SanPin norms in kindergartens. Sanpin for a teacher consultation on the topic Instructions for sanpin in dou

The upbringing and maintenance of minors in kindergartens cannot be left to chance. Taking this into account, the legislator has developed a set of detailed rules that are mandatory for all preschool organizations. The document includes requirements for the premises, regime of pupils and staff.

SanPin 2.4.1. 3049-13 are sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool educational institutions.

Sanpin for kindergartens includes a complete list of requirements for preschool education organizations:

  • requirements for the placement of preschool educational institutions;
  • conditions of maintenance and equipment of the territory;
  • maintenance and equipment of internal premises;
  • room lighting (natural and artificial);
  • rules for the provision, equipment and repair of ventilation, heating, water supply and sewerage;
  • conditions for preparing and serving food;
  • admission of minors to the group;
  • sleep and wakefulness patterns;
  • physical education;
  • employee hygiene rules.

Most of the rules regulated by SanPiN are mandatory. However, some of them are recommended for use or apply to kindergartens built or reconstructed after 2013.

In Moscow, SanPiN must be posted on the official websites of each organization.

Full text of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations” (as amended on August 27, 2015):

Latest innovations in SanPiN for preschool educational institutions

The new SanPiN came into force in 2013. It contains a list of requirements and recommendations for kindergartens. In 2015, additions were made:

  • Exemption from the rules of SanPiN of preschool educational institutions located in apartments of citizens or other premises of the housing stock.
  • Extension of the rules to organizations and groups for children under 3 years of age.
  • The age of kindergarten students may exceed 7 years, if when the minor reaches the specified age, he has not completed his studies in the required program.
  • Correspondence of the number of beds to the number of pupils in the group.
  • Reinforcing the need for regular ventilation of groups.
  • Establishing a diet.
  • Establishing requirements for temperature, air inflow and outflow depending on the purpose of the room.
  • Consolidation of the nutritional plan for minors up to 2 months to 1 year.

SanPiN standards have been changed and expanded. Currently, SanPiN for kindergartens contains comprehensive information on the maintenance and upbringing of children from 2 months to the end of preschool education.

Daily regime

Before admitting a minor to kindergarten, it is necessary to obtain a medical report, which will become the basis for assigning the child to the group. The absence of a document gives the head of the organization the right to refuse to enroll a minor in the list of pupils.

Employees of the organization (educators) are responsible for the daily admission of children to the group. They examine minors independently or with the participation of a medical professional.

Admission to the group of children with suspected disease is not allowed. If health problems are identified after the appointment, the minor is subject to isolation in the health worker’s office until the parents arrive.

In case of suspected illness, the temperature of a minor is measured. Thermometers must be cleaned after each use. Treated thermometers are stored separately from used ones. The equipment being processed must be out of reach of children.

If a child has been absent from the group for more than 5 days, his/her admission is possible only with a certificate from a pediatrician with a stamp confirming the absence of infectious contacts. The number of days does not include holidays and weekends.

Sleep patterns are determined according to age. For minors from 0 to 3 years old, this question is determined by the doctor, from 3 to 7 years old - daytime sleep should be 2 - 2.5 hours, 5.5 - 6 hours after arrival at the preschool institution.

Sleeping mode

The duration of a walk in kindergarten is at least 3–4 hours a day. Time may vary depending on weather conditions or is divided into 2 walks.

Meals in kindergarten are organized depending on the time spent in the group. If the child is in the garden full time (10 - 12 hours), he needs to be fed every 3 - 4 hours. For pupils of short-stay groups (no more than 5 hours), one meal is provided.

Preschool teachers should conduct developmental activities with children. SanPiN fixes their duration. The duration of classes depends on the age of the children.

Children (age) Continuous lesson time (min) From 8.00 to 12.00 (min) From 15.00 to 19.00 (min)
1 From 6 to 7 30 90 30
2 From 5 to 6 25 45 25
3 From 4 to 5 20 40
4 From 3 to 4 15 30
5 From 1.5 to 3 10 10 10

To improve the health of minors, physical education lessons should be conducted during the day in kindergarten. They include a massage and a list of exercises. The duration of morning exercises depends on the age of the child.

Physical education lessons are held 3 – 4 times a week. For minors from 5 to 7 years old, one lesson must be held outside.

The duration of gymnastics depends on the age of the children and coincides with the time of continuous classes. Additionally, as part of the recovery, it is possible to organize hardening lessons.


Cleanliness is one of the main conditions for maintaining a preschool group. To ensure this, the following methods are used:

  • treatment;
  • quartzing;
  • ventilation;
  • wash;
  • cleaning.

All surfaces, furniture, blinds, pots, and toilets are treated with a disinfectant solution. It is stored in the staff room. Children should not have access to the solution.

Quartzing in kindergarten is carried out in groups for minors and other premises every morning and evening. When using safety lamps, the absence of pupils is not necessary.

Ventilation is an important stage in treating rooms from germs. SanPiN establishes a ventilation schedule in kindergarten. The premises are ventilated according to the table.

A prerequisite is to ventilate bedrooms before napping. In winter, ventilation of bedrooms stops 10 minutes before bedtime. In summer it is possible to sleep with the windows open.

New rules for ventilation in preschool educational institutions include a ban on ventilation through toilet rooms. Wet cleaning is carried out in all rooms 2 times a day. General cleaning should be carried out in spring and autumn.

Food department

The food unit in a kindergarten should be located in a separate room. All equipment is subject to mandatory labeling.

Washing dishes in kindergarten is a process that, according to SanPiN, is regulated in as much detail as possible. After cleaning the dishes from food residues, the items are washed in two sinks, without using detergents, dried and stored on special racks at a height of 35 cm from the floor. Metal utensils must be additionally calcined in the oven.

Dishes for children and for staff are stored separately.

Particular attention is paid to the drinking regime in preschool educational institutions. Water must meet safety requirements and be bottled. The specified storage period must be observed. In extreme cases, it can be boiled. But its shelf life is no more than 3 hours.

Standards for premises and equipment

Sanitary norms and rules provide for regular treatment of premises against mold. For this purpose, all walls in rooms with high humidity are covered with tiles.

SanPiN even stipulate the color of the walls in preschool educational institutions. On the north side there are warm colors, on the south side there are cold colors.

Each group is equipped with individual compartments for children’s outerwear and a place for parents’ clothing. The nursery has an additional space for breastfeeding and a changing table.

SanPiN sets standards for the size of high chairs for children depending on their age category. Furniture is subject to mandatory marking.

Each child is provided with a separate sleeping place. It can be a fixed bed, a sliding bed or a folding bed. The main condition is a rigid bed.

Bed linen must be changed weekly. Bed linen is washed in a special room or in a specialized organization under a service agreement, immediately after it is changed. Bed linen is marked in the lower right corner. Pillows and mattresses should be ventilated annually during general cleaning.

The washroom is combined with a toilet. Each group is equipped with sinks and toilets in accordance with the age of the pupils.

Plumbing installation standards

Age category Number of shells Number of toilets
1 6 – 7 1 per 5 children 1 per 5 children
2 5 – 6 1 per 5 children 1 per 5 children
3 4 – 5 4 4
4 3 – 4 4 4
5 1,5 – 3 3 Pots are used

One adult sink is installed in each group.

SanPiN for personnel

Hygiene requirements for personnel include strict conditions that must be followed:

  • Each employee must have at least 3 sets of spare clothes.
  • Personal clothing must be clean, nails must be cut short, outerwear and shoes must be stored in the staff room.
  • Smoking, wearing earrings and rings is prohibited.
  • Teachers and nannies must wear light-colored coats.
  • Each employee is required to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner.
  • Kitchen workers are inspected daily.

Each employee must have a health certificate.

The current SanPiN establishes the requirements for kindergartens in as much detail as possible. Compliance with most conditions is mandatory for all employees of the organization. The changes made tighten the rules for the administration of preschool educational institutions. Home family groups are exempt from their execution.

In the latest changes to SanPin, the rules and regulations related to the daily routine of children in a preschool educational institution have been reduced by almost half.

Requirements regarding the duration of children's walks are now advisory in nature and are established based on weather conditions, which are very diverse throughout our country.

According to SanPin, ventilation of the premises of children's groups must be carried out repeatedly, during the absence of children. The duration of ventilation depends on the air temperature outside the window and the quality of heating in the room.

Washing and treating toys in kindergarten according to SanPin must be done daily after children go home. In the youngest groups - twice a day.

In accordance with SanPin standards, bed linen in a kindergarten should be changed as it gets dirty, but at least once a week.



Consultation “Sanpin for educators”

This article provides a brief overview of sanitary standards according to SanPin, which are most relevant for educators.

SanPin is a regulatory document that regulates sanitary and hygienic standards established by the state. In this case, we will talk about the standards for preschool institutions. The document SanPin describes the requirements that determine the content of groups, the microclimate and lighting in play areas, as well as nutrition standards for children and much more. SanPin, approved in 2013, is currently in force in Russia. The norms and rules prescribed in this document also apply to the current year 2016.

According to the general requirements of SanPin for kindergartens, all norms and rules must be observed to the same extent, regardless of the organizational and legal form of the institution or the type of preschool institution.

One of the main regulatory bodies supervising the implementation of SanPin norms and rules is Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, the regional and federal education committees and the prosecutor's office.

The age of children admitted to kindergartens in accordance with SanPin ranges from 0.2 to 7 years. The quantitative occupancy of groups in preschool educational institutions is calculated based on the area of ​​the room in which the group will study and play. Different standards are established for different ages of children:

For groups up to three years old, at least 2.5 square meters is required. meters per child;

For groups with an age category from three to seven years, a minimum of 2 square meters is required. meters per child.

The calculation is made based on the actual number of children in the group.

In the latest changes to SanPin, the rules and regulations related to the daily routine of children in a preschool educational institution have been reduced by almost half. Continuous wakefulness of a child from 3 to 7 years old should not exceed 6 hours; for children under 3 years old, the norms are established depending on medical indications. Daily walks should be at least 3-4 hours, only twice a day - before lunch and after naps. For each age, SanPin indicates the norm for the duration of sleep per day, which is on average 12 hours a day, of which at least 2.5 hours should be during the day.

Independent activity of children in a preschool educational institution must be at least 4 hours a day. This includes games, preparation for school, and personal hygiene. These requirements apply to children aged 3 to 7 years. For children aged 1.5 to 3 years, continuous independent activity should not exceed 10 minutes, that is, 10 minutes in the first and second half of the day. The educational load for children of different ages is also regulated in the document. The main thing is that such activities should be carried out every day in the morning and afternoon. It is worth noting that educational activities that require higher activity and mental tension should be organized in the first half of the day.

Requirements regarding the duration of children's walks are now advisory in nature and are established based on weather conditions, which are very diverse throughout our country. With a properly organized walk, children receive more than half of the necessary movement needs per day. SanPin recommends using the following as physical activity for children:

Morning exercises;

Physical education both outdoors and indoors;

Physical education minutes;

Various active games;


Special sports activities;

Exercise equipment;


For children aged 5 to 7 years, the required physical activity should include up to 8 hours of health-improving and educational activities per week. In addition, it is necessary to include a complex for hardening the pupils, which consists of ventilating the premises, washing with cold water, exercises and walking in the fresh air.

According to SanPin, ventilation of the premises of children's groups must be carried out repeatedly, during the absence of children. The duration of ventilation depends on the air temperature outside the window and the quality of heating in the room. Half an hour before children return to groups, ventilation should be stopped. In the warm season, ventilation is permissible in the presence of pupils; in this case, it is advisable to avoid drafts. The document contains a table that clearly indicates the duration of such procedures in a preschool institution.

According to SanPin, quartzing of groups in kindergarten must be carried out twice a day according to the schedule and then ventilated.

Washing and treating toys in kindergarten according to SanPin must be done daily after children go home. In the youngest groups - twice a day. Toys intended for playing outside are washed immediately after returning from the street. It is also necessary to treat toys that have just been purchased; this must be done with a soapy solution for 15 minutes, then rinsed in clean water. The detergent used to treat toys must be safe for children.

In accordance with SanPin standards, bed linen in a kindergarten should be changed as it gets dirty, but at least once a week. Washing of linen and towels is carried out either in the laundry of a preschool educational institution, or by a special organization with which an agreement has been drawn up for the provision of laundry services.

In accordance with sanitary standards, each child in a kindergarten group must have an individual potty, and for children over 5 years old, personal toilet seats made of safe materials must be installed on the toilets. Pots should be treated immediately after use using detergents and disinfectants. Toilets are cleaned at least twice a day.

Each kindergarten group must be equipped with a sink for washing dishes with hot and cold water in accordance with SanPin. The dishes are first cleaned of food residues, then washed with a sponge with the addition of mustard and soda. Next, wash in water at a temperature of 50 degrees with the addition of bleach, then rinse in water at least 70 degrees and dry on a wire rack designed for this purpose. The dishes should be boiled in clean water once every day.

All utensils in the preschool educational institution must be marked in accordance with SanPin. Each pan should have an inscription for what dish it is intended for, the marking is applied with oil paint.

Fortification in kindergarten according to SanPin is carried out taking into account the condition of the pupil, with the mandatory supervision of a health worker and with notification of parents.

The size of furniture in a kindergarten according to SanPin must be of the same group and correspond to the table given in the decree. Each height group of children must correspond to the size of the furniture.

Furniture in a kindergarten must be marked according to SanPin by color, depending on the size of the furniture.

All personnel, including kindergarten teachers, must undergo a medical examination when hired. inspection and certification for knowledge of sanitary standards. Then, every two years, knowledge of the same standards is tested, and teachers are also regularly tested. For example, testing “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education”. All preschool teachers are provided with special clothing.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26
"On approval of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"

With changes and additions from:

2. From the moment SanPiN comes into force, the following sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations shall be considered invalid:

- SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations”, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2010 N 91 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 27, 2010, registration number 18267);

- SanPiN "Change No. 1 to SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations", approved by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2010 N 164 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2010, registration number 19342).

G.G. Onishchenko

Registration N 28564

The sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating hours of preschool educational organizations have been revised.

They do not apply to family groups located in residential apartments (houses).

Gardens can be short-term (up to 5 hours a day) or round-the-clock, as well as shortened (8-10 hours), full (10.5-12 hours) and extended (13-14) days. The duration of a child’s stay in kindergarten depends on the ability to organize meals (every 3-4 hours) and daytime sleep (for stays of more than 5 hours).

The preschool organization still accepts children aged 2 months to 7 years. The requirements for the maximum occupancy of groups have also not changed (for example, for general developmental kindergartens, 1 child under 3 years old should have at least 2.5 sq. m of playroom, from 3 to 7 years old - at least 2 sq. m).

Kindergartens are located in the intra-block areas of residential neighborhoods. At the same time, standard levels of noise, air pollution, insolation and natural lighting must be observed. In the Far North regions, wind and snow protection is provided. The remaining requirements for the placement of kindergartens have been canceled (in particular, the minimum radius of pedestrian accessibility, the distance to driveways, the absence of main urban (rural) engineering communications).

It has been established that bed linen is marked individually for each child. Inspection, cleaning and monitoring of the efficiency of ventilation systems is carried out at least once a year.

The temperature in nursery playrooms and reception rooms should be at least 22 degrees, in other groups - no lower than 21, in bedrooms - no less than 19 (previously - 22-24, 21-23 and 19-20 degrees, respectively).

The total duration of daytime sleep for children aged 1 to 1.5 years is up to 3.5 hours, from 1.5 to 3 years - at least 3 hours, from 3 to 7 years - 2-2.5 hours.

The list of products prohibited for feeding children has been clarified. Now it includes all ice cream, and not just those containing vegetable fats. At the same time, raw smoked, semi-smoked, smoked meat gastronomic products and sausages, as well as bone-based broths and frozen poultry are excluded from the list.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”

When placing their child in the hands of a kindergarten teacher in 2019, all parents, and especially mothers, are very worried. How will they take care of their beloved baby? Is there ventilation in the rooms? Does the kindergarten premises meet sanitary and hygienic requirements? At what time intervals are quartzing and general cleaning done? What is the condition of the kindergarten's catering unit, toys, how is the food organized, what is the temperature in the room, table setting (what if the children eat with forks), who is responsible for washing the dishes, etc. I would like to immediately reassure worried parents. The operation of kindergartens in 2019 is impossible without compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

The environment in the kindergarten must comply with the current SanPiN standards of the preschool educational institution. You can download them from our website in order to study them carefully. However, this document is quite voluminous in terms of the amount of information. And not every person will be able to understand the nuances of this legislative act.

It is for such situations that experienced online lawyers work on the site. Consultations are absolutely free.

To contact competent specialists, you need to ask your question through the contact form or the pop-up window at the bottom of the site. In addition, in this article we will briefly examine the basic instructions and requirements regarding the maintenance of children in a preschool institution in 2019. Including food, ventilation schedule, cleaning, washing dishes, quarantine standards, processing of vegetables and fruits (eggs, apples, etc.), order.

What is SanPiN DOU? This is a document that is adopted at the state (federal) level. It contains mandatory sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic standards, rules and requirements. What requirements for kindergartens must be met so that parents can safely leave their children there:

  • placement rules;
  • technical arrangement of the land plot;
  • lighting standards;
  • norms for the arrangement of catering facilities;
  • sanitary minimum for teachers;
  • organization of children's meals;
  • compliance of premises with SanPiN 2013 standards for keeping children;
  • availability of running water;
  • availability of sewerage;
  • room temperature and heating standards;
  • daily and general cleaning schedule;
  • processing of toys;
  • quartzing in kindergarten according to SanPiN DOU;
  • ventilation and airing standards;
  • table setting rules;
  • daily regime;
  • cleaning and washing dishes;
  • number of children in one group;
  • the maximum number of children in one group with disabilities;
  • standards for hiring employees to work in kindergartens;
  • compliance with sanitary requirements, etc.

Kindergartens are different. Both in terms of age and mode of operation. Most often, kindergartens combine several areas of work. So, what types of preschool institutions are there:

  • for small children;
  • for preschoolers of middle and older ages;
  • health-improving children's institutions;
  • specialized kindergartens;
  • narrowly focused preschool institutions for children (for example, with a mathematical bias);
  • kindergartens for children with disabilities or mental disabilities, etc.

Preschool institutions for children that combine several areas are called combined. Regardless of the profile of the kindergarten, all necessary sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic standards and rules must be complied with.

Requirements for catering

Very often we hear about cases of poisoning of children in kindergartens. In such cases, an investigation is carried out and the perpetrators of the incident are identified. Often they become catering department employees who do not fully comply with the sanitary minimum requirements according to SanPiN. With regard to products for feeding children, it is imperative to comply with all the requirements of SanPiN 2013.

We will now list some of them:

  • all products must be fresh, in compliance with storage rules, and have supporting documents from the supplier;
  • storage of perishable food products must be organized in accordance with the instructions;
  • food products must be stored in original or consumer containers, covered with a lid if necessary;
  • bakery products are stored on dry shelves or racks no lower than 35 centimeters from the floor;
  • pasta must be kept in a dry, ventilated room in compliance with the requirements of SanPiN for preschool educational institutions;
  • There are also rules for storing and processing potatoes and root vegetables that must be followed exactly before they reach the children’s table, etc.

In general, the list of requirements is quite large. It can be found in more detail in Chapter 14 of the 2013 SanPiN standards for kindergartens. As an example, we can consider the procedure for processing eggs for feeding children. Before cooking eggs, they must be soaked in a special container in a disinfectant solution. Then rinse under warm running water and transfer to another container. Where they will be stored until cooking. Cooking the eggs continues for ten to fifteen minutes.

Food department

Also, each group for children should be equipped with a dishwasher with not only cold water, but also hot water. Children need to wash dishes correctly, following the processing order:

  • cleaning up food debris;
  • washing with soda and mustard;
  • washing with bleach;
  • rinsing dishes;
  • daily treatment in boiling water;
  • drying on special racks.

The catering unit, including the common kitchen and rooms in groups, must be kept perfectly clean. It should be cleaned on a schedule and if necessary. Vitamins are added to food only with parental consent and under the supervision of a health professional, not a teacher. All utensils must be labeled. A separate container is provided for each dish. If you have any questions, you can contact the specialists on the site.

Children's quarantine

Quarantine in kindergarten is a separate issue. Each parent is concerned about the health of their child. The duration of quarantine in kindergarten depends on the type of disease. The announcement of quarantine also depends on what illness the students have. For example, to close a kindergarten due to the flu, twenty percent of the children need to get sick. In other situations, one case of illness is enough. The duration of quarantine ranges from seven to twenty-one days. Parents are required to be notified on the day of diagnosis. And also about the possibility of illness (that is, suspicion of illness). It is not necessary that a preschool institution be closed during quarantine. It is possible to simply limit the contacts of sick children with groups where there are no sick people. That is, healthy students are not allowed to go for walks in the common yard or are not taken to the gym where sick children may be present. And the kids eat in their group, which should have its own catering unit.

You cannot take your children to a preschool during quarantine if you are firmly convinced that your child has not had contact with sick people. In other cases there are no restrictions, everything is at the discretion of the parents.

For example, some mothers and fathers believe that the sooner a child gets chickenpox, the better. At the same time, it is necessary to limit your child’s communication, if he is sick, with healthy children. The teacher’s guilt in the spread of diseases in groups of preschool institutions is usually minimal if he has fulfilled all the sanitary and hygienic requirements established in such situations. Namely, the sanitary minimum for a teacher.

Useful little things

Let's look at a few more points from sanitary and hygienic standards that may be of interest to parents:

  • sanitary and hygienic rules also regulate the child’s behavior during breakfast, lunch or dinner. This includes communication during meals, rules for serving and behavior at the table, the ability to use cutlery... Serving and clearing dishes from the table, of course, falls on the shoulders of the teacher or nanny, in general, on adults;
  • Toy processing according to the instructions should be carried out every day, after all the children have been picked up by their parents. New toys from the store must also be treated before they reach children. Soft toys are usually processed using the quartz method;
  • The room in which children study must be ventilated several times a day, at a time when kindergarten students are outside or in another room. In summer, ventilation is allowed in the presence of children, if a draft is excluded;
  • the linen on which the pupils sleep must be changed according to the degree of soiling, but no less than once a week;
  • It is imperative to keep a quartz log;
  • the optimal temperature for the room in which children play and study is no less than 21 degrees and no more than 24;
  • The optimal temperature for the room in which children sleep is no less than 18 degrees and no more than 21.

If you have any questions regarding sanitary and hygienic standards in a kindergarten, you can independently study the new SanPiN for preschool educational institutions 2013 with changes for 2019.

Or you can get advice from experienced lawyers completely free of charge through the feedback form on the website.

The content of the article

  • Standards 2015-2016
  • Daily regime
  • Treatment
  • Food department
  • SanPin for staff

Standards 2015-2016

SanPin is a regulatory document that regulates sanitary and hygienic standards established by the state. In this case, we will talk about the standards for preschool institutions. The document SanPin describes the requirements that determine the content of groups, the microclimate and lighting in play areas, as well as nutrition standards for children and much more. SanPin, approved in 2013, is currently in force in Russia. The norms and rules prescribed in this document apply to the current year 2015.

According to the general requirements of SanPin for kindergartens, all norms and rules must be observed to the same extent, regardless of the organizational and legal form of the institution or the type of preschool institution. At the same time, children's groups located in residential apartments or apartment buildings, so-called family groups, should not be guided by these rules.

One of the main regulatory bodies supervising the implementation of SanPin norms and rules is Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, the regional and federal education committees and the prosecutor's office.

The age of children admitted to kindergartens in accordance with SanPin ranges from 0.2 to 7 years. The quantitative occupancy of groups in preschool educational institutions is calculated based on the area of ​​the room in which the group will study and play. Different standards are established for different ages of children:

  • For groups up to three years old, at least 2.5 square meters is required. meters per child;
  • For groups with an age category from three to seven years, at least 2 square meters are required. meters per child.

The calculation is made based on the actual number of children in the group.

Daily regime

In the latest changes to SanPin, the rules and regulations related to the daily routine of children in a preschool educational institution have been reduced by almost half. Continuous wakefulness of a child from 3 to 7 years old should not exceed 6 hours; for children under 3 years old, the norms are established depending on medical indications. Daily walks should be at least 3-4 hours, only twice a day - before lunch and after naps. For each age, SanPin indicates the norm for the duration of sleep per day, which is on average 12 hours a day, of which at least 2.5 hours should be during the day.

Independent activity of children in a preschool educational institution must be at least 4 hours a day. This includes games, preparation for school, and personal hygiene. These requirements apply to children aged 3 to 7 years. For children aged 1.5 to 3 years, continuous independent activity should not exceed 10 minutes, that is, 10 minutes in the first and second half of the day. The educational load for children of different ages is also regulated in the document. The main thing is that such activities should be carried out every day in the morning and afternoon. It is worth noting that educational activities that require higher activity and mental tension should be organized in the first half of the day.

Requirements regarding the duration of children's walks are now advisory in nature and are established based on weather conditions, which are very diverse throughout our country. With a properly organized walk, children receive more than half of the necessary movement needs per day. SanPin recommends using the following as physical activity for children:

  • Morning exercises;
  • Physical education both outdoors and indoors;
  • Physical education minutes;
  • Various active games;
  • Rhythmic;
  • Special sports activities;
  • Exercise equipment;
  • Swimming.

Walking children in kindergarten.

For children aged 5 to 7 years, the required physical activity should include up to 8 hours of health-improving and educational activities per week. In addition, it is necessary to include a complex for hardening the pupils, which consists of ventilating the premises, washing with cold water, exercises and walking in the fresh air.

The exact standards for groups of different ages in the pool can be read in the text of the regulatory document. After visiting the pool, children can be taken out for a walk no earlier than 50 minutes later in order to prevent hypothermia.


According to SanPin, ventilation of the premises of children's groups must be carried out repeatedly, during the absence of children. The duration of ventilation depends on the air temperature outside the window and the quality of heating in the room. Half an hour before children return to groups, ventilation should be stopped. In the warm season, ventilation is permissible in the presence of pupils; in this case, it is advisable to avoid drafts. The document contains a table that clearly indicates the duration of such procedures in a preschool institution.

According to SanPin, quartzing of groups in kindergarten must be carried out twice a day according to the schedule and then ventilated.

Washing and treating toys in kindergarten according to SanPin must be done daily after children go home. In the youngest groups - twice a day. Toys intended for playing outside are washed immediately after returning from the street. It is also necessary to treat toys that have just been purchased; this must be done with a soapy solution for 15 minutes, then rinsed in clean water. The detergent used to treat toys must be safe for children.

In accordance with SanPin standards, bed linen in a kindergarten should be changed as it gets dirty, but at least once a week. Washing of linen and towels is carried out either in the laundry of a preschool educational institution, or by a special organization with which an agreement has been drawn up for the provision of laundry services.

In accordance with sanitary standards, each child in a kindergarten group must have an individual potty, and for children over 5 years old, personal toilet seats made of safe materials must be installed on the toilets. Pots should be treated immediately after use using detergents and disinfectants. Toilets are cleaned at least twice a day.

Food department

Each kindergarten group must be equipped with a sink for washing dishes with hot and cold water in accordance with SanPin. The dishes are first cleaned of food residues, then washed with a sponge with the addition of mustard and soda. Next, wash in water at a temperature of 50 degrees with the addition of bleach, then rinse in water at least 70 degrees and dry on a wire rack designed for this purpose. The dishes should be boiled in clean water once every day.

If there is a suspicion of a disease transmitted through food, then the dishes should, after cleaning and washing, be processed and disinfected in a solution of chloramine or bleach for 30 minutes, then thoroughly rinsed and dried.

All utensils in the preschool educational institution must be marked in accordance with SanPin. Each pan should have an inscription for what dish it is intended for, the marking is applied with oil paint.

Fortification in kindergarten according to SanPin is carried out taking into account the condition of the pupil, with the mandatory supervision of a health worker and with notification of parents.

If the menu does not include fortified drinks, then vitamins are added to third courses - compote or jelly, at a certain temperature

Standards for premises and equipment

The SanPin for a swimming pool in a kindergarten clearly states what rooms should be near the pool and what they will be equipped with, as well as what kind of personnel is needed in the pool. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning and disinfecting the pool. If there is good water circulation in the pool, a complete water change should be done within 8 hours. If there is no circulation, the water should be drained daily. Cleaning of the swimming bowl must be carried out by the employees responsible for it. Showers, toilets and locker rooms are cleaned every day. General cleaning monthly. It is necessary to monitor the quality of water in the pool once a day.

Flowers are planted in the kindergarten yard to separate play areas from utility areas. According to SanPin, fruit-bearing, poisonous and thorny plants cannot be planted.

The size of furniture in a kindergarten according to SanPin must be of the same group and correspond to the table given in the decree. Each height group of children must correspond to the size of the furniture.

Furniture in a kindergarten must be marked according to SanPin by color, depending on the size of the furniture.

SanPin for staff

All personnel, including kindergarten teachers, must undergo a medical examination when hired. inspection and certification for knowledge of sanitary standards. Then, every two years, knowledge of the same standards is tested, and teachers are also regularly tested. For example, testing “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education”. All preschool teachers are provided with special clothing.

According to the new SanPin, a kindergarten nurse must have at least a secondary medical education and have at least 3 years of work experience. Having a medical record is mandatory, and a medical examination must be carried out every three months. When working, relies on the document of proper instructions and internal labor regulations

You can learn more about the SanPin standards for preschool educational institutions by clicking on the link:

SanPin (as amended on 04/04/2014) "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"