Professions have changed. How to change profession

A few decades ago, when the Land of Soviets reigned in the country, a profession was chosen once and for all. Since then, life has changed dramatically: new professions, new opportunities for training and employment have appeared. A civilized labor market has formed. And if earlier people were afraid to even think about changing their profession in adulthood, now they not only think about it, but also change it.

People who changed their profession

Olga, 45 years old: “At the age of 40, I realized that my profession as a seamstress no longer suited me. I went to medical school and studied to be a nurse. It was a little unusual to study in a group with people the same age as my daughter, but I still learned. I quickly found a job at a government eye clinic. Then a doctor who opened a private clinic called me to his place. From there I took advanced training courses, and now I can not only carry out physical procedures, but also select glasses. I am self-actualized and happy!”

Marina, 50 years old: “I have been a housewife all my life. While the children were small, this suited me. But when the children “scattered” to their families, I felt empty. Then I decided to undergo career guidance. It turned out that the profession of landscape designer suits me. I took the necessary courses, and through friends I found my first customers. Now I earn no worse than my husband and feel an unprecedented surge of strength!”

Andrey, 47 years old: “I was a successful top manager, but due to the crisis I was laid off. I didn’t grieve for long and went to work as a taxi driver. This work inspired me to start my own blog. On one social network I maintain a page where I write notes about my new work, and, to my surprise, it has become very popular, more than 6,000 people have subscribed to it.”

Today such stories are not uncommon. Many people, having reached a certain age, realize that they need changes. Some realize that they have “burnt out” in their current profession, others understand that they initially chose the wrong field of activity. Some people are pushed to make professional changes by life circumstances. But not everyone can dare to change. Even if a person really wants to change his profession, the fear of change prevents him. How to deal with it?

How to decide to change?

Psychologists have developed a special formula that is designed to help people decide to make changes in their lives. This formula is called the Gleitcher formula or simply the formula for change:


Resistance to change< Неудовлетворенность*Видение будущего*Шаги

C - resistance to change. It is the main stumbling block. If the resistance is very strong, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to decide to change.

When a person wants to change his profession, he has many fears:

  1. loss of professional competence;
  2. decline in living standards;
  3. ridicule of others;
  4. alienation of relatives;
  5. possibility of failure.

On the other side of the scale is your dissatisfaction and desire for change:

N - dissatisfaction with the current situation. Formulate what specifically does not suit you in your work. Here it is worth correctly assessing your condition. Maybe you're just tired and need another vacation? Or should you pick up an exciting hobby that will dispel your professional melancholy? Sometimes it’s worth taking a good rest in order to realize whether it’s really time for you to change your profession or if it’s just fatigue. If, upon returning from vacation, you are still unhappy with your job, then it’s time to change something.

B - vision of the future. In order to successfully step into a new future, you need to clearly imagine it. Try to see yourself clearly in a year. How do you see yourself? What do you want to do? Imagine a company you would like to work for, mentally step into their team, think if you can.

At this stage, you can take a career guidance test. Such tests are a good way to help you look at yourself from the outside. Understand what you have abilities for and where you can be useful.

Try to remember what you dreamed of as a child. Maybe it's time to fulfill a childhood dream?

Ш - first steps towards change. Having understood WHAT you want, you need to find out HOW to do it. You need to outline specific steps to achieve your goal. For example, choose an educational institution to study a new profession, or look for courses and seminars on the Internet. If you are planning to start your own business, then at this stage you need to draw up a detailed business plan. If at the previous stage you had to imagine how you see yourself in a year, now you need to think about what you can do to bring this SELF to life.

Using the formula for change, you can give a name to your fear, and the named fear loses its power, understand your desires and aspirations, and outline a plan for further action. It doesn’t matter at what age you decide to change, restrictions are a thing of the past. The main thing is to believe in yourself, not be afraid to learn new things and set yourself up for success!

Many people think about changing their profession after 30 years. At this time, many realize that the choice of their specialty was not entirely correct, and they are pulled in a completely different direction. You shouldn't be afraid of change either at 30 or 50 years old. But before changing your specialty, it is better to weigh everything well and think carefully - perhaps your desire is associated with professional difficulties and failures. You can read more about how to change jobs and get a new profession in this article.

Why do people want to change their specialty?

The first third of a person's life is eventful. Before the age of 30, many women and men acquire a specialty, start a family, and raise children. Often there is no time left to think and reflect on whether the right professional path was chosen during student years. Meanwhile, many go to get an education not out of their sincere desire, but on the advice of their parents, the example of friends, or simply because circumstances have developed this way. It is not surprising that at the age of 30, when a person has already formed as a person, he has thoughts like this: “I want to change my profession.”

If you're thinking about changing your major after 30, don't worry, you're not alone. Social surveys show that many at this age begin to look for work with a radically new profile. Many people turn to the services of career guidance tests, which help identify abilities in certain areas. By about age 30, people have a clear picture of their lives: they are aware of their personal qualities, the effectiveness of their work, the feeling of recognition and pleasure from it. If the desired sensations do not coincide with the real ones, a person may decide to leave his specialty. It often happens that a person is satisfied with everything about his job except the salary. No matter how beloved a profession is, if it does not bring the proper response in the form of money, then a person can quickly experience burnout and disappointment in his work. Less often, the reason for changing professions is the “glass ceiling”. It does not allow a person to grow as a professional, and no one wants to spend their whole life in the same position. Often a person has a hobby that he has been doing for many years and wants to monetize his income.

Signs that it's time to change jobs

Many people are afraid to change their profession, because the unknown lies ahead, and people do not understand whether they will be able to realize themselves in a new field. The financial factor also stops it - after all, for some time you will need to live without a constant salary. There are several criteria that will help you decide whether to change your profession.

  • If your current job is your first job after university, there is a high probability that you got there not of your own free will, but on the recommendation of friends or because it was the only place they hired employees without experience.
  • You feel the need for further development, but there is nowhere to grow in your profession: neither in this company nor in another.
  • Your specialty means a lot of work, which prevents you from seeing your family and children.
  • The scope of your profession is gradually shrinking, and making money is becoming increasingly difficult.
  • You literally force yourself to go to work every day and have difficulty sitting through the allotted time.
  • There are age limits in your profession, and you are approaching their threshold.
  • You have a hobby that brings you income.

Instructions for changing profession

The attractiveness of a profession for a person depends on several factors: material rewards, pleasure from work and the benefits that a person brings through his work. If at least one of these factors is missing, a person may decide to change jobs. How to change profession? Experts advise following the following instructions:

  1. Weigh the pros and cons. Changing a profession is a very important step, so you need to make sure that your desire does not come from personal circumstances or a life crisis. If you have the opportunity to visit a psychologist, it is better to go to him for a consultation.
  2. Before you quit, get yourself a notebook in which you will write down the pros and cons of your job. Include in it your impressions about the company culture, relations with your boss, the most interesting and tedious stages of your work.
  3. Start saving for the “unemployed” period. In order for you to have time to calmly choose your favorite profession, you will need money. Experts recommend saving an amount that will last you for a year without additional sources of income.
  4. Assess your skills and interests and start making a list of careers you could pursue. This list can include everything you did in your life, perhaps even a few years ago. Think about what your superiors praised you for, what things you were able to do best.
  5. Start studying at the same time. Once you have decided on your desired field of employment, you can begin to get an education. In each area, the duration of training will be different - from several months to several years.
  6. Start an internship. At first, most likely, you will have to work for a small fee. If you have saved up a sufficient amount, then this stage will be painless for you.
  7. Prepare for the interview. Many employers do not trust people who change careers at 30 or later. Your task is to convince them that you are a good specialist who will quickly get used to a new place. When changing professions, a cover letter highlighting your achievements at your previous job will be very helpful. Additionally, it is worth attaching recommendations.

Pros and cons of changing jobs

Many people who are starting their career path again are tormented by fears. Is this reasonable? Will you be able to succeed in your new profession? Many fear financial ruin and unfulfilled hopes. To make the choice easier, you can write down the pros and cons of a new profession for yourself. The advantages include:

  • new opportunities;
  • more prestigious place of work;
  • pleasure from your activity;
  • a rich and interesting life.

There are also many disadvantages:

  • the severity of the transition period, during which you will be tormented by doubts and fears associated with the decision made;
  • falling standard of living;
  • a radical change in social circle;
  • the need to spend a lot of time and effort on mastering a new profession, as a result of which your relationships with family or friends may suffer.

Yes, changing profession after 30 years is fraught with many risks. Most likely, many of your friends and relatives will discourage you from taking this step. But you can also get a lot if you make the right choice. You will live with confidence that only you control your life, and not random circumstances, and you are able to make it interesting and rich.

How to change profession after 30 years? Experts advise listening to your desires and under no circumstances acting recklessly.

  • Don't blame yourself for working in a profession that you didn't like. This is not a mistake, but a life experience that is an integral part of you. When leaving, it is advisable to maintain friendly relations with colleagues, because work connections can bring a lot of benefits in a new field.
  • Carefully thinking through each step will protect you from unforgivable mistakes. But psychologists do not advise delaying it for too long. If you have been thinking about changing your profession for several years now, then most likely you are happy with everything at your current place of work.
  • Be optimistic. Even if no one supports you, remember that only you can make decisions related to your life. A person spends most of his life at work, so it is very important how he spends it - with pleasure or not. Remember that if you fail, you can always return to your profession.
  • Think back to your positive life experiences. Surely you have already started something from scratch. You were scared at the time too, but you got through it.
  • Examples of famous people who changed their profession in adulthood and achieved success can help you find inspiration. For example, the biography of Jack London, who began to write his stories only in adulthood, and before that he managed to be a sailor and a gold miner.

How to decide on a new profession

Many people ask when thinking about changing their profession: “What to choose at 30?” For some, answering this question is not difficult - they have known what they want for a long time. But for others, this stage becomes an insurmountable obstacle. In this case, career guidance from an experienced psychologist can provide significant assistance. Often, only 60% of people are aware of their desires, and the rest do not even imagine the area in which they would like to work. A psychologist will not only identify the profession that is right for you, but will also help you find out your strengths and weaknesses as a specialist.

Before visiting a specialist, it is better to do some “homework”, which in some cases can replace the consultation itself. To “inventory” your skills, write them down on a separate sheet and rate each on a 10-point scale. This way you will clearly see which aspects of your work worked best for you. For example, some are better at handling technology or numbers, while others are better at negotiating with employees. Very often, people simply do not notice the opportunities that are next to them, but rush headlong into the pool, choosing a radically different direction, wasting a lot of resources and time. Therefore, in the search for a new profession, as in any other matter, the most important stage is the preparatory stage.

Starting a career from scratch: books to help

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a specialist, then books can help, which, in essence, are a short course on changing your specialty.

  1. “Profession – Illustrator” is suitable not only for artists, but also for all creative individuals. It contains numerous techniques that allow you to learn to think creatively and see the unusual in the most standard things.
  2. The book "Road Map" helps you understand what you want, and not the people around you. Finding out your true interests and values ​​means improving your quality of life. The book is written in the form of a novel and is read in one sitting.
  3. “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone” by Brian Tracy is a life-affirming book that outlines 21 methods for increasing personal effectiveness.
  4. "To hell with all of it! Take it and do it” may not give you the secrets of changing your profession, but it will charge you with the motivation and determination necessary for change.

What age can be considered the limit?

You can start doing something new at any age - this is what psychologists say. But still, as we age, it becomes more difficult for us to learn, and the cognitive abilities of the brain decrease. What age is considered critical for self-determination? At the moment, experts consider the period from 40 to 50 years to be the middle of life and argue that this is the most favorable age for big changes. The reason for this is several factors. After 40, most people already have some balance in their lives: children become independent, and incomes are at a fairly high level. At the same time, there is still a lot of strength and energy to realize any plans. The “midlife” crisis that many experience at this time pushes people to look for something new in their lives. Changing profession after 40 years is normal. This is a favorable time for the realization of those needs and desires that you have not previously paid due attention to. Proof of this is the example of many people. Of course, changing your profession at 40 is more difficult than at 20, but you will approach your choice more consciously. You already have the necessary knowledge and experience that will help you quickly get used to any field. Moreover, scientists say that studying after 40 helps to avoid degenerative brain diseases and delay aging.

Communication with family

Changing your profession at 50 can plunge your family and friends into the deepest amazement. After all, not everyone at this age decides to make significant changes. People are used to judging everyone by themselves, so don’t be surprised that everyone will react with hostility to the news about a change of specialty. In this situation, it is important to gently but persistently explain your position and try to minimize all conflicts on this matter. It is important not to be led by other people’s opinions, but at the same time to conduct a dialogue, bringing convincing arguments and reasons. Most often, it is enough to simply explain to your loved ones that your previous job does not bring you joy, and you remain unhappy while continuing to work at it.

All doubts and negative statements from your friends will disappear immediately after you get the first results. But thorough preparation for change will help you make others more loyal to you. If your husband or wife is resistant to change, take the first part-time job and allow the situation to stabilize.


People change professions for various reasons. Some people want to solve problems in life in this way, while others dream of fulfilling their long-standing desires. 30 years is considered a certain milestone, after which it is necessary to settle down and do “serious things”. Therefore, many have a negative attitude towards the idea of ​​changing professions and finding oneself at this age. But the experience of many people suggests that often only at this time you can start doing what you really like. What to choose to change profession at 30? Determine the area in which you want to develop and take action - get an education, get an internship and gain experience. Changing your profession is not a cure for all problems, but it can significantly improve the quality of your life if approached correctly.

What professions will be in demand in a few years - this is the question facing millions of high school students and their parents. Not every student at the age of 15-16 is able to independently assess the prospects of the labor market, but everyone wants to get a sought-after profession. In this article we will tell you who to study after school, so that in the future you become not just another clerk, but a highly qualified and well-paid specialist.

  • 1 Professions of the future
  • 2 Tips: how to make good money today and in 10 years
  • 3 Forecast: the most in-demand professions in 2022
  • 4 Which professions will become extinct
  • 5 Changes in the labor market
  • 6 Where to study after school

Professions of the future

The labor market is changing very quickly, and these changes will continue. No one can say for sure what this market will look like in 10-20 years, but here are the conclusions that can be drawn based on the current situation in the world:

  1. The number of jobs will decline. This is due, firstly, to the fact that the population growth rate exceeds the economic growth rate, and secondly, to the achievements of technological progress. Look at what is happening in the world: unmanned taxis are being launched in Singapore, “Magnit” with automatic checkout counters are being built in Krasnodar, the first Tesla drone is being tested.
    In addition, the share of online commerce is growing, when ordering goods is just a couple of mouse clicks away. As a result, there is no need to build huge stores or hire dozens of cashiers and sales assistants, which again leads to job cuts.
  1. We live in a high-tech era, and professions of the future are professions in the IT field. The humanities professions are losing badly, and in some circles there is a joke that the Pulitzer Prize for Literature will soon be won by a computer.
  2. Soon there will be mostly unskilled labor, which costs pennies, and highly qualified specialists, earning millions. The number of mid-level specialists who currently predominate will decrease- people will either improve their skills and become major league specialists in the labor market, or remain at the level of unskilled specialists.

Now let's try to answer the question, how to survive in this market?

Tips: how to make good money today and in 10 years

So, let's look at how you need to act to become a sought-after specialist and remain one for many years.

Now let's talk more specifically about the most current professions and see what new specialties may appear in the very near future.

See also video on the topic:

Forecast: the most in-demand professions of 2022

Most labor market analysts argue that there are too many lawyers in Russia now, as well as designers and psychologists, while there are not enough agronomists, doctors and engineers. More than 85% of graduates of humanities universities do not have the opportunity to get a job in their specialty.

What awaits us in the future and what professions will be in demand in a few years?

According to Nobel laureate Christopher Pissarides, there are only a few areas in the world in which robots will not be able to displace humans in the near future. These include:

  • education;
  • healthcare;
  • personal services;
  • real estate;
  • housekeeping.

Robotics will soon invade all areas of human activity. You may think that this is reminiscent of the plot of a science fiction film, but believe me, the future is already knocking on our doors.

When answering the question of what professions will be in demand in 5-10 years, one cannot fail to mention new specialties that, according to forecasts, should appear in the very near future.

These include:

  • airship designer;
  • cosmogeologist;
  • bioethicist;
  • IT medic;
  • robotics engineer;
  • architect of zero energy roads.

And that's not all - the full list includes 136 such professions!

This seems incredible, but let's remember how much our world has changed over the past 20 years - then people listened to music on cassette recorders, took photos on film cameras, and PCs and cell phones seemed like a luxury available only to the rich. But 20 years is quite a bit, but how far progress has come in these two decades!

But let's return from heaven to earth. Perhaps in 20 years, airship designers will be in demand, but what to do now if this is not taught anywhere yet?

There is only one conclusion: when choosing who to study after school, you need to keep in mind the upcoming changes and choose professions in related fields in order to have the necessary background and, if necessary, quickly obtain a new promising specialty.

And of course, when choosing a promising profession, you need to focus on your preferences.

Which professions will die out?

It is quite difficult to predict the “extinction” of a profession. For many years now, experts have been talking about the lack of demand for librarians, but they still continue to go to work. But despite this, the librarian profession is indeed on the endangered list.

There will also soon be fewer sellers, although they are unlikely to disappear completely. This is due to the growth of online shopping, which we already discussed above.

In addition, postmen, elevator operators and watchmen should soon disappear.

Journalists and reporters will be at risk of extinction, as well as other “sharks of the pen”, including copywriters, editors and proofreaders - the work of the former will be performed by social networks, and the duties of the latter can be automated.

The once popular secretarial assistants are also under attack - many businessmen today find it easier to hire an online assistant.

Doubles and stuntmen will “die out” and be replaced by modern web technologies. Their fate can be shared by museum workers - from ticket takers to tour guides.

And by 2030, the professions of lawyers, economists, accountants and managers (managers) may become irrelevant! Sberbank has already announced that it intends to replace no less than three thousand of its legal advisers with robots, and the Ministry of Finance proposed to reduce the number of accountants by half last fall.

In total, scientists identify more than 50 endangered professions, and among them there are specialties that are very popular today.

Changes in the labor market

Before deciding where to study after school, you need to understand what changes will occur in the labor market in a few years. We have already found out that robotics will be introduced into all areas of human life, but that’s not all.

  • Experts say that the principles of work for doctors and teachers will change, and special programs will do all the paperwork for them.
  • In addition to IT and eco-projects, the service sector will actively develop.

  • The field of online education will continue to develop. More and more people will receive postgraduate education.
  • At the same time, in some areas, it is not the diplomas that will be valued, but the specific knowledge and skills that the applicant possesses.

This is hardly a complete list of upcoming changes, but still this information will help you better navigate where our planet is heading.

Where to study after school

According to experts, in the near future the labor market will continue to demand

  • engineers;
  • doctors;
  • technical specialists;
  • chemists;
  • biologists;
  • IT specialists, programmers and computer software developers;
  • specialists in the field of tourism and hotel business;
  • ecologists;
  • nanotechnologists.

If you get one of these specialties, you will definitely not be left without a job!

As for the currently popular marketers and PR specialists, financiers and lawyers, these professions cannot be called the most promising. It is quite possible to make money in these areas, but you need to understand that competition is very high, and only high-class professionals can achieve success.

It is impossible not to note another promising area - blockchain technology is being introduced into all areas of our lives, and it has already begun to be taught in some universities, including in the Russian Federation. This is a very interesting direction that will actively develop in the coming years.

If you want to know more about blockchain technology and making money with cryptocurrencies, here are 5 proven ways to make money in this area in the coming months

Whatever professions are in demand in the future, you need to think about your financial well-being today. For example, you can buy an apartment not only for yourself, but also to rent it out and receive passive income. Learn more about where else you can invest money to receive monthly income find out at the online marathon

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Good afternoon Elena Melnikova is with you with a two-volume work book, today we’ll talk about how to change your profession.

There are not so many people who chose a profession in early childhood and remain faithful to it all their lives. The rest of us at least once face the question of the correctness of self-determination. What makes people think about this?

1. You have reached the ceiling of professional or career growth.

The previous type of activity ceased to bring satisfaction. The time when you carried out complex instructions from management with sparkling eyes is long gone. What was previously considered an acquisition of valuable experience has turned into routine everyday life.

This can happen to anyone who has grown out of their beginner's pants and has exhausted their potential in a given field. Some benefit from career advancement, but for others this is not possible. This is how it happened, for example, in my work with mentally retarded children.

Stability is good, but sometimes it leads to stagnation. From time to time a person needs to change something in his life. Of course, the simplest thing is to rearrange your home or change your wardrobe. But, if this does not bring satisfaction, why not dare to make more global changes? It has been proven by practice that changes in life help to get rid of depression, activate thought processes, and therefore increase readiness to perform new tasks.

2. Professional burnout has overtaken you.

Alas, this is not a whim or a whim, but a serious illness, where sometimes the only way out is to change your field of activity.

When I worked in pedagogy, I was lucky enough to attend a special training to get rid of this condition. It is no secret that it is working with people, especially in a post-industrial society, that wears out the body the most.

The training not only offered ways to fill life with bright colors, but also tried to resolve the main work conflicts that lead to long-term stress. If employees more often received such trainings as a gift from management (and in our case this was the case), the team would be more united, their well-being would be better, and there would be less turnover.

The most interesting thing is that the head teacher, who went to the group with us and gave about 50 years to the school, considered these classes a whim. Of course, a real teacher must work selflessly, without complaining about fatigue! One day she went on sick leave and never returned.

3. The current position is dangerous to health.

Working in a hot shop, with an X-ray machine, on night shifts or in the cold should not last a lifetime, so if your work involves risks to the body, this is an important reason to think about yourself.

4. Heavy loads.

If work takes up too much of your time, comes home with you, and takes pride of place on your weekend to-do list, consider whether it's worth it.

We work to live, but not the other way around. Of course, a person passionate about creativity, for example, a fashion designer or an actor, does not consider this state of affairs out of hand, but if constant thoughts about work interfere with family and leisure, it’s probably time to set priorities correctly.

5. Occupational deformation.

From a teacher, others expect intrusive advice, from a doctor - excessive caution and a pathological love of cleanliness. It’s no secret that work really shapes our habits, needs and way of thinking, and even determines how our loved ones perceive us. By changing your occupation, you will not only change internally, but also show others that your potential is much wider.

6. You have to move to another area (from city to village, from north to south), where your current profession is not in demand.

If possible, research the local labor market in advance to allow time for retraining.

A friend of mine, a chemist by profession, had experience working in European companies, but by the will of fate she ended up in the Moscow region. Unable to get a job due to frequent travel, she found a student and began tutoring online.

7. Approaching unsuitable age.

If your business has an age limit and retirement is around the corner, it's time to think about what to do in the future. Yes, many athletes become coaches, but related activities are not always possible. It's probably time to remember the dreams of your youth or activate your forgotten abilities.

8. The current job is associated with financial instability and the situation is only getting worse over time.

Over the past decades, the situation on the labor market has changed more than once. Those professions that not so long ago were considered a guarantee of a comfortable existence suddenly disappeared into oblivion, and new ones or half-forgotten old ones ascended to the monetary Olympus.

If you know how to catch a wave, good luck! If keeping your nose to the wind all the time is not in your character, and your salary looks less and less like money, connect your family, friends and the Internet. As they say, one head is good, but two are better.

9. Change in life values.

Sometimes a person wonders whether his work benefits him and society. This is often associated with a change in religious creation. Having gained faith, a bartender may no longer want to prepare alcoholic cocktails, or a dancer may no longer want to entertain the population in nightclubs. Some people have a strong desire to help people or animals. In this case, you can join some volunteer movement and, if it doesn’t tire you, look for yourself in related activities.

10. Finding a dream.

Our dreams are not always connected with professional activities, but this also happens. Perhaps in your youth you saw yourself exclusively in a certain area, but then, having stepped on the throat of your own song, you obeyed the wishes of your parents or the demands of circumstances, and now the memories of unfulfilled hopes haunt you. Or, on the contrary, only now have you realized that your whole life has been preparation for your dream job and now is the time to fulfill your plans.

Are my years my wealth?

If you are now 18 - 20 years old and you consider your employment as a part-time job while studying, you are in luck. But you are unlikely to read this article.

As a rule, the issue of changing a profession worries humanity at a more mature age, when youthful maximalism and adventurism have already been exhausted, and doubts—yours and those of potential employers—are gaining momentum.

How can you decide to make changes after 30 years?

For me, the crisis of my thirties began even before I reached this age. I didn’t like the city where I live, and my position - a teacher at a correctional boarding school. For my birthday, my friend and I went to a remote village to ride horses (this was my first experience), and there I decided to change my place of residence and job. And everything worked out!

Six months later I got a house in a small town. It became objectively impossible to work in the same place, because at 9 pm, when the shift ended, transport did not go to my home. Having somehow managed to survive before going on vacation, I began to look for a place closer to home and, of course, no longer in teaching.

Everything was decided by a randomly seen advertisement: “The hotel requires an administrator.” Initially they didn’t want to hire a teacher in the service sector, but apparently the burning desire to gain a different experience, written on my face, played a role. With a daily schedule, I have a lot of time for household chores. But the changes didn't end there.

More and more often, I began to think about remote part-time work (how difficult it is to find another one in a small town!), and there wasn’t enough creativity in my life, and then I came across an ad from Vasily Blinov. By the way, my early articles were also written on a work computer during working hours (may my former boss forgive me!)

If the cherished “I want” reminds you of itself more and more often, drive away your fears. As they say in the novel Dorian Gray, the best way to overcome temptation is to give in to it. Years from now, we will regret what we didn't do. Well, so as not to be reproached with advising me to rush headlong into the pool, let’s be a little careful.

  • Make a wish list

Try for some time to write down everything that does not suit you in the old place and what you would like from the new one. Of course, all your aspirations are not destined to come true at once, but you will bring some clarity to the overall picture.

  • Rate yourself

Knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities - everything that has been accumulated over previous years. Shy people can ask their loved ones for help. Sometimes it helps to make unexpected choices. My friend Ksenia, having worked for two postgraduate years in a veterinary hospital, was looking for something she liked for a long time, until one day someone, having tasted her cake, ordered her another one. Now she has stable orders - and this is without any courses or shortcuts.

  • Consider options for your future profession

With a list of skills in hand, draw out all the possible perspectives. Even if it seems to you that the time has come to declare yourself as a fashion designer, include in the list several related specialties that are backup on your way to the fashion world.

  • If you don’t have any moral strength to do your previous job, and you haven’t yet decided on a new type of activity, ask your friends and family what you could do.

Take the career guidance test again. In such cases, it is good to read from cover to cover a newspaper with vacancies (namely a newspaper, because on the Internet you carry out a thematic search, but in print you may come across an unexpected solution). One day I was leafing through it because I had nothing to do and found a job for my sister to paint watch bezels.

  • Test the waters

To learn as much as possible about your future profession, attend the necessary events and meet potential colleagues. This will help avoid unexpected disappointments. So, one of my friends, who passionately dreamed of becoming a conductor, signed up for the course, but when she found out that she would have to clean toilets, she left the first lesson.

  • Get ready now!

Think about what knowledge you need to improve, what skills you lack for your future profession, and where you can get them. In some places you can limit yourself to seminars and webinars, and sometimes only expensive courses can help. If your current job can help you improve your skills, don't miss the opportunity!

  • Perhaps a related specialty that will give you new skills will help you make a smooth transition.
  • Provide yourself with a financial cushion during the changes, because your salary at first will most likely be less than the previous one.
  • Think about how to explain the change of field to a recruiter.

If necessary, attend training to improve your self-confidence. Of course, a potential employer will have many questions for you. Including how you will cope with a likely decrease in income. A woman can always refer to a strong rear and a schedule convenient for the family, a man - to savings and confidence in future success. The most important thing is to show passion for a new activity and a burning desire to work in this company.

  • Start writing and sending out your resume and don’t shy away from word of mouth!

We don’t always have a financial cushion for sudden jumps, but it’s definitely worth a try. You can always sign up for courses, take online training, or look for a part-time job. By the way, if you really want something, the Universe sends help: you come across the right people along the way, “random” advertisements on the Internet, etc. It’s never too late!

Not all of us are by nature great combinators, capable of changing our own reality every second. Much more often we need to think carefully before making a decision. Changing a profession, especially in adulthood, is a serious and responsible step, but this does not mean that it is not worth taking the step.

What opportunities will open up after the long-awaited changes?

Pleasant bonuses for the brave

  • Expanding your own competence

Previously, you skillfully balanced debit and credit, and then your soul called you into the world of cosmetics, and now you know so much about skin care. Of course, knowledge can be obtained through webinars and courses, but its perfect development is always associated with practice.

  • Acquiring new character traits

If you previously lacked the ability to stop a galloping horse, then when you become a groom, you will learn something different.

  • New acquaintances (especially for creative professions)

And this is not only benefit, but, first of all, communication and fresh interests.

  • Expanding the horizon

A person who has worked in one place all his life is probably a good specialist. But just think how much new you will learn when, along with a change of profession, you gain knowledge, acquaintances and, perhaps, a couple more hobbies!

  • Self-realization

With all my heart I wish you that it does not end here, but just begins!

  • Increased self-esteem

Even if the new position is not related to career growth, “I did it” is worthy of respect in itself. This is something you can and should praise yourself for.

  • Inspiration

How sad the creative soul was without fresh knowledge, skills and impressions! And finally they happened! Even if at first glance the work does not encourage creativity, a true creator will find inspiration everywhere. At least have access to a work computer or a spray gun:p

  • Changes in psychological status (age, self-perception)

If it seems to you that being addressed by your first name and patronymic adds a few extra years, or, on the contrary, the options “Helen” and “girl” automatically turn you into an eternal youth, perhaps your position is at odds with your sense of self.

Remote work is the ideal case when you independently determine the style of addressing yourself. Create an image using a sonorous login or, on the contrary, hide behind a meaningless nickname - the choice is yours. And the most important thing here is to evaluate your personality only based on the results of your work.

  • New schedule

Perhaps not the most familiar and not ideally convenient, but you can find advantages in everything.

It’s easier to plan your daily routine on your own when working remotely. If it is not related to calling or live broadcasting, no one will forbid you to work at night or jump up at the first rooster.

  • A dream come true

Perhaps the most pleasant bonus. We can only wish that the dreams do not end there.

And finally, any changes in life entail new twists and turns. The stream can spin as soon as you enter it. Sometimes the course of events is completely unpredictable. Therefore, I do not undertake to continue this point :p

We recently found out that the name of the profession of one of our employees does not correspond to what is indicated in the qualification directory. The profession was renamed back in 2005, but my predecessor did not make any changes in connection with this. Tell me, how can I complete the necessary documents now? How to make an entry about renaming a profession in an employee’s work book?


According to Part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the labor function of an employee (work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications; specific type of assigned work) is one of the mandatory conditions of the employment contract.

Moreover, in the case when the performance of work is associated with the provision of compensation and benefits or with the establishment of restrictions, the name of the position (profession, specialty) and the qualification requirements for it must correspond to the names and requirements specified in the qualification reference books, or the provisions of professional standards (paragraph 3 Part 2 of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In other cases, the employer may name the position (profession, specialty) at its discretion.

However, indicating the name of the profession in the employment contract when concluding it does not mean that it will remain unchanged throughout the entire period of work in the company.

For example, the name of the profession changes when transferring to another job.

If the nature of the work performed gives the employee the right to an early pension in the future, then the name of the profession (specialty) must be established in strict accordance with the qualification directory or professional standard.

When does it become necessary to rename a profession?

The need to rename an employee’s profession without changing the job function may arise due to various circumstances.

Situation 1. Changes have been made to the regulatory document establishing the name of the profession.

Situation 2. An error was detected in the name of the profession.

Situation 3. There is a need to bring the name of the worker’s profession into line with legal acts that provide workers with certain guarantees, benefits and advantages or, conversely, establish restrictions. This situation is the most common.

For example: The employee’s documents indicate an incomplete name of the profession for which the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2002 No. 787, provides for a double title (in this case, in fact, an employee can only perform one type of work).

In the situation under consideration, the renaming of a profession is associated with amendments to the relevant regulatory legal act. We believe that in this case it is necessary to change the terms of the employment contract in the manner prescribed by Art. 72 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for making changes to a regulatory legal act

The procedure may be as follows.

Step 1. Draw up an act.

Draw up an act to establish the discrepancy between the name of the profession in personnel documents and the provisions of the regulatory legal act.

We believe that it is better to inform the employee in writing that the name of his profession has been changed by a regulatory legal act. The notification must make a reference to this regulatory act and indicate the new name of the profession. The employee is introduced to the notice against signature (example 1).

Step 3. Issue an order to amend the staffing table.

An order to bring the name of a profession into compliance with a regulatory legal act (example 2) is an order for the main activity. The text of the document should indicate the basis for renaming the profession, its previous name, the new one, and the date of entry into force of these changes.

Step 4. Conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract to change the name of the profession. Since the name of the profession is fixed in the employment contract, the necessary changes are formalized by concluding an additional agreement, the text of which lists the conditions that the parties agreed to change (example 3).

Step 5. Making an entry about renaming the profession in the work book.

Since in our case, the renaming of a profession is not associated with a change in the labor function and other terms of the employment contract, an entry in the work book is made on the basis of clause 3.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 (example 4).

Step 6. Make changes to the employee’s personal card.

A personal card is created for all employees upon hiring. According to clause 12 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books”, with each entry made in the work book about the work performed, transfer to another permanent job and dismissal, the employer is obliged to familiarize its owner with signature in a personal card, where the entry made in labor. If you continue to use the unified form of a personal card (form No. T-2, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1), having approved it as part of the accounting policy, a note about the renaming of the profession can be made in section X “Additional information”.

Step 7. Make changes to other personnel documents.

Corresponding changes are made, for example, to the time sheet, production instructions, labor protection instructions, etc.


Renaming a profession in connection with amendments to the regulatory legal act approving its name should be formalized in the manner prescribed by Art. 72 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Our information

One of the conditions determining the right of workers to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with List No. 1 of production, work, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in work with particularly harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to old-age pension on preferential terms, and List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms, approved. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 dated January 26, 1991, is that the names of their professions correspond to the names in the Lists.

Since the work book is the main document confirming work in a profession or position that gives the right to early pension provision, it must indicate the name of the employee’s profession and position, as well as the name of production in the form of a workshop of the same name or its structural unit in accordance with qualification directories.

Example 1. Notification of an employee about the renaming of a profession.

Example 2. Order to amend the staffing table.

Example 3. Additional agreement to the employment contract (fragment).

Example 4. Making an entry in the work book about renaming the profession.