Download presentation axial rotation of the earth. Earth movement and sunlight

inconvenient, since each meridian has its own - local time. The presence of different local times at different points lying on different meridians led to many inconveniences. Therefore, at the International Astronomical Congress in 1884, zone time was adopted. To do this, the entire surface of the globe was divided into 24 time zones of 15° each. Standard time is taken to be the local time of the middle meridian of each zone. The zero (also known as the 24th) belt is the one through the middle of which the zero (Greenwich) meridian passes. Its time is accepted as universal time. The belts are counted from west to east. In two neighboring zones, the standard time differs by exactly 1 hour. For convenience, the boundaries of time zones on land are drawn not strictly along meridians, but along natural boundaries (rivers, mountains) or state and administrative boundaries. To convert local time to universal time and back, you need to know the angular distance of the place from the prime meridian, i.e. longitude of the place. Universal time is used in astronomy; in practical life it is actually not used. To convert local time to standard time and back, use the formula: Тп = Тм + n – ?, where Тп – standard time, Тм – local time, n – zone number, ? – longitude.


  • Form ideas about the reasons that cause the change of seasons.
  • Explain the features of uneven heating of the earth's surface.

Obor luck:

  • tellurium;
  • globes (for each desk);
  • multimedia projector (slide presentation of lesson sections);
  • textbook “Planet Earth”, author. A.A Lobzhanidze, Prosveshcheniye Publishing House, 2006;
  • atlas “Planet Earth” (series “Sphere”) pp. 2-3.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment (introductory word from the teacher).

II. Testing - summarizing the material learned from previous lessons.

Task No. 1:"Parade of planets". Cards with the names of the planets and the Sun are laid out on the table. (“closed” side).
10 students come to the table, take cards, open them and place them in order. Each student remembers one special feature of “their” planet.

Task No. 2: During the first task, one student writes “Our cosmic address” on the board. (Universe - Milky Way - Solar System - Planet Earth, etc.)

Generalization. Evaluation of results.

III. Learning new material.

You know that the Earth rotates. How? (around its axis).How long does it take to complete a revolution? (within 24 hours).

Let's imagine that the Earth has stopped and does not rotate around its axis. What consequences will the disappearance of rotation cause? (The time count will disappear. There will be no change of day and night. On the illuminated side the temperature will be above 100 degrees, and on the “dark” side there will be severe frosts. The oceans will disappear - on the day side they will dry up, and on the night side they will freeze. On the twilight side there will be hurricanes, floods, and maybe earthquakes, the power of which will be incredible)

Besides rotating around its axis, does the Earth move in any other way? (around the Sun)
- How long does it take the Earth to complete one circle in its orbit? Find the exact answer on page 43 of your textbook. (365 days, 9 minutes, 9 seconds)
- In 4 years, one extra day is gained. This year is called a leap year.

Consider the position of the Earth to the plane of its rotation around the Sun (drawing No. 1 on the board)

Demonstration using tellurium

1) The rotation of the Earth around the Sun.

Does the axis change its position? (No)
- Is the angle at which sunlight falls the same across the seasons? (No)

Tellurium marks certain days, one for each season. What months do they fall in? (March, June, September, December)
- These days were not chosen by chance. It is on these days that the Earth occupies a unique position in relation to the Sun.

Demonstration on Tellurium with stops on marked days.

Now write down the days marked on the slide in your notebook. Appendix 1 (Slide No. 4)

December 22 – winter solstice (longest night and shortest day)
21.III – vernal equinox (day = night).Annex 1 (Slide No. 5)
22.VI – summer solstice day (longest day and shortest night)Appendix 1 (Slide No. 4)

23.IX – day of the autumnal equinox (day = night) Appendix 1 (Slide No. 5)

Scheme on the board

Look at the slide. Is the Earth's north polar region illuminated on June 22? (Yes)
- What is this time called? (Polar day)
- And in the other hemisphere, in the southern polar region? (Polar night)
- This is what the polar night looks like. Appendix 1 (Slide No. 6)
- And so – a polar day. Annex 1 (Slide No. 7)


What happens on Earth as a result of the Earth's orbital rotation? (Change of seasons)
- Besides this, what else is affected by the orbital motion of the Earth? (For the duration of day and night)
- It's November. What special day awaits us in December? (Winter solstice)
- How will the Sun be positioned above the horizon? (Low)

And then it will start to rise again!

Working with a globe

There are lines on the globe in front of you that are marked with a dotted line. Name them. (Northern and southern tropics, northern and southern polar circles)
- Are these parallels or meridians? (Parallels)
- Let's write it down in a notebook. Polar circles (66.5 N, 66.5 S) Tropics - parallels, where the Sun is at its zenith twice a year (23.5 N, 23.5 S)Annex 1 ( Slide No. 8)
- These lines divide our planet into thermal zones. Appendix 1 (Slide No. 9)
- How many thermal zones can be identified? (5) . Name them.
- What thermal zone do we live in? (In northern temperate)


The Earth rotates not only around its axis and around the Sun. She is still participating in the galactic movement. Appendix 1 (Slide No. 10)
- In the textbook on p. 45, find the time of one revolution of the Earth together with the Solar system around the center of the Galaxy. (220 million years)
- What is the rotation speed? (250 km/s)
- But that is not all! Together with our Galaxy, the Earth participates in intergalactic movement. Appendix 1 (Slide No. 11)

Generalization: - So, we rotate together with the Earth?.. (Around the axis, around the Sun, around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and participating in intergalactic movement)

D/z: pp. 42-45. Distinguish between the polar circles and the tropics.

1 Lecture 4. Axial (daily) rotation of the Earth Daily rotation of the Earth around the polar axis. Evidence of the Earth's rotation. Geographical consequences of the Earth's rotation.

Slide 2

2 The Earth rotates around its axis from west to east (as viewed from the North Pole) counterclockwise. The Earth makes a complete revolution relative to the stars surrounding the solar system in 23 hours 56 minutes 4.0905 seconds. For convenience, it is customary to consider the time of a complete revolution to be 24 hours. The angular velocity of rotation of all points of the Earth is the same: 360°/24 = 15°.

Slide 3

3 The linear speed of rotation of the points depends on the distance they must travel during the daily rotation of the Earth. Only the exit points of the imaginary axis—the points of the geographic poles—remain motionless on the surface. Points on the equator line have the highest rotation speed - 464 m/s. Consequently, the rotation speed will decrease from the equator to the poles. Linear speed for any latitude is rounded by the formula: V 1 = V cos φ, where V is the speed at the equator, φ is the latitude of the area: V 1 = 464*cos 52° = 464*0.6032 = 279.88 m/s We do not we notice the rotation of the Earth because all objects and the atmosphere rotate uniformly along with the surface of the Earth. On the contrary, it seems to us that the heavenly bodies are moving from east to west, i.e. towards the actual movement of the Earth.

Slide 4: Foucault pendulum

4 Foucault pendulum It is known from physics that the plane of swing of a pendulum does not change if no forces other than gravity act on the pendulum. In 1851, the French physicist L. Foucault, based on this law, made an experiment proving the rotation of the Earth around its axis. In the tallest building in Paris - the Pantheon - a heavy metal ball with a point was suspended from a thin steel wire. Under this huge pendulum, a platform was made on which sand was poured. When the pendulum began to slowly swing, they noticed that the tip left a mark on the sand, and as a result of each new swing of the pendulum, the line passing through the center of the swing deviated at its ends to the right, when viewed from above from the previous one. In reality, it is not the pendulum that deviates - it retains its swing plane, but the position in space of the entire earth changes along with the room in which the pendulum swings.

Slide 5

5 The amount of deflection of the pendulum depends on the latitude of the observation site. At the equator this effect is not at all pronounced, but as you move away from the equator it increases and is most noticeable at the poles. Here the deviation of the pendulum swing lines during each hour is 15°, and per day – 360°. The magnitude of the apparent rotation of the swing plane of the pendulum in one hour can be calculated for any latitude using the formula: α = 15°* sin φ where a is the desired value, φ is the latitude of the area, and 15° is the angular value of the rotation of the Earth in 1 hour. The line of swing of the pendulum deviates to the right in the northern hemisphere, and to the left in the southern hemisphere. This means that the Earth rotates around its axis from west to east. Positions of the swing plane of the pendulum during the daily rotation of the Earth

Slide 6

Slide 7: Deflection of falling bodies

7 Deflection of falling bodies If you throw a body from a high tower, it does not fall vertically, but is slightly deflected in an easterly direction. This is because the top of the tower is further from the center of the Earth than its base, and therefore traces a longer circle as the Earth rotates. The falling body at the top of the tower had a greater horizontal speed than at its base, and therefore reached the surface of the Earth at a point lying slightly east of the plumb line (Fig.). In a shaft 158.5 m deep, a body is deflected by 27.5 mm when falling. The effect of deflection of a falling body, in contrast to the previous experiment, is best expressed at the equator and is completely absent at the poles.

Slide 8: Oblateness of the Earth

8 Oblateness of the Earth The oblateness of the Earth indicates its rotation around its axis. It is known that rotation generates centrifugal force, which, under the conditions of the Earth, which has a spherical shape, manifests itself differently in different places. The linear speed at different latitudes is not the same. At the equator, each point runs 464 m/sec, at the latitude of Moscow - only 260 m/sec, and at the pole this value is practically zero. Centrifugal force is proportional to the square of the speed and is greatest at the equator, being absent at the poles. This force gave the Earth the shape of an ellipsoid of rotation, the surface of which is closest to the center of the Earth at the poles and farthest at the equator, like the surface of rings that are compressed during rotation (Fig.) Thus, the centrifugal force and the distance from the center of the Earth make the force of gravity different in different places. At the equator, every body weighs 1/200 less than at the pole.


9 GEOGRAPHICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE DAILY ROTATION OF THE EARTH Together with the spherical figure of the Earth's rotation in the field of solar radiation, the zoning of nature is determined. 2. Axial rotation causes the change of day and night. As a result of the change of day and night, a daily regime of processes in the civil defense arises. If there were no daily rotation of the Earth, then one side of it would continuously heat up and the other would cool, and this would be reflected in all natural processes of the earth’s surface.


Slide 10: 3. When the Earth rotates around its axis, two points remain motionless - the poles - this makes it possible to construct a coordinate grid on the ball, i.e. meridians, parallels, equator

10 3. When the Earth rotates around its axis, two points remain motionless - the poles - this makes it possible to construct a coordinate grid on the ball, i.e. meridians, parallels, equator. Meridian (Latin for “midday”) is a line connecting the poles. There are no objective criteria for determining the prime meridian, so it was chosen conditionally - the meridian passing through the Greenwich Observatory is called the prime or Greenwich. Longitudes are counted from it. Longitude is the distance in degrees from the prime meridian to the meridian passing through an object. For convenience, longitudes are counted in both directions from Greenwich, from 0° to 180° to the east - eastern longitudes, to the west - western longitudes.


Slide 11

11 The equator is a line formed by the intersection of the earth's surface with a plane perpendicular to the earth's axis of rotation and spaced at equal distances from the poles. This is the line of the largest circle on the earth's surface. It divides the Earth into two hemispheres: northern and southern. If you mentally cross the Earth with planes parallel to the equatorial plane, then lines will appear on the surface in a west-east direction, which are called parallels. The distance of parallels, and, consequently, of any point from the equator in meridian degrees, is called latitude. Latitude is measured from 0° to 90° and is northern and southern. The length of the parallels decreases from the equator to the stripes, and the linear speed of rotation of all parallels decreases accordingly. The linear speed of rotation of all points on one parallel is the same.


Slide 12: Geographic coordinates

12 Geographical coordinates Geographical latitude  is the angle between the normal to the surface of the ellipsoid (or between the plumb line - perpendicular to the surface of the geoid) and the equatorial plane. Latitude values ​​that are measured from the equator to the north pole are taken into account with a “plus” sign, “north”, and to the south - with a “minus” sign, “southern”. The latitude of the equator is 0°, the latitude of the north pole is + 90°, and the south pole is – – 90 . Geographic longitude  is the dihedral angle between the plane of the geographic meridian of a point and the plane of the prime geographic meridian. Longitude is measured from the Greenwich meridian to the east from 0 to 360°, or to the east from 0 to 180°, and to the west from 0 to 180°, indicating “eastern longitude”, “western longitude”. Longitude and latitude can also be determined by the length of the meridian and parallel arcs on the surface of the ellipsoid, respectively.


Slide 13: 4. The rotation of the Earth causes the deflection force of the Earth's rotation

13 4. The rotation of the Earth causes the action of the deflecting force of the Earth's rotation. The deflecting force of the Earth's rotation, or the Coriolis force, is manifested in the fact that all bodies moving on the Earth's surface, or parallel to it, deviate from their direction in the northern hemisphere to the right, in the southern hemisphere - to the left. When moving, all bodies tend to maintain a straight direction. But their movement occurs in a rotating sphere. Therefore, they seem to deviate from the original direction. In fact, it is not the bodies that deviate, but the surface itself on which or above which these bodies move moves. Gustave Gaspard Coriolis (21.05.1792 - 19.09.1843)


Slide 14

14 A rocket is launched from point A towards the North Pole. At the moment of launch, its direction coincided with the direction of the meridian. After some time, point A, as a result of the rotation of the Earth, moves to point B. The direction of the meridian deviated to the left. According to the law of inertia, a moving body strives to maintain its direction and speed in world space. The rocket maintains the initially given direction, but it seems to the observer that the rocket has deviated to the right. It is easy to see that this deflecting force is fictitious, that it is not a moving body that is deflected, but the surface of the Earth changes its spatial position. The deviation will be greatest at the poles, and at the equator it will be 0°, because The meridians there are parallel to each other and their direction in space does not change. The deviation in the northern hemisphere is to the right, in the southern hemisphere it is to the left. The Coriolis force affects all moving objects, regardless of the direction of movement. The magnitude of the deflecting effect of the Earth's rotation on a body weighing 1 kg is expressed by the formula: F = 2ω*ν* sin φ where ω is the angular velocity of the Earth, ν is the speed of movement of the body, α is latitude.


Slide 15: 5. The rotation of the Earth around its axis gives the basic unit of time - the day

15 5. The rotation of the Earth around its axis gives the basic unit of time - the day. Solar day - the period of time between two successive passages of the center of the Sun through the meridian of the observation point. True solar time is the time interval between two successive upper culminations of the center of the Sun through the meridian of the observation point. The length of the true solar day varies throughout the year, primarily due to the uneven movement of the Earth along its elliptical orbit. Therefore, they are also inconvenient for measuring time. Mean solar time is the time interval between two successive upper culminations of the center of the mean Sun through the meridian of the observation point - a fictitious point moving uniformly along the celestial equator with the average speed of movement of the true Sun along the ecliptic. The average solar day is equal to 24 hours. For practical purposes, the average solar day is used. They are longer than stellar ones, because the Earth rotates around its axis in the same direction in which it moves in its orbit around the Sun with an angular velocity of about 1° per day. Because of this, the Sun moves against the background of the stars, and the Earth still needs to turn about 1° for the Sun to “come” to the same meridian. Thus, during a solar day, the Earth rotates approximately 361°.


Slide 16

16 Sidereal day - the period of time between two successive upper culminations of a star through the meridian of the observation point (the time of the Earth’s complete revolution around its axis). The time between two passages of a star through the meridian of a given place, a sidereal day, is 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds. This is the actual time of the Earth's daily rotation. (since the Earth moves around the Sun and around its axis in one direction, the solar day is longer than the actual time of a full revolution). A sidereal day contains 86400 s = 24 hours. Sidereal day. Starting position. A sidereal day is slightly shorter than a solar day. When the sidereal day ends, the Earth must rotate a little more to “catch up” with the Sun.


Slide 17

17 In everyday life, it is also inconvenient to use mean solar time, since each meridian has its own time - local time. The presence of different local times at different points lying on different meridians led to many inconveniences. Therefore, at the International Astronomical Congress in 1884, zone time was adopted. To do this, the entire surface of the globe was divided into 24 time zones of 15° each. Standard time is taken to be the local time of the middle meridian of each zone. The zero (also known as the 24th) belt is the one through the middle of which the zero (Greenwich) meridian passes. Its time is accepted as universal time. The belts are counted from west to east. In two neighboring zones, the standard time differs by exactly 1 hour. For convenience, the boundaries of time zones on land are drawn not strictly along meridians, but along natural boundaries (rivers, mountains) or state and administrative boundaries. To convert local time to universal time and back, you need to know the angular distance of the place from the prime meridian, i.e. longitude of the place. Universal time is used in astronomy; in practical life it is actually not used. To convert local time to standard time and back, use the formula: Тп = Тм + n – λ, where Тп – standard time, Тм – local time, n – zone number, λ – longitude.


Slide 18


Slide 19

19 After the October Revolution, on February 8, 1918, the zone division was introduced by decree of the Council of People's Commissars. By government decree of June 16, 1930, the hands of all clocks on the territory of the Soviet Union were moved forward an hour. Maternity time was created, the introduction of which made it possible to save energy. The duration of maternity time was set “until repealed” (lasted until 1981). By resolution of the Council of Ministers on April 1, 1981, the clock hands were moved forward another hour. Thus, summer time was already two hours ahead of standard time. For ten years, during the winter period, the clock hands were moved back an hour compared to summer time, and in the summer they returned to their place again. In March 1991, maternity time was abolished. The two-hour advance lead was abolished. We have switched to the summer-winter time reference system. In winter, standard time was used, and in summer, clocks were moved forward 1 hour. In Belarus, Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 1229 of September 15, 2011 approved the calculation of time in accordance with the international time zone system according to standard time plus one hour without changing the hands to seasonal time.


Slide 20: 6. Date line

20 6. Date Line Magellan's trip around the world and the loss of one day. The 180° meridian is taken as the international date line. This is a conventional line on the surface of the globe, on both sides of which the hours and minutes coincide, and the calendar dates differ by one day. For example, on New Year's Day at 0:00 a.m. to the west of this line is January 1 of the new year, and to the east is December 31 of the old year. When crossing the border of dates from west to east, one day is returned in the calendar days count, and from east to west, one day is skipped in the date count. For ease of calculation, it was customary by international agreement to consider the 12th time zone to be the beginning of a new day, i.e. meridian 180°. This is the date line.


Slide 22: 8. The change of day and night creates a daily rhythm in living and inanimate nature

22 8. The change of day and night creates a daily rhythm in living and inanimate nature


Slide 23: 9. Ebbs and flows

23 9. Ebbs and flows The consequence of the rotation of the Earth is the ebb and flow of tides. The Moon, as the celestial body closest to the Earth, has a great gravitational force. This force causes deformation of the Earth's surface, especially its water shell. At the point closest to the Moon, as well as at the opposite point on the Earth, a tidal protrusion always forms. The tide on the side of the Earth facing the Moon is because gravity is strongest there. The tide on the opposite side of the Earth is explained by the fact that the centrifugal force resulting from the rotation of the Earth and the Moon around their common center of gravity, located inside the Earth, exceeds the gravitational force of the Moon. High tides are observed on the Earth-Moon line, and low tides are observed on a perpendicular line.


Slide 24


Last slide of the presentation: Lecture 4. Axial (diurnal) rotation of the Earth

25 Low Water (Brittany, France)

Lesson topic: §9 “Axial rotation of the Earth” (lesson 2.4 in the section “Earth in the Universe”)

Basic tutorial: V.P. Dronov, L.E. Savelyeva, M. Bustard, 2012 Geography. Geography.

Target: to form an idea of ​​the rotation of the planet Earth around its axis and the geographical consequences of the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

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“Presentation for a lesson on the topic “Axial rotation of the Earth””

Did you solve the tests correctly?

  • Option 1 1) c) Earth
  • 2) b) 8
  • 3) b) Saturn
  • 4) b) gas balls
  • 5) b) Sun
  • 6) b) constellation
  • Option 2 1c) Infinity
  • 2) b) Mercury
  • 3) b) star
  • 4) a) Saturn
  • 5) c) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
  • Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
  • 6) b) NO.

Lesson topic: Axial rotation of the Earth.

Lesson Plan

1. Rotation of the Earth around its axis.

2. Geographical consequences of the Earth's rotation.

Axial motion of the Earth

A day (24 hours) is a complete rotation of the Earth around its axis.

Geographical implications :

1. Due to the high rotation speed (30 km/sec.) around its axis the Earth is flattened at the poles and has the shape geoid.

2. Due to the rotation of the Earth, all moving bodies are deflected in Northern hemispheres right , and in Yuzhny - left .


Northern pole

Southern pole

Shape and size of the Earth

Earth's axis- the imaginary line around which the earth’s daily rotation occurs is inclined to the plane at an angle of 66.5°.

Due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis, it is flattened at the poles and has the shape ellipse (geoid)

North and South Poles– points of intersection of the axis of rotation with the earth’s surface.

The longest circumference of the Earth is equator(40,076 km)

Vertical (polar) radius of the Earth 6357 km

Horizontal (equatorial) radius of the Earth is 6378 km

Diagonal radius 6375 km

3. Because of axial The Earth's rotation occurs

When viewed from the North Pole, the Earth rotates around its axis:

A. from north to south

B. from south to north

V. from west to east

G. from east to west

When viewed from the North Pole, the Earth rotates around its axis...

V. from west to east

A. change of day and night

B. change of seasons

V. season of the year

The rotation of the Earth around its axis determines:

A. change of day and night

Thank you for the lesson

well done

Slide 2

Goal of the work:

Calculate the speed of rotation of the Earth around its axis by measuring the speed of the Sun across the sky in our area.

Slide 3

Evidence of the Earth's rotation on its axis

The earth rotates around an axis from west to east, i.e. counterclock-wise. In this case, the angular speed of rotation, i.e. the angle through which any point on the Earth’s surface rotates, is the same and amounts to 15° per hour. Linear speed depends on latitude: at the equator it is highest - 464 m/s, and the geographic poles are stationary. The main physical proof of the Earth's rotation around its axis is the experiment with Foucault's swinging pendulum.

Slide 4

After the French physicist J. Foucault carried out his famous experiment in 1851 in Paris (at the Pantheon), the rotation of the Earth around its axis became an immutable truth. Physical evidence of the axial rotation of the Earth is also measured by the arc of the 10th meridian, which proves the compression of the Earth at the poles, and this is characteristic only of rotating bodies. And finally, the third proof is the deviation of falling bodies from the plumb line at all latitudes except the poles. The reason for this deviation is due to their inertia maintaining a higher linear speed at height compared to the earth's surface.

Slide 5

The geographic significance of the Earth's axial rotation is extremely large. First of all, it affects the figure of the Earth: the compression of our planet at the poles is the result of its axial rotation. Previously, when the Earth rotated at a higher speed, the polar compression was greater. The axial rotation of the Earth causes deviations of bodies moving horizontally (winds, rivers, sea currents, etc.) from their original directions: in the northern hemisphere - to the right, in the southern hemisphere - to the left

Slide 6

The Earth, like other planets, moves around the Sun. This path of the Earth is called an orbit (Latin orbita - track, road). The Earth's orbit is an ellipse, close to a circle, with the Sun at one of its focuses. The distance from the Earth to the Sun varies throughout the year from 147 million km to 152 million km. The Earth moves in orbit from west to east at an average speed of about 29.8 km/s and travels the entire path in 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 9 seconds. This period of time is called the sidereal year.

Slide 7

Theoretical determination of the Earth's rotation speed

S=2 π R1 T=24 hours υ =2 πR1:T R= 6.4 × 1000000 m π =3.14 R1=R*cosφ φ=55.75 cosφ=0.56 R1=R*cosφ =3, 6*1000000 m υ= (2 ×3.14 ×3.6 ×1000000 m) : (24 × 3600 s)=(22.5 ×10000 m) : 864 = 0.026 × 10000 = 260 m/s