Requirements for a modern leader and criteria for assessing his business qualities. Basic requirements for a manager

As a result of examining hundreds of the best modern managers using psychodiagnostic methods, psychologists name the following signs:

· Strong-willed - able to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal.

· Persistent - knows how to take reasonable risks. Patient, ready to do monotonous, uninteresting work for a long time and well.

· Initiative and prefers to work without petty supervision. Independent.

· Mentally stable and does not allow himself to be carried away by unrealistic proposals.

· Adapts well to new conditions and requirements.

· Self-critical, soberly assesses not only his successes, but also his failures.

· Demanding of himself and others, knows how to ask for the assigned work.

· Critical, able to see weaknesses in tempting offers.

· Reliable, keeps his word, you can rely on him.

· Durable, can work even under overload conditions.

· Receptive to new things, inclined to solve unconventional problems using original methods.

· Stress-resistant, does not lose composure and performance in extreme situations.

· Optimistic regarding difficulties as inevitable and surmountable obstacles.

· Decisive, capable of making decisions independently and in a timely manner, and in a critical situation taking responsibility.

· Able to change behavior depending on conditions, can both demand and encourage.

Feeling the situation and subordinating emotions to business, the leader must be able to “turn on” the necessary qualities in time. Even when the working conditions are abnormal and those around you are not sympathetic.

The difficulty also lies in the fact that a real leader has to combine opposing qualities. For example, a manager must be able to:

· Think broadly, remaining within the framework of precise knowledge of the subject.

· Understand and embrace opposing points of view while remaining true to your principles.

· Do not give in to other people’s pressure and at the same time do not lose supporters.

· Accept new ideas without engaging in fruitless project-making.

· Disagree while maintaining normal relations with opponents.

· Take risks and make mistakes as little as possible.

· Be polite and tactful while remaining demanding.

It is absolutely necessary for a modern leader to be a good psychologist. It is not so much about special knowledge, but about knowing those with whom one is dealing. To successfully cooperate with a person, you need to clearly understand such qualities as:

· Degree of sociability, i.e. the ability to maintain business relationships with partners regardless of their nature.

· Behavior in order to predict his actions to a certain extent.

· Business and professional qualities,

· And finally, its potential capabilities and the conditions in which they can manifest themselves.

Management styles

1. Authoritarian - excessive use of power, inability to use management methods, intolerant attitude towards criticism, misuse of specialists, inability to listen to the opinions of others, therefore, initiative is extinguished in the work team, an unfavorable climate is created, staff turnover begins, and there is no social satisfaction.

2. Democratic - relies on the consent of the work collective in decision-making, it provides complete information, takes into account the opinions of workers, responds correctly to comments, therefore the work collective strives for self-government and self-control.

3. Liberal - does not interfere in the affairs of subordinates, avoids solving problems, builds friendly relations with subordinates.

Conflict resolution

Business conflicts can be resolved using purely administrative methods that the manager can use.

Clarification of requirements. The manager strives to formulate as clearly as possible the conditions for completing the task: what exactly needs to be done and who is personally responsible for the work. This method of conflict resolution is effective in cases where subordinates have experience and discipline. If employees do not have the necessary level of professionalism, this method of conflict resolution may not produce results.

Formulation of the task. Among the subordinates there are people of different personalities, unequal levels of knowledge and experience, who have different attitudes towards the work and the leader himself. When issuing a production task, these points must be taken into account.

"I ask you to". The manager formulates the task in the form of requests and wishes, based on the objective need for its implementation. It is assumed that the subordinate is dutiful, obliging and loves his job. This form of assignment is acceptable in cooperation with highly qualified specialists who are conscientious about their work.

“I would advise doing it this way.” Here a mild form of personal influence on a subordinate is used. This form of issuing a task can only be effective with an experienced leader who has unquestionable authority in the team. In this form, you should interact with executive subordinates who have a lack of experience and professional knowledge, for example, young specialists or employees who, for one reason or another, have a long break from work.

“You are instructed to carry out.” The task is formulated with a sufficient degree of personal influence from the manager. In this form, tasks should be issued in situations of high responsibility and time restrictions for completing the task.

"I order you." The manager applies his administrative influence and pressure. Careful monitoring is expected. This form of issuing assignments is effective for optional workers who are not inclined to adhere to strict discipline.

“I categorically order you to complete this task. In case of non-compliance, the following measures will be taken against you...” This form of issuing an assignment is used for violators of labor discipline. Strict regular monitoring is provided.

System of punishment and reward. In the field of business interactions, orders from the manager to deprive the offending employee of his bonus are effective. And as a reward for successful work - gratitude, various ways of material incentives, promotions.

Negative evaluation formula. In order for a negative assessment of a subordinate’s actions to be effective, the manager’s statement must contain four main parts.

The first part: recording the overall positive assessment of the employee as an employee and a person.

Second part: formulating a critical assessment.

Third part: recognition that the employee is a good professional, despite the fact that he made a mistake.

Part four: building a positive outlook for the future.

Hierarchy of subordination. Conflict management in business relationships can be effective when using real power corresponding to the manager's official status. Subordinates must clearly know whose orders they were carrying out and to whom they must personally report.

Coercion refers to authoritative management measures and is effective in cases where the manager manages employees who have a low level of qualifications and violate labor discipline.

Requirements for a leader’s personality can be divided into 3 main groups: ideological qualities; business; moral and psychological (Fig. 4.1.).

A person’s worldview is a system of values ​​that is determined by his knowledge, logic of thinking and behavior, properly oriented will, forcing him to act according to inner conviction, as duty and conscience dictate.

Values ​​are what is important, meaningful, and worthwhile for a person. They determine his attitude to various attributes (meaningful signs) of life: social, material, spiritual. Even in ancient times, they knew that a person has spiritual strength, loyalty to his convictions and confidence in his rightness, which gives courage to overcome many difficulties. According to Aristotle, such a person is at the top level of spiritual greatness and courage. It consists in expressing love and hatred equally openly, in judging and speaking about anything with complete sincerity, and in valuing truth above all else, paying no attention to the approval and blame coming from others.

A person’s values ​​are his point of view, which he is ready to firmly adhere to, fight for and improve.

Values ​​are not something that can be seen and therefore they elude understanding. They can only be recognized by studying the reactions and approaches that underlie human behavior.

Values ​​can be determined by considering a person’s attitude towards the following attributes of life:

to power (with respect, questioning);

to the result of the work;

to risk;

to helping others;

to life and work;

to reward and punishment;

to pleasures, etc.

Rice. 4.1. Groups of requirements for a manager

Business qualities mean that a manager has the following abilities:

the ability to find the shortest path to achieving a goal;

the ability to think independently and quickly make informed decisions;

ability to consistently and proactively ensure their implementation;

the ability to release human energy (initiative, enthusiasm).

Business qualities are an extremely complex category. Without going into a detailed analysis of them, one can only notice that they are a symbiosis (cohabitation, helping one another) of two components: competence and organizational abilities (knowledge and skills).

Competence is understood as a thorough knowledge of one’s business and the essence of the work being performed, as an understanding of the connections between various phenomena and processes, as finding possible ways and means of achieving the intended goals.

The organizational abilities of a leader are expressed primarily in the following:

in the ability to identify and clearly formulate both promising and most important tasks in each specific situation;

the ability to make reasoned decisions in a timely manner and ensure their implementation;

in the ability to coordinate your plans with the conditions of reality;

in the ability to organize, coordinate, direct and control the activities of subordinates;

the ability to constantly and successfully collaborate with other departments and control authorities.

Moral and psychological qualities are necessary for any leader as moral guidelines for his activities. Without them, he is simply unable to lead the team.

Three types of moral qualities seem to be the most characteristic from the point of view of the issue under consideration - decency, the ability to attract people to oneself, and the ability to influence subordinates. These qualities characterize the personality of the leader, how it is perceived by the team and how it is able to influence the members of the team.

Decency. Probably everyone could offer their own interpretation of what decency is. Opinions would coincide in some ways and differ in others. In the general list of signs of integrity, we will highlight three that are most important for a leader: truthfulness, respectful and fair attitude towards subordinates, healthy perception of criticism.

Truthfulness is the basis of morality. Good information prevents demagoguery, self-praise, and bureaucracy. Without the truth, normal joint work and comprehensively balanced activities are impossible. Frequent deception causes a person to become indifferent. Nothing demoralizes people as much as lies and demagogy, the gap between word and deed. If a person hears one thing about the well-being of affairs, success in everything and everyone, but sees with his own eyes something else - negligence and indifference, abuse of official position and distortion of indicators, then he naturally gradually loses faith in the words.

Respect for the personality of a subordinate and fair treatment of him is also an unconditional sign of the integrity of a manager. The dignity of a subordinate should not be humiliated under any circumstances. The state of the relationship between a manager and his subordinates serves as a unique and convincing characteristic of the level of his professionalism.

Thus, from all of the above, we can conclude that managers are a very valuable contingent of people who know reality, have considerable professional training, are accustomed to discipline, to hard, purposeful work, and have a sense of responsibility. Also an important requirement for the personality of a leader are business qualities, ideological and moral-psychological qualities.

Knowing the different types of difficult leaders, identifying them, and dealing with them can help managers and other professionals build healthier, more productive relationships with their supervisors.

1) “New Russian” - most often young, under 30 years old, very rich, the origin of the fortune is a secret, most often financial fraud with a bank or the use of budget funds.

2) “Mafia” (“bull”) - looks like a boxer, wrestler or criminal. Shaved head or short hair, gold chain, bull neck. Professional education - vocational school or technical school. Likes simple types of business (gas station, car service, parking lot, market, shops).

3) “Napoleon” - a man of small stature up to 160 cm, nondescript appearance, very vain, had difficulty making his way to the top, because girls in their youth did not pay attention, the guys “beat up”, the bosses humiliated, we had to constantly catch up with the “lucky ones”. I took it with diligence, diligence and hard work.

4) “Important bird” - a leader who has a complex of psychological qualities of a “high-flying bird” assumes a mysterious air, making it clear to others and subordinates that he knows a lot and has a “hand everywhere” (governor, mayor, head of the district ).

5) “Organizer” - a leader of the motor type (“locomotive”), constantly on the move, a bright choleric person with an engineering personality type, prefers to quickly solve operational problems to the detriment of strategic ones, he is distinguished by a high level of intelligence.

6) “Authority” - a powerful, strong leader of an authoritarian style, does not tolerate objections. Lives by the proverb “the director is always right.” He quickly makes decisions, which are not always justified and fair, he “cuts from the shoulder” and can quickly fire the disobedient.

7) “The Sly Fox” is an outwardly always smiling, pleasant person. Received a good education, a comprehensively developed personality, definitely has a hobby (drawing, writing poetry, numismatist, plays music), a creative personality type, choleric or phlegmatic, focused on the surrounding reality, quickly reacts to changes in the environment, usually has no problems with morality, moves away from conflicts.

8) The “gray cardinal” is a very strong personality in the team, prefers to be “in the shadows” and in supporting roles with a young or old leader, usually aged 50 years or older, suffered a serious illness that is always in him. He has an excellent education, very high intelligence, excellent memory and vast production or personnel experience.

9) The “bully” is loud, persistent, firm, menacing, aggressive, and it is said that he has influential friends in high places (often the “bully” does this himself). Bullies have a strong desire to control others; For them, life is an ongoing struggle for power.

10) “Bear” (slow leader) is usually friendly, nice and benevolent. However, such leaders have two main disadvantages: they postpone decisions at all costs and make do with statements of a general nature, avoiding being specific.

11) “Fighter” (for women “Amazon” or “Joan of Arc”). “Burning smokelessly” with pent-up rage, the “fighter” is a “walking bomb” with a ticking mechanism. His (or her) anger does not lie on the surface The “fighter” explodes unexpectedly: he screams a lot, attacks and throws out his sarcasm.

12) The “flatterer” constantly smiles, is friendly, obsequious, and has a sense of humor. “Flatterers” tell people what they want to hear; trying to “pin them to the wall” is as fruitless as trying to collect mercury with a fork.

13) The Know-It-All knows a lot, but his problem is that he acts as if he knows everything. He (or she) is very impatient, which manifests itself in an inability to listen. If a “know-it-all” encounters negative phenomena, he criticizes what he himself does not know and blames others.

14) “Lazy” (slob). The personal habits (inclinations) of a “lazy person” can be annoying and even disgusting; disorder and chaos manifests itself in both his (or her) work and personal life. “Lazy people” cannot navigate the order of things and prioritize tasks; their clothes are constantly wrinkled, stained or torn. They may eat too much, smoke, smell of alcohol, or leave half their lunch on their whiskers.

15) An “abnormal” (“deviant”) leader exhibits abnormal (deviating from the norm) behavior. Abnormality manifests itself either in sexual advances, or in frequent absenteeism, or in constant lies. “Abnormal” managers try to escape responsibility and hope that people will “cover” for them.

The manager creates plans, determines not only what and when to do, but also who and how will carry out what is planned (personnel management), determines work procedures (technologies) in relation to all stages of the management cycle, and exercises control.

The responsibilities of a manager include determining the goal and choosing the means to achieve it, establishing the priority of tasks in the work of the enterprise and predicting the possible consequences of their decisions. He is responsible for developing the organization’s development strategy, analyzing and forecasting the dynamics of the situation, both within the enterprise itself and outside it. He must anticipate events and be flexible in planning. The successful implementation of professional functions presupposes that the manager has the appropriate personal qualities. He must be able to think strategically, possess intuitive thinking skills, making quick and correct decisions in conditions of incomplete information. This cannot be achieved without a broad outlook, solid professional knowledge, without understanding the role of self-learning and natural (without coercion) recourse to it. Also important are the abilities to quickly process incoming information, to see and highlight the essential in what others do not notice, to effectively and cost-effectively achieve the goal, to find simple solutions to complex problems. He must not be afraid to take risks without losing realism and, if necessary, openly admitting mistakes made. In order to be a recognized leader in a team, a manager must show a desire for cooperation, communication skills (social interaction skills), empathy and respect for his subordinates, a desire and willingness to come to their aid. At the same time, he must be capable of making sometimes tough, unpopular, but justified decisions according to the situation. A manager cannot count on success in his professional activities if he does not have self-confidence, i.e. reasonable belief in one's ability to complete the tasks facing one.

The authority of a manager among his subordinates is largely based on the extent to which he himself is able to be guided in his activities by a sense of professional duty and responsibility, to follow his word and fulfill his promises. A sense of humor helps a manager have a positive impact on the psychological climate in the group and improve industrial relations. External attractiveness (neatness, elegance), good manners, good manners, clear, clear, lively speech strengthen his authority and position as a leader. Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the moral sphere of a manager’s personality and his moral reliability.

Manager in modern understanding, this is a person holding a permanent position, vested with authority and having responsibility in the area for specific types of activities of an organization operating in market conditions.

The term “manager” is quite widespread and is used in relation to:

  • organizer of specific types of work within individual divisions or target groups;
  • to the manager () as a whole or his division;
  • leader in relation to subordinates;
  • an administrator at any level of management who organizes work using modern methods.

Specifics of labor The manager is the final result of his activity - a decision made, the organization of the implementation of which is the content of the manager’s work.

Solution- a conscious conclusion about the implementation (or non-implementation) of some actions. The need for decision-making is dictated by the presence of previously known tasks, as well as the emergence of new tasks or the emergence of problems requiring regulation.

The final result of the activity Managers in different countries are assessed differently by management specialists (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1 Features of the final result of activities in management

The main tasks of a manager at an enterprise come down to managing the facility in order to achieve the goals of the organization (development of an organizational structure for managing the facility in accordance with its goals):

  • ensuring the functioning of the supply subsystem;
  • ensuring the functioning of the production system;
  • ensuring the functioning of the product sales subsystem;
  • PF of the financial subsystem;
  • PF of the innovation subsystem;
  • PF of the social subsystem;

Types of Managers

The vertical division of labor in management involves the identification of three hierarchical levels of management, which determine the content of the manager’s work (Fig. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2. Levels of Management

Middle level managers coordinate the work of lower-level managers and act as a link between them and senior management. They make decisions in accordance with the content of the tasks of the internal environment of the organization (enterprise).

Ground level managers organize the work of workers or other employees directly subordinate to them. They make operational decisions in accordance with the specific tasks of the headed object.

The horizontal division of labor in management makes it possible to distinguish between line and functional managers.

Line managers— these are managers who coordinate the activities of departments in accordance with the goals and objectives of their hierarchical level.

Line manager level determined by the position of the unit he heads in the hierarchical structure of the organization (enterprise).

Functional managers- these are managers who head departments and services in the hierarchical structure of an organization (enterprise), providing the ability for line managers of the corresponding hierarchical level to make decisions.

Functional manager level determined by the hierarchical level of line management, the work of whose unit it provides.

Allows you to select figures among managers:

  • entrepreneur;
  • businessman;
  • merchant.

Entrepreneur- the main figure in market relations, whose innovative activity is associated with constant material risk when organizing a new enterprise or developing a new idea, new product or new type of service offered to society in conditions of market uncertainty.

Businessman- a subject of market relations, whose business activity is associated with the availability of capital (not only in monetary form) and is aimed at solving problems associated with the implementation of transactions for the exchange of goods and services between already existing market structures using the forms and methods of free economic activity that have developed in practice.

Kommersant- an independent economic subject of market relations, specializing in the types of intermediary activities existing in market conditions that satisfy the needs of society and a specific individual.

Qualities required for a manager

Key qualities required for a manager:

  • ideological position:
    • availability of a developed management concept;
    • the desire to ensure the achievement of the economic and social goals of the organization;
    • the ability to positively influence people by leading by example;
  • business competence:
    • have professional knowledge in the field of market economics;
    • have experience in the field of economic activity;
    • master modern management methods;
  • administrative talent:
    • show entrepreneurship in expanding the scope of activities;
    • have experience in administrative work;
    • have a high level of professional communication culture;
    • be able to provide corporate support;
  • personal qualities:
    • genetic predisposition to;
    • have a sense of inner freedom and willingness to take risks;
    • critically evaluate your achievements;
    • be able to harmonize;

Worldview position- this is a social quality of a person who has moral principles characteristic of a certain type of activity.

Business competence- this is the quality of a person who has the ability to lead in market conditions.

Administrative talent This is the quality of a person who has organizational skills that provide a real opportunity to bring the work started to completion.

Personal qualities- these are personality traits that provide business and psychological support for the social environment in the process of practical activity.

Requirements for a manager

According to these levels, different requirements are placed on managers. These requirements are high for any level of managers. In general, middle-level line managers are responsible for solving assigned problems, lower-level managers are responsible for eliminating problems associated with achieving goals, and senior-level managers are responsible for setting overall goals. Thus, although it appears that responsibility is evenly distributed, most of it falls on top-level managers. It is so customary that if an enterprise fails, then the manager is blamed for everything, and if the company achieves success, then this success belongs exclusively to the employees of this organization.

However, we can list the general requirements for managers at any level. So, the requirements can be divided into 6 main blocks:

1. Knowledge of specialty:

  • - knowledge of the technology of the production process and its functioning;
  • - knowledge of management theory, basic laws and techniques;
  • - knowledge of general economic theory;
  • - knowledge of marketing theory;
  • - as well as general erudition in the specialty;
  • - knowledge of the science of psychology (very important when working with people);

2. Personal qualities:

  • - ability to stay in shape;
  • - endurance in a state of uncertainty and stress;
  • - endurance in any conflict situation;
  • - communication skills;
  • - listening skills;
  • - intuition;
  • - adaptability to the situation;
  • - receptivity to criticism, self-criticism;
  • - self confidence;
  • - authority;
  • - desire for success and willingness to work for it;
  • - age and external data;
  • - strength of will;

3. Personal abilities:

  • - the ability to persuade, to push through your ideas (charisma);
  • - ability to distribute responsibilities and give clear instructions;
  • - ability to stimulate and motivate employees;
  • - ease of communication, tact and diplomacy;

4. Intellectual abilities:

  • - intelligence and prudence;
  • - creative potential;
  • - ability to make the right decision;
  • - logical, structural, systems thinking;
  • - intuition;

5. Working techniques:

  • - rationality and consistency in work;
  • - ability to concentrate as much as possible;
  • - ability to make decisions and solve problems;
  • - self-management;
  • - ability to express one’s thoughts and negotiate;

6. Physical capabilities:

  • - activity and mobility;
  • - energy;
  • - strength and health.

A leader is not a profession, it is a social and production role, a person’s social position in a given specific team.

To successfully manage a workforce, a manager must have a certain set of qualities, which are divided into business, political and moral.

Business qualities are characterized by the manager having high scientific, technical and economic training and knowledge in the field of state legislation, pedagogy, and organizational abilities.

Political qualities are manifested in his socio-political activities, involving workers in production management, eradicating bureaucracy, and caring for the ideological education of workers.

Moral qualities characterize a leader from the point of view of morality, humanity, and decency. At the present period, we are moving to a new management philosophy, a new management paradigm, which is predetermined by a fundamental change in the external environment of the enterprise (increased competition in sales markets, reduction in sales markets due to the increased mass of competitors, reduction in material and raw materials, the presence of crisis phenomena, etc.). P.).

All this requires new management systems at the enterprise level that are adequate to modern conditions and places strict demands on the personal qualities of a manager. The requirements for a position may coincide with a person’s personal attitudes and abilities, and then this activity is for him and for the people he leads. But if he strives for leadership, and the position does not meet his aspirations, this manifests itself in the person’s dissatisfaction with his work and causes emotional tension with all the ensuing consequences.

If he occupies the position of manager, but in terms of his socio-psychological indicators (character traits and abilities) does not correspond to this role, then this is a problem not only of his personal ambitions, but also of the performance of the entire team he leads.

Thus, administrative activity is based on a universal set of personal properties that provide organizational abilities, the ability to subordinate and lead people, integrate the labor process, make independent decisions, and at the same time exercise subordination in relation to higher structures. At the same time, some specialties fade into the background and begin to play a secondary role.

Effective leader

We all work, and we are not indifferent to who leads us. In this section we will not just talk about a leader in general, but specifically about an effective leader.

Any organization or enterprise can be considered in two ways: formal and informal. Accordingly, these two organizational structures are characterized by types of relationships between people: formal and informal.

Relationships of the first type are official, functional; relationships of the second type are psychological, emotional.

Leadership is a phenomenon that takes place in a system of formal relations. The manager is appointed from the outside, by higher management, receives appropriate authority, and has the right to apply sanctions (both production and negative). The role of the manager is predetermined, the range of functions is specified. Social influence in the group is realized through official channels, and there is a certain subordination of relations. Leadership is a means of coordinating and organizing relationships among team members.

Relationships of the second type are informal (psychological, emotional). At the head of these relationships in the team, a leader is put forward, as if “one of us.” And it is no coincidence that leadership can turn into management; a manager becomes a leader. There are many examples of this kind of transformation in the past and present.

The choice of criteria to evaluate the activities of an “effective leader” is not easy. In the most general form, all possible performance criteria are divided into two classes: psychological and non-psychological.

A leader is considered effective if the team he leads has high scores on the listed psychological and non-psychological criteria of group effectiveness.

In relation to the personality of a leader, you can use the classification proposed by the American psychologist M. Shaw (1971). Following the logic of his reasoning, the personality of a leader can be “decomposed” into three classes of components:

1. Biographical characteristics.

2. Abilities.

3. Personality traits of Rozanov V.A. Psychology of management. - M.: ZOA "Business School", 2000. P. 23..

L. Iacocca wrote: “If a person at the age of 65 can still work and cope well with his duties, why should he resign? The retired manager worked for the company for a long time and knows everything about it. Over many years, he has learned a lot... If a person is physically healthy and has a burning desire to do his job, why not use his experience and knowledge?” Siegert W., Lang L. Leader without conflicts. - M., 1990. - P. 48. . But the history of the development of entrepreneurship shows that the origins of the creation of the largest industrial giants of our time were often very young people - A. Morite, A. Hammer. Therefore, the age of the leader does not matter.

Another characteristic of a leader's personality is gender. The track record of a modern woman is not surprising: director, boss, diplomat, etc.

However, traditionally, research in the field of management psychology is focused on male leaders, since at all times (except for distant matriarchy) men have clearly dominated among leaders both in the civil service and in business. There is no unambiguous assessment of this problem in management psychology.

It is still difficult to say who is more effective as a leader: a man or a woman.

In contrast to age and gender, socioeconomic status and education are extremely important for leadership roles. The fact that educational level plays an important role in a manager’s career is emphasized by many authors (L. Iacocca, R. McNamara, A. Morita). Currently, in our country, many managers have diplomas in two specialties (engineering, economics and social sciences), and knowledge of a foreign language is emphasized.

Objective factors of effective leadership include status in society. Research clearly confirms the direct dependence of holding leadership positions on a person’s social origin and status. F.E. Fidler: “The best way to become the president of a company is to be born into a family that owns the company” Aksenenko Yu.N., Kasparyan V.N. Sociology and psychology of management. - Rostov-n/D.: Phoenix, 2001. P. 416. History knows many opposite examples. So the path “to the top” in the leadership is not forbidden to anyone.

Abilities are divided into general - intelligence and specific (knowledge, skills, etc.). Intelligence from the Latin intellectus - understanding, in a broad sense - the totality of all human cognitive functions and perception to thinking and imagination.

A schematic possible chain of communication between “leader intelligence and leadership effectiveness,” including intervening variables, is shown in the diagram below. Here is one of the real options for interpreting the content of this figure: insufficient motivation and experience of the manager, weak support from his subordinates (group) and tense relations with the superior manager result in a decrease in the influence of the manager’s intelligence on the effectiveness of his activities.

According to the terminology of the famous psychologist B.M. Teplova, there is practical intelligence that is no less necessary for a leader. Today these thoughts are extremely relevant. They help to better understand why academically outstanding university graduates are often far from successful in managerial careers. The whole point is that in the manager’s functions the work is close to practical, and in the student’s educational activities it is predominantly theoretical. Hence the difference in the requirements placed on the different components of intelligence: the practical mind and the theoretical mind.

For a manager, specific personal abilities are simply necessary, which are important for the successful performance of managerial activities, these are special skills, knowledge, competence, and awareness.

Quite a number of studies have been devoted to elucidating the influence of certain qualities on the effectiveness of leadership. R. M. Stogdill (USA) summarized the results of 163 such works, trying to establish the presence and “nature of the relationship between individual traits and the success of a leader” Aksenenko Yu.M., Kasparyan V.N. Sociology and psychology of management. - Rostov-n/D.: Phoenix, 2001. P. 416..

These include: dominance, self-confidence, emotional balance, stress resistance, creativity, desire to achieve, enterprise, responsibility, reliability in completing tasks, independence, sociability.

leader psychological personal quality

7.1. Requirements for a modern leader.

7.2. Styles of management activities.

7.3. How to use working time effectively.

Requirements for a modern leader.

Management Ethics- this is a culture of life and cooperation with people, such an organization of human teams in which everyone can creatively and selflessly do what they can.

In order to prevent possible negative consequences due to the considered actions of one or another leader of a socio-economic system at any level, appropriate rules and requirements are developed and put into practice.

Today, there are a sufficient number of so-called “models” of a leader, developed by specialists, which include relevant professional, moral and personal requirements. Moreover, each such model was created on the basis of practice. their essence lies in the fact that the main features and requirements that today's leader, manager must have are highlighted: organizational and business qualities, professional, personal qualities, character traits.

The manager's model is the basis of professional programs for full-time positions, for all specific leadership positions, taking into account the characteristics of the activities of a given organization, company, enterprise.

Thus, the model of a leader proposed by V.N. Shepel, includes three blocks of leadership qualities:

General qualities (high level of intelligence, fundamental knowledge, sufficient experience)

Specific qualities (ideological and moral: worldview, culture, motivation, scientific and professional: knowledge, experience, competence; organizational qualities: ability to select and place personnel, plan work, ensure control; psychophysical qualities: health, tendency to systematic thinking, trained memory and so on.);

Specific personal and business qualities (communication skills, empathy, stress resistance, eloquence, etc.).

R. L. Krichevsky identifies the following qualities of a modern leader:

High professionalism. This is the basis for the formation and maintenance of the leader’s authority;

Responsibility and reliability. We constantly feel the deficiency of these qualities in our daily life;

Self-confidence, ability to influence your subordinates. The success of management activities is largely determined by this trait, because, firstly, in a difficult situation you can rely on such a leader; secondly, the leader's confidence is transmitted to subordinates and they act accordingly; and thirdly, this is important when contacting other managers;

Independence. The leader must have his own position, his own personal point of view on certain problems and support such independence in his subordinates;

Creative problem solving, desire for success. It depends on the leader's intelligence and motivation.

The head of the General Motors corporation, R. Gsrstenberg, defines the following traits that a manager should have:

Competence - every manager must know how to perform their job at a high professional level;

A high degree of responsibility in all matters while maintaining one’s own dignity;

A sense of new things and the ability to take reasonable risks;

Flexibility, sense of the environment, acute perception of emerging needs, sense of time and events;

High performance, constant desire to be the best and do everything perfectly.

So, in order to prove yourself as knowledgeable as possible as a leader and to gain the trust of your partners, you must follow a number of tips:

^ Don’t be afraid of difficult problems;

^ Among many tasks and problems, select the main, priority ones and concentrate your attention on them;

^ Break down a large problem into a number of smaller ones and solve them sequentially;

^ Know how to say a firm “no” if necessary;

^ Start your working day by solving the most difficult and unpleasant cases;

^ He who clearly plans wins;

^ Pay constant attention to your health;

^ Set aside time every day to study specialized literature, improve your professional level;

^ Constantly analyze your own life, learn from your own mistakes;

^ Listen carefully to others, but make your own decisions;

^ Strive for business relationships, separating them from discussions and disputes that are not relevant;

^ Do not interfere in the auction. Deal with problems first, and then with people;

^ Determine the essence of interests in the process of business communication and entrepreneurship;

“When troubles approach, boldly meet them halfway in order to either block them, or, as a last resort, mitigate the unpleasant consequences;

^ You need to ask yourself every day: “Am I always providing enough attention to people?” And also remember that you can achieve something significant and large only when you learn to limit yourself.

Business career of a manager

Career in the broadest sense of the word means successful advancement in the field of any activity.

A manager's career is an individually conscious and changeable position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout his life.

The main goals of a manager’s business career from the point of view of his life positions include:

Responsibility of the profession and position held to the level of self-esteem of the leader;

Receiving moral satisfaction;

Respect from the social environment (relatives, friends, etc.);

Creative nature of activity, achieving independence;

Decent pay for managerial work;

Availability of free time for self-improvement, relaxation, raising children, etc.;

The presence of various benefits is an additional incentive for activity;

Potential opportunity for a decent life after retirement.

Questions and Tasks for self-control

Task 1. Complete the sentences.

1. Management ethics is...

2. The leader's model is the basis....

3. The three blocks of leadership qualities (according to V.M. Shepel) include: ....

4. R. Krichevsky identifies the following qualities of a leader: ....

Task 2. Explain how, in your opinion, a leader can better demonstrate himself as a person who knows his business well.

Task 3. Prepare a speech “My vision of a business career” for a discussion club meeting.