Acid electrolyte GOST 667 73. Battery sulfuric acid




Official edition




Battery sulfuric acid. Specifications

MKS 71.060.30 OKP 21 2111

Introduction date 01.01.75

This standard applies to concentrated battery sulfuric acid, intended after dilution with distilled water as an electrolyte for filling lead batteries.

Formula H 2 S0 4 .

Molecular weight (according to international atomic masses 1971) - 98.08.


1.1. Battery sulfuric acid must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. In terms of physicochemical parameters, battery sulfuric acid must comply with the standards specified in the table.

Name of indicator

Top grade

OKP 21 2111 0720 00

OKP 21 2111 0730 09

1. Mass fraction of monohydrate (H 2 S0 4),%

2. Mass fraction of iron (Fe),%, no more

3. Mass fraction of the residue after calcination,%, no more

4. Mass fraction of nitrogen oxides (N 2 0 3),%, no more

5. Mass fraction of arsenic (As),%, no more

6. Mass fraction of chloride compounds (C1),%, no more

7. Mass fraction of manganese (Ml),%, no more

8. Mass fraction of the amount heavy metals in terms of

lead (Рb), %, no more

9. Mass fraction of copper (Cu),%, no more

10. Mass fraction of substances that reduce KMn0 4,

cm 3 solution with (1/5 KMp0 4) = 0.01 mol / dm 3, no more

11. Transparency

Must pass the test according to clause 3.13

Note. By agreement with the consumer, for enterprises operating on pyrites and producing a product of the 1st grade, the mass fraction of arsenic is allowed not more than 0.0001%.

Official edition

Reprint prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1973 © Standartinform, 2005


2.1. Battery sulfuric acid must be supplied in batches. A batch is considered a quantity of a product that is homogeneous in terms of its quality indicators, sent to one address and accompanied by one quality document. When a product is shipped in tanks or containers, each tank or container is counted as a batch. Lot weight for retail- no more than 10 tons.

2.1.1. The product quality document must contain:

name of the manufacturer or trademark;

product name, grade;

lot number;

net weight;

shipment date;

technical control stamp;

results of analysis or confirmation of product compliance with the requirements of this standard;

confirmation of the application of the danger sign on the packaging in accordance with GOST 19433.

2.1.2. At manufacturing plants operating on natural and gas sulfur according to GOST 127.1 - GOST 127.3, the mass fraction of arsenic, chloride compounds and copper is not determined.

Definition mass fraction the amount of heavy metals in terms of lead is carried out by the manufacturer at least once a month.

2.2. To control the quality of battery sulfuric acid, samples are taken from each tank, container, reservoir or from 5% of bottles, but not less than three for small lots (less than 60 bottles).

It is allowed to distribute the results of the analysis of the quality of sulfuric acid, located in a previously checked container at the manufacturer's warehouse, to apply to all batches formed from it.


2.3. If unsatisfactory results of the analysis are obtained for at least one of the indicators, a re-analysis is carried out from a double number of samples or product units taken from the same batch. The results of the reanalysis are final and apply to the entire lot.


3.1. Sample selection

Spot samples from each tank, container, reservoir are taken with a sampler made of stainless steel 10X17H13M2T (Fig. 1) or other acid-resistant material that does not impair the quality of the sulfuric acid taken, attached to a chain or cable made of acid-resistant steel, slowly immersing it to the bottom.

Point samples from the bottles are taken with a glass tube (with a rubber pear), reaching to the bottom of the bottle.

The volume of the spot sample - not less than 0.5 dm 3 ; from bottles - not less than 0.1 dm 3.

The selected incremental samples are poured into a closed container made of stainless steel or other acid-resistant material that does not impair the quality of sulfuric acid. The resulting sample is thoroughly mixed with a glass rod and an average sample with a volume of at least 0.5 dm 3 is taken into a dry bottle with a capacity of 0.5-1.0 dm 3 with a ground glass stopper.

The bottle is labeled with:

product name;

lot numbers;

sampling dates.

They can be applied directly to the bottle.

3.2. General requirements

The following are used in the analysis:

reagents of qualification not lower than “ch. Yes.";

distilled water according to GOST 6709, neutralized by methyl red;

distilled water, not containing carbon dioxide, is prepared according to GOST 4517;

laboratory glassware and equipment according to GOST 25336;

cylinders, beakers, volumetric flasks (2nd class of accuracy) according to GOST 1770;

burettes according to GOST 29251, pipettes according to GOST 29227;

the use of glass measures of capacity of the same type is allowed;

general-purpose laboratory scales according to GOST 24104* of the 2nd accuracy class with the maximum weighing limit of 200 g and the 4th accuracy class with the maximum weighing limit of 500 g;

a set of weights according to GOST 7328; photocolorimeter type FEK-56 M, KFK-2 or another type, providing the specified sensitivity and accuracy;

P-4 type thermometer t = (0-100) °С or other similar thermometer;

filter paper according to GOST 12026 or similar;

paper universal indicator to determine the pH of the solution.

3.3. Determination of the mass fraction of monogcd-

The method is based on the titration of a sulfuric acid sample with sodium hydroxide solution in the presence of methyl red indicator.

3.2, 3.3. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 3).

3.3.1. Reagents, solutions, dishes, equipment

succinic acid according to GOST 6341; oxalic acid according to GOST 22180; phenolphthalein, a solution with a mass fraction of 1%, is prepared according to GOST 4919.1;

methyl red, alcohol solution with a mass fraction of 1%, prepared according to GOST 4919.1;

lime chemical absorber KhP-I according to GOST 6755, ascarite or other absorber that provides protection against carbon dioxide.

Sodium hydroxide according to GOST 4328, a solution of concentration c (NaOH) \u003d 0.5 mol / dm 3 (0.5 N), is prepared as follows: according to GOST 25794.1, a solution is prepared with a mass fraction of sodium hydroxide of 50%. The clear solution is drained with a siphon and its concentration is determined using a hydrometer.

Then calculate the required amount of the resulting solution for the preparation of 1 DM 3 0.5 mol/DM 3 solution. A concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide in the amount found by calculation is slowly poured along the walls, in order to avoid strong splashing, into a heat-resistant glass flask into water boiled for 15 minutes. The flask is closed with a stopper equipped with