Labor resources of Russia. Labor resources and their use in sectors of the material sphere of the national economy

Labor resources are a socio-economic category that characterizes the potential labor reserves available to society at a given stage of its development. Labor resources are a socio-economic category that characterizes the potential labor reserves available to society at a given stage of its development.

Personnel of an enterprise, its structure and methods of determination Personnel is the full complement of hired workers of an organization (with the exception of management) performing various production and economic functions. Personnel is the full complement of employees of an organization (with the exception of management) performing various production and economic functions. The part of the personnel that is officially on its staff is called personnel. The part of the personnel that is officially on its staff is called personnel. Personnel characteristics

The personnel of the enterprise, its structure and methods of determination are quantitative: quantitative: payroll number (the number of employees hired at the enterprise according to documents) payroll number (number of employees hired at the enterprise according to documents) attendance number (estimated number of payroll employees who must appear for a given day work to complete a production task) attendance number (estimated number of payroll employees who must report to work on a given day to complete a production task) average payroll number (sum of the number of payroll employees for each calendar day of the month (including holidays and weekends) divided by number of calendar days of the month) average number of employees (the sum of the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month (including holidays and weekends) is divided by the number of calendar days of the month) structural (composition and quantitative ratio of individual categories and groups of employees of the enterprise) structural (composition and quantitative ratio of individual categories and groups of enterprise employees) Characteristics of personnel

Personnel of the enterprise, its structure and methods of determining Industrial and production personnel (directly involved in the production process, and also manages it) - personnel of the main activities. Industrial and production personnel (directly involved in the production process and also manages it) - personnel of the main activities. Non-industrial personnel (not directly related to the production of products: workers of housing and communal services, cultural and social and medical institutions, etc., on the balance sheet of the enterprise) Non-industrial personnel (not directly related to the production of products: workers of housing and communal services , cultural, community and medical-sanitary institutions, etc., on the balance sheet of the enterprise) Division of personnel by function

Personnel of the enterprise, its structure and methods of determination Structural diagram of the PPP (statistical structure of personnel) Personnel by the nature of labor functions Categories Workers Basic (employed in technological processes aimed at creating a “core” product for a given organization) Auxiliary (work in auxiliary departments of repair, tool , transport, warehouse) MSP (junior service personnel) - (janitors, couriers, drivers of personal cars of management and buses transporting employees) Employees Managers (administration) Specialists (economists, sociologists, psychologists, engineering and technical workers) Other employees (cashiers, clerks, commandants)

Personnel of an enterprise, its structure and methods for determining Profession is a special type of work activity that requires certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Specialty is a type of activity within a profession that has specific characteristics and requires additional special knowledge and skills from workers. Qualification level is the degree of mastery by workers of a particular profession or specialty, which is reflected in qualification (tariff) categories and categories. Professional competence is a measure of a worker’s qualifications (the ability to perform their functions at the required level both in normal and extreme conditions, to successfully master new things and quickly adapt to changing conditions) Nature of work activity (analytical structure of personnel)

Personnel of the enterprise, its structure and methods of determination Depending on the period: permanent permanent temporary temporary seasonal Seasonal Division in international practice management workers (top, middle and lower level managers), engineering and technical personnel and office employees (“white collar”); management workers (top, middle and lower level managers), engineering and technical personnel and clerical workers (“white collar”); workers engaged in manual labor (“blue collar”); workers engaged in manual labor (“blue collar”); social infrastructure workers (“gray collar”). social infrastructure workers (“gray collar”). Personnel classification

The personnel of the enterprise, its structure and methods for determining the useful (effective) working time of one worker is determined based on the calculation of: the calendar fund of working time, which corresponds to the number of calendar days in a year; calendar fund of working time, which corresponds to the number of calendar days in a year; nominal working time, which is less than the calendar one by the number of weekends and holidays per year; nominal working time, which is less than the calendar one by the number of weekends and holidays per year; useful (effective) working time fund, which is less than nominal by the amount of planned absences from work (vacation, illness, etc.). useful (effective) working time fund, which is less than nominal by the amount of planned absences from work (vacation, illness, etc.). Method for determining demand by labor intensity of work where Q is the volume (number) of units of production; N Time – standard time per unit of production (hour); F Ef – useful (effective) working time of one worker per year (hour); K VN – coefficient of compliance with standards.

Personnel of the enterprise, its structure and methods of determination Personnel of the enterprise, its structure and methods of determination The procedure for determining the useful fund of time of one employee IndicatorsTotal 1. Calendar fund of time, days including: holidays Nominal fund of time, days 273 = 366 – Absences, days 31.2 including: vacations 30 absenteeism 0.7 downtime 0.5 4. Number of actual working days 241.8 = .2 5. Average planned duration of the working day (nominal), h7.67 6. Losses due to a reduction in the duration of the working day, h0.05 7. Average actual duration of the working day (actual), h 7.62 = 7.67 - 0.05 8. Useful working time fund, h1842.5 = 7.62x241.8

Personnel of an enterprise, its structure and methods of determining Turnover by admission is the number of persons enrolled in work after graduation from educational institutions, through organized recruitment, through transfer from other organizations, at the direction of employment authorities, at the invitation of herself, etc. Turnover by admission - represents the number of persons enrolled in work after graduation from educational institutions, through organized recruitment, by transfer from other organizations, by referral from employment authorities, by invitation, etc. Retirement turnover is characterized by the number of persons who left the organization for a given period, grouped by reasons for dismissal. Depending on these reasons, it can be necessary or unnecessary (fluidity). Retirement turnover is characterized by the number of persons who left the organization for a given period, grouped by reasons for dismissal. Depending on these reasons, it can be necessary or unnecessary (fluidity). The necessary turnover on disposal has objective reasons: the state of health of employees, family circumstances, legal requirements (for example, on military service), natural ones (age), and is therefore inevitable. The necessary turnover on disposal has objective reasons: the state of health of employees, family circumstances, legal requirements (for example, on military service), natural ones (age), and is therefore inevitable. Movement of personnel in the organization

N out – the number of employees who left during the period; N out – the number of employees who left during the period; H sp – average number of employees for the period. H sp – average number of employees for the period. Personnel attrition rate K VK: Personnel recruitment rate K PK: where Ch pr is the number of employees hired during the period. where N pr is the number of employees hired during the period.

Personnel turnover coefficient K ObK: where Ch uv is the number of workers dismissed during the period for absenteeism, at their own request, for violations of labor discipline. where Ch uv is the number of workers dismissed during the period for absenteeism, at their own request, for violations of labor discipline. Staff turnover rate K TC:

Personnel of an enterprise, its structure and methods of determination. Personnel turnover is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the number of employees dismissed at their own request and due to violations of labor discipline for a certain period of time to their average number for the same period. Measures taken to reduce personnel turnover: improving conditions labor and its payment; improving working conditions and remuneration; making the most of employees' abilities; making the most of employees' abilities; improving communications and training; improving communications and training; carrying out an effective policy of social (corporate) benefits; carrying out an effective policy of social (corporate) benefits; constant analysis and adjustment of personnel policies and wages; constant analysis and adjustment of personnel policies and wages; increasing the degree of attractiveness of work, types of activities performed, etc. increasing the degree of attractiveness of work, types of activities performed, etc. Personnel turnover

In agricultural production, seasonality of labor is the main reason for dissatisfaction among agricultural workers with the results of their work and leads to staff turnover. Seasonality leads to a shortfall in a significant amount of gross output, uneven expenditure of labor and its payment throughout the year. Staff turnover

Labor Productivity Labor Productivity Labor productivity or the efficiency of labor costs in material production is determined by the quantity of products produced per unit of working time, or labor costs per unit of production. Labor productivity indicators: production output; product development; labor intensity of manufacturing products labor intensity of manufacturing products Labor productivity

Product output per unit of working time (per employee) where Q is the volume of production for a certain period (month, quarter, year); T is the cost of working time for the production of this product; Ch sp – average number of PPP in the same period. Labor intensity is the reciprocal of output. There are standard, actual and planned labor intensity. Definition of output and labor intensity.

Labor productivity Types of labor productivity indicators: natural (determining the volume of work performed (products produced) per unit of time per employee); natural (determining the volume of work performed (products produced) per unit of time per employee); cost (accounting for various works or production of various types of products. Expressed in the cost of work performed or products sold for a certain period of time per employee); cost (accounting for various works or production of various types of products. Expressed in the cost of work performed or products sold for a certain period of time per employee); labor (expressed in standard working time and determined by the ratio of the volume of work performed in standard hours to the time actually worked) labor (expressed in standard working time and determined by the ratio of the volume of work performed in standard hours to the time actually worked) Assessment of labor productivity

Labor productivity Natural indicator of labor productivity where P Tr – labor productivity; Q – volume of products produced, work performed (in physical terms); r – average number of employees for a certain period of time

Labor productivity Labor indicator of labor productivity where P Tr – labor productivity; Q – volume of products produced, work performed (in physical terms); r – average number of employees for a certain period of time

Labor productivity change in the technical level of production; change in the technical level of production; improvement of management, organization of production and labor; improvement of management, organization of production and labor; changes in the volume and structure of production; changes in the volume and structure of production; other factors other factors Factors of change labor productivity

Labor productivity Reducing the labor intensity of manufacturing products (technological, production and complete); Reducing the labor intensity of manufacturing products (technological, production and complete); Improving the use of working time (introducing scientific organization of labor, strengthening labor discipline, reducing staff turnover); Improving the use of working time (introducing scientific organization of labor, strengthening labor discipline, reducing staff turnover); Reserves for improving the structure, increasing the competence of personnel and better use of labor (mechanization and more efficient use of the labor of auxiliary workers, relative release of workers, reducing the proportion of administrative and managerial personnel, improving the psychological climate in the workforce). Reserves for improving the structure, increasing the competence of personnel and better use of labor (mechanization and more efficient use of the labor of auxiliary workers, relative release of workers, reducing the proportion of administrative and managerial personnel, improving the psychological climate in the workforce). In-production reserves for growth in labor productivity

EFFICIENCY INDICATORS OF THE USE OF LABOR RESOURCES IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY: Coefficient of participation of labor resources in social production Coefficient of participation of labor resources in social production Coefficient of use of working time during the year Coefficient of use of working time during the year Coefficient of use of working time of the day Coefficient of use of working time of the day Seasonality coefficient use of labor resources Seasonality coefficient of use of labor resources

Coefficient of participation of labor resources in social production Tf labor resources involved in production, people; TF labor resources involved in production, people; T n availability of labor resources, people. T n availability of labor resources, people. The coefficient of use of working time during the year of the Russian Federation is working time actually worked, P in the possible annual fund of working time, hours.

Coefficient of use of working time of the day Vf actually worked time of the day, h; Vf actually worked time of the day, h; In p established working hours of the day, hours. In p established working hours of the day, hours Z m maximum or minimum employment of workers per month, hours; 3 avg average monthly employment of workers, hours. Seasonality coefficient for the use of labor resources

State regulation of labor relations at an enterprise The main forms and directions of state regulation development of the appropriate legislative and regulatory framework and control over compliance with legislation; development of an appropriate legislative and regulatory framework and monitoring compliance with legislation; direct participation of the state in the management of labor relations in the public sector; direct participation of the state in the management of labor relations in the public sector; withdrawal of part of an enterprise's income through the system of taxation and obligatory payments to the budget, its redistribution and impact on the formation of the labor market and the corresponding personnel potential

State regulation of labor relations at the enterprise Legislative and regulatory framework of labor law of the Russian Federation Federal laws of the Russian Federation; Federal laws of the Russian Federation; By-laws of executive authorities; By-laws of executive authorities; Local regulations (collective and labor agreements) Local regulations (collective and labor agreements)

State regulation of labor relations at an enterprise State regulation of labor relations at an enterprise Constitutionally enshrined labor rights Freedom of labor; Freedom of labor; The right to work in conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements; The right to work in conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements; The right to remuneration for work in an amount not lower than the minimum wage established by federal law; The right to remuneration for work in an amount not lower than the minimum wage established by federal law; The right of workers to individual and collective labor disputes using the methods for resolving them established by federal law; The right of workers to individual and collective labor disputes using the methods for resolving them established by federal law; The right to rest. The right to rest.

People and work

8th grade


144 million people

Younger than working age


Over working age

(over 55.60 years old)

27 million people

(16-55.60 years old)

25 million people

90 million people



3 million people

87 million people

  • Part of the country's population capable of working on the farm

90 million people

Employed in private farming

Working pensioners


(14 – 16 years old)

69 million people

10 million people

8 million people

3 million people

Employed population


63 million people

6 million people

  • Persons employed in the economy and the unemployed

Unemployed – these are the people:

  • Unemployed
  • Job seekers
  • Ready to start work within a certain time

Causes of unemployment


production reduction

6% - average for the Russian Federation

  • Central Russia, Northern Western Siberia, Volga region, Southern Urals

  • Moscow - 0.8
  • Yaroslavl region – 1.7
  • Samara region – 1.7
  • Lipetsk region – 0.8
  • Moscow region – 3.3

  • North-West, South of Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia

  • Northern Caucasus, South Eastern Siberia, Kola Peninsula

  • Republic of Ingushetia – 23.9
  • Kabardino-Balkarian Republic – 9.1
  • Republic of Tyva – 9.0
  • Chechen Republic – 74.2

  • Emigration: USA, Greece, Cyprus, UK, Germany
  • Immigration: Ukraine, Türkiye, China, Moldova, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Georgia

Work skills acquired



workforce capacity

Ability to learn new things and relearn

Communication skills, ability to communicate with people

  • Labor market
  • Labor market
  • Labor market- the sphere of formation of demand and supply for labor.
  • Through the labor market it is carried out sale of labor for a certain period.
  • Features of the labor market and its mechanism: the object of purchase and sale on it is the right to use work force , knowledge , qualifications And abilities for the labor process .

Labor market

Labor market - is the relationship between labor demand and supply

The price of labor power is wage. In the labor market, one side (sellers) is represented by people looking for suitable work, the other (buyers) is represented by employers - entrepreneurs or their representatives

Low pay

High wages



you can dial


make do

as possible


number of employees


Worker: I really want to get a well-paid job

no big


for low

Lots of workers

Few workers

seats, high

seats, low

demand for labor

demand for labor

Few willing

High labor supply

work, small


work force


Worker shortage

  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Making independent decisions
  • Knowledge of foreign language
  • Competitiveness
  • Mastering new types of profession
  • experience
  • Discipline
  • Organization
  • Communication culture


Unemployment- this is a socio-economic phenomenon consisting in the fact that some part of the economically active population of the country for some time or permanently does not have work and income

Distribution of the number of unemployed by age group

  • Geography of unemployment
  • Geography of unemployment

Economy of areas with high unemployment rates where agriculture has a large share, the level of urbanization is below the Russian average, the rate of creation of new jobs is less than the rate of growth of the working population.

Low unemployment rate observed in areas of new development (for example, in the Far North of Russia). Since the majority of the population of these areas are mainly migrants, not finding work, they return to their homeland.

  • The geography of unemployment in Russia depends on:
  • demographic situation and, on the structure of the economy.
  • Areas with high natural population growth tend to have high unemployment rates.
  • The main reason is that every year large contingents of young people enter working age, while a much smaller number of people retire from it. The economy of these regions has a large share of agriculture, the level of urbanization is below the Russian average, the rate of creation of new jobs is less than the rate of growth of the working population.
  • Regions of high natural growth are at the same time regions with a less developed economic structure.

  • Natural population growth;
  • Fewer young people retire than the number of young people entering working age;
  • Population migration;
  • Speed ​​of job creation;
  • New requirements for labor resources;
  • The greatest decline in production;
  • Level of urbanization;
  • Labor resources from outside;
  • Low pay
  • Decline in production

  • Requirements for a modern employee in market conditions

Living conditions and requirements for workers change so quickly that an education once acquired cannot ensure competitiveness in the labor market for the rest of one’s life. Therefore, a modern worker must also be able to acquire new knowledge and skills, that is, engage in self-education.

The best way to “learn to learn” is to try to master as much knowledge and skills as possible, to master new professions and types of occupations. The more types of activities a person has mastered, the more confident and “stable” he feels in the labor market.

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The presentation on the topic “World Labor Resources” can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 12 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Economically active population

People actually involved in material production or non-production sphere.

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The share of the economically active population varies across countries. In developed Western countries, about 70% of all labor resources are economically active. This situation is primarily associated with unemployment. It sometimes reaches 10 or more percent of the workforce. The share of the economically active population in developing countries is even smaller - 45-55%. This is due to general economic backwardness, lack of jobs, the difficulty of involving women in production given the predominance of large families, and large masses of young people entering working age. True, unemployment in developing countries does not exclude the widespread exploitation of cheap child labor.

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Firstly, a person is an economic resource of a special type. If it is not in demand by the economy now, it cannot be reserved and “put in the refrigerator” until better times. Secondly, even if a person does not work, he cannot stop consuming and he still needs to feed his family. Therefore, society is forced to look for means to save the unemployed from starvation or becoming bandits. Thirdly, rising unemployment reduces demand for goods on the domestic market. People who do not receive a salary are forced to be content with only the bare minimum of subsistence. As a result, it becomes difficult to sell goods on the country’s domestic market (“the market is shrinking”). Fourthly, unemployment aggravates the political situation in the country. The reason for this is the growing anger of people who have lost the opportunity to adequately support their families and spend day after day in an exhausting search for work. Fifthly, an increase in unemployment can lead to an increase in the number of crimes that people commit in order to obtain the necessary benefits. Unemployment is a global phenomenon: according to the UN, 800 million people are unemployed.

Slide 6

This is the ratio between the working population, on the one hand, and the non-working (children and old people) on the other. On average, 100 able-bodied people in the world provide their earnings for 70 children and pensioners. In developing countries - it is often 100 to 100. Japan - 100 to 41. In Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and the Baltic countries, the demographic burden is approximately equal to the world average.

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Developing countries

1st place – agriculture (agricultural countries). 2nd place - the service sector (in Latin America it even came out on top). 3rd place - industry and construction.

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts; you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
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  • Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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    PLAN 1) analysis of the number of employees 2) planning of the number of employees and labor productivity

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    Achieving the goals of an enterprise and solving corresponding complex problems largely depend on its labor resources. The labor resources of an enterprise are the numerical professionally qualified composition of employed workers (personnel). The personnel of an enterprise is understood not only as employees, but also as owners or co-owners of the company, if they take part in the activities of the enterprise with their labor and receive appropriate payment for this. Consequently, the personnel of an enterprise is a combination of both employees and owners; labor potential ensures effective economic activity. The number and structure of the enterprise's personnel depends on the type and volume of the company's activities, specialization, number of jobs, operating mode, level of labor productivity, form of customer service, degree of mechanization and automation of production and trade processes, degree of complexity of the functions performed and the scale of operations.

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    Employees of a public catering enterprise are classified according to various criteria: The public catering personnel are divided into: administrative and service personnel, production workers, hall workers and workers of the production and sales group. The division of workers into categories is based on the functional division of labor. At catering establishments, management positions are allocated among the administrative and service personnel; specialists (economists, accountants, engineers-technologists); service personnel (wardrobe workers, watchmen); production workers (production managers and their deputies, shop managers, confectioners, bakers); hall employees (headwaiters, administrators, waiters, cashiers); trade group workers (bartenders, salespeople). In public catering, production workers include such specialties as bakers, confectioners, cooks, etc. Workers in main positions, professions, and specialties are divided into a number of qualification categories that characterize the degree of complexity of the work: sellers and cashiers - 3, specialists - 4, cooks, bakers, confectioners - 6, etc. Analysis of the number of employees

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    In order to effectively manage the process of formation and use of personnel, other types of classifications are used: by gender and age, by length of service, in relation to property, and by the nature of labor relations. Thus, the composition of personnel according to natural (gender, age) and acquired (experience, profession) characteristics forms a special personnel structure, which can be:  statistical, reflecting the distribution and movement of employees by category and position by profession, specialty and qualifications;  analytical, divided into general according to such criteria as length of service, education, and private - according to the ratio of individual categories of workers. Analysis of the number of employees

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    The initial data for determining the number are: - production program; - standards of time, production and maintenance; - measures to reduce labor costs, etc.

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    The main methods for calculating quantitative personnel requirements are: 1. Calculations based on the labor intensity of the production program. The standard number (Nch) of workers (main piece workers) is determined by the formula: where Tpl is the planned labor intensity of the production program, standard hours; Fn – standard balance of working time of one worker per year (calculated effective working time fund), h; KVN - the expected rate of fulfillment of time standards. The planned labor intensity of the production program is determined by the planned standard of labor costs per unit of production, multiplied by the planned output. The method of calculating the number of people based on the labor intensity of the production program is the most accurate and reliable.

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    According to production standards. In this case, the formula can be used: where Qpl is the planned volume of production for a period of time (in established units of measurement); Nvyr is the planned production rate for the period (in the same units of measurement). According to service standards. Planning the number of main workers and auxiliary workers performing work for which there are service standards comes down to determining the total number of service objects, taking into account work shifts. The formula is used: where Ko is the number of units of installed equipment; C – number of work shifts; But - service rate (number of equipment units serviced by one worker); KSP is the conversion factor for the number of workers present. In discontinuous production, Ksp is defined as the ratio of the nominal time fund to the useful (effective), and in continuous production - as the ratio of the calendar time fund to the useful one. Planning the number of employees and labor productivity

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    By jobs. This method usually determines the number of support workers, for whom neither the volume of work nor service standards can be established. Nch = M * C * Ksp, where M is the number of jobs. The number of service personnel can also be determined by aggregated service standards. For example, the number of cleaners can be determined by the number of square meters of premises, while wardrobe attendants can be determined by the number of people served. The number of employees can be determined based on the analysis of industry average data, and in their absence, according to developed standards. The number of managers can be determined taking into account controllability standards and a number of other factors. In addition to the number of employees, a quantitative characteristic of the labor potential of an enterprise can be presented as a labor resource fund (LRF) in man-days, man-hours: FLR = Chsp * Trv, where Chsp is the average number of employees; Трв - the average duration of the working period in days or hours. Planning the number of employees and labor productivity

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    1. The economic nature of labor resources.

    Labor resources are a form of expression of human resources, which represent one of the types of economic resources along with material ones. The peculiarity of human resources is that they are both resources for economic development and people, consumers of material goods and services. However, depending on the social and psychological qualities of people, gender, age, education, health, and marital status, their material and moral needs are different. The concept of “labor resources” is a market category, has broad informative content and makes it possible to use it as an effective tool for state regulation of the labor market. Labor resources are the part of the working population that has the physical and mental abilities and knowledge necessary to carry out useful activities.

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    The entire population, depending on age, is divided into (until January 1, 2012): Persons under working age (children under 16 years of age inclusive); Persons of working age (in Ukraine: women - from 16 to 54 years, men - from 16 to 59 years inclusive); Persons over working age, upon reaching which an old-age pension is established (in Ukraine: women - from 55, men - from 60).

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    The Ukrainian Rada approved raising the retirement age for women to 60 years. The Ukrainian parliament has generally adopted a pension reform, which provides for a gradual increase in the retirement age for women from 55 to 60 years. The law came into force on January 1, 2012. In particular, the pension reform provides for a gradual increase in the retirement age for women from 55 to 60 years. Thus, over the next ten years, the retirement age for women will increase by six months every year. In addition, the retirement age for male civil servants is being raised from 60 to 62 years. The adoption of this reform is necessary for the continuation of Ukraine’s cooperation with the International Monetary Fund.

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    Depending on the ability to work, a distinction is made between persons who are able to work and those who are unable to work. Disabled persons of working age are disabled people of groups 1 and 2, and able-bodied persons of working age are teenagers and working age pensioners. Labor resources include: the population of working age, except for non-working disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups and non-working persons who receive pensions on preferential terms (women who have given birth to five or more children and are raising them until they are eight years old, as well as persons who retired early due to harsh and harmful working conditions); working persons of retirement age; working persons under 16 years of age. According to Ukrainian legislation, students of secondary schools, vocational and secondary special educational institutions can be hired for work in their free time from school on a part-time basis if they reach 15 years of age with the consent of one of the parents or the person who replaces them, provided doing light work.

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    The entire population is divided into economically active and economically inactive. The economically active population is the part of the population that offers its ability to work to produce goods and provide a variety of services. Quantitatively, this group of the population consists of employed and unemployed people who currently do not have a job, but want to get one. The economically active population includes persons aged 15-70 years. They perform work for remuneration on a full-time or part-time basis, work individually (independently) or for individual citizen employers, in their own (family) enterprise. The economically inactive population is that part of the population that is not part of the labor force. These include: pupils, students, cadets who study as full-time students in educational institutions; persons who receive an old-age pension or on preferential terms; persons who receive a pension due to disability; persons engaged in housekeeping, caring for children and sick relatives; persons who cannot find a job have stopped looking for it, having exhausted all possibilities, but they are able and ready to work; other persons who do not need to work regardless of their source of income.

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    2. Phases of reproduction and the system of labor resource balances.

    The use of labor resources in the labor process involves their reproduction, which is interconnected with the reproduction of the social product. The process of reproduction of labor resources is divided into separate phases, namely: the formation phase, the distribution phase and redistribution, the use phase. The formation phase is characterized by: - ​​natural reproduction, that is, the birth of people and their reaching working age; - restoration of the ability to work among existing employees. To do this, they need food, clothing, housing, as well as the entire infrastructure of modern human existence (transport, communications, etc.); - people obtaining education, specialty and certain labor qualifications. The phase of distribution and redistribution of labor resources is characterized by their distribution by type of work, type of activity, as well as by organizations, enterprises, districts, and regions of the country. The distribution of labor resources is also carried out in accordance with gender, age, level of education and health. The use phase is the use of the economically active population in enterprises, organizations and the economy as a whole. In this phase, the main problem is to provide employment to the population and to use workers effectively. Demographic factors in the formation of the region's labor resources are the intensity of population reproduction, which depends on the birth rate, since the higher this level, the faster the labor resources grow, as well as on migration processes, that is, depending on the ratio of the number of people entering and leaving, labor resources increase or decrease resources. The influence of demographic factors on the use of labor resources is manifested, first of all, through the age structure of the population, which is not the same in different regions and, in this regard, there is a different distribution of people of working age into working and non-working parts.

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    The formation and use of labor resources in the regions is influenced by such important socio-economic factors as features of the structure of production, as well as economic conditions (growth, stabilization or decline in production). The number of workers, teenagers and pensioners, the number of unemployed, the distribution of workers by industry, profession, and professional training of the workforce depend on these factors. All phases are organically interconnected. There are extensive and intensive types of labor force reproduction. Extensive reproduction means an increase in the number of labor resources in individual regions and in the country as a whole without changing their qualitative characteristics. Intensive reproduction of labor resources is associated with changes in their quality. This is an increase in the educational level of workers, their qualifications, physical and mental abilities, etc. Extensive and intensive types of labor resource reproduction mutually complement each other.

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    The main source of replenishment of the labor force is young people who are entering working age. The number of this category depends on the mode of its reproduction (expanded reproduction - the excess of the number of births over the number of deaths per 1000 people of the population; simple reproduction - the absence of population growth, that is, the number of births is equal to the number of deaths per 1000 people of the population; narrowed reproduction - not only there is no natural increase, but there is also an absolute decrease - depopulation), which is associated with a decrease in the marriage rate and birth rate in the country, as well as the level of infant mortality. The current demographic situation is characterized by a tendency to reduce the population of Ukraine and its economically active part.

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    The population of Ukraine in November decreased by 10.74 thousand people. The population of Ukraine as of December 1, 2011 amounted to 45 million 644 thousand 419 people. Based on these data, it should be noted that at the end of November 2011, the country's population decreased by 10 thousand 744 people.

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    The population of Ukraine as of November 1, 2011 was 45 million 655 thousand 163 people. At the end of October, the population of Ukraine decreased by 10 thousand 118 people. As of December 1, 2011, among the regions, the largest population is located in Donetsk (4 million 405 thousand 768) and Dnepropetrovsk (3 million 321 thousand 366) regions. The smallest is in the city of Sevastopol (381 thousand 107) and Chernivtsi region (905 thousand 225). According to statistics, as of December 1, 31 million 384 thousand 743 people lived in Ukraine in urban areas and 14 million 259 thousand 676 people lived in rural areas. Let us note that as of January 1, 2011, the population in Ukraine was 45 million 778.5 thousand people. Thus, the overall population decline in January-November 2011 reached 134 thousand 115 people, which was 0.1% compared to the corresponding period in 2010. According to the expectations of the State Statistics Service, the population of Ukraine at the end of 2011 will be 45 million 630, 2 thousand people. Compared to 2010, the population will decrease by 0.3%. The urban population will be 31 million 373.9 thousand people, the rural population - 14 million 256.3 thousand people. The average population in 2011 will be 45 million 704.4 thousand people.

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    According to the UN forecast, if the dynamics of population decline continues until 2030, the number of Ukrainians will decrease to 39 million. As noted in the UN demographic report, Ukraine has the lowest natural population growth in the world. The Ukrainian government plans to conduct a population census in 2012. The population census, according to UN rules, is carried out every 10 years. The first all-Ukrainian census was carried out in 2001, so the next one was planned for 2011. However, due to a lack of funds, it was postponed, initially for an indefinite period, and only recently the government approved a new date for the census - 2012. October 31, according to the UN , the 7 billionth inhabitant of the planet was born on Earth. Only 12 years have passed since the milestone of 6 billion people was reached (the 6 billion level was reached in 1999). Every year the population of our planet increases by 80 million people, which approximately corresponds to the population of Germany. According to the UN, the bulk of the increase is taking place in the poorest countries of Africa and Asia; with such dynamics, in the near future they will inevitably face the problem of shortages of water, food and jobs for citizens. According to a UN report, Europe's population will peak at 740 million by 2025 and then begin to decline.

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    The emergence of market relations is characterized by the natural movement of employment from the production sector to the service sector. The development of a system of their balances is important for the rational formation and distribution of labor resources. The system of labor resource balances includes: consolidated balance of jobs and labor resources (reporting and planned); balance of calculation of additional needs for workers, professionals, specialists and technical employees and sources of their provision; balance calculation of the need for training of qualified workers; balance calculation of attracting young people to study and distributing them upon completion of studies; balance calculations of the need for professionals and specialists; intersectoral balance of labor costs; working time balance. A system of balance sheets and balance sheet calculations is being developed for individual regions and for the state as a whole. In this case, it is necessary to take into account: labor market conditions, dynamics and structure of jobs in the planning period; changes in the demographic structure of the population, directions and scale of migration processes; dynamics of the number and structure of employment of the working age population; efficient use of labor resources; sources and scale of formation of the professional qualification structure of workers; the rate of increase in labor productivity and the like.

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    The balance of labor resources is a system of interrelated indicators that characterize the formation and distribution of labor resources. It consists of two parts: resource (labor resources) and distribution (distribution of labor resources). In modern conditions of the formation of market relations, there is a discrepancy between the availability of resources and the need for them. The efficiency of using labor resources as an economic resource largely depends on the composition of labor resources by gender, age, education, professionalism, health, etc. Labor resources, which are considered taking into account these parameters, represent labor potential. Labor potential is a set of quantitative and qualitative characteristics, abilities and capabilities of the working population, which are realized within and under the influence of the existing system of relations. The natural basis of these characteristics of labor potential is the population, which is assessed depending on demographic reproduction, life potential and health of different categories and age groups, and migration movements.

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    The labor potential of an employee is his possible working capacity, his resource capabilities in the world of work. In the process of practical activity, potential opportunities are not always fully used. At an enterprise, labor potential represents the total labor capacity of its team, resource capabilities in the field of labor of all employees of the enterprise, based on their age, physical capabilities, knowledge and professional skills. Thus, labor potential expresses, on the one hand, the possibility of participation of an employee or all members of the enterprise team in socially useful activities as a specific production resource, and on the other hand, the characteristics of the qualities of workers that reflect the level of development of their abilities, suitability and preparedness to perform work of a certain type. type and quality, attitude to work, opportunities and readiness to work with full dedication of strength and abilities.

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    The following parameters of the labor potential of the enterprise team are identified: 1) parameters of the production components of labor potential: number of personnel; the amount of working time that can be worked at a normal level of labor intensity; professional qualification structure; increasing and updating professional level; creative activity. 2) parameters that characterize the socio-demographic components of labor potential: gender and age structure; the level of education; family structure; health status, etc. Qualitative characteristics include assessment of: - the physical and psychological potential of workers (the employee’s ability and inclination to work, state of health, physical development, etc.); - the volume of general and special knowledge, labor skills and abilities that determine the ability to work of a certain quality (educational, qualification levels, etc.); - qualities of team members as subjects of economic activity (responsibility, participation in the economic activities of the enterprise, etc.).

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    Some qualitative characteristics can be assessed using quantitative indicators. For example, to assess the state of health, indicators of the frequency and severity of diseases per 100 workers are used, to assess the level of qualifications - an indicator of the average category of workers, the level of professional training - an indicator of the proportion of people who graduated from vocational schools, the number of months of professional training. The labor potential of an enterprise is a variable value. Its quantitative and qualitative characteristics change under the influence of both objective factors and management decisions.

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    3. The social essence of employment. Problems of unemployment.

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    The use of labor resources is characterized by the employment indicator. Employment is the activity of a part of the population aimed at creating a social product (national income). This is precisely its economic essence. Employment is the most generalized characteristic of the economy. It reflects the achieved level of economic development, the contribution of living labor to the achievement of production. Employment combines production and consumption, and its structure determines the nature of their relationships. The social essence of employment reflects a person’s need for self-expression, as well as the satisfaction of material and spiritual needs through the income that a person receives for his work. The demographic essence of employment reflects the interdependence of employment with the gender and age characteristics of the population, its structure, and the like. The principles of employment in market conditions are: the right of citizens to manage their ability to perform productive and creative work. responsibility of the state for creating conditions for the realization of citizens' right to work, promoting the disclosure of human interests and needs by providing freedom and voluntariness in choosing the sphere of socially useful activities.

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    In accordance with the International Classification of Employment Status, six groups of the employed population are distinguished: employees; employers; persons who work at their own expense; members of production cooperatives; family members who help with work; workers who are not classified by status. According to the Law of Ukraine “On Employment of the Population”, the employed population includes citizens of our country who reside on its territory legally, namely: 1. employed on a full-time or part-time (weekly) basis at enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of the form of ownership, in international and foreign organizations in Ukraine and abroad; 2. citizens who independently provide themselves with work, including entrepreneurs, individuals engaged in self-employment, creative activities, members of cooperatives, farmers and members of their families who participate in production; 3. selected, appointed or approved for a paid position in government bodies, management or public associations; 4. citizens who serve in the Armed Forces, border, internal, railway troops, national security and internal affairs agencies; 5. persons who undergo vocational training, retraining and advanced training outside of work; students in daytime comprehensive schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions; 6. those involved in raising children, caring for the sick, disabled and elderly citizens; 7. working citizens of other states who are temporarily in Ukraine and perform functions not related to supporting the activities of embassies and missions.

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    The unemployed population is able-bodied citizens of working age who do not have permanent or temporary work, are not looking for work, are not registered with the state employment service and have income outside of work. The temporarily unemployed population is able-bodied citizens of working age who do not have suitable work, registered with the state employment service as those looking for work. It is established by law that a job is considered suitable if it meets the education, profession (specialty), qualifications of the employee and is provided in the same area where he lives. The salary must correspond to the level that the person had in his previous job, taking into account its average level that has developed in the industry of the corresponding region over the past three months. An important problem of economic science and a key task of the state’s socio-economic policy is to achieve full and effective employment. In modern economic theory and practice, full employment is understood as a state of the economy in which everyone who wants to work has a job with payment at the level of real salary that exists at a given time.

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    Full employment can be achieved at any level of involvement in paid labor, if the number of jobs meets the needs of the population. However, not every workplace can meet the need for it. This is evidenced by the presence of vacant (unoccupied) jobs along with the presence of unemployed people. Therefore, we should talk about economically viable jobs, that is, productive jobs that enable a person to realize his personal interests, achieve a high level of labor productivity and have decent earnings that guarantee the normal reproduction of the worker and his family. Therefore, full employment means that the demand for economically viable jobs matches the supply of labor. This balance makes it possible to ensure high results throughout the economy, since they are based on scientific and technical achievements and high labor productivity.

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    The realization of the interests of society in general and each person in particular will be facilitated by: Constant improvement of jobs, Creation of new jobs that meet modern requirements, Removal of old jobs that do not meet economic feasibility from the production process. In this interpretation, full employment can be called productive. Consequently, the further development of the economy should come from the interests of both the economy itself and the person (humanization of the economy). In a socially oriented economy, full employment can be effective if it provides decent income, health, and an increase in the educational and professional level of each member of society based on an increase in social productivity.

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    A quantitative assessment of effective employment can be characterized using a system of indicators: 1. The level of employment of the population in professional work. The employment rate of the population in professional labor is determined by dividing those employed in professional labor by the total population. This indicator reflects the dependence of employment on demographic factors (fertility rates, mortality rates and population growth). This coefficient is one of the characteristics of the well-being of society. 2. The level of employment of the working-age population in the public economy. This indicator is associated with the dynamics of the working-age population depending on changes in demographic and socio-economic factors. It is calculated similarly to the first indicator, that is, as the ratio of the population engaged in professional work to the total working-age population (labor resources).

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    3. The level of distribution of society's labor resources across areas of socially beneficial activities. The coefficients of employment in studies, in the household and in other types of socially useful activities are determined similarly to the previous ones in order to establish the necessary proportions in the distribution of labor resources. 4. The level of rational structure of distribution of workers across industries and sectors of the economy. This indicator characterizes rational employment and has independent significance. Rational employment represents the proportions of the distribution of labor potential by type of occupation, industry, and sector of the economy. 5. Level of professional and qualification structure of employees. This indicator characterizes the correspondence of the professional and qualification structure of the working population to the structure of jobs.

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    There are primary and secondary employment. Primary employment characterizes employment at the main place of work. If, in addition to the main job or study, there is also additional employment, it is called secondary employment. Types of employment characterize the distribution of the active part of labor resources by areas of labor use, professions, and specialties. When determining types of employment, the following are taken into account: the nature of the activity; social affiliation; industry affiliation; territorial affiliation; level of urbanization; professional qualification level; gender; age level; type of property. Employment by nature of activity is: - work in organizations of different forms of ownership and management; - work abroad and in joint ventures; - Military service; - studies in daytime educational institutions; - housekeeping; - individual labor activity; - raising children in a family; - looking after the sick, disabled and elderly people; - other types of activities established by law.

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    Employment by social class: workers; professionals, specialists, technical employees; managers; farmers; entrepreneurs. Employment by industry: in the field of material production; in the non-production sphere; in certain large industries (industry, agriculture, construction, transport and communications, etc.). Employment by territorial affiliation: in certain regions; in economic areas. Employment by level of urbanization: in urban areas; in the countryside. Employment by type of ownership: state; private; collective; mixed. Employment for personal use of working time: full-time; incomplete; clearly incomplete; hidden incomplete; partial.

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    Full employment is an activity during a full working day (week, season, year), which provides income in the normal amount for a given region. Underemployment characterizes the employment of a specific person either for part-time work or with incomplete pay or insufficient efficiency. Underemployment can be obvious or hidden. Obvious underemployment is predetermined by social reasons, in particular the need to obtain an education, a profession, improve qualifications, and the like. Hidden underemployment reflects an imbalance between labor and other factors of production. It is associated, in particular, with a decrease in production volumes, reconstruction of the enterprise and manifests itself in low incomes of the population, incomplete use of professional competence or low labor productivity.

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    Part-time work is voluntary part-time work. In addition to these types of employment, there are also so-called non-traditional ones, which include: seasonal, temporary employment, part-time employment. Today in Ukraine these types of employment cover the majority of the population. Part-time employment is work on a part-time shift due to the inability to provide the employee with work for full working hours or at the request of the employee in accordance with his social needs, as well as in connection with the modernization or reconstruction of production. Temporary employment is work under temporary contracts. The temporary category includes workers who are hired under contracts for a specific period.

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    Seasonal employment is employment that is associated with the specifics of production. The work is provided for a certain period on a full-time basis and is formalized by an appropriate contract. In the conditions of a transition economy in Ukraine, an unregulated form of employment is quite common, which functions as both primary and secondary employment of citizens. Unregulated employment is the activity of the working-age population, which is excluded from the sphere of social and labor norms and relations and is not taken into account by state statistics. The expansion of unregulated employment is accompanied by a further depreciation of the labor force, a decrease in motivation to work, primarily in the public sector, and rising inflation and prices. Income from such activities is not taxed, so the state bears certain losses.

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    3. The social essence of employment. Unemployment problems

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