A tale about a hare and a wolf. How the wolf and the hare changed boots - a fairy tale with pictures Russian fairy tales the hare and the wolf

Once upon a time there lived a wolf and a hare in the forest. They met once and talked about this and that.

“Oh, gray,” sighed the hare, I’m tired of running around with my shoes off, some twig will turn up or a pine needle will fall, it hurts my paws. All the paws were punctured. It would be nice to sew boots!

“It would be nice, of course, if the wolf agreed.” Autumn is coming, it will rain, there will be slush, and I will also be barefoot. And winter will come with blizzards and blizzards! It's cold to walk through the snowdrifts without boots. Come on, hare, let's order some boots for ourselves. Let's! The hare was happy.

And they went to look for the shoemaker. A wolf and a hare are walking through the thicket making their way. Finally we reached the clearing. They look - under a large tree there is a sign: “Shoe shop”. And under the sign on a tree stump, the hedgehog sits, smokes a pipe, taps with a hammer, knocks on the heels of his boots and sews the seams with a needle.

The hare began to ask the hedgehog:

- Listen, hedgehog, please sew us boots so that they are beautiful. Why not sew it? The hedgehog says. I'll sew it. They will be on time.

The shoemaker took the measurements of the hare and the wolf and told them to come back for boots in a week.

The week flew by quickly, we didn’t have time to look back. The wolf and the hare came running to the workshop, and the boots were already ready. The wolf tried on the boots, and his breath was taken away with delight. I really liked it: tall, with buckles and, most importantly, it fit. The wolf looks at the boots and can’t see enough of them and cannot utter a word of joy.

And the hare put on his boots and began to jump around the stump. He claps his paws and stomps his boots. And the boots are beautiful and with bells. The bells are ringing ding-ding, the boots are burning like heat!
The wolf looked at the hare's boots and became envious. “I wish I had those!” - he thought, and his eyes lit up with greed.

  • Hare, hare, let's change boots.“I also want one with bells,” he says.
  • What are you, wolf! Will they suit you? Look what paws you have!
  • They’ll come, they’ll come, some shoe, and you take mine.
  • Why do I need your big boots, the hare cried. I won't change!
  • Take off your boots, otherwise you will be beaten, the wolf threatened.

The bunny's ears began to tremble, the poor fellow began to cry, and burning tears rolled out of his eyes. It’s a pity for the sideways guy to part with his red boots, but there’s nothing to do. I had to change with the wolf. The hare took off his boots with bells and threw them to the wolf.

And the wolf pulled off his boots, put them near a tree stump, and when he barked, come on, try them on with a scythe!

The hare looked at the boots and began to sob:

  • Oh-oh-oh, gray wolf! How can I try them on?! After all, I’m a little small. And your boots are so high, taller than hemp!
  • “Climb the tree stump and jump down,” the wolf suggested. The hare did just that. He climbed onto a stump and jumped off. My paws hit my boots. Standing with an oblique look, swaying in high boots. And he can’t take a step.
  • I told you, the hare shouted, they will be great. The wolf looked at the hare and laughed at the top of his lungs:
  • Oh, oh, oblique, you're good! Who have you become like? Ha ha ha! The wolf laughed throughout the forest. You're just the spitting image of a clown on stilts! How hilarious! Having laughed enough, the wolf picked up the hare's boots and rushed home without looking back. They only saw him.

The hare looked at the wolf’s boots and was upset again: “You can’t go far in such shoes!..” He grieved and grieved, but calmed down. “It’s okay,” the hare thought, “I can live without boots.” I’ll run through the forest and warm myself up.” The hare threw the wolf's boots into a deep hole and piled dry branches on top. And he galloped scythe along the edge of the forest.

Meanwhile, the wolf ran home. I didn’t have time to catch my breath, let’s try on the bunny boots. He took the boot with the bell and began to pull it on his paw. Ding-ding - the bells are ringing, The boots are burning like heat!

But here’s the problem: the boot doesn’t fit on the wolf’s paw, and that’s all! The wolf grabbed the second boot with the bell and stuck his paw into it. Ding-ding - the bells are ringing. The boots are burning like heat! And this boot doesn’t fit on my paw. And that's it! The wolf is marking time in one place, unable to put on his shoes. The bunny boots turned out to be too small.

The wolf got angry, roared throughout the entire area. Oh, you, oblique, so-and-so, if you catch my eye, I’ll take away your boots with buckles! And the wolf rushed to look for the hare. A wolf rushes through the forest, but somewhere there is no trace of the scythe. The wolf had been tracking the hare all winter. He runs scythe through the snow in a white fur coat, twisting his tracks, deliberately confusing the wolf. The hare is used to the cold, he jumps and hops, clapping his paws and warming up. But the wolf has become old, he is cold without boots. He will sit under a bush at night and start howling... Apparently, he feels sorry for his boots with buckles.

So the wolf runs through the forest after the hare, looking for his boots, but cannot find them. Since then, the wolf and the hare have been apart in their friendship. with pictures for free.

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Once the Wolf was driving through the forest in his truck. As usual, he was very hungry and angry. For several days now he had not come across a single hare, or even a mouse of any kind.

Suddenly he looks - a Bunny is walking along the forest road. The Wolf was happy.

“Well, finally,” he thought, “now I’ll eat.”

The Wolf came closer and shouted to the Hare:

Hi, sweetie. Where are you going?

Hello, Wolf. I’m going to the neighboring forest to see my uncle. Today is his name day.

So sit down, I'll give you a ride. - The Wolf joyfully suggested.

The bunny was still very young and very trusting. He decided that it would indeed be faster by car and sat down with the Wolf.

They go, they go. The Wolf tells all sorts of fables to the Hare. The Bunny looks - they have already passed through their native forest, and a clearing beyond the forest, and now they have entered an old oak forest.

Listen, Wolf, says the Bunny. - I think we're going to the wrong place. No matter how many times I go to visit my uncle, I have never walked through this old forest.

Don’t worry,” the Wolf reassured him. - It's just a shortcut. We'll be there now.

The Bunny believed the Wolf again and calmed down. But time passed, and the old forest did not end. It was getting darker. At this point the Bunny got completely scared.

Wolf, we are definitely lost. Let's turn the car around. We probably took a wrong turn.

Back and forth. - The Wolf groaned contentedly. - Here we are.

After these words the car stopped.

Where have you arrived? - Poor Bunny was already seriously scared. - This is not the place for me.

But this is where I want to go,” the Wolf answered menacingly and pulled his clawed paws towards the Hare.

“Oh-oh-oh,” Bunny shouted and jumped out of the car.

He ran wherever he could, climbed into some dense thickets and hid.

Meanwhile, the Wolf also got out of the car and rushed after the Hare. But he turned out to be faster and the Wolf lost sight of him.

Hare! Hare! - The Wolf began to call. - Come out, Hare. Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you! - and quietly added: I’ll just eat and that’s it.

And the unfortunate Hare huddled to the ground in his shelter and was afraid to even breathe. Suddenly, right next to his ear, he heard snoring.

What are you doing here? - Our fugitive heard an unfamiliar quiet voice.

The Hedgehog sat right in front of his nose and carefully examined the Hare.

I'm hiding.

From whom? - The Hedgehog asked again.

From the wolf.

From the wolf - that's right. The wolf is not your brother's friend. How did you get here? We never had hares here when we were born.

Just... - Bunny began to answer. And suddenly he stopped. He realized that it was his own fault for believing the Wolf, and now he was ashamed to admit it. - Well, I was just going to my uncle’s for his name day. And here is the Wolf in the car. Well... and he said: Let me give you a ride.

Yeah, and got into his car?

Well, yes,” the Hare admitted very quietly.

Hmmm yeah. Well, anything can happen. Okay, don’t shake, now we’ll figure out how to help you. Sit here quietly.
Meanwhile, the Wolf was coming closer and closer to the bush in which the Hare was hiding.

Hello, Wolf. - Suddenly he heard.

Who is here? - The Wolf jumped in surprise.

It's me, Yozh. What are you looking for here Wolf? Are you shouting to the whole forest? So look and wake up our Bear? And when he doesn’t get enough sleep - oh, how angry!

“Yes, I’m looking for the Hare here,” the Wolf answered in a whisper. I no longer wanted to meet Bear.

What Hare? - Asked the Hedgehog. - We don’t have hares here.

Yes, I'm looking for my Hare. On the way I picked him up, poor thing. He got lost. I was taking him home, but he got scared, thought that I wanted to eat him and ran away. Look, the poor fellow got lost in your forest.

The wolf lied so touchingly that a tear ran down his shaggy face.

“Oh, trouble, trouble,” the Hedgehog shook his head. - We need to find the poor thing. I think I saw something gray flash in that bush. Let's go show you.

The Wolf was glad that the Hedgehog believed him and hurried after him. And the Hedgehog took the Wolf further and further into the impassable jungle, until he was completely confused.

Hey Yozh! - The Wolf shouted, - where have you taken me? Yozh, where are you?

Nobody answered him.

The wolf screamed for a long time and wandered between the thorny bushes until he was completely tired. He sat down on the cold moss and howled.

And the Hedgehog helped the Hare get out of his shelter. They got into Wolf's truck and drove back.

The Bunny invited the Hedgehog to his uncle's name day, and they had a fun walk.

And from then on, the Bunny no longer trusted the Wolves.

A bunny was born in the forest and was afraid of everything. A twig cracks somewhere, a bird flies up, a lump of snow falls from a tree - the bunny is in hot water.
The bunny was afraid for a day, afraid for two, afraid for a week, afraid for a year, and then he grew up big, and suddenly he got tired of being afraid.
- I'm not afraid of anyone! - he shouted to the whole forest. “I’m not afraid at all, that’s all.”
The old hares gathered, the little bunnies came running, the old female hares trudged along - everyone listened to the Hare - Long Ears - Squinty Eyes - Short Tail - boasting - they listened and did not believe their own ears. There has never been a time when the hare was not afraid of anyone.
- Hey, Squint Eye, aren’t you afraid of the wolf?
“I’m not afraid of the wolf, or the fox, or the bear—I’m not afraid of anyone.”
This turned out to be quite funny. The young hares giggled, covering their faces with their front paws, the kind old hare women laughed, even the old hares, who had been in the paws of a fox and tasted wolf teeth, smiled.
A very funny hare!.. Oh, so funny!.. And everyone suddenly felt happy.
They started tumbling, jumping, jumping, racing each other, as if everyone had gone crazy.
- What is there to say for a long time! - shouted the hare, who had finally gained courage. - If I come across a wolf, I’ll eat it myself...
Oh, what a funny hare! Oh, how stupid he is!
Everyone sees that he is funny and stupid, and everyone laughs.
The hares scream about the wolf, and the wolf is right there.
He walked, walked in the forest about his wolf business, got hungry and just thought: “It would be nice to have a bunny snack!” - when he hears that somewhere very close, hares are screaming and they remember him, the gray wolf.
Now he stopped, sniffed the air and began to creep up.
The wolf came very close to the playful hares, he heard them laughing at him, and most of all - the boastful hare - Slanting Eyes - Long Ears - Short Tail.
“Eh, brother, wait, I’ll eat you!” - thought the gray wolf and began to look out to see the hare boasting of his courage.
But the hares don’t see anything and are having more fun than ever.

It ended with the boastful hare climbing onto a stump, sitting on his hind legs and speaking:
- Listen, you cowards! Listen and look at me. Now I’ll show you one thing. I... I... I...
Here the braggart’s tongue seemed to freeze. The hare saw a wolf looking at him.
Others did not see, but he saw and did not dare to breathe.
Then a completely extraordinary thing happened.
The boastful hare jumped up like a ball, and out of fear fell straight onto the wide wolf’s forehead, rolled head over heels along the wolf’s back, turned over again in the air and then gave such a kick that it seemed like he was ready to jump out of his own skin.
The unfortunate bunny ran for a long time, ran until he was completely exhausted.
It seemed to him that the wolf was hot on his heels and was about to grab him with its teeth.
Finally, the poor fellow was completely exhausted, closed his eyes and fell dead under a bush. And at that time the wolf ran in the other direction.
When the hare fell on him, it seemed to him that someone had shot at him.
And the wolf ran away. You never know how many other hares you can find in the forest, but this one was kind of crazy.
It took a long time for the rest of the hares to come to their senses. Some ran into the bushes, some hid behind a stump, some fell into a hole.
Finally, everyone got tired of hiding, and little by little the bravest ones began to peek out.
“And our hare cleverly scared the wolf!” - everything was decided. “If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have left alive.” Where is he, our fearless hare?..
We started looking.
We walked and walked, but the Brave Hare was nowhere to be found. Had another wolf eaten him? Finally they found him: lying in a hole under a bush and barely alive from fear.
- Well done, Kosoy! - all the hares shouted in one voice. - Oh yes, Oblique!.. You cleverly scared the old wolf. Thank you brother! And we thought you were bragging.
The brave Hare immediately perked up. He crawled out of his hole, shook himself, narrowed his eyes and said:
- What would you think! Oh you cowards!..
From that day on, the Brave Hare began to believe that he was really not afraid of anyone.
Mamin-Sibiryak D.

Once the Wolf was driving through the forest in his truck. As usual, he was very hungry and angry. For several days now he had not come across a single hare, or even a mouse of any kind.

Suddenly he looks - a Bunny is walking along the forest road. The Wolf was happy.

“Well, finally,” he thought, “now I’ll eat.”

The Wolf came closer and shouted to the Hare:

Hi, sweetie. Where are you going?

Hello, Wolf. I’m going to the neighboring forest to see my uncle. Today is his name day.

So sit down, I'll give you a ride. - The Wolf joyfully suggested.

The bunny was still very young and very trusting. He decided that it would indeed be faster by car and sat down with the Wolf.

They go, they go. The Wolf tells all sorts of fables to the Hare. The Bunny looks - they have already passed through their native forest, and a clearing beyond the forest, and now they have entered an old oak forest.

Listen, Wolf, says the Bunny. - I think we're going to the wrong place. No matter how many times I go to visit my uncle, I have never walked through this old forest.

Don’t worry,” the Wolf reassured him. - It's just a shortcut. We'll be there now.

The Bunny believed the Wolf again and calmed down. But time passed, and the old forest did not end. It was getting darker. At this point the Bunny got completely scared.

Wolf, we are definitely lost. Let's turn the car around. We probably took a wrong turn.

Back and forth. - The Wolf groaned contentedly. - Here we are.

After these words the car stopped.

Where have you arrived? - Poor Bunny was already seriously scared. - This is not the place for me.

But this is where I want to go,” the Wolf answered menacingly and pulled his clawed paws towards the Hare.

“Oh-oh-oh,” Bunny shouted and jumped out of the car.

He ran wherever he could, climbed into some dense thickets and hid.

Meanwhile, the Wolf also got out of the car and rushed after the Hare. But he turned out to be faster and the Wolf lost sight of him.

Hare! Hare! - The Wolf began to call. - Come out, Hare. Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you! - and quietly added: I’ll just eat and that’s it.

And the unfortunate Hare huddled to the ground in his shelter and was afraid to even breathe. Suddenly, right next to his ear, he heard snoring.

What are you doing here? - Our fugitive heard an unfamiliar quiet voice.

The Hedgehog sat right in front of his nose and carefully examined the Hare.

I'm hiding.

From whom? - The Hedgehog asked again.

From the wolf.

From the wolf - that's right. The wolf is not your brother's friend. How did you get here? We never had hares here when we were born.

Just... - Bunny began to answer. And suddenly he stopped. He realized that it was his own fault for believing the Wolf, and now he was ashamed to admit it. - Well, I was just going to my uncle’s for his name day. And here is the Wolf in the car. Well... and he said: Let me give you a ride.

Yeah, and got into his car?

Well, yes,” the Hare admitted very quietly.

Hmmm yeah. Well, anything can happen. Okay, don’t shake, now we’ll figure out how to help you. Sit here quietly.
Meanwhile, the Wolf was coming closer and closer to the bush in which the Hare was hiding.

Hello, Wolf. - Suddenly he heard.

Who is here? - The Wolf jumped in surprise.

It's me, Yozh. What are you looking for here Wolf? Are you shouting to the whole forest? So look and wake up our Bear? And when he doesn’t get enough sleep - oh, how angry!

“Yes, I’m looking for the Hare here,” the Wolf answered in a whisper. I no longer wanted to meet Bear.

What Hare? - Asked the Hedgehog. - We don’t have hares here.

Yes, I'm looking for my Hare. On the way I picked him up, poor thing. He got lost. I was taking him home, but he got scared, thought that I wanted to eat him and ran away. Look, the poor fellow got lost in your forest.

The wolf lied so touchingly that a tear ran down his shaggy face.

“Oh, trouble, trouble,” the Hedgehog shook his head. - We need to find the poor thing. I think I saw something gray flash in that bush. Let's go show you.

The Wolf was glad that the Hedgehog believed him and hurried after him. And the Hedgehog took the Wolf further and further into the impassable jungle, until he was completely confused.

Hey Yozh! - The Wolf shouted, - where have you taken me? Yozh, where are you?

Nobody answered him.

The wolf screamed for a long time and wandered between the thorny bushes until he was completely tired. He sat down on the cold moss and howled.

And the Hedgehog helped the Hare get out of his shelter. They got into Wolf's truck and drove back.

The Bunny invited the Hedgehog to his uncle's name day, and they had a fun walk.

And from then on, the Bunny no longer trusted the Wolves.

Everyone knows about the endless fights between the wolf and the hare. The stern wolf fails to catch the evasive hare. Let us now tell you about another fairy-tale story that happened with a wolf and a hare.

“About the wolf Warrior and the hare Miron”
Author of the tale: Iris Review

The wolf Warrior and the hare Miron were never friends. What kind of friendship is there when one strives to eat the other?

One day the hare Myron had a birthday. All invited guests came to the celebration. The hedgehog brought a cake with fresh forest berries as a gift to the hare, a squirrel - a roll with nuts and mushrooms, a moose - delicious Tarragon water with medicinal herbs, a bee - a jar of honey.

In the midst of the fun, the wolf Warrior came. The guests were frightened, but the wolf, leaving the net with fresh forest apples, quickly ran away.

Did this mean that the wolf Warrior wanted to make peace with the hare Myron? Hardly. But who knows? The tale is silent about this.

But talk about the wolf continuing to hunt the hare remains.

Questions for the fairy tale “About the Wolf Warrior and the Hare Miron”

Were the wolf and the hare friends?

What gifts did the forest dwellers bring to the hare Myron?

Who appeared at the height of the holiday?

Why did the wolf come to the hare?

Have the wolf and the hare made peace?

Do you think friendship between a wolf and a hare is possible?