Ecology in the business of children's goods. Small business and environmental projects

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Any housewife who daily prepares homemade food for all members of her family is well aware of the unpleasant smell that from time to time can appear from the bin. In addition, when processing a large number of products such as vegetables or fruits, it is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of small fruit flies in the kitchen, which is extremely difficult to get rid of.

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If you're looking to start your own business and help the environment, these green business ideas will get you started.

Starting a green business is a great way to connect your passion for green living with your entrepreneurial spirit, which will help you consistently make a positive impact on the environment.

Green Application Development

Want to help others become more ethical consumers? Create an application. Using guides, trackers, games, green app developers can create apps that help users become green and guide them towards sustainable lifestyle goals.
Your application can cover all spectrums of green living in general, or focus on niche areas such as energy saving, recycling, green products, eco-living at home or at work. It can be a simple app with a list of local green traders, or something complex and interactive that users can use on a daily basis. You can also create educational apps to teach children about conscious consumption and help them grow into

Organization of green events

Become the organizer of large or small meetings and events for energy and water conservation. According to statistics, the event organization market will grow by 44% by 2020.
Green event planners can use their green expertise and leadership skills to find green spaces, residences and other initiatives to improve the environment and . Sustainable initiatives also have financial benefits and create a positive image for event organizers while raising awareness and inspiring change in society.

Eco consulting

Are you a green living expert? Help others make their lives greener by starting an eco-consulting service. Green consultants assess homes and properties and offer solutions to make them more environmentally friendly. This could mean consulting on energy efficient appliances or simply implementing a recycling program. You can become an eco-trainer or open your own.

The future of urban ecology lies in the separate collection of garbage, and contrary to popular belief, the Russians are ready to join this process. But for this it is necessary to ensure the connection of those who are ready to make the future clean, and to ensure mutual trust, our interlocutor Alena Yuzefovich believes

Why did you, a PR specialist from a big business, take up an environmental project?

I have always wanted to do social projects, but ecology has never been on the agenda.

The project from which “Boxy” grew out appeared absolutely by accident. MediaMarkt, where I worked then, received a letter from a client. She asked why the company has double standards: in Germany and Austria, it has collection points for used batteries in stores, but not in Russia. While we were writing the answer, we thought: why not?

Coincidentally, at about the same time, the Chelyabinsk plant - the first enterprise in Russia that learned how to recycle batteries - announced that it was ready to accept the first batch.

Together we opened battery collection points in all stores of the network and were amazed at how much demand it turned out to be. For the first year, we planned to collect about 7 tons of batteries (this is about 10% of annual sales in all stores of the chain), but we collected 18 tons. At least 15,000 people in 30 cities donated batteries.

Why do you think people reacted this way?

As part of a preliminary study, we found out that 24 people out of 25 have heard something about this, but many have a negative experience of interacting with the housing and communal services system, where garbage is sometimes collected separately, and then put in one pile and taken to a landfill. Our task was to instill confidence in people by showing the end point of recycling.

It was a discovery for me that, at least in the narrow segment of battery recycling, the inhabitants of Russia are not too far behind the Europeans. The infrastructure is lagging behind, not the desire of people to participate in it. When you create a beautiful, convenient and accessible reception point, it suddenly turns out that people are ready to join these daily practices. Out of this experience grew “Boxy”.

Vladimir Matsyuk, General Director of the Megapolisresurs group of companies and Alena Yuzefovich, Product Director

The idea of ​​the service was to create an all-inclusive product - for companies that want to collect batteries, but don't want to dig into laws, come up with texts and posters to motivate employees to look for the right containers. This is how the first test product appeared: the company subscribes to the service, and we provide it with containers and services. He confirmed our hypothesis: if it becomes easy to do a good deed, then many are ready to get involved in it. Even for money.

What was the ratio of investment in the project in MediaMarkt? How much went into infrastructure, and how much into informing the population, building trust?

In the first year, for every million invested in infrastructure, we invested 4 million in communication: bloggers, TV stories, press tours. The goal of the communication campaign was not so much to tell people about the dangers of batteries, but to inform them that now in Russia there is a place to take batteries for guaranteed recycling. Under each post about batteries in the company's social networks, we received dozens of comments in the spirit of “Finally! Thank you! I thought I was the only one crazy enough to keep batteries at home!” Some even took pictures of their boxes and bottles, which they collect at home, at the entrance or at school. Word of mouth on this topic worked to the envy of any marketer: as a result, if we consider the project in terms of the advertising campaign, then the cost of a contact was less than 1 ruble, this is an outstanding figure on the market.

Why do you think the campaign supported your idea and allocated funding for this within the framework of corporate social responsibility?

When we came up with this idea to the management - and in MediaMarkt the entire top management was German at that moment - it suddenly turned out that even members of the board of directors at home collected old batteries and took them home to Germany when they went on vacation. It just never occurred to them that they could be thrown away - they were taught this from school. When it turned out that this practice could also be established in Russia, we were quickly approved of the budget and even asked to expand the geography of the pilot project: from Moscow and St. Petersburg to all cities of presence.

How does CSR work in Russia today?

I am not a big CSR specialist, to be honest, and our customer is not always a corporate social responsibility manager. So far, from what I see, CSR in Russia is still history for large corporations. And among the main drivers are foreign companies that require local offices to comply with corporate standards. This may be a certified green office, provision of non-financial reporting, support for global social and environmental initiatives. Of course, it also happens that employees in Russia follow the standards only on paper. But more and more often there are situations when the local office actively supports or even outstrips the headquarters in this direction.

Another traditionally strong wing in CSR is the energy sector. But here I know more about social projects than environmental ones. The CSR director of a large oil company usually manages a corporate charitable foundation, volunteer initiatives, or manages development programs for single-industry towns where production is located. If there are environmental projects, they are usually associated with one-time actions: planting trees, subbotniks. On the other hand, the best industrial ecologists of the country, responsible for improving the environmental safety of facilities, also work here. But their work is less visible to society.

For small and medium businesses, these are either stories about the mission of the owner or CEO, or about some very business-related tasks: for example, small stores install our battery containers to attract new people and increase the loyalty of existing customers.

Does CSR contribute to sustainable development?

At one time, I came across a very visual diagram: CSR is about doing good deeds, and sustainable development is about becoming the “nice guy” yourself.

So far, not every Russian company has a clear answer to the question of how not to sacrifice the interests of tomorrow for the sake of the interests of today. More often you come across a situation where we donate money to an orphanage or hold a community work day with one hand, and drain toxic wastewater with the other and force employees to quit "by agreement of the parties." But it's probably better than nothing at all. Will they suddenly get involved?

At the same time, I know more than a dozen large companies where the words "carbon footprint", "circular economy", "sustainable development" are not just fashionable trinkets, but a real basis for building a development strategy.

The third sector, NGOs, how effectively can they work with environmental projects?

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As far as I can imagine, the lion's share of NGOs are engaged in social projects, and small and medium-sized environmental organizations are mainly engaged in environmental education. Exceptions are large and respected environmental funds, such as WWF.

Today, I do not know of any NPO that would actually deal with waste recycling - this is an expensive and technologically complex business, it is rarely in the world that it is the task of both the state and the non-profit sector. Separate waste collection and its promotion - yes, but recycling still usually remains in the second sector.

Recycling plants profit from the fact that the maximum amount of raw materials is returned to circulation. There are dozens of companies in Russia that deal with plastic, waste paper, scrap metal, IT waste and make money from it. Their main expectation from the state is not subsidies or grants, but the creation of clear and convenient rules within which you can be both honest and profitable.

Special report of the TV channel "Moscow 24" on the disposal of batteries

Does the state create such rules today?

We see active attempts, but sometimes it seems that the drafters of the legislative framework are simply terribly overwhelmed. I'll give you an example. Last year, a law on licensing the collection, transportation, and disposal of waste came into force. No one noticed in the process of developing the regulatory framework that under the threat of a fine of 250 thousand rubles were all ZhEKs and DEPs, in which mercury light bulbs are collected as part of the Moscow target program. It seems that no one thought that each housing office would have to obtain a special license, because in fact it collects waste of hazard class 1 from individuals.

Or the law on extended producer responsibility, according to which either manufacturers of disposable tableware or public catering must report and pay eco-fee for the use of disposable cups and plastic spoons. This is a matter of several billion rubles, but 2 days before the deadline for filing the declaration, there was no consensus on this issue in the regulatory departments themselves. And companies are forced to think: to pay several tens of millions of rubles and then try to return this money, or not to pay and risk falling under a fine. And most coffee shops and burgers haven’t heard anything about the new collection at all.

When laws, which for the first time introduce in Russia the fundamental practice of financing the collection and disposal of waste, are adopted in this way, it is very difficult to work.

Will the environmental theme be relevant in the next couple of decades?

I do not see the environmental situation in Russia improving dramatically: rivers become cleaner, landfills disappear, the air in cities becomes more pleasant, so the relevance of this issue will grow every year.

This is confirmed by the data: in Russia, the demand for environmentally friendly products and services is growing. Even against the background of a declining consumer market, Vkusvill in Moscow is growing faster than any other retail chain in Russia: the consumer perceives their product as more environmentally friendly, and their business approach is credible. Just last week, responsible consumption was discussed at the site of the Skolkovo Business School. Interest in environmental issues is emerging from its "green" ghetto of activists and specialists and is capturing an ever wider circle of people. And this is a global trend, we are completely in the same stream here.

Perhaps the fact that the oil economy is a downtrend will force us to change fundamental things if we don't want to be hopelessly out of touch with reality. From my humble experience, I can say that people on the whole are much more ready for this than everyone thinks, and this inspires optimism.

Alena Yuzefovich

A graduate of Moscow State University, she is an orientalist by education, a translator from the Malay language. As a PR specialist, she managed one of the first large-scale battery collection projects in the country - in the Media Markt network. I discovered a crazy situation: in Russia there are capacities for processing all batteries sold, thousands of people are ready to donate them, while 98% of the batteries end their lives in a landfill, poisoning the soil and groundwater. The goal was to build a system that would connect caring companies with a recycler to create an infrastructure for battery collection.

Business ideas for eco-startups: useful, fashionable and profitable

Simply, European integration processes in Ukraine lead to an increase in environmental standards and business requirements. Many entrepreneurs have already reoriented their activities to the eco-sphere: the production of clothes, food. tells how to create your own eco-style business and contribute to the development of a green economy.

Scientists warn that if the consumption of natural resources remains at the current level, a crisis will begin in the world as early as 2030. The economic recession does not delay, but only brings this hour closer.

In this regard, the UN has developed a program for the protection of the environment - UNEP. According to the latter, business should develop according to the principle: to produce more, using fewer resources, minimizing the negative impact on nature. Environmental business is not only humane, but also profitable. And we will tell you about the most interesting projects in the field of eco-business:

1. Wrapping paper impregnated with herbs and spices keeps food fresh for much longer

We are talking about packaging eco-napkins such as Fenugreen Fresh Paper, designed to deal with the problem of perishable products. Napkins prevent mold, fungi and bacteria growth - for this, napkin sheets are immersed in a solution of exclusively natural antiseptics: herbs and spices (domestic startups can experiment with developing the composition themselves). And the first who guessed to impregnate cellulose with a special composition of spices was twenty-seven-year-old American Kavita Shukla - a girl at seventeen became the owner of a patent that brings millions in income (after all, suppliers of fruits and other food began to massively purchase this product).

Such an invention not only helps to save suppliers money by extending the “life” of products, but, ideally, it will completely replace the use of plastic bags, thus improving the eco-system of the world.

2. Charity project: toilet paper production, half of the proceeds from which are spent on the construction of modern toilets

Do not rush to think that this is not profitable. If we talk about profit, then in the six months of its existence, the Australian-African project of this type managed to earn over a million dollars in net profit - most buyers show special consumer attention to this particular brand, knowing the noble goal of the project. And this leaves all competitors in general "out of work".

I must say that the incidence of gastrointestinal and other infections directly depends on the unsanitary conditions of street and rural toilets - and therefore this idea leads to a general national economy on medicines, and indirectly to the prolongation of many lives.

3. Water purification machines

The idea was realized by the Indian brand Sarvajal. The initiative group invented its own system of high-quality and reliable water purification from local reservoirs (and even sea water) and turning it into drinking water. The machine allows you to fill it with untreated water and in a few minutes get it in a purified version.

Installing your own cleaning machine would be appropriate and profitable in many provincial cities, towns, suburbs of megacities in Ukraine and Russia, where clean water delivery is not established. For example, in summer cottages with well water containing excess lime and sand (ordinary home filters will quickly fail if there is a serious suspension in the water).

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Note that in India, many local entrepreneurs have installed vending machines in their stores and pay for the rental of H2O vending machines. What we wish you.

4. Recycling waste immediately after they appear

And back to ... toilets. Graduates from the University of California have designed a dry closet that is not connected to the sewer, which, using solar energy, converts waste into hydrogen and fertilizer (immediately after they appear, which dramatically reduces odors and bacterial background in the air). Fertilizers are collected in a separate tank, from which it is convenient to extract them and apply them for their intended purpose.

Domestic inventors can start at least with the processing of these wastes using plug-in electrical energy, and then proceed to generate the latter using solar and wind turbines.

5. Shoes and bags in exchange for design

Curious business story: Spanish firm El Naturalista set out to make shoes and accessories for poor street artists, many of whom have no means of subsistence. Artists act as designers of shoes and accessories, applying their talent and drawing technique. Businessmen, in turn, give them ready-made shoes made according to the sketch of tramps. After the shoe line received positive reviews from critics, street artists became full-time employees of the company. In addition, El Naturalista makes shoes and bags exclusively from natural materials: vegetable dyes, recycled and biodegradable fabrics. It must be said that the cost of model sandals (for non-tramps) starts at 100 euros per pair, and they diverge rapidly among Spanish and Latin American hipsters. Part of the profits also goes to charity, helping the children of Peru and Tanzania.

6. Packing materials and containers for hire

What do you do with cardboard packaging, foam plastic, plastic wrap after you use them? Throw away. After observing this behavior of buyers, one of the US designers implemented a startup - a service that makes it possible to exchange used packaging materials. For example, you bought a TV and instead of throwing away the box, you advertise for a service (which picks up packages from you without paying you anything: you should use this "for the idea", out of environmental consciousness). If you need to transport things, you can contact the service and choose the appropriate packaging material by paying a small “penny” for it - much cheaper than the same boxes if you wanted to buy them new. This service is indispensable in the process of repair, as well as when moving. Of course, it is convenient for those who own large warehouse volumes somewhere in the distant suburbs of the metropolis.

Among the eco-projects that are gradually becoming more and more significant, one more can be noted. This is the Russian Save the Tree project: an initiative group collects waste paper in city offices (most often, printer printouts that have become unnecessary) and gives it for recycling. Now more than 150 Moscow firms are working in this project.

Original business ideas from around the world

Today we invite you to get acquainted with the most original business ideas collected from all over the world. Each of these ideas is unique in its own way, because before their implementation, there was nothing like it. These ideas are also interesting because they show that thinking outside the box can be very well financially rewarded. In addition, it is almost impossible to meet competitors in such ideas, and this is also very important for a successful business.

Choosing an original business idea

Each of these 6 ideas brought their owners good money in their time. We do not urge you to mindlessly copy the original idea, and we invite you to think outside the box when building your business as well as the authors of these ideas. These ideas brought not only independence to their owners, but also helped thousands of people make their lives better or simply helped them at a certain stage in their lives. If you live in a city of a million people, you might be interested in these ideas.

Ironing lesson for men

The first one on our list of “original business ideas of the world” is an idea that is focused on the stronger sex. Ona came to us from distant Austria, and it consists in giving several paid master classes to men in order to teach them how to properly iron their clothes.

This service is served as a gift for men on holidays such as Valentine's Day and Men's Day. The service itself is not in bad demand among women and costs around 40 - 50 dollars.

Original business ideas like this one help the people around you feel confident and better. The idea of ​​the compliment service came to us from Japan. Like any other brilliant idea, its essence is very simple and is to cheer up people in need. If a person feels bad emotionally, feels insecure, or just had a bad day, he can call a special number where an operator with a pleasant voice will cheer him up, say that everything will get better soon and that he should not worry so much, etc. This will help a person speak out and look at the situation from a new angle and forget about all their problems.

The owner of the idea did not stop there, the compliment service also offers to help with such issues (such as problems with your wife, girlfriend, colleagues, mother-in-law or even best friend), the company will also help you make peace with your dear person and not do stupid things.

An interesting and very original business idea is to provide “pets for rent”. The essence of this idea is quite simple, the company provides animals for rent - it can be cats, dogs, hamsters, and in general any animals. The service is aimed at parents of children who are not completely sure whether they should get a pet or not. And having taken another animal for a week, they will definitely understand whether they need it or not.

To organize this kind of business, you need to have a territory where all these animals will live (a private house is ideal), or alternatively, you can agree with an animal shelter, so you will kill two birds with one stone (give homeless animals a home and earn money). Do not forget that all animals must be vaccinated, etc., this is a very important point.

This is one of the most original ideas ever thought out. At first glance, you might think that this is a cruel business, but if you look from the other side, it becomes clear that only the person to whom his half was really dear can use such services. After all, few people will pay $ 200 for a service if they do not care about the feelings of another person. She came to us from Germany and today is successfully practiced all over the world. She helps people tell their significant other that they can't be together anymore. This is done very delicately, by an experienced psychologist of the company, he actually informs the second half (client) of this sad news.

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This idea is in demand among the young part of the population - it will help to stand out, so to speak, from the "gray mass". An accessory such as glowing shoelaces can be used as a bright accessory for a party or a festive costume (for Halloween or any other suitable holiday).

These laces work on a normal battery charge. The color of the laces can be chosen as desired. Such original business ideas with minimal investment, very cost-effective and profitable from the low cost of the product.

You can sell such goods online, this is the best option for such products. Since those who buy such things are usually young people under 25 years old. In addition, by creating a group on social networks or a website, you will not have to pay deprivation money for rent, and you can sell even more than if you opened a store or a point in the market.

This is perhaps the most original idea in our today's issue. She came to us from Japan. The idea implies a rental for some kind of event (friend, girlfriend, wife, husband, etc.). It sounds crazy, but it's actually quite simple.

For example, you were invited to a business meeting and you need a couple, but your friends can’t or you can’t call them for some reason, and this is where the agency comes in to help, offering you a couple for the evening. The company also has actors who, if desired, can easily play your best childhood friend or soul mate.

And if you plan to open a company or agency, you will also need to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur (private entrepreneur) to legalize your activities.

Eco business ideas for Moscow

Eco-friendly business ideas for Moscow

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We propose in this article to consider 6 environmentally friendly ideas. Entering such a business now gives you the opportunity to become a monopolist in this market (in a good way). Eco products have a lot of directions - it can be anything from food to clothing. Such business ideas in Moscow are gaining popularity among people leading a healthy lifestyle (they are our target audience).

Such tourism came to us from the far West, like the whole idea of ​​eco. Such a “fresh business idea in Moscow” is impossible, or rather an idea for Moscow, and the excursions themselves will be held in the region. Such a trip is designed for residents (megacities) who are tired of the bustle of the city and want to relax for another week in the fresh air. The difference between conventional tourism and eco-tourism is that the latter is designed for outdoor recreation in an ecologically clean place (near the forest, as an option).

The purpose of such tourism is to improve health and enjoy nature. Usually this is a camp site in the forest. The trip includes various massage and other healing procedures. Thus, you can not only retire with nature but also attend wellness treatments. Such vouchers in the West are in great demand among the older generation.

Now with such small business ideas in Moscow actively gaining momentum, potential customers of such products are people leading a healthy lifestyle. On the territory of Russia, there are already several online stores offering products from the farm.

Such products are sold in the capital but at a rather high price (the average check of such stores is 3,000 rubles). Those who buy such products are already accustomed to such prices, for them there is nothing special about them.

As you might have guessed, only natural substances (sea salt, bran, and others) are included in such cosmetics. This cosmetic is very light and the skin has the ability to breathe. Green cosmetics include at least 95% natural ingredients, as well as all plants that will be used for cosmetics must be grown in environmentally friendly conditions.

Even the packaging of such cosmetics should not violate the environment. Shops selling this cosmetics usually sell a number of other products, such as eco creams, eco soaps and other products related to skin care and toilet.

Such cleaning is perfect for lovers of everything natural, that is, for our target group (people leading a healthy lifestyle).

Eco cleaning is the same as ordinary cleaning only with the use of environmentally friendly detergents. In fact, the difference between such eco-cleaning and conventional cleaning is the use of natural cleaning products.

These are services provided by an eco specialist on pressing issues. If you have experience of this kind, how to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle (the court includes food, the use of all natural, clothes, shoes and the rest). eating, how to lead a healthy lifestyle, etc. Newcomers who have just started on a green path need such guidance. Such a person will also be able to advise on how to make your home environmentally friendly, how to dispose of garbage (for recycling), etc.

The most important thing in this is the reputation of the company. This should be a person known in eco circles, to whom the rest of its members listen. If this is a company, it also needs to prove itself in this business (that is, create a name for itself), otherwise no one will listen to you.

Today, eco-business ideas have become even more relevant for Moscow, now you can easily open a green franchise store. And sell the goods under the world famous trade brand.

Of course, these will not be such well-known brands (like McDonald's or Adidas), but in a narrow circle of environmental lovers they are known to everyone. And our eco-business is designed for such narrow groups of people.

Advantages of doing business in Moscow

  • Huge market;
  • Little competition in the market for environmentally friendly products;
  • Great value for the provision of services;
  • Large selection of frames.

Cons of doing business in Moscow

  • Huge competition;
  • Need a large capital to enter;
  • High rhythm of life (work, etc.).

All pluses and minuses are relative, and for each they will be different. These are the most basic ones.

And if you decide to open a company or agency, you definitely need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC in order to be able to legally conduct business.

Ideas for eco-business

The use of recycled materials for the manufacture of various products can be not only a beneficial solution for the country's ecology, but also a good idea for starting your own business. In Russia, recycling is poorly developed, there is little competition in this area, which means that there is a free niche for implementing ideas in the field of eco-business. In this article, we present to your attention ecological ideas for the production of goods.

Fallen leaf utensils

Production takes place using a small amount of water and leaves, using a special press, heat and steam. This idea in the field of eco-business is implemented as follows: the leaves are soaked in water and dried thoroughly. Then they are placed in a special press, which gives them the desired shape. Then they are dried, treated with preparations and disinfected. Ready-made ecological dishes are covered with edible paints.

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The main advantage of such an idea for an eco-business is that the made dishes can be used in microwave and oven ovens, as well as refrigerators.

To implement such eco-production, we begin with the search for premises. Make sure it has a proper ventilation system. Then we rent or buy the necessary equipment.

Another idea for developing your business is to create an online store. Since the demand for such products in one particular region may be small, it will be more appropriate to work on the Internet. On the site you can place:

  • photos and description of goods;
  • price;
  • delivery terms;
  • comparative articles, which will indicate the differences between eco-products and conventional ones.

The cost of implementing the idea of ​​dishes from leafless leaves starts from 350,000 rubles.

Clothes made from nettle or milk

The idea of ​​sewing clothes from nettle fiber existed for a long time, but cotton and linen came to replace it, and now there is a return to the roots. In addition to the low cost of this raw material, nettle clothing has medicinal properties, so a business based on the production of nettle clothing can be relevant.

Ecological production starts with the collection of nettles. At first, you can make yarn at home, and as demand increases, you can rent a small room. Stages of production of nettle products:

  • crushing;
  • scutching;
  • snorting;
  • carding;
  • spinning;
  • tailoring products.

The method of making clothes from milk is to process spoiled milk into a dense material by pressing. Fabric is produced from the obtained raw materials. This ecological technology allows the use of much less water than, for example, for dressing cotton threads.

If the production of eco-clothing from nettle is not very expensive - from 100,000 rubles, then clothes made from milk can cost you from 750,000 rubles.

Shoes and newspaper baskets

You can take the ecological idea of ​​making shoes and baskets from newspapers as the basis of your business. The technology for the production of such shoes is similar to the manufacture of papier-pache, but instead of plaster and glue, the finished product is covered with plastic.

The eco-friendly idea of ​​weaving newspaper baskets is quite simple. The newspaper is cut into strips, which are twisted around a thin stick, then removed and glued together. Having finished weaving, the basket is covered with paint, varnish or in any other way you like.

You can distribute the finished product through an online store or a souvenir shop.

To let customers know about your products, think about advertising. You can distribute leaflets describing your eco-production, put up posters. Participation in specialized exhibitions where you can present your environmental project , It will also help you spread the word about your business. It is recommended to coordinate with major regional publications free placement of materials that will describe the environment and everything connected with it. You can act as an author of articles or a consultant, thereby promoting your products.

To organize business ideas from newspapers, you will need from 50,000 rubles.

Buying a ready-made business

There is a possibility purchase of a ready-made ecological business. The positive side is that when buying an environmental business, you are buying an established clientele, an established production with original eco-ideas. The product you produce is already in demand, you do not need to spend money on advertising, you just need to support existing marketing moves. The cost of a ready-made business will depend on the environmental goods produced, the initial price is from 150,000 rubles.

The most successful environmental startups - TOP 10

Environmental business is not only humane, but also profitable. And many "advanced" businessmen understood this and began to actively "decorate" their business with eco-elements.

It is not difficult to distinguish skillful imitators from truly "green" entrepreneurs - the latter strive for a result that brings not only financial benefits, but also environmental benefits. We will tell you about the 10 most interesting eco-startups, the success of which is measured not so much by the amount of money earned and prestige, but by the number of those who managed to help.

1. Fenugreen FreshPaper

Fenugreen FreshPaper Paper Napkins have a pleasant maple scent and can keep food fresh up to four times longer - no more mold, rot, bacteria and wasted money! Kavita Shukla, a 27-year-old American from Cambridge, Massachusetts, guessed to impregnate cellulose with a special composition of spices.

Not all inhabitants of our Earth have refrigerators. For those who cannot afford to buy a camera for long-term food storage, every piece of food counts - and if, for example, a bunch of bananas goes bad in a poor African family, lying a little longer than usual, this can cause the death of someone from the family from starvation.

This paper consists of spices and naturally keeps food from rotting for a long time. The idea for such a paper came to Kavita during a brainstorming session at school, when the girl remembered her trip to her grandmother in India. Then she accidentally drank tap water, which is known to be full of dangerous intestinal bacteria in this country.

“I was really scared that I would get sick. My grandmother went to the kitchen and mixed several types of herbs and spices in a glass of clean water, and then gave it to me to drink. I was skeptical about her idea, but she assured me that everything would be fine. And I didn’t really get sick,” Kavita said.

2. Toilet paper with an environmental mission - Who Gives a Crap

Australians Simon Griffiths, Jean Ratnatunga and Danny Alexanderi decided to fight unsanitary conditions in African countries with toilet paper. They created a paper called Who Gives a Crap, half of which goes to building toilets in Africa. In about six months of existence, the project managed to earn about one million dollars.

The paper is made from recycled materials and does not contain inks, dyes, fragrances or glues. These simplest, as the manufacturers assure, are 100% eco-friendly rolls, completely decompose after using for several weeks.

3.Sarvajal - blue gold

A small initiative group from India decided to save their home country from a lack of drinking water - there are very few fresh water sources in India, and purification systems even in large cities leave much to be desired. Young people invented their own system of high-quality and reliable water purification from local reservoirs and turning it into drinking water. Their device is capable of not only processing fresh river water, but also extracting water suitable for drinking from sea water.

Immediately after the Indians tried their device and made sure that the water they received was really sterile, they patented their trademark - Sarvajal, and installed H2O machines in some small towns, in which the liquid is purified. Local residents came there with bottles and canisters, collected the required amount of water and paid a small, symbolic amount, which was then spent on expanding the network of such machines.

Read also: Sponsor of business ideas

Here is such an eco-startup.

Due to the fact that Sarvajal's vending machines have become incredibly popular, and most importantly, necessary in Indian towns, many businessmen want to have these water miracle devices in their stores that attract customers like ships beacons.

Now Sarvajal has acquired 150 partners - these are the owners of outlets who pay decent money for renting H2O machines, because they provide merchants with a large influx of customers. The network of these thirst-quenching devices continues to expand, and the townspeople are finally getting purified water.

4. Intelligent WC

Caltech engineers have created a toilet that uses solar energy to convert waste into hydrogen and fertilizer. In addition, it has a self-cleaning system - human waste products, converted into fruitful organic fertilizer for plants, do not accumulate, but enter a separate tank, from which they can be easily removed and used for a new purpose.

According to the developers of this toilet, about two billion people on the planet today do not have access to clean bathrooms, which is the cause of the spread of many dangerous diseases, such as malaria, dysentery, cholera.

Having learned that scientists have found a way to solve this problem, many big businessmen decided to donate their funds to install such self-cleaning toilets in Australia, India, and African countries. About 10 million dollars for the production of an ecological invention of Californian scientists was allocated by Bill Gates.

5. Boots worn by poor street artists

Entrepreneurial Spanish footwear and accessories firm El Naturalista started out as a start-up to help poor street artists. Many of them do not have a penny in order to buy at least some kind of shoes, but they are incredibly talented and able to create beautiful sketches for the production of shoes and boots.

There were a couple of entrepreneurs who decided to order tramps to draw fashionable shoes in exchange for new shoes. The sketches turned out to be excellent, and later shoes were sewn for street creators directly from these drawings. Since then, this collaboration with itinerant talent has become a core tradition of the company.

In addition, El Naturalista makes shoes exclusively from natural materials: vegetable dyes, recycled and biodegradable fabrics. El Naturalista recently founded a charity to help needy children in Peru and Tanzania. Everyone who buys a pair of such shoes participates in the firm's charity programs.

6. Worms that provided women with work

A resident of Guatemala, Maria Rodriguez, figured out how to save the economy of her country. She opened a huge worm farm that feeds on waste and produces fertilizer in large quantities, perfect for soil in Central America. In addition, her worm farms create many jobs that Maria only hires women.

“Women most of all need work in our country, it is because of the lack of places for them that the unemployment rate is high. If you invest in women, you invest in the future of the whole society,” says Maria Rodriguez.

American couple Kevin and Angie O'Brien founded a travel animal service. PetRelocation company transports pets to those countries or cities where their owners move.

“The attitude towards animals of many air or railway companies is very inattentive: employees of carriers carelessly handle pets during their transportation: they can drop or hit, they ignore the requests of the owners that their pet be fed during the flight. Animals suffer from this,” says Angie O’Brien.

The O'Briens, having good connections with several American trucking companies, agreed that they could rent some vehicles to equip them for the comfortable transportation of animals.

According to the spouses, they can easily and as carefully as possible transport any animal from anywhere in the world to anywhere, while observing all the sanitary and veterinary requirements of those countries whose territories they have to cross. At the moment, the pet delivery service launched by the O'Briens is popular.

8. Boxes for hire

Spencer Brown, a designer from the United States, is seriously concerned about the question: where do cardboard boxes, packaging film and paper, foam plastic and other consumables that are used during transportation and moving go? After observing the movers, he saw that all these funds were simply thrown into a pile and taken to the city dumps, where they slowly decomposed and polluted the air and soil.

Brown decided to stand up for nature and organized the rental of packaging materials and containers for transportation. Everything necessary is brought to the customer's home, and a week later they are taken away - of course, already from a different address. So people involved in repairs or moving from house to house do not have to produce extra garbage from the materials in which things will be packed, because all these tools can be used repeatedly. Soon, Brown will open a branch in the 38th state - his network of reusable boxes is gradually expanding to America.

9. Waste paper that saves trees

“Save the Tree” is the name of one of the most successful Russian startups. It employs hundreds of volunteers - the guys go to the offices, pick up the accumulated unnecessary paper from them and take it to the waste paper recycling centers. If several tons of old documents, newspapers, written notebooks and notebooks are regularly supplied to paper processing factories, it is possible to save the lives of thousands of trees cut down for the production of paper products.

Now about 150 metropolitan firms are constantly cooperating with this project, regularly sending a centner or two of unnecessary paper there. And thanks to the efforts of volunteers, about two thousand trees have already been saved.

10. Eco Cinema: What Took You So Long

German Sebastian Lindström created his own documentary film studio What Took You So Long? He, his colleagues and students make films about people who help make life better in third world countries. These stories prove that selfless help and charity can bring pleasure, real satisfaction and personal growth to those who do it. Now the project What Took You So Long? brings money to the creators through advertising inside the films, which allows you to gradually make the product better and better - buy new equipment, go on trips more often to search for your heroes.

Environmental pollution is one of the global problems that worries many people.

Eco-friendly products and goods are gaining popularity every day, and a successful entrepreneur should not miss such a situation. Currently, eco-products are growing and there are many ideas for the implementation of their business.

Green business is a great idea against the backdrop of a global problem.

Of course, ideally need to come up with something new and be a real specialist in developing new formulas for creating substances, but you can also borrow some ideas, because not all cities have companies whose activities are focused on ecology.

Ecological business projects

In this article, we have collected some interesting solutions for starting an environmentally friendly business:

  1. Packages and bottles. This is probably the most common and simple idea that can be implemented. Even on the Internet you can find how to get environmentally friendly substances for the manufacture of bottles and bags. You can be sure that large stores will agree to buy such products, but you will have to invest heavily in equipment and the necessary resources.
  2. Underwear. This is an interesting idea that not many people know about. It has been said on television more than once that low-quality underwear can be one of the causes of various diseases. People who take care of their health will be happy to buy underwear made from environmentally friendly substances.
  3. Toilet fillers for animals. Everyone knows that pet litter is made from a huge amount of chemical elements and some of them can be harmful to both the pet and its owner. Alternatively, you can engage in the production of this consumable product. Pet lovers will definitely appreciate this product.
  4. Environmental assessment. Wealthy people are willing to pay decent money to environmentalists who are able to assess the level of harmfulness of their environment (for example, inside the house). You can start providing such services - measuring the level of radioactivity, electromagnetic fields, conducting a chemical analysis of the air, and so on.
  5. Water purifiers. More recently, all kinds of water filters literally blew up the market, but now such products are so common that few dare to enter this niche. However, it is a profitable environmental business. It is not easy to implement it, it is necessary to develop technologies and launch full-fledged production.
  6. Cars. The most expensive business idea is the sale of cars with a minimum level of environmental pollution. The implementation will require a serious amount, with at least 7 zeros. You need to find manufacturers of electric vehicles and create a sales point for this type of transport in your city. Unfortunately, the Russians are not so actively interested in cars with electric motors, since this technology is not adapted to our conditions.

All these environmental business ideas need to be considered separately and assess their capabilities. Decent income can be received from any of the activities, the most important thing is to think it over well, find start-up capital and actively work on your business.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

Stamp making is a simple but profitable business that requires a small investment to start. But the payback in this business is no more than two months! And this is understandable, because printing, the cost of which is 10 rubles, is sold for about 100-600.

After the de-licensing of this activity, entry into the market has become easy. It is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur, rent a small room, buy a computer, a laser printer and special equipment, advertise and that's it, you can work!

The service for making seals is in demand everywhere, throughout the country, in all cities without exception. And the demand for these products is unlikely to disappear.

The competition in this market is high, but not everywhere. This is different, first of all, the capital market. In the regions, it affects more the volume of orders than the pricing policy, because the regional market is still far from saturation in the capital.

The printing process includes the following steps:

Search for a customer;
- receipt of an order, including wishes, what the seal should be like (standard samples are approved by the registering authorities), company registration documents, a finished sketch. If there is no sketch of the future printing, it must be drawn (and do not forget to take 3–10 USD for this);
- outputting a sketch to a negative or positive film on a laser printer (this step is skipped if we are dealing with a Brother StampCreator PRO “machine”, which is directly connected to a computer through a printer or mouse port. The cost of such an installation is 1,800 USD. The layout designer draws a sketch of the future printing, presses the button... then the smart device does everything.Thanks to the drivers, the computer reads the device like a printer;
- materialization of cliches (in all technologies - in different ways), which includes a number of operations;
- installation of a cliché in a snap using glue or adhesive tape.

Earn up to
200 000 rub. a month, having fun!

2020 trend. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

The selling price of printing consists not only of the cost of the cliché, but also of the cost of the tooling. The tooling is where the cliché of the finished print is inserted. Equipment is manual (plastic, wood, metal) and automatic with a built-in ink pad, Russian and foreign production.

This article may be outdated. More relevant articles on this topic:

Business plan for an enterprise for the manufacture of seals and stamps

Ink-filled prints made using flash technology require special equipment, since the print is impregnated with ink.

Most companies not only in Moscow, but also in the regions have switched to remote production of seals. Clients must email the Seal and Die Sketch files in the required format and select material and tooling. When the print is ready (and this can be done within one hour), you can send it by courier directly to the client's office or by mail.

Technology Choice

At the moment, there are four common stamp production technologies: photopolymer, raw rubber vulcanization, flash method and laser engraving.

Photopolymer technology is cheap, high quality and therefore very popular. Experienced entrepreneurs advise starting from this level: low organization costs. The main advantages of photopolymer technology are: a relatively fast technological process, low cost of printing plates ($0.3, or 10 rubles), harmless production. Disadvantages - you need running water, or you will have to buy an automatic car wash (from $ 250). In addition, the manufacture of polymer seals is largely manual work. Plus the rapid wear of polymers.

The minimum set of consumables for this technology includes 1 kg of polymer, 1 roll of border tape, 25 sheets of matte and transparent film. At the same time, one pack of film is enough for 300–1,500 stamps, one roll of a border for 150 stamps, one spray can for 1,000 stamps, and one kilogram of polymer worth 500–700 rubles for 100–150 stamps.

Making seals from rubber by vulcanization is also an inexpensive technology, but the prints are of better quality. However, the manufacturing process is lengthy and laborious, again, you can’t do without “manual labor”. The main thing to remember right away is that rubber has a very strong ... smell when vulcanized.

The flash method is almost completely automated and is so simple that a ten-year-old child can easily master it. For the production of an imprint on a printing cliché, special equipment is used - flash installations. They are compact, lightweight, easy to handle and will easily fit on the edge of an office desk.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Stamps made using flash technology do not have a relief, unlike polymer and rubber ones. Flash requires a special fine-pored rubber with high resolution. However, only one print can be made per cycle. And photopolymer technology allows you to simultaneously "light up" several clichés in the camera.

To vulcanize raw rubber, you will need sheet raw rubber (250 rubles per kilogram), matrix cardboard (650x650mm, 1,550 rubles per sheet), a solid photopolymer on a metal base (sheet A4, 600 rubles). For flash technology - special rubber blanks with a thermally conductive coating.

Laser engraving is a very modern and technological thing. However, it has one big drawback - the price of equipment. The minimum amount to start is $8,000. The average price of a quality laser engraver is 15–20 thousand. Typically, such "fancy" installations are purchased by companies that are well established in the market, which expand the range of services. A beginner is not capable of such equipment. The main advantage of this method is the ultra-high resolution.

Ready-made ideas for your business

There are no problems with suppliers in Russia. The market for stamp production equipment is quite saturated. So, in Moscow there are several large suppliers: Graphics-M, Trodat XXI, New Stamps, If desired, you can find any equipment for any technology. Its cost from different suppliers is about the same.

Cameras for photopolymer printing - Soligor from 380 USD, PLC from 320 USD

uncertified exposure cameras from VitStamp from 230 c.u.

thermal presses for rubber vulcanization about 500–700 c.u.

Japanese TAIYO flash machines for ink-filled seals - from 1,500 USD

Brother's unique flash system - $1,800

laser engravers - Lazer Pro Venus V12 - from 8 000 USD,

All products of major suppliers are under warranty. In addition, the cost of the equipment of supplier companies includes training - two hours for a beginner to master the work on the installations.

The list of services of the company-manufacturer of stamp products

1. Making new stamps

Seals of legal entities
Your main clients are legal entities and private entrepreneurs who need a seal for their activities in accordance with Russian law. The seals are also needed by authorities, state and regional. Some firms successfully manage to cooperate with law firms that provide services for the registration of ready-made enterprises. They supply a stream of customers and take their commission.

Official seals
State authorities need special seals - stamps, with a clear image of the Russian coat of arms. Today, the production of official seals is about 5% of the market in Russia and 10% of the market in Moscow.

Other stamp products
Seals for internal use, these include various kinds of accounting seals “received”, “paid”, daters, putting down the date, and numerators (seals with numbers).

facsimile - a seal with an imprint of your signature.

2. Restoration of used seals by cliché or print
This service costs around 10–30 USD.

3. Become a dealer of a supplier of equipment and consumables

Based on the article by Ekaterina Chinarova for the magazine "Business Journal"

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