Presentation “Modern health-saving technologies in kindergarten. Health saving presentation on the topic Causes of poor health among students

Personality-oriented approach to creating a health-preserving environment at State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 447

A modern school performs many tasks that society assigns to it. It is here, within the walls of each of the many thousands of schools in Russia, that the future of our country is being formed.

But no matter what global tasks are set for the school, school life is a small, individual world in which children, parents and teachers live, in which every participant in the educational process should feel comfortable and safe. Every day teachers come to work, parents bring their children to school, they are all different: parents, teachers, children... They come here with their thoughts, mood, with different levels of preparedness, with different health indicators...

Since our children and teachers spend most of their time at school, it is very important to create an environment in which everyone is comfortable, since the educational environment of the school is that real life for everyone who is in it.

Currently, the problem of preserving the health of children and adolescents comes first. In any society and in any socio-economic and political situations, this is a pressing problem and a subject of primary importance, since health determines the future of the country, the gene pool of the nation, the scientific and economic potential of society and, along with other demographic indicators, is a sensitive barometer of socio-economic development of the country.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273, the health of schoolchildren is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education. In modern conditions, the school is called upon to perform not only an educational function, but also to take care of preserving and strengthening the health of children, since everyone goes through school and the problem of preserving and strengthening health must be solved here.

In our work and management of our school, we adhere to the following interpretation of health-creating education: this is a process of education and training that has the potential for health improvement and is aimed at achieving a level of education for students that does not cause deterioration in the health of both the students themselves and other participants in the educational process (teachers and parents).

In addition, it is important in what socio-psychological and aesthetic environment our children find themselves. Because a healthy person is a comprehensively developed personality.

I was appointed head of this school in 2012. During this time, we managed to transform the school, both outside and inside. My personal position is that the basis of a health-creating environment is comfortable conditions and safety in our school. Moreover, in the concept of “security” we include anti-terrorism, Internet security, psychological safety, and environmental safety.

According to feedback from all participants in the educational process, our children are comfortable at school, parents are pleased to bring their children to us, teachers are satisfied with their jobs.

In order to achieve all this, a lot of work was done by the administration of the public association, namely:

Working with regulatory documents and local acts regulating the activities of the school;

When planning the budget, we took into account the need to finance activities to create a comfortable and favorable educational environment:

A) repair and insulation of the facade and roof to bring the temperature regime in accordance with SanPin, for a total amount of 5 million rubles;

B) in the period from 2012 to 2014, cosmetic repairs were carried out to classrooms, libraries, auxiliary premises, a gym and an obstacle course for a total amount of 4 million 320 thousand rubles. All materials used in repairs have appropriate certificates.

C) 13, a modern computer class with reduced electromagnetic radiation and high-frequency screens was purchased for a total amount of 300 thousand rubles.

D) (beginning of school) educational, laboratory and computer equipment was purchased to equip the classrooms of primary and secondary schools from funds allocated for the modernization of the regional general education system for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO for a total amount of 2508.30 thousand rubles. After all, a properly organized workplace, both for students and teachers, is important for maintaining eye health.

D) (Kab. Physics and Chemistry) under a targeted program for the modernization of physics and chemistry classrooms in the amount of 930 thousand rubles, modern teaching, laboratory and computer equipment was purchased;

The immediate plans include modernizing the catering unit, installing a new ventilation system, and a modern fire alarm system; (picture of the project) a new project for a central porch with a ramp is awaiting its implementation.

The task of the administration and personally of the director of the public organization is not only to competently draw up a plan for financial and economic activities to implement the plan, but also to be convincing enough to get into targeted programs. We would like to express our deep gratitude to the Education Committee of St. Petersburg, the Administration of the Kurortny District of St. Petersburg, the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Kurortny District of St. Petersburg represented by L.B. Barkalaya for his support.

Of course, comfortable conditions are one of the components of the implementation of measures to create a health-creating environment at school.

The task of a modern teacher is to educate a comprehensively developed personality. A personal approach to education is respect for the uniqueness and originality of each child. When forming a healthy lifestyle, order, a positive attitude, internal values ​​of the school, alternation of various life forms (events and everyday life, holidays and everyday life) should prevail. This is exactly the work of the school that is spelled out in the annual plan, in the educational work plan, and in the work plan of the social teacher. In addition, since the 2012 academic year, a Health Service has been operating at the school, and an action plan to create a health-creating environment is being implemented.

The teacher’s position towards the child should be based on trust, aimed at the formation of a comprehensively developed personality, at the achievements, even minor ones, of each individual child.

A well-built teacher-student relationship is one of the conditions for successful educational activities, the development of cognitive interest, and the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. A modern child spends most of his time at school. We have a small teaching staff and, due to geographical remoteness, we are not able to attract many specialists as part of network interaction. This means that the same teacher teaches lessons in elementary school, extracurricular activities, and extended day groups. And it turns out that an elementary school student spends 6 to 8 hours a day with a teacher. That's about 35 hours a week, 1100 hours a year!

In what mood does the teacher go to class, how does he communicate with students and colleagues, how does he sit at his desk, does he wash his hands before eating - all this is noticed by the child and projected onto himself.

To avoid overwork and stimulate the child’s interest, our teachers actively study themselves and master new methods and technologies.

Thus, for several years, the TISA training complex has been mastered on its own. Under the guidance of an instructor, our primary school and physical education teachers completed the course “Methods of using the TISA complex in physical education lessons and extracurricular activities.”

Robotics is being increasingly introduced into the educational environment. And again, the teacher’s personal interest, his willingness to learn on his own leads to the fact that children are happy to design together with their teacher.

It should be noted that extracurricular work also provides enormous opportunities for developing healthy lifestyle skills: Health Days, school, district and city competitions promoting a healthy lifestyle - everything should come from the teacher. The more different forms, techniques and methods of working with children are involved, the more modern children will hear, see, read, participate, and therefore join a healthy lifestyle.

Our classes are small in size, so the child does not get lost in the group. Well-established work of class teachers through the school methodological association, the work of the educational service allows the teacher, in the process of fulfilling his job duties, not only to teach, but also to show care and know the individual characteristics of each ward.

Great importance is paid to the active lifestyle of modern schoolchildren. Motivation for a healthy lifestyle and playing sports comes through the individual, first of all, the teacher.

Despite the fact that our school has had one physical education teacher for many years, our children regularly go to various sports competitions and military sports games. This would have been impossible if almost the entire team had not been actively involved in the sports life of the school. It costs nothing to show by personal example that nothing is impossible: participation in tourist all-around tournaments, chess tournaments, “Safe Wheel”, “Zarnitsa”, “Ski Track of Russia” and other sports competitions are being prepared at school by our teachers.

The gym and stadium are open almost 24 hours a day. Physical education classes are held, and sports and health programs have been developed for extracurricular activities. Football, volleyball, and shisoku karate clubs operate through networking. Friendly matches between football and volleyball classes and “Fun Starts” between elementary school classes have become traditional.

Our teachers not only help in preparing for various competitions, but are also the most loyal fans.

Since I myself lead a healthy lifestyle, I consider it my duty to personally actively support my students and teachers.

I think it is very important when a leader’s personal example sets the tone for physical education, physical activity, and healthy lifestyle skills. Also, during informal communication between the manager, teachers and children, psycho-emotional contact is established, which contributes to a healthy climate in the public organization.

The human qualities that develop when playing sports: patience, the ability to concentrate and fight to the end have helped me in my work life. This year I became the winner of the competition “The best head of a state educational institution in St. Petersburg.” This once again proves that initiative and commitment to an active healthy lifestyle helps achieve results.

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Health-saving in lessons in primary school Prepared by primary school teacher of the MCOU "Ochkurovskaya Secondary School" Tomilenko V.P.

“Taking care of health is the most important job of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence depend on the vital activity and vigor of children...” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Elements of health-saving technologies used in lessons in elementary school.

Health-saving training. Aimed at ensuring the mental health of students. It is based on conformity to nature, continuity, variability, pragmatism (practical orientation). Achieved through – taking into account the characteristics of the class (study and understanding of the person); creating a favorable psychological background in the classroom; the use of techniques that promote the emergence and maintenance of interest in educational material; creating conditions for students’ self-expression; initiation of various activities; prevention of physical inactivity. Leads to – prevention of fatigue and fatigue; increasing motivation for educational activities; increase in educational achievements.

Finger gymnastics. Finger games.

Finger games can help: Prepare your hand for writing; Develop attention and patience; Stimulate imagination; Activate brain function; Learn to control your body.

Visual gymnastics in the classroom.

Visual gymnastics helps: Relieve physical and psycho-emotional tension; Train the vestibular apparatus; Develop visual coordination; Strengthen the eye muscles; Develop vigilance and attentiveness; Improve vision.

Acupressure. Self-massage.

Rub the neck muscles one, two, three, right, left. Rub the neck muscles one, two, three, right, left. Where is my seventh vertebra? Where is the high tubercle? One turn and two turns, I correct the nervous flow.

Acupressure helps: Prevent colds; Hardening of children; Teach children to relax, free themselves from stress and overexertion; Learn the skills of acupressure.

Physical education minutes.

Physical education minutes help: Relieve fatigue and tension; Reduce fatigue in class; Prevent postural disorders; Maintaining efficiency and active attention;

Relaxation in the classroom. Helps relieve stress; Muscle relaxation; Relieving fatigue; Restored functionality

Breathing exercises. Strengthening the respiratory muscles; Reduction of respiratory system diseases; Increases the overall resistance of the body, its tone, improves the neuropsychic state.

Working in class while standing at a desk

Working mode “standing at a desk” To make a smoother transition to this mode, at the same table one student works sitting, the other next to him - standing. After 15 minutes, students change places. Working at a desk while standing means developing a child’s sense of coordination and balance, preventing disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and myopia.

Educational technologies (according to their health-saving orientation) Pedagogy of cooperation Personally-oriented Technology of level differentiation of education. Technologies of developmental education Technology of liberated development of children An important feature of the lessons is that they are conducted in the mode of movement of visual educational material, constant search and completion of tasks that activate children. (They look for the task with their eyes, and then go and take this task and complete it)

Conclusion. “The health status of the younger generation is the most important indicator of the well-being of society and the state, not only reflecting the current situation, but also giving a forecast for the future.”

Literature: Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies and health psychology at school. - M.: ARKTI, 2006. - 320 p. Abramova I.V. Bochkareva T.I. Health-saving technologies in primary school. - S.: SIPKRO, 2004.-138 p. Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies in primary school. 1-4 grades. M.: “VAKO”, 2004, 296 p. Menchinskaya E.A. Fundamentals of health-saving education in elementary school: Methodological recommendations for overcoming student overload / E.A. Menchinskaya. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2008. - 112 p. - (Pedagogical workshop). Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies in modern school. – M.: APK and PRO, 2002. – p. 62. Our choice is health: leisure program, development of activities, recommendations / author-comp. N. N. Shaptseva. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. – 184 p.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Health-saving technologies in primary school. The content of educational material as a means of implementing health-saving technologies in primary school lessons.

Educational material for all primary school subjects according to any program provides the opportunity for the teacher, right in the classroom, to develop healthy lifestyle skills in students, give children knowledge about the organization...

Creation of problem situations in lessons in primary school as a condition for the implementation of a system-activity approach in primary school.

The work describes how, through the creation of problem situations in lessons in primary school, a systematic activity-based approach can be implemented....

The use of innovative technologies in primary school lessons. Implementation of health-saving technologies in primary school lessons....

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OVSIENKO V.V. biology teacher DELMUKHAMETOVA L.I. biology teacher LEVKOVETS E.M. geography teacher Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 11 of Kaliningrad 2009

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The Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasizes that modern education should become health-saving. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” makes the preservation and strengthening of children’s health a priority task.

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Child health is one of the most important conditions for successful learning and development at school age. Children's health is one of the criteria for the well-being of society. Today, among children entering school, no more than 10% are healthy and about 50% of future students do not have functional readiness for schooling.

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1 Heredity.

2 Ecology.3 Socio-economic environment (external environment): - standard of living - the degree of satisfaction of human needs; - quality of life - the degree of comfort in meeting needs; - lifestyle - behavioral characteristics of human life.

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Causes of poor health among students.

4 Educational environment (external environment): - stressful technologies for conducting lessons and assessing knowledge; - authoritarian style of communication; - lack of physical activity; - overloading curricula with factual material and intensifying the educational process; - individual approach not always implemented in the process of educational work .

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According to the WHO definition, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being...”.

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The concept of “health” reflects the quality of the body’s adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between a person and the environment. The state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (heredity, gender, age) factors.

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Somatic health is the current state of human organs and systems. Physical health is the level of growth, development of organs and body systems. Mental health is a state of the mental sphere. Moral health is a complex of characteristics of the motivational and need-information spheres of life. Moral health is mediated by human spirituality.

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All components of health interact with each other. Physical health affects the spiritual life, and spiritual control provides the necessary discipline to maintain health.

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for somatic and physical health - I can; for the mental – I want; for the moral – I must.

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Children's point of view: health is

strength, intelligence, beauty, what needs to be protected, the greatest wealth, “if you are healthy, you will get everything.”

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If we take the level of human health as 100%, then

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    Lifestyle is a biosocial category that integrates ideas about a certain type of human life activity and is characterized by his work activity, everyday life, and the form of satisfying material and spiritual needs. Speaking about lifestyle, it should be remembered that although it is largely determined by socio-economic conditions, at the same time it depends on the motives of human activity.

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    Human behavior is always aimed at satisfying needs.

    Each personality is characterized by its own, individual way of satisfying them, therefore the behavior of people is different and depends primarily on upbringing.

    The relationship between lifestyle and health is most fully expressed in the concept of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), the formation of which we can and should influence.

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    A healthy lifestyle expresses the orientation of an individual’s activities towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health.

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    From here it is clear how important it is, starting from a very early age, to cultivate in children an active attitude towards their own health, an understanding that health is the greatest value given to man by Nature.

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    People's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle should become their beliefs. And it is the school that should help develop children’s habits, and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle, and the formation of skills for making independent decisions regarding maintaining and strengthening their health.

    Issues of protecting the health of school-age children are successfully resolved if work is carried out in two directions:

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    1 creation of optimal environmental conditions at school - health-saving pedagogy (this includes educating parents on health-saving issues); 2 instilling in schoolchildren in lessons and extracurricular activities a conscious attitude towards protecting their health - the greatest value given to man by Nature, the main condition for a happy life.

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    Based on the phrase “A competent teacher is a healthy student”, we strive to use a variety of health-saving technologies in the educational process to preserve and strengthen children’s health and create sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

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    Principles of preserving the health of students in the educational process:

    taking into account the age and gender characteristics of students; taking into account the health status of children in this class; taking into account the individual psychophysical characteristics of children; structuring a lesson based on patterns of changes in performance; training in small groups (individualization of training); use of visualization and combination of various forms of information provision; creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the lesson, since the emotional state serves as an indicator of the child’s general health; formation of positive motivation to study (“pedagogy of success”); reliance in teaching on the child’s life experience, “attachment” of new knowledge to previous knowledge and experience.

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    Teachers, being carriers of a general culture, must also be carriers of a culture of health, promoting a healthy lifestyle as the highest value, as a norm of everyday life, and as a prerequisite for successful studies.

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    In their lessons, natural science teachers have more opportunities to contribute to the preservation and strengthening of children’s health and to create motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

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    organize effective work in the classroom to preserve and strengthen health; increase learning motivation; create a feeling of joy in children during the learning process (psychological climate of the lesson); develop creative abilities; foster a culture of health; teach children to live in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

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    To solve the first problem - organizing effective work in the classroom to preserve and improve health - we use:

    change of types of educational activities - 4-7 per lesson (reading, listening, writing, speaking, viewing, question-answering, problem solving); changing teaching methods every 10-15 minutes of the lesson (verbal-visual, audio-visual, independent work); various forms of educational activity (individual, group (in pairs), frontal); optimal methods for activating student initiative (research, role-play, discussion, etc.); TSO in lessons (subject to proper choice of place and duration);

    changes in students’ postures and physical education sessions to solve the problem of lack of physical activity, relieve tension in the visual organs, and reduce psychological stress.

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    Paper simulators for the eyes (methodology by V.F. Bazarny).

    It is recommended to place various trajectories along which children “run” their eyes around the perimeter of the classroom.

    Colored figures are depicted on a sheet of whatman paper, the thickness of the lines is 1 cm. A poster showing the trajectory of eye movement can be mounted above the board. Each trajectory has a different color: up - down, left - right, clockwise, counterclockwise, figure eight. Thanks to the simulators, children's performance increases, the sense of visual coordination is activated, the visual-motor reaction and the distinctive color function develop. Recommended colors: red, blue, yellow, green.

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    Eye trainer

    Game - colorful dreams. In a sitting position after strenuous work. Students close their eyes, cover them with their palms and lower their heads. The teacher names the colors, and the students try to “see” a given color in something (blue sky, green grass, yellow sun) with their eyes closed.

    Selectively, the teacher approaches the children, touches their shoulder and asks them about what they saw. Then the teacher names another color. Cycle duration is 15-20 seconds, total duration is 1 minute.

    Yellow – stimulates mental activity;

    green – pacifies, calms; blue – lowers blood pressure, calms;

    blue – disposes to seriousness, severity in behavior;

    Yellow – stimulates mental activity;

    purple – stimulates the activity of the heart and lungs, increases the body’s resistance to colds;

    black in a small dose – focuses attention.

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    Physical education minutes.

    To stretch the spine. Bend forward, backward, to the side. Head to the chin, then tilt it back as far as possible, then to the right shoulder, to the left. We stretch as far forward as possible (back straight), back, to the side, each time returning to the starting position - head straight.

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    collaboration technologies; problem-based learning technologies; technologies for the development of critical thinking; technologies for solving inventive problems; research technologies; information and communication technology; technologies for using game methods in teaching.

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    TRKM, syncwines.

    “Greens” Interested, exploring Participating, observing, calling Students of municipal educational institution Secondary School No. 11 Ecologists. Baltic coast Beautiful, steep. Washed away, destroyed, diminished. Amber coast of Russia. Unique.

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    Why don't skunks mark their territory like dogs, cats and other mammals? Aquatic turtles cry when laying eggs on land. Large tears ooze from their eyes. Maybe they feel sorry for parting with their eggs? Why should “proper” crackers have 13 indentations? In the USSR, the largest number of laboratories studying corrosion was located in the city of Batumi. Justify their localization in this place.

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    To solve the third task - creating a feeling of joy in children during the learning process (psychological climate of the lesson), we use the following techniques:

    emotional release (aphorisms, anecdotes) - as a humorous component of pedagogical communication; teacher’s pose (open, without “locks”, palms turned towards the children, no “threatening poses” - hands in pockets, the teacher’s pen is directed at the student, leaning on the table with both hands, the teacher looks importantly at the children); the psychology of cooperation with the “dress of goodwill” on the teacher with an open, sincere face; the teacher acts as an assistant and organizer of the educational process, where the student himself acquires new knowledge;

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    Teachers joke.

    To the lesson about the origins of man: “Man sounds proud, but a monkey sounds promising.” For a lesson about the adaptability of the organism to environmental conditions and its relativity.

    Conversation between camel - father and female camel: - Why do we need hooves? - So that your feet don’t sink into the sand. -What about the humps on your back? -We have a supply of food there. -Are your lips so hard? - So that we eat thorns and don’t inject ourselves. -Dad, why do we need these bells and whistles at the zoo??? Geography lesson - and maps in your hands...

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    gaming activity, which takes into account that - play is an unreasonable manifestation of a child’s activity - where there is no play, there is no development - learning without violence, learning with passion - there is a game - play is the only natural form of child development - the use of different forms of lessons (KVN, quizzes , fairy tales, games).

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    Topic: How man appeared on Earth. 5th grade.

    At one stage of the lesson, the class is divided into 3 groups. Group 1 – depicts Australopithecus and prepares a first-person story; 2 – journalists formulate questions for interviews; 3 – analysts evaluate “australopithecus” and journalists. Then they change roles.

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    Changing attitudes towards assessment and developing self-assessment skills in students: - orientation towards an individual relative norm in assessment, taking into account the child’s development, characteristics of educational activities, etc.; - assessment is used as feedback, allowing the teacher to see his own and the student’s problems and possible steps for successful correction; - the teacher includes students in assessment activities, teaches them the ability to evaluate both their own work and the work of classmates. Assessment must be done in such a way that the teacher's assessment is preceded by the student's assessment. - to evaluate, use not only a mark, but also a word. “A word can kill, a word can save, a word can lead shelves.”

    (Greek téchnē art, logos teaching) Health-saving technology is the construction of a sequence of factors that prevent the destruction of health while simultaneously creating a system of conditions favorable to health. Health-saving technologies allow: - to form the social maturity of a graduate, - to provide students with the opportunity to realize their potential, - to preserve and support the physiological health of students. Concept of health saving technology

    Types of health-saving technologies Protective - preventive: aimed at protecting children from adverse health effects (sanitary - hygienic requirements, cleanliness, vaccinations, etc.) Compensatory - neutralizing: used to neutralize any negative impact. (physical training sessions, fortification of the diet, etc.) Stimulating technologies: allow you to activate the child’s body’s own resources. (hardening, physical activity). Information and educational: designed to ensure the level of health literacy.

    Psychological and pedagogical technologies: associated with the teacher’s work in the classroom and the impact on children during class time. Pedagogical health-preserving technologies - Organizational and pedagogical: determine the structure of the educational process that helps prevent overwork, physical inactivity and other disaptative states. - Educational: include programs aimed at teaching students to competently take care of their health, motivating them to a healthy lifestyle, preventing bad habits, educating parents, etc.

    OU approaches to health conservation. -Individual approach, focusing efforts on taking into account the characteristics of each student. -Didactically, curricula and health lessons come to the fore. - Event-based focuses on competitions on the topic of health and propaganda - Problem-based - all efforts are made to solve a specific problem: nutrition, physical activity, prevention of fatigue, etc. -Physical education caring for the health of schoolchildren = caring for their physical development.

    The most accessible technologies Educational: - Project activities on health topics, - Training course on the basics of health conservation, - Festivals, health competitions, - Constructing lessons from the perspective of health conservation: interactivity, presentations, - Introduction of health topics into subjects - Parent training Stimulating: - Sections. - Walks, - Nutrition Compensatory: - Physical education minutes, - Organization of breaks, - Finger gymnastics, - Back packs, - Corrective physical education

    What problems will health-saving technologies solve in school? At the student level Solution: -organization of a comprehensive training course on the basics of health care - organization of thematic trainings on the components of health Problem: Lack of knowledge among schoolchildren in the field of health care, obtained from authoritative sources Task: Providing knowledge and developing skills in the field of health care

    Solution: Carrying out events within the framework of the concept of health conservation: - educational: clubs, trainings, festivals. - creative: master classes, theatrical performances, - sports: intellectual sports games, - entertaining: themed meetings and health parties, - cultural: themed excursions, exhibitions, trips, - moral: trips to orphanages Problem: Leisure is not always prudent pastime Task: Organizing leisure time for schoolchildren

    Solution: - promotion of a healthy lifestyle through organizing meetings with successful people who practice a healthy lifestyle, - development of a program for promoting a healthy lifestyle with the direct participation of schoolchildren themselves. Problem: Formed “prestige” of an unhealthy lifestyle Task: Formation of fashion for a healthy lifestyle

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    Presentation on health conservation in municipal educational institution kindergarten No. 51 B was performed by: senior teacher Belozerova L.V.

    Goals and objectives: Goal: to preserve and strengthen the health of children through the introduction of health-saving technologies. Objectives: stimulate children’s physical activity using a differentiated and individual approach; -increase interest in physical education using non-traditional equipment; - teach children to monitor and take care of their health.

    What is health? Health is the state of any living organism in which it as a whole and all its organs are able to fully perform their functions; absence of illness or disease.

    Health-saving technologies are methods and techniques aimed at solving the problem of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of children. Types of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions: medical and preventive; physical education and health; health-preserving, educational; technologies to ensure the socio-psychological well-being of the child.

    The most significant in terms of the degree of influence on children's health are health-saving educational technologies - the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, and approaches. There are three groups of technologies: organizational and pedagogical; psychological and pedagogical; educational

    Health-saving pedagogical process is a process aimed at ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

    Technologies used in MOU Technology for preserving and stimulating health: water procedures; morning exercises; balanced diet; physical education activity; hardening; gymnastics after sleep; outdoor games; finger gymnastics; dynamic pauses

    Healthy lifestyle training technology massage; breathing exercises: gymnastics for the eyes

    Water treatments

    Morning exercises These are physical exercises that should be performed after sleep. During sleep, the child rests; after waking up, all organs gradually wake up. Performing physical exercises helps to bring them into an active state, which provides the child with high performance and gives him a noticeable surge of vigor.

    Balanced diet

    Principles of proper nutrition The first principle of rational nutrition: its energy value must correspond to the energy expenditure of the body. The second principle of rational nutrition is the correspondence of the chemical composition of nutrients to the physiological needs of the body. Maximum dietary diversity determines the third principle of rational nutrition. Finally, maintaining an optimal diet determines the fourth principle of rational nutrition.

    Physical education lesson

    Physical training!

    Personal hygiene


    Gymnastics after sleep These are physical exercises that should be performed after sleep. During sleep, the child rests; after waking up, all organs gradually wake up. Performing physical exercises helps to bring them into an active state, which provides the child with high performance and gives him a noticeable surge of vigor.

    Outdoor games Outdoor games are of great importance as a means of physical education. Outdoor games include basic movements: walking, running, throwing, climbing, jumping, balance, as well as special movements and strengthening and development of individual muscle groups. The movements included in the game, if given by the teacher in the correct dosage, develop and strengthen the body, improve metabolism, the functional activity of all organs and systems (promote more active breathing, increased blood circulation).

    Massage Foot massage is an effective, universal, affordable and safe treatment system by influencing active points and reflex zones located on the feet. The soles of your feet, like a map, have their own zone or point. Ideal for preventing flat feet in children.

    Foot massage using non-standard equipment

    Thank you for your attention!