Opening a business in a cooperative house. Algorithm for creating a cooperative

People tend to unite based on interests, to solve common problems and satisfy any specific needs. In a team, all issues are resolved more easily. This is why there is such a thing as a consumer cooperative. This legal form is not found as often as commercial organizations, but it exists and is actively used in some areas of society. This article examines the interpretation of the concept of “consumer cooperative”, the forms and types of such communities, the content of the charter and other useful information on the topic.

Decoding the concept

The activities of consumer cooperatives are aimed at meeting the specific needs of citizens or legal entities that are members of them. Basically, the goals are material in nature. Any person who has reached the age of sixteen, as well as various legal entities, can join the cooperative. The minimum number of participants is five individuals or three legal entities.

A consumer cooperative is a phenomenon regulated by the state at the legislative level. The main provisions are reflected in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. More detailed explanations and subtleties of regulation are reflected in the Federal Law “On Consumer Cooperation in the Russian Federation” No. 3085-1 of June 19, 1992. The federal law contains information on the creation of cooperatives, their structure, features of participation, property issues, as well as issues on the reorganization, liquidation and merger of existing societies.

What do cooperatives do?

A consumer cooperative is a community of people founded to achieve certain economic goals. Decisions are made by voting. Each member of the cooperative has a vote, which he has the right to cast for a certain option for the further development of events. That is, one fee payer - one vote. At the same time, the direction of the society’s activity can be any: there are construction, housing, garage, country, agricultural and other cooperatives. The people who belong to these organizations are united by one goal.

The state provides for the regulation of certain types of cooperatives by separate legislative acts. These include agricultural, credit and housing cooperatives. They are regulated, respectively, by the Housing Code and the Laws “On Agricultural Cooperation” and “On Credit Cooperation”.

Forms of consumer cooperatives

Depending on the problem for which a consumer community is created, cooperatives are divided into several forms. Below is a list with an explanation.

  • Construction and consumer cooperative. Created for the purpose of owning and using real estate (various buildings).
  • Housing and construction cooperative. Members of this community organized their own cooperative with the goal of constructing a residential building in which they would subsequently live.
  • Garage cooperative. Includes owners of garages built on a separate territory.
  • Dacha cooperative. A group of people who own plots of land used as a summer house or garden in a certain area.
  • Housing savings cooperative. Citizens who jointly want to purchase or build housing join such societies.
  • A consumer society or a consumer cooperative of citizens is cooperation between citizens and legal entities. This form became especially widespread in the USSR.
  • Agricultural cooperative. It includes agricultural enterprises, as well as individual farmers engaged in running their own farms.
  • Service cooperatives. They can conduct quite extensive and varied activities - insurance, transport services, resorts, medical care, repair work, consultations in various fields.
  • Credit consumer cooperative. Created to resolve financial issues of participants. The cooperative attracts personal savings at an interest rate, issues loans, and provides mutual financial assistance.

The meaning of opening cooperatives

A non-profit consumer cooperative was previously a very common organizational and legal form. Cooperatives opened everywhere geographically and in all economic spheres. Their numbers gradually decreased after perestroika in 1991. The property of cooperatives was privatized by more enterprising people, and citizens forgot how to build relationships based on trust. However, the practice of cooperatives has proven its effectiveness. People create such communities for completely different purposes: to purchase goods at lower prices, to evenly distribute the costs of household maintenance and repair services, to jointly accumulate capital and build housing. The advantages of cooperatives are obvious: due to the large number of participants, it is possible to make wholesale purchases at prices much lower than market prices; there is the possibility of accumulating funds and rationally distributing them in matters of maintaining plots and other property. At the same time, the board in cooperatives is carried out by voting, which allows all members of society to speak out, rather than transferring all power into one hand. Some types of activities without cooperatives are still unimaginable today - garages, gardens, dachas, rural communities.

Pros and cons of opening a cooperative

Any organizational and legal form carries certain advantages and disadvantages. The situation is the same with cooperatives. Organizing a consumer cooperative provides participants with the following benefits:

  • Equality and resolving issues through voting. It doesn’t matter what contribution the participant made, the amount may differ significantly, but the “weight” of the vote will be the same for everyone. Important issues can only be resolved jointly; some decisions can only be made by unanimous vote.
  • In cooperatives, all participants work. There may be no more than a quarter of the total number of people unemployed. At the same time, there are a minimum of hired workers.
  • The frequency of income distribution is also established in the cooperative through voting. At the same time, you can divide your earnings even daily. But the amount of dividends issued should not exceed half of net income.
  • The work takes place in a team of “our own”. Issues regarding the admission of a new member are also decided by vote. If someone is against expanding the number of participants, a newcomer cannot be accepted.
  • The number of participants is not limited. There can be an infinite number of them. But there is a minimum threshold - 5 people.
  • The organization of a consumer cooperative is also good in terms of taxation. If the number of participants is less than 100, and the income is less than 80 thousand rubles, the cooperative has the right to apply the simplified tax system.
  • The minimum age limit for participants is 16 years.

Of course, there are also a lot of disadvantages. If we look at all the listed positive aspects from a different angle, we will see the following picture:

  • It is impossible to decide on your own in which direction to continue development, where to spend profits and whether to accept a new participant.
  • You can leave the cooperative by taking your share and income due for the period. In this case, property that cannot be divided remains free of charge with the cooperative. You can sell your share either to other participants or to a third party, if this was allowed during the vote.
  • Hiring employees in a co-op is quite difficult and is not always allowed.
  • Cooperative members are liable for debts with all their property, and not just the share contributed to the organization.

The process of opening a cooperative

Organizing a consumer cooperative is not as difficult a task at the initial stage as it might seem. The process of creating a society begins with finding partners. There must be at least five of them. But these can be employed and unemployed, free and remote employees, pensioners and schoolchildren over 16 years old. A legal organization can act as a sponsor. Of course, she won’t work at the same level with everyone, but she can provide funds for the first time. As a reward, she is allocated a share, and therefore a part of future income.

Complete anarchy is impossible in any society, therefore the cooperative needs a person who will represent its interests. This person is called the chairman. He carries out all legally significant actions on behalf of the cooperative: registration, liquidation, reorganization, representation in the courts and the tax inspectorate. If there are more than ten people, the creation of a board will be required. If the number of participants is fifty or more, there is a supervisory board.

Next, the charter of the consumer cooperative and the minutes of the meeting on creation are written. After this, the participants make a sum of share contributions in the amount of at least 10 percent of the contribution of each of them. A temporary account is opened, funds are deposited in cash or non-cash with the mark “share contribution”. Not only money is accepted, the fee can be paid with property. The participants evaluate it and draw up a free form act. After this procedure, you must pay a state fee. Its size is 4,000 rubles. After paying the fee, you can submit documents to the tax office to register a legal entity. In a few days you will need to receive a completed certificate.

What is written in the charter

The charter is the most important document of any organization. It describes all the nuances of the work. Cooperatives are no exception. There are legally required clauses that must be included in the charter. For a company of this nature, the following data must be present in the constituent documents:

  • full name of the legal entity;
  • actual and legal address;
  • purpose of creation and main direction of activity;
  • rules adopted by the participants on the procedure for joining and leaving the cooperative;
  • information about contributions, their amounts, payment procedure, sanctions for late payments;
  • structure and composition of the management apparatus;
  • list of rights and obligations of participants;
  • information about how profits and losses are distributed among members of the company;
  • description of the reorganization and liquidation procedure.

If the charter is drawn up with errors, the tax office will not accept it. You will have to make adjustments, then pay the state fee again, and only then apply for registration again. This is not only a waste of time, but also money. Therefore, people who do not understand the nuances of paperwork prefer to hire a lawyer. You can also get by on your own. There are quite a lot of templates on the Internet. The founders of the company will only need to carefully replace the data of the fictitious organization with their own.

Consumer cooperative: capital

The main source of funds for any cooperative is contributions from its members. The primary funds of a consumer cooperative are formed exclusively at the expense of the participants. In the future, capital can be increased in various ways, depending on the direction of the organization’s activities. For example, a trade and production cooperative can raise funds by selling goods and services. At the same time, the garage cooperative exists solely on contributions from participants.

The size of a mutual fund is not fixed and is not limited in size by law, unlike a limited liability company. Its size is determined by the general meeting before registration with the tax office. In the future, the general meeting may also make decisions to change the fixed assets.

Credit consumer cooperative

A credit cooperative is created by citizens or legal entities on a voluntary basis. The minimum number of members is 15 individuals or 5 legal entities. The purpose of the establishment is to satisfy the financial interests and needs of its members. There are two varieties:

  • credit cooperative of individuals (there cannot be legal entities in such a cooperative);
  • 2nd level credit cooperative (this form combines several credit cooperatives).

The credit cooperative is a non-profit organization designed to meet the needs of shareholders. To achieve these goals, it pools the funds contributed by the participants, then, if necessary, offers them as a loan to its shareholders. In addition to this, other activities can be carried out that should lead to the goal for which the society was created. The activities of such cooperatives are regulated by the Bank of Russia and the Law “On Credit Cooperation”.

Participation in a credit cooperative often turns out to be a much more profitable option than loans and credits from banks. The company sets the most optimal loan conditions for its shareholders. The interest rate at which a loan is issued is almost always lower than the bank average, and the term may be more optimal for a cooperative member. Participation in such a cooperative is most relevant for people whose activities are constantly connected with borrowed funds.


An agricultural consumer cooperative is the most common type of community in our time. Naturally, the bulk of all these organizations are located in villages and rural areas. This is where it makes sense to engage in this activity. An agricultural consumer cooperative can be of any type:

  • livestock;
  • horticultural;
  • gardening;
  • supply;
  • serving;
  • trade;
  • processing;
  • SPK of a different type.

It can be opened with a minimum number of participants of 5 people or 2 organizations. At the same time, there is a condition on carrying out work for members of the SEC. Namely, at least 50% of all work must be performed for the participants.

The process of opening a company begins with developing a plan, submitting applications for participation from shareholders and holding a general meeting. Documents for registration of a cooperative are submitted after completion of these stages.

For individual farmers and rural residents who run their own farms, participation in the APC is beneficial. Cultivating huge areas of land without expensive equipment is difficult and time-consuming, but when you open an agricultural enterprise, you can purchase this equipment with a benefit for each participant. The same goes for equipment for poultry and livestock breeders. Special buildings, equipment for the care and medical care of animals, the purchase of feed - all this becomes much more profitable when opening a legal entity. Thus, the quality of products and their quantity increases, and the costs of each individual participant become lower.

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Reviews (3)

Many Russians today, both entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens, face the need to receive financial support. But contacting one of the many banks is not always the best option. The problem is the need to provide financial institutions with a huge number of documents, and therefore obtaining a loan turns into a very complex and time-consuming procedure. In addition, loans in most cases are targeted, which is also not suitable for everyone.

In such a situation, the only alternative is often to join a credit cooperative, where obtaining a loan is not associated with such bureaucratic problems as in a bank. Creating a business such as a credit cooperative can be a very profitable project, as the demand for such services is becoming increasingly higher. People are attracted by loyal loan conditions, as well as a lower interest rate when compared with a bank loan. All this speaks of the great prospects associated with opening a credit cooperative.

A credit cooperative is a non-profit organization that is established on a voluntary basis by a group of citizens or legal entities. The purpose of creating such an organization is to finance shareholders. By pooling their share contributions, members of the cooperative form a so-called mutual fund, which is the source of financing for shareholders. In addition, the sources of formation of cooperative property can be borrowed funds or profit that is generated through the activities of the cooperative.

Members of the cooperative must develop rules for internal control over the issuance of loans. The purpose of such activities is to counter illegal methods of obtaining funds, for example, through money laundering that was obtained as a result of criminal activity. In order to ensure sustainable operations, the cooperative must have a certain reserve fund, which is at least 10% of the total share capital.

A business project to open a credit institution is a rather difficult undertaking associated with significant risks. A competent person will allow you to foresee all the pitfalls and find ways to solve emerging problems. Based on it, you will understand all the intricacies of this type of business, which will allow you to avoid serious troubles. In addition, possession of the necessary knowledge will help reduce the time required for approval of such a project with regulatory structures, which will have a positive impact on the overall profit of your enterprise.

Reviews on the business plan of a credit institution (3)

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    Business plan of a credit organization

    Hello. Please accept my gratitude for the excellent business plan, with which I was able to go through the first stages of organizing my business without any problems. Everything is going well, I hope this trend will continue.

    Peter, thank you for your gratitude. Indeed, when you have a business plan at hand, which describes all the main aspects of organizing a business, it is much easier to work. We wish you to achieve your plans.

    Business plan of a credit organization

    You should not overestimate this document or expect any unimaginable results from it. Nothing will be handed to you on a silver platter; you will have to work on the final calculations yourself. But in general, the business plan is quite normal.

    Victor, indeed, like any ready-made document, the presented business plan requires modification to suit its capabilities. There are many individual nuances and they can only be taken into account when ordering, which is much more expensive. However, the fact that you need to delve into the economic indicators of the enterprise is only a plus; managing the enterprise in the future will be much easier. Good luck to you.

    Business plan of a credit organization

    Today there are many companies offering financial loans to the population. And yet I decided to compete with existing organizations. I got down to business thoroughly and immediately downloaded the ready-made business plan. As I expected, his help played a significant role in my luck. Yes, I have already opened my own company, and success accompanies me!

    Oleg, we agree with you, loans are a profitable business, especially small amounts for a short period of time at high interest rates. The service is popular and brings significant profits, although large loans should not be neglected. You did the right thing by starting with a business plan, so the result did not take long to wait. We wish you further successful development.

In stock Business plan of a credit organization 5 10

Credit cooperative business plan
As a result of communicating with people you know well, create an initiative group consisting of three to four people. People must have the desire and opportunity to combine their main job with performing the functions of organizing a Credit Cooperative. It is important that among them there is a person who knows the rules of accounting. It is necessary to draw up a plan of joint action to organize a Credit Cooperative. To do this, try to collect specific information on the organization of the Credit Cooperative:

1. You can seek help from various credit institutions via the Internet.

2. Consult a credit cooperative you know that is already operating.

3. It is necessary to gather at least 15 like-minded people

4. Prepare constituent documents.

The main one is the charter. It is drawn up on the basis of Federal Law No. 117-FZ “On Credit Consumer Cooperatives of Citizens”. Next, it is necessary to determine the size of the share and entrance fees, interest on loans and savings, and the procedure for forming KPKG funds.
Founding meeting of members of the initiative group of the KPKG

So, the size of your initiative group has reached 15 or more than the required number of people.
Now, in accordance with the Federal Law on the CCCP, you can begin the legal registration of your organization.

To do this, it is necessary to hold a Constituent Meeting of members of the initiative group. Before it is held, you need to copy the draft Charter of the CPKG and distribute it to all members of the group in order to discuss it at the meeting and accept the final version.
In addition, you, together with your colleagues who “were at the origins” of the idea of ​​​​creating a credit cooperative, must first calculate:

Amounts of entrance and share fees;

And also (if they are insufficient to support the organization in the first year of its activity) the size and frequency of payment of membership fees.
Having carried out this work and having decided, in agreement with the members of the initiative group, on the place, date and time of the Constituent Assembly, you invite everyone to the meeting, warning them of the need to have a passport with them.
Before opening the Constituent Assembly, make sure that the number of members of the initiative group present at it is at least 15 people!!!
The purpose of the Constituent Assembly follows from its name - to establish, i.e. to actually create the KPKG as an organization, i.e. entity.
To do this you need to vote:

Confirm the desire of those present to create a cooperative;

Approve the final version of its Charter;

Approve the composition, amount and procedure for making mandatory contributions of members of the CCCP;

Select a group of two or three people who will be entrusted with the state registration of the cooperative, opening a bank account and registering with the relevant authorities.

In addition, during the Constituent Assembly, it is necessary to draw up a List of those present, indicating the passport details and signature of each of them.
State registration of a Credit Cooperative

By this time the following documents must be prepared:

1). Minutes of the Constituent Assembly.

2). Approved Charter of the KPKG.

3). List of those present at the Constituent Assembly.
Registration procedure:
1. The first address is the local branch of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties (IMTS) of the Russian Federation.

Having filled out the Application and relevant documents there and paid the registration fee, after 7 days you will receive a Certificate of inclusion in the Unified State Register of a legal entity. 2. The second address is the bank you have chosen. In it, on the basis of the received Certificate, after completing the necessary documents, you open a current account and conclude the corresponding agreement on banking services.

3. The third address is again the Internal Revenue Service, but now, after opening a current account, you fill out the Application and its attachments for registration as a legal entity. The result of this will be that you receive a second IMTS Certificate.

The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh addresses – registration with the relevant government agencies, namely:

4. statistical authorities;

5. compulsory health insurance fund;

6. social insurance fund;

7. pension fund.

As you can see, this step will again require you to demonstrate extraordinary organizational and administrative skills, since the registration deadlines are established by the Law, and for violating them you will be subject to a fine!

And so, the Citizens Credit Consumer Cooperative was created.

Now, in order for KPKG as a legal entity in accordance with Federal Law of August 7, 2001 No. 117-FZ to carry out its activities as provided for in the Charter, it is necessary to hold the First General Meeting of the cooperative.
At this meeting, in accordance with the Law (and, as a consequence, with the Charter of the CCCP!) it is necessary:

1. Elect members of the Board of Directors of the KPKG;

2. Elect the Chairman of the KKKR;

3. Elect members and the Chairman of the Audit Commission;

4. Appoint the Director of the CCCP.

5. Approve the main directions for spending the cooperative’s funds;

6. Instruct the Board, together with the audit commission and the director of the KPKG, to develop basic Regulations regulating the daily activities of the cooperative.

In addition, at the general meeting, members of the initiative group of citizens who were present at the Constituent Meeting must write Applications with a request to be accepted as shareholders of the credit consumer cooperative of citizens
Thinking out loud
In order to protect their deposits, credit cooperatives usually accept new shareholders only on recommendation. Therefore, the national average for non-repayment of loans in KPKG does not exceed 3%. In most cooperatives it is about 1%. There was an attempt to create credit cooperatives consisting only of entrepreneurs, but this attempt failed - they only took loans. In the same way, an attempt to create cooperatives only from pensioners ended in failure - they only deposited money. Credit cooperatives survive only when there are two flows - some regularly take, others regularly invest.
Is it possible to talk about real support by credit cooperatives for small businesses?

The influence of the CCCP on the development of small businesses has become much more noticeable in recent years. The first credit cooperatives with small working capital in the early and mid-90s were reluctant to issue loans for business activities - business was then extremely risky, and accordingly the risk of loan non-repayment was high. The imperfection of the legislative system also did not contribute to this process.
Now the situation is changing. Federal Law No. 117 states that a credit cooperative can issue 50% of loans for entrepreneurial purposes, and this is widely used by them. They became more courageous in accepting entrepreneurs as members. Credit cooperatives are that part of the financial infrastructure that is capable of mobilizing the population's available funds and solving not only the problem of lending to the consumer needs of citizens, but also significantly increasing investment in small businesses.
There are many examples of credit cooperatives working with entrepreneurs. And each credit cooperative has its own mechanisms for organizing such work. There are examples when credit cooperatives work very closely with other entrepreneurship support structures: business incubators, entrepreneurship support centers, etc. There are advantages for credit cooperatives here - firstly, the risk of loan non-repayment is reduced, since the entrepreneur-borrower is a member communities. Secondly, a professional assessment of the business plan of the entrepreneur-borrower by specialists is given. The cooperative also reduces administrative costs for its maintenance. This is also convenient for entrepreneurs. They can profitably place temporarily free funds in the cooperative, receive loans under a simplified scheme, and create their own positive credit history, which is important for entrepreneurs to subsequently obtain larger loans from commercial banks.

The purpose of this business plan is to open a credit cooperative "Microfinance" in Orel. At the initial stage, the activities of a credit cooperative will require 10 million rubles. For this purpose, it is planned to use funds from 8 investors, 5 of which are legal entities. The projected income of the first year of operation of the enterprise will be 3,500 thousand rubles, provided that the money earned during the year will not be paid to investors in the form of interest, but will be put into circulation.

Company information

The Microfinance cooperative will attract investments (savings of citizens) with the aim of subsequently using these funds to issue short-term loans. But the main capital will be the funds of shareholders. There are no plans to actively attract investors.

Business environment

Currently there is 1 major competitor with an office in the city. But there are many organizations on the Internet that provide similar services. Several of them have branches in Orel. Thus, the level of competition should be regarded as high. It will not be possible to occupy a large market share without having large start-up capital, but forming your own client base and having a stable income is a very realistic task.

Marketing and sales plan

The company's clients will primarily be individual entrepreneurs who need money for working capital. High interest rates do not frighten them, since they borrow for a short period. Clients will also include individuals who urgently need money, also for a short period.

Funds for the activities of a credit consumer cooperative are usually raised at 15-20% per annum. In our case, shareholders will receive 20%, given that the inflation rate is 12-14%. By issuing loans at 18-50% per month, as practice shows, we can earn up to 300 thousand rubles per month if the percentage of non-repayments is not high. To achieve this, loans should be issued only if there is collateral registered in the name of an adult borrower.

As you can see, the activities of a credit cooperative are quite profitable. True, there is an opinion among people that such enterprises are akin to a scam, since the interest rates from borrowers are charged quite high. In reality this is not the case, at least not always the case. Funds under such conditions, usually for a short period of time, are borrowed by small entrepreneurs who are not able to arrange an overdraft with a bank because they cannot withstand strict banking requirements. Thus, the cooperative’s borrowers are permanent, therefore, the main condition for success will be the ability of the staff (investors) to form a client base at the very beginning.

Operational plan

At the very beginning of creating a credit consumer cooperative, you need to gather the required number of participants. There must be at least 15 individuals, and at least 5 legal entities. If an enterprise is formed by both individuals and legal entities, then it is enough to meet the minimum number of one of the categories. For example, in our cooperative there will be 3 individuals and 5 legal entities. Next, you need to prepare constituent documents, the main one of which is the charter, after which you can begin to register the enterprise.

To work, you will need a small room where you can place several desks and office equipment. You will also need to buy the tables themselves, equipment and software. It is advisable, of course, not to limit the activities of the cooperative to the office, but to additionally create a corresponding website on the Internet. It won't cost much. You can even do it without involving specialists, but promotion will require money in any case.

Workforce plan

At the initial stage, the work will require a minimum of employees: several managers, an accountant, a lawyer, a cleaner. It is not necessary to hire everyone. In our case, most of the functions will be performed by shareholders. Subsequently, when the work is streamlined and the company begins to receive a stable income, it will be possible to transfer the business to hired personnel.

Opening a consumer cooperative is a socially significant business with minimal investment. This is a crazy demand with proper organization of the process and a very good income. The very purpose of a consumer cooperative comes down to supplying the members of the cooperative with the required goods at cost. The participants themselves approve the list of necessary goods, and the management purchases these goods at wholesale prices and distributes the latter according to the number of participants, according to the proportion of investment of each of them. This is a great benefit for members of the consumer cooperative, because Products are purchased at wholesale prices. Without any cheating. All costs for delivery, storage and issuance of the product are borne by all members of the cooperative. Thus, all participants receive the product at a lower price than if each of them had purchased the corresponding quantity of such product at retail.

BUT!!! Each member of the consumer cooperative pays monthly membership fees. This is the net income from organizing this business.

This income may vary. With a monthly membership fee of 150 rubles and the number of participants being 1000 people, the income is obvious. The maintenance of the premises, accountant, and purchasing manager falls on the general balance of the cooperative members. Therefore, the income from membership fees is pure, without costs. A very profitable and interesting business. Moreover, a huge number of people are also grateful to you. Isn’t this the dream of every businessman - to earn good money and have the respect and trust of his consumers?

An example of a single purchase for members of a consumer cooperative of 1000 people:

— Wholesale purchase of sugar

— Total lot = 1 car

— Total weight = 60 tons

— Average distribution = 60 kg/person

Expenses: 60,000 kg x 17 rubles = 1,020,000 rubles delivery = 31,000 rubles storage = 6,000 rubles personnel costs = 40,000 rubles

TOTAL COSTS: 1,097,000 rubles

1,097,000 rubles: 1000 people = 1,097 rubles/for 60 kg of sugar

As a result, a cooperative participant will get 1 kg of sugar for 18 rubles 30 kopecks. And the retail cost of 1 kg of sugar is 35 rubles/kg. The savings are obvious. And this is only for one purchase item. And there can be several dozen of them, depending on the needs of the members of the consumer cooperative.

The task of the organizer of a consumer cooperative is to monitor the demand of participants and satisfy their needs.

Finding suppliers is not a problem. The main thing, at first, is to invest effort in attracting participants. The more participants, the greater your income and the benefit of each participant individually. In this scheme, everything is interconnected and with a competent approach, the organization and development of a business occurs in the shortest possible time.

The actual business of organizing a consumer cooperative can be started with absolutely no investment. The main thing is an individual approach to each potential participant and proactive action. As the ancient sages said: the one who walks masters the road. And that's it. Good luck.