Accounting courses from the labor exchange. What specialties are retrained for at the employment center?

The state provides assistance to people who have lost their jobs. For these purposes, an employment service or labor exchange was created. By contacting this body, citizens can apply for all required benefits or obtain a referral for free retraining.

A number of skeptics have a negative attitude towards finding a new job and retraining with the help of an employment service. This point of view has grounds. To figure out whether it’s worth joining the labor exchange, you should independently weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of this step.

What are the advantages of contacting an employment service?

The main advantage of being registered is the regular payment of unemployment benefits. The procedure for its calculation is defined in Art. 30, 33 and 34 of the Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation”.

Interesting Facts

Training and internship are a guarantee of employment in accordance with the acquired profession at the previous place or in another company. If a citizen decides to be an entrepreneur, he can apply to the employment center for a subsidy.

Former employees of liquidated enterprises and laid-off workers are in the most advantageous position.

Their payments are:

  • ¾ of average monthly earnings during the first quarter;
  • the next 4 months the benefit will be reduced to 60%;
  • over the course of the next 5 months, payments will amount to 45% of earnings.

Another advantage is the opportunity to receive a referral for training. During retraining, the citizen will receive a scholarship. An unemployed person can take training courses at the labor exchange for free. This right is established by Art. 23 of the Law “On Employment” and is associated with a lack of qualifications, a shortage of suitable vacancies for the unemployed, or the presence of health restrictions. The state additionally pays a number of costs if retraining takes place in another area:

  • travel to the training center;
  • daily expenses;
  • rental of property.

These benefits also apply to pensioners who want to return to work, and women caring for a child until he reaches 3 years of age.

The Labor Exchange organizes out-of-turn retraining courses for the following unemployed:

  • with disabilities (selection is carried out taking into account an individual social rehabilitation program);
  • parents of disabled children;
  • former military personnel and citizens who served conscription no more than 3 years ago;
  • spouses of current and former employees of the Ministry of Defense;
  • unskilled unemployed people who have not been employed.

Curious facts

Vocational training from the employment center also has disadvantages: 1) sometimes there are no suitable vacancies and you have to wait a long time for them; 2) technical capabilities in many regions are very poor; 3) the payment of benefits stops if you refuse several vacancies after training.

The courses themselves allow you to master the most in-demand professions (service specialists, cooks, accountants).

The next advantage is the opportunity to move (Article 22.1 of the law). Within the framework of special programs, the unemployed and members of their families are paid for transport, daily expenses during the trip and a one-time allowance. Their size depends on the region.

Another type of assistance from the labor exchange is assistance in starting your own business. We are talking about providing a subsidy for registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. It covers the costs of notaries and state fees, and also compensates for the services of lawyers, ordering stamps and other costs.

The main task of the labor exchange is to assist in finding a job. It provides access to a large number of vacancies that will suit a significant portion of registered citizens. The employment service may offer them participation in community service. This will allow you to receive temporary income.

If citizens have recently lost their jobs against their will or are among the beneficiaries, they can take advantage of contacting the employment service.

The most popular courses are accounting courses, thanks to which you can find profitable employment. This profession guarantees high and stable payments. Training for mothers on maternity leave is also common. This is an opportunity for a young mother to receive benefits and learn a new profession.

What are the disadvantages of the labor exchange?

Not all citizens who have the right to join the labor exchange take advantage of this opportunity. Skeptics argue that the benefits of contacting the employment service apply only to a small proportion of unemployed citizens.

One of the main disadvantages is the large number of documents for registration. The applicant will be required to provide a certificate of income, a certificate indicating the TIN, SNILS, work record book and all educational diplomas.

Another disadvantage is the small amount of unemployment benefits. Its maximum amount is 4.9 thousand rubles (paid to all unemployed people who have not gone through layoffs), and the minimum is 850 rubles (paid from the 2nd year of unemployment). These amounts were established on December 8, 2016 by Government Decree No. 1326.

To maintain payments, the unemployed must constantly visit the employment service. He will be deprived of benefits if he does not appear within a month. Another reason to stop payments is 2 refusals of a job offered by the employment center.

The video talks about the services of the labor exchange

A number of complaints relate to what courses the labor exchange offers.

  • A citizen who is not among the beneficiaries has to choose from less attractive programs.
  • Retraining does not guarantee subsequent employment, because the employer is always looking for employees with experience.
  • The criteria for suitable work will also change. This will include a larger number of vacancies, and the citizen has a greater chance of losing benefits.
  • The duration of the courses is 1-6 months. This may not be enough to master a new profession.

Preference in undergoing vocational training is given to citizens officially recognized as unemployed, such as: disabled people (a medical certificate from a doctor is required); parents, guardians or adoptive parents of a disabled child; citizens who have been looking for work for more than six months; discharged military personnel and their spouses; recently graduated from a general education institution and are looking for official work for the first time.

Available vacancies are often filled and traveling for interviews only wastes time. Another problem concerns what kind of work is offered at the labor exchange. It is suitable for representatives of blue-collar professions, but qualified specialists are rarely employed through the employment service.

A citizen facing unemployment must decide for himself whether to go to the labor exchange. This measure will help in situations where he has been laid off or is a beneficiary. Contacting the employment service will allow you to receive relatively large payments for some time and choose a suitable training program. In other cases, the disadvantages may outweigh the advantages.

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In accordance with Convention No. 122 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), vocational training of the unemployed is an integral part of an active employment policy, including: assistance in finding employment for everyone who is ready to start work and is looking for it; achieving maximum productivity at work, as well as providing each potential employee with freedom to choose employment and the opportunity to receive special training, use their skills and abilities to perform the type of work for which they are most suitable.

Thus, vocational training and retraining of citizens who have lost and are looking for work is one of the top priorities solved by the State Employment Service (hereinafter referred to as the employment service).

How effective is the training provided? How can you evaluate its effectiveness? What is the role of the employment service in this process?

There are two possible types of effectiveness of professional retraining of the unemployed by employment services: -

economic, directly related to increasing the competitiveness of the workforce; -

social, aimed at increasing the adaptability of categories of the working population that have dropped out of the labor market.

Let us assume that the most important sign of the effectiveness of the system of professional retraining of the unemployed is the increase in the competitiveness of the labor force in the labor market. Competitiveness can manifest itself either in the very fact of employment, or in increasing labor mobility. Mobility in the labor market may indirectly indicate an increase in the cost and quality of labor (the value of wages is only an indirect indicator of the increase in costs compared to the last case of employment). The most productive is not just the current solution to the situation of unemployment, but such a change in the “labor force” that can provide long-term employment and long-term payment for it.

Thus, we can say that there is current and future effectiveness. Current effectiveness is determined by the fact of subsequent employment, including in the acquired specialty. Prospective efficiency - increased competitiveness in the labor market, expressed in labor mobility. The greatest effect of training and retraining the unemployed through employment services is determined by the degree of orientation towards the future.

In this case, the situation of increasing professional skills and educational level will be considered promising (effective) not by simplifying them, but by maintaining (and increasing) their previous volume, increasing employment opportunities. For example, you can retrain a pilot to become a hairdresser, or you can make him a computer operator. Employment under the first scenario will indicate a restructuring of employment towards the growth of low-skilled professions in the service sector, as well as disqualification to a certain extent. The second scenario seems more promising in terms of labor mobility opportunities.

In other words, the problem of efficiency is to determine clear indicators of the degree of compliance of professional retraining with the short-term requirements of the modern Russian labor market, on the one hand, and, on the other, with long-term trends in structural adjustment.

The problem outlined above is considered through an analysis of the current institution (model) for professional retraining of the unemployed through the state employment service.

Functions of the employment service in vocational training of the unemployed

The effectiveness of the employment service in regulating employment processes and redistributing labor largely depends on how accurately supply and demand in the labor market are assessed.

For analysis, primarily two sources of information are used: -

vacancy bank - by specialty and profession, and by industry and territory; -

bank of the unemployed currently registered, their socio-demographic and professional qualification characteristics.

Information about the economic development of the region, city, planned releases, the number and professional composition of graduates of vocational educational institutions is used as additional material.

Labor market conditions are, of course, a driving factor in determining who to retrain and for what specialties.

Then the imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market is assessed and its nature is revealed. Basically, all analytical work is of a current nature, determining only a short-term forecast. All work on planning the training of the unemployed is based on these short-term labor market forecasts.

Another characteristic feature of the labor market analysis conducted by the employment service is the fact that it does not cover the entire labor market, but only that sector of it, which the employment service employees themselves call “fixed”. This sector includes only those citizens who apply to the employment service and those jobs, information about which is presented by employers as vacancies. Those who independently or with the help of other intermediaries search for work and workers find themselves outside this market.

Information from employers about personnel needs and their planned release, submitted by enterprises to the employment service, according to reviews from employment service employees, does not always correspond to the real state of affairs; often it is just a formal reply. Enterprises easily fill good vacancies on their own, so unattractive vacancies most often end up in the employment service bank. As a rule, we are talking about jobs with unsatisfactory working conditions, low wages, delayed payments, etc.

The demand for jobs is determined by the composition of the employment service's clients. Basically, clients of the employment service are either citizens laid off from enterprises, who by law must receive additional benefits due to layoffs, or those who, if they lose their jobs, count on state support (in job search, financial support, professional retraining) during a period of unemployment , or young people who do not have professional training or graduates of educational institutions who have received a profession, but do not yet have practical work experience.

Thus, the employment service, as a rule, deals with a very specific contingent of citizens. Most often, these are the least competitive groups of unemployed people who need social support from the state. As for employment service vacancies, they cover a very specific segment - the least attractive jobs.

In this regard, the main task of vocational training is called by the employment service workers themselves to eliminate the imbalance of labor supply and demand.

At the beginning of each calendar year, the main areas of study and profession are planned, then during the year they are adjusted quarterly in accordance with changes in demand for labor and the capabilities of educational institutions.

A promising direction in the selection of professions for retraining can be considered the combination of training in related professions in one training course, which, of course, is a relevant condition for successful employment.

A serious problem is the fact that the list of professions taught by the employment service does not always meet the interests of the market.

This state of affairs is partly due to the fact that the desire of the unemployed to study in a particular profession and their willingness to change professions is of no small importance. An applicant for training is usually offered a list of professions for which he has the opportunity to study; he must make his choice. Despite the fact that the demand for blue-collar professions is high (turners, millers, mechanics of various specializations, carpenters, masons, etc. are not listed in the vacancy bank) and there is a good educational base for these professions, there are very few people willing to study in them.

When a person registered with the employment service expires his benefit payment and must either retrain or get a job, many choose training not because they are going to learn a more promising profession. Quite often, training is seen as a free opportunity to gain additional skills that may be in demand at home. Therefore, training groups for courses for hairdressers, makeup artists, drivers, tailors, and cutters are recruited much more easily than for in-demand blue-collar professions, although the effectiveness of employment after such courses is low. You can be absolutely sure that not a single hairdresser will hire such a “precocious” hairdresser without additional training and financial costs. Although, perhaps, such a specialty can provide a chance for self-employment.

Thus, in a number of cases, the employment service is unable to influence the replenishment of the market with the necessary specialists by retraining unemployed citizens, since they refuse offers to obtain one or another specialty that is in demand among employers. This is largely due to the imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market. One third of the unemployed have a higher education; more than half of the unemployed were managers, specialists, and office workers before they lost their jobs. For these people, learning blue-collar jobs is associated with a change in social status, which is always painful, and for those over 40, due to a number of reasons, it is often impossible.

As practice shows, a fairly productive way to increase the employment opportunities of the unemployed is not to acquire a new specialty, but to improve existing qualifications. But training the unemployed in the form of advanced training is effective only if there is sufficient demand for this profession (specialty) in the labor market.

There is an assumption that, by organizing training in professions that are obviously in little demand on the labor market, but attractive to the unemployed, employment services are thereby trying, among other things, to solve their own problems.

They must meet target numbers for the number of people trained and for the use of budget funds allocated for these purposes. (Since there is a fear that unused funds may subsequently cause a reduction in funding).

Training organizers, unable to recruit a sufficient number of unemployed people for vocational training in unpopular blue-collar professions, fulfill the planned numbers by recruiting interesting professions that have value in everyday life, for which it is not difficult to staff training groups.

Unemployed people, having registered with the employment service, do not immediately receive the opportunity to be sent to training. This is confirmed by surveys of unemployed people who have undergone vocational training. As a rule, they are offered training no earlier than 6 months from the date of registration. There are cases when this period was delayed up to 12 months.

Previously, training during the first 6 months of registration as an unemployed person was financially unprofitable for him, since during training a person received a small stipend instead of unemployment benefits (and its amount during this period is maximum). Since 1999, the procedure for paying scholarships has been changed. The stipend began to be calculated as a percentage of the average salary of an unemployed person, and actually became equal to unemployment benefits (the first 6 months - 75%). Therefore, an unemployed person sent to study now loses nothing. But this calculation procedure becomes unprofitable for the employment service. In this case, large scholarships place a burden on the budget allocated for vocational training, since unemployment benefits are calculated under another budget line. An increase in costs per student due to large scholarships actually leads to a decrease in the number of citizens sent for vocational training, which contradicts the interests of the employment service - to cover the largest number of unemployed people with training.

Moreover, this makes it difficult to meet benchmarks for monetary costs and the number of trained people for a specific period. There are cases where a person who had a high-paying job before applying to the employment service did not have a single job offer for a year and was not sent for training. Saving money, employment service employees give a referral, as a rule, only after the size of the possible scholarship for the unemployed is reduced to a minimum. Therefore, until now, long-term unemployed citizens are most often sent for advanced training and training.

Vocational training is preceded by professional counseling and selection. The purpose of professional counseling is to determine the area of ​​preferred activity, taking into account the professional and personal qualities of the unemployed and the situation on the labor market. This service is especially needed by young people who have no work experience, as well as often middle-aged people who are faced with the need to change their profession. Vocational selection involves identifying the degree of compliance of a person’s individual psychological characteristics with the requirements of the chosen profession. The opinions of professional consultants and psychologists are advisory in nature.

The selection criteria are the presence of general learning abilities, as well as some individual psychological qualities necessary for successful mastery of the chosen profession. However, the main criterion is whether the unemployed person has a desire to undergo training or retraining.

Selection procedures (testing using special techniques) are carried out when referring only to highly qualified specialties.

The basis for sending a person for vocational training in such specialties as an accountant, a primary-level foreign language teacher, doctors and nurses of various specializations, a secretary-assistant, etc. is not only the desire of the unemployed, but also the level of his basic training, work experience, preceding the direction to vocational training, since these courses are designed to improve skills and expand professional capabilities within the framework of an existing specialty. For most professions, there are no requirements for education and previous work experience.

The employment service builds relationships with unemployed people sent for vocational training on a contractual basis. There are several types of contracts. 1.

Agreement for training, retraining, and advanced training of an unemployed citizen (signed by the citizen and the employment service).

Under this agreement, the employment service undertakes to organize training and pay a stipend. A citizen is required to complete a full course of training in accordance with the schedule, upon completion pass an exam and receive a document certifying the acquisition of a profession (specialty); in case of employment after completion of training, within 3 days, submit a certificate from the place of work (in practice, the last point is not fulfilled ), if a citizen fails to fulfill his obligations under the contract without good reason, he may be expelled; for poor academic performance and irregular attendance at classes, the amount of the scholarship may be reduced by 25% or the payment of the scholarship may be suspended for up to one month. 2.

Agreement for training, retraining, advanced training of an unemployed citizen with reimbursement of the costs of the educational institution (signed by the citizen, the employment service and the educational institution).

Under this agreement, the citizen pays 50% of the cost of training. This training practice is used, for example, to improve the qualifications of medical workers registered with the employment service, since the cost of training is quite high and does not fit into cost standards. To the citizen’s obligations under this agreement is added the reimbursement of the cost of education to the educational institution in the amount of 50% on each side. An educational institution, in accordance with the contract, must provide a citizen with a training place upon presentation of a referral from the employment service, and train in a profession (specialty), in accordance with qualification requirements. 3.

Agreement on assistance in organizing their own business by an unemployed citizen with the condition of preliminary vocational training (signed by the employment service and the citizen).

This agreement, in addition to issues related to training, regulates the financial relations of the employment service and the citizen (allocation of subsidies, compensation payments for organizing one’s own business, provision of documents on the targeted expenditure of funds and the responsibility of the parties in connection with these obligations). 4.

Agreement on vocational training for unemployed citizens with subsequent employment (signed by the employment service and the employer, agreed with the bank).

Under such an agreement, the employment service finances all costs associated with training and payment of scholarships, and training can be carried out not only in educational institutions cooperating with the employment service, but also at the training base of the enterprise itself. In this case, the employer must reserve jobs for accepting unemployed people sent for training, and within 7 days after they receive the standard document, provide the employment service with an order for their employment. In addition, the employer undertakes not to release employees hired after training within 1 year from the date of their hiring. The procedure for reimbursement of training costs is also stipulated here. If the employer fails to fulfill its obligations under the contract, the employment service has the right to write off all costs associated with training from the company’s current account. Such an agreement is most preferable for the employment service, since it really solves the issue of employment of citizens who have completed training. Today, this is the most effective way to spend funds on training.

When concluding a training contract with the employment service, an unemployed person fills out a standard application. The application indicates the reason why he wants to retrain: -

there is no opportunity to find a job in your existing profession (specialty); -

there is no qualification necessary for employment; -

the ability to perform work in the previous profession (specialty) has been lost; -

advanced training in an existing profession (specialty) is required.

The same statement notes the expected option (1 out of 4) of employment after training: -

I will search for work on my own; -

I will be employed in accordance with the agreement with the company (letter of guarantee); -

organizing my own business; -

I will be self-employed.

This point is very important. In accordance with the law, citizens who have completed training and were unable to find work are again recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner. When filling out an application along with a contract, most citizens regard it as a continuation of the contract, and the marked option of employment after training as their obligation to the employment service. Employment service workers do not try to clarify and explain the rights of the unemployed, which is quite understandable. As a result, citizens who completed the training course and were unable to find a job do not return to the employment service (at least in the first 3 weeks, while their return is being monitored). Only by re-registering with the employment service within 3 weeks from the date of completion of the course does a person fall into the category of unemployed after training, worsening the statistics of the employment service. Since communication with citizens is practically lost after completing the training course, a person who has not registered is considered conditionally employed.

This procedure for assessing the effectiveness of training explains the high employment efficiency in the employment service reports (in some cases it is estimated at up to 95%), which in most cases does not correspond to reality.

Persons who have lost their jobs are not left without social and financial support from the state. In this article we will tell you about free training courses at the labor exchange, consider the procedure for retraining and the required payments.

What does the state provide for citizens who have lost their jobs?

In the field of employment, the following opportunities are provided for the unemployed:

  • Provide cash benefits for the period of searching for a vacancy;
  • Assist in the selection of vacant positions for candidates without experience and experienced employees;
  • Sent for training or retraining in a profession.

The benefit assigned to the unemployed is paid monthly. Its minimum amount is established by federal legislation, and cannot be less than 850 rubles as of 2019. Various vacancies are available to persons:

  • those looking for work for the first time;
  • have not worked for more than a year;
  • dismissed at the will of the employer (downsizing, liquidation);
  • dismissed for labor violations.

CZN employees regularly offer candidates vacancies that match the working conditions and their abilities. Citizens are required to visit potential employers. At least one or two times to appear at the Center for Re-registration to confirm your status and renew your benefit. Read also the article: → "".

If a candidate cannot find a job for a long time, he may be sent for retraining and training in other professions.

How to apply for benefits and benefits for an unemployed person

At the first stage, the citizen must appear at the employment center at his place of registration. Preliminarily collect documents on work experience, certificates from the place of work on the status of income for the last three months, documents on education. The sequence of actions of an unemployed person when registering:

  • drawing up an application, presenting the original work book, income certificate, identity card;
  • filling out the required questionnaire about the applicant’s skills;
  • referral for an interview for two vacancies to choose from by profession from the Central Employment Center;
  • no later than 11 days, the status of unemployed is assigned (if the person did not get a job);
  • calculation of benefits in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation On Employment in the Russian Federation.

The applicant is not prohibited from independently searching for a suitable workplace, but at the same time must respond to proposals from the employees of the Labor Center. In some cases, the unemployed are provided with all kinds of psychological assistance in professional adaptation after a long break from work. By observing the listed conditions, an unemployed citizen is regularly provided with a vacant labor base of positions, as well as the right to choose acceptable conditions of work and payment.

When will the center help with vocational training?

If a citizen needs to increase the degree of demand in the labor market, the employment service will help change professional qualifications and expand the employee’s basic knowledge in the field of economics and production. Based on the legislative law on the employed population, the state provides everyone in need with:

  • acquire a profession and obtain qualifications, if not available;
  • increase the level of knowledge and undergo retraining of the existing profession.

To achieve this, unemployed citizens are sent to free training courses, thereby providing a promising opportunity to get a prestigious job. Specially trained consultants help to correctly determine the required field of education of a candidate in order to increase his chances with the employer. They will also help assess the demand for professions at a given time for those who, due to circumstances, lack labor skills.

Areas of work activity that are preferred:

  • manufacturing industries - high-rise, welding, construction work;
  • utilities - gas, water supply, boiler services;
  • specialists in metalworking, logging, crane operators;
  • service sector - hairdressers, salespeople, cashiers, marketers;
  • office workers - administrators, accountants, secretaries.

As a rule, each region has its own distinctive features in the specialties offered. Read also the article: → "".

Priority groups of unemployed people in the queue for training

For retraining and training the candidate spends from one to six months. It all depends on the chosen specialty and curriculum. However, such training does not replace higher or technical education, as well as a general education program. Bypassing the general procedure, the following apply for the right to provide preferential education:

  • persons without work experience are looking for work for the first time;
  • graduated from a general education institution;
  • disabled people who have a medical certificate that confirms the limitation of the candidate’s working conditions;
  • retired military personnel, as well as members of their families;
  • unemployed parents of a disabled child, as well as his trustees and adoptive parents;
  • citizens who have been searching for work for more than six months.

Before starting training, candidates are given the right to choose the direction of the economy, production, or service sector in which they plan to develop. Legal support is also provided if the student wishes to subsequently open his own business. For this purpose, business education courses are organized to study marketing tools and subtleties when participating in state and municipal auctions.

What payments are those undergoing training at the Center of Education entitled to?

The process of obtaining additional education can take a long time. During this period, students are paid a state scholarship. Unemployed citizens are sent to special educational institutions, where they enter into an agreement with the administration for additional education as a representative of the employment center.

The financial costs of paying for tuition and providing students with scholarships are borne by the employment service. In case of illness, the unemployed must provide a medical document (sick leave) addressed to the regional employment center service. In this case, he will retain the right to continue his studies and a scholarship. Read also the article: → "".

Students are not entitled to:

  • interrupt training without good reason;
  • disrupt the routine of the educational process;
  • voluntarily stop studying.

Otherwise, the scholarship amount is reduced by 25% of the total amount. Disabled people who receive a pension for medical reasons, as well as guardians of disabled minors, retain benefits for caring for the persons under their care. The exception is the category of women who are on maternity leave at the time of training. A woman's officially confirmed status does not give her the right to a scholarship, since she is provided with benefits as a woman in labor.

What courses are available for the unemployed in Moscow?

Each region has an expanded list of professions offered for study. In Moscow, this list includes:

  • construction and automotive crane operators;
  • driver of municipal equipment, road construction vehicles;
  • electricians, car mechanics, boiler service operators;
  • installers of ventilation equipment, advertising structures;
  • carpentry, welding, construction and finishing specialties;
  • bakers, meat and food production workers;
  • pastry chefs, waiters, bartenders, maids, sales area administrators;
  • cashiers, salespeople, merchandisers;
  • accountants of any areas, HR specialists;
  • social workers, psychologists.

Classes are regularly organized for unemployed citizens in the form of online seminars, both full-time and remotely.

Citizens with medical education can undergo retraining in the following professions:

  • paramedics;
  • physiotherapists;
  • junior medical staff;
  • specialists in massage and physical therapy;
  • laboratory technicians in X-ray rooms and diagnostic centers.

It is also possible to combine study and work, provided that the student fulfills all the requirements and manages to complete the educational professional program.

How to retrain young mothers in Moscow

If a woman is on leave to care for a minor child under three years of age, by legislative norm dated January 17, 2013, the Moscow government No. 1 - PP approved the procedure for obtaining additional education for this group of unemployed residents of the region. To exercise your right, a woman will need:

  • submit a written application to the central registration center at the place of registration;
  • provide documents: passport, child’s birth certificate, diploma of existing education;
  • Confirm with documentation that you are on leave to leave your place of work.

The HR department can provide a copy of the work book, certified by the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the official, as well as a certificate on the organization’s letterhead stating that the employee has not started working duties. A resident of the region can apply for this service once and receive free additional education in the field of:

  • tax and accounting;
  • personnel affairs;
  • economics and statistics;
  • social psychology;
  • design or entrepreneurship;
  • business English.

Key professions in all districts of the capital are homogeneous, with some exceptions. Every year, each district of the city offers various programs for obtaining free additional education for the unemployed.

Common questions on the topic

Question No. 1. If a woman takes out a BIR leave after starting her studies, does she have the right to continue her studies?

Any candidate from the CZN has the right to attend courses, participate in community service, and receive a state scholarship. In case of illness, sick leave is provided for missed study time. The ban on training also does not apply to pregnant women if she complies with the training regimen and copes with the professional program. However, if the BIR's leave is formalized, then she is no longer paid a scholarship for her studies.

Question No. 2. An unemployed citizen is sent for internship in another region. What is the procedure for completing the internship?

For a candidate who moves to another region for the purpose of obtaining a work internship, the Central Employment Center pays: the cost of round-trip travel, reimburses living expenses, and pays daily allowances for the time traveling to the place of practice and back.

Question No. 3. If a CZN client has a qualification as a gas welder of the third category, can he undergo training for any other qualification or obtain the profession of an electric welder?

The Law on Employment provides for the rights of the unemployed to obtain a profession in the event of a complete lack of labor skills, as well as a change of profession or advanced training in order to obtain a job as quickly as possible.

Video tips. Registration for free training through the employment center?

The video reveals information about the experience of applying for free training through the employment center ⇓

Every citizen who has received unemployed status is given the opportunity not only to receive government support in the form of social benefits, but also to undergo retraining courses. The ninth and twelfth articles of the Law “On Employment” stipulate what courses can be completed from the employment center.

The legislative framework

The activities of the labor exchange are regulated by:

  • International documents regarding employment, ratified by the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure;
  • Labor Code;
  • Federal Employment Law;
  • Other regulations providing for the procedure for providing state support to certain categories of people.

How the exchange can help

The Center for Employment Keeps records of people searching for work, promotes their employment, and also pays benefits to persons who have received unemployed status. Such payments are accrued for a certain period, and their size depends on the average salary at the previous place of work, as well as the time during which the citizen does not work.

Functions of labor exchanges:

  • Registration of persons who do not have a permanent place of work;
  • Assistance in employment;
  • Registration of payments to the unemployed;
  • Sending unemployed persons for training, retraining or raising their qualification level;
  • Preparation and implementation of special programs (paid public works, other employment measures);
  • Professional and social adaptation of the unemployed (psychological assistance, retraining courses).

Who is sent for training

The center has the right to offer a citizen to acquire another profession if:

  • The person has no profession;
  • A citizen should retrain due to lack of work in his specialty;
  • A person cannot work according to the qualifications he has.

Free courses at the employment center can help:

  1. Find a job;
  2. Start your own bissnes;
  3. Increase competitiveness in the professional market.

Preferential queue for taking CZN courses

Those who have received unemployed status have the priority right to receive free training from the Employment Center:

  • Persons with disabilities. When providing a certificate from the VKK stating that a disease prevents a person from engaging in a certain type of activity;
  • Family members (parents, adoptive parents, trustees) of a disabled child;
  • Citizens who have been unemployed for more than six months;
  • Military retirees, as well as their spouses;
  • Persons who have received a certificate of completion of a secondary school (lyceum, gymnasium);
  • First time seekers of help in finding a job.

What will the CZN courses teach?

By agreeing to take courses from the labor exchange, a citizen will be able to acquire one of over fifty specialties. The choice of profession depends on the region of residence. The labor market of Moscow and the regional center has different needs for qualified personnel.

The following specializations are priority:

  1. Economic direction:
  • Accountant;
  • Auditor;
  • Auditor;
  • Locksmith;
  • Milling operator;
  • Plumber;
  • Tiler;
  • Turner;
  • Collector of furniture;
  • Picker;
  • Machine operator;
  • Assistant Manager;
  • Confectioner;
  • Hairdresser;
  • Manicurist;
  • Waiter;
  • Baker;
  • Bartender;
  • Lifter;
  1. Private enterprise;
  2. Computer techologies:
  • Programmer;
  • Website layout designer;
  • Graphic Designer;
  • Nurse (nurse);
  • Pharmacist.

Accurate information regarding the list of specialties for which you can retrain for free will be provided by the local labor exchange.

How to get to the courses

The duration of training ranges from one month to six months. The start of studies depends on the formation of groups.

Some qualifications are in high demand, so there is a waiting list for such groups. If you are interested in a certain specialty, you will have to wait until the start of your studies.

Moreover, immediately after registration, the labor exchange employee will not immediately offer to undergo retraining.

List of documents

To enroll in courses from the employment center, the applicant must provide the necessary documents:

  • Applicant's application;
  • Identity document (passport);
  • Work book (if available);
  • Certificate of acquired profession (certificate, diploma, certificate of completion of courses, driver’s license);
  • Certificate of income for the quarter (for persons who had a job);

If you are registering for training again, you will need:

  • Passport;
  • Document on the appointment of an individual rehabilitation program (for persons with disabilities).

Learning process

Not long ago, labor exchanges began working under a new retraining scheme. The new system of modules allows you to train applicants with the necessary professional skills in the shortest possible time. Many teachers conduct classes in an accessible playful way. Applicants study some humanities subjects on their own.

Full-time study is used to improve qualifications or acquire a new profession. Theoretical classes alternate with practical training of acquired skills. The courses offer both individual and group lessons. Most often it depends on the set of groups.

After completing the courses, the applicant is asked to take an exam to receive a certificate. It takes place orally or in writing (at the request of the applicant). The certificate of completion of the courses contains information about the assignment of a rank or qualification.

Benefits during the training period

During the training period, the applicant retains the benefit provided by law. The amount of the benefit does not depend on the status of the citizen; only the assignment of the status of unemployed matters.

Financial assistance is not accrued or its payment is terminated if:

  • The citizen arbitrarily interrupted the learning process;
  • The applicant was expelled from the course of study;
  • For the period of illness;
  • During maternity leave.

Advantages and disadvantages of courses from TsZN

The following are the advantages of undergoing free retraining from the labor exchange:

  • The courses offer mastery of a profession in demand among employers;
  • You can try to change your field of activity and succeed in it;
  • Learning new skills that won't hurt anyone;
  • The learning process is absolutely free for the applicant;
  • An unemployed person receives a “scholarship” - financial assistance from the state.

Please note that you will study the profession not with the employees of the Center for Education, but with teachers from educational institutions that won the tender for the provision of such services. A citizen can not only retrain, but also improve his qualifications in his existing specialty. Any certificate of professional development is your bonus when applying for a job.

Of course, there is a fly in the ointment in this “barrel of honey.” When agreeing to courses from the Center for Significance, remember:

  • Exchange employees are not interested in what profession you will master. To become a student in the course you are interested in, you will have to wait;
  • The level of teaching in the regions leaves much to be desired. Therefore, how much knowledge you master depends primarily on you;
  • Having received a new specialty, you will receive new job offers. But they may disappoint you with the salary. And refusal of several offered vacancies may result in denial of benefits.

Applicants who have already completed retraining courses from the Central Education Center are advised to choose a specialty that is of interest to you and give preference to classes with teachers from higher educational institutions.

Free courses at the Employment Center are aimed at professional retraining of personnel for their successful employment. Every willing unemployed citizen has the right to register his status at the labor exchange and undergo training.

What courses does the Employment Center offer?

The employment center is a government agency focused on providing assistance to people in need of work. The institution's database contains vacancies that are offered to the unemployed population.

Registered unemployed people are paid benefits from the labor exchange every month. Citizens also have the right to take free professional retraining courses.

The right to undergo free training from the Employment Center is given on the basis of Federal Law No. 1032 “On employment in the Russian Federation” dated April 19, 1991, Art. 9 and art. 12. They indicate that all unemployed people have the right:

  • to freely choose one’s profession;
  • for protection against unemployment;
  • for complete information about the situation on the profession market;
  • for free assistance in finding a job.

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List of educational areas:

  • Information Systems;
  • information Technology;
  • security;
  • cashier;
  • storekeeper;
  • hairdresser;
  • crane operator;
  • salesman;
  • tourism manager;
  • driver (category C and B);
  • cook;
  • tailor.

Attention! This list may change depending on the location of the labor exchange. The exact list of educational areas can be clarified at the Employment Center at your place of residence.

The duration of training ranges from 1 month to six months. Upon completion of their studies, students are issued a diploma of professional development.

Retraining at the Employment Center is available to citizens who have been unemployed for 6 months or longer. The purpose of retraining is to acquire new skills and abilities for successful employment, if previous education did not contribute to improving the working situation.


People have the right to independently choose the direction of vocational training. During the period of study, the payment of the monthly allowance does not stop.

After training, specialists from the Employment Center will offer citizens suitable job vacancies.

If a person cannot choose a specialization on his own, the labor exchange will provide him with free consultation on choosing a profession, a conversation with a specialist and the necessary tests.

List of situations in which the Employment Center sends for training:

  • lack of any qualifications;
  • it is necessary to improve qualifications for employment;
  • Successful employment requires a radical change of profession.

The courses are aimed at:

  • effective employment;
  • opening your own business;
  • increasing professional competitiveness in the labor market.

How to enroll in retraining courses

All unemployed people registered with this institution have the right to undergo training from the labor exchange. If a person is not registered with the Employment Center as unemployed, he will not be able to enroll in specialist retraining courses for free.

After a citizen decides on his specialization, he will need to enter into a specific agreement with the labor exchange. Only after this the curriculum will become available to him.

To enroll in training, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • statement;
  • identification;
  • if the person previously worked, you will need a work book;
  • evidence of previously completed training (diploma, certificate, certificate);
  • if a citizen previously worked, a certificate of income is needed (for 3 months);
  • if a citizen is disabled, a rehabilitation program is required.

If a citizen wishes to undergo training again, he will only need to submit a rehabilitation program, if he is disabled, and an identity card.

Extraordinary right to free education

The following categories of citizens have the right to take courses out of turn:

  • who have received the status of a disabled person (if there is a medical certificate indicating the need to change profession);
  • adoptive parents, parents, guardians of a child with disabled status;
  • citizens who have been unable to find employment for more than 6 months (mandatory condition - registration with the Employment Center);
  • military personnel with their wives after their dismissal;
  • citizens who have graduated from educational institutions and are employed for the first time.

Thanks to taking courses, a person can realize himself in a new professional activity, successfully find a job, or exchange difficult working conditions for optimal ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of retraining from the Employment Center

Retraining from the labor exchange has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the advantages:

  • receiving benefits;
  • new professional skills;
  • the opportunity to find a new job;
  • special programs for disabled people and convicted citizens.

As for the minuses, they are:

  • in-demand areas are always filled with people willing to study, so periodically you have to wait for a new intake;
  • the vocational training program in free courses may not be the latest, which means the need for independent partial training;
  • A citizen is removed from the labor exchange after he has twice refused the offered vacancies.

Payment of benefits during retraining

During the course, citizens are paid a scholarship and provided with financial assistance. If a citizen falls ill while studying, he is paid a benefit (if the sick leave is confirmed by the Employment Center).

If a person missed classes or had poor academic performance, his scholarship may be canceled for a period of one month, or reduced by 25%.

Termination of scholarship payments occurs in the following cases:

  • training has been successfully completed;
  • the student was expelled from the course through his own fault;
  • The student voluntarily decided to quit his studies.

Attention! During maternity and pregnancy leave, the stipend is not paid. Interesting fact! Studying courses and work can be combined if this does not harm the educational process.

If a citizen is sent to take courses in another region, the funds he spent on travel are returned to him and a daily allowance is paid. If necessary, rented housing is paid for.

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Free training courses at the labor exchange in 2018 - what is it?

Graduating from college and university is often not enough to get a job.

Many citizens are thinking about what free training courses are offered at the labor exchange in 2018 in order to improve their skills and become a sought-after specialist.

Every person who does not have a job has the right to seek help from the nearest employment center and begin receiving appropriate benefits.

If a citizen cannot be employed within a certain period of time, a specialist may offer to complete free courses in one of the areas.

General information

A government agency, the employment service, is a multifunctional organization where you can not only find a job, but also improve your qualifications or gain new work skills.

This service has a branch in every city in Russia. When asking for help in finding a job, a citizen fills out a form in which he indicates his education and what experience he has.

A referral for training is issued by a specialist in cases where there are grounds for this.

What it is

Free training with a referral from the employment center is an important step towards finding a good job.

This opportunity is provided only to some unemployed citizens, namely:

  1. Persons with a disability group.
  2. For parents raising children with disabilities.
  3. Any citizens who are looking for work and have been registered for more than 6 months.
  4. Retired military personnel.
  5. Students of secondary and higher educational institutions.
  6. Citizens who served in the military but were discharged within three years.

The direction indicates the chosen field of activity, location of classes and type of training.

Main areas of work

The employment center provides the opportunity to receive education in the following areas:

  • hairdressing;
  • security;
  • accounting;
  • elevator maintenance;
  • tourism business;
  • nursing;
  • culinary art;
  • warehouse and transport logistics;
  • category B and C driver;
  • tailoring;
  • pantry farming;
  • tram or trolleybus driver.

The essence of retraining courses is that a person gains additional knowledge and improves skills in an existing profession, which is usually enough to get a job.

Classes are held not in the center itself, but in the institution that provides educational services under the terms of the contract.

If a citizen successfully completes the courses, he will be issued an appropriate certificate.

What regulations governs

According to Russian legislation, every citizen registered with the employment service has the right not only to receive benefits, but also to free attendance at educational courses to improve their skills.

This is established by the Employment Law No. 1032 - articles 9 and 12.

Other legislative acts that guide the employment center in its activities:

State Order employment service No. 6 – legal actsIn accordance with which a competition is being held to provide subsidies for the implementation of various additional measures for the employment of people with disabilities. This program was conducted in the Trans-Baikal Territory
Federal Law No. 36 “On Employment”The document contains not only legal, but also economic, as well as organizational aspects that should be applied by employment centers. Thus, the state ensures employment of citizens and provides social protection to the population from unemployment
Labor CodeThe employment process is regulated by Articles 65, 94, 272
Convection and ILO Recommendation No. 159International legal acts related to the field of employment

The basic rules on employment are contained in the Russian Constitution. The norms of the current legislation on employment apply to both Russians and foreign citizens, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

Also, according to the norms, only those citizens who have not been able to find a job within six months can receive a referral for free training.

Its main task is to improve a person’s qualifications or provide new knowledge, which they can subsequently use in their work activities.

What you need to know when taking free training courses at the labor exchange

Before receiving an invitation to courses, a citizen must collect all documents and register with the labor exchange.

And also go to interviews and bring refusals from employers. Otherwise, the direction will not be issued.

You also need to be prepared for the fact that after completing classes you will still have to start working.

If the status of unemployed is officially recognized, the citizen becomes entitled to benefits.

How is the educational process going?

Vocational training of citizens referred from the employment center is carried out according to the following scheme:

A citizen who has completed training gets the opportunity to change working conditions from harmful to normal ones, at his own request or if there are appropriate indications.

If the place of employment is far from home, the citizen is entitled to compensation:

  1. Refunds are provided for money spent on travel to and from the place of study.
  2. Daily allowances may be issued for the time when the citizen traveled to the place of study and home.
  3. Compensation for rental housing for the period of study in another region.

The completed training is a guarantee that the citizen will be employed elsewhere or get a job for the first time in his life in accordance with his wishes.

What vacancies can they offer?

In advanced training courses or regular general education courses, you can get one of the following professions:

  1. Legal assistant – lawyer (advanced training).
  2. Accountant.
  3. Seamstress.
  4. Makeup artist - hairdresser.
  5. Cook.
  6. Elevator.
  7. Masseur.
  8. Medical worker.
  9. Programmer.
  10. Tourism manager.
  11. Driver.
  12. Warehouse worker.

Upon completion of training, the citizen has a certificate in his hands, according to which he can find a job.

The employment center will offer vacancies in accordance with the additional education received.

Who is eligible for retraining

The right to retraining is given to those citizens who were unable to find a job, despite the fact that they were registered with the employment service for six months and regularly attended interviews in their main specialty.

The main goal of retraining is to enable a citizen to gain professional skills in another field of activity so that in the future he can find a job and earn an income.

This measure is necessary if it turns out to be impossible to get a job in the first specialty.

The benefit is accrued monthly until retraining is completed and a suitable job is found with a salary level that suits the citizen.

Features of retraining:

Training can begin after an appropriate agreement has been concluded with the employment center.

Documents that will be required

To enroll in free courses in your chosen profession, you need to prepare a package of documents:

  1. An application from a person registered with the employment center, drawn up according to the template provided.
  2. Passport of a Russian citizen and copies of the main pages.
  3. If the person has previously carried out labor activities, the original work record book is provided.
  4. A document issued after graduation from an educational institution - a certificate and diploma.
  5. Also, persons who already have work experience must provide a statement of income received for the last three months in their last place.
  6. If a person has the right to preferential training due to a disability, an ITU certificate and an individual rehabilitation program are provided, which indicates what types of work are indicated or contraindicated.

Once you apply, it may take some time before enrollment in professional development classes begins.

The main advantages are that even people with a criminal record and disabilities can find work.

Until they are employed, they are entitled to a benefit, the amount of which is not equal to the average wage, but will still allow them to buy food and some necessary things.

Are benefits paid during the course?

If a citizen is sent by an employment center specialist for training, he is guaranteed a scholarship.

Classes are held in specially designated places - classrooms and training centers, with which the employment office has entered into a cooperation agreement.

After the training process is completed, the payment of the scholarship stops and the citizen continues to go for interviews.

At the same time, the chances of successful employment increase significantly. During the period of study, the citizen receives:

  1. A stipend in the prescribed amount according to the law.
  2. Material assistance.

Payments can also be made if a citizen is temporarily disabled, as confirmed by a sick leave certificate.

This document is issued by a medical institution employee to the employment center.

If a person attends classes irregularly or shows poor results, the total amount of the scholarship may be reduced by 25%.

Complete termination of payments is possible in several cases:

  • completion of the learning process;
  • deduction;
  • unauthorized departure from classes.

If a woman becomes pregnant and takes maternity leave, the stipend is also not paid.

Certain categories of citizens have the right not only to undergo free training, but also to subsequent employment in their acquired profession. The employment center specialist will offer several programs to choose from.

Free training from the employment center: specialties, reviews

The employment service provides not only work for people, but also training. If your profession is not in great demand, then you can learn a new one. Typically, such centers offer several specialties from which you can choose the one that suits you.

Training from the employment center allows you to obtain a document with which you can get a job. Moreover, all this is provided free of charge, since for the unemployed it is financed by the budget. You just need to know what is required for this.

Advantages of retraining

After losing a job, a person usually turns to the labor exchange, where vacancies are offered. Sometimes people cannot choose a suitable specialty. But for this there is free training from the employment center. The advantages of such courses are that:

  • vacancies in demand;
  • a new profession will be mastered;
  • new knowledge will not be superfluous;
  • training is free because it is paid for by the state;
  • Scholarships are provided to many categories of citizens.

Training from the employment center is conducted by experienced teachers and specialists from various educational institutions. The unemployed are offered not only retraining, but also advanced training. The issued document will serve for employment.

Disadvantages of training

But vocational training from the employment center also has disadvantages:

  • There are not always interesting vacancies, sometimes you have to wait quite a long time for suitable ones;
  • technical equipment in many regions is not so rich;
  • If, after training, you refuse several vacancies, the unemployed person will not be paid benefits.

Therefore, you should think carefully before signing up for training from a job center. Reviews indicate the need for retraining, because after this, job opportunities appear. Many citizens are happy to receive free training in a specialty of interest, especially since it is conducted at a convenient time. Most people are attracted to courses because there is no fee.

Still, there are reviews that indicate the ineffectiveness of retraining. The stock exchange cannot always offer a profession that is interesting to a person. And then you have to wait quite a long time for the required vacancy.

Who needs training?

Free courses at the employment center for the unemployed are required by Russian law. All unemployed citizens can sign up for them. Training is performed in the following cases:

  • lack of qualifications;
  • difficulties in finding a vacancy;
  • the need to change profession;
  • the inability of a citizen to do his job.

The main goal of the courses is further employment, increased competitiveness, and opening your own business.

Types of professions

The list of offers for retraining is quite rich. In many centers it reaches 70 professions. The most popular areas are:

  • economics: accountant;
  • worker: plumber, mechanic, turner;
  • service: cook, security guard, secretary;
  • social: psychologist, educator;
  • entrepreneurship;
  • IT: designer;
  • creative and educational;
  • management;
  • medical.

In each region, the list of professions may differ, it all depends on the regional labor market, as well as the availability of educational institutions and teachers.

In many organizations you can get training to become a welder from the employment center. Accountant courses are also in demand, since employees with this specialty are required almost everywhere.

All necessary information can be obtained only at the employment center.

Every person has the right to choose a specialty; no one can arbitrarily enroll him in training for any profession. If you wish, you can not go to courses, but wait for a suitable vacancy to appear.

Features of admission

The training period lasts 1-6 months depending on the program. Groups are recruited at different times of the year. Some institutions have waiting lists, so you can study for your desired profession.

Accounting courses are the most popular area, as it provides the opportunity for profitable employment. This profession is always valued, and even more so, such employees receive high and stable salaries. Training for mothers on maternity leave from the employment center is widespread. During this period, they receive benefits and learn a new profession.

Benefits in training

Although all unemployed citizens have the right to improve their qualifications, there are still priority groups of people who are given greater preference:

  • disabled people;
  • unemployed people who have been registered for more than 6 months;
  • dismissed citizens;
  • military personnel who have lost their jobs and their families;
  • school graduates.

For such people, the employment center offers all available professions from which they can choose the ones they like. It is important for the state to employ them first.

If you have experience in vocational training, then the employment center must require admission to the required course. It is also important to find out where this advanced training is being funded.

For many citizens, training from the employment center is provided with a stipend. One-time financial assistance, compensation for travel and accommodation are also provided if there is a need to stay in another area.

Funds may not be paid when a person does not attend training. After this, a document confirming receipt of the specialty is provided. You can get a job with him.

On maternity leave

Training from the employment center is also offered for young mothers who are on maternity leave. It is important that the child is under 3 years old and the woman is officially employed.

The following conditions must be met:

  • You only need to contact the employment center that is assigned to your place of residence;
  • training is provided only if it is alone during parental leave;
  • at the time of completion of training, the leave must still be valid;
  • if there is no part-time or home-based work.

What documents are required?

Before starting training, the employment center suggests collecting a list of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a copy of the document confirming maternity leave.

What services are provided?

The employment center offers comprehensive training, which includes the following services:

  • vocational guidance: it is possible to take a test, on the basis of which a suitable specialty will be selected;
  • familiarization with the labor market that provides employment opportunities;
  • direction for training.

Types of training

Depending on the need, the following types of training are selected:

  • Preparation: Skills are acquired in a short time.
  • Retraining: programs are studied to obtain additional knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Advanced training: improving personal knowledge, skills and abilities in the acquired profession.

At the employment center, professions are selected based on wishes, as well as existing education, professional qualifications, and vacation time.

Where does the training take place?

It is usually carried out by universities and educational institutions collaborating with the employment center. The list of establishments must be provided by labor exchange employees or on their website.

Sometimes they are sent to another city for training. In this case, compensation for travel and accommodation expenses is due. All this is documented.

How is training carried out?

The forms of training are:

  • face-to-face;
  • part-time (evening).

Classes can be held in individual or group form. Distance learning is also practiced. The duration of the courses depends on the program, but usually it is no more than 6 months.

Features of employment

After training, you can get a job, but you should know how to do it correctly in order to find a suitable vacancy. Employers put forward certain requirements for applicants. This is due to the fact that the employee will perform one of the important work for the development of the enterprise or company. Therefore, the following requirements are put forward to applicants:

  • Education: secondary specialized or higher education preferred.
  • Some vacancies require knowledge of a foreign language.
  • Work experience: important almost everywhere.

If a person meets all the criteria, then he will definitely be hired. Additional skills may also be required: driving, knowledge of English. This information in the resume must be indicated honestly, since untruths will still be revealed.

Writing a resume

When looking for a job, it is important to write your resume correctly. The main information in it is:

  • address;
  • Family status;
  • education;
  • citizenship.

The resume should include additional skills. This often helps you find the right job. These include knowledge of languages, use of computer programs, and driving a car.

After training, you can get a job assignment. It is necessary to take a reference for completing the internship. You should even include part-time work in your resume, if you had one. If there is no experience, then this should be indicated.


If the employer is satisfied with the resume, he invites the applicant for an interview. To prepare for this event, you should use the following tips:

  • You must behave confidently;
  • the voice should be firm and the smile calm;
  • the interviewer needs to be looked at in the face;
  • questions should be answered honestly;
  • It is advisable to choose discreet clothing;
  • women should wear discreet makeup;
  • Jewelry in the image should be in small quantities.

Even if you have no work experience, you can get a job if you prove yourself. It is important to show a desire to work and develop further. Often this allows you to get the desired position.

After training, the employment center usually offers several vacancies, providing a referral to work. Most people, after training, still find the necessary vacancy and are successfully employed.

Every citizen who has received unemployed status is given the opportunity not only to receive government support in the form of social benefits, but also to undergo retraining courses. The ninth and twelfth articles of the Law “On Employment” stipulate what courses can be completed from the employment center.

The activities of the labor exchange are regulated by:

  • International documents regarding employment, ratified by the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure;
  • Labor Code;
  • Federal Employment Law;
  • Other regulations providing for the procedure for providing state support to certain categories of people.

How the exchange can help

The Center for Employment Keeps records of people searching for work, promotes their employment, and also pays benefits to persons who have received unemployed status. Such payments are accrued for a certain period, and their size depends on the average salary at the previous place of work, as well as the time during which the citizen does not work.

Functions of labor exchanges:

  • Registration of persons who do not have a permanent place of work;
  • Assistance in employment;
  • Registration of payments to the unemployed;
  • Sending unemployed persons for training, retraining or raising their qualification level;
  • Preparation and implementation of special programs (paid public works, other employment measures);
  • Professional and social adaptation of the unemployed (psychological assistance, retraining courses).

Who is sent for training

The center has the right to offer a citizen to acquire another profession if:

  • The person has no profession;
  • A citizen should retrain due to lack of work in his specialty;
  • A person cannot work according to the qualifications he has.

Free courses at the employment center can help:

  1. Find a job;
  2. Start your own bissnes;
  3. Increase competitiveness in the professional market.

Preferential queue for taking CZN courses

Those who have received unemployed status have the priority right to receive free training from the Employment Center:

  • Persons with disabilities. When providing a certificate from the VKK stating that a disease prevents a person from engaging in a certain type of activity;
  • Family members (parents, adoptive parents, trustees) of a disabled child;
  • Citizens who have been unemployed for more than six months;
  • Military retirees, as well as their spouses;
  • Persons who have received a certificate of completion of a secondary school (lyceum, gymnasium);
  • First time seekers of help in finding a job.

What will the CZN courses teach?

By agreeing to take courses from the labor exchange, a citizen will be able to acquire one of over fifty specialties. The choice of profession depends on the region of residence. The labor market of Moscow and the regional center has different needs for qualified personnel.

The following specializations are priority:

  1. Economic direction:
  • Accountant;
  • Auditor;
  • Auditor;
  1. Working professions:
  • Locksmith;
  • Milling operator;
  • Plumber;
  • Tiler;
  • Turner;
  • Collector of furniture;
  • Picker;
  • Machine operator;
  1. Service specialties:
  • Assistant Manager;
  • Confectioner;
  • Hairdresser;
  • Manicurist;
  • Waiter;
  • Baker;
  • Bartender;
  • Lifter;
  1. Private enterprise;
  2. Computer techologies:
  • Programmer;
  • Website layout designer;
  • Graphic Designer;
  1. Medical professions:
  • Nurse (nurse);
  • Pharmacist.

Accurate information regarding the list of specialties for which you can retrain for free will be provided by the local labor exchange.

How to get to the courses

The duration of training ranges from one month to six months. The start of studies depends on the formation of groups. Some qualifications are in high demand, so there is a waiting list for such groups. If you are interested in a certain specialty, you will have to wait until the start of your studies. Moreover, immediately after registration, the labor exchange employee will not immediately offer to undergo retraining.

List of documents

To enroll in courses from the employment center, the applicant must provide the necessary documents:

  • Applicant's application;
  • Identity document (passport);
  • Work book (if available);
  • Certificate of acquired profession (certificate, diploma, certificate of completion of courses, driver’s license);
  • Certificate of income for the quarter (for persons who had a job);

If you are registering for training again, you will need:

  • Passport;
  • Document on the appointment of an individual rehabilitation program (for persons with disabilities).

Learning process

Not long ago, labor exchanges began working under a new retraining scheme. The new system of modules allows you to train applicants with the necessary professional skills in the shortest possible time. Many teachers conduct classes in an accessible playful way. Applicants study some humanities subjects on their own.

Full-time study is used to improve qualifications or acquire a new profession. Theoretical classes alternate with practical training of acquired skills. The courses offer both individual and group lessons. Most often it depends on the set of groups.

After completing the courses, the applicant is asked to take an exam to receive a certificate. It takes place orally or in writing (at the request of the applicant). The certificate of completion of the courses contains information about the assignment of a rank or qualification.

Benefits during the training period

During the training period, the applicant retains the benefit provided by law. The amount of the benefit does not depend on the status of the citizen; only the assignment of the status of unemployed matters.

Financial assistance is not accrued or its payment is terminated if:

  • The citizen arbitrarily interrupted the learning process;
  • The applicant was expelled from the course of study;
  • For the period of illness;
  • During maternity leave.

Advantages and disadvantages of courses from TsZN

The following are the advantages of undergoing free retraining from the labor exchange:

  • The courses offer mastery of a profession in demand among employers;
  • You can try to change your field of activity and succeed in it;
  • Learning new skills that won't hurt anyone;
  • The learning process is absolutely free for the applicant;
  • An unemployed person receives a “scholarship” - financial assistance from the state.

Please note that you will study the profession not with the employees of the Center for Education, but with teachers from educational institutions that won the tender for the provision of such services. A citizen can not only retrain, but also improve his qualifications in his existing specialty. Any certificate of professional development is your bonus when applying for a job.

Of course, there is a fly in the ointment in this “barrel of honey.” When agreeing to courses from the Center for Significance, remember:

  • Exchange employees are not interested in what profession you will master. To become a student in the course you are interested in, you will have to wait;
  • The level of teaching in the regions leaves much to be desired. Therefore, how much knowledge you master depends primarily on you;
  • Having received a new specialty, you will receive new job offers. But they may disappoint you with the salary. And refusal of several offered vacancies may result in denial of benefits.

Applicants who have already completed retraining courses from the Central Education Center are advised to choose a specialty that is of interest to you and give preference to classes with teachers from higher educational institutions.