Presentation on the topic of vegetables for preschoolers. Presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world on the topic: vegetables (presentation)

Objectives: To introduce children to the fruits of vegetable crops. To consolidate knowledge about the place where they grow - the vegetable garden. Strengthen the ability to describe a vegetable according to its characteristic features, according to the diagram. Continue to cultivate noble feelings towards nature and people who, thanks to their work, receive a harvest. To consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and how to prepare them. Continue to involve children in basic labor activities. Develop a sense of collectivism, understand personal contribution to the common cause. Experience positive emotions during work processes, a feeling of joy from the achieved result. Teach children to retell the fairy tale “Puff” together with adults. Coherent speech: to teach children to participate in a general conversation, to listen without interrupting their peers; Dictionary and grammar: fix the name of vegetables in the active dictionary; sound culture of speech: consolidate the pronunciation of sounds: [F], [Z], [I], [SH], [X]. Objectives: To introduce children to vegetables, consolidate knowledge about where they grow, teach them to identify the characteristic features of vegetables, and continue to cultivate grateful feelings for nature. To consolidate knowledge about vegetables: where they grow, how they are collected, how they are eaten. Learn to identify shapes in objects. Learn to distinguish vegetables by appearance, by description, by taste. Learn to hear an adult’s questions and answer them correctly. Practice using action verbs. Materials for the lesson: Basket with vegetables, flannelgraff with images of trees and beds, images of vegetables, bunny with a bag, vegetables (natural), basket, Stepashka and Khryusha.

Directions of development Cognitive - speech Social - personal Artistic - aesthetic Physical development Educational areas Communication Cognition Reading art. liter. Mathematics Walking Socialization Labor Safety Art. creative Music and Physics lt. Health Types D. and “Vegetables”, Conversation on the topic: “What I saw in the garden.” S.r.i. “Let’s go shopping in the store”, looking at the album and “nature has no bad weather”. Di. “What grows where”, D.I. “Pick it according to shape.” Observation: seasonal properties in nature, present. games. “Loto for kids”, d.i. “Division into groups”, d.i. “Harvest”, d.i. “What lies where”, d.i. “One and many”, d.i. "Seedlings for them guests." Reading Russian people. fairy tales “Kolobok”, A. Pleshcheev’s “Autumn has come”. E. Nimenko poems, Russian folk tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, Perfect the ability to clearly pronounce vowels in words. Develop motor skills of the speech motor apparatus, auditory perception, speech hearing and speech breathing. Strengthen the ability to distinguish the number of objects, using the words: one, many, few. Introduce methods for composing groups of individual subjects and isolating one subject from groups. Learn to understand words: many, one, none. Learn to start walking when given a signal. Develop balance - learn to walk on a limited surface (between two lines). P.i. “He’s running towards me”, p.i. “Catch up with me”, p.i. "Catch up and ball." S.r.i. “Mom is getting her daughter ready for bed,” s.r.i. “Feeding the dolls”, s.r.i. “The guests have also come,” s.r.i. “Cook dinner”, fun games with water. Theatrical activity “Which of us is a vegetable?” Work assignments: cleaning fallen leaves. Cleaning toys. Observing the work of a janitor. Conversation “Appearance and intentions”, Reading nursery rhymes and “Tili - boom”. Conversation "Child to and fire." Conversation “Animals on the street. Iso “Vegetables in baskets”, Modeling “My favorite vegetable”, Iso “Senior tomato”, Application “Gifts of autumn on one tray”. Cultivate an interest in classical music. Distinguish between low and high sounds. Learn to sing in a natural voice, without shouting. “Autumn Walks”, “Dance of the Fly Agarics”, “Dance of the Cucumbers”. Teach: walk and run in a column, one at a time, with the entire group. Place it under the cord. Outdoor game "Find your house. Hardening according to the scheme. Exercise “The towel is fluffy.” Conversation “Behaviour at the table”. Conversation “Why do you need to wash vegetables? ", Contents of work on the topic vegetables

In my speech therapy work I use various forms of organizing correctional and developmental activities. One of the forms of classes is a quiz. To increase the motivation and interest of children-speech therapists, I use various multimedia presentations in my work. One of these: a quiz lesson on the topic “Vegetables”.

Purpose of the presentation: consolidation of knowledge on the lexical topic “Vegetables”.


Correctional and educational: expand, clarify, enrich the dictionary on the lexical topic “Vegetables” (vegetable garden, vegetables, carrots, beets, radishes, garlic, eggplant, zucchini, tomato, cucumber, grow, clean, pull, cut, pick, dig, make beds, sow, water, loosen, cook, boil, cut, tasty, healthy, fragrant).

Correctional and developmental: develop coherent speech; develop visual attention and perception; develop logical thinking; develop creative imagination; develop coordination of speech with movement;

Correctional and educational: cultivate strong-willed qualities, the ability to apply knowledge in an unusual environment.

Equipment: PowerPoint quiz on the topic “vegetables”, projector, laptop, speakers, models of vegetables, 2 pots, 2 ladles, aprons and caps according to the number of children (10 pieces each), emblems (5 yellow leaves, 5 red leaves).

Lesson - quiz on the lexical topic “Vegetables”.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher plays the role of presenter and explains to the children the conditions of the competition: Guys, today we will play a game called a quiz. The quiz has many tasks that you will solve.

Children are divided into two teams: You must divide into two teams. Look closely at your logos. Children with yellow leaves sit at the table that is to your right; and children with red leaves sit at the table that is to your left.

Warm-up(slide number 2).

The teacher asks a riddle.

The fields are empty, the ground is wet,
The rain is pouring down.
When does this happen? (autumn)

Task: No. 1.

Each team is asked the following questions:

  • What happens in nature in autumn? (slides No. 3-6)
  • Name the signs of autumn.
  • What do people collect in their gardens in the fall? (slides No. 7-8)

3. Task No. 2. Riddles.

  • Seventy clothes and all without fastenings? (cabbage).
  • Am I growing in the ground in a garden bed, Red, long, sweet? (carrots) (slide number 9).
  • My cheeks are pink, my nose is white, I sit in the dark all day, and my shirt is green, all visible in the sun? (radish).
  • Are there green branches growing in the garden bed, and red babies on them? (tomatoes) (slide number 10).
  • Little bitter onion brother? (garlic)
  • Our little piglets, who grew up in the garden, sideways towards the sun, with crocheted tails, are these little piglets playing hide and seek with us? (cucumbers) (slide number 11).

4. Task No. 3. "We're harvesting."

  • What vegetables are we pulling? (carrots, beets, radishes) (slide number 12).
  • What vegetables do we pick? (cucumbers, peas, tomatoes) (sweet No. 13).
  • What vegetables do we cut? (pumpkin, cabbage, zucchini) (slide number 14).

Pictures are shown and children make up a phrase. For example: carrots are pulled, tomatoes are picked.

5 . Task No. 4.

Look at the pictures and make up a story about how to care for vegetables so that they grow in the garden (slide number 15).

6. Task No. 5. “Game “4-odd”.

  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, bananas(slide number 16).
  • Cauliflower, oranges, eggplants, zucchini (slide number 17).

Each team names the extra picture and explains why it doesn't fit. After the teams answer, we check using PowerPoint (the wrong picture disappears).

7. Task No. 6.

What other vegetables do you know? (slide number 18). Each team takes turns naming vegetables.

8. Task No. 7. Didactic game “Let’s make soup.”

Children are offered replicas of vegetables, aprons and chef's hats.

Each team selects vegetables to prepare their soup. You must say the name of the soup, what vegetables it was made from and how it was prepared.

9. Summing up.

The best answers and the best players are named. All quiz participants will be awarded prizes.

Presentation for the Lesson - quiz on the topic “Vegetables”