Job resume examples ready for students. Sample resume for a student without work experience

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How to write a resume for a student with no experience

Writing a resume is quite difficult for students who have little work experience. How to do this? You can take a sample of a student’s finished resume and rework it to suit your parameters. Just because you're young and have no work experience doesn't mean you have nothing to offer—maybe you did volunteer work during your studies, took a summer internship in a store, or worked as a tutor. Indicate in your resume the skills and knowledge that you acquired during this process (for example, that you learned to work in a team, demonstrated leadership skills, learned communication competence).

Perhaps during an internship, part-time job, or while participating in a project at an institute, you were somehow noted by the project leader, coach, or leader of the community in which you were a member. Gratitude, certificates, certificates of commendation - all this can be shown in a resume. You can find a sample student job CV here and use it as a template.

You can also indicate managers with whom you have worked and trainers as recommenders. Just remember to politely ask permission before providing their names and contact information.

It's normal for young job seekers to show off a little on your resume - list any awards or achievements you may have. For example, indicate the average score when passing the Unified State Exam, if it is high.

You can download a template and sample student resume for editing in Word. Once your resume is ready, we recommend asking an experienced professional (perhaps a HR employee) to check it to ensure it is perfect.

To develop a resume yourself, you need to download the student’s resume form and adapt it to suit you. And don't forget to include your contact phone number!

Document's name: Resume without work experience
Size: 14 kb

How to create and write a resume without work experience?

If you are looking for a job for the first time, then you need to create a proper resume without work experience, as freshers need to create a strong first impression by highlighting their strengths in addition to their experience. Here are some tips for creating a no-experience resume that will help you land your dream company.

Having a clear objective at the beginning of your beginner's resume is one way to make a positive impression by showing that you are results-oriented. Work on your wording by creating a clear winning bid, such as “applying your knowledge to develop professionally at a prestigious company.” Enthusiasm and sparkling eyes - this is the message that should come from your application.

Don't focus on your lack of experience. Focus more on what contribution you can make to the company when you get hired. For example, look at this example of a resume for a first job, which has helped many newcomers get a job.

Demonstrate your abilities to convince the recruiter that you are suitable for the position. Companies prefer employees who can handle multiple responsibilities at the same time. Perhaps you have volunteer experience, achievements, awards, you took part in school projects, in a summer internship. List this on your resume, as well as the skills that were acquired along the way, such as “event management, teamwork, team management, customer service skills.” You can see how to correctly present this information by downloading a resume to students without work experience.

A completed resume without work experience should also include an “education” section, where you can present yourself in the most favorable light. For example, “a recent graduate with a bachelor's degree in computer engineering. During my studies, I managed several projects, meeting deadlines. I would like to use my experience to work on new projects.” As an example, you can use the following sample resume without experience.

A professionally written resume is of great importance to confirm your qualifications, which means that it must be stylistically consistent, written in the same font, be literate, and without errors. Use our resume example with no work experience to ensure your resume is properly formatted.

And finally, do not exaggerate your skills and achievements, this is unprofessional and unethical. Also, try to keep your resume on one page (like this sample resume without work experience) so that the recruiter can quickly review all the points at one glance.

We have prepared a ready-made resume without experience in case you are unable to create it yourself. All you have to do is take it as a basis and edit it to suit your parameters so that it turns out outstanding and professional.

You can download ready-made resume forms without work experience for free in Word as reference material.

If you are a university student without work experience, then searching for one may take a lot of time. A well-written resume is already half the success. A competent resume sample for a student with no experience will help to demonstrate the best professional qualities in order to attract an employer in the shortest possible time.

Lack of experience is not a reason to miss a chance. A competent approach to writing a resume will make you stand out from the crowd of competitors. If you are a student and you need to be noticed, then resonate with the total number of applicants, do not write the text as a carbon copy. Get rid of standard cliched phrases and provide competent arguments in favor of your candidacy.

The main purpose of a resume without work experience:

  • to be noticeable;
  • express yourself and your professional qualities;
  • advertise skills and achievements;
  • attract the employer's interest in the candidacy;
  • obtain an invitation to an interview.

Before you start writing your resume, answer the following questions:

  • why am I better than others;
  • why should I get a vacancy;
  • what unique qualities do I have?
  • that I do better than others;
  • What achievements do I have in my profession and life?

This information will help highlight the main advantages if you correctly fill out that part of the application form that the employer pays special attention to. Thanks to this, the resume will become unique, selling skills and achievements. Then the employer's attention will switch from inexperience to merits and advantages. Here you can write about academic achievements, diplomas received, prizes at Olympiads, competitions, note places of internship, and its successful results.

For a resume without work experience, the following information will be useful:

  • participation in student seminars, conferences;
  • publishing your articles in a newspaper;
  • active participation in the life of the university (attending study groups, public speaking, participation in social activities);
  • passing ;
  • assistance to teachers in organizing lectures;
  • topic of the thesis;
  • level of performance.

This information positions you as an active person and a versatile personality. Your area of ​​interest sets you apart from other candidates.

Indicate in your resume that you take on the task with enthusiasm and are focused on successful results. This is the main advantage compared to experienced specialists who have no desire to perform duties for low pay. Indicate that in a short period of time you are ready to reach the level of your colleagues and even surpass them in professionalism. The student’s main trump card is youth, a creative look and a creative approach.

The employer is interested in high-quality performance of duties even for low pay. For example, write in your resume without work experience that you are exactly the candidate who is focused on high-quality and fast completion of tasks for an initially small salary. Recommend yourself as a stable employee in business relationships.

An example of filling out the section on a student’s achievements in a resume without work experience:

  1. “I took part in the University Law Olympiad, for which I prepared long and hard for 2 weeks. Took first prize." This achievement is an example of willpower, perseverance, and shows you as a non-lazy, purposeful person.
  2. “I never skipped lectures while studying.” This speaks of responsibility and discipline.
  3. “In 3 months I improved my knowledge of English in the field of technical terminology.” Reflects the ability to learn quickly.

What sections should be included in a resume without work experience?

The resume contains standard points, for example:

  1. Information about yourself (last name, first name, patronymic, address).
  2. The name of the vacancy or position for which the applicant is applying.
  3. Enter your contact information (phone numbers, email).
  4. Wishes for a future position. Here you indicate the type of employment (part-time, full-time), the desired schedule, working hours, and the required salary level.
  5. Information about education, where it is necessary to indicate information about the completion of a secondary, secondary special or higher educational institution, the specialty received.
  6. Additional education, courses, trainings.
  7. Information about previous places of employment. A student’s lack of experience in their specialty does not mean a lack of work activity. Here you can indicate places of temporary work, information about the position.
  8. Next comes the important part of the questionnaire, according to which the employer evaluates knowledge and skills. And even if the student is inexperienced, then at this point it is important to reveal the potential in order to get hooked on something. Write about your life and academic achievements.
  9. Additional skills, knowledge of languages ​​and computer programs. These are potentially useful skills for a student that communicate responsibility, literacy, and determination.
  10. Description of professional qualities. It is worth indicating only those qualities that are significant for the future position and profession.

In the personal qualities section, indicate those that will highlight your versatility among experienced employees. Example:

  • I can quickly solve assigned tasks;
  • I easily find an approach to people, it’s pleasant to communicate with me;
  • I grab information on the fly and quickly complete assignments.

Key points when filling out a resume:

  • education, achievements, personal characteristics are the main points that people pay attention to;
  • filling the page with banal phrases, there is a risk of going unnoticed;
  • in the area of ​​achievements, show imagination and reflect potential, indicate everything that is related to learning and development.

Sample resume for a student without work experience

A sample form for filling out a job search form can be found on the Internet. Here is an example of a resume for a student lawyer with no experience:

Common data:

  • date of birth, age;
  • Family status;
  • address;
  • phone number, email.

Name of position or vacancy :

  • lawyer, paralegal or lawyer.
  • The purpose of the job search is professional growth and development in your area of ​​specialization.

Desired income level and salary:

When filling out this item, you need to keep in mind that the student’s initial salary level is 20-30% less than the average lawyer’s market rate.

It is not profitable for an employer to hire an employee who needs training; it is easier for him to immediately hire a specialist. The main goal is a position in a promising company where you will begin your career.

Education information:

  • year of beginning and ending of the educational institution;
  • name of the university;
  • form of education (full-time, part-time, evening);
  • speciality.

Additional courses:

  • computer;
  • linguistic;
  • professional.

Previous place of work and current position:

  1. A university student or graduate without experience can include information about judicial practice in his resume sample.
  2. If you worked part-time as an assistant or trainee in a law firm, then indicate the area of ​​employment: office work, housing, labor, family, inheritance law, administrative activities, drawing up statements of claim, examination of documents.
  3. Indicate the topic of your diploma or scientific research.
  4. Indicate your work activity during your studies: design, computer or car repair, sales - any experience may be of interest to the employer.

Personal achievements:

  • organization of events;
  • participation in competitions, olympiads;
  • receiving awards, certificates, prizes;
  • public speaking
  • abilities, talents.

Level of computer and software proficiency:

  • office (Word, Excel);
  • professional (Consultant, Guarantor);
  • additional (Photoshop, Corel draw, Auto cad).

Proficiency in foreign languages ​​(specify the language and indicate the level):

  • base;
  • colloquial;
  • Fluency;
  • knowledge of technical terms.

Additional information:

  • driver's license;
  • willingness to travel;
  • international passport;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • knowledge of office equipment.

Personal qualities:

  • competent approach to performing duties;
  • care when working with legal documents;
  • knowledge of articles, legislation;
  • Analytical mind;
  • fast learner;
  • observance of discipline, hard work;
  • competent speech, ability to formulate thoughts;
  • intelligence;
  • entrepreneurship, active position, initiative.

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to write a resume for a student.

It is very difficult for students to get a good job. Most companies are interested in ready-made specialists who will bring in money from the first day. Students without experience and skills are only interested in small companies that understand that no one except students will come to them. And the first document that a potential employer will see is your resume. In this article I will tell you why a resume is written, how to write it correctly, what positive aspects to emphasize and how to competently approach the issue of employment.

Features of resumes for students

The main task is to show HR specialists that there is something to talk to you about. Essentially, you need to get yourself an invitation to . When submitting your resume, your goal is not to impress the employer so much that he wants to hire you to the company. No, in fact everything is much simpler.

You need to prove that you are worth the time.

In order to do this, you need to understand a little how HR specialists look at resumes. So:

  1. A vacancy is published. It indicates preferences, requirements, salary, conditions.
  2. For several days, until the vacancy is removed, dozens of resumes arrive per day.
  3. Resumes are analyzed.
  4. Those specialists who have passed the preliminary selection are invited for an interview.

To weed out the majority of candidates, experts pay attention to the number of “safe words”. If they see any of them, the resume is put aside. Each specialist creates such a list based on his experience and company policy. There are exceptions when a resume is read to the end, even if it contains similar words, but this rarely happens.

Our task: to avoid these stop words.

Your job resume should contain the following points:

  • The position for which you are applying (expected salary, if not indicated in the text of the vacancy).
  • Passport details.
  • Education (basic + additional, college or institute + all courses, trainings and seminars you attended. Of course, related to your future position).
  • Your achievements.
  • Psychological data. These are all positive qualities that you see in yourself.
  • Ideas about the place of work (optional).
  • Recommendations.

HR specialists believe that 90% of information about an employee comes from work experience. You don't have it. This means you will have to attract attention in a different way. Play a big role:

  • Profile and additional education. Only taking into account the fact that in some positions they will not look at your diploma. If for a lawyer the university from which he graduated is of great importance, then for a salesperson they won’t even look at his diploma.
  • Your achievements. Since there are no achievements from your previous place of work, you will have to write about achievements from the institute: participation in conferences, competitions, publications, etc. But this should all relate to your place of work. You don't need to scan all your certificates from your school days.
  • Psychological data. This will be looked at in the context of the position held.
  • Recommendations. If there is a possibility that someone will recommend you and describe you positively, you must definitely indicate such a person. Just without his phone number.

These are the points you should make as strong as possible in your resume. Indicate everything that will show you as a specialist without work experience, but with great potential.

What positive qualities should you emphasize?

It all depends on what position you are applying for. Let's roughly divide positions into 2 categories:

  • Standard. You will have to systematically do the same work over time. Your product, situation and company development vector will not change for a long time. As an example: accountant, engineer, cashier.
  • Flexible. You will have to perform different tasks. The product you work with, the approach to its implementation and the direction of the company may change. As an example: sales people, designers, programmers.

In the first case, you need to emphasize the positive aspects that will indicate that you are a stable person who is striving for his goal.

In such positions they want to see specialists who will sit and do the same work for a long time. This means you need to prove that you will do it.

In the second case, the opposite is true. You emphasize those positive aspects that characterize you as a versatile person who is ready to change. The reason is also simple: if you work with more than one product, then from time to time you will have to change your approach to work.

A few important general positive qualities:

  • Communication skills. This is how you know how to establish relationships with people: with colleagues, clients, partners - it doesn’t matter. This is a huge plus, especially if you can prove it.
  • Activity. This is a plus in the eyes of employers and recruiters.
  • Language skills. Even if everyone in your company speaks Russian, some information will still be sought from foreign sources.

You should not write about leadership and similar qualities. You are a student, just graduated from college. You do not apply for the position of head of a department and do not apply to be the general director. It is unlikely that you will be given at least some people to subordinate to you.

And a few words about aggressive sales skills. This is the case when a person can even sell snow in the tundra - simply impose something on a potential buyer. If you are joining a small and medium-sized company that practically does not care about the image of sales specialists, this will be a huge plus.

But if you want to get a job in a company that is not suitable for aggressive sales and imposing its own products, then it is better not to mention that you know how to sell aggressively.

Achievements Information

I have already said that it is best to tell what you have achieved at the institute. Sometimes even your sporting achievements can be useful.

A friend of mine got a job at Sberbank. I interviewed with two candidates and got the position of guy at the ATM. One of its advantages in that situation was sports, because competitions between offices were periodically held in our city.

You won't always know what recruiters are looking for, so providing some additional information may be helpful. Just make sure that she doesn’t characterize you in a bad way.

If you don't have this, the easiest option is to publish professionally in local publications. It’s easy to get there, just talk to your former teachers.

And you shouldn’t write about your hobbies. Recruiters don't need your stories about plants, animals, weekend getaways, etc.

Document structure

Now let's move on to the structure of the resume. The form can be free, but it is better not to make a “footcloth” out of the text.

  1. We attach your photo in the corner. Small so that it does not take up more than a quarter of the page, and not small so that the employer can see you.
  2. We write your full name, date of birth, contact information (telephone and email will be enough).
  3. The vacancy you are applying for.
  4. Education - information about your university, period of study, faculty, specialty.
  5. Additional information on achievements during the study period.
  6. Professional skills. What do you know that was stated in the vacancy? Here you can write about the programs you had to work with.
  7. Personal skills.

We always write new information from a new paragraph. It is important. First full name, in the next paragraph - date of birth, in the next - contact information, etc.

Your resume should not exceed one A4 sheet. You are not a VIP employee whose 20-page resume is ready to be read and searched for useful information.

Save your resume in PDF format. Each user may have a different version of Word or a different office altogether, so it may not always be possible to open the document.

Download a sample resume sample

Job search

I recently found some interesting statistics. The point was this: to get a good job, you need to send about 900 resumes. And if you are faced with the task of “finding a job in 3 months,” then you need to send 10 resumes a day! How much do you send? 2 a week?

That is, in developed Western countries, the ability to look for a job is as useful a skill as professional skills. We won't always work for the same company. Perhaps the management will change, maybe you want to grow or, in general, go to another area.

This is why you need to learn to look for work in advance. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • Find the Nth number of sentences.
  • Send all your resumes.
  • Pass interviews.
  • Choose a position and gain experience.

It is not necessary to submit a resume only for those positions for which you want to apply. You can work in small companies, and, in general, in other departments. Firstly, you can get good experience in interviews, and secondly, you may be offered a better position.

It is important to understand that your first job search will not be your last. In life there will still be many interviews, resumes sent and job searches. At first, you gain experience that will definitely be useful in the future. That is why you need to approach your first job carefully.

If there is no compelling situation, it is better to wait a few months, analyze the situation on the market, collect all the offers and then decide where you will work.

An excellent field for practice can be vacancies on. A large number of different offers are published on the Internet every day, and almost all interviews take place remotely in the form of correspondence or a Skype call.


Writing your first resume is not scary. You can safely make mistakes, gain experience and try to get the best position possible. Talk about your achievements, try to show that you understand the issue and that you can cope with the position for which you are applying. Remember that the main purpose of a resume is to get an invitation to an interview.

Work experience is an important part of a resume. Almost the entire job search questionnaire is based on this information. But experience is not the only thing that can attract an employer.

Some tips from the site - how to find a job without experience. Suitable for both graduates and experienced professionals who have decided to change their profession.


1. Send out a blank resume. More often than not, a novice specialist’s profile looks sad. Full name, contacts, some information about education, skills - punctuality and learning ability.

2. False and unnecessary information. The second sin of a newcomer to the labor market is the desire to fill the voids of a resume with invented and unnecessary biographical facts. For example: “I didn’t work as a developer, but I won Mortal Kombat 20 times in a row.” Although we would be amused by such a summary :)

3 . Apply to all vacancies in a row. Remember, it doesn't work that way. If you want a good promising job, and not “overstay” a couple of years for experience, your resume should be aimed at one position.

4 . Don't write a cover letter. When there is nothing special to boast about professionally, the letter needs to be written both before and after. In general, contact the employer and get feedback in any way.

How to

But a resume without experience is still different. Here the entire emphasis is on the cover letter and the “About yourself” column. This is the only way to impress and hook an employer.

Many people mistakenly perceive this part of the resume as a formality and write standard replies about communication skills and the damning “please consider my candidacy for the position...”.

  • Covering letter

The cover letter should answer 2 questions - Why us (job motivation)? Why you (motivation for the position)?

Explaining the desire to work for a company is quite simple - study the social networks of the company and employees, the official website. Focus on the similarity of opinions, views and development opportunities. Motivate your desire to become part of the team with corporate values ​​and sympathy for the company brand as a whole.

Then tell us why you chose this position and decided to work in this direction. Don’t forget to focus on what you already know and what you plan to learn in the near future.

  • About Me

You cannot write an autobiography, talk about hobbies, or list personal qualities that are not applicable in a professional environment.

Here you need to talk about relevant non-work experience. For example: participation in events, olympiads, competitions, organizations, interest clubs - which have something in common with the position.

In this part of the resume, you can tell in more detail why the profession and field are interesting, how you are developing in your chosen direction, where you see yourself in 5 years, what you are striving for.

At the end, list the specialized books and courses that you have studied, as well as personal qualities that are useful in the profession.


If you still have work experience, but it’s not suitable, or you’ve had internships, be sure to write about it in your resume. Shift the main focus not to the field of activity and place of work, but to the responsibilities and competencies that are useful in a particular case.

For example: a mathematics teacher has completed training and is looking for a job as a PHP programmer - below is an option on how he can talk about his work experience, emphasizing skills useful in the field of development.

Sample resume for a specialist without work experience

We have compiled an example of a resume that the employer will definitely like. Don’t forget about the cover letter - all the details and subtleties