HoReCa - what is it? Ferret products what.

Hospitality is a valuable quality that is inherent exclusively to well-mannered people. Good manners, specialized education and friendliness of the staff, as well as a high level of service are constant companions of Horeca business.

What is this and how to understand it?

In fact, the rather euphonious word “hospitality” is the essence of the HoReCa abbreviation. Basically, this concept is inherent in the hotel and restaurant business. Cafes, bars and various eateries can be considered part of the hospitality industry. An elementary definition of a modern business direction, when the question arises: “Horeca, what is this anyway?” is expressed with due responsibility in this article. Therefore, let’s together understand the intricacies of the modern industry and more accurately determine the meaning of the newly-minted word “Horeca”.

New direction in service

First of all, almost all public catering outlets fall under the definition of Horeca, since the essence of the word expresses the process of direct consumption of purchased products on site. In other words, where you bought it, you ate it there. Of course, the main direction of Horeca business is the constant process of improving service tools, as well as improving the quality of service. This abbreviation has a fairly wide range of applications; it is most often used by hoteliers, restaurateurs, chefs and suppliers of certain types of products. Horeca - what is it? A manifestation of fashion trends of the time or a way to conquer a certain part of the service market? Of course, both! It is no secret that this industry is characterized by the use of products that are the result of the most modern production technologies. For example, goods sold through the on-trade channel are, first of all, high-quality and environmentally friendly products. Therefore, all participants in the hospitality industry adhere to certain strictly observed rules and value their reputation.

The client's desire is the main thing!

The scope of Horeca activities is quite extensive. The variety of services provided is amazing. The basis for expressing the exclusivity of the Horeca sphere is considered to be specially established traditions, the unique quality of the services provided and, of course, the original sale of goods. Refined and, at the same time, the most homely living conditions can be offered only by a hotel practicing Horeca service. Restaurants in the Horeca industry will offer only delicious and exclusively home-cooked dishes. You will always be treated respectfully and with due attention to your preferences and wishes.


We hope you have received a complete answer to the question: “Horeca, what is it?” All you have to do is experience for yourself the full extent of the convincing superiority of the Horeca business. Having once plunged into the atmosphere of coziness and comfort, as well as having received a positive attitude and a lot of positivity, you will certainly become a frequent guest of your favorite cafes or restaurants, which are part of the “Horeka” - the hospitality industry.

Collecting information took about 3 months. After which we realized that we could start again - something opened, closed, moved. The Moscow restaurant market is very lively and dynamic.

There are 11,000 catering establishments in Moscow today. Of these, 41% (4,500) are quality restaurants and cafes - with a specific format, clear concept and structure.

26% of the restaurant market is consolidated by the largest players - holdings and top chains

Structure of the Moscow restaurant market

  • 45% - chain establishments;
  • 27% - non-chain establishments;
  • 28% are restaurants and cafes without a format, where they can sell shawarma and hold weddings. They do not fall under the concept of a quality operator.

26% of the restaurant market is consolidated by the largest players - holding companies and top chains (for comparison: in the FMCG, consumer goods segment, consolidation is about 10%). This means that the market has formed and stabilized, and it will be difficult and expensive for a new player to enter it and make a big name.

Restaurant chains

There are 56 restaurant holdings in Moscow, which own 1,300 establishments of various formats; a total of 246 brands. Theirs:

  • 10% - 138 unique non-chain concepts of cafes and restaurants (for example, “Pushkin” of the Maison Dellos holding);
  • 90% - 1,209 chain concepts of cafes and restaurants (“Moo-moo” by the same Maison Dellos).

Predominant types of cuisine

  • 17% - European;
  • 12% - Russian;
  • 9% - Italian;
  • 4% - modern Russian.

Fast food specialization

  • 21% - America (burgers);
  • 19% - Italy (pizza);
  • 13% - Russia (pancakes, potatoes);
  • 11% - Japan (sushi);
  • 9% - chicken;
  • 4% - Asia;
  • 3% - drinks and sweets;
  • 2% - East and Caucasus;
  • 18% - the rest.

Restaurant trends

Clear check: consumers began to spend more rationally, choosing the optimal combination of price and quality.

Gourmet for everyone: a combination of quality service and personal approach. Even a canteen in a business center has no right to be an ordinary canteen; it must have something interesting.

Fusion: mixing formats, styles and menus. Thus, one brand can unite a fine dining restaurant, a canteen and a snack bar, and burgers are now prepared in Belgian cafes, confectioneries, and Turandot.

Customization: offering a unique product, unusual presentation or cooking method.

Based on materials from a speech at the forum

HoReCa (Ferret) is a segment of the service industry and a sales channel for goods with direct consumption of goods at the point of sale.

HoReCa term– an abbreviation for words denoting places of sale with direct consumption of goods and services: Hotel, Restaurant, Catering/Cafe.

HoReCa (Horeca) as a segment of the service industry– these are services of hotels, inns, guest houses, apartment rentals. This term refers to the hospitality and catering services industry.

HoReCa trading channel (Ferret segment) brings together public catering enterprises, service industries, suppliers of b2b goods, goods for resale at HoReCa points of sale, as well as manufacturers of these goods and information and marketing intermediaries.

The HoReCa segment has been rapidly gaining weight recently. The number of clubs and hotels, restaurants and bars is growing. At the same time, the accompanying HoReCa business is developing, companies specializing in the supply of special equipment, decorative products, textiles, lighting, uniforms for service personnel and other exclusive products for bars, restaurants, hotels, and catering establishments appear.

HoReCa sales points. Horeca's definition of a point of sale includes all points of provision of catering services. HoReCa points of sale combine the process of direct consumption of products at the point of purchase by the consumer of the service. The HoReCa segment includes: restaurants, hotels, cafes, snack bars, night clubs, canteens, coffee shops, bistros, food courts.

HoReCa products– goods for sale at HoReCa points, as well as goods and equipment to support the activities of HoReCa enterprises. These types of goods include:

  • ready-to-eat food products: alcohol, cigarettes, snow products, etc. goods for resale at HoReCa points of sale;
  • semi-finished products for subsequent preparation: frozen and freeze-dried foods, etc. goods for final preparation at points of sale;
  • exclusive premium products for restaurants;
  • specialized HoReCa equipment, various devices for the hotel and restaurant business;
  • B2B goods to support the activities of enterprises, consumables for HoReCa;
  • no-food group products – consumables for customer service.

HoReCa POS materials– advertising and information materials that promote the promotion of a brand or product at HoReCa points of sale. These types of marketing tools include: napkin stands, ashtrays, label awnings, menu holders, etc.

Catering HoReCa– segment of catering and catering services outside of fixed HoReCa outlets.

Marketing HoReCa. It is worth separating the marketing of a HoReCa point of sale and the marketing of goods sold through HoReCa points of sale.

Marketing of goods sold through HoReCa – marketing promotion and promotion of sales of goods at the point of sale. The HoReCa segment is not intended for sales in large volumes, which suppliers and retail sellers are accustomed to. As a rule, for consumer brands, HoReCa is a specific channel used to expand market presence and create a brand image. Selling goods at HoReCa points allows you to add additional value to the product due to the ambience of the establishment, the skill of the service staff and the experience of the chefs. This channel actively stimulates the promotion of certain brands in retail.

Unlike retail, at the point of sale of ferrets, with rare exceptions, there is no need to present many competitive brands and products. Exclusive contracts are common in this market segment. The following marketing tools are used to promote products:

  • programs for material incentives for the loyalty of HoReCa decision makers;
  • conquering the space of a HoReCa point with the help of components of the visual environment, advertising at points of sale, placement of POS materials and branded equipment, branding serving elements;
  • outdoor advertising of the Ferret point: from signs to outdoor summer branding (umbrellas, tables, trenders, etc.);
  • carrying out marketing campaigns at HoReCa points: tasting, “2 for the price of one”, etc.;
  • promotion in show format - holidays, festivals and other events belong to the field of event marketing, but are used at HoReCa points of sale.
  • sponsorships of goods suppliers at HoReCa outlets: festivals, auctions, “brand days”.
HoReCa point of sale marketing– marketing of a HoReCa point of sale, carried out inside the point itself, as well as outside it, using the advertising and information space of the target audience of the point.

To promote a HoReCa outlet, the following marketing tools are used:

  • point branding;
  • loyalty programs among regular visitors of the establishment;
  • incentive programs to increase the average check, number of checks per visitor
  • cross-marketing programs with suppliers, landlords (in case of placement in shopping centers and other outlets with their own clientele;
  • queuing programs inside and outside the point:
    • banquet programs,
    • outbound trading programs;
    • catering;
    • summer (seasonal) service programs;
  • outdoor advertising;
The key to successful HoReCa marketing– joint work of the point of sale, suppliers and information partners, ensuring maximum satisfaction of HoReCa visitors. Successful HoReCa marketing includes the following elements:

The research center of the portal site in April 2008 studied the offers of employers and the expectations of applicants for the position of “HoReCa Manager” in 9 cities of Russia.

The term HoReCa (in Russian transcription - “Horeca”) is used to refer to the sector of catering and hotel businesses. This funny word is formed from the first two letters of the English words “Hotel”, “Restaurant”, “Cafe”. In Russia, this area of ​​business is developing at a rapid pace today both in the capitals and in the periphery.

The typical functionality of HoReCa manager representatives includes sales management in the HoReCa segment, maintaining and developing the existing client base and business contacts with customers. The HoReCa manager is responsible for negotiating with clients, drawing up commercial offers and concluding contracts, and participates in organizing events such as presentations, tastings, exhibitions, and customer loyalty programs. The HoReCa manager also monitors the implementation of sales targets, controls payments, order processing and receivables, and draws up reports on product sales.

The average salary of Moscow and St. Petersburg specialists is 40,000 and 32,000 rubles. respectively. For every 10, 25 people apply; for every 10 available jobs in St. Petersburg, there are 20 applicants. The average monthly salary of specialists in Yekaterinburg is 24,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod – 20,000 rubles. In these and other Russian cities that took part in our study, the demand for HoReCa managers is almost equal to the supply. Data for Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Omsk and Ufa are presented in the tables below.

Employers have rather lenient requirements for aspiring HoRECa managers: education from secondary specialized education to higher education, knowledge of MS Office and 1C. However, as it turns out, among the many applicants for this position, employers will prefer applicants who know the HoReCa market, have a driver’s license and their own client base. A competitive advantage in this salary range is also 1 year of experience in sales. Newcomers to this profession who fit this description earn in the capital from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles, in the city on the Neva - from 17,000 to 25,000 rubles. The average salary of beginning Ekaterinburg HoReCa managers ranges from 12,000 to 20,000 rubles, and from Nizhny Novgorod – from 10,000 to 18,000 rubles.

Experience of at least 1 year in the HoReCa segment, knowledge of sales methods and pricing principles, skills in concluding contracts, conducting negotiations and presentations give applicants the right to apply for higher wages. For example, for Muscovites the maximum in this salary range is 50,000 rubles, for St. Petersburg residents – 40,000 rubles. In addition to the above, applicants must have excellent communication skills and knowledge of English at least at a basic level, as well as have a category B driver's license and at least 1 year of driving experience. Specialists of this level in Yekaterinburg earn up to 30,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - up to 25,000 rubles. Competitive advantages in this salary range are having a car and speaking English at a conversational level.

Higher education, skills in trade marketing, planning, budgeting and sales management, good knowledge of the market in the HoReCa segment, work experience in the specialty from 1.5 to 3 years are a pass to the “highest” salary range. In Moscow, such specialists receive up to 70,000 rubles. monthly, in the city of Petra - up to 60,000 rubles. HoReCa managers of this level must have a personal car and management experience, as well as speak English at a conversational level. In Yekaterinburg, such specialists receive up to 45,000 rubles. per month, in Nizhny Novgorod - up to 35,000 rubles.

The profession of “HoReCa manager” is chosen today mainly by young men with higher education: 70% of HoReCa managers are representatives of the stronger half of humanity, 65% of them are under the age of 30. Three quarters of representatives of this profession can present a university diploma. The rapidly developing hotel and restaurant business places high demands on the professionalism of HoReCa managers, so more than half (55%) of them have completed specialized courses and have qualification certificates. The profession itself involves a traveling nature of the work, so having a category “B” driver’s license is almost a necessity for HoReCa managers. 80% of representatives of this specialty have them.

Regions of study:: years Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Omsk, Samara, Ufa.
Study time: April 2008
Unit of measurement: Russian ruble.
Object of study: employer proposals and expectations of applicants for the HoReCa Manager position.

Typical functionality:

Sales management in the HoReCa segment;
- Maintaining and developing the existing client base;
- Maintaining business contacts with clients;
- Negotiating with clients;
- Drawing up commercial proposals;
- Conclusion of contracts;
- Participation in organizing events for clients (presentations, tastings, exhibitions, client loyalty programs);
- Achieving planned sales targets;
- Control of payments, placing orders;
- Control of accounts receivable;
- Preparation of sales reports.

Position requirements: type of employment - full time.

The level of remuneration for a specialist is determined by the welfare of the company, the list of job responsibilities, work experience in the specialty, and the level of development of professional skills.

Analysis of information on specialist salary levels:
(excluding bonuses, additional benefits and compensation)

Region Minimum Maximum Fashion Median Lower quartile Upper quartile Average Demand index
Moscow 20 000 70 000 40 000 40 000 35 000 50 000 42 800 2.5
Saint Petersburg 17 000 60 000 30 000 32 000 25 000 40 000 34 900 2
Ekaterinburg 12 000 45 000 24 000 24 000 20 000
30 000 25 600 1
Nizhny Novgorod 10 000 35 000 20 000 20 000 18 000 25 000 21 400 1
Novosibirsk 11 000 39 000 22 000 23 000 20 000 28 000 23 900 1
Rostov-on-Don 10 000 34 000 20 000 19 000 17 000 24 000 20 540 1
Omsk 9 000 30 000 17 000 17 000 15 000 22 000 18 400 1
Samara 10 000 34 000 20 000 19 000 17 000 24 000 20 500 1
Ufa 9 000 33 000 19 000 19 000 16 000 24 000 20 100 1

Explanations for the table »
Region Band I Range II
Range III
Moscow up to 35,00035 000 - 50 000 over 50,000
Saint Petersburg up to 25,00025 000 - 40 000 over 40,000
Ekaterinburg up to 20,00020 000 - 30 000 over 30,000
Nizhny Novgorod up to 18,00018 000 - 25 000 over 25,000
Novosibirsk up to 20,00020 000 - 28 000 over 28,000
Rostov-on-Don up to 17,00017 000 - 24 000 over 24,000
Omsk up to 15,00015 000 - 22 000 over 22,000
Samara up to 17,00017 000 - 24 000 over 24,000
Ufa up to 16,00016 000 - 24 000 over 24,000

Explanations for the table »

A study of the array of data on salaries in the regions under study allows us to identify several main salary ranges, each of which is characterized by a certain typical set of requirements and wishes for the candidate. Each subsequent salary range includes the requirements formulated for the previous ones.

Salary range Requirements and wishes for professional skills
1 I - Secondary specialized education / incomplete higher education / higher education;
- PC – confident user (Knowledge of MS Office, 1C);
- Knowledge of the HoReCa market is a competitive advantage;
- Having a driver's license is a competitive advantage
- Having your own client base is welcome;
- At least 1 year of experience in sales is an advantage.
2 II - Knowledge of English at a basic level, conversational is an advantage;
- Excellent communication skills;
- Knowledge of sales methods and pricing principles;
- Negotiation skills, presentation of goods/company, conclusion of contracts;
- Driving license category B, driving experience from 1 year;
- Having a car is an advantage;
- At least 1 year of experience in the HoReCa segment.
3 III - Higher education;
- Conversational level of English language proficiency;
- Skills in trade marketing, planning, budgeting and sales management;
- Having a car;
- Experience in management work
- Good knowledge of the market (according to specialization profile) in the HoReCa segment;
- Experience in HoReCa 1.5-3 years;

Statistical data:

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HoReCa Manager

In April 2008, the research center of the SuperJob.ru portal studied the offers of employers and the expectations of applicants for the position of “HoReCa Manager” in 9 cities of Russia.

Characteristics of the HoReCa segment

The Ferret segment is considered from two sides: in trade and in sales. What is the HoReCa segment in sales: it is a type of sales channel for certain products. HoReCa in trade is a market segment that offers accommodation, catering and entertainment services.

Additional Information. In large organizations, work with HoReCa companies is separated into a separate area, which is supervised by specially trained managers.

The Ferret segment has several key differences from other types of sales:

  • Sellers in the Ferret segment purchase only what is needed.
  • The client does not see the brand and packaging when consuming. Therefore, the original packaging design of a product that is supplied to the Ferret segment does not mean anything, but only increases the cost of the product and makes it unattractive for the seller of the segment. Only some products are sold to the client branded: coffee and tea, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, cigarettes.
  • In the Ferret segment, not only the quality of the product is important, but also the price and yield after processing. Therefore, in order to sell a product to a company in the Ferret segment, it must be of high quality, at a low price and have low labor costs for processing.
  • Changing a supplier or introducing a new product into the assortment is rare. Therefore, such a serious decision is sometimes made even at the level of director or founder.
  • In the Ferret segment, goods are supplied in small volumes, which imparts status, artificially making them scarce.
  • Products in the segment are sold already prepared and consumed immediately on the spot.

Product consumption environment
  • The end consumer of Horeka companies pays not only for the product itself, but also for the service received and the environment that accompany the sale and consumption of the product.

Horeca companies included in the segment

Horeka includes all existing hospitality enterprises, including the organizations that serve them.

Horeka companies that interact with clients in trade provide the following services:

  1. Accommodation services. This category includes hotels, inns, hostels, and apartments intended for rent.
  2. Catering services. This includes restaurants, cafes, bars, food delivery, and catering organizations.
  3. Entertainment services: discos, casinos.

Companies supplying goods and services to other Horeca companies carry out the following activities:

HoReCa products in trade

Horeka products are products sold at Horeka points of sale and also supplied to Horeka companies for trading.

Products for sale at Horeka sales points:

  • Products for resale: alcohol, soft drinks, cigarettes, snacks. Usually, through Ferret's sales points it is possible to actively sell exclusive or premium goods (for example, expensive alcohol).
  • Highly processed goods. They allow you to quickly and with the greatest yield prepare them right before sale: quick-frozen fruits and vegetables, semi-finished products, peeled and chopped products.

Supplies to support Ferret's operations include:

  • Equipment supplied to public catering establishments for storing and processing food. It can also be interior items for hotels, inns (for example, sofas, beds, armchairs), ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Consumables. This concept means all related products supplied by Horeka, for example, for table setting - textiles, vases, candles, napkins, dishes; for the hotel business - towels, hygiene products, bed linen, workwear.
  • Advertising and marketing materials help promote the brand. These could be branded napkin holders, advertising on awnings for outdoor tables, or custom-made menu folders.

Products supplied to segment sales points have the following features:

  • High quality product. The company buying the product must be confident that it is of good quality and that this quality is consistent. Otherwise, sales of the product to the end consumer may be affected.

  • Low cost of the product. The lower the cost of the product, the more attractive the product will be for the organization.
  • Stable supplies and consistency of assortment. The goods must be in stock from the supplier, shipment must occur without delays.
  • High level of processing of supplied goods. The less time is spent on processing a product, the more attractive it is to the buyer.
  • Ease of communication with a supplier or sales representative, prompt resolution of all emerging problems.

Sales in the HoReCa segment, sales channels

The main feature of sales is the production of pleasure from the consumption of products, this is what distinguishes the Ferret segment from conventional retail.

There are also other features of the Ferret segment as a sales channel:

  • High level of difficulty in promoting products to the market. Not every product is suitable for a particular establishment.
  • The companies are focused on long-term cooperation.
  • Careful selection of supplier and product.
  • High competition in all departments of the segment.
  • Changes in fashion trends.

Typically, points of sale of products, or points of sale, are tied to places with high traffic of people and are focused on their recreation areas. For example, it will be very effective to open a restaurant near a hotel or inn. In some cities, entire streets are formed with a variety of companies providing catering services, thereby increasing interest in this place and increasing sales.

Competition in the Ferret segment is growing rapidly. This forces companies not only to reduce the price of goods, but also to improve the quality of the goods and services provided. Only by ensuring that product suppliers and points of sale work together can we achieve maximum customer satisfaction and develop Ferret's business.