving table for collecting eggs. The capacity of one poultry house is 14.5 thousand heads, the productivity of chickens is 240 eggs. The microclimate is regulated automatically; the conveyors for collecting eggs, cleaning litter and distributing feed are controlled from the control panel.

The livestock housed in two poultry houses is served by a poultry operator and an operator. The bird is accepted into the premises at the age of 140 days, and is planted at the age of 540 days. Reception and delivery of chickens is carried out in accordance with the general factory schedule for the movement of birds.

Responsibilities of performers. The poultry operator performs the following work.

1. When completing the flock, he takes in a count of birds, sorts them and places them in cages.

2. Using a conveyor system, collects eggs and initially sorts eggs manually, places them in cardboard boxes and delivers them to the egg warehouse.

3. Monitors the condition of the bird, its productivity and the quality of eggs, selects and discards weak birds, and removes dead birds.

4. Cleans his workplace, constantly keeps it clean, washes drinking bowls and floors in the egg collection and packaging section.

5. Together with the operator, monitors the serviceability of the equipment, ensures uninterrupted feeding and watering of poultry, maintains the microclimate and light conditions within specified limits.

6. Participates in preparing the premises and equipment for receiving a new batch of poultry, as well as in carrying out preventive and therapeutic measures as directed by the veterinarian.

7. Complies with established sanitary, hygienic and veterinary rules, as well as technical and fire safety rules.

The operator in two comprehensively mechanized and automated poultry houses ensures the normal operation of technological equipment and mechanisms. Performs the following work.

1. Carry out daily maintenance and routine repairs of equipment, monitor its uninterrupted operation.

2. In accordance with established standards, ensures a given feeding regime, continuous watering, as well as timely removal of droppings from under batteries and loading it into vehicles twice a shift (turns mechanisms on and off, monitors their operation) *

3. Together with the poultry operator, he collects eggs using egg collection mechanisms, places them in cellular cardboard pads, then in cardboard boxes. At the same time, it carries out primary sorting (selects broken eggs into a separate container).

4. Maintains microclimate and light conditions within specified limits.

5. Observes the operation of mechanisms, keeps equipment and workplace clean.

6. According to the established schedule for staffing the site, ensures the preparation of mechanisms and equipment to receive a new batch of poultry.

7. On a sanitary day, together with the poultry operator, he performs work on cleaning equipment, cleaning the premises and the area adjacent to the poultry house.

The operator must know the device, operating rules, maintenance system for equipment and mechanisms, technical and fire safety rules.

Operator's methods of performing work

Method of execution

Change clothes, prepare equipment, check microclimate and lighting parameters, proper operation of equipment -

Using a valve, adjust the water level in flow-through drinkers, ensuring a continuous supply of water for the birds during daylight hours

Feed twice. Distribute feed in dry form, in quantities that ensure the desired productivity of the poultry. Turn on the mechanism for feeding feed into the dispenser hoppers and the chain conveyor, observe the proper operation of the feeding system mechanisms and the uniform supply of feed.

Inspect the livestock, sort and transplant weak birds daily. Separate cages for jigging in each battery line. After removing the dead bird, wash your hands with a disinfectant solution. Delivery of dead birds to the veterinary workshop, and weak birds to the slaughterhouse once per shift

Removal of litter should be carried out two to four times a day. Turn on the mechanism for removing litter from under the cage batteries, removing litter from the room and feeding it into the tractor cart, monitor the proper operation of the equipment

Collection is carried out twice a day using mechanisms. At the same time, turn on the mechanisms for transporting eggs from the battery to the elevator of the egg-harvesting table, monitor the uniform supply of eggs to the table, their cleanliness, and manually place them in cardboard spacers and boxes. Place broken eggs and cracked eggs in a separate container. Hand over eggs once a day to the egg carrier

Check the fastening of the battery frame once a week. Tighten the scraper installation cables as necessary. Lubricate the cables and sliding bearings of the scraper installation, tighten the fastenings once every four days. Tighten the fastenings of the feed mechanisms, check the oil level in the gearboxes, and lubricate the sliding bearings of the chain rotation every other day on even numbers. Change the oil in the feed belt drive gearboxes on the 15th of every month. Tighten the chains of the inclined and horizontal conveyors TSN-ZB as necessary. Lubricate the bearings of the TSN-ZB rotary devices once a month. Add oil to the TSN-ZB gearbox twice a month. Replace the lubricant in TSN-ZB gearboxes once a year. Retighten the egg collecting device straps as necessary. Change the oil in the egg harvester gearbox once a year. Check the presence of lubricant in the gearboxes of the egg collecting device on the 2nd and 17th of each month. Check and tighten the fastenings of the collectors and drives of the egg collecting device weekly. Lubricate sliding manifolds twice daily. Lubricate the roller bearings of the egg collecting device of the collectors twice a year. Check and tighten the fastenings of the heat generator, air heaters, fans, and blinds daily. Report all cases of equipment malfunctions to the foreman and the duty mechanic (electrician)

Clean the technological equipment from dust and dirt, and clean the scraper installation and the walls of the manure box and from manure. Clean the area adjacent to poultry houses

Machinery maintenance

Work on a sanitary day

Peculiarities of labor organization at a broiler poultry farm

The rational organization of labor at a broiler poultry farm can be considered using the example of the Petelinskaya poultry farm in the Moscow region.

Poultry farm specialists pay great attention to improving production technology, comprehensive mechanization, and the most rational forms of labor organization when raising meat chickens. Floor and cage rearing of broilers and unit organization of labor are used. A link consisting of two poultry houses serves 50 thousand, and three poultry houses - 75 thousand broilers. Two-shift work (from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. - first shift, from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. - second shift) made it possible to free up nine poultry workers who had previously worked the night shift. In addition to the main poultry houses, there is an operator servicing 5-6 poultry houses during the day shift and 16 during the night shift.

In poultry houses with Broiler-20 equipment, from the first days of keeping chickens, automatic feed dispensing lines and flow-through drinkers are used, the height of which is adjusted as the chickens grow. Fencing screens near brooders and vacuum drinkers are not used, which made it possible to use them in other areas.

bots of auxiliary poultry houses and increase the load rate on the poultry house to 35-40 thousand birds.

To clean poultry houses from droppings and supply bedding for floor-raising broilers, there is a special team that also services the replacement young stock workshop and the chicken broodstock workshop. This team is subordinate to the chief livestock specialist. In addition, there is also a team for catching and packaging poultry for slaughter, which is subordinate to the head of the poultry processing workshop.

In 1967, the poultry farm introduced the technology of raising broilers in battery cages. For this purpose, equipment for floor housing in poultry houses was replaced with cage batteries.

Three poultry houses are divided into two halls each, with an area ratio of 1:2. In the hall for chickens of the first age (1-30 days), cage batteries of the KBE-1A brand are installed, for the second age - KBB cages. In three other poultry houses, cage batteries KBM-2E, KBB and KBU are installed with full mechanization of all technological processes, where broilers are raised without transplantation from one day of age to slaughter. The most effective in operation were cellular batteries KBM-2E and KBU.

When raising broilers in cages, the team services six poultry houses with simultaneous planting of 280 thousand chickens, a link - from 40 to 60 thousand heads. The brigade consists of six links: five links of three people (two poultry workers and an operator) and one link of two people (poultry operator and operator). Their work is organized in one shift - from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. After 5 p.m., one night operator is on duty.

In the first 8-10 days after planting, one night duty poultry housekeeper and one operator (for all poultry houses) are assigned to service each batch of day-old chicks.

In poultry houses equipped with cage batteries KBE-1A and KBB, with the simultaneous placement of up to 45 thousand day-old chicks (and meat production of 282 tons per year), two poultry houses and one operator work.

In a poultry house equipped with cages of the KBM-2E type, with simultaneous planting of 50 thousand heads of day-old chicks

(and meat production of 280 tons per year), there are two poultry houses and one operator.

In the poultry house, equipped with CBU cages, with a capacity of 60 thousand heads of day-old chicks (and meat production of 306 tons per year), there are two poultry houses and one operator.

In a poultry house equipped with CBB cages, one poultry house and one operator work for 30 thousand heads of chickens (and meat production of 219 tons per year).

The poultry operator accepts chickens for raising, promptly selects and removes weak and dead chickens, monitors the feeding and watering regime, the microclimate in the room, washes drinking bowls and other equipment, carries out routine cleaning of the premises and the area around broiler houses, assists veterinarians in carrying out preventive and medicinal treatments for poultry.

The operator ensures the uninterrupted operation of mechanization equipment, daily maintenance of the equipment automation system, sets up and repairs it, takes part in its installation and dismantling, helps the poultry house in receiving poultry for growing and handing it over for slaughter, and also performs all work related to the distribution of feed and watering broilers.

Night poultry houses feed and water the birds at night, monitor the light conditions, and regulate the temperature and air exchange in the room.

A team of 10 people, headed by a non-exempt foreman, was created to clean the equipment.

Installation* and dismantling of equipment is carried out centrally by employees of the mechanical repair shop.

Disinfection and gasification of the premises is carried out by a veterinary service unit consisting of three people.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Issue No. 70 ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated July 19, 1983 N 156/15-28

Operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms

§ 49. Operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms of the 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Sorting and sizing eggs using equipment. Washing contaminated eggs using egg washers. Labeling, laying and packing eggs. Delivery of containers to the packaging site. Assembling boxes and delivering packaged products to the stacking site. Washing of equipment and premises.

Must know: technical conditions for assigning eggs to one category or another; rules for sorting, labeling, packaging, storing and transporting eggs; design and operating conditions of egg sorting and egg washing machines.

§ 50. Operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Catching and placing birds in cages or boxes. Preparing poultry houses for catching birds, darkening windows, installing screens in sections of the poultry house. Carrying cages with birds and loading them onto transport. Transferring the caught poultry to another workshop or handing it over for slaughter.

Must know: differences in poultry by sex and age, production purpose of the flock; methods of catching and loading birds onto transport.

§ 51. Operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Collecting eggs from control nests with a mark on the egg of the nest number, laying hen number, and date of laying. Delivery of eggs to the warehouse. Participation in the acquisition, selection and ringing of a group of birds. Poultry culling. Sorting eggs according to state standards. Watering and feeding poultry using feeding machines. Disinfection, irradiation and laying eggs in the incubator. Carrying out control inspections of eggs and culling defective ones. Maintaining the established temperature, humidity and gas exchange conditions in incubators and rooms. Moving trays from setters to hatchers. Unloading trays with young poultry. Sorting and irradiation of hatched young animals. Counting and disposal of weak young animals. Preparing boxes and packing day-old chicks into boxes for sending to farms. Cleaning the incubator and preparing it for new laying of eggs, washing equipment, containers and premises. Carrying out technical maintenance of equipment and mechanisms. Carrying out disinfection of premises.

Must know: technology for incubating eggs of various types of poultry in incubators of various brands, types and their design; management and maintenance techniques for hatchery technological equipment; methods of biological control in incubation; veterinary and sanitary instructions for hatchery workshops; installation of disinfection units.

§ 52. Operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Mechanized work on caring for adult poultry of an industrial floor-keeping flock, young animals of an industrial flock and broilers, watering and feeding poultry. Implementation of measures to increase the productivity of poultry, feeding them with nutritionally balanced feed. Sorting, selection and culling of poultry. Collection of eggs and their delivery. Participation in the implementation of preventive and therapeutic measures. Removing litter. Cleaning the premises, washing drinking bowls, cleaning feeders. Management of all means of mechanization. Setup, adjustment and minor repairs of equipment. Regulation of air exchange, temperature and humidity in poultry premises. Carrying out work on counting eggs by nests and laying hens, selection by lines and breeds. Assembling breeding birds, weighing and placing eggs in hatching trays according to mother numbers. Weighing young and adult birds. Selection of chicks from trays and banding. Maintaining established breeding documentation.

Must know: basic anatomy and physiology of poultry; technology and progressive methods of keeping young and adult poultry and raising broilers on an industrial basis; arrangement of instruments and equipment; methods for increasing the productivity of the served poultry population; technical maintenance rules; basic requirements for feed rations; feed preparation methods; norms and procedures for feeding feed; the need of the served poultry species for protein, vitamins and minerals; veterinary and sanitary requirements in poultry farming; rules for maintaining breeding documentation.

§ 53. Operator of poultry farms and mechanized farms of the 6th category

Characteristics of work. Mechanized work on caring for caged poultry, breeding young animals and poultry from parent and selection breeding flocks. Feeding, watering birds, removing droppings. Implementation of measures to improve the productivity and breeding qualities of poultry. Participation in appraisals. Sorting eggs by breed, cross, line. Separation of young animals by sex at one day of age with simultaneous sorting by quality.

Must know: technology of cage keeping of poultry, breeding young animals and selective poultry under conditions of complex mechanization; methods for increasing the productivity of the served poultry population; installation and maintenance of equipment used in cage keeping; features of raising and keeping breeding birds; basic methods of selection and breeding work; signs of individual assessment and selection of birds; main crosses of chicken lines; rules for controlling lighting mechanization means; basic anatomy and physiology of all types of poultry; zootechnical requirements for sorting young poultry by quality and sex.

Name of organization I APPROVED

POSITION Title of position

N ___________ Signature Explanation
Place of compilation Date


1. A poultry livestock specialist belongs to the category of specialists, is hired and dismissed from work by order.

2. A person who has a higher zootechnical education without any work experience requirements or a secondary specialized (zootechnical) education and work experience in poultry farming of at least 3 years is appointed to the position of poultry livestock specialist.

A person with a higher zootechnical education and work experience as a poultry livestock technician of at least 3 years is appointed to the position of category II poultry livestock specialist.

A person with a higher zootechnical education and work experience as a poultry livestock specialist of category II for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of poultry livestock specialist of category I.

3. In his activities, the poultry livestock specialist is guided by:

— regulatory documents on the work performed;

— methodological materials concerning relevant issues;

— the charter of the organization;

— labor regulations;

— orders and instructions from the head of the organization (direct manager);

- this job description.

4. A poultry livestock specialist must know:

— guidance, regulatory, instructional and methodological materials relating to the activities of poultry farms;

— organization of the technological process in poultry farming;

— requirements for finished poultry products;

— scientific achievements and best practices in poultry farming;

— fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management;

— fundamentals of environmental protection legislation;

— rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

5. During the absence of a poultry livestock specialist, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy who bears full responsibility for their proper performance.


6. To perform the functions assigned to him, the poultry livestock specialist must:

6.1. Carry out zootechnical work at a poultry farm.

6.2. Organize the technological process at a poultry enterprise (in a workshop, on a farm).

6.3. Participate in the development of annual and long-term plans for poultry farming.

6.4. Implement measures to increase poultry productivity, improve the quality of poultry products, and reduce their cost.

6.5. Work to increase the business output of young animals and preserve the poultry population.

6.6. Organize the rational use of feed, water, electricity and other materials.

6.7. Participate in the development and implementation of advanced technology in poultry farming.

6.8. Keep records and prepare reports on poultry farming on the farm.

6.9. Monitor compliance with environmental legislation, norms and regulations on labor protection and fire safety.

6.10. Provide assistance and cooperation with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately report to the immediate supervisor about each case of industrial injuries and occupational diseases, as well as emergency situations that pose a threat to the health and life of him and others, discovered deficiencies and violations of safety labor.

6.11. Take the necessary measures to limit the development of the emergency situation and eliminate it, provide first aid to the victim, take measures to call an ambulance, emergency services, and fire brigade.

7. A poultry livestock specialist has the right:

7.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

7.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

7.3. Receive from heads of structural divisions, specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

7.4. Involve specialists from all structural divisions of the organization to resolve the responsibilities assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the organization).

7.5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

7.6. Take part in the discussion of labor safety issues submitted for consideration at meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (trade union organization).


8. The poultry livestock specialist reports to the Head of auxiliary agriculture.
9. The poultry livestock specialist interacts on issues included in
its competence, with employees of the following structural divisions
- With , :

- With _________________________________________________________________:

10. The work of the poultry livestock specialist is assessed by the immediate supervisor (other official).

11. The poultry livestock specialist is responsible for:

11.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For failure to comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

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If you were asked who a poultry farmer is, then, most likely, something like this would instantly appear before your eyes: a man somewhere in the countryside, feeding domestic animals like chickens, ducks and geese. This is all true, only in modern realities, when any branch of production grows to immense proportions, poultry farmers mainly work in factories.

What exactly does a poultry farmer do?

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Even in our age of general automation, it is impossible to do without a person who will keep under supervision all processes related to the feeding and growth of birds. The poultry farmer has a lot of worries; he must serve hundreds, or even thousands of chickens.

His primary tasks include:

  • preparing food in compliance with all technological standards and distributing it;
  • control over the timely supply of water to drinking bowls;
  • measures for cleaning production premises;
  • setting the necessary parameters in the room, such as temperature, humidity, air exchange.

It is the poultry farmer who is responsible for monitoring the optimal conditions for keeping chickens or other birds. In addition, the poultry farmer takes an active part in therapeutic and preventive measures. He must carefully monitor the condition of the animals and take appropriate measures at the slightest symptoms of disease.

Naturally, random people are not allowed into poultry farms. Poultry farmers receive specialized education and, depending on their experience, are assigned ranks. The job responsibilities of a second-class poultry farmer include grazing birds, maintaining equipment and inventory, weeding out weak birds and collecting animals that have died prematurely.

Poultry farmers of the fourth category perform actions aimed at increasing productivity, sorting and culling live goods, and clean trays in cages from toxins. Five-graders use the latest methods in selection and breeding work, look after the young animals, and monitor compliance with the conditions for raising breeding birds.

Of course, without love for animals there is nothing to do in this. A poultry farmer must not only carefully handle the birds entrusted to his care, but also be very observant in order to react with lightning speed to changes in the behavior of his charges.

If we forget about personal qualities for a while, it is important for this specialist to understand;

  • rules for care and maintenance;
  • composition of disinfectants;
  • basic veterinary and sanitary standards;
  • rules regarding grading and packaging of egg products.

It would be useful for the poultry farmer to have responsibility, since oversight or careless attitude towards one’s duties can easily lead to irreparable consequences. This seemingly simple profession is taught in agricultural technical schools, and future poultry farmers undergo internships directly at poultry farms.

It is pleasant that every day, thanks to the efforts of domestic poultry farmers, the growth of the Russian bird population is increasing. And finally, it is worth noting that a real poultry farmer is a person to whom doing his activity brings incomparable joy.

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