Innovation cluster in the Republic of Crimea. Innovation cluster in the Republic of Crimea Analysis of innovative activities of Crimean enterprises

For the sustainable development of enterprises in the agro-industrial complex, the growth of innovative activity is crucial, which includes the development and implementation of innovations, as well as the skillful use of scientific and technical progress achievements.

One of the main sectors of the agro-industrial complex of Crimea is agriculture. The introduction of innovations in agricultural enterprises is associated, first of all, with a high degree of investment risk, since there is a risk of uncertainty in obtaining an increased result.

Innovative activities in agriculture can bring both positive results for the agro-industrial complex and put the agro-industrial enterprise in a difficult position if the innovations turn out to be lower than the expected results. .

In this connection, one of the main conditions for the development of agricultural production in modern market relations is to increase the efficiency of innovation activity in agriculture.

Innovation is the main element of the development of a market economy; it is an innovation that ensures the functioning of new processes or the development of products in demand in the market.

The innovative strategy for the development of agriculture is directly related to the development and adoption of innovations that ensure the competitiveness of agricultural products. .

The development of innovative activities in the agro-industrial complex is impossible without financial support and the gradual restoration of agricultural production. Therefore, there are a number of factors influencing the development of innovation in the agro-industrial complex, which can be presented as follows (see Table 1).

Table 1

Factors influencing the development of innovation in the agro-industrial complex

The complexity of introducing innovations in the agricultural sector is determined by the strengthening role of the state in stimulating innovation, the combination of various types and methods of managing innovation activities.

The development and implementation of innovations in the agro-industrial complex of Crimea is carried out in accordance with the strategy for the development of innovation activity in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for the period until 2020, developed on the basis of the Strategy for economic and social development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for the period until 2020.

Currently, the agricultural complex is focused on providing crop and livestock products primarily to local domestic markets serving sanatorium-resort and tourist complexes.

The main problems hindering the development of innovation are the lack of modern infrastructure of the agricultural market; low investment attractiveness and unsatisfied state of innovation in agricultural production. Agricultural enterprises are characterized by a low level of processing of domestically produced agricultural products and their non-compliance with international quality standards.

The main goal of the strategy for the development of innovative activities of agricultural enterprises is to achieve a sustainable level and quality of life based on an innovative-type socio-economic system, which will be carried out within the following areas:

Development of high quality agricultural product;

Formation of a base of modern environmentally friendly technologies;

Increasing export capital;

Formation of effective information support;

Introduction of cluster principles of economic organization of agricultural enterprises.

The innovative strategy of an enterprise is determined by such important components as the facility and resources that the agro-industrial enterprise has, market positions and general economic structure (controlled market share, access to sources of financing and raw materials, state of competitiveness).

The development of high-quality agricultural production based on modern environmentally friendly technologies, capable of ensuring food security for the population and recreationists and increasing the export potential of traditional industries in the region, as well as reviving the social sphere of the village, is one of the priority areas of the strategy for the development of innovative activities of the Crimean agro-industrial complex. .

The low level of provision with innovative technologies for processing and storage of products shows the predominant development of raw materials in agricultural production; most agricultural producers do not have the opportunity to supply agricultural products to markets.

A market economy, which is characterized by intense competition, requires a special approach to innovation. With the goal of increasing efficiency, innovation opens up broad prospects for the development of modern entrepreneurship. Successful innovation activities enable an enterprise to create a positive image, increase competitiveness, use limited resources more efficiently, and increase profits. The development of an innovative development strategy ensures the progressive, proportional, effective development of the enterprise, its economic stability and security. In modern economic conditions, it is necessary to ensure food security in Ukraine, which is one of the priority areas of the region’s development strategy. Food security can only be ensured by the stable work of domestic agricultural producers; this is possible only with government support for the innovative activities of the agro-industrial complex. Therefore, direct participation of the state in the widespread application of modern modernized innovative technologies is necessary.

Thus, the basis for achieving the economic success of agricultural enterprises is the development of an appropriate innovation strategy, improvement of production manufacturability, economic effect and the results of introducing innovative renewal of the enterprise. The current level of development of innovative activity in the Crimean agro-industrial complex directly depends on the attraction of extra-budgetary sources of financing, the implementation of microcredit at the state level, as well as the formation of agro-industrial clusters.

Used sources

1. Lukinov I.I. Strategy and mechanisms for reforming the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. / I.I. Lukinov "3rd book of sciences, work of KhDAU" No. 5, 2001, p. 26.

2. Strategy for socio-economic development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for 2011-2020. No. 1-1/1790 dated August 12, 2010

Khairova E.A.
Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region. - 2012. - No. 219. - P.98-100.

Formulation of the problem. The world economy of the 21st century is characterized by the term “global knowledge economy”, or “innovation economy”, the main factors in the formation and development of which are knowledge and human capital.

In modern economic conditions, characterized by increased globalization and intensified regionalization processes, increasing the competitiveness of national economic systems and regions becomes a priority task of economic development and is determined by the effectiveness of scientific, technical and innovative activities. In the context of the transition of the Ukrainian economy to an innovative path of development, the problem of the formation and implementation of regional innovation policy is becoming more urgent.

In the domestic economic literature, the works of such scientists as: Z.O. are devoted to the problems of the formation of national and regional innovation systems. Adamanova, L.L. Antonyuk, N.V. Apatova, V.S. Savchuk, N.Ya. Petrakov, S.V. Kortov, N. Beketova, V. Podkolzina, A. Shabarova, L. Shakhovskoy.

The purpose of the article is to consider the main aspects of the development of innovation activity in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the development of measures to improve the management system of innovation activity in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Research results. World experience shows that industrialized countries have made their breakthrough into the world market, primarily through the development of innovation and the mobilization of intellectual resources. In the context of global economic competition, the dominant positions are occupied by states that provide the most favorable conditions for innovation and apply the most effective methods for managing innovation processes. The success of innovation activity is determined, first of all, by the effectiveness of the implementation of state innovation policy.

The formation of an innovative model of regional development occurs under the influence of global and national trends, taking into account regional innovation priorities that do not contradict the state and correspond to the characteristics of production, resource, human and scientific potential. In this regard, the innovation system of the region can be considered as a subsystem of the innovation sector of the country and the socio-economic sphere of the region. Consequently, the creation of an innovation system involves the formation of a complex of scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic, legal conditions for sustainable economic development, increasing the living standards of the population based on transformations of the regional economy and the creation of competitive products. Based on this, the main goals of the region’s innovation policy are:

Permanent increase in competitive advantages,
- activation of innovation processes,
- increasing the level of development of innovative potential,
- creation of a favorable investment climate,
- increasing innovative activity.

The development of the region based on innovation is the most important factor in its competitiveness. In general, the innovation process can be represented as a mechanism for increasing innovation activity, which includes the presence of an effective regional innovation system for realizing the existing innovation potential in the current conditions, with the aim of creating popular innovative products, their further successful commercialization and, as a result, increasing the competitiveness of the region.

The development of a regional innovation policy strategy must, first of all, correspond to the priorities of the socio-economic development of the region as a whole. The main directions of the strategy for socio-economic development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for 2011-2020. are:

1) reforming the health resort and tourism sector, in particular the comprehensive implementation of the potential of health resort treatment and tourism through the introduction of innovative technologies in recreational activities;
2) the formation of the agricultural sector of the 21st century, which involves the development of high-quality agricultural production based on modern knowledge-intensive and environmentally friendly technologies;
3) modernization of the sectoral structure of industry, which involves the creation of a competitive industry based on the use of advanced achievements of science and technology in production activities;
4) development of transport potential, including increasing the level, quality and diversification of transport communications;
5) creating conditions for improving the standard of living of the population.

Innovative development of the economy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, taking into account the main directions of socio-economic development, assumes:

Strengthening the innovative orientation of the economy, increasing the volume of production of competitive products, resort-reactionary services and development of the social sphere;
- greening of production, balanced use and restoration of recreational and other natural resources;
- accelerating the development of priority sectors of the economy that provide the population and the recreational and tourism complex with high-quality food products, goods and services, expanding their export capabilities.

The basis for the development of innovation policy at the regional level is a comprehensive study of the existing innovation potential, its dynamics, and implementation results. The level of development of innovation potential reflects the effectiveness of innovation activities and determines the priority directions for the development of the regional economy (Table 1).

Table 1.

Indicators of innovative activity of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the period 2005-2010.

Indicators 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Number of innovatively active enterprises, units. 33 24 33 40 31 37
Volume of innovative products sold, UAH million. 932,2 557,9 624 280,1 174,5 163
Amount of costs for innovation activities, UAH million 93,6 90,2 185 225,6 129,8 146,7
Volume of expenses for research and development in industry, UAH million 1,5 2,8 9,4 12,3 21,2 12,7
Share of sold innovative products in industrial volume,% 14,5 7,9 6,5 2,3 1,4 1,1
Share of industrial enterprises introducing innovations, % 6,6 6,1 8,7 9,9 6,8 6,9
Number of scientific and technical works performed, units. 2996 3053 1545 1304 1019 1005
Share of innovatively active enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the total volume of enterprises in Ukraine, % 11,9 11,2 14,2 13,0 12,8 13,8

Characterizing the development of innovative activity in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, it should be noted that before the onset of the crisis in 2008, there was a positive trend in innovative development, but in terms of effectiveness, in comparison with the leading regions of Ukraine, Crimea lags significantly behind. In recent years, the region’s economy continues to slowly increase the lost indicators of innovative development, however, taking into account the fact that the depreciation of fixed assets in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea increases every year and the outdated material and technical base continues to be used, while reducing production efficiency, it is necessary to urgently intensify the process innovation activity through the implementation of an effective state innovation policy.

The most important indicator of the innovativeness of the economy is the innovative activity of enterprises; among the factors constraining innovative processes in enterprises, the following are distinguished:

Insufficient own funds (44.5%),
- high monetary cost of innovation costs (34.8%),
- presence of more competitive organizations (20.3%),
- insufficient government funding (19.4%),
- insufficiency of external financing (16.3%) and others (Table 2).

Table 2.

Distribution of factors constraining innovation processes in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Factor Number of cases as a percentage of the total number when the enterprise indicated the proposed factor
Insufficient funds within the organization or group 44, 5
Innovation costs are too high 34,8
The market is dominated by well-equipped organizations 20,3
Insufficient government funding 19,4
Insufficient funding from sources outside the organization 16,3
Difficult to find cooperation partners 16,3
There is no need, since there is no demand for innovation 8,8
Insufficient qualified personnel 7,5
There is no accurate information on the demand for innovative goods (services) 6,6
Insufficient information about markets 5,3
Not enough information about technologies 4
No need, as innovations have recently been introduced 1,8

Consequently, for autonomous enterprises, the most significant limiting factor in the innovation process is the lack of funding, from all sources: their own, state and other borrowed funds.

The Autonomous Republic of Crimea has significant scientific, technical and innovative potential for the development of innovative activities, however, due to accumulated unresolved problems, in particular the widening gap between science and production; the protracted transformation of administrative-command management of the economy into a market economic system; lack of benefits and preferences, as well as favorable conditions for financing innovation activities; the lack of a consistent and systematic nature of innovation management in the region, the innovative development of the region becomes extremely difficult.

Taking into account regional innovation priorities, analysis of the development of innovation activity in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and consideration of existing problems in the development of innovation activity in the region, the following activities are necessary to intensify and effectively innovate:

Formation of a regional system for managing innovation activities;
- formation of an effective innovation and investment strategy for the development of the recreational and tourism complex - as a basic sector of the regional economy;
- formation of clusters of “innovation activity” - as an effective tool for enhancing innovation activity.

In the current economic conditions of development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, one of the main strategic priorities is the formation of a regional innovation system with a developed infrastructure and an effective regulatory mechanism. Effective management of the innovation process is necessary to implement the following activities:

Coordination of scientific research,
- stimulation of innovative activity,
- improvement of the legislative framework,
- targeted financing,
- regulation of international cooperation, etc.

Improving the innovation management system should be based on the creation of systems of relevant bodies for managing innovation processes in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The main elements of which, in our opinion, may be:

Regional Innovation Fund is the leading body for intensifying innovation activities in the region;
- regional venture fund that supports innovative businesses;
- regional center for innovative development;
- center for engineering and technology transfer;
- Council of Scientific and Technical Activities;
- technological research center;
- small and medium business support fund;
- center for marketing and analytical research and expertise;
- investment attraction agencies.

The main point in the formation of a regional innovation management system is the determination of the fundamental role of the state in providing financial support and introducing organizational and regulatory measures.

Taking into account the specifics of our peninsula, the program of socio-economic development of Crimea for 2011-2020 developed by the government defines one of the most important strategic priorities as the effective functioning of the recreational and tourism complex and its formation on an innovative basis as the main sector of the republic’s economy. Important in this direction is the formation of an effective innovation and investment strategy for the region, aimed at creating a favorable investment climate that increases the innovative attractiveness of the region for foreign investors, reforming tax legislation to enhance investment activity, updating investment in human resources to increase the intellectual potential of the region.

An innovative direction for the development of the tourism industry in Crimea should be the creation of resort towns in coastal cities. The organization of resort towns provides for the creation of free economic zones, and contributes to the development of urban infrastructure, the activation of investment activity, and, consequently, the improvement of the investment climate. In this regard, it is advisable to grant the Southern Coast of Crimea (SC) the status of a tourist and recreational zone, free of taxes and having various types of preferential taxation, contributing to the emergence of a competitive tourism product, transferring the hospitality, recreation and travel industry to an innovative path of development.

A prerequisite for the development of the regional innovation model of the ARC is the use of a cluster strategy. The communication network characteristic of an innovation cluster will create favorable conditions for the diffusion of new technologies and is based on a combination of internal capabilities and external incentives of participants to intensify innovation activities. The implementation of structural transformations of the region based on the development of clusters consists in the formation of innovation clusters as an integral system for creating new products and technologies, interconnected and concentrated in a certain economic space. It is advisable to create the following clusters of “innovation activity”:

Industrial parks (Bakhchisaray, Dzhankoy, Krasnoperekopsk),
- agro-industrial complexes (Krasnogvardeyskoye, Dzhankoy),
- knowledge-intensive clusters (Simferopol, Sevastopol).

Conclusions. As a result of the study, we identified the main aspects of the development of innovation activity in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, identified priority measures to enhance the innovation process in the region, in particular those related to improving the innovation management system in the region, creating an effective innovation and investment strategy, forming innovative structures in the tourism industry, and economic development region based on a cluster strategy. Carrying out these events is aimed at enhancing the innovative development of the region, increasing its competitiveness, improving the socio-economic situation and ensuring sustainable development.

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“SOME ASPECTS OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES (based on materials from industrial enterprises of Crimea) Abibullaev M.S. ..."



(based on materials from industrial enterprises of Crimea)

Abibullaev M.S.

Tauride National University named after. In I. Vernadsky

Nowadays, an increasing number of enterprises are realizing

the huge role of innovation in the successful organization of its activities,

conquering new markets, strengthening competitive advantages. Enterprises

They try, to the best of their ability, to update fixed assets, introducing new technologies into production, produce new types of products, update the list of services provided, improving their quality. Ukrainian government authorities also recognize the importance of innovation as a factor in accelerating economic growth in Ukraine. This problem is in the sphere of attention of both the legislative authorities (the Law of Ukraine “On Innovation Activity” was adopted) and the executive authorities, which are developing strategies for innovative development of the entire country and its individual regions. Problems of innovative development of individual enterprises and the economy as a whole are also relevant for countries with a developed economic system. This is confirmed by the huge number of scientific works devoted to these problems, as well as the presence of specialized scientific and practical journals in these countries.

Both domestic and foreign scientists pay considerable attention to the problems of the influence of innovative structures (technoparks) on the development of the economy and the innovation and investment policy of regions, the intensification of innovative activity in certain industries and enterprises, and are also engaged in the development of scientific foundations for the analysis of innovative activity and evaluation of its effectiveness. Some scientific works study various approaches to managing the innovative development of business entities.

Economists offer various models characterizing the behavior of innovative firms in various markets.

Special attention in the research is paid to the problems of studying innovation activity from the point of view of various economic theories:

classical, neoclassical, evolutionary.

It should be noted that in research on innovation activity little attention is paid to assessing the innovative development of individual enterprises or their groups for one type of economic activity, namely how the enterprise’s activities related to the creation or implementation of something new influenced its position in the market. According to official statistics, one can only conclude how much money was spent on innovative activities, how many innovative products were produced and sold, etc. But these indicators do not represent the opportunity to draw a complete conclusion about the place of the enterprise in the market of manufactured products or a particular type of economic activity in the context innovative development.

A mechanism for assessing the innovative development of enterprises has still not been developed, the use of which could give a clear picture of the innovative activities of enterprises regionally or for a specific type of economic activity. The results of such an assessment are necessary, in our opinion, primarily for enterprises to develop adequate strategies for their development, as well as for regional authorities to develop policies in the field of innovation.

A review of the theoretical foundations of the study of innovation activity allows us to conclude that the innovative development of enterprises is most correctly considered from the point of view of evolutionary theory, because evolution is one of the forms of development.

Proponents of this economic theory speak of the evolution of enterprise activities as the evolution of biological systems, i.e. An enterprise is understood as a certain “living” system. In the process of interaction in the market, enterprises develop a certain “gene pool” (experience and behavioral skills), which helps them “survive” in the market and in the future.

The main factor for the survival of enterprises in the market, according to the founder of evolutionary economic theory J. Schumpeter, is the innovative activity of entrepreneurs.

What is interesting from the standpoint of evolutionary theory is that economic entities change over time, in contrast to basic neoclassical concepts that claim that entities remain unchanged within the framework of the described processes. So, for example, with an increase in sales volumes, a neoclassical enterprise does not change qualitatively, but only changes its quantitative characteristics. According to evolutionary theory, the process of increasing production volume is accompanied and carried out thanks to the accumulation of experience - production and commercial.

Thus, when studying the innovative development of enterprises, it is necessary to take into account the approaches of various economic theories. In our opinion, the evolutionary approach is interesting because it tries to explain the qualitative nature of innovative development of enterprises.

The study of innovation activity presupposes the presence of an appropriate methodology. In this regard, the methodology for assessing the levels of innovative development is of interest. Such an assessment can be useful in justifying changes in certain markets, cycles of downturns and booms in the economy, the role of innovation in an industry or regional context, etc. We propose a methodology that can allow us to assess (if appropriate initial data is available) the levels of innovative development of individual enterprises. As a result of using this methodology, it is possible to evaluate the innovative development of enterprises in the markets of a certain product, the place of the enterprise among competitors, which can allow the development of adequate innovation strategies.

When calculating the innovative development index, the following indicators are used: indicators of expenses for innovation activities (Iin.exp.), innovative product (, own funds for financing innovation activities (Iown sr-va.), new equipment and technology (Inov. technical) and level of education of personnel (Iob. pers.).

Using a simple average to find the innovative development index, in our opinion, will not adequately reflect the actual situation in relation to innovative development. Most likely, it is necessary to use the weighted average formula, giving certain weights to individual indicators. To determine the degree of significance of indicators used in assessing innovative development, it is necessary to use the method of expert assessments. The most innovative enterprises operating either in a specific market or across a particular region can act as experts. To determine the significance of these indicators, in 2004, together with the Main Department of Statistics of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, we conducted a survey of industrial enterprises in Crimea, the result of which was the determination of weights for each group of indicators included in the assessment of innovative development.

Thus, the index of innovative development of enterprises will look like this:

n1` I in. consumables + n2 I + n3 I own environment in + n4 I new tech + n5 I obra.pers I and. R. =, n1 + n 2 + n3 + n 4 + n5 where ni are the corresponding weights for each indicator of the innovative development index, found by expert means.

Special questionnaires were sent to Crimean industrial enterprises engaged in innovative activities to determine the significance of indicators for calculating the general index of innovative development. In this questionnaire, managers or those responsible for the innovative activities of enterprises were asked to rate on a five-point scale the importance of the factors of innovation activity and the motives that encourage them to carry out innovative activities.

The management of industrial enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea highly appreciated the availability of their own funds for carrying out innovative activities as a factor influencing the innovative activity of the enterprise (average score 4.46 points). Factors such as the availability of qualified personnel and its own strategy for conquering the market are also highly rated (average ratings of 4.46 and 4.62 points, respectively). Factors such as the ability to attract government resources, loans and other investments for innovation activities were assessed at the level of 3.5 points. Enterprises rated such a factor as the presence of a research base quite low.

Among the motives that encourage enterprises to carry out innovative activities, enterprise management rated the technical and technological group quite highly. Thus, motives associated with increasing production flexibility, reducing the consumption of raw materials and materials, and reducing energy consumption were rated at a level of 4.5 points. Management highly rated the motives associated with the personnel of enterprises: the insufficient number of qualified personnel as a motive was rated at 4.1 points, and the reduction of wage costs at 3.85 points. However, enterprises tend not to associate themselves with the professional skills of their staff: reducing dependence on the professional knowledge of employees thanks to the accumulation of know-how in computer databases

rated as a motive at 3.38 points.

Enterprise managers rated motives such as reducing labor stress, improving labor safety measures, and environmental protection measures with less than 3.5 points.

The results of calculating the index of innovative development of industrial enterprises based on statistical data from 2003 revealed an interesting picture.

On the one hand, the absolute indicators of innovative activity of industrial enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea have strong differences: some enterprises had higher innovation costs compared to other enterprises in the industry, some enterprises used completely different sources of financing, and the structure of innovation costs was completely different during the period under study. The volumes of innovative products sold also differed sharply.

On the other hand, the index of innovative development of industrial enterprises for the main types of economic activity, according to the calculations carried out, is in the vicinity of the value 0.2. Thus, we can conclude that the levels of innovative development of various industries in 2003 are practically the same. It should be noted that the levels of innovative development of industrial enterprises in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are quite low.

To confirm this, we selected indicators involved in calculating the innovative development index that correspond to the maximum possible innovative activity in industry. For such an enterprise, we received an innovative development index of 0.34.

Thus, the indices of innovative development of industrial enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are more than 1.5 times less than potentially possible.

The calculated indices of innovative development allow us to draw one very important conclusion. If, using the specified methodology, we calculate indices of innovative development for industrial enterprises within a certain type of economic activity, then we can make a comparison between the innovative development of individual enterprises. Such a comparison can provide an opportunity to develop appropriate innovation strategies. In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind the theoretical premises that innovative development provides potential advantages in the competition between enterprises. Moreover, these advantages are the most significant for quickly conquering the market.

The calculation of innovation development indices for various types of economic activity in industry showed that if these were enterprises of the same industry, they would have approximately the same capabilities in the field of innovation. Unfortunately, we were unable to obtain relevant information on the activities of enterprises in the same industry and calculate the corresponding indices. However, this can be done by regional economic management bodies (Ministry of Economy, Main Department of Statistics in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, etc.). But even the information received allows us to conclude that enterprise managers, state and regional authorities have significant work to do to enhance the innovative development of industrial enterprises.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the possibilities of using the results of assessment of innovative development by enterprise managers.

The innovative development index, even if it is calculated as a whole for one industry, can serve as a starting information point for accelerating innovative development. Each enterprise can independently calculate the innovative development index and compare its innovative development index with the index for the industry as a whole. This will enable the head of the enterprise: firstly, to determine his place among enterprises in the industry in the context of innovative development, and therefore to assess his competitive advantages, and secondly, to develop an appropriate strategy for further market conquest. In addition, the head of an enterprise, based on the results of calculating the innovative development index, can study its structure in detail and identify which indicators underestimate its value and which increase it. In other words, the head of an enterprise can identify weaknesses that hinder the innovative development of his enterprise.

By calculating the index of innovative development by period, you can observe its changes, as well as changes in the structural elements of the index over time, and make appropriate adjustments to the strategy of the enterprise.

Thus, the following main conclusions can be formulated. In the theory of studying innovative development of enterprises, it is necessary to determine the directions for using the provisions of classical, neoclassical economic theories and the provisions of the theory of evolutionary economics, as well as determine the possibility of their joint use. On the scale of regions or individual types of economic activity, it is necessary to assess the levels of innovative development, which will help enterprises develop adequate innovative strategies, and regional leadership adjust economic policy.


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Abibullayev M. Some Aspects of Innovational Development of the Enterprises.

The summary: in the article the theoretical bases of studying innovational development of the enterprises, technique of an estimation innovational development are opened. On materials innovational activity of the industrial enterprises analysis is spent, and also the results of interrogation of the chiefs of the enterprises under their attitude to innovational development are submitted.

Key words: innovation, innovational development, industrial enterprise.

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The speaker on the concept of creating a cluster was a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, an expert of the Advisory Council of the State Duma Committee on Energy, head of the section “Science, innovation and training in the field of energy saving” of the Scientific Expert Council under the Working Group for monitoring the implementation of legislation in the field energy, energy saving and increasing energy efficiency of the Federation Council Sergei Krents.

The conference was attended by representatives of leading research institutes in the field of innovation of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, representatives of educational institutions involved in training specialists and managers for innovative companies in the region, representatives of innovative companies of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.

In his report, Sergei Krents noted that for the Republic of Crimea, the introduction of mechanisms for enhancing the innovative activities of business entities in all spheres of economic activity is considered as the most important condition for structural restructuring of the economy, creating an attractive investment image, and solving social issues of the Republic of Crimea.

Realizing the priority of development of the resort and recreational sector, it should be noted that the basic basis of the economy of the Republic of Crimea is made up of industrial, transport, communications and fuel and energy enterprises, providing about 40% of revenues to budgets of all levels. The Republic of Crimea has a fairly developed industrial production infrastructure - there are 275 enterprises in the mining industry, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and ship repair, food and chemical industries, production and distribution of electricity, gas, heat and water.

An analysis of innovative activity in industry over the past 10 years has shown that about 400 new progressive technological processes have been introduced into production, of which a third are resource-saving (117). The volume of innovative products sold during this period amounted to about 12 billion rubles.

The largest number of innovatively active enterprises are mechanical engineering enterprises. "Fiolent Plant", OJSC "Simferopol Plastics Plant", OJSC "Pnevmatika", Feodosia State Optical Plant, LLC "Kerch Switch Plant", OJSC "Machine-Building Plant "SELMA", UPP UTOS "Krym Pak".

Manufacturers need not just ideas and scientific developments, but specific technologies, design documentation and prototypes with indicators that can ensure the global competitiveness of goods.

It will be possible to talk about a breakthrough in the high-tech sphere only when scientific institutions and higher education institutions consider this work to be one of the main tasks, when enterprises begin to produce new products based on new knowledge, when an organized innovation infrastructure.

We need a selection system and expert assessment of proposals from scientists and specialists. This will allow us to organize the development of innovative projects and business plans that are understandable and attractive to investors.

Creating favorable conditions for investment in industrial production is considered a priority direction of the industrial policy of the Republic of Crimea.

In the field of industrial production, it is necessary to form a portfolio of investment and innovation projects that are aimed at the radical reconstruction and modernization of production, the introduction of new technological processes and energy-saving equipment.

The creation of a regional innovation-industrial cluster in the field of industrial technologies, production of building materials, renewable and distributed energy in the Republic of Crimea will significantly contribute to the development and re-equipment of existing industrial production in the Republic of Crimea, solving urgent problems facing enterprises in reducing dependence on imports, production restoration, implementation of high-tech knowledge-intensive industries, development of renewable and distributed energy.

In accordance with the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the cluster approach ensures the competitive development potential of the region, a high level of cooperation between large corporations and defense industry organizations, on the one hand, with micro-, small and medium-sized businesses, scientific organizations of the FANO and the Russian Academy of Sciences, and universities, on the other hand. There is a large technological, scientific and educational reserve in the field of industry, production of building materials, renewable and distributed energy.

The main goals of creating an innovation and industrial cluster of the Republic of Crimea:

1. Attracting investments, both foreign and domestic, for investors to carry out production, research, innovation and other business activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation based on the organization of production infrastructure, as well as on the basis of developed special legislation that will regulate the activities of the cluster , including the provision of certain specified benefits.

2. Development of innovative activities that meet priorities in the development of industry and services, aimed at creating competitive high-tech products.

3. Creation of new jobs, increasing wages.

Fundamentally important for the successful and sustainable development of an innovation cluster is the presence of a powerful research core capable of ensuring the development of its own innovative products

The characteristic features of the created cluster may be: provision of communications of all types necessary for organizing the production process; availability of production, warehouse and office premises within the cluster territory (possibly a hotel); a professional and effective system for organizing access roads, parking areas for trucks and cars, loading and unloading areas, checkpoints, etc.; system for organizing the work of the cluster, including the provision of various types of services to resident companies of the innovation and industrial cluster, including information, consulting and legal services; support for the development of the cluster by local governments and executive authorities; proximity to major transport corridors (highways, railways, airports, pipelines, etc.); the presence of an acceptable professional level and cost of labor; the ability to provide the necessary communications; proximity to raw materials and material resources.

The priority of creating a cluster's production activities will be determined within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of cluster policy, as well as investment and innovation activities.

The following areas are relevant for the Republic of Crimea: resource-saving technologies and new energy sources; mechanical engineering and instrument making; microelectronics; development of chemical and biotechnologies; high-tech development of agriculture and processing of agricultural products; construction, production of building materials and small-scale mechanization equipment; medical equipment and technologies; production of household goods and products for the resort and recreational sector. Fundamentally important for the successful development of an innovation cluster is the presence of a powerful research core, covering a fairly wide range of fundamental and applied research that can ensure the development of innovative products.

Consideration of the main factors ensuring innovative growth of high-tech industries in Russia using existing examples allows us to conclude that in modern conditions, supporting promising industries can be effective. State support for fundamental research, basic research and development (R&D), and the process of updating the production base through budget funding and government orders for relevant products is required. Government decisions should provide favorable conditions for the development and promotion of products from innovation clusters and technology platforms.

The formation of the cluster system in Russia, its focus on economic efficiency and innovative specialization is gradually beginning to influence the formation of Russia’s development strategy. At the same time, we must understand that the system of Russian innovation clusters will be effective and in full demand only when large development projects are implemented across the country. At the same time, Russia’s own scientific, production, and human resources must first be in demand.

Based on the results of discussions of the proposed project to organize a cluster in the field of industrial technologies, production of building materials, renewable and distributed energy in the Republic of Crimea, it was decided to appeal to the head of the Republic of Crimea S.V. Aksenov with a request to support the idea of ​​​​creating a cluster and make a petition to the Ministry of Industry and trade of the Russian Federation on granting the project “pilot” status and allocating funding for organizational costs for creating a cluster.