Electrical safety presentation for elementary school. Presentation on the topic "electrical safety"

Class hour.

Topic: “Electrical safety of schoolchildren.”

(Age group - 5-6th grade. Can also be used for elementary school students).

Developed by a teacher of the highest category at MBOU Secondary School No. 18 in Bryansk, E.V. Zavadskaya.


Instilling a culture of safe behavior on the street and at home. Instilling a sense of responsibility for one's actions.

Development of cooperation skills with adults and peers in different situations, especially in critical ones, the ability to find ways out of non-standard situations.


Introduce students to signs warning of electrical hazards. Learn how to behave correctly in life situations involving electricity.

Progress of the class hour.

Organizing time. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Guys, today we will talk to you about electrical safety for schoolchildren. What questions do you think we will consider today?

(Children's expected answers: Let's find out what electricity is and its history. Who discovered it and when. What benefits and harm does electricity bring. Causes of electric shock. Signs warning of danger. How to behave in different everyday situations. Test work.)

Based on the children’s answers, the teacher draws up a “daisy” on the board, which is a joint statement of goals and objectives for the lesson and a plan for action.

Teacher: So. We live in the modern world and in everyday life we ​​often encounter electricity. Where is this electricity “around us”?

Probable student answers: These are various electrical appliances, household appliances, power lines, transformer booths. And in nature there is electricity in the form of lightning discharges....)

Teacher: Right. Guys, what is the use of electricity?

Students:(the guys presumably answer that this is the progress of humanity. This is television and the Internet. These are various household appliances that simplify our lives. And, in general, this is a big step in the development of humanity.)

Teacher:What's the harm?

Students:(Children say that with the advent of electricity, life became simpler and people began to move less. There is also harm to the environment. And also, due to improper handling, electricity can cause physical harm to a person.)

Teacher: Fine. Guys, electricity has such a feature as the absence of factors familiar to humans that cause anxiety or fear. For example, we see and hear approaching vehicles. We can recognize a gas leak by its characteristic smell. And electricity has neither color nor smell.

Teacher: In preparation for today's class, I assigned one of the students to prepare a short report on electricity. Let's give him the floor.

Student: I found out that we will study electricity in physics lessons. There we learn that electric current can be direct or alternating. That current has strength and resistance. And many other interesting facts.

I also learned that the fact of the action of email. current per person was established in the last quarter of the 18th century. The danger of this action was first established by the inventor of the electrochemical high-voltage voltage source V.V. Petrov. The description of the first industrial electrical injuries appeared much later in 1863 - from direct current and in 1882 - from alternating current.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think are the causes of electric shock?

Students(probable answers): Touching uninsulated electrical appliances, metal parts of equipment that are energized due to damage. Strike by lightning. If you climb into the electric booth...)

Teacher: That's right. Tell me, how to warn about danger?

Students: Talk about it. Or using signs.

Teacher. A group of students prepared a story about signs. Let's give them the floor.

Students show signs and talk about them.(the show is accompanied by presentation slides)

1 : " Carefully! Electrical voltage! - a permanent sign to warn of the danger of electric shock. Used in electrical installations. Attaches to the outside of the door

2 Permanent warning sign" Caution! Electrical voltage" Used on reinforced concrete supports of overhead lines.

3. Poster "Stop!" Voltage!" Used in electrical installations. It is hung on temporary fences of live parts that are energized.

4 Portable poster “Test. Life threatening". Used in electrical installations. It is hung on fences and equipment of live parts that are energized in preparation for testing.

5 Poster "Don't get in! He will kill! Hanging next to a structure designed to lift personnel to a height


Teacher: Guys, do you like cartoons? Sometimes cartoon characters make mistakes too. I suggest you watch 2 stories and find the characters’ mistakes.

(they watch a story from the cartoon about Gena the Crocodile and Cheburash, where Gena helps the children in the yard organize their leisure time and climbs into a live electrical box. He gets electrocuted. Also from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” About the wolf and the hare in the studio.)

After watching the plot, a discussion is organized about what Gena and the Wolf did wrong.

5) Teacher: Guys, now I invite you to show your creative abilities. We will split into groups. You receive a poster depicting scenes of improper handling of electricity. You must quickly color it and present your work, accompanying it with the poems that are also offered to you. You can submit your poems. You should end up with a mini-sketch-presentation of correct behavior... Your task is to be artistic and convincing!

There is work in groups for 5-7 minutes, and then a presentation of team work.

1st group:

I'm on the roof of the garage

Decided to imprison the cat

Let him warm up on the roof

The roof is closer to the sun!

Stop! There are wires above the roof!

Current always flows through them!

And therefore understand

You, my friend, are the law:

Neither with cats nor with friends

Don't try to get there!

There is danger and trouble!!!

Group 2:

Anyuta is carrying the red ball,

Denis carries the blue ball

Let's let them go

We are on a sky-high flight!!

The balls just took off

We rushed only to the heights,

How did they get caught on the wire...

Oh, what should we do, Denis!?

Denis grabs a long pole:

We must free them!

(Unfortunately, he does not know what this threatens him with!)

Children!!! Remember the main rule:

Whether with a stick, a branch, a pole - never

Don't touch the electrical wire

Big trouble could happen!!

3rd group:

Standing somehow at the outlet

Little Fedot thought:

"I wonder who is in these

Lives in black holes?

Maybe tiny mice

Two girlfriends, two little girls?

Or a tiny raccoon

Settled and living?

And to check all this,

And to find out all this,

You need a nail or a twig,

Or take a wire... and...”

Stop, baby! Stop!!

Your life is at risk!

In addition to the plug, into the socket

Nothing can be inserted!

Even a five year old boy

I must know this for sure!!!

6) Teacher: Well done. How creative and artistic you are.

Before we carry out the test work, I suggest you watch another short cartoon “Lessons from Aunt Owl. - Lessons of caution. - Electricity.”

(Children watch a cartoon.)

Now, I think you are ready to test your knowledge of electrical safety.

Get ready for the test. Take pens and paper.

(a test is performed and shown on the presentation slides)




A. can be seen

B. can be heard

B. inaudible, invisible, odorless

G. you can taste it



A . you'll pass by

B. invite your friends to look at the substation together

B. call the phone number indicated on the TP and report the open door


A. you'll pass by
b. help them throw the rope
V. explain that throwing a rope over power lines is deadly



A. you will pass by
B. try to go up to him and pick him up
B. If you go around within a radius of 20 meters, you will immediately inform adults about this



A. try to disassemble and repair it yourself

B. inform adults about this



A. did lightning strike here?

B. means nothing

B. electricity! Life threatening!





A. with dirty hands

B. cold hands

B. with wet hands



A. in the living room

B. in the kitchen

B. in the bathroom



A. No danger

B. Safe for life and health

B. Deadly dangerous and punishable by a fine of up to 1 million rubles. or criminal punishment of up to 10 years in prison

Testing answers:

QUESTION No. 1 - Electricity has no taste, no color, no smell. He can't be seen or heard

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 2 - Penetration into the territory of a transformer substation is mortally dangerous. The power engineers must be informed about the open door.

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 3 - throwing any objects on power lines is deadly

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 4 - You cannot approach a wire lying on the ground closer than 10 meters. This radius creates a dangerous zone that conducts electric current!

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 5 - Using a faulty socket is dangerous to life!

The correct answer is B

at transformer substations, power transmission line supports.

The correct answer is B

QUESTION #7 - This sign warns of the danger of electric shock.

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 8 - Water is a conductor of electrical energy; holding a socket with wet hands can give you an electric shock.

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 9 - The bathroom is a room with high humidity, which negatively affects the operation of electrical appliances

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 10 - Theft of a wire from a power line is conditionally punishable. If a person comes into contact with a wire, it can cause burns and fatal injuries.

The correct answer is B

"Key" for evaluating test results.

8-10 correct answers

You did an excellent job!

8-6 correct answers

You completed the task “well”!

6-7 correct answers

You completed the task satisfactorily. You need to repeat the electrical safety rules

5 or less correct answers

You need to familiarize yourself with electrical safety regulations. Your life and health are at risk.

7) Teacher: Guys, let's sum it up. What did we learn new today?

Students talk about signs and rules of behavior with electricity.

Teacher: Guys, what is the result of our lesson and what useful things could we do so that more children learn about the rules of safe behavior with electricity?

Students They propose to hang the resulting posters on the stand and hold mini lectures for elementary school students using the materials from today’s lesson.

Teacher: Guys, at home I suggest you watch the cartoons “Fixies. Short circuit" . And find the heroes’ mistakes in them.

Our lesson is over! I wish you health and success!


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Slide captions:

Electrical safety rules

To distant villages, cities, Who is walking on the wires? Bright Majesty! This is... (electricity)

The house is a glass bubble, and a light lives in it. During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up, he will light up with a bright flame. And in the center of the ceiling the sun hangs, When darkness comes, a light bulb burns in it.

The light does not come from the ceiling, the light is given by my hand. - I turn it on and She, like a home moon, Shines near me, And I read under her. Night. But if I want, I’ll click once and turn on the light.

I will say without bragging: I will make all my friends younger! They come to me sad - With wrinkles and folds, They leave very nice - Cheerful and smooth! This means that I am a reliable friend, Electric... (iron) We have a robot in our apartment. He has a huge trunk. The robot loves cleanliness and hums like a liner: “Tu-u-u...” He willingly swallows dust, does not get sick, does not sneeze.

The dry wind dries out my mother's curls. I puff, puff, puff, I don’t want to get warm anymore. The lid rang loudly: “Drink tea, the water has boiled!”

There is a box in the bathroom, with a transparent and round eye. It’s interesting to look into the eye when water is bubbling in this box. What kind of miracle, what kind of box? He himself is a singer and himself a storyteller, and at the same time he demonstrates films.

A hot iron is not a toy, an iron is more dangerous than a gun. Watch him carefully, otherwise a fire awaits ahead! Do not leave electrical appliances unattended!

If you plug all the devices into one outlet at once, you will immediately get a wiring fire in this room! Don't overload the power grid!

I barely put the knitting needles into the socket. Sparks and flames reached the ceiling! Do not put objects or fingers into the socket!

It is better not to turn on a faulty garland, so as not to call firefighters and doctors into the house. Do not use faulty electrical appliances!

Do not pull the plug from the socket by the wire!

Do not climb or even approach the transformer booth!

Do not throw anything on the wires or play close to them!

Do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands!

Remember and follow the electrical safety rules!

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Causes of electric shock Touching live parts that are energized; Touching disconnected parts of the equipment where voltage may occur: – in case of residual charge; – in case of erroneous switching on of the electrical installation or uncoordinated actions of the maintenance personnel; – in the event of a lightning discharge into or near an electrical installation; – touching metal non-current-carrying parts or electrical equipment associated with them (casings, casings, fences) after the voltage transfers to them from live parts (emergency situation occurs - breakdown on the casing). Injury from step voltage or the presence of a person in the field of spreading electric current in the event of a ground fault. Damage through an electric arc when the voltage of the electrical installation is higher than 1 kV, when approaching an unacceptably short distance. The effect of atmospheric electricity during lightning discharges. Freeing a person under tension.

Causes of electrical injuries A person cannot remotely determine whether the installation is energized or not. The current that flows through the human body affects the body not only at the points of contact and along the path of the current, but also on systems such as the circulatory, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The possibility of electrical injury occurs not only through touch, but also through the voltage of a step.

The effect of electric current on the human body Electric current, flowing through the human body, produces thermal, electrolytic, biological, and mechanical effects. General electrical injuries include electric shock, in which the process of excitation of various muscle groups can lead to convulsions, cessation of breathing and cardiac activity. Cardiac arrest is associated with fibrillation - a chaotic contraction of individual fibers of the heart muscle (fibrils). Local electrical injuries include burns, electrical marks, metallization of the skin, mechanical damage, electroophthalmia (inflammation of the eyes as a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays of an electric arc).

The nature of the impact of currents on the human body: ~ 50 Hz constant 1. Non-releasing mA mA 2. Fibrillation 100 mA 300 mA 3. Sensible current 0.6-1.5 mA 5-7 mA 4. A current at which a person can independently free yourself from the electrical circuit

Maximum permissible levels (MPL) of touch voltages and current during emergency operation of electrical installations according to GOST: Type and frequency of currentNorm. Vel.PRU, at t, s 0.01 - 0.08 over 1 Variable f = 50 Hz UDIDUDID 650 V 36 V 6 mA Variable f = 400 Hz UDIDUDID 650 V 36 V 6 mA Constant UDIDUDID 650 V 40 V 15 mA

Classification of premises according to the danger of electric shock (PUE) Class I premises. Particularly dangerous premises. (100% humidity; presence of a chemically active environment or more than 2 factors, class 2) Class II premises. Premises with increased risk of electric shock. (one of the following factors is present: - increased air temperature (t = + 35 C); - increased humidity (> 75%)); - the presence of conductive dust; - the presence of conductive floors; - the possibility of touching both the electrical installation and to grounding or to two electrical installations at the same time. Class III premises. There are no signs characteristic of the two previous classes. 75%)); - presence of conductive dust; - presence of conductive floors; - possibility of touching the email at the same time. installation and to grounding or to two el. installations at the same time. Class III premises. Few dangerous premises. There are no signs characteristic of the two previous classes.">

Grounding resistance according to the PUE PUE: the grounding resistance should not exceed: in U installations 1000 V with an effectively grounded neutral (with low ground fault currents I of 1000 V with an isolated neutral - 250/Iz, but not more than 10 Ohms; in U installations > 1000 V with an insulated neutral, if the grounding device is simultaneously used for electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, - 125/Iz, but not more than 10 Ohms (or 4 Ohms, if required for installations up to 1000 V). 1000 V with an effectively grounded neutral (with low ground fault currents Iз 1000 V with an isolated neutral - 250/Iз, but not more than 10 Ohm; in installations U > 1000 V with an isolated neutral, if the grounding device is simultaneously used for electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, – 125/Iz, but not more than 10 Ohms (or 4 Ohms, if required for installations up to 1000 V).">

Grounding Grounding is intended to eliminate the danger of electric shock when there is a short circuit to the housing of electrical installations operating under voltage up to 1000 V in three-phase four-wire networks with a solidly grounded neutral. Grounding is the deliberate connection of metal non-current-carrying parts of equipment that may be energized with a neutral protective conductor. Grounding turns a breakdown on the housing into a short circuit and promotes the flow of high current through network protection devices and quickly disconnects damaged equipment from the network.

Protective equipment Basic insulating electrical protective equipment can withstand the operating voltage of an electrical installation for a long time. in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V - dielectric gloves, tools with insulating handles and voltage indicators up to 1000 V; electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V - insulating rods, insulating and electrical clamps, as well as voltage indicators above 1000 V. Additional insulating electrical protective equipment has insufficient electrical strength and cannot independently protect a person from electric shock. Their purpose is to enhance the protective effect of basic insulating agents. in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V - dielectric overshoes, mats and insulating stands; in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V - dielectric gloves, boots, mats, insulating stands

Safety Posters and Signs Warning: Stop! Tension, don't get involved! Will kill, Test! Life threatening; Prohibiting: Do not turn on! People are working, don't turn it on! Work on the line, Do not open! People are working, work under tension! Do not turn it on again; Prescriptive: Work here, Climb here; Index: Grounded

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Slide captions:

ELECTRICAL ENERGY AND ELECTRICAL SAFETY Teacher of life safety of MKOU Gornobalykleisk secondary school: Kharlashin A.V.

Electricity in everyday life

Thanks to electricity, man flew into space

Thanks to the electric charge, the headlights and control devices of cars work.

Electricity is the engine of the development of civilization. This situation will continue in the future, although some methods of obtaining electrical energy and transmitting it over a distance will become more efficient, environmentally friendly and more convenient.

The phenomenon of static electricity has fascinated people for centuries.

An electrical charge of enormous magnitude accumulates in a thundercloud. Then a discharge occurs in the form of a giant spark - lightning.

During a thunderstorm, you should never approach electrical objects. Often during strong winds, lightning strikes the wires on power lines. REMEMBER! DOWN WIRES ON THE GROUND, ON TREES, IN PUDDLES MUST NOT BE CLOSER THAN 8 METERS!

ELECTRICITY Energy system

Transformer substations are used to increase and decrease voltage.

Such information tells people about the danger to life that lurks behind the iron doors of substations.

The effect of electric current has a detrimental effect on the functioning of all internal human organs. Leads to burns and other serious consequences.

A strong electrical discharge causes cardiac arrest.

Work in electrical installations does not tolerate negligence. Only specially trained electricians can carry out any work on the lines.

Power engineers work only in special dielectric gloves

REMEMBER! It is PROHIBITED to touch exposed wires with bare hands!!!

At home, faulty appliances are not toys. If you see exposed wires or sparking outlets, report it to an adult immediately. Remember that electrical energy is fraught with considerable danger to life!

Providing emergency assistance.

Follow electrical safety rules!

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Effect of electric current on a person Current strength mA Nature of perceptions Alternating current (50 Hz) Direct current 0.6-0, Beginning of sensation, slight tingling and trembling of fingers Strong trembling of fingers Sensation of pain. Hand cramps It is difficult to tear your hands away from the electrodes. Severe pain in fingers and hands. The condition is tolerable for 5-10 s. The hands are immediately paralyzed, and it is impossible to tear them away from the electrodes. Breathing becomes difficult. The condition is tolerable for no more than 5s Respiratory paralysis. Cardiac dysfunction. Respiratory paralysis. With a duration of 3 seconds or more, cardiac paralysis occurs. Death. There is no Itching, a feeling of heating. Increased Heating. Even greater increase in heating. Slight contraction of arm muscles. Strong heating sensation. Contraction of arm muscles. Cramps. Difficulty breathing Paralysis of breathing...