Improving sales management in the organization. Diploma in Sales Management

We present to your attention a free sample report for a diploma on the topic “Improving Sales Management.”

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Hello, dear members of the certification commission!

The topic of my final qualifying work is “Improving sales management in a retail chain (using the example of the Pyaterochka x5 retail group).”

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that sales management is a complex, multifaceted concept, to which, however, a generally accepted approach has not yet been formed and the importance of which increases in the context of a decrease in the purchasing power of the population. Some experts view it as a management issue, and primarily with people who are involved in sales (including personnel selection, motivation, training). Others believe that sales management is primarily sales management. Quite a lot of attention is paid to the need to automate the process of interaction with customers, which is also called sales management.

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The purpose of the work is to analyze the sales management system in a retail chain and develop recommendations for its improvement (using the example of the Pyaterochka X5 RetailGroup retail chain).

To achieve the goal, a number of tasks were set and solved.

The object of the study is Pyaterochka LLC, a retail chain enterprise in Zelenograd.

The subject of the study is a set of relationships that arise in the process of sales management in the retail trade enterprise Pyaterochka.

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During the work, the theoretical aspects of sales management in retail trade were considered.

To achieve the goal, the second chapter of the work analyzes the sales management system in the Pyaterochka retail trade and develops recommendations for its improvement.

The Pyaterochka retail chain was founded in 1998. Currently, it is managed by X5 Retail Group and is one of the largest Russian grocery market chains.

The composition and structure of labor resources are presented on the slide.

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During the analyzed period, the number of personnel increased by 14 people or 13.5%. This was due to the growth of the sales force, while the number of employees and managers remained unchanged.

Let us present the main technical and economic indicators of the activity of the store under study for 2014-2016.

These tables indicate an improvement in the enterprise’s activities in 2016 compared to 2014. Sales volume increased by 48.14%. The number decreased by 2%. Labor productivity increased by 62.4%, while the average wage level increased by 25.9%. The most important part of an enterprise are the assets that characterize its production capacity. These include fixed assets. Capital productivity increased by 16.36%. Since the rate of cost reduction is higher than the rate of decline in sales volume, gross profit tends to increase by 28.1%. Net profit increased due to operating expenses exceeding income. One of the indicators characterizing efficiency is profitability. And, as we see from the table data, the growth rate of this indicator has decreased.

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During the work, an analysis of sales management in the Pyaterochka chain was carried out (using the example of a retail chain store in the city of Zelenograd).

Firstly, the network logo was transformed and a new slogan was created. Now it is represented by the phrase “There is something to surprise!”. Its appearance is presented on the slide.

Secondly, the number of chain stores was increased. During the third quarter, 265 Pyaterochka stores were renovated, which led to an increase in sales in the chain. The data is presented on the slide.

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The perception of a store begins with the design of its entrance area. Taking into account the analysis of the store design and the entrance area, we can highlight the following pros and cons presented on the slide.

As can be seen from the table, the number of minuses exceeds the number of positive aspects in the design of the entrance area, which can negatively affect the attendance of this retail establishment.

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The main element of analysis in a sales management system is the product range. In recent years, X5 has carried out significant work to expand its product range, which has allowed the company to increase its competitiveness and attract customers not only with a low price, but also with a wide range. The dynamics of development of the assortment is presented on the slide.

The table shows that in 2014 - 2015. the increase reaches 500 product items, which is 15%. Also, according to the chain’s annual report for 2015, the number of new products in large format stores is 5,300.


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Also in this work, an analysis of the assortment management of the store under study, located in the city of Zelenograd, was carried out.

During the study of the current state of affairs in sales management, it was revealed that the largest share in the assortment structure is occupied by food products (57%) with 171 product groups. The basic indicators are 144 product groups and a share of 53%.

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In 2016, large chains grew even more; retail market leaders entered new markets, absorbing smaller retailers. In the structure of retail trade formats in 2016, the share of traditional trade accounted for 28%, the share of TOP 7 retailers - 22.5%, other chain retail - 26%, non-chain modern retail accounted for 16.5%, and markets accounted for only 7%.

The main competitors of Pyaterochka stores are: the chain of stores “Magnit”, “Auchan”, “Metro”, “Dixie”, etc.

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During the work, we conducted a SWOT analysis for the Pyaterochka chain “X5 Retail Group”

Based on the SWOT analysis, three strategic alternatives were selected for the X5 company, which will be implemented by the chain stores (including the one being studied in the work).

  1. Strategy to strengthen market position;
  2. Market development strategy (entering new regions);
  3. Product development

Thus, of the indicated strategic alternatives for the development of X5, for the Pyaterochka store, the strategy of strengthening its position in the market is of greatest importance and relevance. As noted above, improving the sales system in a store using methods such as merchandising and category management will allow, at minimal cost, to increase turnover to 15-30% (based on research data repeatedly conducted by the consulting company Nielsen on the effectiveness of measures to rationalize placement and optimize display goods on the sales floor).

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Based on the analysis carried out, a significant number of shortcomings were identified in the sales management system of the Pyaterochka store, the elimination of which will help increase turnover and customer satisfaction.

In order to ensure the convenience of the buyer, it is necessary to hang up a layout of the departments at the entrance and display on it the location of the main product categories.

It is necessary to study the trajectories of customer movement for the correct spatial arrangement of product categories on the sales floor.

Having analyzed the distribution of retail space between product categories and the layout of the Pyaterochka store, we can highlight the following pros and cons presented on the slide.

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To provide quality customer service, the store lacks qualified personnel, and accordingly it is necessary to invest in hiring and training employees. What is it economically unprofitable for management to do, since there is a high turnover of personnel in trade (more than 25% per year).

It is also worth paying attention to compliance with expiration dates, because... Recently, the amount of expired goods in the hall has increased, which indicates that sellers are not fulfilling their responsibilities. To avoid such problems in the future, it is necessary to clearly monitor the work of the staff by the administrator on duty.

The dynamics of the average bill and the number of purchases monthly for the 2nd quarter of 2016, % are presented on the slide.

As can be seen from the tables presented, the dynamics of the average check leaves much to be desired, the number of purchases per check is not growing, which means that the chain does not fully use the principles of merchandising.

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The use of category management has a significant impact on the dynamics of trade turnover. It is recommended to implement this practice in chain stores. As part of the pilot project, the author analyzed the layout of the “Baby Food” category and optimized it in accordance with the rules of category management. It is recommended that this practice be extended to other product categories.

Cost calculations for implementing a category management project are presented on the slide.

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Based on the identified problems, we propose to carry out measures to stimulate the sale of perishable fresh products. For example, we recommend periodically, as necessary, holding a “Product of the Day” promotion. To implement the first recommendation, the cost of the necessary materials will be 2160 rubles. Considering that the average cost of one product from the “fresh” category, which is subject to downtime, is 55 rubles, and taking into account the fact that on average 15 types of products are “subject to downtime” in a store, the revenue from the sale of such goods will increase by on average 825 rubles (55 rubles * 15).

At the retail trade LLC Pyaterochka No. 121 in Zelenograd we also offer the following measures to improve merchandising, presented on the slide.

The implementation of the recommendations will help increase the company's competitiveness in the market in changing conditions, and the proposed measures will enhance their effect. All this will help maintain the company’s leadership position in its field of activity.

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Since a modern company, in the course of its existence, needs to monitor the process of changes, clarify whether the changes are going according to plan and achieving their goals, then for this the organization constantly studies the effectiveness of managing these changes.

It should be especially emphasized that Pyaterochka as a whole has revised its strategy. Since 2015, it has been based on the consumer and his needs. Since, when a buyer comes to a store, he strives to find fresh products, the chain began to introduce products in the “fresh” category.

The presented data makes it possible to conclude that the unique multi-format business model developed by the managers achieved its goals.

Consequently, network change management is carried out at a high level and can be considered effective.

Thus, the implementation of organizational changes helps to increase the company’s competitiveness in the market in changing conditions, and the proposed recommendations will enhance their effect. All this will help maintain leadership positions in their field of activity.

Thus, the goal of the work—improving human resource management processes—has been achieved.

Thank you for your attention! The report is finished.


1. Sales of products and marketing at an enterprise are the main condition for making a profit....6

1.1 The main functions of product distribution and sales....15

1.2 Product sales promotion….30

1.3 Personal (direct) sales - a special sales system of the enterprise.40

2. Analysis of BM and Co LLC….44

3. Measures to improve sales management at the enterprise....60



Introduction (excerpt)


Today's world is a world of dynamics and speed. To survive in it, you need to constantly change with it and constantly acquire new knowledge and skills. Moreover, it is not enough to possess them. They must be able to be used wisely so that they bring the greatest benefit to their owner.

Today's dynamically developing economy leads to the fact that firms and organizations are forced to constantly evolve so as not to be left behind in progress and business. The saturation of absolutely all markets with goods to such an extent that companies have to literally fight for buyers leads to an understanding of the exclusive role of marketing in the process of selling products. The product or service produced by the company must be optimally sold: that is, taking into account all the preferences and wishes of customers, and obtaining the greatest benefit.

No matter how wonderful the properties of your product are, if you try to sell it to a different target audience for which it was originally intended, the result will be a complete failure of such an idea. Try selling warm down jackets somewhere closer to the equator, in Egypt, for example. It is unlikely that your proposal will interest anyone. Therefore, the main task of any entrepreneur is to ideally combine the wishes of clients and their own production capabilities. In this case, he will have the opportunity to prove to the buyer the undeniable advantages of his product or service.

That is why the sales system is central to the entire product distribution management system. And this is not without justification - it is in the process of selling finished products that it will become clear how accurate and successful all the concepts and strategies used to promote the product to the market were. And if everything turned out as planned, then the buyer will definitely notice the product and profit - the ultimate goal of any business activity - will not be long in coming. Otherwise, there is no need to talk about any high incomes. In business, the cost of a mistake can be very high.

Each product certainly requires promotion on the market, this means the need for high-quality and original advertising, various promotions to promote the product. In addition, it is highly desirable for an enterprise to have the widest possible retail sales network or a network of intermediary organizations, unless, of course, it is engaged in very large and expensive production, such as the production of aircraft carriers. Such a network must have a high level of service, since today's buyer is accustomed to high-quality service and a wide list of additional services. And only by fulfilling all these requirements can a company count on being able to take a strong place in the heart of the buyer.

At the same time, we should not forget about the effectiveness of market behavior and the development of the company. The most important thing in understanding and satisfying the buyer’s needs is to study his opinion about the company’s products, competing products, problems and prospects for the life and work of consumers. Only with this knowledge can we fully satisfy the needs of consumers. And this is exactly what a company should do within the distribution system - where it comes into closest contact with the buyer.

Moreover, based on this data, it is possible to optimize the production chain by shifting a number of tasks for the final, pre-sale finishing of the product to the sales department. As practice shows, such a system has proven itself to be the best. This achieves the greatest flexibility and efficiency of the company in conditions of changing consumer preferences.

Thus, marketing and product sales management are one of the most important elements of the system of interaction between the company and the consumer, as subjects of economic relations.

Sales management in any enterprise occupies a significant place in the overall enterprise management system. Therefore, improving management is very important, especially for trade and distribution enterprises.

Sales is just one of many marketing functions, and often not the most significant one. If the marketer has worked well on such areas of marketing as identifying consumer needs, developing suitable products and setting appropriate prices for them, establishing a system for their distribution and effective promotion, then the goods will certainly sell easily.

The main goal of marketing is to help increase the company's profits. Studying sales markets, determining the range of manufactured products, setting prices and other issues of marketing research are aimed at finding optimal (from the point of view of obtaining maximum profit) conditions for the sale of commercial products.

The fact that profits are ultimately realized in the distribution sphere explains the close attention that each company pays to organizing and improving its sales operations.

The study of the main forms and methods of sales is aimed at identifying promising means of promoting goods from the manufacturer to the final consumer and organizing their retail sales based on a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the channels and methods of distribution and sales used or planned for use, including those used by competitors .

The criteria for the effectiveness of choice in this case are the speed of product movement, the level of distribution costs and volumes of product sales. It is believed that the effectiveness of the forms and methods of distribution and sales chosen by the company is higher, the shorter the period of time spent on bringing goods from the place of production to the place of sale and on their sale to the final consumer; lower costs for their organization; higher sales volumes and resulting net profit. The main goal is to reduce the total value of sales costs, which largely, if not mainly, depends on the level of commercial work and the sales service. If we consider that for many capitalist enterprises the costs of selling and marketing products reach approximately 40% of the total level of production costs, then the importance of this area of ​​marketing research becomes obvious.

Object: sales of enterprise products, methods of managing them using the example of the LLC BM and Co. enterprise.

Subject: features of the enterprise, more specifically, analysis of the effectiveness of sales management from the point of view of the choice of sales channels, methods and methods of selling products.

The goals of the work are specified in the following tasks:

Characteristics of distribution channels, as well as the main methods and sources of sales management in the organization;

Identification of the features of various sales systems, methods and methods of sales at the enterprise;

Analysis of sales at an enterprise, the possibility of using specific sales methods for a particular enterprise.

Conclusion (excerpt)


Sales in any enterprise must be able to manage and lead. Not only the company’s profit, its financial condition, but also its future, its fame, popularity, and what is called business reputation depend on this.

No commercial organization should ever rest on its laurels. A trading company needs to constantly improve its efforts to increase sales volumes, find new ways to develop its company, and strive for self-improvement.

In this diploma project, theoretical aspects of sales management at the enterprise were given, the economic and financial state of BM and Co LLC was analyzed, and some measures were proposed to improve sales management at this enterprise.

The activities proposed in the diploma project are as follows:

 Sale of company products on credit, as a result of which, due to increased sales volumes, an increase in profit is expected by 3,499,095 rubles;

 Installment plan through a company for a short period of time, which will allow you to buy goods of low value in installments for 2-3 months, will allow you to increase your profit in the amount of 320,000 rubles;

 Reducing the consumer loan threshold increases profit by 30,216 rubles.

These events will not only increase the profit of the BM and Co LLC organization, but will make this company more popular in the city and will attract additional buyers and banks working in the field of consumer lending.



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CHAPTER 1. Scientific and theoretical foundations of the sales management system

1.1 Concept and essence of the sales process




In a developed market, the management tool of a trading enterprise is commerce. Commercial activity can be defined as a set of economic relations regarding purchase and sale for the purpose of making a profit and meeting the needs of the population on a mutually beneficial basis.

Today, trade is one of the most relevant and most powerful budget-forming areas of the Russian economy. According to the latest data, it accounts for more than twenty percent of the gross domestic product.

In market conditions, trading enterprises establish fundamentally new relationships with partners, regulators characteristic of a market economy operate, and commercial principles are developed aimed at the targeted purchase and sale of goods.

Nowadays, commercial enterprises focus on the needs of customers. The orientation of the enterprise, taking into account market needs, the nature of consumers, the characteristics of the product and the presence of a competitive advantage, is expressed in its corporate mission. The corporate mission is based on the tasks of satisfying the needs of customers, carried out in a certain market based on the real competitive advantage of the enterprise. The organization of commercial activities of an enterprise is determined by its competitive strategy and management of activities in all main areas, including the sale of goods.

The purpose of this work is to consider the regional sales management system in the rolled metal market.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider the scientific and theoretical foundations of the sales management system;

Analyze the regional sales management system at SibMetallTrans LLC;

Object - limited liability company "SibMetalTrans".

The subject is regional sales management.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was scientific work in the field of sales management; the experience of using various sales promotion systems at enterprises was summarized based on research by both domestic and foreign authors who are professionally involved in the problems of sales management. Among them are F. Kotler, P. F. Drucker, J.-J. Lamben, G. J. Bolt, S. Repp, A. N. Romanov, A. P. Durovich, V. E. Khrutsky, E. P. Golubkov and others.

Research methods include: monographic analysis, observation, survey.

CHAPTER 1. Scientific and theoretical foundations of the sales management system

1.1 Concept and essence of the sales process

Despite the fact that the sales process is quite technological, sales cannot be reduced to stages and actions. A sales manager cannot learn phrases and give them out at certain stages of a conversation. Even if he memorizes them, he will look unnatural. The sale must be felt. In my opinion, there is probably no better comparison of the sales process than with the dance of a man and a woman.

But what is the company's sales policy?

The company's sales policy should be aimed at establishing and maintaining ongoing relationships with the company's clients. This definition does not focus on receiving a specific order or completing a single act of purchase and sale, and this approach radically changes the essence of the process under consideration. Moreover, the very fact of selling in this interpretation places emphasis differently: in addition to the pure function of “pushing” a product or service to the buyer, a significant part of the process is occupied by the “recommendation” function, when the seller acts as a consultant for the product or service being sold. When selling to corporate clients, this function occupies a dominant position.

The first component of the sales process is the product or service itself. He (she) can be clearly tangible or invisible or appear in the form of an idea. An example of the latter would be organizations such as the Red Cross, religious societies, political parties - they are the ones who sell ideas. Therefore, selling in a psychological sense is a system of convincing a buyer of the benefits that a given product, service or idea can provide to that buyer in the event of an act of purchase. The buyer will want to complete this act only if he understands these advantages. Hence, the first task of the seller is to make obvious the value of the item for sale to the buyer. Thus, it is necessary to convert technical factors into advantages and benefits for the client. The seller must influence the buyer's ideas about the value of what is offered to him for purchase. Products themselves have no value, they arise from the subjective ideas of that customer. By influencing ideas, the salesperson influences the value of the product. Naturally, we should not forget about the parameters of this product - they are objective in relation to the seller, but even the most difficult buyers have points on the basis of which they generate their subjective judgments.

The performance and usability of a product are not always dependent on the material, construction or design. In certain cases, service, especially after sales, plays an important role in the purchasing decision. This is especially true for industries with small differences in prices and quality of goods. This is where service becomes the real basis for competition. Therefore, service is the second component of the sales process. In high-tech areas, this raises the question: “Where does service actually begin?” Naturally, not after the product is delivered to the buyer, although after this has happened, complaints, repairs and maintenance work appear. In this sense, service begins with the installation process, and this is currently a serious area of ​​competition.

But there is an even earlier step. In some cases, the sale begins with providing information to the prospect. In this regard, buyer-seller dialogue in technical industries can also be considered as service, since this dialogue guarantees optimal performance to the customer.

Because the salesperson influences the customer's ideas about the value of products and services, he also influences the customer's attitude toward price. Price is the third component of the selling process. The client always compares the price and value of the product (service), even if these are repeated orders (this comparison is made earlier - during the first order). The exception is the fact of an impulsive purchase, and in terms of sales to corporate clients such facts are less common than when selling to retail clients. The success of a company is not necessarily related to price. Well-known companies are not always on the list of those who play “cheap”. A low price may also raise suspicion. There is a famous saying in the USA: “You get what you pay for.” Price may come at the expense of quality, and when selling to corporate clients, the latter prefer quantity discounts rather than low prices. Thus, price is a very sensitive aspect of the selling process.

The fourth component of the process under consideration is closely related to price - the range of products and services. The company can go in the direction of specialization of the range or vice versa - expand it. There are no bad or good approaches here. With a wide assortment, the customer can shop in one place, but the seller has less flexibility in pricing. With specialization, large price discounts are possible. It is the seller’s task to explain in specific cases what benefits the company’s assortment policy brings to the buyer.

The fifth component of the sales process concerns the delivery channels of the product or service. The key issue here is the number of stages that the firm creates between itself and the final buyer. If the product is simple, then its implementation can proceed on a wide front. If the product is more complex and involves technical maintenance and a lengthy sales procedure, then it is advisable not to entrust these functions to an intermediary. It is better for the company to be responsible for its product.

The final component of the sales process is promoting the product or service. The commercial proposal must be provided to the client at the right time, therefore, contact with the client must be built on an ongoing basis. And the frequency and volume of contacts determine the company’s need for the number of sellers. The key question in product promotion is the question: “How can I deliver (show) my product easily, conveniently and cheaply to my client?” Advertising is just one answer to this question; technology products require “bringing the customer to the product.”

Summarizing the components of the sales process, we can highlight four parameters (features) of the dialogue between seller and buyer.

The sales function cannot be considered only in the “easy version”, when the seller only needs to place an order (purchase) for the client. Everything outside of this operation is the determining factor for success. Calling an employee a salesperson only to perform technical operations (making a purchase) is a waste of the company’s money.

The salesperson's function is that of a consultant. It is this statement that determines his functional status and level of payment. Almost any product requires instructions for use, and these often need to be repeated several times. Even a satisfied customer who does not need to be pushed to purchase your product needs professional advice and encouragement.

Provision of information. Even if the client does not really require it, it should be provided to him.

The key task of the seller is to awaken the instinct of ownership (property) in the buyer. By influencing the client’s values, we thereby push him towards decisions that are positive for the seller.

The real selling process begins when the prospect says no. And he often says no! No client knows exactly what will be good for him tomorrow. His life can be compared to a constant journey of discovery. Throughout the journey, he looks for new and unexplored places, and his attitude towards them is constantly changing. On this journey, he needs a guide, whose role is played by the seller. Not every client will easily agree with this. The seller quite often resists negative attitudes towards him or the product. The buyer may view the salesperson as trying to paint a rosy picture rather than honestly describing the pros and cons of the product or service. He will always compare the information he receives with what he knows, or with the opinions of others, and strive to distinguish sincere enthusiasm from false one.

The six components of the sales process identified above are detailed in the following Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 - Six components of the sales process

Product (product, service, idea) Service Range

1. Benefits

2. Appearance

3. External atmosphere (aura)

1. Before delivery

2. During delivery

3. After delivery

1. A set of different product lines

2. Differentiation

3. Specialization

Price Delivery channels Promotion

1. Pricing

2. Determination of price ranges

3. Definition of discounts

1. Selecting the right channels

2. Determination of levels (iterations) of product (service) movement

3. Choice - your own or an intermediary implementation system

2. Consulting

3. Actual sale

Company image:

1. In relation to the product

2. In relation to the client specifically

3. In relation to the entire buying community

This list has been supplemented by another list. The reason for this addition is that customers often make their purchasing decisions based on this factor alone. The company's image can be progressive or conservative, national or international, favorable or negative.

We have provided the components of the sales process. In fact, six sections of the internal company document “Company Sales Policy” were considered. Each purchase and sale dialogue (seller and buyer) is a reflection of this policy in miniature.

The sales funnel (Figure 1.1) illustrates two key pillars of the sales process, namely:

The selling process can be broken down into different stages, each requiring specific skills, techniques and style;

The final sales volume is related to the “incoming volumes”, i.e. you need to pour more prospects into the top of the funnel in order to get more wins at the end.

Figure 1.1 - “Sales funnel”

1.2 Sales management (planning, organization, motivation, control)

Sales management requires an understanding of the sales process itself, knowledge of the basics of management and marketing, the application of appropriate management skills, as well as possession of effective business tools.

Organization of the sales process - who should do what

Properly organized sales are at least half of the overall success. Regardless of what your company sells - plasma TVs or tights - the sales process looks the same and can be divided into 3 key stages: searching for new customers, sales itself and documenting the transaction. If the process is so easily broken down into components, then why does your sales manager call new clients and prepare invoices himself? After all, the principle of division of labor is as old as the world and no one has yet canceled it.

The main and only task of a sales manager is to sell. Sell ​​to existing clients who are assigned to him. After all, he knows how to sell best, so let him do just that. Hence rule 1: “A sales manager should only sell to the clients assigned to him and do this 100% of his working time.”

Sales managers are the key people in any wholesale company, because it is they who, directly interacting with customers, bring money to the company. Do you really want these gods to be busy printing out invoices and filling out delivery requests? After all, that’s what assistant sales managers are for.

There are many reasons why it is beneficial for a company to hire sales assistants.

Firstly, this resource is so inexpensive that most often the monthly costs for it will be recouped with just one additional transaction, which the sales manager will make in the free time (the average salary of an assistant sales manager does not exceed $450 per month).

Secondly, this is the best way to create a talent pool. When you need another sales manager, you won't need to run to your HR department or recruiting company, because... You will certainly find a worthy candidate among the assistant sales managers already working in your company. Capable assistants, especially if the company has programs for their development, can take the position of manager after just 6-9 months of working in the company. Take a close look at these people - they will not need time to acclimatize to the team, and they already know everything about the sales process in your company!

And thirdly, do not forget about Rule 1 - sales managers must sell 100% of their working time. If you don't give your managers assistants, how else will you comply with this rule?!

What is included in the concept of sales development? By and large, there are only two components: searching for new clients and “awakening” “sleeping” clients, i.e. customers who have stopped purchasing from your company or have significantly reduced the share of their purchases from you. But in these two components lie truly golden opportunities! After all, it is the acquisition of new customers that allows your company to increase its turnover and market share.

A sales development manager should only focus on sales development. Having acquired new clients for the company, he transfers them to managers who carry out regular sales, controls the first few transactions and after that, at certain intervals, monitors work with the clients transferred to them. From this functionality we extract rule 2: “The search for new clients and work with “sleeping” clients should not be carried out by a sales manager, but by a separate person - a sales development manager.”

In Figure 1.2 you can see how harmonious and logical the sales process becomes when brought into line with the rules outlined above. Now there is one person responsible for each stage in the sales process - the “stage owner”.

Sales planning - where should sales plans come from.

Figure 1.2 - Sales process

Let's now try to answer the next important question: how to plan sales after the sales process has been rebuilt. Surely, you have more than once encountered the fulfillment of the monthly sales plan by 74% or 128% (in both cases the figure is very different from 100%). How to set monthly plans correctly? And how should they relate to quarterly or annual plans?

Let's start with long-term planning. There is absolutely no point in arguing that an annual sales plan is necessary. After all, if it doesn’t exist, then how to plan working capital or advertising budgets? However, the attitude towards planning for the year ahead must be reconsidered.

Now, more than ever, we are doing business in an era of constant and rapid change, an era in which reacting quickly to new opportunities often brings in far more money than relentlessly pursuing a long-term strategic plan.

Imagine that your company sells metal structures. Six months after the approval of the annual sales plan, a large company enters the metal structures market, its financial capabilities superior to all players operating in the market, it distributes trade loans left and right, and some of your clients leave you only because you simply cannot offer the same conditions . At the end of the year, you discover that you have fulfilled your annual sales plan by 72%. Sadly. But is this a reason for all your sales-related employees not to receive their annual bonuses? No, it is not, because at the time the annual sales plan was approved, the balance of power in the market was different.

Thus, we come to a very valuable rule No. 3, which is rarely used in practice to this day: “The annual sales plan should be exclusively a guideline for company employees, the emphasis in planning should shift to operational plans - quarterly and monthly.”

Now let's look at operational planning itself and understand where the numbers should come from in the plan.

First, a simple question: who knows best in the company how much a particular client is able to buy? The answer is just as simple: of course, the sales manager who works with this client. Therefore, when planning sales for each client, ask the manager working with this client how much he will sell to him in the next month/quarter. If you provide the manager with detailed information about the company’s plans for this time and provide all the necessary statistical calculations about the client (Figure 1.2), then you will receive the most correct answer to your question.

At the same time, you should not be afraid that the sales manager will underestimate the numbers, because any manager understands that his career growth is directly related to an increase in personal sales volumes.

The sum of the personal plans of all sales managers automatically gives the company’s overall sales plan for the month. So we came to another rule 4: “The company’s operational (monthly or quarterly) sales plan should be formed from the bottom up (as the sum of personal plans), and not from the top down (as a figure that must be proportionally divided among all managers).”

Motivating sales managers - how to get the most out of human resources in your company

Speaking about the motivation of sales managers, I would like to paint a few strokes to the picture, but not the whole picture, because... Magazine space is still limited.

Touch number 1: make the manager’s scorecard as simple as possible, so that the manager can easily calculate his current results on any day of the month.

Touch #2: if you already have a sales development manager, i.e. source of constant emergence of new clients, then enter into the motivational scheme of each sales manager a plan for new and “dormant” clients.

Tip #3: Don’t be afraid to differentiate your sales managers. Even in a small company there should be at least 3 categories of managers, and in large companies this number can reach up to 10. At the same time, clearly state the rules for assigning each category and the motivational scheme for each category. In other words, the manager must understand exactly what results he must achieve to be assigned a higher category, and how much more he can earn.

Point No. 4: all sales plans and motivational schemes should be prepared together with managers, and not for them. If you manage to involve managers in this process, this will increase the managers’ own importance, give them confidence in the fairness of sales plans and the incentive system and, as a result, increase their loyalty to your company.

Using these strokes, we get rule number 5: “To win the heart of a manager, draw a path to success with him, not for him.”

We decided to act - how to implement changes in the company’s sales system

So, we decided to make changes to your company's sales system. First of all, we need to answer the following question: does the existing sales system need tweaking or restructuring?

We will only consider the customization case. All the changes proposed above can be divided into 3 main blocks - reorganization of the sales process (division of labor), changes in the planning system and adjustments to the motivation system. You won't be surprised to learn that this is the order in which changes should be implemented. At the same time, however, the implementation of one stage may well overlap in time with the preparation for the implementation of the next stage (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3 - The procedure for implementing changes in the sales system

1.3 Regional sales management

No matter what changes happen in your industry, you can still develop a strong customer strategy if you learn to distinguish opportunities from threats, and if you continually develop the specific skills needed to create stability where there is none. To effectively maintain and develop your distribution network today, you must know: yesterday's routine work is today an outdated scheme, and tomorrow it is already a stone on your neck. This program provides a methodology that clearly defines what you know, what you don't know, what you need to find out, and how you can effectively build relationships with clients.

Regional markets are markets of a particular region, differing both in location and in the types of goods presented there, in prices, conditions, demand and supply of goods.

The strategic choice of an enterprise is influenced by external and internal factors. External factors include production needs and constraints; internal factors include the resources and potential capabilities of the enterprise. One of the company's strategies may be a sales strategy.

Sales strategy is represented by a management strategy, a coverage strategy and a penetration strategy. This set of key strategies characterizes the sales strategy as a strategy for the interaction of material (product) and information flows in the overall logistics system of sales activities.

The market coverage strategy is aimed at achieving a certain, maximally wide access of buyers to the product. The coverage strategy determines the choice of the structure of the sales network, the structure and parameters (length and width) of sales channels. Moreover, the coverage strategy determines the choice of the nature and scope of sales.

According to this criterion, the sales strategy is divided into intensive, selective and exclusive strategies.

Intensive marketing involves the distribution and sale of goods through an extensive sales network based on extensive and wide channels. Selective marketing involves the distribution and sale of goods through a distribution network of limited scope based on specialized and targeted channels. Exclusive distribution involves the sale of goods on the basis of individual sales intermediaries endowed with exclusive rights.

Exceptional sales ensure differentiated sales targeting and maximum precision. This strategy features more efficient sales management.

Sales policy occupies an important place in the marketing mix system. The main goals of distribution policy are to achieve a certain share of turnover, conquer a given market share, determine the depth of distribution and minimize distribution costs. The main goal is to organize a sales network for the effective sale of manufactured products.

The process of selecting distribution channels is divided into 4 stages:

Determination of sales strategy;

Identification of alternative sales channels;

Channel evaluation;

Selection of partners.

The company's management, first of all, must choose a sales policy strategy - how exactly the sales system should be organized: through its own or a dealer network; through what types of resellers trade should be carried out, etc.

When determining a strategy, the following types of sales are distinguished:

Intensive. This means penetrating as many distribution channels as possible. Mainly used for consumer goods.

Selective marketing is used when a product has a special quality. In some cases, this type of sales requires special qualifications from sellers to assist with selection.

Exclusive distribution means that a product is sold in one or more locations in a geographically limited market.

Existing distribution channels include three main distribution methods:

1) direct – the manufacturer directly sells the product to the consumer;

2) indirect – sales organized through independent intermediaries;

3) combined - sales are carried out through an organization with the common capital of the manufacturing company and an independent company.

When identifying alternative channels, a list of various existing distribution channels is compiled, which are then compared on a number of factors and the most suitable one for the given market is selected.

Factors for evaluating distribution channels:

Degree of target market coverage;

Professionalism of the seller;

Effectiveness of product demonstration;

Paths to access this channel.

The following factors are used to determine the channel distribution depth:


The ratio of income and expenses;

Possibility of control;

Terms of cooperation;

Conditions of competition.

The selection of a reseller is carried out using the following criteria: financial aspect, organization and key sales indicators, products sold by the intermediary, total number of goods sold, market coverage, inventory and warehouse space, management, reputation of the intermediary.

To solve problems related to sales, the following methods are used:

1) Instrumental - uses the following means: salesperson visits, special discounts, advertising.

2) Template (routine) - everything is done according to already established templates: days of orders, rhythm of deliveries, means of transportation, payment procedures and standardization of ordering.

3) Software – allows you to increase sales, and therefore profits beyond your goals, through the use of marketing development programs.

Currently, there are two basic concepts in marketing: promoting a product to the market and distributing a product on the market. Initially, there may be a feeling that these concepts are identical.

Promotion of a product to the market actually begins from the moment of its creation and involves the start of advertising activities before it enters the market. A product is actively distributed when it is well known to a potential consumer. Let's consider the problem of product promotion in more detail.

Based on the above concepts, there are two main strategies for promoting a product to the market: the “push” strategy and the “pull” strategy. The “push” method involves “forceful” methods of trade, imposing products on consumers through targeted advertising influence and sales promotion activities on intermediary links. When using this product promotion strategy, the advertising efforts of the manufacturing company are aimed primarily at wholesalers and retailers. Special offers are being developed for them, and preferential treatment is being created for the purchase of goods. Thus, the promotion methods and trading methods themselves are being improved. The ultimate goal of this strategy is to build such relationships within distribution channels, when the product is “pushed” into the market along the chain, and the promotion process continues continuously until the product reaches the final consumer. It should be noted that this type of advertising activity is characterized by high cost and narrow focus, since it primarily involves working with dealers and agents, which leads to an increase in the cost of industrial advertising and, as a consequence, a reduction in the cost of consumer advertising (Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.4 - “Push” movement strategy

An example of using the “push” strategy can be selling, organizing courses for resellers, increasing discounts on supplied products for wholesale and retail companies, and demonstrating goods at the point of sale. When implementing this type of product promotion strategy, it is necessary to carefully consider two main issues: training of personnel who will be involved in the promotion system, and developing an optimal system of discounts provided. The staff must have complete information about the product, be active, friendly, but not intrusive. The discount system is developed taking into account possible long-term cooperation, so you should not initially offer a rather high discount. Here it is better to stick to a gradual increase as the volume of purchases or the period of cooperation increases.

The “pull” strategy means an active advertising campaign aimed through the media at the end consumer. The latter, having received an advertising message or an additional incentive in the form of a discount, coupon, special offer, asks for the product in the store, thereby pushing its owner to order a certain type of product. Accordingly, a reverse chain is built: the retailer orders the name from the wholesaler, and the wholesaler orders from the manufacturing company (Figure 1.5).

Figure 1.5 - “Pull” promotion strategy

Note - Requests (orders) for goods

As a rule, this strategy is used at the last stage of creating a product, so that by the time it arrives, the consumer has created one or another attitude towards it. An example of using the “pull” strategy is advertising of toilet soap and shampoo on television, watches in a magazine, etc.

Criteria for choosing a promotion strategy.

Many manufacturing companies find themselves in conditions where they have to choose what type of marketing and advertising strategy will be most effective in promoting their particular product or service. After all, depending on what strategy will be implemented, the level of costs for industrial or consumer advertising will be determined.

The following factors may serve as criteria in this case:

The magnitude of demand and intensity of competition;

Type of distribution system and degree of control over the distribution network;

The degree of accessibility of resellers for the manufacturing company and the level of costs for their services;

The degree of accessibility of resellers to end consumers;

Costs and availability of media to reach target markets;

Attitude of consumers to sources of information;

Correlation: price of goods and income of final consumers.

For example, a manufacturing company allocates $72,000 to promote a product to the market. The cost ratio when using these strategies will look as follows (see Table 1.2).

Table 1.2 - Cost ratio when using strategies to promote a product to the market

Also, the choice of strategy is largely determined by the nature of the legislation in force in the advertising field. Thus, many countries legally prohibit such sales promotion means as prizes, price discounts, “two for the price of one” offers, the distribution of coupons, souvenirs, and the inclusion of souvenirs in packaging. In this case, of course, preference will be given to the “push” strategy.

In Europe, sales advertising is only allowed during "official seasonal sales" periods. These periods vary by country, but enforcement of advertising regulations is very strict and penalties are high. However, a number of countries require that a sale advertisement be approved by a local government agency before being placed in the media.

Legal regulations are an important factor determining the possibility of using one or another type of product promotion on the market. The influence of the state in this case is also expressed in the form of direct and indirect taxes imposed on foreign companies carrying out advertising activities (Appendix A).

When determining a strategy for promoting a product or service on the market, it is necessary to take into account a number of external and internal parameters, ranging from economic to legal.

Market transformations have sharply aggravated the situation in the sales of domestic products in many sectors of the economy, including the rolled metal industry. Sales, representing the commodity foundation of exchange, realizes the capabilities of the market, fills it with functional content and is the initiator of the development of production and consumption. The totality of commodity exchanges reflects the continuous sales essence of the market, which makes sales the generating core of the market infrastructure. Currently, the viability of the enterprise, its financial stability and independence depend on successful sales activities. As a result of the adoption of forced measures (merger, liquidation, sale), the number of industry enterprises sharply decreased (by more than 15%). This led to the loss of a significant market share (about 30%) in favor of foreign companies and sharply intensified competition. In these conditions, the importance of improving sales activities, which involves the creation of an effective extensive distribution network of confectionery enterprises and industrial complexes for the independent distribution of their products, is extremely increasing.

The growth of consumer demand and the high profitability of rolled metal products make its market attractive to a wide range of Russian and foreign representatives and allow us to classify it as one of the most promising markets in our country. This justifies the desire of a large number of large and small, domestic and foreign manufacturers to take a certain place in it, maintain and expand their market niche, which further intensifies competition. In addition, a significant increase in competition is facilitated by the concentration of commodity producers and other suppliers in regional centers, which causes the greatest influx of domestic and imported confectionery products in large cities and their shortage in sparsely populated areas. This objectively determines the difficulties of selling goods both in the mass production zone and when supplying consumers in the periphery. To successfully confront numerous competitors, many confectionery factories are forced to unite into various industrial complexes, often without an appropriate methodological basis for joint activities in the field of sales. All this further emphasizes the relevance of the problem of scientific and methodological substantiation of improvement and organizational support for the sales activities of Russian manufacturers of confectionery products.

However, it should be noted that the number of works devoted to a comprehensive and targeted study of sales is limited. There is a particularly acute shortage of methodological research on the issue of sales, which contributes to the optimal formation of the system and forms of sales of finished products by domestic confectionery factories and industrial complexes in conditions of strong competition.

The study of the economic nature of this concept has shown that sales should be understood as a systemic activity in the field of commodity relations, forming the market infrastructure, the purpose of which is the organization of sales and the implementation in this direction of the process of bringing goods from the manufacturer (seller) to the buyer (consumer), where the main goals The most complete satisfaction of consumers and ensuring the profit of product manufacturers (participants in commodity exchange) are aimed at.

To achieve sales targets, a set of functions must be implemented that facilitate and ensure the required result. Systematization of the developed theoretical material made it possible to identify enlarged functional areas of sales. Thus, the functional areas of transportation, warehousing and storage materialize physical distribution (product flow) as a generalized sales function and are essentially organizational and executive. Changing ownership rights to goods and the presence of responsibility of channel entities for the safety and disposal of goods in the process of distribution of goods is associated with aspects (functions) of legal activity. The sales network, taking upon itself the refinement of the product and its preparation for sale, is responsible for its consumer characteristics, quality, as well as guarantees of consumer properties. The formation of sales channels is determined by the structural and organizational aspect (functionality). Marketing, including market research, analysis, planning and development of sales strategies and programs, determines the functions of the sales system in the interaction of all its elements, in the organization of which an important role is given to targeting the consumer. The saturation of the competitive environment predetermines the need to take measures for advertising and sales promotion. The complex of analytical functions corresponds to management principles in sales.

Based on the analysis of the Elements and directions of sales activities, a general diagram of the functional organization of sales was formed (Fig. 1.6). Each of the selected functions is complex and, in turn, represents a certain set of elementary functions (or procedures).

The market infrastructure is a commodity distribution environment, that is, a general sales network that has multi-aspect communication capabilities (intermediary, informational, organizational and executive). The implementation of the manufacturer's sales activities is determined by the conditions of this environment, and the results depend on the level of organization and sales management. Therefore, the formulation and solution of functional problems are associated with the analytical study of the parameters of the market infrastructure and the identification of objective and subjective factors that influence sales performance.

The composition of objective factors is determined by the supply of goods and consumer demand, the level of competition and market price. Subjective factors include those called the directed actions of the manufacturer in terms of product, pricing, advertising policies and sales organization (product distribution), which form the organizational and economic mechanism for managing sales activities.

The set of actions for the distribution of products includes a significant amount of targeted efforts both by the enterprise itself and by commercial intermediaries. The result is an increase in the price of goods due to distribution costs. The choice of distribution channels directly affects the speed, duration, efficiency of movement and safety of products during delivery to the consumer, as well as the breadth of coverage of consumer markets. Because of this, the development of optimal channels is the most important condition for effective management of the sales system of confectionery enterprises and industrial complexes.

Modern theory and practice show that one of the most effective tools in the field of sales organization is logistics, which provides analytical and organizational management of flow processes. When performing marketing functions in the process of product distribution, five main types of flows are formed: the flow of property rights, the material (physical or commodity) flow, as well as documentary financial and information flow. In the sphere of commodity circulation, product flows go through several stages - the movement of finished products at the exit from production; consolidation of inventories (transshipment, warehousing, storage, reorganization); border movement of goods to the final point - sale. At all stages and in the process of all goods distribution operations, the generalized assessment indicator is the reduced costs attributable to a unit of real goods flow.

The set of operations associated with the transformation of material flow in the distribution network constitutes a key function: the physical distribution of goods, in which warehouses and transport represent the basic elements of commodity circulation. The effectiveness of sales as a system depends both on the composition of the subjects of the channel and on the structure of the flow (form of transportation, conversion points and volumetric content). The choice of distribution channels for goods directly affects the speed, duration, nature of movement and safety of products during their delivery to the consumer, as well as the breadth of market coverage. Therefore, the development of optimal distribution channels is the most important condition for manufacturers to improve the organization and management of the sales system. In this regard, the main task of optimizing distribution channels is to reduce costs when organizing transport and warehouse operations (Figure 1.6).

Figure 1.6-Sales functional diagram

The use of the principles and tools of logistics in organizing the distribution of rolled metal products makes it possible to rationally organize the flow of goods, reduce costs in all parts of the distribution chain and increase the efficiency of distribution systems of industrial complexes.

Systems for the distribution of rolled metal products to consumers in the Russian market (extensive sales geography and many different manufacturers and suppliers) involve multivariate distribution schemes for goods. The multi-channel distribution network includes a retail distribution network; small, medium and large wholesale trading companies, distributors, etc. All distribution channels have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the share of sales through each of them is determined by the production capacity, financial and organizational capabilities of the manufacturer, etc. Currently in Russian The market does not have an extensive network of large wholesale companies as an integrated system, which requires enterprises to independently distribute products.

The dependence of the enterprise's performance on costs in the sales sphere requires a comprehensive assessment of the cost parameters of product distribution (from the output of products from the factory to final sales). Since the basis of the relationship between the manufacturer and the consumer is determined by the consumer value of the product and its market price, therefore, issues of product distribution are closely related to the problem of pricing.

The highest costs in sales are warehousing and transportation costs. Keeping warehouses as close as possible to consumers allows us to more accurately fulfill customer orders and respond more quickly to changes in demand. When choosing the number, location and capacity of warehouses from among the possible options, the one that provides the minimum costs, including construction (rent), further operation of the warehouse and transportation (delivery and dispatch of goods), is considered optimal. Accuracy in warehouse space calculations largely depends on the correct forecast of demand for goods in the coverage area of ​​a given warehouse and, accordingly, the required inventory. In this regard, product inventories ensure a balance between real demand and supply (Figure 1.7).

Figure 1.7 - Scheme for optimizing the goods distribution system

The pricing policy largely determines sales results. Thus, the traditional cost approach in modern conditions has a significant defect, since the market requires an inverse algorithm. In many cases, the unit cost of producing a product, which should be the basis of the price, cannot be determined before the market value has been established. The active pricing method is based on the fact that through price management the required sales volume and the corresponding average cost are established. A combination of both pricing methods, taking into account the influence of different price options on the profitability of sales of goods, is most adequate to the conditions of the confectionery market. Forming a favorable balance of prices and product sales volumes when determining the optimal parameters of the sales network will allow confectionery enterprises to maintain the required level of profit margin (profitability) of sales operations.

To improve the organization of sales, a scientific approach has been substantiated and a methodology for optimizing the sales network of enterprises and industrial complexes has been developed. According to this methodology, a set of problems in the field of product sales is proposed to be solved on the operational basis of a two-stage transport problem, modeling the costs of product distribution according to the criterion of their minimization. The formation of a sales system according to the proposed algorithm (Figure 1.7) is a multi-iterative process, the starting parameter of which is the need for products in regional markets, and the calculated parameters are transportation costs in accordance with the expected location of warehouses, their capacity and taking into account the established consumption potentials. The proposed optimization principle ensures minimal costs for product distribution, which affect the final price of products and sales volumes, which affects the efficiency of the distribution network.

CHAPTER 2. Analysis of the regional sales management system at SibMetallTrans LLC

2.1 Analysis of sales at SibMetallTrans LLC

Limited Liability Company "SibMetalTrans" has existed in the rolled metal market since 1998.

It is one of the five largest metal warehouses in the city of Novosibirsk.

The average number of employees of this enterprise is 17 people. The hierarchical ladder is built according to Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 - Organizational structure of SibMetallTrans LLC

The main activity is retail and small wholesale trade in rolled metal, in which SibMetalTrans acts as an intermediary between a manufacturing plant or a large wholesale company and a retail buyer.

The base has about 1,000 tons of ferrous rolled metal from simple, carbon, tool and corrosion-resistant steels of more than 500 standard sizes.

Metal receipts occur 2–3 times a week, batches from 10 to 65 tons.

The price for rolled metal is set within the prevailing average market price per ton.

The company's clients are: small enterprises - manufacturers, individuals, as well as factories and thermal power plants, who purchase rolled metal for repair and unscheduled needs.

Despite the fact that in 1995-98. There was a decline in the production of ferrous metallurgy to 57%; today this industry in Russia has “revived” and brings considerable income to the state.

There are three large groups of sellers in the rolled metal market:

1) Metallurgical plants - directly involved in the production of metal products. The minimum lot is 1 car (65 tons), as a rule, in a car there are no more than 2 standard sizes, i.e. not less than 30t. one name of metal, less often up to 10 names - 5 tons each. (Plant named after Serov). They work with large metal warehouses and large factories.

2)Large metal depots, wholesalers, traders of metallurgical plants - supply metal to the end consumer in relatively large quantities, form prefabricated cars from the stock of different manufacturers. They also work with smaller intermediaries.

3) Small local metal warehouses are intermediaries selling retail and small wholesale. As a rule, metal is supplied in quantities of 1 rod. Prices in such companies are as high as possible compared to the two above categories of sellers.

The company under study belongs to this category of sellers. Clients are local and regional manufacturing firms, with a monthly consumption rate of rolled metal of no more than 20 tons. Also, large factories, such as Kemerovo Azot, Topkinsky Cement Plant, Novosibirsk Strelochny, Novosibirsk Stankosib Plant, Novosibirsk Aircraft Repair Plant, Tomsk Instrument, CJSC Polyus, use a relatively small amount , in comparison with their regular planned needs, for repair needs and unscheduled repairs. If you need metal urgently and in small quantities, it is profitable to take it from the local metal warehouse, even if it is much more expensive than from the factory. As in many other markets, the rolled metal market has an element of seasonality, characterized by recessions and increases in product sales volumes. Let us trace these fluctuations using the example of our company over the previous 12 months, since the level of fluctuations, with varying degrees of error, applies to the entire market as a whole.

Table 2.1 shows the firm's monthly sales levels and their dynamics, where the sales level of each month is compared with the sales level of the previous month.

Table 2.1 - Monthly levels of company sales volumes

The dynamics index is calculated using the following formula:

The dynamics index (I dynam.) is presented in formula (2.1).

I din. = E 1 / E 0 *100% (2.1)

WhereE 1 – sales level for the billing month, tn.,

E 0 – sales level for the previous month, tn.

Figure 2.2 clearly shows seasonal fluctuations in sales levels.

Figure 2.2 Seasonal fluctuations in sales levels

We see that the rise in sales levels is observed in the months of November and May, and the decline occurs in the months of September and January.

Let's make a comparative analysis between metal warehouses - competitors according to the following parameters:

Having analyzed the price lists of all the above listed companies for the main steel grades (Table 2.2), we can conclude that the prices of SibMetalTrans LLC fluctuate around the average. This indicates the company’s good competitiveness in this indicator.

Table 2.2 - Analysis of competitors' prices

Metal base Types of steel, price (rub.) per 1 ton VAT
Simple Structural Alloyed Stainless
LLC PFO "Zapsibenergokomplekt" 20 000,0 25 500,0 23 000,0 236 000,0
LLC "Vira +" 18 600,0 27 000,0 22 500,0 235 000,0
LLC "Metalcontinent" 18 500,0 26 400,0 22 600,0 234 000,0
LLC "Sibirskoe 2" 18 200,0 24 000,0 22 500,0 232 000,0
LLC "Metalsibcenter" 19 300,0 26 000,0 22 500,0 230 000,0
LLC "SibPromStal" 18 000,0 26 800,0 23 500,0 236 000,0
Ferrum LLC 19 700,0 28 300,0 23 000,0 235 000,0
LLC "SibMetallTrans" 17 800,0 25 700,0 22 800,0 232 000,0
average price 18 500,0 25 600,0 22 800,0 233 750,0

2) Offered assortment (warehouse nomenclature)

The nomenclature of the warehouse of SibMetallTrans LLC is highly specialized; this is good or bad, one can argue. On the one hand, it’s good, since you can quite easily maintain a good range of standard sizes, on the other hand, it’s bad, since the client’s needs are not fully satisfied.

Table 2.3 - Assessment of warehouse availability nomenclature

3) Metal condition

In terms of the condition of rolled metal, the leading place is occupied by the company SibPromStal, because metal is purchased only from manufacturing plants. The rest of the metal warehouses buy metal both from metallurgical plants and are engaged in buying up old rolled products on the secondary market. And this means: the presence of rust, corrosion and, possibly, shells on the metal. In addition, the breakdown in such cases does not always correspond to the actual grade of steel, and a confirmatory analysis by a chemical laboratory is required.

Mostly such metal is traded by the following companies: “Metalcontinent” and “Ferrum”; for other metal depots, metal of this condition makes up no more than 20% of the total tonnage.

SibMetalTrans LLC has recently stopped giving preference to “stale” metal, and its availability in the warehouse has decreased to 5% of the total volume, although the profitability of selling such metal is much higher, because the purchase price is 40% lower, but it is sold at the same price. The condition of the metal ultimately greatly affects the image of the company.

4) Availability of additional services (delivery to order and its speed, the ability to work on credit)

Here all metal warehouses are in the same conditions, because... everyone works with well-known manufacturers, they order several cars of rolled metal per month, so it is possible to work to order in the same time frame, subject to the availability of metal in the plant’s warehouse; if the metal of the required specification is not in stock, then the plant will roll it to order , and this can take up to 2 months.

If the client agrees to use old metal, then it can be purchased from suppliers on the secondary market, but SibMetalTrans LLC does not adhere to such a policy, which makes it less competitive.

5) Frequency of arrival of new metal

The frequency with which metal arrives is approximately the same for everyone - two to three times a month per car. In addition, receipts occur additionally two to three times a week by cars from the secondary market.

6) Efficiency and coherence of office and warehouse work

Not all metal warehouses are located on the territory of warehouses; as a rule, the office is located in the central part of the city, and the warehouse is on the outskirts of the city and the managers involved in the sale of metal have never even seen it. This is why it is necessary for the connection between the office and the warehouse to be efficient. At all metal depots, the methods by which this is ensured are different, but we are comparing already established companies, the work scheme of which has long been established. Our company is also quite competitive in this aspect.

7) Availability of untapped potential.

It is very important in any business that the potential capabilities of the enterprise are used to their full potential. Let's take a look at each of the companies listed above.

LLC PFK "Zapsibeneggokomplekt"

The company has 6 sales managers, each of them is assigned a region or a specific enterprise. The manager's task is to constantly inform his clients about new arrivals and find out current needs. There are practically no new requests to the company, except in cases where there is a recommendation. The manager's work performance could be more productive if the warehouse were replenished more often, but limited working capital does not allow this. Perhaps if the company advertised, the influx of new clients would be greater, and the sales volumes of managers would increase, but the management policy is different.

Vira+ LLC

The company has 2 managers in charge of sales, they are also involved in the purchase of metal, so their workload is full and an increase in the volume of clients can lead to disruptions in their work. In addition, closer communication with clients is not possible due to the same full workload of managers.

LLC "Metalcontinent"

The company has 3 supply managers, whose responsibilities include full provision of the client’s request, both from stock and the repurchase of rolled metal at other bases, as well as barter operations. As a result, the workload is full and the slightest increase in clientele can lead to disruptions in work. There is a need to increase staff.

LLC "Sibirskoe 2"

The metal warehouse and office are located on the territory of the plant, which is the largest client of this metal warehouse. Trading is carried out by 3 managers, the workload is not full, because... The supply of metal is carried out by suppliers.

LLC "Metalsibcenter"

The company has 4 managers who do not call clients, but only work to receive calls. The workload is almost full. The office is small, so increasing the staff is excluded.

LLC "SibPromStal"

So far there are 4 managers, but there are plans to expand the staff, they are actively advertised in the press, they are currently focused on purchasing metal, there is a clear division of responsibilities between employees, it promotes productive work, and a client base is being formed.

Ferrum LLC

The company has 6 sales managers. The manager's task is to constantly inform his clients about new arrivals and find out current needs. There are a lot of new requests to the company, the manager’s work productivity is constantly growing, and the base income is formed based on requests from managers.

LLC "SibMetallTrans"

The company has 4 sales managers, each of them is assigned to 2 regions and specific enterprises in Novosibirsk. The manager's task is to constantly inform his clients about new arrivals and find out current needs. New calls to the company practically occur thanks to advertisements and recommendations, and there are not so few of them. 1-2 new clients appear weekly. The managers cope well with their work and could serve 15-12% more clients if their influx increased; in addition, there is the possibility of expanding the staff of managers and this is included in the future plans of the management, because The office space allows this to be done. Among other things, the management of the enterprise decided to increase working capital and, as a result, metal at the base.

In connection with all of the above, the question of additional sales promotion arose, and we will have to find out how effective this stimulation will be below.

2.2 Research of control systems of SibMetallTrans LLC

A study of the management systems of SibMetallTrans LLC is carried out to determine the reasons for the introduction of a strategic management system.

These reasons are:

The need to improve the manageability of the organization;

Strengthening the corporate governance function on the part of the founders;

Increasing the market value of the organization;

The need to monitor the implementation of the organization’s strategic goals;

Entering new regional markets to increase sales.

The architecture of strategic planning at SibMetallTrans LLC is as follows (Figure 2.5)

Figure 2.5 - Architecture of strategic planning at SibMetallTrans LLC

Let's draw up the structure of a long-term strategic plan:

1) analysis of the rolled metal market;

2) SWOT analysis;

3) scenario forecast for the development of the rolled metal market;

4) financial plan;

5) access to regional markets (West Siberian region);

6) means of achieving strategic goals;

Marketing policy (brand);

Customer Relations Policy;

Regional network;

Organizational structure;

Personnel policy, motivation;

Information Technology.

Let's draw up the structure of a short-term strategic plan (Figure 2.6).

Figure 2.6 – Structure of the strategic plan

2.3 Features of regional sales management

Plan for creating a regional sales network of SibMetallTrans LLC

So, for one reason or another, the company made a strategic decision to develop regional sales. Below are the main criteria by which it is necessary to analyze the situation for an adequate management decision on the choice of the type of structure, sales channels and the plan for building a regional network for product promotion.

Strategic plans for the company's development.

1) If, with the existing sales volume, the company has achieved 80% of distribution in the Novosibirsk market (and capacity is planned to grow only 2 times in 5 years, it clearly does not make sense to make plans to create branches in 20 regions. The opposite is also true: you should not rely only on distributors for regional sales - with plans to grow 5 times and provided that there is already an existing network of 50 distributors in 50 regions of Russia.

2) Standard indicators that the company wants to achieve in the regions. They depend on the competitive situation, existing market share and other features of the company’s real position at the moment. In most cases, it is problematic to achieve 80% of product distribution in each of the country's major cities, relying only on the work of sales representatives of distribution companies. If you set such a goal, then the tool for achieving it must correspond to it in terms of seriousness, thoughtfulness and level.

3) Timing, resources and budgets, based on the adopted plan for sales and profit growth. The main problem is the realism of plans and their adequacy to the real capabilities of not only the market, but primarily the company itself.

4) Marketing strategy for product promotion. Selected schemes, technologies and methods for promoting products, incentive systems for trade channels, advertising strategy.

5) Investment attractiveness of the regions. Taken from open sources (for example, from the website of the State Statistics Committee of Russia).

6) Number of inhabitants and average per capita income of the population of various regions.

7) Features of the traditions of consumption of these products in different regions

8) A combination of factors such as remoteness of regions, and terms and conditions of storage of products.

9) The demand group to which the product belongs, how important is the “proximity” of the product to the end consumer.

10) Local political situation and social situation in the regions, features of local legislation, etc.

13) Availability of local manufacturers of analogue or substitute products, their strengths and weaknesses.

14) Personnel situation in the regions with personnel at all levels.

Based on the analysis of all available data on the above points, a plan for building a regional network in one form or another should be created. Let's consider the types of regional networks and management systems for these networks with some possible development options.

What each regional network has in common is a single (or rarely distributed) regional sales management center. Such a center is the office - GO. In the case of a distributed center (analogue of a divisional structure) in Russian conditions, options from 2 (Moscow and St. Petersburg or, for example, Yekaterinburg) to a maximum of 5-6 regional divisional centers are possible. Distributed control centers are possible only with significant sales volumes and arise only in very large manufacturing companies that have (purposefully acquire) large production facilities in regions quite distant from each other. In such cases, the management company retains only the functions of strategic management, development, control and audit.

In the vast majority of manufacturing companies, management of one type or another of a regional network occurs from one center. We will consider the main issues of development and management characteristic of most types of regional networks, using the example of a branch network.

Organization of interaction between the manufacturing company's civil engineering department and its branches.

To ensure effective interaction between the head office and branches in the civil society, it is necessary to create a regional department structure that is adequate to development goals. The structure and organization of interaction must be sufficient to ensure the entire complex of so-called “remote control”, which is a special case of control.

Management includes, in a simplified form, planning, organizing and controlling.

In a more detailed form:



Coordination of efforts and interaction;


Correction - making the required changes to plans and actions;

Pushing (work to achieve the required result).

Interaction between GO and branches should be carried out on the basis of the following systems (in another taxonomy this can be broken down into business processes):

1. The remote management system itself (standards, work standards for all business processes, orders, instructions, planned, organizational and control actions, etc.);

2. Document flow system GO - branch (based on unified approved forms of plans, reports and other documents in all areas of the branches’ work - commercial, financial, logistics, administrative and others);

3. Budgeting system (based on sales and expenditure budgets);

4. System for ensuring the supply of civil defense - branch;

5. Sales system (managers’ work technology, key indicators, work standards, pricing system, etc.);

6. Logistics system (warehouse, accounting, supplies, delivery, issues of defects, claims, re-grading, etc.);

7. DS accounting system (accounts receivable, accounting, cash desk, bank, accounting of expenses, powers of attorney, etc.);

8. Information system (computer accounting, communication (telephone and electronic communication with civil defense), network, office equipment, provision of sending and receiving planning and control documentation);

9. System of legal support and assistance in ensuring business security (interaction with clients, with the external environment);

10. Personnel management system (recruitment and training).

Important note. The structure of the GO will largely depend on the number of branches and on the level of other divisions of the company. If the company has a weak audit and inventory department (or it is represented by only one person who simply cannot physically travel to all branches with inspections), then it is necessary to introduce such a position in the regional department (similarly for other functions and areas of work). And if there are employees, and of a sufficiently high level, it is only possible to use them (this mainly applies to the initial stage of development, when sales volumes are not yet large).

The mandatory presence of a deputy follows from the systematics of remote control and the need for fairly frequent business trips. Otherwise, most problems are not resolved until the director returns, or his significant and ineffective distraction from work in the branches occurs. In addition, the presence of a “second person” of the company allows you to divide all tasks into blocks of responsibility between the director and his deputy for more efficient management.

Branch managers may have 3 or 7-8 branches subordinate to them (but no more, otherwise this usually threatens loss of control) - depending on the level of tasks, sales volumes, the number of positions in the existing assortment, in the promoted products and the market.

To ensure effective operation at all stages of branch development from the moment of its opening and sales growth, it is necessary to ensure a systematic approach to solving all problems from the very beginning of the development of the regional network of branches. This implies the following:

1. All business processes must be written down and transparent to all participants (right down to the technological chains for “routine” work).

2. For each position, a job description must be developed with a system for communicating it to personnel and monitoring compliance.

3. Starting from a certain level of sales, a system of continuous training of personnel in branches should be created (at the initial stage, perhaps only at the level of branch directors (key employees) and only by the regional director and/or full-time trainers of the company).

4. It is necessary to think through a unified (easily scalable) system for creating branches (it contains standards for creating a branch, which specifies requirements for warehouses, initial employees, etc., and a package of documents for creating a branch, which specifies all actions and documents for interaction with the authorities , lessors, the external environment, the market, etc. - such a package is created for specific conditions), and a unified sales system in branches (including all aspects of specific sales technologies used for clients of all levels, including \LR).

In addition, it is necessary to ensure a system of inspections of material and computer accounting in branches and verification of compliance of the branch’s work with the work standards established in the company.

Scheduled (with a specified frequency) inventory and inspections of the branch are required. To do this, it is necessary to create regulations for conducting inventory and other legal documents: their list and content are quite standard, but require mandatory “fine-tuning” to the existing business features of a particular manufacturing company.

Document flow GO - branches

When managing remotely, the issue of document flow between branch offices is extremely important.

It should be based on the following documents:

1. Monthly plan-report of the branch in the civil society (sales, work with clients, accounts receivable, relations with the external environment, problems, plans, etc.).

2. Weekly reports from managers to the director (head of the sales department), director and key employees of all areas - in the Civil Defense.

3. Weekly (or daily) receipt of accounting databases from branches in the city district.

4. Financial and accounting reports (weekly, monthly and as required by law).

5. Monthly budget (expenses, with a weekly report on funds spent, and a sales budget - monthly/quarterly or with another established schedule).

6. Report on the movement of material assets (after each delivery of goods).

7. Report on defects, surplus goods, shortages, returns, etc. - weekly.

8. Monthly report from the marketing and purchasing manager (or another employee with similar functionality) on analysis of the market, prices and competitors, justification of orders, etc.

9. Monthly report on staffing.

10. Report on discounts and sales promotions - monthly or weekly.

11. Monthly report on interaction with the external environment.

It is necessary to strike a balance between sufficiency and the need for document flow. Avoid duplication of information in different reports, but also prevent the concealment or loss of important data necessary for analysis and management decisions in civil defense.

To maintain document flow, each employee must have instructions in the form of a table - what report, when, to whose address he sends, with what content he sends information from the branch or receives it from the State Administration (to eliminate failures in sending and receiving information, the usefulness of the data provided) .

Structure of a dedicated regional division of the company.

Now let’s look at the organizational structure of a full-fledged dedicated division of the company, i.e. a division that has its own warehouse of products and also delivers goods to customers.

In general, any branch works in three directions:

Branch - Clients;

Branch - External environment;

Branch - GO (acting as a management company and supplier).

To ensure these interactions in general, the following is required:

General management (at the beginning of sales - only the director);

Customer interaction block (sales department, product flow support, PC operators (order operators), office manager);

Financial block (usually accounting and cash department, in large branches - financier-economist);

Logistics block (warehouse and transport, procurement in civil defense);

Information block (programmer - database, interaction with civil defense, computer accounting, with developed sales - marketing and purchasing manager in civil defense);

Personnel block (work with personnel, record keeping; usually carried out distributedly by personnel from other blocks, in large branches - separate);

Administrative and economic block - interaction with the external environment (authorities, regulatory bodies, security, etc.), internal administrative and economic issues.

Naturally, at various stages, additional divisions and employees may appear, or some of the above may be absent (for example, a deputy for sales (head of the sales department) or a deputy for the administrative and chemical department). It should be noted that this is a fairly general scheme.

The entire network requires a unified staffing table, where the presence or absence of any employees should be tied to the sales volume of the branch or other key indicators for a given manufacturer (or region).

Thus, we have generally considered a variant of a regional network - a branch network, as the most complex type of regional network for ensuring the distribution of goods. It is the most expensive, but it also allows, if properly structured and adequately managed with a mixed sales system (including direct sales from a branch through the main sales channels), to achieve the maximum level of service for customers and maximum product sales in the region.

In conclusion, we will briefly formulate the sequence of actions that a manufacturing company that wants to develop a regional network must adhere to:

Clearly set goals and desired indicators with deadlines for achieving them;

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company and competitors;

Determine the most promising regional markets and the sequence of their development;

Select the optimal distribution channel (or combination thereof) and the system of operation of the regional network;

Determine a marketing strategy for promoting products in the regions;

Draw up a detailed action plan with deadlines, performers, resources, systems of motivation, control and correction;

Get started and achieve what you want.

Developing regions is not an easy task even for strong, financially powerful production companies with a developed management system. But this is a rewarding task, giving a serious, long-term, sustainable trend towards increased sales volumes and stability in the market. Therefore, one cannot fail to recognize its importance for any company striving for development and growth.

3.1 Modernization of the regional sales management system

1. Systematic approach

The importance of a systems approach is obvious. However, a systematic approach to organizing and managing sales is especially important. In particular, when these processes are led by business owners. The cost of these people's mistakes increases many times over.

Sales are only part of a system like a company. This is the final component of the work of all services and the entire company team. S. Beer's law states: improving the performance of one element of the system does not lead to improving the performance of the system as a whole. Improving the performance of one element of the marketing service may not lead to improved performance of the service as a whole. And most likely it won’t. For example, we developed and implemented such an important block of sales organization and management as sales planning for managers. However, the information in the client database is not enough for competent work on developing clients and planning their needs. As a result, planned sales figures turned out to be taken out of thin air. The value of the work done is close to zero.

Thus, when carrying out certain activities to improve the work of the sales service, you must be able to give a clear answer to the questions:

- “How will changes in the organization of the sales service affect other services of the company?”

- “Is it advisable to improve the work of the sales department without improving the work of other company services?”

Answers to these and similar questions, which are not always visible from the position of current company managers, can be obtained by conducting expert diagnostics of the company's sales system, as the first systematic step towards business development.

In general, a systematic approach to organizing and managing sales in wholesale and retail companies seems to consist of the following blocks:

Diagnostics of the company's sales and marketing system.

Organization and management of the commercial department.

Methodological support for sales.

Marketing support and sales development.

2. Diagnostics

Before organizing or rebuilding anything, it is necessary to answer the question of what has been built, evaluate the level achieved, understand what has not been completed, what has been completely missed, what has been done incorrectly, and what is hindering the further development of the company. In other words, the optimization or construction of a sales organization and management system should begin with its comprehensive diagnostics. From the formation of an objective assessment of the company’s condition in terms of its performance of the most important function - organizing and managing sales. This is an audit or diagnostic of the sales system.

A sales audit provides the owner-general director with a systematic vision of the business situation in the company, as well as practical recommendations on what and how to do to achieve the goals. The specifics of working and interacting with the company here are as follows. The auditor, and at this stage he already acts as a consultant, acts with the full approval of the owners and managers of the company and according to the plan approved by them. The actions are in the nature of the development and implementation of specific organizational and management documents or work algorithms that provide solutions to previously identified problems. At the same time, the consultant uses his existing successful practices or reworks them taking into account a new vision of the problem or unique business conditions.

Communications at this stage are not carried out directly with company employees, but, as a rule, are indirect in nature - through the heads of sales, marketing departments, sales director, executive or general director.

Let's sum up the intermediate results. A systematic approach to successful sales at this stage is implemented by conducting a comprehensive, independent diagnosis of the existing sales and marketing system, developing an appropriate analytical report and proposals - a business development program. It should be taken for granted here that the diagnosis, analytical report and recommended development program are forms of presenting the results of counseling processes. And their essence is, firstly, identified, grouped and analyzed problems of the company’s development. Secondly, an analysis of the state of all sales business processes and elements of the company’s functioning related to sales and marketing. Thirdly, a system of recommendations for optimizing the existing sales system and its further development, logically determined by the two previous stages.

The result and practical value of the first system unit. The founders receive an unbiased expert assessment of the state of the organization and sales management in the company. Including information that is new to you. The company's problems, their relationship and getting to the root problem. Proposals for the management setting up of the company, a business development program and, most likely, an offer of assistance in implementing the developed recommendations.

3. Organization and management of the commercial department

A specific embodiment of the process of organizing and managing sales is the formation of a sales department or several sales divisions. A systematic approach to the formation or development of a sales division is seen in compliance with and appropriate information content of the following structural blocks.

Target. The goals of the sales department should logically follow from the goals and objectives facing the company as a whole. Since the business of SibMetallTrans LLC is aimed at promoting goods to the regions, it is advisable to build the sales department primarily as a regional sales department. Personnel will be selected with experience and connections to work in the regions. This thesis will be concretized in all other structural blocks of the system.

Organizational structures - formation or optimization of the organizational and managerial structure of the department.

Many companies do not have a well-developed organizational and management structure, either existing or future. If the old employees of the company themselves come to understand who actually reports to whom and who needs to be contacted for what question, then for new employees this becomes the first problem. This situation is beneficial for the type of middle managers who are trying to make the main internal decisions, regardless of their officially held position, corresponding functions and powers. This leads to the emergence of “gray cardinals” in the company, occupying an unclear position, but having a certain “weight” in the company, often determined by the degree of influence on the company’s top person.

The consistency of this section is manifested, first of all, in taking into account the target orientation of the sales department. Continuing the example with regional sales, the structure of the sales department is seen as a group of regional “field” sales managers, regional representatives or field sales agents. In the structure of the commercial department there is a logistics formation, and in the structure of the company there are branches, consignment warehouses, connections with exclusive dealers. It is clear that these divisions should not be created all at once, but according to the company’s capabilities and according to the logic of business development.

Functional responsibilities.

Development of functional responsibilities of formed or emerging units. The company chooses the most convenient regulatory path for itself. The essence is important. And the essence of this approach is the competent and effective formation of a sales division:

The goal and objectives of the sales department are clear and clearly formulated;

It is clear which units solve or are called upon to achieve these goals;

There are heads of these departments who well understand not only their responsibilities and the responsibilities of their departments, but also the functions, responsibilities and rights of related departments and services.

Personnel, formation of corporate culture.

Now is the time to start recruiting sales managers or somewhat rethink and redirect the work of the company’s existing salespeople. In parallel with the beginning of the search for sellers, and even better - one step further - start developing their job descriptions.

Job descriptions are not a dogma or restrictions on the manifestation of creative abilities of employees. However, each employee must be very clearly aware of what he is paid for, and the manager must know what can and should be asked of a specific employee. Working without written job descriptions is typical for young companies and indicates a low level of professionalism.

Let us pay attention to the following sections of job descriptions, regardless of the specifics of the company or the direction of its activities, which will help “breathe life” into this development and make it useful for employees.

Purpose and objectives of the position. It is important to clearly formulate the goal and identify the tasks that need to be solved to achieve it.

Subordination, interaction. An interesting and controversial issue is the thesis of direct subordination. I propose the following interpretation of this definition. Direct subordination is a form of personnel management in which issues of hiring an employee, setting tasks, monitoring execution, rewards, punishment and dismissal are decided by the immediate superior; it is possible to coordinate or approve the decision of the immediate superior by a higher official.

The principle used by a number of companies, when a manager of any rank can give orders to employees who are not directly subordinate to him, is fraught with trouble. Of course, there are exceptions that justify this approach. However, as a rule, it is more expedient to set the task through the head of the structural unit.

Work evaluation criteria. A clear and understandable definition of the indicators by which an employee’s work is assessed is a necessary condition for his successful work.

Job/functional responsibilities.

This section should clearly define what functions the employee must perform to achieve the goal. In essence, this is a reasonable detailing of tasks with an emphasis on the technological aspects of sales - in relation to sales managers and on organizational and managerial aspects - in relation to the head of the sales department. It is advisable to supplement this “technological” aspect of developing job responsibilities with a list of work results that are expected from this employee. This combination of performance and technological orientation when developing functions, for example, for sales managers, will allow us to avoid a situation that often occurs in practice when an employee says, indicating in his job description, that this type of work is not provided for me.

Ignoring or misunderstanding the provisions in question leads to loss of money for the company in the form of direct losses or lost profits. And this manifests itself in the disorganization of the staff, the performance by managers of tasks that their subordinates should perform, the inability or fear to delegate authority, to provide freedom of action at the intermediate stage and to ask for results.

Rights. To competently complete tasks, certain material things, working conditions, and authority are required. And they must also be defined and prescribed. As business processes become more complex, the requirements for the working conditions of sales employees increase. For example, the need to constantly connect a sales manager's computer to the Internet in many companies is becoming a basic requirement for its effective operation.

Responsibility. Having set a goal, defined tasks, formulated functions and granted rights, one should determine the scope of the employee’s personal responsibility for a specific area of ​​the business process.

Speaking about personnel in a systematic approach to sales, it should also be noted that the selection of employees is made taking into account the characteristics of the company and the specifics of the product being promoted or the service provided. That is, not only we choose, but now more and more people choose us, especially competent personnel. Therefore, when searching for a candidate for a specific company, it is necessary to “weigh” not only the level of wages that the company can currently pay to an employee, the professional qualifications and psychological characteristics of the candidate, but also the complexity of the product, the characteristics of the team (level of friendliness, etc.) .

As for the formation of corporate culture, this is a long and focused process, which is an element of a systematic approach to sales. The author contributes to this process by explaining and implementing in practice the concept of “Management Pyramid” as a principle of a competent approach to organizing work in a company, and also conducts a training lecture “Elements of professionalism in the work of performers at any level.” These issues are outlined schematically in Appendix A.

The result and practical value of the second system unit. The company acquires organizational and management structure. Employees literally see the structure of the company, know and understand their tasks, the criteria for evaluating their work, the system of subordination and interaction in the company. Competent work on personnel selection begins.

Methodological support for sales

The name of this system unit may sound somewhat unusual. But its essence lies precisely in the methodological support of the sales process. Another formulation that helps reveal this essence could be: “Placing regular management in the sales department or commercial department of the company.” The significance of these issues increases when considering sales processes from a systems point of view. A system will be good when it can work, in a certain sense, “by itself.” And if, when understanding the word “itself,” you do not go beyond the boundaries of common sense, then here are the elements of methodological support that will make it possible to further systematize the processes of organizing and managing sales in the company (Appendix B).

Methodological “weapons” for managers. Documents and algorithms for the work of this block should be developed by the management of the company and the sales department for their sales managers. Specifically, this is the job of the head of the sales department, commercial director or sales director, and partly of the marketing director. The presence of such developments in the company and their use in practice automatically characterizes the professional level of the heads of sales departments.

Specific basic documents characterizing both this block and other blocks of the sales methodological support system are given in Appendix B. Examples and details of the methodological support system can be given in a separate article.

Demand system from managers - reporting system. Once employees know what is required of them, understand what and how to do, it is possible and necessary to organize competent demand. To do this, you need to clearly define the task. This is expressed, in particular, in the scrupulous development of reporting document forms. The best way is a table. It will also ensure the consolidation of results for the entire set of performers.

Reporting on work results. In other words, the final reporting of sales managers.

In terms of methodological orderliness of regional sales, it is advisable to pay attention to the development of the following regulatory documents, which give clarity and simplicity to this complex type of sales with complex control over the process and increased financial risk.

Regional sales concept.

Payment terms for regional managers.

Regulations on business trips.

Financial travel plan for the year, quarter, month.

Business trip plan.

Business trip report.

Methodological support for the work of the sales department.

The level and scale of the tasks of this block, continuing the regulation of business processes in the sales department, go beyond the scope of one department. This is a joint work of directors of several divisions of the company: commercial, financial, marketing, logistics.

The main blocks of this section:

Economic sales mechanism.

Company sales budget.

Cost budget.

Final reporting of the sales department.

Document flow.

The result and practical value of the third system unit. The work of the main division of the company - the sales department - is created anew or put on a professional basis: job responsibilities of employees, planning, reporting, production discipline, planning, financial, customer databases, document flow, sales technology. Information about the state of sales in the company “settles” in specially developed documents according to well-thought-out work algorithms. Well-established analysis of reporting and planning data allows you to make timely management decisions. The market value of the company increases. The risk of losing accumulated information when managers or the head of the sales department leaves will be reduced. A basis is being formed for standardizing business processes and sales management systems in branches or subsidiaries. Internal conditions are created for sales development. Sales inevitably increase.

Marketing support and sales development

Having worked through the above-mentioned blocks of the system, you can set and solve a group of tasks that answer the question “What else needs to be done to better satisfy the needs of your customers, work more efficiently and, accordingly, increase sales?” This is the next block of the sales organization and management system - marketing support and sales development.

Ideally, many marketing aspects of a business organization should be carefully worked out before the company's main business processes are launched. For example, the strategic goals of creating a company (mission, vision, ideology), target market, assortment and pricing policy, distribution channels of goods, your unique competitive advantages, studying competitors, methods of promoting goods and many other groups of questions should be asked and resolved before , say, start drawing up a job description for a sales manager. In addition, almost all marketing issues have a deadline, but do not have a completion date, i.e. must be developed and updated constantly.

There is also another danger to note when considering marketing issues. Marketing is the most multifaceted concept of modern business. It is hardly possible to name at least one area of ​​activity of a modern business company that is not an element of marketing. Therefore, for the purposes of this article, we will try to reduce marketing issues to practically tangible concepts, the solution of which ensures further sales growth and business development of a particular company.

Schematically, the system of marketing support and sales development may look like this.

1. Regulations on the marketing department.

2. Strategic planning.

Company's mission.



Marketing plan for company development.

3. Long-term planning.

Sales policy - distribution channels, assortment policy, pricing policy, sales promotion methods, regional sales concept.

Marketing sales forecasting.

4. Positioning. Constant monitoring of the market position of the company and products.

6. Marketing research.

Target consumer market.

New target market segments.

New regional markets.

Competitors, manufacturers, suppliers.

It is important that each area of ​​marketing research acquires practical significance in the form of specific recommendations for optimization and sales development.

The result and practical value of the fourth system unit. Further growth in sales efficiency is achieved through the use of the results of marketing activities. Sales departments rely on the developed conceptual framework for the company's development. Achieves a clear understanding of your target market. This allows the sales department to quickly and independently resolve many tactical issues. Sales departments are beginning to actively use advertising campaigns and other methods of product promotion.

In order to increase trade turnover and get as close as possible to the end consumer, SibMetallTrans LLC is constantly striving to expand the scope of its activities by opening metal depots in the regions of Russia and concluding dealer agreements with regional representatives on a long-term basis.

Currently, there are three official representative offices of the company: in the cities. Biysk and Novosibirsk, capable of simultaneously placing on their premises more than 30 thousand tons of rolled products of various assortments.

Over the past year, the amount of rolled steel supplied through regional warehouses has more than doubled, and the geography of sales has expanded significantly.

The activities of SibMetallTrans LLC are aimed at providing rolled metal to enterprises in the coal industry, as well as the largest machine-building enterprises and construction organizations. We are developing the services provided when selling metal, so our customers can count on quality service. In order to satisfy the needs of consumers as much as possible, we are purposefully expanding the range of metal products we offer.

To organize the process of procurement, storage and sale of rolled metal, SibMetallTrans LLC uses a centralized system for managing inventory in regional warehouses, based on the operation of modern telecommunication systems and high-speed data transmission channels

The main goal of the marketing policy of SibMetallTrans LLC is to provide the most favorable working conditions for consumers of metal products. We plan to develop warehouse sites to the level of modern metal service centers and open similar complexes in those regions where there is active demand for rolled metal and metal products. The company quickly responds to customer requests and is always open to long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.

SibMetallTrans LLC has undergone a reorganization of its management system. The reason for the transformation is the growth of the company and expansion of the business scope.

Managing a dynamically developing large organization requires the creation of a special structure that carries out strategic management.

Personnel changes are one of the stages of the program for reorganizing the management system of SibMetallTrans LLC, which began three years ago.

The main directions of reorganization of the enterprise management system.

The need to solve a large complex of problems in the field of sales requires the creation of a flexible commercial service with a certain degree of independence. This can be achieved by organizing the service on a regional and product basis, transferring certain powers and responsibility to service managers for decisions made in the field of sales and purchases.

A weak focus on the end consumer of products dictates the need to create a marketing department at the enterprise and transfer to it the functions of improving the range and searching for new technologies.

An excess of personnel and at the same time a lack of qualified personnel dictate the need to create a full-fledged personnel service under the supervision of a personnel director, especially in terms of motivation and certification of personnel, as well as the search and training of highly qualified personnel.

In connection with tightening competition, a rational approach to analyzing the activities of the enterprise and planning its own activities for the future is necessary, which can be organizationally ensured by the introduction of a financial department subordinate to the financial director.

Today we can talk about the possibility of transition to a new promising management structure in two stages:

The earliest possible change in the organizational structure and mandatory assignment to specific performers of the functions of the relevant services and departments.

Deepening and increasing the efficiency of performing functions through the use of incentive methods and other results of implementing projects to improve management and personnel training.

To give flexibility to the organizational structure and guided by considerations of economic feasibility, it is possible to transfer (partially) outside the company a number of tasks that require high costs and highly qualified personnel:

Large-scale marketing research.

Tax planning activities.

Minimizing costs for utility bills (including the transition to mini-energy).

Development of business plans for investment projects.

The solution of the listed tasks for the enterprise can be carried out on a subcontracting basis.

Ranges of responsibilities in the new organizational structure.

In the new management structure, responsibility for decisions made should be formed in the form of ranges of responsibility for each position. It is assumed that all officials know what work should be performed within the assigned range of responsibility. Within the range of responsibility, the official acts independently and is personally responsible for a positive result.

After the ranges of responsibility have been formed, “horizontal” interactions in the new organizational structure are worked out in order to increase the efficiency of management.

"Horizontal" interactions are business relationships that officials enter into to make decisions on issues within their areas of responsibility. "Horizontal" connections are formed between positions in different structural divisions of the company. Business relations within one structural unit, as well as the relations of employees with their managers, are determined by the relationship of subordination and are regulated by the rules of interaction between the manager and the employee.

To streamline relationships at an enterprise, it is advisable to record agreed positions in job descriptions (or contracts of managers), in particular:

Ranges of responsibility authority;

- “horizontal” interactions;

Table 3.1 - Matrix of “horizontal” interactions

Job title Director of Strategic Planning Financial Director Technical Director HR Director
Commercial Director 1. Reorganization of the organizational structure in changing market conditions 1. Formation of price ranges. Sales volumes, discounts for increasing sales volumes. 1. Formation of a promising product range. 1. Selection, relocation and dismissal of commercial service employees.
2. Formation of a promising product portfolio 2. Formation of price ranges, volumes of purchases of raw materials and materials to ensure uninterrupted production. 2. Improving the quality of reliability and durability of manufactured products. 2. Maintaining trade secrets.
3. Implementation of contractual relations with buyers and suppliers 3. Issuance of products for sale. 3. Provision of services to third parties by technical services

3. Increasing the professional level of employees.

4. Quality certification 4. Development of a financial plan. 4. Commercialization of non-industrial institutions.
5. Planning of income and payment flows. 5. Social security for employees of commercial services.


Qualification requirements.

Let's consider the sequence of the process of forming a new organizational structure.

Let us record the main stages and types of work to reorganize the enterprise management system.

1. Fixation of the existing staffing table.

1.1. Obtaining an existing staffing table signed by responsible persons.

1.2. Design and development of a computer database “Works Library” (which will contain all possible types of work that are currently being done in the company).

1.3. Conducting a survey of the organization’s personnel in order to fill the “Work Library”. Entering results into the computer.

1.4. Analysis of the Work Library for duplication of functions and gaps. Identification of factors, the implementation of which is important for the development of the organization.

2. Analysis of “gaps” in the organizational structure of the enterprise.

2.1. Identification of the causes of these gaps and their possible negative impact.

2.2. Structuring the identified “gaps”. Determining possible ways to solve problems.

3. Development of a new staffing table for the company.

3.1. Meetings with management and administrative employees (in person) to formulate the concept of a new company structure.

3.2. Development of a draft staffing table (in the future, as work progresses, it may be modified and changed).

3.3. Development of a package of regulations on structural divisions.

4.1. Development and approval of a standard form “Regulations on a structural unit”. A typical provision may include the following main sections:

General provisions (status, subordination);

Main tasks and functions;

Rights and obligations;


Unit composition and relationships;

Work organization.

4.2. Approval by the general director of the company of a package of regulations on structural divisions.

5 . Creation of a package of regulations and job descriptions for workplaces.

6. Development and approval of local regulations of the company:

Regulations on the company's management structure.

Internal labor regulations.

Personnel Regulations.

Regulations on organizational structure and staffing.

7. Organization of document flow.

8. Setting up management accounting.

9. Development and implementation of a progressive wage system.

10. Linking financial planning and company management to specific jobs.

Optimization of the remuneration system

The basic principles of the new remuneration system at SibMetallTrans LLC should be:

The salary must compensate the employee for the efforts that he needs to make to complete the tasks in this position;

Its level should take into account the employee’s personal contribution;

The salary level must be competitive in relation to a similar position at other enterprises in the region;

Salary cannot be reduced in the event of a decrease in the volume of work for reasons beyond the control of the employee;

The size of the salary and the rate of its growth must correspond to the rate of increase in the cost of living.

A permanent (basic) salary is established for what the employee does in accordance with his job responsibilities; the variable part, based on the assessment of personal contribution, is for how he does it.

This helps to strengthen the motivating role of wages and ensure their greater dependence on the employee’s performance.

In order to more accurately differentiate wages depending on the nature of the work performed, wage “forks” are installed at each step of the ladder. Within the “forks”, a specific salary is determined for each position based on the results of its evaluation.

Job evaluation was one of the most difficult problems in the formation of a new remuneration system at the enterprise. Management positions are assessed according to the following criteria:


Work experience;

Responsibility for management;

The scope of activity within which the official makes decisions;

Intensity of interaction with internal divisions of the enterprise and external organizations.

The choice of the listed criteria makes it possible to establish the size of the base salary for each manager, taking into account the level of responsibility for management, the scope of his competence and decisions made within its framework, the need to establish effective relationships with structural divisions and organizations both inside and outside the enterprise, and the required qualifications and remuneration.

At the same time, requirements for criteria should be developed that motivate the improvement of the qualifications of managers, their mastery of modern methods of work based on personal computers and the acquisition of experience in management activities, and the creation of conditions for improving the qualifications of subordinates.

Due to the rapidly changing economic situation, regular reassessment of positions in the enterprise is required with a simultaneous review of job responsibilities. The advantage of the proposed system for organizing basic wages is its motivating nature, since the salary:

Established on the basis of a formalized performance assessment;

The system for its promotion is linked to advanced training, performing more complex and responsible work, and job promotions.

As a result of the application of the proposed system at SibMetalTrans LLC, the number of people wishing to improve their qualifications and thereby raise the level of wages, as well as increasing responsibility for the functions performed, and stimulating initiative, has increased.

The management of SibMetallTrans LLC developed a strategic plan for 5 years (2005 -2010). At the moment, we can say that most of the path has been covered and there are results to talk about.

Our plans include:

Opening of branches in Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk to increase sales volume and, accordingly, market share (compared to 2003 - the year of purchase) in 2008 - 2 times, until 2010 - almost 3 times.

Improving sales activities

Creation of a marketing department at the enterprise and transferring to it the functions of improving the assortment.

The strategic plan covers the following areas:

1. Reorganization, optimization of product distribution channels - building a sales system.

2. Creation of a financial management system;

The ongoing reorganization is accompanied by improvement of the management system and organizational reorganization.

First of all, we developed a new marketing sales strategy. The main elements of the new marketing strategy are:

Expansion of sales markets - expansion to regions adjacent to the main one;

Increasing sales volume by entering regional markets.

As part of the new sales strategy, we created a regional distribution company and set up a direct sales division in our own sales department, which includes regional managers and sales representatives. We have developed a new policy for stimulating sales, monitoring sales at retail outlets, and creating a logistics system.

An effective information flow management scheme for SibMetallTrans LLC made it possible to monitor the movement of funds and products in real time and accurately determine the range and quantity of available rolled products at metal depots. This is especially true for a partner who, despite the difference in time and distance, can go to the company’s website and find the information he is interested in: assortment, balances in databases, export price list, presented in several versions, taking into account shipment on any Incoterms terms 2000 .


An enterprise can only achieve long-term restoration of competitiveness when it begins to solve its own problems, studies market conditions and competition, and also examines the weaknesses of production processes.

The selection of the listed criteria in this work allows us to establish the size of the base salary for each manager, taking into account the level of responsibility for management, the scope of his competence and decisions made within its framework, the need to establish effective relationships with structural divisions and organizations both inside and outside the enterprise, and the qualifications and remuneration required for this.

The need to solve a large complex of problems in the field of sales requires the creation of a flexible commercial service with a certain degree of independence. This can be achieved by organizing the service on a regional and product basis, transferring certain powers and responsibility to service managers for decisions made in the field of sales and purchases.

Sales strategy is represented by a management strategy, a coverage strategy and a penetration strategy. This set of key strategies characterizes the sales strategy as a strategy for the interaction of material (product) and information flows in the overall logistics system of sales activities.

SibMetallTrans LLC rebuilt the company's management system and sales system, moving from centralized sales to regional ones. We have approved a partnership program - we have established mutually beneficial cooperation with our dealers in the regions.

And in conclusion, it should be noted that SibMetallTrans LLC received a management tool that gives us not only flexible planning capabilities for prompt decision-making, but also the ability to remotely manage the investment object. Being in Novosibirsk, we have the opportunity to fully control the planning process in the regions, analyze the results and make adjustments to current plans. The company's personnel have risen to a higher professional level; now they actually conduct an economic analysis of the enterprise's activities.


1. Avanesov Yu.A., Vaskin E.V., Klochko A.N. and others. Fundamentals of Commerce: Textbook. - M.: Lux-art, 2007. – 318 p.

2. Blank I.A. Trade management. - Kyiv: UFIMB, 2008. – 440 p.

3. Blank I.A. Management of a trading enterprise: Textbook. - M.: Tandem, 2006. – 328 p.

4. Bolt G.J. A practical guide to sales management. - M.: Economics, 2007. – 284 p.

5. Borisov G.P., Akulova V.E. Analysis of economic activities in trade: Textbook. - M.: Economics, 2006. – 320 p.

6. Bochkarev A., Kondratyev V., Krasnova V. et al. Seven notes of management. - M.: Expert, 2007. – 386 p.

7. Vinogradova S.N. Commercial activity: Textbook. - Minsk: Higher School, 2003. - 366 p.

8. Gadzhinsky A.M. Fundamentals of logistics: Textbook. – M.: Marketing, 2007. – 348 p.

9. Dashkov L.P., Pambukhchiyants V.K. Commerce and trade technology: Textbook. - M.: Marketing, 2008. – 272 p.

10. Dixon P.R. Marketing management. - M.: Binom, 2006. – 302 p.

11. Zavyalov P.S., Demidov V.E. Formula for success: marketing. - M.: Infra-M, 2002. – 446 p.

12. Zubkov G.S., Stakhanov V.N., Shekhovtsov P.V. Trade logistics: Textbook. - Rostov n/d: RGSU, 2007. – 296 p.

13. Kardanskaya N.L. Making management decisions. – M.: Delo, 2003. – 284 p.

14. Karpov V.N. Marketing management at Novosibirsk enterprises // Express. - 2006. - No. 2. – P.5.

15. Kotler F. Marketing. Management. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. – 640 p.

16. Kotler F. Fundamentals of Marketing. - St. Petersburg: Peter Kom, 2006. – 808 p.

17. Kravchenko L.I. Analysis of economic activities in trade: Textbook. - Minsk: Higher School, 2008. – 342 p.

18. Lambin J. - J. Strategic marketing. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. – 264 p.

19. Mazmanova B.G. Methodological issues of sales forecasting // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2006. - No. 1. – P. 52 – 61.

20. Markova V.D., Kuznetsova S.A. Strategic management. - Novosibirsk: Siberian Agreement, 2006. – 282 p.

21. Naumov G. G. Competition in trade. - M.: Century, 2003. – 254 p.

22. Osipova L.V., Sinyaeva I.M. Fundamentals of commercial activity: Textbook for universities. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2000. – 384 p.

23. Report on the activities of JSC Elektrokomplektservis in 2006 - 2007 // Arguments and facts. – 2008. – P. 3 – 5.

24. Pankratov F.G. Seregina T.K. Commercial activity: Textbook for universities. - M.: Marketing, 2003. – 386 p.

25. Polovtseva F.P. Commercial activity: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003. – 466 p.

26. Ponomarev N.N. Theoretical foundations of logistics. – Novosibirsk, 2006. – 188 p.

27. Market and logistics: Textbook / Ed. Gordon M.P. – M.: Economics, 2003. – 256 p.

28. Uvarov S.A. Logistics: general concept, theory, practice. – St. Petersburg: SPbUEF Publishing House, 2006. – 404 p.

30. Evans J.R. Marketing - M.: Economics, 2008. – 335 p.


Appendix A

Basic ideas of the “Management Pyramid” concept

Management in the team is built on a hierarchical multi-level principle - top management, middle management, etc. taking into account the size and characteristics of the company. Each level is headed by a leader. He receives the task and corresponding authority from a higher-level manager and organizes the work of himself and his subordinates in such a way as to ensure a solution to the problem or propose options for its solution. Tasks for employees are assigned only through the heads of departments, who bear personal responsibility for their solution by the forces of the teams entrusted to them. The principle of leadership “over the head” is excluded.

To avoid excessive concentration of power and its abuse, each department is open to contacts with managers and employees at any level and the necessary checks.

The situation is unacceptable when, instead of solving the problem, i.e. helping his boss, the lower-level manager in an unconstructive manner brings “up” his problems and justifications for why the main problem cannot be solved. In this case, the boss will be forced to solve problems at the level of his subordinate himself, thereby doing his job. In this case, the pyramid occupies an unstable position. Possible reasons for bringing unresolved problems of a lower level “to the top” are the inability or unwillingness of the corresponding manager to “earn his bread,” inadequate task setting, or the incompetence of the corresponding manager and his team.

The training lecture “Elements of professionalism in the work of performers at any level” presents a number of rules, principles, methods, algorithms for professional, ethical and effective work of the team, formed by the author on the basis of his managerial experience. At the same time, the goal is to inform employees and discuss with them these methods of corporate culture, to form a team of like-minded people. Here are the main issues discussed.

We are all PERFORMERS.

Team. Teamwork.

Why does the team gather?

Why are we gathered here?

The role and importance of the sales department among other departments of the company.

Time for change and resistance from performers.

Problem is good! Formulation of the problem.

Management pyramid. Help concept.


Why is it needed? Whose problems is he supposed to solve? What kind of help can subordinates expect? How to competently interact with your boss.

Setting the task for the performers.

Prioritizing tasks.

Collective intelligence.

Organizing and holding meetings of a creative working group to solve non-standard issues using the brain storming method.

Attitude to “requests” from management.

Attitude to orders and requests from senior management.

What to do when using the “over the head” control method.

Effective meeting: organization and conduct.

Meeting “Thinking with common goals”.

Recordings at meetings, negotiations.

“Note” about execution.

Can you “talk”?

Can you argue?

“External” relations of a structural unit.

Probation period.

Dismissal in a professional company.

Plans and reports.

Attitude to changes in the reporting system.

Discipline. An unconventional approach to a traditional theme.

Business letter style.

Optimistic approach to work and life.

Aggressive approach to sales.

“I” and “We” in working with clients.

When you can “not think” when performing a task.

“Make it beautiful for me,” then I will work.

Are your “My Documents” organized efficiently?

Advice to managers from S.N. Lazarev

Appendix B

Setting up regular management in the sales department or commercial department of the company

Figure B.1-Methodological support of the sales process

Improving the performance of sales departments is a complex procedure and requires quite a lot of time. Since each specific case has its own characteristics, there is no single “recipe”. The length of the customer acquisition cycle, the need to target sales to a certain type of person, the possibility or impossibility of reaching all client groups at once - all these and many other factors must be taken into account. Let us formulate general principles.

Experts identify two key factors that influence the effectiveness of the sales department: the personnel management system and the competence of employees. Each of these factors, in turn, consists of several aspects. Let’s look at each of the blocks in more detail from the point of view of activities that increase the efficiency of “sales people” as a whole.

Sales personnel management system

This includes aspects such as structure, planning, incentives and control.

1. Structure

Depending on the specifics of the company’s activities, it is necessary to form an optimal department structure and determine the number of sales units. Most often, it is advisable to divide the sales department into several subdepartments, each of which takes on a specific area of ​​work. This is the structure that usually occurs in financial and credit organizations whose activities are aimed at serving clients from various industries.

It is also necessary to determine the concept of forming the number of sales divisions: either the organization hires a small number of employees - highly qualified sellers with an appropriate level of payment, or for the same money the company hires a larger number of mid-skilled managers.

Note: There should be no unnecessary management levels above the sales department employees, dealing only with plans and reports. As experts note, in case of successful implementation of the plan, “extra links” usurp success, proving that it is solely their merit, and in case of failure, on the contrary, they shift all responsibility to others. Which ultimately comes down to the dismissal of salespeople or a banal reshuffling of personnel.

Important: a lot depends on the head of the sales department, so it is important to correctly assess his professional and managerial level, train if necessary, and, in extreme cases, replace him. As a rule, only a highly qualified salesperson with organizational talent and management training can effectively manage a sales department. Sales should be managed by people who understand the process “from the inside,” who know its specifics and who have achieved significant success in this area.

2. Planning

We can talk about an effective planning system if fluctuations from the plan are no more than 10-15%, say experts in the field of sales management. Therefore, planned indicators for “sales people” must meet a number of criteria:

  • their achievement requires significant (ultimate, but achievable) efforts from employees;
  • they are expressed in specific numbers;
  • tasks are set for a certain period of time;
  • all numbers are controllable (it is possible to track the stages of plan implementation).

Note: When reporting for any period, sales managers should not be burdened with the need to prepare and write exclusively formal reports. This situation can often be observed in large companies, as well as in organizations where the department is headed by a person who did not come from the sales field, experts note. At the same time, employees are forced to spend a significant part of their working time not on business, but on unnecessary “writing.”

Important: You shouldn’t neglect old clients for the sake of new ones, even very large and promising ones. It's no secret that attracting new customers costs companies five to six times more than maintaining relationships with existing partners.

3. Stimulation

When building an incentive system, it is necessary to take into account at least two principles - transparency and fairness. Despite some abstractness of these criteria, there are quite accurate tools that determine whether the incentive system meets these requirements. An incentive system is considered transparent if an employee can independently calculate the level of his income for a selected period of time, and can also plan his position in the company upon achieving certain results. The sales employee's perception of the incentive system, whether fair or not, can be determined through regular surveys. Moreover, it is best if this is done by a human resource management specialist.

Achievements should be rewarded - this is a rule that should always be followed. Indicators can be, for example, the number of calls per day, the number of newly attracted customers, the amount of orders for the period, the percentage of returning customers, the percentage of successful calls.

Note: the amount of remuneration must be clearly related to the real results of work - that is, the achievements of sales managers must be real, not imaginary. For example, department employees can attract clients with an excessive degree of risk or “empty” clients to serve them and thereby ensure that the sales plan is fulfilled only “on paper.” For example, a contract has been concluded for a large amount, but actual shipments under the contract are not carried out.

4. Control

We can speak of an effective control system if all processes occurring in the department are “transparent” to the head of the sales department. To this end, it is necessary to formalize all business processes, from searching for customers to after-sales service. Experts recommend using different CRM systems, depending on the size of the company. Many of them allow you not only to structure work with clients, but also to monitor the performance of your duties by employees. The main thing is to position filling out control forms as an integral part of the job. To do this, it is necessary that the information contained in the reporting forms is important for employees, for example, it allows them to calculate their income for the current month.

Note: The data obtained during the control process should provide objective information about the capabilities of each specific manager.

For example, if a manager makes 20 meetings a month, and only 1-2 of them result in a contract, and the average ratio for the department is 30%, this means that the manager must determine the reason for the failures and help the subordinate work more efficiently and earn more.

Personnel competence

Personnel competence refers to the presence of such components as motivation, qualifications and personal qualities necessary for effective work in sales. The main skills of sales personnel, according to experts, can be considered the following:

  • ability to establish friendly relationships with clients;
  • the ability to convey the benefits that the client receives by purchasing the product;
  • ability to fend off objections and work with refusals.

These are the types of employees who should be hired to work as “sales people.” And in order for the department to work effectively, an audit of its personnel must be carried out at least 3 times a year, professionals advise. One of the tools that determines the state of the human resource is assessment. Assessment is a specialized in-depth methodology for personnel certification and assessment of candidates for vacant positions.

Note: The success of many sales managers follows the sine law. First there is a rise (developing a client base, sales growth), then a peak (success, an established client base, high sales), and then the “curve” goes down. Therefore, the head of the department must sense in time that the subordinate is “on the verge of a decline” and entrust him with a new interesting task.

5 reasons preventing you from increasing the efficiency of your sales department

1. The sales manager doesn't want to sell.

In the labor market, the vacancy of “sales manager” is perhaps the most in demand. But alas, only a small proportion of applicants apply for this job with motivation and a sincere desire to sell. Therefore, it is not uncommon for managers to call or approach clients through force. A common fear of sales managers is customer rejection. Fear of asking a difficult question to the buyer or complexes that interfere with dialogue and closing the deal. Factors like these can and should be worked on to help your managers improve efficiency.

2. The sales manager does not have the necessary set of skills and abilities

The sales process has a general structure, but there are significant specific features in different businesses, structures, and industries. Often sales managers, when moving from one company to another, believe that the difference is not significant.

Having become accustomed to the fact that he closes a deal relying on his skills and experience, or maybe luck, he begins to believe that he can sell anything, be it equipment or complex complex products/services. Such an employee either does not change his usual style of work, believing that everything is in order, or does not see how to do it (and here you must come to his aid).

3. The sales department does not have a sales process script.

Scenarios for working with clients are needed not only for beginners, but also for experienced employees. Of course, each dialogue has its own unique component. But, if the sales manager does not know the structure of the sales process, does not know the typical questions that should be asked to the Client and in what sequence, what knowledge about the product/service will help him, he will never be able to work effectively. Help your salespeople be prepared in advance for typical customer service situations.

4. There is no training system for the sales department

Of course, without basic training for new sales employees, you shouldn’t expect good results. Even if your company does not have employees responsible for training, we recommend building a mentoring system. Remember that the effectiveness of your business depends on high-quality adaptation and training of newcomers. Conduct several training sessions or supervisor/mentor meetings with the new department employee.

It is also necessary to conduct training periodically for experienced salespeople. In this work, “shake-up” and motivation for further success and development are very important. Your employees should have the understanding that their work is valued and that you are willing to invest in the further growth and development of your team.

5. Not enough data for sales analytics

To build the effective work of any department, the manager always needs to have up-to-date data. The sales department is no exception. This is not just about standard KPIs for employees and departments. Think about it, do you have information about each of your employees at every stage of their work with the client? Do you have enough data to identify problems and develop effective interventions to solve them? Now on the information technology market there are a lot of solutions that allow you to improve sales analytics. Think about what data you are missing, how you can get it, and how will you use the information received in the future?

How to solve these and other problems?

Training newcomers and improving the skills of successful employees

Only competent employees who are able to interest a potential client in knowing information about the product offered can increase sales efficiency. What to teach? At a minimum, create a knowledge base. Make training and master classes mandatory for all employees. Areas of training for sales managers:

  • negotiation training;
  • training in working with customer objections;
  • ability to establish contact with “difficult” clients;
  • identification and analysis of the main mistakes made by managers of a particular company.

Start developing work regulations

Documented rules for department employees can improve sales efficiency, especially if there is staff turnover. Both new employees and old employees must adhere to the standards and methods of interaction with customers adopted by management.

Make it a rule to keep statistics of customer requests

An effective sales department uses advertising (outdoor, online, radio and television, print media) to promote its product. You can find out about the effectiveness of an advertising campaign by analyzing how many people contacted the company (and thanks to what type of advertising).

Test different options for client meetings

It is better when a conversation with a client involves 2-3 experienced (if possible) sellers who know the full picture regarding the conclusion of a transaction and the intricacies of the product (service provided). The buyer significantly increases the degree of his importance and level of trust in a company that is able to send several of its employees at once to discuss the concluded contract.

Adequate and effective motivation

By saving on the sales department, you reduce the company's income. Therefore, you should take care in advance about remunerating your sales employees. In practice, two concepts are most often used. According to the first of them, the amount of employee remuneration depends on the volume of implementation of the plan. In the second case, the employee is paid a remuneration as a percentage of sales or profit. Which method is more correct depends, first of all, on the specifics of the business.

"Extra Links"

Make sure that there are no unnecessary management levels above the sales department employees who deal only with sales plans and reports. As practice shows, in case of successful implementation of the plan, the “extra links” usurp success, proving that it is solely their merit, and in case of failure, on the contrary, they shift all responsibility to others. Which ultimately comes down to the dismissal of salespeople or a banal reshuffling of personnel.

Be careful - empty formalities!

Make sure that sellers are not burdened with the need to prepare and write purely formal reports. This situation can often be observed in large companies, as well as in organizations where the department is headed by a person who did not come from the sales field. In such a situation, employees are forced to spend a significant part of their working time not on business, but on unnecessary writing.

Real profit

Make sure that sales staff do not have an incentive to attract clients with an excessive degree of risk (for example, in the financial or banking sectors) or “empty” clients and thereby ensure that the sales plan is fulfilled only “on paper”. A contract has been concluded for a large amount, but no actual shipments or financing have been made under the contract. In this case, the remuneration should depend not on the amount for which the agreement was concluded (for example, on the financing limit set for the client), but on the amount of the transaction carried out within the framework of this agreement (for example, the amount of financing paid to the client under the agreement).

Dismissal of ineffective

The saddest point. If you can’t get your employee going, evaluate his performance and personal qualities. If he is suitable for another job (for example, processing contracts or supporting current clients), transfer him. He himself will be glad, because no one likes to work poorly. If there are no options, talk to him politely and ask him to write a statement. It's your business and you can't sponsor underperforming employees.

We have looked at the main ways to improve the effectiveness of a sales manager. After completing these simple steps, you can take on the jewelry work of increasing conversion at each stage of sales from each specialist.


Management, consulting and entrepreneurship

In practice, both commercial and all economic activities of an enterprise, a particularly important problem is the development and use of demand and market forecasts. Analysis of market conditions is necessary because its results enable the enterprise to sell purchased goods at more favorable prices, as well as increase or reduce the purchase of goods in accordance with expected market conditions.

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Symbolism in Russian art at the turn of the 1920s. M.A.Vrubel.BorisovMusatov. We can say that symbolism in Russian art of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. became the apotheosis of creative individuality. In symbolism, individuality made an attempt to subjugate everything around it.
PUBLIC RELATIONS SPECIALIST: PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL QUALITIES As S. Black notes: PR can bring maximum results only when the people involved in it have broad knowledge and resources at their disposal. In accordance with international experience...
18897. Public relations specialist: professional and personal qualities 48 KB
Public relations specialist: professional and personal qualities The qualities required by a PR specialist can be divided into 3 areas: Communication sphere. Emotional-volitional sphere. Cognitive sphere. Of course, it is often very difficult...
18898. Psychogenetics, cheat sheet 402 KB
Most trends in science arise in connection with the demand of society or are born as a result of human practical activity. If we talk about genetics in general, it is quite obvious that practical genetics has roots in ancient times
18899. 60 KB
Public relations: subject object goals and objectives conceptual apparatus There is approx. 500 definitions of PR. There are many different interpretations of this concept. The classic definition of PR by S. Black is: PR is the art and science of achieving harmony through...
18900. Public relations: subject, object, goals and objectives, conceptual apparatus 40.5 KB
Public relations: subject object goals and objectives conceptual apparatus Public Relations communicative activity of the company aimed at forming harmonious relations with society establishing and maintaining effective relationships with useful audiences from
Modeling is of great importance for the training and education of preschool children. It promotes the development of visual perception, memory, imaginative thinking, and the development of manual skills. Modeling, as well as other types of visual activities
18902. Procedural PR technologies: negotiations, facilitation and mediation 77 KB
Procedural technologies of PR: negotiations, facilitation and mediation Any message is an attempt to influence the desire to force a person to look at the world through the eyes of the communicator. Already the sophists tried, using the techniques of rhetoric, to change opinion and posture in the right direction...