Presentation on ancient india. Section of the presentation on the theme of ancient India Title "India"

"Ancient India" Location and nature of Ancient India Ancient cities of India Groups of people.

God Brahma divided people into castes, defining their occupations, rights and duties. The position of each caste was determined by its origin. Even the color of clothing was appropriate for each caste. From his mouth, Brahma created a caste of Brahmin priests. Therefore only a brahmin can speak in the name of God. Brahma created warriors from his hands. Farmers were created from thighs. From the mud-stained feet, Brahma created a caste of servants. Particularly difficult and humiliating was the situation of the untouchables, who did not belong to any of the castes.

On the south bank of the Jamna River, near the city of Agra, stands the Taj Mahal - probably the most remarkable architectural monument in the world. Its silhouette is well known and for many has become an unofficial symbol of India. The Taj Mahal owes its fame not only to its beautiful architecture, which strikingly combines grandeur and elegance, but also to the romantic legend associated with it. The mausoleum was built in the 17th century by the ruler of the Mughal Empire, Shah Jahan, in memory of his beloved wife, whose death plunged him into inconsolable grief. The Taj Mahal is an unsurpassed symbol of devoted love in its beauty TAJ MAHAL: SYMBOL OF LOVE The shimmering white marble of the Taj Mahal commemorates the love of a man and a woman. Its symmetry and refinement are like a perfect pearl against the azure sky. This is not only the most famous mausoleum, but also one of the most beautiful structures on earth. TAJ MAHAL: A SYMBOL OF LOVE The shimmering white marble of the Taj Mahal commemorates the love of a man and a woman. Its symmetry and refinement are like a perfect pearl against the azure sky. This is not only the most famous mausoleum, but also one of the most beautiful structures on earth. TAJ MAHAL: A SYMBOL OF LOVE The shimmering white marble of the Taj Mahal commemorates the love of a man and a woman. Its symmetry and refinement are like a perfect pearl against the azure sky. This is not only the most famous mausoleum, but also one of the most beautiful structures on earth. TAJ MAHAL: A SYMBOL OF LOVE The shimmering white marble of the Taj Mahal commemorates the love of a man and a woman. Its symmetry and refinement are like a perfect pearl against the azure sky. This is not only the most famous mausoleum, but also one of the most beautiful structures on earth. TAJ MAHAL: A SYMBOL OF LOVE The shimmering white marble of the Taj Mahal commemorates the love of a man and a woman. Its symmetry and refinement are like a perfect pearl against the azure sky. This is not only the most famous mausoleum, but also one of the most beautiful structures on earth. TAJ MAHAL: A SYMBOL OF LOVE The shimmering white marble of the Taj Mahal commemorates the love of a man and a woman. Its symmetry and refinement are like a perfect pearl against the azure sky. This is not only the most famous mausoleum, but also one of the most beautiful structures on earth.

1. God, according to the beliefs of the Indians, who created people from different parts of his body. 2. One of the periods in the life of a Brahmin. 3. A large river, on the banks of which the oldest cities in India arose. 4. Dense, impenetrable forests along the banks of the Ganges. 5. Groups of people with certain rights and obligations in ancient India. BRAHMA DOCTRINE IND JUNGLE CASTA 5

The highest mountains in the world. They do not allow cold winds to penetrate from the north to the Hindustan peninsula. When the wind blows from the south and drives rain clouds from the ocean, the mountains stop them. Therefore, for two whole months a year, July and August, it rains in India and rivers overflow their banks.

"Culture in India" - Renewed religion was called HINDUISM. Chaitya in Karli (interior, exterior). God Brahma. Questions and tasks: The first monuments of Indian architecture appear presumably in the II millennium BC. Statue of Shiva from Guddimalam Temple. Kandarya Mahadev Temple (interior). The global ideas about the universe, characteristic of Buddhism, are a thing of the past.

"India Grade 7" - Cow is a sacred animal, eating meat is prohibited by religion. Political and administrative map. Industrial and commercial and financial center. It is washed by the Arabian Sea in the West and the Bay of Bengal in the East. Industry. Large Indian rhinoceros up to 180 cm high 335 cm long horn length 61 cm.

"India in the Middle Ages" - Sanskrit. Buddhism is divided into: 1) HINYAYANU (emphasizes benevolence) 2) Mahayana (the goal of body worship) 3) TANTRISM. Spices, bamboo, pearls were sent from the port city of Calicut. A number of provisions of Buddhism passed into Hinduism. The meaning of Hinduism can be expressed in the words: *Live and let others live*. Books were written in Sanskrit.

"Ancient India" - 5. A single state. What conclusions can be drawn about the life of the cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa? 2. The first city-states. Ganges. South Asia, Hindustan Peninsula. Himalayas. The Indus and Ganges rivers are the most abundant in the country. The coast of India from the west, from the east and from the south is washed by the Indian Ocean. 6. Settlements created by the Phoenicians outside the state.

"Medieval India" - Buddha statue in a lotus. The walls of the temples were completely covered with reliefs, statues and intricate carvings. - Miniatures, portraits - Frescoes. Legends and historical events are reflected). Artistic crafts. Products made of ivory and valuable tree species. Culture of Medieval India. From the 7th-8th centuries Hindu temples are built in the form of huge towers.

"Ancient India" Location and nature Ancient India The oldest cities India Groups of people. Himalayas Indian Ocean Arabian Sea Rivers: Ind... people with certain rights and responsibilities in Ancient India. The widest and most abundant rivers India. They originate in the Himalayas. On the shores...

God of the Sun, revered by the inhabitants of Mesopotamia. Shamash What was the name of writing ancient Mesopotamia? cuneiform The capital of the Assyrian state, which was called "the lair of lions ... Brahma On what they wrote in Ancient India? On palm leaves Which caste did the kings belong to? Ancient India? To the caste of warriors V...

... " (at least three elements) India and China in antiquity 1. Ancient India III millennium BC - ... c. BC - Mauryan Empire 2. Ancient China III-II millennium BC - ... of each issue 4. Religious and religious-philosophical systems India and China Vedism Brahmanism Buddhism Confucianism Taoism...

Generosity, lies - truth. Buddha with disciples Relief Culture India Ancient Indian figures Letters of the Indian script Chess Vedas Sacred books B... ancient in India cities. 4. Dense, impenetrable forests along the banks of the Ganges. 5. Groups of people with certain rights and obligations in Ancient India ...

The complexity, pretentiousness of the silhouettes of roofs, many decorative details Ancient japanese architecture Horyuji Monastery Buddhist temple built in... PAGODA five-tiered wooden building Golden Pavilion in Kyoto – ancient the capital of Japan A three-tiered roof with slightly raised edges...

V. Samarkand Architecture Mausoleum - funerary structure Taj Mahal Mausoleum. 1630-1652. India Architecture of the Blue Mosque. 1609-1616. Istanbul Blue Mosque Interior Stained...

1. India 2. Egypt 3. Mesopotamia 4. Fin...

512 BC But most of the mysteries are hidden ancient India and China. Scientists are still arguing why the city died ... 512 BC. But most of the mysteries are hidden ancient India and China. Scientists are still arguing why the city died ...

ancient india

History teacher MBOU "Secondary School. Kamenny Yar"

Murashkin E.A.

Lesson plan

1.Location of India

2. Climate of India

3.Animal and vegetable world India

4. Activities of the inhabitants of ancient India


India is located in South Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula

Nature and people of ancient India

The flora of India is striking in its diversity and tropical splendor. Forests cover almost all of its territory. They not only gave the ancient inhabitants of the fairyland wood for handicrafts, weapons, buildings and heating of dwellings, but also fed them with nuts, berries, bananas, mangoes, citrus fruits and other trees. The forests supplied medicinal plants and spices.

Major rivers of India


Dependent on wildlife, the ancient Indians deeply respected the water element: after all, water is the key to a rich harvest, and harvest is life. The worship of water, reciting millennia, is continued in modern times: until now, the Indians consider their most full-flowing river Ganges to be sacred...

The oldest period in the history of India

The oldest civilization in South Asia is called the Indus civilization, as it originated in the Indus River region in Northwest India (now mostly Pakistan). It dates from approximately the XXIII-XVIII centuries BC. e. and thus can be considered the third most ancient Eastern civilization.

Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa are the two largest cities of the ancient civilization, perhaps the capitals of large political associations. At the highest place in the city stood a citadel, fortified with powerful walls, where people usually escaped from floods. Inside the citadel was a huge pool for ritual ablutions. With the help of a special device, fresh water was supplied here.

The wide and straight streets of these cities are surprising, the extremely durable brick (even now it is difficult to split it), from which buildings were erected. The houses were two or even three stories high. Instead of windows, small holes were made in the thick walls for lighting: both the thickness of the walls and the tiny windows better protected from the Indian heat. Even the upper floors of the houses had running water to perform ablutions without leaving the dwelling.

Indian Varnas










Features of the division of society into Varna:

  • Members of Varna should not marry outside their Varna
  • Similar but less severe prohibitions apply to eating.
  • Well-defined occupation
  • Members of Varna from the day of birth and throughout their lives belong to this Varna, unless they are expelled from it for violating its laws.
  • Transfer from one Varna to another is not possible
  • Authority of the Brahmins

Famous Poems of India

The invaluable heritage of the great Indian culture is the Mahabharata - a huge collection of legends, fairy tales, traditions, religious and philosophical texts.

The author of this grandiose work is unknown. There are many stories in the Mahabharata, the main of which tells about the struggle of two royal families - the Pandavas and the Kauravas. In a long dispute, the Pandava brothers won, but not without divine help: the chariot of one of them, the brave and mighty Arjuna, was ruled by his mentor the great Krishna

The Ramayana, in contrast to the Mahabharata, is a single and coherent work attributed to the poet Valmiki. The Ramayana tells about the eldest son of King Dasaratha, Rama, who, due to the deceit of one of the royal wives, is forced to go into exile with his brother Lakshman and his faithful wife Sita. They lived in the forest, eating roots and fruits. The king of demons, the evil Ravana, kidnapped Sita and carried him away. In a terrible rage, Rama, united with the monkey leader Hanuman, kills the kidnapper and frees the beautiful Sita. Returning to the capital, Rama becomes king.
