Canon M42 Programming Instructions. About EOS-M42 adapter with focus confirmation m42 canon eos adapter without chip

Programming and setting up the Canon M42 - EOS adapter with a programmable chip.

Attention! Only a programmable chip can be programmed and configured!
It is recommended to use the programmable chip adapter on only one lens. Practice shows that it is much more convenient and more functional to equip each manual (old manual lens with M42 thread) adapter with a programmable chip and adjust the adapter to the parameters of this lens than to twist the adapter to another lens each time. This is due to the fact that the programmable chip allows you to very accurately adjust the focus confirmation point, as well as the aperture value and focal length for a specific lens. If you attach an already programmed adapter to another lens, the accuracy of the focus confirmation may be impaired, and the aperture and focal length values ​​may not correspond to reality.


Ordinary adapter, not programmable

The programmable adapter has more contacts. Both Pixco adapters

What allows you to make an M42-EOS adapter with a programmable chip:
1. install a lens with an M42 thread (Zenith, Praktica, Pentax, Carl Zeiss, Mayer, and many other brands) on Canon cameras with an EF and EF-S mount (EOS system);
2. set the focal length of this lens (from 1mm to 65535mm);
3. set the minimum aperture value (aperture) for this lens;
4. set the accuracy of focus confirmation;
5. the chip saves the last settings;
6. data on the aperture and FR will be registered in the EXIF ​​of the photo;
7. work in M ​​and Av mode;
8. Compatible with all Canon, including 5D mark III, 6D, 650D.

The focal length of the lens and the minimum aperture value (aperture) recorded in the programmable chip will be recorded in the EXIF ​​photo. These parameters DO NOT AFFECT focus confirmation! They should be set only so that in the future you can determine which lens the picture was taken with. Aperture values ​​from 1.1 to 2.0, stored in the chip, can affect exposure metering. Therefore, it is desirable to prescribe the minimum aperture value (aperture) of a particular lens into the chip.

The most important and useful feature of the programmable chip is the ability to fine-tune focus confirmation (alignment). Precisely tuned to a specific lens, the chip allows you to accurately and quickly manually focus on any focusing point on your camera's viewfinder.

Focus confirmation will work on all EOS cameras when the shutter button is pressed halfway. In other words, you can use any lens with an M42 thread on a Canon camera as an autofocus lens set to MF mode. In this case, you will have to focus and close the aperture manually, however, when the object comes into focus, the camera will confirm the focus with a sound signal and the focus signal will light up (green circle in the viewfinder). This means that the subject in the selected focus point of the viewfinder is in focus - and you can shoot!

One important nuance: if the actual aperture of your lens is less than 8, focus confirmation will not work. It's connected with technical features camera focusing principle.

Canon M42 Programming Instructions.

Writing information to a chip comes down to four simple operations:

1. entering the chip into the programming mode;
2. selection of the desired programming parameter;
3. data entry;
4. Exit programming mode.

To program the chip, you will need the adapter itself with a programmable chip, an M42 lens, as well as a Canon EOS system camera. No additional tools are required.

First of all, turn on your camera! =)

Make sure your camera is set to 1/3 EV. It is important!
Set your camera to M mode and set your shutter speed to no slower than 1/60.
Do not use burst mode! Use only time-lapse photography.
Install the adapter on the lens and attach to the camera.
Now you can start programming the chip.


Entering information into the chip is reduced to entering some numbers. Each entered number corresponds to a specific aperture value:

F/2.0 - 0
f/3.2 - 4
f/3.5 - 5
f/4.5 - 7
f/5.6 - 9
to enter the desired number - you must press the shutter button

The chip has 3 setting modes:

0 - input lens aperture
1 - enter the focal length of the lens
2 - input of the focus correction (adjustment).

1. To enter programming mode:

1. set the aperture to f64 with the camera (wheel) - press the shutter button
2. set (wheel) aperture f57 - press the shutter button
3. set (wheel) aperture F64 - press the shutter button.
Now the adapter has switched to programming mode - you can proceed to select the desired operation.

2. To select the appropriate operation, enter:
f / 2.0 (corresponding to the number 0) - to enter aperture - and press the shutter button;
f / 2.2 (corresponding to the number 1) - to enter the focal length - and press the shutter button;
f/2.5 (corresponding to the number 2) - to correct the focus - and press the shutter button.

3. Now that you have put the adapter in the selected mode, you can enter data.

To set min. lens aperture value (aperture), select the appropriate aperture. When selected, press the shutter button.
To enter the focal length - enter 5 numbers from 1 to 65535 (for example, if you have a 135 mm lens, then you need to enter: 00135; this is done like this: f / 2.0 + shutter release, f / 2.0 + shutter release, f / 2.2+ shutter release, f/2.8+shutter release, f/3.5+shutter release).
To enter a focus correction, you must enter a value from 0 to 31. This value must be obtained by testing. Take test shots and adjust the focus correction based on them. You can achieve a very accurate hit. Input example: You want to enter an adjustment value of 8. To do this, enter the combination 08: f/2.0+shutter, f/5.0+shutter. If you want to enter an adjustment value, for example 15: enter f/2.2+shutter, f/3.5+shutter.

After you have put the chip in the programming mode, selected the programming parameter and entered its value, go to step 4 - exit the programming mode.

4. To exit the programming mode, set the aperture to f/57 - press the shutter, set the aperture to f/64 - press the shutter, set the aperture to f/57 - press the shutter.

Your Canon chip adapter is now programmed.


You want to enter a lens aperture of 2.8. For this:

2. f/2.0+ shutter release (go to aperture input section);
3. f/2.8+shutter release (minimum aperture set to f/2.8);

You want to enter a lens focal length of 135mm. For this:

1. f/64+shutter release, f/57+shutter release, f/64+shutter release (put the chip in programming mode);
2. f/2.2+ shutter release (go to the focal length input section);
3. enter 00135: f/2.0+shutter release, f/2.0+shutter release, f/2.2+shutter release, f/2.8+shutter release, f/3.5+shutter release (introduced lens focal length 135mm into the chip);
4. f/57+shutter release, f/64+shutter release, f/57+shutter release (get the chip out of programming mode, it remembers the entered data).

You want to enter a focus adjustment equal to 9. To do this:

1. f/64+shutter release, f/57+shutter release, f/64+shutter release (put the chip in programming mode);
2. f / 2.5+ shutter release (go to the section for entering focus correction);
3. enter 09: f / 2.0 + shutter release, f / 5.6 + shutter release (enter focus correction equal to 9);
4. f/57+shutter release, f/64+shutter release, f/57+shutter release (get the chip out of programming mode, it remembers the entered data).
5. Check the accuracy of focus confirmation with test shots. If necessary, repeat the programming of this parameter.

This completes the programming of the chip. If necessary, the chip can be reprogrammed an unlimited number of times. The programming procedure takes from 5 to 30 minutes.
By default, the chip says: 50mm F/1.4, please change the parameters according to your lens specification.

If during programming you entered invalid values ​​for this programming mode, the chip will exit the programming mode, and the entered settings will not be remembered.

Adapter adapter M42 - Canon EOS, no chip (no chip)
Suitable for EF and EF-S mount

New. In the original packaging - bag. Made of solid aluminum alloy, with a black finish.

There are two types of adapters available:
1 - with a flange - stop for the lens diaphragm pusher.
This is the most versatile adapter. Suitable for any lens with M42 thread. If you are in doubt about which adapter you need, then this one will fit exactly.
2 - without flange - diaphragm pusher stop.
This adapter is perfect for a lens without a jumping aperture.
This adapter is also suitable for lenses with a jumping aperture and a switch for its operation "A - M" "automatic - manual". You can first set the aperture for shooting in the position of the switch on the lens "A". Focus on the open. Then use the switch on the lens to select "M", instantly switching to the pre-selected aperture value.
This adapter is not desirable for lenses with a jumping aperture but not having a switch for its operation.

The lens is not installed exactly (the lens scale is obtained somewhere on the side), but it is reliable. Works good.
The M42 to Canon adapter allows lenses with M42 threads to be mounted on Canon EOS cameras while maintaining focus at infinity.

Compatible with all Canon cameras

Price: 295 rubles.

Also there are:

Adapter adapter M42-Canon EOS with AF chip (AF autofocus).

New. High Quality. No flaws. Packed in a box. Made from durable aluminum alloy with a black finish. With a flange - an emphasis for a pusher of a diaphragm.
A chip (microcircuit) is installed in the adapter ring (adapter) to confirm focus. The camera confirms focusing (beeps, the dot in the viewfinder flashes).
The M42-Canon adapter allows you to install lenses with an M42 thread (almost all Soviet and many imported ones) on modern digital cameras Canon EOS, with focus confirmation. Keeping focus at infinity.

Compatible with almost all Canon cameras

Price: 700 rubles.

M42-Canon EOS adapter with AF EMF chip (autofocus, programmable).

New. High Quality. No flaws. In the box. Made from durable aluminum alloy with a black finish. With a flange - an emphasis for a pusher of a diaphragm.
The adapter contains a programmable EMF chip (dandelion-type microcircuit), into which it is possible to write down the real parameters of your lens (focal length, aperture) and data for focus correction on your own (instruction is attached).
The adapter allows you to install lenses with M42 thread on modern Canon EOS digital cameras, with focus confirmation. Keeping focus at infinity

Compatible with many Canon cameras

Price: 1400 rubles.

Adapter ring M39 - M42

Metal adapter adapter from M39 thread to M42 mm
New. good quality.

Price: 200 rubles.

Additional cover for the adapter 100 rubles.

I got the EOS-M42 adapter with focus confirmation.

Background of the problem

Canon EOS cameras, when installing a non-native lens, may well cope with exposure metering, but does not allow you to control focusing in any way. And on Canon camera The EOS 300D (as, indeed, on all cameras with a crop factor of 1.6) has a dark and small viewfinder, completely unsuitable for manual focusing. Even a primitive Zenith-ET will give you a hundred points of a head start.

At the same time, on native and compatible lenses, the camera can confirm accurate focusing in manual focus mode. A simple question arises: what prevents you from confirming the exact focus on lenses installed through adapters?


And here in recent times it became possible to purchase an adapter ring with an electronics board that emulates a native lens. When using this adapter, the camera thinks that a compatible lens is attached to it and a focus confirmation tone appears.

This immediately unties your hands when using M42 threaded lenses, especially fast ones.

Classic focus test:

Immediately after installing the Helios 44M-4 lens with an adapter, the difference between the active and passive adapter became noticeable: Instead of aperture 00, the camera shows 2.8.

I pointed the camera at the first object that came across and tried to twist the focus. Immediately struck by the fact that there is a difference- turn the ring clockwise (towards infinity) or counterclockwise (from infinity). If in one case a stable front focus of 0.5 cm is obtained at a distance of 70 cm, then in the second case the focus is perfectly accurate.

I attributed this moment of "hysteresis" to the features and immediately adapted to it. After all, you still have to catch the focus, approaching it in several iterations (a habit even from wedges and a microraster), and here you just have to pay attention to which direction you need to stop moving.

In the above picture (desk calendar 70 cm from the camera, fluorescent lamp, fully open Helios 44M-4) it is clearly seen that the focus lay perfectly. Also, hover manually with me, for example, it turns out infrequently.

When the lens aperture is up to F6.3 inclusive, focusing works stably. When aperture is up to F8.0, focusing under artificial lighting already clings every other time, and with further aperture it is already too dark to hope for anything.

The 3M-5CA 500/8 lens showed stable focusing, despite the fact that the picture in the viewfinder jumps a lot when shooting handheld.

Work example:

of a fully open Helios 44M-4 lens on a Canon EOS 300D with dandelion.

frame example
and its EXIF

Parameter from EXIF

Parameter value

Camera Model Name Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL
shooting mode Aperture Priority AE
Tv(Shutter Speed) 1/25
Av(Aperture Value) 2.8
Metering Mode evaluation
Exposure Compensation 0
ISO Speed 400
lens 28.0 - 80.0mm
focal length 70.0mm
Image Size 3072x2048
image quality RAW
Flash Off
white balance Auto
AF Mode Manual Focus

Here are marked those lines from EXIF ​​that are typical for "dandelion" and remain empty when installing a passive adapter.


It's like he opened his eyes.
It turns out that the moment when I think that I have sharpened and the moment when the sharpness is really sharpened are two completely different moments :). Now you can already buy some thoroughbred threaded lens and enjoy using it.

Gumerov Ildar also known as Gummy .
December 2005

P.S. Honestly copied from my own home page: otherwise I know you - you yourself will never look;)

current mood: Excited
Current Music: Apollo Four Fourty - Lost In Space (Theme)

The M42 to EOS adapter with chip allows the use of M42 mount lenses on Canon EOS cameras.

The M42 - EOS adapter with a chip can be programmed to change the parameters: written in EXIF.

Canon M42 Programming Instructions.

Writing information to a chip comes down to four simple operations:

1. entering the chip into the programming mode;

2. selection of the desired programming parameter;

3. data entry;

4. Exit programming mode.

To program the chip, you will need the adapter itself with a programmable chip, an M42 lens, as well as a Canon EOS system camera. No additional tools are required.

First of all, turn on your camera!

Make sure your camera is set to 1/3 EV. It is important!

Set your camera to M mode and set your shutter speed to no slower than 1/60.

Do not use burst mode! Use only time-lapse photography. Install the adapter on the lens and attach to the camera.

Now you can start programming the chip.


Entering information into the chip is reduced to entering some numbers. Each entered number corresponds to a specific aperture value:

to enter the desired number - you must press the shutter button

The chip has 3 setting modes:

0 - input lens aperture

1 - enter the focal length of the lens

2 - input of the focus correction (adjustment).

1 . To enter programming mode:

1.1. set the aperture to f64 with the camera (wheel) - press the shutter button

1.2. set aperture (wheel) to f57 - press shutter button

1.3. set the (wheel) aperture to F64 - press the shutter button.

Now the adapter has switched to programming mode - you can proceed to select the desired operation.

2 . To select the appropriate operation, enter:

  • f / 2.0 (corresponding to the number 0) - to enter aperture - and press the shutter button;
  • f / 2.2 (corresponding to the number 1) - to enter the focal length - and press the shutter button;
  • f/2.5 (corresponding to the number 2) - to correct the focus - and press the shutter button.
  • 3 . Now that you have put the adapter in the selected mode, you can enter data.

  • To set min. lens aperture value (aperture), select the appropriate aperture. When selected, press the shutter button.
  • To enter the focal length - enter 5 numbers from 1 to 65535 (for example, if you have a 135 mm lens, then you need to enter: 00135; this is done like this: f / 2.0 + shutter release, f / 2.0 + shutter release, f / 2.2+ shutter release, f/2.8+shutter release, f/3.5+shutter release).
  • To enter a focus correction, you must enter a value from 0 to 31. This value must be obtained by testing. Take test shots and adjust the focus correction based on them. You can achieve a very accurate hit. Input example: You want to enter an adjustment value of 8. To do this, enter the combination 08: f/2.0+shutter, f/5.0+shutter. If you want to enter an adjustment value, for example 15: enter f/2.2+shutter, f/3.5+shutter.
  • After you have put the chip in the programming mode, selected the programming parameter and entered its value, go to step 4 - exit the programming mode.

    4 . To exit the programming mode, set the aperture to f/57 - press the shutter, set the aperture to f/64 - press the shutter, set the aperture to f/57 - press the shutter.

    Your Canon chip adapter is now programmed.


    You want to enter a lens aperture of 2.8. For this:

    2. f/2.0+ shutter release (go to aperture input section);

    3. f/2.8+shutter release (minimum aperture set to f/2.8);

    You want to enter a lens focal length of 135mm. For this:

    1. f/64+shutter release, f/57+shutter release, f/64+shutter release (put the chip in programming mode);

    2. f/2.2+ shutter release (go to the focal length input section);

    3. enter 00135: f/2.0+shutter release, f/2.0+shutter release, f/2.2+shutter release, f/2.8+shutter release, f/3.5+shutter release (the lens focal length of 135mm was entered into the chip);

    4. f/57+shutter release, f/64+shutter release, f/57+shutter release (get the chip out of programming mode, it remembers the entered data).

    You want to enter a focus adjustment equal to 9. To do this:

    1. f/64+shutter release, f/57+shutter release, f/64+shutter release (put the chip in programming mode);

    2. f / 2.5+ shutter release (go to the section for entering focus correction);

    3. enter 09: f / 2.0 + shutter release, f / 5.6 + shutter release (enter focus correction equal to 9);

    4. f/57+shutter release, f/64+shutter release, f/57+shutter release (get the chip out of programming mode, it remembers the entered data).

    5. Check the accuracy of focus confirmation with test shots. If necessary, repeat the programming of this parameter.

    This completes the programming of the chip. If necessary, the chip can be reprogrammed an unlimited number of times. The programming procedure takes from 5 to 30 minutes.

    By default, the chip says: 50mm F/1.4, please change the parameters according to your lens specification.

    If during programming you entered invalid values ​​for this programming mode, the chip will exit the programming mode, and the entered settings will not be remembered.


    1. Do not touch the pins of the adapter chip.

    2. Do not use f/64+shutter, f/57+shutter, f/64+shutter in normal shooting, this may put the chip into programming mode.