The concept of the labor process, classification of labor processes. Machine-manual - processes performed by a machine or mechanism with the direct participation of a worker who makes specific efforts to control the working parts of the machine



1 The labor process and its components

1.1 Concept and essence

1.2 Classification, content and composition of labor processes

2 Organization of the labor process




Relevance. Labor organization is a constantly operating factor in the efficiency of any activity in general and production in particular. At all times and in all spheres of human functioning, better organized labor with equal technical and technological equipment ensured the achievement of higher results.

The basis of any production is the labor process - both manual and mechanized. The labor process is the final stage or act of any production, management, or creative process. You can perfectly organize the listed processes as a whole, but if their core - the labor process - is poorly organized, then the output of any system will be a bad result. Therefore, managers of all ranks and specialists developing production, technological, management and other processes should observe the principle of proportionality in quality, quantity, resources and deadlines.

The widespread use of rational techniques and labor methods in production makes it possible to improve the use of modern high-performance equipment and working time, and significantly increase labor productivity.

In the conditions of mechanization and automation of production, the requirements for the organization of labor processes of performers, and especially those servicing mechanized and automated complexes, are especially increased, since the efficiency of their use ultimately depends on this.

The purpose of the work is a theoretical study and generalization of issues related to the organization of labor processes: classification, content, composition, organization.

The work consists of an introduction, two parts, a conclusion and a list of references.

1 The labor process and its components

1.1 Concept and essence

The basis of the production process is labor. The labor process is a set of methods and means of human influence on the subject of labor using a tool or the influence of a human-controlled (managed) tool on the subject of labor with the aim of producing a material or intangible product, occurring in certain natural or artificial conditions.

Let us consider the essence of the components of the above concept.

“The set of methods and means of human influence” is the sum of interrelated methods and techniques of theoretical research or the practical implementation of something in any field of activity. For example, methods of analysis and synthesis, modeling, generalization in theoretical research, techniques of induction and deduction, etc.

For example, the “subject of work” for a researcher may be a theoretical position, invention, problem, methodology and information, for a designer - a kinematic diagram of a product, etc., for a writer - the idea, image, structure and content of a book, for a turner - machine, at the doctor - the patient’s illness, etc. As a “working tool,” a researcher may have a computer, a program, experimental equipment, etc., a designer may have a computer-aided design system, a computer, etc., a writer may have a table, a computer, books, paper and pen, a turner has a machine, a surgeon has a scalpel, etc.

The “material product” of the researcher’s activity is zero - the result of work is formulated in the form of a new method, principle, invention, etc., which refers to intangible products (assets). For a turner, the result of his labor will be a manufactured part.

Certain natural or artificial conditions” in which processes take place are, for example, the natural beauty of nature for an artist’s sketch, a forest for a lumberjack, a laboratory for a researcher, a production facility for a turner, etc.

1.2 Classification, content and composition of labor processes

Labor processes differ in the nature of the subject and product of labor, the functions of workers, the degree of human participation in influencing the subject of labor, and the organization of labor. The correct assignment of the labor process to a separate classification group is mandatory when organizing them.

The classification of labor processes is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Classification of labor processes

Classification sign

Types of labor processes

1. Nature of work

1.1. Physical (relating to the work of muscles)

1.2.Mental (relating to the activity of the mind)

1.3.Sensual (perceived by the senses: visible, audible, tangible, olfactory, tasted)

1.4.Mixed (integral)

Moving a load, lifting a heavy object, rotating a machine handle, etc. Analysis, synthesis, formulation of something, etc. Control of the control panel, temperature measurement, etc. The process of driving transport media, processing the part on a computer-controlled machine

2. Substance of the object of labor

2.1. Material processes associated with product release

2.2.Documented processes associated with the creation of intangible assets

2.3.Virtual processes related to information services for workers or the public

The labor process of assembling a product, harvesting, etc.

Development of know-how, inventions, techniques, writing a book, etc.

Receiving information via the Internet, performing a concert program

3. The purpose of labor processes for their consumers

3.1. Creating a material base to meet needs

3.2. Satisfying human material needs

3.3. Satisfying human spiritual and social needs


Meeting public needs

Construction of the facility

Food production, housing construction

Organization of a concert, performance, construction of a swimming pool Legislation, protection of public order, etc.

4. The branch of production in which the labor process takes place

4.1. Material production


Intangible production

Labor processes in industries, construction, agriculture, etc.

Labor processes in the field of servicing legal entities and individuals

5. The role or place of the labor process in the production process

5.1. Main processes - production of products, performance of work or provision of services

5.2. Auxiliary processes that ensure the normal flow of main and servicing processes


Maintenance processes that ensure the normal flow of main and auxiliary processes

Manufacturing parts on a lathe, providing banking services

Manufacturing of cutting tools for a machine shop, repair of technological equipment

6. Frequency of work

6.1. Continuous Processes

6.2. Cyclic processes

7.1. Manual processes

7.2. Machine-manual processes

7.3. Automated processes


Automatic processes

Massage Turning Details

Management based

Automatic winding operation

1) analysis of the situation (problem, work plan, program, technology, design, etc.);

2) mental representation of the technology for performing the work, possible impacts of environmental factors, forecasting the results of the process;

3) preparing the workplace and providing it with everything necessary (material resources, labor, information, technology, etc.);

4) performing work is the direct labor process;

5) registration of work results;

6) delivery and implementation (implementation) of the work;

7) stimulating good work results.

The composition of the labor process is shown in Figure 1. Production

is the process of converting raw materials into finished products. Typically, a distinction is made between main production processes, the purpose of which is to produce products for the market, and auxiliary processes (repair, transport, etc.) that ensure the normal functioning of the enterprise.

Each production process can be considered from two sides: as a set of changes that the objects of labor undergo, and as a set of actions of workers aimed at expedient changes in the objects of labor. In the first case they talk about the technological process, in the second – about the labor process. Technological processes are classified according to the following main characteristics:;energy source;degree of continuity.

way of influencing the subject of work

Based on the energy source, technological processes can be divided into passive and active. The former occur as natural processes and do not require additional,

energy transformed by a person to influence the object of labor (for example, natural drying of hay.) The latter occurs either as a result of direct human influence on the object of labor, or as a result of the influence of means of labor driven by energy (drying hay by the method of active ventilation).

According to the degree of continuity of impact on the subject of labor, technological processes are divided into continuous and discrete. At first, the technological process is not

According to the method of influence on the object of labor and the type of equipment used, mechanical and hardware technological processes are distinguished. Mechanical processes are carried out manually or using machines (machine tools, automatic assembly machines, etc.). In these processes, the object of labor is subjected to mechanical influences, that is, its shape, size, and position change.

During hardware processes, the physical and chemical properties of the object of labor change under the influence of chemical reactions, thermal energy, various types of radiation or biological objects. They occur in devices of various design forms – furnaces, chambers, baths, vessels, etc. (typical for the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex).

All types of technological processes at an enterprise can only be carried out as a result of the labor of its employees.

Labor process–– a sequentially performed set of labor actions carried out by the performer (performers) of work in the production of material goods or the performance of certain functions. Labor process is the primary link in the creation of any product or product, and labor productivity depends on the level of its organization. A rationally organized labor process represents a precisely calculated and established relationship between the means of labor, labor force, and their interaction in the process of change (movement) of a given object of labor up to its technological completion.

The organization of labor processes must be based on certain principles arising from the objective laws of production.

Currently, it is customary to divide labor processes: by the nature of workers’ participation in the production process, by the purpose and nature of the products produced, by the type of organization of production (Figure 6).

By the nature of workers’ participation in the production process labor processes are divided into manual, machine-manual, machine and automated.

Manual processes are those in which workers act on the subject of labor without the use of additional mechanisms or using hand tools.

Machine-manual processes include processes in which the impact on the object of labor is carried out using mechanisms, but there are also manual works.

With machine processes, the entire process is carried out without physical effort. Installation, removal of the part and operation are carried out by the employee.

In an automatic process, the worker only controls the work.

According to the purpose and nature of the products manufactured labor processes are divided into main and auxiliary. This classification influences the choice of forms of organizing the work of workers, labor standards, and methods for establishing them.

By type of production organization labor processes are divided into individual, small-scale, serial, large-scale, mass. This classification is of decisive importance for the choice of forms of organization, both the production processes themselves and labor processes, workplace service systems, requirements for the accuracy of standards and standards.

The concept of the labor process

The labor process can be considered from two points of view - relatively speaking, in a general sense and in a special sense. On the one hand, this is the activity of workers to create goods and resources, on the other hand, the functioning of the employer in organizing labor.

Accordingly, the main qualifying features of the labor process are:

  • the nature of labor and the final result of production activities;
  • employee functioning;
  • type of employee labor involvement in the production process (degree of mechanization or automation of labor);
  • the severity of the labor process.


  1. According to the orientation of work activity and the final product of labor, we can distinguish:
    • material labor process;
    • informational.

    The subject and result of the work of the first subgroup is some substance, thing or energy, and the second is information. Material labor processes are operations inherent to employees of work specialization, information ones - to specialists and employees.

  2. Based on the types of labor functions, all employees are divided into:
    • management staff of the enterprise;
    • specialist sector;
    • technical performance sector.
  3. According to the employee’s labor participation, the labor process can be:
    • manual;
    • machine-manual;
    • machine;
    • automated.

Where the manual labor process is the performance of job functions without auxiliary means and mechanisms, machine-manual - with the use of physical participation and auxiliary means (for example, drilling a hole with an electric drill), machine - control of a mechanism, for example a machine, automated - monitoring the progress of the process of programmed machine action .

The structure of the labor process is...

The structure of the labor process is represented by two components:

  • labor force;
  • means of production.

Moreover, the means of production represent the cooperation of objects and means of labor.

Labor power is understood as the combination of the physical and intellectual qualities of a worker, which he uses in the performance of his job duties.

In turn, the subject of labor is a natural substance, a thing or several things, which are influenced by the worker with the assistance of means of labor in order to adapt them for production needs.

Accordingly, means of labor are understood as production tools used in the production process. The means of labor include various mechanisms, machines, and computers, as well as the worker’s workplace.

Elements of the labor process

Based on the above, one can understand that upon closer examination, the labor process is a set of actions that a worker carries out in the process of performing his job functions. The design of the labor process is represented by a number of elements that depend on the production task, the production technology used, the materials used, finances and technical means.

The basic element of the labor process is an operation as a component of the production process, performed by a staff unit of an enterprise or a group of employees in a certain sector of labor, consisting of a set of actions to perform substantive work on a specific task. In turn, one operation consists of combining labor techniques as a complex of technologically completed parts of the operation. Labor techniques differ in purpose:

  • basic;
  • auxiliary.

The method of the labor process is a set of labor actions. And a labor action is a combination of sequential movements that an employee makes without interruption.

Don't know your rights?

Labor movement is a part of the labor action, which is a single movement of any part of the human body during labor functioning. Labor movements can be classified according to:

  • subtype (movement, capture, release, etc.);
  • directions (active and passive);
  • technological component (basic and auxiliary);
  • method of execution (movements of arms, legs, torso, etc.);
  • accuracy (adaptive and free).

Indicators of the severity of the labor process are...

The severity of the labor process is a qualitative designation of labor, reflecting its impact on the physical condition of the employee. An analysis of the severity of the labor process is carried out as part of a special assessment of working conditions on the basis of the Law “On Special Assessment...” dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ, in order to determine the level of harmfulness or danger of labor production at the declared place of work.

The methodology for analyzing the severity of the labor process is presented in Appendix No. 15 of the manual on the hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and the labor process R 2.2.2006-05 (approved by the chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation on July 29, 2005). Data on the severity of the labor process are the following criteria subject to analysis:

  • the weight of the load lifted and carried without the help of machinery;
  • patterned labor movements;
  • work posture;
  • tilt of the body (body);
  • movement in space.
  • Any of the given indicators is measured quantitatively and assessed in accordance with the provisions of clause 5.10 of the manual R 2.2.2006-05. In these requirements, each indicator corresponds to certain standards that meet one of 4 classes of working conditions, from optimal to harmful 2nd degree. In this case, the final assessment of the severity of the labor process is determined by the most sensitive indicator, which received the highest degree of severity. It must be borne in mind that if, in the conditions of a certain workplace, several criteria of classes 3.1 and 3.2 are present, the working conditions are assessed 1 level higher, that is, 3.2 and 3.3, respectively. Class 3.3 is the highest degree of severity.

    The tension of the labor process

    Along with the severity of the labor process, when conducting a special assessment of working conditions, the intensity of labor is also analyzed. The intensity of the labor process is 23 indicators arranged in 5 groups of loads:

    • intelligence;
    • sense organs;
    • emotions;
    • monotony;
    • labor regime.

    Analysis of the level of presence of one or another criterion in the work activity of a particular employee is carried out on the basis of dynamic observation during a full work shift, successively for at least 7 days. At the same time, it is unacceptable to take into account any partial indicators and ignore others.

    Analysis of the intensity of the labor process is carried out according to the following rules:

    1. 1st class - optimal - is assigned if 17 or more criteria are assessed as 1st class, and the rest - 2nd class and there is no data for 3rd class.
    2. An acceptable 2nd class is assigned when 6 or more indicators have a second class, and the rest have a first class, or when no more than 5 criteria are assessed as 3.1 and/or 3.2 with the rest being 1st and/or 2nd class.
    3. The 3rd, harmful class is assigned when 6 criteria are assessed as harmful (class 3), with others in the 1st and 2nd classes. In this case, the stress of the 1st degree of the labor process is:
    • no more than 6 criteria of class 3.1, and the rest - 1st or 2nd class;
    • or from 3 to 5 criteria have class 3.1, and from 1 to 3 criteria have class 3.2.

    Voltage of the 2nd degree of the labor process is:

    • presence of 6 criteria of class 3.2;
    • or more than 6 criteria with a score of 3.1;
    • or no more than 5 indicators are assessed as degree 3.1, and from 4 to 5 criteria - as 3.2;
    • or there are 6 indicators of class 3.1 and from 1 to 5 criteria of class 3.2.

    Moreover, if more than 6 indicators are rated at 3.2, labor intensity is rated at 3.3.

    Work process planning is...

    Managing an efficiently operating enterprise is impossible without operational planning of the labor process. In a general sense, planning is the optimal allocation of resources to complete assigned tasks as quickly as possible. At the same time, the essence of planning is setting tasks, goals or proposed actions for the future.

    Labor process planning can extend to:

    1. The sphere of labor and include a labor plan, productivity planning there, and predict the labor intensity of the final product.
    2. Plan for the number of staff of the enterprise, including determining the number and structure of personnel, monitoring the hiring and dismissal of employees.
    3. Remuneration plan, including the wage fund, average wages for the enterprise, the ratio of wages to productivity.

    One of the components of planning the labor process is labor standardization, defined as indicators of the required costs and results of labor activity, as well as the required ratio between the number of staff of the enterprise, including the number of various groups of employees, and the number of units of equipment.

    During the planning process, the following steps must be performed sequentially:

    • define goals and objectives;
    • develop a project (scheme of activities) in several versions;
    • identify available resources and sources of their acquisition;
    • identify specific performers and assign assigned tasks to them;
    • record the prepared plan in the form of documentation.

    In practice, as a rule, 3 production planning schemes are used:

    • linear planning (bottom-up scheme);
    • hierarchical planning (“top-down”);
    • counter planning (radial, closed between equivalent structural units).

    For ease of understanding, any production plan relating to any area of ​​the labor process should have answers to the following questions:

    • When;
    • for how long.

    Thus, planning the labor process is an important component of labor organization, without which effective production in any enterprise is impossible.

    Topic 4. Labor process. Labor method.

    The concept of “labor process” is closely related to the concept of “labor”. Often they are not distinguished: labor, as a process occurring in time and space, is called the labor process.

    However, there are some differences between these concepts, although when solving certain problems the possibility of considering them as synonyms is not excluded. In general, “labor” is a broader concept. It can be considered from various angles (occupational hygiene, labor culture, labor physiology, labor psychology, labor sociology, labor economics, etc.), and act as a generalized characteristic of the production process.

    The concept of “labor process” is most often associated with human actions to change the subject of labor. In its narrow understanding, the concept of “labor process” is directly related to solving problems in the field of organization, regulation and standardization of labor.

    In modern educational literature, the authors offer a fairly broad interpretation of the labor process, depending on the formulation of those target tasks that determine the isolation of one or another aspect of the labor process as a determining one.

    Thus, in the textbook edited by V.V. Adamchuk, the labor process is understood as a set of actions of workers necessary for an expedient change in the subject of labor. In the textbook edited by Yu.G. Odegov's authors consider the labor process as a set of actions of a performer or a group of performers to transform objects of labor into its product, performed in the workplace.

    From the point of view of G. E. Slesinger, the labor process is a cycle of sequential actions carried out by a person, which are necessary and sufficient to obtain intermediate and final results of work. A team of authors from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University is considering another option, where the labor process means a set of interrelated human actions in the process of creating material goods or providing services aimed at achieving the finished result of labor at a specific workplace and in a clearly defined period of time.

    But any interpretation of the labor process ultimately comes down to a set of actions by the performer for a predetermined transformation of objects of labor, the final result of which is the receipt of economically justified and necessary marketable products. From an economic point of view, the labor process is

    the process of consuming labor for the purpose of producing material goods or providing services. From the definitions of this concept it follows that every labor process is characterized by a set of specific actions of performers aimed at implementing a complex technological process. The technological process determines content, order actions of performers, as well as their specific subsequence

    , both in the production of material goods and in the course of performing specific functions in areas of activity other than material ones. This means that the labor process implements (mediates) the developed technological process. It is no coincidence that K. Marx wrote: “ the process of labor, human activity with the help of means of labor causes pre-planned change

    subject of labor."

    Classification of labor processes.

    A wide variety of labor processes are carried out in economic sectors. Labor processes can be considered in relation to individual workplaces, as well as on a broader scale (team, department, workshop, etc.), i.e. in the narrow and broad sense of the word.

    Labor processes differ according to:

    · the nature of the subject and product of labor;

    · functions of employees;

    · the degree of human participation in the transformation of the subject of labor;

    · form of labor organization. Classification of labor processes according to such characteristics as, the nature of the subject and product of labor in general can be represented by the following diagram:

    Based on the nature of the subject and product of labor, two types of labor processes are distinguished - material and informational. Material labor processes are characteristic of workers, since the subject and product of workers’ labor is substance (raw materials, materials, machine parts, etc.) or energy (electrical, thermal, hydraulic, etc.). Information labor processes are typical for employees, since one of the main subjects and products of employee labor is information (economic, technological, design, etc.).

    With scientific and technological progress, the share of information labor processes. With the invention of computers, there have been significantly more labor processes that, to one degree or another, relate to information processes.

    Further differentiation of the labor processes of workers and employees is made according to their functions. Currently, workers’ labor processes are divided into main and auxiliary ones.

    Basic processes are aimed at changing the basic objects of labor and giving them the properties of finished products.

    Helper Processes are aimed at creating conditions for the normal course of the main production process. The purpose of auxiliary processes is the manufacture of products that are used in the main production, but are not part of the finished product of the enterprise (products for internal consumption). The composition and complexity of auxiliary processes depends on the characteristics of the main processes.

    A separate group consists service processes, i.e. processes of servicing equipment and workplaces through transportation, storage, control, logistics.

    In the main production, where the main products of the enterprise are produced, main and auxiliary labor processes take place, including servicing ones, while in auxiliary production, which provides the main production with the necessary types of components, tools, repairs, etc., only auxiliary and servicing processes take place .

    It is these three types of processes that are usually distinguished for the purposes of labor regulation, since they are aimed at the production of products in the main shops, the production of products in auxiliary shops and the maintenance of jobs in the main and auxiliary shops.

    Accordingly, according to the nature of the functions performed, groups of main, auxiliary and service workers are distinguished. Employees, according to the functions they perform, are also divided into three groups, which were discussed above.

    Features of labor processes from the point of view of labor regulation are determined by:

    √ type of production (mass, large-scale, serial, small-scale and individual);

    √ the purpose and nature of the products produced, as well as the nature of the functions performed by employees in the labor process (production of main products and products for general corporate purposes, preparation of production and its maintenance);

    √ the nature of the technological process over time (continuous, discrete).

    According to the degree of human participation distinguish labor processes depending on the means of labor used.

    Manual processes carried out by one worker or a group of workers manually or using simple tools (axe, plane, shovel, hydraulic tool, etc.). In such processes, objects of labor change under the influence of the physical efforts of workers.

    In machine-manual processes, the object of labor is processed by a mechanism with the direct participation of the worker (sewing on a sewing machine, processing parts on a machine with manual feed, etc.).

    In machine processes, the object of labor (shape, type, size, position) is changed by the machine mechanisms, and the worker manually or with the help of machine control mechanisms performs elements of auxiliary work (fastening and removing parts on the machine, changing tools, etc.).

    Automated processes are carried out under the control and supervision of the worker without his direct participation. The main work of transforming the subject of labor is fully automated. With partial automation of the process, the auxiliary work of the performer is partially automated (semi-automatic); with complete automation, it is fully automated (automatic).

    In connection with the specifics of automated production, the question arises: what is the subject of labor, the labor itself and the tools of labor in automated production?

    If in traditional production (manual, machine) a person creates a useful product by directly influencing the object of labor with help means of labor, then in the conditions of automated production living labor interacts with the machines to which human efforts are directed. In these conditions, the subject of labor is automated equipment, the tools of labor are automation (robotics) and computerization tools, and the labor itself is the maintenance and management of equipment.

    The functional content of a worker’s labor as a result of production automation changes as follows (see table):

    Worker functions Busy performing a function
    Mechanical means of labor Partially automated labor tools Fully automated labor tools
    Familiarization with the content of the task part-time part-time busy
    Preparation for the technological process busy part-time not busy
    Direct impact on the subject of work busy part-time not busy
    Interoperational movement of the subject of labor busy part-time not busy
    Monitoring the progress of the technological process busy busy busy
    Control, adjustment, repair of labor equipment not busy busy busy
    Control of quantity and quality of products busy not busy not busy

    The above classification of labor processes is important for determining the requirements for the accuracy of established labor standards.

    The content of the labor process is formed under the influence of a number of factors, namely depending on: technical means intended to carry out the given work; technologies; organization of production and labor; sanitary, hygienic and other conditions for its implementation; the main characteristics of the performers of the work. It is always associated with specific labor for specific workplace.

    Elements of labor processes. In the practice of labor regulation, the labor movement is considered to be the primary element of the labor process.

    Under the labor movement refers to a one-time movement by a worker of the body, arm, leg or other part of the body in the process of performing work (extend a hand to a tool, take a tool).

    Labor movements are the most universal elements of the labor process. They have high repeatability. For example, when manually placing marmalade into trays, the labor action “take marmalade” can be repeated 4550 times per shift.

    Studies conducted by the Labor Research Institute in several industries have shown that under the same conditions, composition and sequence of movements, the time to perform them is almost the same. For example, the time to perform the labor movement “grab an object weighing up to 3 kg with one hand” was (seconds): in mechanical engineering – 0.56; in the textile industry – 0.5; in the clothing industry – 0.6; in the food industry – 0.55.

    Under labor action is understood as a logically completed set of labor movements continuously following each other, carried out by one or a group of workers with unchanged objects and means of labor (take a tool, put a part).

    Under labor reception is understood as a set of labor actions continuously following each other, constituting a completed part of the work carried out by one or a group of workers on one or more objects of labor (install a part in the chuck of a lathe).

    Labor techniques, depending on their purpose, are divided into basic and auxiliary. Basic (technological) techniques are intended to achieve the goal of changing the subject of labor. The purpose of auxiliary techniques is to provide preparation for performing basic techniques.

    Complexes of labor practices represent a set of labor techniques that form part of a labor operation (install the part into the chuck and clamp it).

    Under labor operation is understood as a set of labor techniques or their complexes, carried out by one or a group of workers at one workplace, including all their actions to perform units given work above one subject of labor.

    Complex of operations called a group of operations for the manufacture of one product at one production site with a constant composition of performers.

    So, from the point of view of labor regulation, the components of the labor process, which is performed by an employee or group of workers during the working day, are labor operations, which consist of techniques, actions and movements of the employee.

    A labor operation is characterized by the constancy of the subject of labor, the workplace and the performers. When the last two conditions (workplace and performers) change, work on one subject of labor is divided into separate operations. A labor operation, as a complete cycle of labor actions to change the subject of labor, performed by one or a group of workers at one workplace, is the main structural element of the labor process. Because of this, it is the labor operation that is the object of analysis and standardization of labor, and for this purpose it is divided into labor techniques, actions and movements.

    The structuring of the labor process, bringing its content to individual movements, is carried out with the aim of studying and measuring the cost of working time, identifying the factors on which the duration of each element depends, and establishing a rational sequence for performing the elements.

    Detailed structuring of the labor process is typical for constantly repeating operations, which usually occurs in mass and large-scale production. In other areas of activity and types of production (serial, single production), its structure may be more enlarged.

    In the innovative field of activity, the labor process consists of operations within each stage of research and development, and in the managerial and entrepreneurial spheres - within each management function.

    Labor method.

    Labor movements, actions and techniques, their composition and sequence of execution determine labor method, on which the labor efficiency of workers largely depends.

    Manufacturing process is a set of labor processes and technology necessary to regularly achieve a specific production goal.

    Technological process- this is an expedient change in the shape, size, and condition of objects of labor.

    The labor process is a set of actions by workers to appropriately change objects of labor.

    The main workers perform actions to transform objects of labor, auxiliary workers - to maintain equipment and tools in working condition, service workers - to control the quality of products, transport, store materials and finished products.

    The organization of the labor process is aimed at ensuring the completion of a given job with minimal expenditure of working time, the efficient use of equipment and tools, and high quality products.

    The classification of labor processes is as follows.

    According to the purpose and nature of the products produced, labor processes are divided into:

    1) basic;

    2) auxiliary.

    The main labor processes are associated with the transformation of objects of labor, auxiliary ones - with the repair of equipment and tools.

    By type of production organization:

    1) individual;

    2) small-scale;

    3) serial;

    4) large-scale;

    5) massive.

    Depending on the nature of workers’ participation in the production process, labor processes are divided into:

    1) manual (tighten the nut with a wrench, paint the product);

    2) manual mechanized (tighten the nut with a pneumatic wrench, drill a hole with an electric drill);

    3) machine-manual (a worker controls the working parts of a machine or electric car);

    4) machine (the worker controls the machine);

    5) automated (the movement of the working parts of the machine and their control is carried out according to a given program using computer technology, and the worker only controls the progress of the process);

    6) instrumental processes (for example, thermal furnaces, and the worker controls and regulates the progress of the process).

    The labor process is divided into separate operations.

    Manufacturing operation- this is a completed part of the technological process for processing one or several objects of labor at the same time, carried out by one or more workers at one workplace.

    A production operation is characterized by the constancy of the subject of labor, the workplace and the performers. The production operation is divided into:

    1) technologically on:

    a) installation;

    b) technological transition;

    c) auxiliary transition;

    d) working stroke;

    e) auxiliary move;

    f) position;

    2) in labor terms:

    a) labor movement;

    b) labor action;

    c) labor reception.

    Installation- this is part of the operation performed in one position (fastening) of the part.

    Technological transition- this is a technologically homogeneous part of the operation, associated with only one technological change in the subject of labor, performed under one operating mode of the equipment (temperature, pressure) and an unchanged tool. For example, rough turning of a workpiece, thread cutting.

    Auxiliary transition– this is a completed part of a technological transition, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the workpiece without changing the size and shape of the workpiece necessary to complete the working stroke.

    Working stroke– this is a completed part of a technological transition, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the workpiece with a change in the size and shape of the workpiece.

    Auxiliary move– this is a completed part of a technological transition, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the workpiece without changing the size and shape of the workpiece necessary to complete the working stroke. An auxiliary move is identical to an auxiliary transition.

    Position- this is a fixed position occupied by a permanently fixed workpiece together with a device relative to a tool or a stationary piece of equipment to perform an operation.

    Labor movement– this is a single movement of a human working organ (arms, legs). For example, take a tool.

    Labor action- this is a logically completed set of labor movements performed without interruption by human working organs with unchanged objects and means of labor. For example, turn on the longitudinal feed of the caliper, take the tool and place the part.

    Labor reception- this is a complete set of labor actions of a worker, characterized by a purpose and representing a technologically completed part of an operation consisting of several labor actions.

    The main elements of the labor process are labor techniques, covering a set of labor actions consisting of labor movements.