A program for national support and development of reading has appeared. Activities of ICBS in support of reading

Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications

Russian Book Union

National program reading support and development

Why did Russia, which created great fiction and which until recently considered itself the most reading country in the world, need National program for reading support and development?

The fact is that in the context of ongoing political and economic reforms, globalization, and the rapid formation of an information society on a global scale, Russia is faced with a large number of problems.

Russia will have to develop while maintaining itself in a highly competitive environment. And for this, it is necessary that the entire population of the country (including the political class, business community, and management) have a level of knowledge and cultural competence that would be sufficient for successful adaptation to an ever-increasingly complex reality.

Humanity has entered the phase of building a global information society, and progress is now almost primarily determined by the speed and quality of information exchange channels, the degree of accessibility and quality of the information itself, and most importantly, the extent of its absorption by the entire society.

The problems of reading are much broader and more complex than the problems of reading only books and the problems of reading only fiction and its propaganda.

Reading is mastering written information contained in books, magazines, newspapers, various documents, official and personal correspondence.

Not only books and not only fiction, but also periodicals (not only in print, but also in electronic form) on science and technology, economics and politics, culture and art, history and philosophy expand ideas about the world and the processes occurring in it , allow you to understand and correctly assess the surrounding reality, navigate it more successfully, and make competent decisions at all levels - an individual, an organization, a city, a region, an entire country, the whole world.

The decline in interest in reading is a worldwide trend due to the rapid development of electronic media and the entertainment industry, which are displacing reading both as a prestigious source of information and as a pleasant form of leisure.

However, in many countries, both highly developed and actively modernizing, political and cultural elites are making active (and successful!) attempts to counteract this, since reading plays an extremely important role for the development of any country.

Russia has reached a critical level of neglect of reading. We are experiencing a systemic crisis in reading (and writing) culture. The share of our young people who regularly read decreased from 48% (1991) to 28% (2005). If in 1991 79% of the population of our country read at least one book a year, then in 2005 this figure was 63%. In 1991, 61% of Russians read newspapers daily, in 2005 - only 24%. For magazines, the similar figures are 16% and 7%, respectively. In the 1970s, 80% of families read regularly to children; today, only 7% do. The choice of both professional and fiction literature for reading indicates a decline in taste even in an intellectual environment.

That is why the implementation of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading in Russia is dictated by an urgent vital need.

Only during the development of the Program it became clear how complex and large-scale, multifaceted and multi-level the reading problem is in our country. Issues of accessibility and adequate understanding of texts, problems of distribution of books and periodicals, the state of publishing, libraries, educational institutions, the media, our entire information environment, the content and priorities of policy in the field of culture and education, and finally, the very need for reading both among children and and in adults - everything here is closely intertwined and interdependent.

As never before, Russia now publishes a colossal variety of books and other printed materials, but this potentially huge effect is largely negated by the underdevelopment of the book trade infrastructure, and by the poverty of our people and our libraries, which are not able to purchase these books, and from underestimating the role of libraries, and from the loss of interest in reading among the majority of the population, and from much more.

To increase the level of knowledge and cultural competence of the entire population in Russia, such a social climate, such an information environment and such conditions must be created that would simultaneously encourage everyone people to read and provide them with access to any modern publications - in bookstores, in libraries, and on the Internet. There should be institutes and institutions whose responsibilities are officially entrusted with reading support functions, and the specialists working in them are trained in the appropriate methods and technologies. Now no one in our country bears either political or moral responsibility for supporting reading, and there is an extreme shortage of relevant specialists.

A huge role in the Program is given to the media, especially television and radio. It is for them that there is special hope - no one better, faster and more efficient than them, is able to make sure that the image of a bookish person, a person who reads in public opinion is associated with success in life, so that everyone understands: reading is necessary, fashionable and prestigious, and not reading is embarrassing and absurd.

The Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications and the Russian Book Union are convinced that the active implementation of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading will change both in society and in government structures the attitude towards book and reading culture as something secondary and will lead to an increase in the intellectual potential of the nation, will help in solving vital problems.

Developed by Rospechat together with the Russian Book Union, the “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading” was presented to the President of the Russian Federation and, based on the results of consideration, was included in the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation to the government following the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation on December 26, 2006. The order states that the government should before May 1, 2007“to determine a system of measures to deepen interest in books, in national and world literary, historical, scientific heritage, and in modern literature.”

In 2007 - at the initial stage of the Program - through the efforts of all interested parties in the country, such an atmosphere should be created so that everyone understands the need for daily, painstaking and exciting work in this direction and starts it.

Press service of the Federal Agency

in Printing and Mass Communications


The need for comprehensive modernization in Russia is due to the fact that in the context of globalization, the quality of life in our country must correspond to generally accepted world standards, as a result of which Russia could successfully compete within the framework of world politics and economics with other countries and at the same time interact constructively with them. The implementation of these goals is hampered by the lack of constructive ideas, knowledge and information circulating in all layers of Russian society, and the relatively low level of general cultural competence of the entire population (including the political class, business community, and management) is insufficient to successfully solve the accumulated complex problems.

The growing deficit of knowledge and constructive ideas in Russian society (against the background of other existing acute system-wide problems) is largely due to a decrease in interest in reading among the population. The current situation in this regard is characterized as a systemic crisis of reading culture, when the country has approached critical limit of neglect of reading.

This situation is associated with great social risk, since reading is the most important way to master vital information; without it, the integration of the individual into the multinational and multi-layered Russian culture, understood as the entire complex of spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional traits, is unthinkable; lifestyle; fundamental human rights; worldview systems, i.e. values, norms, traditions, education that characterize society. At the same time, the economy, politics, national security and competitiveness of the country largely depend on the level of cultural competence of citizens.

A certain decline in interest in reading is a global trend today, and in many countries active attempts are being made to counteract this, based on an understanding of the role of reading for the development of any country.

The experience of these countries shows that it is possible to change the situation for the better. However

maintaining a high level of written and oral culture requires constant, relentlessefforts, as well as the availability of effectiveinstitutions for the development and support of reading(and writing) culture.

Today in the transitional Russian society the main task is to callthe younger generation's interest in reading andreturn to the rank of active readers numerousny groups of relatively educated working Russians, which define the present of Russia, lay the foundations for its future and which, for various reasons, have almost ceased to be read over the past 20 years. In other words, it is necessarycreate conditions in the country for mass intensificationcation of reading processes, improving quality andvariety of literature read in allareas of knowledge, exchange of views on readingnom, to increase the prestige of reading as culturesnoah value.

The National Program for the Support and Development of Reading examines the phenomenon of reading comprehensively, against a broad background of sociocultural processes and problems that Russia, as a transition society, faces in the context of ongoing political and economic reforms, globalization, and the development of the information society.

The implementation of the Program will help to significantly change both in society and in government structures the attitude towards book and reading culture and become a launching pad for the systematic and logically consistent formation and implementation of an effective national policy in the field of support and development of reading by government agencies, public associations and business.

The implementation of such a policy will lead to an increase in the intellectual potential of the nation, will become an important tool for preserving and developing Russian culture, maintaining and increasing the wealth of the native language, which will help solve vital problems and achieve the strategic development goals of the country.

Program name

National program for reading support and development


Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications Russian Book Union

Main developers of the Program

Interregional Center for Library Cooperation 000 "Strategy"

Goals and objectives of the Program

The purpose of the development and implementation of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading is to increase the cultural competence of members of society through:

Increasing reading competence, understood as a set of knowledge and skills that allow a person to select, understand, organize information presented in printed (written) form and successfully use it for personal and public purposes
Growth of reading activity (coverage and intensity) of citizens - subjects of reading, bringing it to a level corresponding to successful adaptation in a complex, dynamic society of a transitional type

Streamlining the sociocultural space of reading and strengthening the main institutions that make up the infrastructure for the support and development of reading - libraries, educational and cultural institutions, the book industry, the industry for the production and distribution of other types of content through various means (newspapers, magazines, documents, etc.), systems for popularizing reading, systems for training personnel for reading infrastructure, systems for scientific and methodological study of reading problems

Creation of a system of effective information exchange between reading infrastructure institutions, as well as between institutions and the management system, ensuring the ordering of the corresponding socio-cultural space

Creation of a system for managing the infrastructure for support and development of reading, i.e. effective mechanisms for coordination and cooperation of departments and institutions that form and implement policies in the field of reading

Key target indicators and results

Increasing the cultural competence of citizens to a level comparable to developed and actively developing countries

Increasing the reading competence of citizens to a level comparable to developed and actively developing countries

Growth of reading activity (coverage and intensity) of the population to a level corresponding to successful adaptation in a complex, dynamic society of a transitional type (share of the reading population, share of the actively reading population)

Increasing the proportion of citizens involved in the system of improving reading competence and satisfied with the learning results

Increasing the proportion of citizens participating in effective reading promotion activities

Increasing the share of citizens, as well as institutional consumers of content, satisfied with the quality and variety of content used

Increasing the share of citizens, as well as institutional consumers of content, satisfied with the availability of the content used

Timing and stages of the Program implementation

Stage 1 - gg.
Stage 2 - gg.
Stage 3 - 2016-2020


To implement the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading in Russia, there are the necessary conditions and resources:

There are institutional structures designed for the storage and distribution of printed materials and written documents (libraries,
educational and scientific institutions, publishing houses, bookstores
trade, archives);

There is a huge amount of socially available
meaningful information, which is in an orderly form
stored within these structures;

Professional writers - journalists, writers, translators, literary critics, literary scholars - and their public associations are actively working in the country;

State and private publishing houses regularly supply books, magazines, and newspapers to the market;

Specialized stores, supermarket departments, and kiosks provide readers with ample opportunities to purchase the printed materials they need;

Book fairs and exhibitions are regularly held;

There is a reading group in the country focused on reading serious literature - professional and fiction; there are also public
association of book lovers and amateur writers

The country has the necessary potential funds
mass media that can be used to promote reading;

The country has a developed network of educational institutions and libraries;

Rich literary traditions and the desire to pass them on to the younger generation have not been completely lost in society.

The implementation of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading will help to unite within a unified state policy in the field of reading and strengthen existing, but weakly interconnected resources and orient members of society towards solving one of the most important national problems.


The library is the only social institution where the national repertoire of the press is monitored and publications published in the country are acquired as completely as possible in order to make them available for public use, mostly free of charge. In the context of regionalization of all institutional spheres and low purchasing power of members of society (especially in small towns and rural areas), libraries are becoming one of the main social institutions that could take on a significant share of responsibility for ensuring the availability of information in such a large country as Russia. Moreover, the attendance of libraries (about 1 billion visits per year) is three times higher compared to other cultural institutions combined.

There are currently more than 130 thousand libraries of various types and types in the Russian Federation, and this number remains stable thanks to the efforts of the professional community. In general, despite all the difficulties of the transition period, libraries constitute one of the few systems in the field of culture, education and science that has largely retained its personnel and organizational potential.

Federal and regional universal scientific, public and university libraries (about 1,000 units in total) are generally developing in accordance with international standards and, for the most part, meet modern information requirements. On the basis of the National Information and Library Center "Libnet" a Union Catalog of Russian Libraries is being created based on the most modern technologies for corporate formation of a metadata database. The country employs several hundred thousand library workers, most of whom have higher library or pedagogical education. A significant volume of accumulated funds, primarily the funds of the largest libraries, constitutes the most important integral part of the national cultural heritage and information resources of the country.


Today, the system of general compulsory education for many citizens of the Russian Federation is the first, and for a significant part, the most important institution of socialization. It is at school that the foundations are laid for the future social achievements of students, their personality, attitude towards themselves and others, and cultural competence are formed. The future fate of domestic science, economics, art and society as a whole depends on the state of the school today. The compulsory education system still remains the only institutional structure responsible for the development of basic competencies of the population.

Within the framework of this social institution, considerable experience has been accumulated, there is a methodological base, and there are other resources necessary for work related to the development of reading competence: a wide range of developments in the field of teaching reading to children, including those with disabilities (the system of special correctional institutions); More than 90% of teachers working in the field of reading education have a university degree.

As the tradition of reading aloud to children in the family fades from culture, school and the school library for most children become the place where many of them first become acquainted with a book. The system of general compulsory education in the Russian Federation includes a developed network of institutions; it covers almost 100% of the population of the relevant age groups, and therefore is the main institution shaping future generations of readers.

In recent years, the education system has undergone major changes, especially due to

Information security" href="/text/category/informatcionnaya_bezopasnostmz/" rel="bookmark">information security of the state and citizens. The need for rapid (compared to today's social demands) development of the education system, reorienting it to world standards, shifting the focus to development of competencies that provide students with equal starting opportunities for further integration into active sociocultural life and are an indispensable condition for lifelong education and self-development.


The tasks of popularizing reading, which all these institutions should implement, should be considered:

Promoting the formation of an information environment favorable to the promotion of reading and conditions for people to have access to useful and socially necessary literature;

Promotion of the best examples of literature (texts, books, genres, types of publications) to a wide range of readers;

Formation of ideas in public opinion about the value and significance of reading and book culture;

Creating positive and attractive images of a reading person, books, literature, libraries, bookstores and other social institutions related to reading;

In Russia, the traditions of popularizing reading, which were laid down in pre-revolutionary Russia and preserved and developed in Soviet times, have not been completely lost. This is the popularizing role of the library, and the school, and the society of book lovers, and book fairs and festivals, and literary museums. Much is being done in modern Russia at the level of individual projects.


The main function of the book industry is to ensure the variety and high quality of published literature and its effective distribution throughout the country through book trade channels. A developed book industry was created in the USSR, including large book publishing houses, a printing base, an extensive bookselling network, a personnel training system, and much more. And although the industry’s transition to market relations in the late 80s and early 90s of the 20th century had an ambiguous impact on its development (as discussed in detail below), progress in the development of the industry over the past period has been noticeable.

In terms of the number and variety of titles of published books (over 90 thousand), Russia has surpassed the level of the USSR. The market volume exceeded two levels in 2005

billion US dollars. The usual book shortage of Soviet times, when there was a shortage of popular books in the book trade, has given way to a wide variety of book products, especially in large cities. The total number of Russian book publishing houses is several thousand, the largest of which are also the largest publishing houses in Eastern Europe. Not only successful bookstores have appeared in Russia, but also chain companies represented in many regions of the country. On the basis of the Russian Book Chamber, a national bibliography of books and other types of publications is being created, and the “Books in print” system is being developed.


The effective functioning of a complex infrastructure for the support and development of reading requires a powerful scientific and methodological base. This is especially true for Russia, which traditionally relies on its own scientific and educational resources.

In today's Russia there are all opportunities for scientific study of the problems of reading, literacy, libraries, the education system, the book industry, etc. These are the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, and leading “industry” universities - universities of culture, printing, the Literary Institute, public organizations, etc. Not only national libraries - the Russian State Library and the National Library of Russia, but also many federal and regional libraries have significant scientific potential.

Over the years of reforms, numerous negative changes have occurred in domestic research practice, including those related to reading (see below for more details). However, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of those scientific and educational institutions that have not only preserved, but also to a certain extent increased the potential of knowledge in this area. In addition, single enthusiasts, who have extremely meager opportunities to finance their activities, create scientific and educational developments that are not inferior to the best examples from developed countries.


Russia has an established system of training personnel for the needs of individual reading infrastructure institutions. There is an extensive network of pedagogical universities and institutes for advanced training of teachers, cultural institutes (including training librarians), the University of Press, the Literary Institute, etc.

A number of educational institutions in the country have developed innovative methods for training teachers, librarians-educators for public, school, children's, and youth libraries, specialists in children's and youth reading, proofreaders, marketers, etc.

Although, for a number of reasons, significant improvements in the personnel training system are required (see below for more details), we are talking about modernization and reform, and not about creating a system from scratch.


In pre-revolutionary Russia, and then in the USSR, a fairly effective system for managing individual institutions related to reading was created. Although part of this system was dismantled over the years of reforms or was unable to perform its functions in the changed socio-economic conditions, there are prerequisites for the relatively rapid restoration of an integral management circuit. This is possible if state authorities - the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Culture, Rospechat, Roskultura, Rosobrazovanie - join forces to form and implement modern public policy that systematically connects the main components of the reading infrastructure.

Over the past 15 years, both the state and the library community have done a lot to set guidelines for library policy. The Federal Laws “On Librarianship” and “On Legal Deposit of Documents” adopted in 1994 formed the basis for a whole set of regional laws in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as other legal and regulatory acts. The development of state and professional standards in the field of librarianship is underway, including through the Russian Library Association (RBA). The main scientific and methodological centers operate on the basis of 2 national, 20 federal, as well as central public libraries in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Recently, the regulatory framework governing the management of the education system has undergone significant changes, giving an increasing number of its participants significant powers:

Amendments to the Law “On Education” were adopted, giving regional and municipal education authorities greater freedom in determining the content of educational programs. At the institutional level of the institution
education were given the right to independently
develop a curriculum and select educational materials and teaching methods;

The concept for the development of ethnocultural
Tour education presupposes the need
adaptation of the content and organization of the training process
attention to the interests of all ethnic groups, representing
students in educational institutions of the country;

Draft Federal Law “On Amendments”
opinions on the legislative acts of the Russian Federation
tion" is aimed at increasing the role of representatives
associations of employers in the formation of the list-
different areas of training (specialties), development
Botka of state educational standards
professional education and control procedures
the role of quality of vocational education;

There has been a tendency to expand the sphere
participation of parents in managing the work of education
telny institutions.

National associations of publishers and distributors of printed materials have emerged, which actively declare their desire to jointly solve not only intra-industry, but also such socially significant problems as the development of reading in Russian society.


From the above it follows that certain institutions of the sociocultural space of reading during the years of reform not only remained, but even received a certain development. However, in general, the infrastructure for supporting and developing reading throughout the country has suffered serious losses. Moreover, Russia has approached the critical limit of neglect of reading, and at this stage we can talk about the beginning of irreversible processes of destruction of the core of national culture.

Since the second half of the 20th century, the volume of information in each country and in the world as a whole has been growing rapidly, its distribution is accelerating, and its diversity is increasing. In the context of the rapid formation of a global information society, the development of Russia increasingly depends on the content, orderliness and mastery of information circulating in the country.

In the increasingly complex and rapidly changing Russian society, as in other transitional societies, information processes have become less ordered both in comparison with the previous (in Soviet times) state, and in comparison with developed countries:

It is much more difficult to obtain information about
exchange between different regions of Russia; between different
different types of settlements (metropolis, large city,
average city, village), between different layers and
groups of the population, between representatives of different
ny professions; insufficient information exchange
between Russia and other countries;

The country's information space is dominated by
nirate sources and channels for obtaining fragmentary
audiovisual information, while requests
the predominant part of the country's population on the exact and
systematic written (printed and electronic)
ronal) information is not satisfied;

The necessary knowledge does not reach in a timely manner
mass consumer in forms accessible to him, and
the information he has turns out to be
insufficient to help in deciding vital
important issues;

Exchange of vital information between states
by the state and society is insufficient, which prevents
broad participation of citizens in solving social problems
pending problems;

Socially necessary knowledge in society about
is updated more slowly than required for effective
sociocultural adaptation of its members.

These factors hinder development Russia as an information society, that is, a post-industrial one, with an innovative economy that adequately fits into modern global processes and successfully competes in the world economy, politics, and culture.

In these conditions exchange of written information(printed and electronic publications) and reading, that is, the active development of written information, play an extremely important role for the development of the country, since it is thanks to the printing press that the main


Due to its large volume, this material is placed on several pages:


Good afternoon, dear colleagues. Previously, for many years I was the head of the Library Department of the Ministry of Culture, but I had to leave a year and a half ago, when the administrative reform showed its first fruits. Since then, I have been developing the institutions of civil society and, to be fair, I must say, I do this with the help of the state. The National Program for the Support and Development of Reading, the development of which I had the honor to lead on behalf of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, is an example of very interesting and fruitful cooperation: between the state, represented by the said Federal Agency, and big business, represented by the Russian Book Union. This program is the fruit of a compromise between the leading players and leading politicians in this area. The program was solemnly signed last Friday here at the St. Petersburg Book Salon by the head of the Book Union Stepashin and the head of the Federal Agency Seslavinsky.

This is probably my tenth report on the national reading support program; I have a contract with the Federal Agency to popularize this program and promote the idea itself as part of the formation of national policy. It is clear that the program is not the whole policy, it is only one element of the policy. It is believed that the program will become a catalyst for the formation of a national policy in the field of support and development of reading, and this policy will be formed not only by federal authorities, but also by regional, municipal, large business structures, their associations, as well as civil society institutions. This idea underlies our development, which was accepted. It is very difficult for me to present the entire program to you today, because it is a large document, and from my point of view, everything is important there. Several of my previous talks took two hours, tomorrow at the Non Fiction fair there will be another seminar on this topic - promoting the program and the need to formulate policies on a national scale, and there will also be two hours. Today I have 15-20 minutes at my disposal, and I will allow myself to speculate not so much around the program, but around the problem of reading itself, awareness of this problem, its scale, depth, and its various aspects. The starting point was the following: the observations of large booksellers and large book publishers that sales are constantly falling and something needs to be done about it. Several years ago, round tables gathered in the bowels of the Ministry of Press and tried to formulate something and collect it into some kind of general document. This activity continued for several years until it was institutionalized, a state contract was formed, working groups were assembled and they began to work. The first thing we encountered was that the literature contains 500 definitions of what reading is, and each of the experts in this field defines the problem, its size, its scope, depth and severity in different ways. Everyone absolutized their own experience. There are psychologists in the field of children's reading who know what methods should be used to encourage a child to read. There are experts in the field of studying what people read when they come to public libraries. There are more specialized specialists who study what they read in the field of fiction in public libraries in the Russian provinces. There are sociologists of reading, there are reading organizers - librarians, there are teachers who see the problem from their own point of view, and everyone has their own segmented, fragmented view and absolutizes their vision of the problem. We were faced with the fact that everyone, for several months, took the floor and said: the most important thing is this. Five minutes later another speaker spoke and said: no, in principle I agree with the previous speaker, but this is the most important thing. And so we walked in a circle. And this forced the developers to think deeply again about what reading is.

Let's see what happens if we start from individual reading concepts. For example, many believe that reading is a source of spirituality. For example, Churchill spoke of Hitler as an exclusively spiritual man, who was torn by the spirits of vengeance, resentment, and revenge. And this happened because Hitler read a lot of medieval German epic, and Churchill saw the nature of Hitler’s “extraordinary spirituality” there.

Reading elevates the soul, it shapes the personality, reading is the source of the formation of the patriotic education of the population. Here we began to remember, weren’t the Russian soldiers who fought for their homeland in 1812 patriots? They could hardly be considered readers of patriotic literature.

Reading is a source of information, we began to think further, but questions immediately arose: what kind of information, etc. and so on. Reading was associated with books, with Russian literature, and Russian literature helps to understand the traits of the Russian character... Then others said that the traits of the Russian character are very well helped to understand by Western travelers, the Marquis de Custine, for example, who, without going into subtleties, outlined the Russian character . Then they talked about the great classical Russian literature, it is the basis for the formation of national identity, because it is beautiful, and then they remembered that the great Russian classical literature is all built on criticism of the traits of the Russian national character. As a rule, she condemned and highlighted the most negative things that existed both in the Russian community and in the character of the Russian peasant.

As a result of summarizing everything that each of the experts correctly said, I wanted to come up with a basic definition of “reading.” What, in fact, people should understand uniformly throughout the country, being at different levels of education, at different levels of authority, responsibility, etc. The following definition was adopted: reading is the mastery of written information. This dry working definition caused a certain cultural shock among our humanitarian intelligentsia; it seemed to them very unspiritual. Does the book you read always have to be “spiritual”? Evgeny Grigorievich, what are you reading now [Addressing E.G. Yasin, - ed. ], what is the name of the book? I believe that “Expertise in the Modern World” in no way elevates the soul of Evgeniy Grigorievich, it can confuse his mind with its stupidity, and if the right things are written there, they are probably written in complex language, and this reading will exhaust the mind, strain for systematic work, not having nothing to do with the spiritual and noble. If people who deal with weapons read amazing specialized literature on making explosives and think about how to create a weapon so that it hits as many people as possible in a unit of time, then this also has nothing to do with spirituality.

We can also talk about professional reading, about reading for educational purposes, reading for recreational purposes, and we will see a huge range of problems that must be analyzed. The definition of reading as the mastery of written information covers all genres that are present, all types of publications: books, magazines, periodicals, reading on the Internet - reading for different purposes, reading by different categories of people. What other information is there? Information can be visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, etc. And all these types of information allow a person to navigate the surrounding space. We should also think about what the Russian information space is like. And here it was impossible not to remember that Russia is a transitional society, which is moving from traditional forms of culture to innovative ones; it is moving from a traditional society to an information society. And like any society in transition, its information space is disordered, compared to the previous state of society in Soviet times, when it was known who the communicator is, who the recipient is, what information the communicator generates, what he wants to convey and to whom. Everything was strictly standardized, and in this sense the space was ordered. People of science received one information, workers and peasants received different information, etc. Information exchanges existed. But the information space of Russia is still disordered in comparison with Western highly modernized countries: England, the USA, Germany, etc. And in this disordered state, when information exchange between megacities and other types of settlements is difficult: medium-sized cities, small towns, villages, - between different professional environments, between different social groups, between rich and poor, between older people and young people... Everyone today lives in their own information space, which is fragmented before our eyes, and Alexander Arkhangelsky illustrated and predicted this very interestingly.

In this situation of disordered information space, mastering written information is extremely important. Why? Because it is in written information that the most important socially significant information is accumulated about how the history of different countries, including Russia, developed, what were the contradictions, what solutions were found, what were the dead ends, what were the solutions. It is in written information, in book culture, in written culture that information is accumulated about what the norm is in different societies, at different times, what values ​​are, what they were, what were false, etc. Basic socially significant knowledge is accumulated in written culture and are not transmitted by other means.

Then the question arose: what, in fact, do the Russian population want? The population of Russia claims a high quality of life, corresponding to the level achieved in developed countries. This requires a comprehensive modernization of the country, so that Russia can successfully compete in world politics, economics and culture with other countries, without falling out with them, but building some models of constructive interaction. What's stopping this? This is hampered by the lack of constructive ideas, knowledge, information that circulate in all layers of Russian society, including its political elite, managerial layer, business community, etc. And this lack of constructive ideas, knowledge and information is intensified, aggravated by the fact that everything Today, the population of the country reads less and less, that is, it masters the necessary written information and the knowledge necessary for a successful life, which is generated both outside our country and within our country, but does not reach due to broken information connections from one layer to another layer , from one professional group to another, from one region to another region. Also, an important problem in this disordered information space is that there is insufficient information exchange between Russia and other countries, for various reasons, in particular due to poor knowledge of foreign languages. Ya. I. Kuzminov, speaking at the plenary session, said that if this is the case with foreign languages, then we will simply have nothing to offer in the system of global division of labor, they simply will not understand us - what we offer, and we will not understand what needed there.

And a diagnosis was made: Russia has reached a critical limit of neglect of reading, we are experiencing a systemic crisis of reading culture and a systemic crisis of book culture in the country. As evidenced by the following things. First, the share of the reading population is declining, even the share of the population who read occasionally is declining. The figures over the past 10 years have decreased by 20%. When we talk about the country’s unified information space, it is supported only by television channels, this is general information, there is nothing else. And television, you yourself know the quality of information it broadcasts today. If 15 years ago 67% of the population read all-Russian newspapers and magazines, now 7% read them, that is, loci are atomized. Parents stopped reading to their children. Whole sections of the population have dropped out of reading for various reasons of a socio-economic nature. The demanding tastes of the reading audience are decreasing, and more and more emphasis is being placed on entertaining reading, where there is a minimum of intellectual effort. This is especially evident in the example of teenagers and young people. There have been worldwide studies that have shown that our children at the age of 7-8 years correspond to the level of intellectual development of civilized countries, but as they go to school, they fall lower and lower. Accordingly, publishers react to this in the following way - they also reduce the production of literature that is information-rich, literature that is complex both in content and in form. Russian language proficiency is deteriorating, including on public platforms such as television. The impoverishment of the vocabulary leads to the impoverishment of meanings, to the loss of meanings; world reality becomes more complex, and the meanings by which it is described are simplified and primitivized.

Functional illiteracy is growing, libraries are poorly stocked, they cannot offer people what they objectively need, the library in the public consciousness is gradually being pushed to the periphery of attention and, accordingly, its funding is further reduced. In management circles, which is very scary, there is a growing idea that with the development of the Internet, libraries and books will not be needed. When ordinary people say this, it is not so scary, but when people who distribute public resources say this, it is scary. This means that they do not understand the nature of the development of world civilization as an information society, where all types of information - written, oral, Internet, and printed - are growing; they do not understand the role of libraries, the Internet, reading; they do not understand how world civilization is developing, and how Russia can fit into these global processes.

The combination of these signs suggests that Russia has reached a critical limit in its neglect of reading. And then, if we do nothing and continue to develop the way we are developing, severe social consequences will begin, because unresolved social problems accumulate in society. And this already threatens both social disintegration and social unrest, because people who are culturally competent, who read a lot, who speak the Russian language, who have mastered its richness, who can identify problems, formulate them and offer the right solutions, can come to an agreement among themselves. The decline in reading is a global trend, it is a global process associated with the development of the media, the development of mass media in the entertainment industry, which are replacing reading both as a source of important information and as a means of recreation. How did the world react to these problems?

In developed countries, programs to support reading were adopted; they were initiated by the political elite, which was afraid of the extinction of reading as a source of maintaining the social foundations of society, and by the cultural elite, which promoted all this for humanitarian, humanistic reasons. These programs have proven their effectiveness, in particular, due to the fact that they were addressed not to the entire population (the average temperature in a hospital is difficult to treat), but to different sociocultural groups, and were aimed at stimulating reading, taking into account cognitive interests and cultural needs, taking into account the level education and economic opportunities to support them.

Targeted programs must be formed. What are the target groups in Russia? In Russia, the target groups are different, unlike France and England, where the emphasis was on people in prison, on migrants - they came to England, do not know the English language, history, traditions, culture, they need to be integrated into society. These are relatively small social groups. In Russia, such a group is virtually the entire population. And today, the main task is to: a) instill in young people the need for reading and return to reading huge sections of the population that have fallen out of it over the past 10 years; b) create conditions for the population to have access to books, because today 90% of the literature published in Moscow and St. Petersburg does not reach the territory of the constituent entities of the Federation, even in a single copy. The main libraries of the province do not have a huge number of sources that carry socially important, vital knowledge. Including knowledge of how transformations are taking place in Russia.

Let’s take a purely Russian misconception: in Russia, reading is associated primarily with reading fiction. At the same time, they forget about political, economic, sociological, cultural, and other literature, which today first of all needs to be mastered, because it forms a new picture of the world, and not only gives a literary sketch of this life, of these trends. Yes, reading is still associated with reading books, forgetting that there are magazines, newspapers, and the Internet. And with the help of the Internet, today young people are involved in reading, especially educated young people. It is forgotten that reading is absolutely necessary for the normal development of political life, because it is reading that equips professional politicians with the knowledge of what socially acceptable decisions they can make so that society does not reject them, so that some kind of development occurs. And for ordinary people - us, not politicians - reading equips us with the means to recognize manipulative efforts on the part of politicians. If you don’t read, you won’t understand this language, these codes in which they communicate with each other. In the economic field, reading alone provides an in-depth understanding of economic trends and their implications. In the legal field, reading provides a cumulation of legal experience that is generated by society and gives access to this legal experience when we need it. Not to mention the fact that reading for education is the transmission of generally required social knowledge and information.

The problem is that, on the one hand, reading is necessary in order to make the right decisions, both at the level of federal, regional and municipal authorities, and at the level of public organizations and institutions. Reading is necessary for the development of the intellectual potential of an individual and society; reading is necessary in order to improve the quality of cultural activity of citizens. The second aspect of the problem is that it is necessary to master modern socially necessary knowledge, but there is no access to this knowledge, since the channels for distributing books and periodicals have been destroyed, only 15% of the country's population uses the Internet, entire layers of literature are not available to the majority of the population, libraries are almost not stocked . If we look at what is happening with libraries, we will see: at least half the country lives in a zone of information isolation from modern achievements of world thought and civilization. You need to have access to information in any form, but there is no access.

Our program is aimed at comprehensively solving all these problems. We also have the resources to solve them - this is a network of libraries, and a network of schools, many good publishing houses, many excellent stores, and there are ideas about the prestige of reading that have not been completely lost in society, there are people who are ready to work in this direction. It is important to combine these disparate resources into a single program. And it is very important to implement the program differentiated, by type of region - an advanced region, a depressed region, a region with growth areas, a region with growth points; by population groups - rich, poor; by type of education; by type of settlement - metropolis, medium-sized city, large city, village; by type of printed publications - books, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, by type of institution - libraries can do one thing, education can do another, book publishing can do a third, bookselling can do a fourth, authorities can do a fifth. All this is important, gradually stimulating various potential participants who can change the situation for the better, uniting, equipping them with resources and knowledge. Today the situation with both is bad. But there is hope that things will change for the better.

Why did Russia, which created great fiction and which until recently considered itself the most reading country in the world, need National program for reading support and development?

The fact is that in the context of ongoing political and economic reforms, globalization, and the rapid formation of an information society on a global scale, Russia is faced with a large number of problems.

Russia will have to develop while maintaining itself in a highly competitive environment. And for this, it is necessary that the entire population of the country (including the political class, business community, and management) have a level of knowledge and cultural competence that would be sufficient for successful adaptation to an ever-increasingly complex reality.

Humanity has entered the phase of building a global information society, and progress is now almost primarily determined by the speed and quality of information exchange channels, the degree of accessibility and quality of the information itself, and most importantly, the extent of its absorption by the entire society.

The problems of reading are much broader and more complex than the problems of reading only books and the problems of reading only fiction and its propaganda.

Reading is mastering written information contained in books, magazines, newspapers, various documents, official and personal correspondence.

Not only books and not only fiction, but also periodicals (not only in print, but also in electronic form) on science and technology, economics and politics, culture and art, history and philosophy expand ideas about the world and the processes occurring in it , allow you to understand and correctly assess the surrounding reality, navigate it more successfully, and make competent decisions at all levels - an individual, an organization, a city, a region, an entire country, the whole world.

The decline in interest in reading is a worldwide trend due to the rapid development of electronic media and the entertainment industry, which are displacing reading both as a prestigious source of information and as a pleasant form of leisure.

However, in many countries, both highly developed and actively modernizing, political and cultural elites are making active (and successful!) attempts to counteract this, since reading plays an extremely important role for the development of any country.

Russia has reached a critical level of neglect of reading. We are experiencing a systemic crisis in reading (and writing) culture. The share of systematically reading young people in our country decreased from 48% (1991) to 28% (2005). If in 1991 79% of the residents of our country read at least one book a year, then in 2005 this figure was 63%. In 1991, 61% of Russians read newspapers daily, in 2005 - only 24%. For magazines, the similar figures are 16% and 7%, respectively. In the 1970s, 80% of families read regularly to children; today, only 7% do. The choice of both professional and fiction literature for reading indicates a decline in taste even in an intellectual environment.

That is why the implementation of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading in Russia is dictated by an urgent vital need.

Only during the development of the Program it became clear how complex and large-scale, multifaceted and multi-level the reading problem is in our country. Issues of accessibility and adequate understanding of texts, problems of distribution of books and periodicals, the state of publishing, libraries, educational institutions, the media, our entire information environment, the content and priorities of policy in the field of culture and education, and finally, the very need for reading both among children and and in adults - everything here is closely intertwined and interdependent.

As never before, Russia now publishes a colossal variety of books and other printed materials, but this potentially huge effect is largely negated by the underdevelopment of the book trade infrastructure, and by the poverty of our people and our libraries, which are not able to purchase these books, and from underestimating the role of libraries, and from the loss of interest in reading among the majority of the population, and from much more.

To increase the level of knowledge and cultural competence of the entire population in Russia, such a social climate, such an information environment and such conditions must be created that would simultaneously encourage everyone people to read and provide them with access to any modern publications - in bookstores, in libraries, and on the Internet. There should be institutes and institutions whose responsibilities are officially entrusted with reading support functions, and the specialists working in them are trained in the appropriate methods and technologies. Now no one in our country bears any political or moral responsibility for supporting reading, and there is an extreme shortage of relevant specialists.

A huge role in the Program is given to the media, especially television and radio. It is they who have special hope - no one is better than them, faster and more efficient, unable to make the image of a bookish person, a person who reads in public opinion associated with success in life, so that everyone understands: reading is necessary, fashionable and prestigious, and not reading is embarrassing and ridiculous.

The Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications and the Russian Book Union are convinced that the active implementation of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading will change both in society and in government structures the attitude towards book and reading culture as something secondary and will lead to an increase in the intellectual potential of the nation, will help in solving vital problems.

Developed by Rospechat together with the Russian Book Union, the “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading” was presented to the President of the Russian Federation and, based on the results of consideration, was included in the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation to the government following the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation on December 26, 2006. The order states that the government should before May 1, 2007“to determine a system of measures to deepen interest in books, in national and world literary, historical, scientific heritage, and in modern literature.”

In 2007 - at the initial stage of the Program - through the efforts of all interested parties in the country, such an atmosphere should be created so that everyone understands the need for daily, painstaking and exciting work in this direction and starts it.

ICBC activities to promote reading

The interregional public organization "Interregional Center for Library Cooperation" (ICLC) is one of the developers of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading (approved by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications and the Russian Book Union in 2006) and the Concept of the Program for the Support and Development of Children's and Youth Reading in Russian Federation (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2017).

During the period 2006 - 2017. ICBC has implemented more than 80 projects to promote reading in 65 regions of Russia (all-Russian and interregional scientific and practical conferences, seminars and round tables, trainings, scientific research, monitoring, methodological developments, etc.).

Among the projects implemented by ICBC:

  • 10 annual all-Russian scientific and practical conferences “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading: Problems and Prospects” were organized and held in Moscow (leading experts from all reading support institutes from all regions of Russia, heads of federal and regional authorities participated in these conferences);
  • Organized and conducted interregional scientific and practical seminars to promote reading in the cities. Astrakhan, Bryansk, Vladimir, Vologda, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, Kirov, Krasnodar, Moscow, Moscow region, Murmansk, Penza, Perm, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, Samara, St. Petersburg, Saransk , Simferopol, Sochi, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Stavropol, Sudak, Syktyvkar, Tomsk, Ulan-Ude, Ulyanovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk, Elista, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Yakutsk.
  • Organized and held 3 all-Russian scientific and practical conferences “Libraries, publishing houses, book trade and the media: influence on the reading circle” in Moscow;
  • Educational programs to promote reading have been developed and are being implemented in accordance with state educational standards;
  • 16 advanced training courses (trainings) on reading promotion technologies were conducted for specialists from various regions of Russia. Graduates of these programs were awarded state diplomas;
  • Competitions were held for the best ideas and projects to promote reading;
  • Extensive monitoring of the activities of local authorities and libraries in the field of reading promotion was carried out (the results of these studies were published);
  • A traveling exhibition of posters on the history of reading propaganda in the USSR was formed; this exhibition traveled to different cities of Russia;
  • Methods for assessing and self-assessing the sociocultural effectiveness of activities in the field of support and development of reading have been developed (for the first time in the world).

Publishing activities

ICBC has prepared and published 28 books on the problems of promoting reading:

1. National program for reading support and development. - M.: MTsBS, 2007. - 56 p. (Responsible for the release - Kuzmin E.I., Bakeikin S.D.)

2. « National Program for Reading Promotion and Development in Russia "(National program for the support and development of reading in Russia in English)

3. Recommendations for the development and implementation of a regional program for the support and development of reading // Scientific supervisors of the development - Kuzmin E. I., Orlova E. A. (Responsible for the release - Bakeikin S. D.) - M.: MCBS, 2007. - 64 p. .

4. Recommendations for organizing the sociocultural space for the implementation of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading at the local level // Scientific supervisors of the development - Kuzmin E. I., Orlova E. A. (Responsible for the issue - Bakeikin S. D.) - M.: ICBS, 2007 . - 88 s.

5. How to break the vicious circle: Support and development of reading: problems and opportunities: scientific and practical collection. / Comp. Kuzmin E.I., Gromova O.K. (Responsible for the release - Bakeikin S.D.) - M.: MTsBS, 2007. - 184 p.

6. Support and development of reading in the library space of Russia: collection of scientific and practical works / Comp. Askarova V. Ya. (Responsible for the release - Kuzmin E. I., Bakeikin S. D.) - M.: MCBS, 2007. - 272 p.

7. National program for the support and development of reading: year one. Materials of the All-Russian conference “National program for the support and development of reading: first results, problems and prospects” (Moscow, November 20, 2007) / Compiled and editors - Kuzmin E. I. (executive editor), Parshakova A. V., Borodin O. R. . (Responsible for the release - Bakeikin S. D.) - M.: MTsBS, 2008. - 120 p.

8. Askarova V.Ya. Concept of support and development of children's and youth reading in the Chelyabinsk region" / Scientific editors - Orlova E. A., Kuzmin E. I. (Responsible for the issue - Bakeikin S. D.) - M.: MCBS, 2008. - 48 p.

9. Orlova E. A. Recommendations for working with the media within the framework of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading. A manual for organizers of educational projects and events. / Scientific editors - Kuzmin E. I., Parshakova A. V. (Responsible for the issue - Bakeikin S. D.) - M.: MCBS, 2008. - 72 p.

10. Orlova E. A. Recommendations for increasing the level of reading competence within the framework of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading. A manual for employees of educational institutions / Scientific editors - Kuzmin E. I., Parshakova A. V. (Responsible for the issue - Bakeikin S. D.) - M.: MCBS, 2008. -72 p.

11. Kulikova E. V. Recommendations for the participation of children's libraries in the implementation of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading / Scientific editors - Kuzmin E. I., Parshakova A. V. (Responsible for the issue - Bakeikin S. D.) - M.: MCBS, 2008. - 64 p.

12. School as a reading territory. Collection of articles / Compiled by S.V. Volkov, scientific editors - E.I. Kuzmin, A.V. Parshakova. (Responsible for the release - Bakeikin S.D.) - M.: MTsBS, 2008. -88 p.;

13. Dubin B.V., Zorkaya N.A. Reading in Russia - 2008. Trends and problems / Scientific editors - Kuzmin E.I., Parshakova A.V. (Responsible for the issue - Bakeikin S.D.) -M.: MCBS, 2008. - 80 s.

14. National program for reading support and development: problems and prospects. Materials II All-Russian Conference (Moscow, November 20-21, 2008) / Comp. Kuzmin E.I., Parshakova A.V. (Responsible for the release - Bakeikin S.D.). - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2009. - 280 p.

15. National program for the support and development of reading and methodological recommendations for its implementation: collection of materials / Comp. Kuzmin E.I., Parshakova A.V. (Responsible for the release - Bakeikin S.D.). - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2009. - 480 p.

16. Stay. Look back... Collection of information and analytical materials / Comp. Kuzmin E.I., Parshakova A.V. (Responsible for the release - Bakeikin S.D.). - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2009. - 104 p.

17. National program for the support and development of reading: third year. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Libraries, publishing houses, book trade and the media: influence on the reading circle” (Moscow, November 19, 2009) and the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference “National program for the support and development of reading: results and prospects” ( Moscow, November 20, 2009) / Ed.-comp. Kuzmin E.I., Parshakova A.V. (Responsible for the release - Bakeikin S.D.). - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2010. - 216 p.

18. Regional policy and activities of libraries to support and develop reading: analytical report based on the results of a monitoring study. - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2010. - 108 p.

19. Stepanova A. S., Yalysheva V. V. Regional book and reading centers in Russia / Responsible. editor E.I. Kuzmin (Responsible for the issue - Bakeikin S.D.). - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2010. - 176 p.

20. Support and development of reading: trends and problems (based on the results of five years of implementation of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading in Russia). Collection of articles / Ed.-comp. E. I. Kuzmin, A. V. Parshakova (Responsible for the issue S. D. Bakeikin) - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2011. - 216 p.

21. National program for the support and development of reading: year four. Materials of the II All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Libraries, publishing houses, book trade and the media: influence on the reading circle” (Moscow, November 18, 2010) and the IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference “National program for the support and development of reading: results and prospects” (Moscow, November 19, 2010) / Ed.-comp. E. I. Kuzmin, A. V. Parshakova (Responsible for the issue S. D. Bakeikin). - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2011. - 216 p.

22. National program for the support and development of reading: fifth year. Materials V All-Russian scientific and practical conference “National program for the support and development of reading: problems and prospects” (Moscow, November 18, 2011) / Ed.-comp. E. I. Kuzmin, A. V. Parshakova (Responsible for the issue S. D. Bakeikin). - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2012. -136 p.

23. Reading by Moscow teenagers in real and electronic environments. Materials of sociological research / Comp. V. P. Chudinova (Responsible for the release is S. D. Bakeikin). - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2012. -144 p.

24. National program for reading support and development. Year six / Editors - compilers: E. I. Kuzmin, A. V. Parshakova (Responsible for the issue is S. D. Bakeikin). - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2013. - 128 p.

25. Reading crisis: the energy of overcoming. Collection of scientific and practical works./Editor-compiler - V. Ya. Askarova. (Responsible for the issue: S. D. Bakeikin) - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2013. - 320 p.

26. National program for reading support and development. Year seven / Editors - compilers: E. I. Kuzmin, D. D. Ignatova. (Responsible for the issue: S. D. Bakeikin) - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2014. - 176 p.

27. National program for reading support and development. Year eight / Editors - compilers: E. I. Kuzmin, D. D. Ignatova (Responsible for the issue is S. D. Bakeikin). - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2015. - 168 p.

28. Reading. XXI century Collective monograph. / Scientific editor-compiler - V. Ya. Askarova (Responsible for the issue is S. D. Bakeikin). - M.: Interregional Center for Library Cooperation, 2015. - 472 p.

More than 25 thousand copies of these professional publications are distributed free of charge to libraries in Russia and other CIS countries.

The target audience of all ICBC projects to promote reading were heads of libraries, scientific and educational institutions, publishers, booksellers, and journalists. Each time they were also attended by representatives of federal ministries, regional and municipal authorities, world-famous cultural figures from foreign countries, including twice the president of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA).

All ICBL projects were widely covered in mass regional media and in all-Russian specialized publications in the library, book publishing and bookselling industries.

ICBC constantly attracted the attention of the general public and local authorities to the need to solve the problems of promoting reading. In 11 regions of Russia, regional programs to support reading were adopted, the attitude towards libraries as conductors of reading changed, and the attitude towards the problems of promoting reading in libraries and educational institutions themselves changed.

There is no doubt that thanks to these activities, destructive processes in the field of reading were at least slowed down, and issues of reading, teaching literature and the Russian language were brought to the state level.

As a result, a scientific, methodological and methodological basis has been developed for the implementation of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading (in particular, recommendations for promoting reading for public and children's libraries, for regional authorities, educational institutions, the media - this does not exist anywhere in the world!).

In general, this is a serious foundation for bringing activities to promote reading in Russia to a serious political level and achieve the adoption of a properly funded state program.

ICBC's activities in the field of reading promotion have received the highest ratings in Russia. Evidence of this is numerous thanks and certificates of honor from various federal and regional authorities. ICBC employees and partners (experts) are regularly invited to give lectures in the regions of Russia and in foreign countries. The reports on our activities at international book fairs in Italy and Bulgaria caused great resonance.