Who is a promoter? What is the job of a promoter? What is a promoter and his responsibilities

A promoter is a person who distributes leaflets or is involved in advertising (promotion) of a product or service. The profession is most common among young people. Often in supermarkets, near metro stations or in various busy places you can meet guys and girls in branded, bright clothes, handing out leaflets or trial samples of the promoted product.

What does a promoter do? The specialist offers the product, talks about the product’s properties, its advantages, competently answers consumer questions and simply draws attention to the product and the company’s brand.

Places of work

History of the profession

It is believed that the profession of promoter appeared in the United States in the 1960s. The goal of the newly minted specialists was to offer movie tickets. In Russia, promoters appeared quite recently, in the 1990s, when the development of private entrepreneurial activity increased, and at the same time the competitive environment increased.

Responsibilities of a promoter

The responsibilities of a promoter include:

  • distribution of advertising leaflets;
  • product demonstration for the client;
  • distribution of product samples;
  • attracting and consulting clients;
  • selling company products.

Additionally, the responsibilities of a promoter may include:

  • active sales;
  • collecting contact information of interested participants of the action;
  • drawing up a report on your point of sale.

Requirements for a promoter

Basic requirements for a promoter:

  • age 18-35 years;
  • activity;
  • competent speech;
  • education is not lower than secondary.

Promoter resume sample

How to become a promoter

This profession does not require a person with a higher education. Typically, employers are looking for candidates aged 18-35 years. So many people have a chance to become a promoter.

Promoter salary

As a rule, the work of a promoter requires about 3-4 hours a day. In this regard, the promoter’s salary is hourly and ranges from 60 to 300 rubles per hour. On average, a promoter receives 100 rubles per hour.

Details Updated: 07/17/2019 15:16 Published: 05/08/2017 19:07

A promoter is a person who advertises or sells various goods and services.

History of the profession:

Among the first promoters are heralds, whose activities were known back in the 14th century BC. e. They walked the streets and shouted small advertising texts.

In the Middle Ages, such a position was considered monetary and was respected among people. Mostly heralds conveyed information about commerce, the administrative and legal field, including elements of social advertising. In those days, the advertising process was under close control of the authorities.

When the fashion for holding knightly tournaments and competitions appeared in the 11th-12th centuries, the position of herald arose. Their duties included both informing people about the places where the tournament should take place, and ensuring the ritually developed order of knightly confrontation.

As for modern workers in the field of advertising, the peak demand for the profession of promoter fell in the 1990s, when the words “marketing” and “product promotion” became firmly established in everyday life.

Features of the profession:

  • flexible work schedule.In some organizations, promoters indicate the time during which they will be able to perform their duties. Therefore, you can easily combine part-time work with study or main job.
  • gaining communication skills with a large number of people. This kind of work can instantly nullify complexes regarding communication.
  • there is a chance to meet influential people among clients.
  • wages are calculated based on hours worked, so different projects are paid differently;
  • you have to stand all the time;
  • Conflict and stressful situations may arise, from which it is necessary to find the most optimal way out and not offend the potential client.


The promoter is a professional whose activities should be aimed at increasing the recognition rate of a product or service, which in the future will bring excellent income to the organization where he works. Promoters work in public, communicate with potential consumers in order to interest them in their products. Their responsibilities include conducting product presentations, tastings, advising on the quality and features of the product, monitoring stocks of advertised products, working with documentation, installing and dismantling advertising equipment.

Important qualities:

  • communication skills;
  • presentable appearance;
  • age from 16 to 35 years;
  • self-confidence;
  • creative thinking;
  • resistance to stress;
  • good physical shape;
  • responsible approach to work;
  • absence of mental disorders and speech defects.

Skills and knowledge:

  • knowledge of the characteristics and features of the advertised products;
  • knowledge of the basics of economics;
  • ability to draw conclusions;
  • the ability to defend one’s position with reason;
  • mastery of acting skills.

Prospects and career:

Work as a promoter is the first step towards moving up the career ladder in the advertising industry. Often, young people who work hourly as promoters manage to combine study and part-time work.

In modern market conditions, in order to achieve high sales, trading companies conduct various types of promotions. The success of such an event largely depends on the person who organizes it, that is, on the promoter.

Who is a promoter and what does he do?

Promotions have become familiar to many of us. If a few years ago citizens of our country were wary of people who stopped them on the street and offered to try a drink or a cookie, now everything has changed.

In short, a promoter is a person who promotes a product (service) on the market. Here's "And what does he do?" - you ask. Everyone has probably at one time or another met a pretty girl on the street in a short skirt and with a radiant smile. She usually speaks quickly and hands over a leaflet or offers to take part in some kind of action. So, she is the promoter. Or it’s a few girls in a shopping center who offer to try some new product, or a young man dressed as a hamburger, or maybe another character, is also one of them. Whatever their role, their main goal is promotion (of a product, service, or even a person).


What job does a promoter do? His responsibilities are as follows:

These are generally the responsibilities of a promoter. And now that you know who a promoter is and what he does, let's talk about how much he earns.

Payment for work

The salary of a person promoting a product depends on what exactly is required of him. If it’s simple, then the payment will be correspondingly low, if you consult, then it’s a little higher, and if he is required to organize a party, it’s even higher. If at the same time the promoter sells the product, he will receive a percentage on top of the sale. Any work is paid by the hour, and the more complex it is, the more earnings.

What should a promoter be like?

No special education is required to carry out promotions. Universities do not yet teach this specialty, but everything is ahead! This is not a profession, but rather a calling. Companies that require a promoter pay attention to the following qualities of the applicant:

    External data. The applicant (girl or boy) must, first of all, be attractive. As a rule, for girls these are long legs, lush breasts, tall height, long hair, etc. Appearance should be attractive, but not provocative (so that the buyer is not distracted).

    Age. Not younger than 18 and not older than 30 years old.

    Communication skills. A person should be easy to make contact, be relaxed, and have a large vocabulary.

    Literacy is also an important factor, because the promoter’s line of work will need to fill out questionnaires, tests, etc.

If this is a one-time job, then the selection will not be strict. As a rule, students are involved in promotional activities. That's probably all about who a promoter is and what he does. If you are interested in this activity, and you are suitable for it in all respects, then go ahead!

Buy a pack of tickets and you'll get gum! Buy a vacuum cleaner, you will get a pump! This is how promoters attract buyers and help sell goods.

Who is a promoter?

A promoter is an employee whose goal is to attract a buyer in order to sell a product. Promoters attract buyers through promotions, stimulating sales. His responsibilities include:
— Product advertising. The promoter must tell about the product and its advantages, about the manufacturer, composition... He must provide answers to any questions that interest buyers.
— Distribution of free samples.
— Distribution of leaflets.
— Issuance of promotional gifts.
— Stimulating purchases. To do this, the promoter can come up with some attractive phrase. He must be polite and attentive to those who are interested in the product.
— It is necessary to fill out reporting forms during promotional periods.

The work of a promoter begins even before any promotion takes place. First, he studies the properties of the promoted product or product

Responsibilities of Promoters

— It is necessary to bring the started action to its completion. If there are any problems due to which you cannot continue, be sure to notify us and find a replacement.
— You need to attend all assigned trainings and castings.
- Be available for supervisor and manager calls.
- Arrive to work 40 minutes before. before the start (on the 1st day - 1 hour).
— Change your clothes
— Don’t forget to take your passport, medical book, and product instructions to work.
- Start work 5 minutes before the start, and finish 5 minutes after the end.
— Place the counter where the store administrator tells you.
— You need to know the text about the product well, be active, attract customers

Benefits of being a promoter

— Trainings are conducted in which you can acquire new knowledge, skills and experience.
— The work of a promoter is communicative. Thanks to this, you will make many new acquaintances and friends.
— Convenient work schedule, 3-4 hours a day. It is possible to combine work with study or other work.
— Variety of work: today – shampoos, tomorrow – coffee...
— High hourly wages.

Disadvantages of being a promoter

— Venue of the actions. It can be carried out in an uncomfortable room or on the street.
— Consumers are not always well-mannered, they can offend and be picky.

How to get a job as a promoter?

Do you need a job as a promoter in Novosibirsk, Moscow and other cities? No problem. Nowadays there are a lot of promotions and you can get a job quite quickly. You can go to the job site and look for open vacancies there. You can contact advertising agencies and look at advertisements in print.
Don’t forget that the main qualities of a promoter are charm and sociability.

When entering large stores, you probably saw guys in bright clothes handing out leaflets or giving gifts for purchasing something. These are not random people, as someone might think, but highly respected workers in the marketing field - promoters.

In this article we will tell you who a promoter is, what his responsibilities are, and who this work is intended for.

Promoter, merchandiser, supervisor

The new century has brought a lot of new names of professions, which for people of the old school seems quite funny and absurd.

For example, all fashion stores call cleaners business managers. The same goes for promoters. What does this word mean, and in general, who is a promoter?

As it is easy for anyone who speaks English to guess, the word “promoter” is a derivative of the English “promote”, that is, “to promote, push through advertising.” This is no coincidence, because the promoter is the main “acting force” in promoting a product and stimulating demand.

This profession appeared relatively recently, which is not surprising, because before there was no such a huge supply of goods from manufacturers all over the world. Now, when store shelves are filled with products, the manufacturer simply needs to “force” you to buy their product. And intermediaries, invisible to the buyer, help him in this. That's what a promoter is.

Photo report of the working day: what should a promoter do?

To understand how product promotion occurs, you need to understand what the responsibilities of a promoter are. These polite, specially trained people, through the correct texts (which are usually written by psychologists), most often work at the point of sale.

Where exactly depends on what the promoter is promoting - it could be a store, a wholesale or retail outlet, an exhibition center. When a potential buyer appears, the promoter's goal is to attract his attention, identify a need and push him to sell the product. These are the main responsibilities of a promoter, his fundamental work.

How exactly does a “marketing person” work?

If you think that a promoter will rudely force “their” products on you, this is a mistake. Of course, there are such people among the promoter fraternity, but this means that he was not trained properly, and the person simply does not know his job. An experienced promoter will never show his interest in you purchasing a specific product. He will so beautifully and skillfully describe your benefits from purchasing a certain product that you yourself will enthusiastically buy what they point out to you. This means that the promoter did what he was paid for.

Another clever sales trick

Most often, promoters do not say that they represent a specific brand, because then the buyer will understand that such a person has a personal interest. It is much easier and more effective to introduce yourself as an employee of the department.

After all, you don't always know what to buy, right? Let's say a husband asked his wife to buy a bottle of vodka, but did not say the name. A lady enters the liquor department and realizes that “without a hundred grams you can’t figure it out” - there are a lot of brands, and each has many options. What to buy? What is advertised, what is heard, or what you like in appearance? Will your husband be pleased?

And then a polite consultant approaches the confused buyer, introduces himself as an employee of the department and answers all questions in detail, including in his speech the following phrases: “I’ve been working here for a long time, and this is the best thing to buy,” “This position is simply handled with a bang.” , “There’s a promotion on this type of product now, a very big discount.” See, the promoter doesn't act rudely by saying, "Take it!" - and he does the right thing, otherwise they won’t listen to him. But the advice of a store employee simply cannot be ignored. However, it is the promoter’s responsibility to convince not only unsure visitors to purchase the product he needs, but also those who know for sure why they came. And believe that he can handle it - promoters ensure the sale of the desired products by 50-100%, depending on the level of skill.

Now you understand who a promoter-consultant is and why he is so necessary in promoting a product.

What types of promoters are there?

It's no secret that it's not just products in stores that need promotion. Having figured out who a promoter is, now let’s look at what types of this work there are:

Consultations at retail outlets;

Distribution of leaflets, free product samples;

Issuance of gifts for the purchase of goods;

Conducting tastings;

Survey and questioning of customers in order to identify consumer preferences;

Drawing of prizes, gifts;

Holding holidays or shows to attract consumer attention to the brand.

The person who promotes is what a promoter is. And since you can promote a product in different ways, there are a huge variety of promotions. They are paid differently depending on the company and what the promoter's responsibilities are.

Who can become a promoter

Having studied the responsibilities of a promoter, the reader understands that he could probably cope with such a job.

And these thoughts are not accidental, because anyone can truly become a promoter. In this case, gender, age, social status, education do not matter. In order to promote a product, you don’t need any skills, and the words of the correct text and how to approach the buyer will tell you.

Most often, students agree to work as a promoter - after all, such work does not require employment for the whole day; you need to work for about 4-5 hours during the greatest influx of visitors. It is clear that the most people in stores are in the evening on weekdays (after work) and in the morning on weekends. In addition, mothers on maternity leave, temporarily unemployed, or schoolchildren can work as a promoter.

What is the salary of a promoter?

Of course, such an indicator as the amount of remuneration for the services of promoters varies greatly. It is of considerable importance whether the promoter works for the manufacturing company or for an advertising agency, as well as what is included in his responsibilities. The highest paid work is for manufacturers of tobacco and alcohol products (for 5 hours of work a day you can get up to $50), while the least expensive work is the distribution of advertising leaflets and product samples (1 hour of work can cost 1-3 dollars).

In addition, promoter-models who advertise jewelry, clothing, and branded brands at exhibitions make excellent money. But here the requirements for a promoter are much higher. So, usually young boys and girls of model appearance with knowledge of English are hired for such positions. Salary for 5 hours of work can reach $100.

Promoters in different types of activities

It is clear that a person who stimulates sales and consumer demand is needed not only in stores. So, for example, who is a promoter in a club? This is an employee of the establishment who, by offering flyers or discount coupons, ensures the club is filled with the necessary number of people. Guests who enter at a discount will not only create an atmosphere of demand for the club, but will also probably leave a lot of money in the bar while treating themselves to alcoholic drinks.

It would also be useful to tell you who a promoter is in boxing. This person, invisible to the fans, negotiates the fights, conditions, place and time of the tournament, and rewards. All that remains for a boxer after the promoter’s work is to come and win. And rest assured that the promoter will be able to convey this information to the masses so that the boxer will become even more recognizable and in demand. It is believed that an excellent promoter for a boxer is half of his success.