Different companies are the path to success. The power of thought is the path to success and abundance

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

Department of Education MO "Bichursky District"

All-Russian competition of projects in the field of implementation of the VFSK "GTO"

Nomination: “Sport and I are on the same path”

/project for the implementation of the GTO Complex in an educational organization/

Topic: “GTO - the path to success!”

General educational organization:

MBOU "Malo-Kunaleyskaya secondary school" of Bichursky district of the Republic of Buryatia

Nekipelova Larisa Innokentievna, Deputy Director for HR

Nekipelov Evgeniy Stepanovich, physical education teacher

Contact phone number and email address of the project authors:

89243592745, nekipelova 68@ mail . ru , nekipelov 69@ mail . ru

With. Maly Kunaley, 2014



    Relevance of the project………………………………………………………. 3

    Theoretical validity of the project…………………4

    The purpose and objectives of the project ………… ………………………. 5

    Project implementation mechanisms………………………… 6

    Brief description of the project…………………………….. 7

    Monitoring system and project performance……12

    The scale of the project…………………….……………. 13

    Prospects for project implementation……………………… 13


Relevance of the project

Experts have always called and continue to call one of the priority tasks of modern society the task of raising a healthy person who strives to be successful in life, capable of protecting himself and his loved ones in any life situation. Recently, this issue is increasingly on the agenda, especially for the younger generation.

Due to this,Minhysteriasports of Russiasigned order No. 575dated July 08, 2014OstaterequirementsXto the level of physical fitness of the population when meeting the standards of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO).

The revival of the GTO complex in educational organizations, today, in our opinion, is relevant and fundamental.The purpose of the introduced complex is to further increase the level of physical education and readiness of people, primarily the younger generation, for work and defense. This is exactly how the foundation was laid earlier and will now be laid for the country’s future achievements in sports and defense. Being a unique physical education program, the GTO complex should be fundamental in a unified system of patriotic education of youth.

As if to confirm the social significance and relevance of this project, we note that all people are different.However, everyone who voluntarily decides to undergo the GTO test has one thing in common - determination. It is this trait that is most important for people of the 21st century. Only purposeful and physically prepared people will be able to succeed in a competitive labor market, and our task is to help them in this, because their achievements will behave not just personal, but social meaning.

Theoretical validity of the project

Because thethe GTO complex is the programmatic and normative basis of the physical education system for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation, which establishes state requirements for the physical fitness of citizens of the Russian Federation, including types of tests (tests) and norms, a list of knowledge, skills for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, motor skills and abilities, This means that each of us will have some connection to this complex.

This complex provides for preparation for implementation and direct implementation of established standards by the population of various age groups (from 6 to 70 years and older), as well as participants in physical education and sports events.

The main problem with the implementation of the GTO Complex can be called the very need to implement this complex. Today you can increasingly hear the question: why do we need to take the GTO?The answer to this question may be different for each person. Someone wants to compare themselves with older family members who have the Soviet GTO sign. Someone wants to try to achieve a specific result and test their willpower and perseverance. And some are simply used to being first in studies and sports. The survey showed that there are more of them among us, in particular in our educational organization, but there are also those who have a negative attitude towards passing the GTO standards. How to behave with this category of people? How to interest these people and get them interested in sports? How to put this into practice? AllThis gave us the idea of ​​creating a project to implement the GTO complex.

Project goal and objectives

Thus, taking into account the state order and health-improving orientation, when developing this project we settarget:

Increasing the efficiency of using the capabilities of physical culture and sports in promoting health, comprehensive personal development, instilling patriotism and ensuring continuity in the implementation of physical education of the population.

To do this, it was necessary to decide the followingtasks:

Increasing the number of students, teachers and parents systematically involved in physical education and sports;

Increasing the level of physical fitness and life expectancy of citizens;

Formation among the named segments of the population of conscious needs for systematic physical education and sports, maintaining a healthy lifestyle;

Increasing the general level of knowledge of the population about the means, methods and forms of organizing independent physical education and sports;

Modernization of the physical education system and the system of development of mass, youth and school sports.

Project implementation mechanisms

The new GTO complex has significant differences from its predecessor - GTO -1985. More than 300 changes were made, including the introduction of a bronze insignia.

The GTO complex consists of two parts:

    Normative testing, provides for a general assessment of the level of physical fitness of the population;

    Sports, aimed at attracting citizens to physical education and sports in order to fulfill rank standards and obtain mass sports ranks.

Tests of the GTO complex are aimed at providing objective control of the level of development of basic physical qualities: endurance, strength, speed, coordination and flexibility, as well as the level of mastery of applied skills.

Types of tests take into account the age characteristics of students from 6 to 70 years and older in 11 levels (age groups).

The testing process involves preliminary preparation, doctor’s approval and competition to meet standards.

Based on the results of the tests, citizens can receive gold, silver and bronze insignia.

Brief description of the project

In connection with the implementation of the GTO complex at the MBOU “Malo-Kunaleyskaya Secondary School”, a pedagogical council was held on the topic “The GTO complex: ways of its implementation,” at which a plan was developed for the implementation of the GTO complex in the educational organization. It was planned to introduce it gradually, in three stages:


Implementation period



Introduction of the GTO among students in educational institutions, municipal and state employees, willing parents



Introduction of the complex for students and the previously listed categories of the population + all other categories of citizens



Widespread introduction of the GTO complex

The plan for the phased implementation of the GTO complex included measures to improve the legislative framework, adopt regulations, encourage the population to comply with the standards of the complex, train personnel, scientific, methodological, information and propaganda support, and conduct monitoring.

It was decided that it was necessary to simply and easily begin to conduct explanatory work about the need to pass the GTO complex, to show by our own example, to us adults and teachers, the importance of this event. The first joint sporting event was a tourist rally, which took place in September 2014 from grades 1 to 11.

By order of the school director, the order “On the implementation of the GTO project at the MBOU "Malo-Kunaleyskaya Secondary School" in order to introduce attractive forms, methods and means of organizing physical education and sports activities designed to ensure the strengthening of health and increasing the physical fitness of students and youth, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, analysis and evaluation the level of physical fitness and the degree of proficiency in practical skills in physical culture, health and applied areas, identifying gifted children, adolescents, talented youth for the implementation of the socially significant project “Promoting the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex GTO”, forming a project team for the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex in an educational institution sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" in the following composition:

Full name

Job title

Responsibilities within the project

Nekipelova Larisa Innokentievna

Deputy Director for HR

Monitoring, PR support

Nekipelov Evgeniy Stepanovich

Physical education teacher

Responsible for project implementation

Burtseva Margarita Nikolaevna

Deputy Director for VR

Monitoring, PR support

Lamuev Vitaly Sergeevich

Life Safety Teacher

Organizational support of the project

Martynova Victoria Gennadievna

Primary school teacher

Organizational support of the project in elementary school

Trifanova Valentina Stepanovna


Information support of the project

Plan for the implementation of the GTO complex in the MBOU "Malo-Kunaleyskaya Secondary School"

at the first stage 2014-15



1. Conducting explanatory work with the population on the implementation of the GTO complex.

2.Organization of work with representatives of the media on the implementation of the All-Russian Sports Society for the GTO in the region and village.

3. Inclusion of measures for the implementation of the GTO complex in the work plan of the school and district.

4.Development of a number of motivation measures, including: a system of measures for rewarding and encouraging students, persons involved in the preparation and successful implementation of the standards of the RLD complex.

5. Attracting extra-budgetary funds (voluntary donations) for the implementation of sporting events provided for in the plan.

6. Organization and conduct of health-improving gymnastics (exercises) in an educational organization using test exercises of the GTO complex

7. Conducting GTO tests in physical education lessons (1 time per quarter, outside class time, take the GTO standards (2 mandatory and 1 optional, depending on weather conditions).

8.Work of sports clubs and sections

9. Active involvement of students assigned to special groups in physical education classes.

10.Conducting traditional events:


Autumn cross-country race for the prize of Colonel S.A. Belyaev

Relay race through the streets of the village of Maly Kunaley

Defense Mass Sports Month

Traditional athletics competition “Spring Swallows”

Competitions in basketball, volleyball, pioneer ball, cross-country skiing, speed skating

Spartakiad among primary school students for the prize of V. Kotsky

- “Fun Starts”, etc.

10. Monitoring.

Publication of results on the school website and in the media.

When implementing the second and third stages, we hope to maintain continuity, but with the involvement of more teachers and parents, as well as other categories of village citizens. At the third stage, it is possible that other village organizations will join in the implementation of the GTO, such as a kindergarten, a hospital, a branch of a technical school, a post office, etc.

Monitoring system and project performance

During the implementation of the project, L.I. Nekipelova, deputy director of the school for academic and educational work, was appointed responsible for monitoring. and Burtseva M.N.

In the corridor of the school there is a stand “Standards for passing the GTO”. Every child, as well as anyone who wants to pass the standards, can familiarize themselves with them.

After each passing of the standards, the results will be recorded by the recipients in the protocols, and compiled by those responsible in a summary statement. The results, at the request of the participants, can be published on the school website in the “Sports Life” and “Everyday School” sections.

Over the years, the school has had many good results in the field of sports:

District Basketball Champions;

District champions in cross-country and athletics;

District champions in checkers and chess;

Participants of the International Game “Heirs of Victory” in Velikiye Luki, Odessa;

Prize-winners of the republican competition “Presidential Competition”;

Participants in the republican games “Zarnitsa”, “Victory”, etc.

Having extensive and positive experience working with students to achieve sports results, we hope that the effectiveness of our project will also be at the proper level, because The project's objectives are realistically achievable.

Project scale

At the first stage, it is planned to involve all school students, from grade 1 to grade 11, as well as the teaching staff and parents if desired, i.e. voluntarily. This academic year, the school has 249 students and 24 people who represent the school’s teaching staff.

At the second stage, the school’s technical staff, canteen workers and other parents, as well as village residents, will be involved.

At the final third stage - all other categories of the population.

Throughout all three stages, we also plan to expand interaction with other educational organizations of the Bichur region, i.e. promote a healthy lifestyle in the area.

Project development prospects

In conclusion, I would like to say that we have many years of labor-intensive work ahead of us to introduce the GTO complex in the village of Maly Kunaley, as well as in other villages of the Bichursky district (this includes additional logistics and personnel training).

The implementation of the GTO is a socially significant project in Russia. With the help of the introduction of the GTO, we will be able to increase the number of people involved in physical culture and sports, increase the level of physical fitness of citizens, modernize the system of physical education and the development of mass and school sports, create a modern material and technical base, and most importantly, our children will be successful in later life.


What is the best way to independently prepare for passing the standards of the GTO complex?

    Preparation for passing the standards of the GTO complex takes place in physical education classes, in sports sections and schools.

    Preparation for passing the GTO standards can also be carried out through independent training.

    In order to train independently, you must remember the following rules.

    Clothing for sports activities should correspond to the season and level of physical activity during exercise. It should be comfortable and practical.

    Particular attention should be paid to sports shoes, gloves and hats (in winter).

    Sports shoes should be comfortable, light, match your foot size or be 1 size larger (for thick socks in winter).

    During exercise in the cold season (winter, late autumn, early spring), you should not allow your feet to get wet or sudden hypothermia, especially after intense physical activity. After running a distance at speed in winter, you need to get into a warm room as quickly as possible and change clothes.

    If possible, you can prepare for passing the GTO complex standards on weekends with your parents.

    They can show or suggest something very useful. Including advice on how to properly perform this or that exercise.

    It's a great idea to invite your friends to train. Playing sports together is more fun, especially since true friendship grows stronger in common activities.

Have you finally decided to become the best version of yourself? Then we advise you to figure out what it means self-development, where to start improve and what results you would like to achieve.

Do you think talented people are born? But no! Talent is a special worldview. Start self-development by changing your life attitudes. Of course, nothing happens immediately and quickly. But even small progress will lead to significant success.

First of all, decide in which direction you would like to move. Here it is very important to start from your true desires and life preferences.

If you decide to start some new business just because you think it’s profitable, or because your neighbor got rich this way, we warn you right away - you won’t succeed. You will begin the movement towards success only by realizing your true purpose.

  1. Answer yourself honestly one very important question: what would you do if you had a million dollars. What would you do if you didn't have to earn a living?
  2. Make a list of 3-5 such things, just don’t go over them. Absolutely anything you like will do. If your favorite pastime is watching TV series, feel free to add it to the list. Do you know what salaries talented film critics receive?
  3. Think about your hobby. Think about whether you would like to make money with it. Perhaps you already know your life’s work, you just didn’t have the courage to realize your dream before.

  • The main enemy of self-development is laziness. Most often it is explained by low self-esteem. A person who is confident in himself always strives to improve his results. If you can’t figure out the reasons for your apathetic mood on your own, be sure to consult a psychologist - laziness must be eradicated by any means.
  • The second universal way to start self-development is to turn on positive thinking. Once you learn to find the positive in every situation, improving your skills will be more enjoyable, which will guarantee subsequent success.
  • One of your first steps should be to get your daily schedule in order. Success loves precision. So try to use your time profitably. Every minute is your chance to improve.

See also “What’s so difficult about this” - many will answer. You just think about what you are going to do the next day and get started at dawn. It's simple!

  • Start saving money. Then you will decide for yourself what is better to spend it on - further self-improvement or developing your own business.
  • Look for sources of inspiration in everything. You can start self-development by reading books about great people - there you will find inspiring examples, ways to motivation, and ways to solve life's troubles.
  • Make useful friends. Let your social circle consist of interesting, enterprising people who, like you, strive for self-development. Have less contact with whiners and negative people, they can deprive you of a very valuable thing - a good mood.
  • Gradually start moving towards a healthy lifestyle. Review your eating habits, choose the right sport for you and never forget about rest. There is no need to dramatically change your daily routine - self-abuse can provoke apathy, but striving for the ideal in the field of personal health is simply necessary.
  • Keep a self-improvement diary - write down the slightest positive changes there. The list of achievements will grow over time, and this will add additional incentive to you.
  • Start improving by eliminating all your bad habits. Be sure to quit smoking and stop playing computer games. In general, try to use the computer only for work, and the Internet exclusively for sending letters and congratulations.
  • Always set specific goals and write down your achievements for their implementation in a separate notebook.
  • Get interested in learning foreign languages. Not only will you learn a lot about the characteristics of other cultures, the list of information available for reading will become much wider.
  • Don't forget about visualization. You can start self-development by drawing up a “Wish Map” - this will make it easier for you to determine your priorities. In addition, it has been verified that your intentions will come true much faster if you know exactly what you want to achieve.

Once you choose a direction for self-development, you will need to draw up a clear action plan. Use our recommendations for this.

  • Analyze all areas of your life - physical, spiritual, material, intellectual and social. Find all the sources of discomfort and determine exactly what skills you lack to be happy.
  • Make a specific follow-up plan. Write, for example, a list of all the trainings you would like to attend. To start self-development, purchase the appropriate books. Find the learning exercises you need and create a schedule for completing them.
  • If you decide to change your job, take advanced training courses in the area that interests you and be sure to create a competent resume.
  • Determine the standard to strive for - your ideal should be at the limit of possibilities. Always remember the very effective advice of the sages: “Aim for the moon - if you miss, at least hit the stars.”
  • The best way of self-development is to move towards the ideal in small steps. Just don't take breaks under any circumstances. If you are lazy, luck will slip away.
  • Start studying your favorite field of activity - don’t miss a single news. If you choose the right activity, you will enjoy learning.
  • Use every opportunity for self-development. In every conversation, try to find something useful for yourself. If you read a book or watch a movie, study the characters, look for qualities that you would like to develop in yourself.
  • Look for teachers - the invaluable experience of mentors will energize you, and from their example you will see what you need to strive for.
  • Constantly improve your communication skills. Whatever goals you set for yourself, you cannot do without the ability to communicate. Treat people positively, learn not to be offended over trifles, and treat your own and others’ shortcomings with humor.

Self-development will expand your capabilities - you will perceive the world in a new way. If you decide to do what you love, life will immediately cease to be boring and monotonous - passion and the desire to win will awaken in you.

"In my sports career, I have missed over nine thousand times. I have lost over three hundred matches. Twenty-six times I have been trusted to make the last throw for a team to win - and I have missed. I fail again and again. That is why I am a Champion!"
These words belong to the greatest athlete of our time, the legendary man Michael Jordan. The great basketball player who earned about five hundred million dollars during his sports career. A man who has become an idol of youth around the world.
In America and Europe, Michael Jordan is a megastar. Moreover, this man is not just an excellent athlete, but also an exemplary father, an exemplary family man, teacher, and thinker. And it is his words that best describe the attitude of outstanding people towards failure.

All over the world, successful, rich, healthy people treat life's trials and blows of fate in the same way. Their credo: “Everything that doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” A strong person perceives any trial and failure as a step of growth.
The weak and poor also have the same attitude towards failure. Failure for them is God's punishment, bad luck. Born at the wrong time, in the wrong country, received the wrong upbringing. In short, any pain kills them. A weak person, weak in all respects - spiritual, physical, moral, mental - any failure makes him even weaker. When faced with trouble, he feels only fear.

The same Michael Jordan was not accepted into the school basketball team as a child because the coach decided that he had no talent. It was a test. So what did the black boy do? Did you burst into tears, start crying and give up your favorite sport forever? Not at all! He just started training more. Much more than his peers, happy members of the school team! Thus, from defeat to defeat, from misunderstanding to misunderstanding, from trial to trial, he became an outstanding athlete and champion.

from the book by V. Dovgan:

Every failure carries a huge charge of success. It is not for nothing that in Chinese and Japanese the character for “disaster” has two meanings. The first meaning is failure, disaster, and the second meaning is new opportunities. If you ask any businessman or entrepreneur what caused his rise, you will definitely get to the bottom of the true starting point.
It will be nothing more than failure.
Listen to the life story of the mayor of the financial capital of the world, New York City, Michael Bloomberg. Michael Bloomberg, a multi-billionaire, created a unique multi-billion dollar company and became the shining embodiment of the Cinderella story or the great American dream. A young man from a poor family, almost by accident, entered college, and upon graduation began working in a brokerage company. He gave this company many years of his life, but he was fired. Disaster, failure, fiasco. Why was he fired and not some other employee? Because he is the weakest? Because he's a loser? After all, he gave so much time and heart to this company, treated it like his own family!
It would seem like a complete failure, a complete disaster.
But it was at this moment that the great Bloomberg empire was born. Today, not a single financial institution in the world can do without the TV channels and information systems that it created. He achieved not only tremendous success in business, but also in politics, becoming one of the brightest mayors of New York, and this is a very complex city with large debts, high crime, with huge problems - and all of them he inherited from previous mayors .
When he was elected mayor, he discovered that the city budget was in a catastrophic state: it was bursting at all the seams, New York had been living beyond its means for many years. But Bloomberg was not bothered by this. He said he would work for one dollar a year to quickly make up the shortfall. He, like all ordinary New Yorkers, rides the subway, and when subway workers put forward impossible demands for the city and went on strike, he calmly, in front of all the citizens, went into the store, bought a bicycle and rode to work on a bicycle.
An amazingly bright person, a bright destiny! But it would not have happened if Michael had not been fired. He would not have become a multi-billionaire, he would not have become a famous politician.

Another story of defeat. Walt Disney is one of my favorite entrepreneurs. A man who left an indelible mark on the earth. Young Walt was fired from the newspaper with the humiliating, shameful wording “for lack of ideas.” Some small newspaper, some insignificant editor-in-chief is kicking Disney out with the verdict that he is mediocrity, that he is a fool. And it was this pain, it was this tragedy in his fate that led to the birth of a great empire, the great world of Walt Disney.
The second failure did not await Disney for long - after drawing his first cartoon character, the donkey Oswald, he entered into a partnership with an extremely dishonest person who secretly rewrote all the contracts behind his back. One fine day, when Disney came to work, he heard: “All the cartoons, all the contracts with film distributors belong to me, and even the donkey Oswald, who has already become famous, also belongs to me. Here, dear Disney, your salary, work for pennies.” . You are no longer the owner or the author, just nobody!
A vile stab in the back, a vile betrayal. But this is precisely what served as the impetus for the birth of the famous character Mickey Mouse. Who knows, without this betrayal, the history of world animation could have taken a completely different path, and you and I would never have had the opportunity to laugh and grieve with this wonderful character; there would not have been such an extraordinary attraction in the world as Disneyland. At the moment of betrayal, Disney was killed and suffered a colossal nervous breakdown. But he found the strength to tell this scoundrel: “Take this freak! In the world with which I am friends, there are a huge number of new heroes!” And on the way home he drew the famous Mickey Mouse.

The story of the rise of the famous boxing producer Don King is interesting. A black boy grew up on the outskirts of a big city - in a black ghetto, where alcohol, drugs, and crime reigned. What fate could await him ahead? Prison or death. At first, that’s how it turned out. Being a gambling guy, Don King ran an illegal betting shop. After a fight with a debtor whom he killed, he went to prison for a long time. And here a miracle happens. He begins to read smart books from morning to night, begins to completely change his life, his worldview. The prison administration, seeing positive changes in the prisoner, petitioned for early release.
A completely different person came out of prison. A highly educated, well-read person who constantly quotes Dostoevsky, Socrates, Plato, Einstein. He took up producing in professional boxing, took it to a whole new level and became a legend in it. Don King went down in history as the man who first organized the fight between Muhammad Ali and Furman with a prize fund of the then unimaginable sum of $10 million. Who knows, if there had not been a tragedy in his life, if he had not gone to prison, maybe he would have simply become a drug addict, drunk himself, and turned into a homeless person.

Every failure brings new opportunities.
These words are quite applicable to the fate of one of my favorite entrepreneurs - Soichiro Honda.
An illiterate mechanic from a small Japanese village dreamed of opening his own business. Having collected all the money, even selling his wife’s jewelry, he set up the production of piston rings for the Toyota automobile company. His fellow villagers were puzzled and surprised - how could an illiterate person open a business? In addition to making piston rings, Honda constantly worked on his technical inventions. For a long time, nothing worked for him.
Colleagues laughed at him, they believed that he should just continue to produce these rings and not invent anything new, otherwise he would soon go broke. They mocked him, and this always happens, because little people who are afraid to take risks, who are afraid to take a step, who are afraid to do anything themselves, accept any of your defeats with delight. They are happy that you didn’t succeed either. This is an excuse for their gray, boring, miserable life. This is an internal guarantee that they live correctly, do not stick their neck out, do not take risks and do not suffer.
Imagine how Soichiro Honda felt when he heard these ridicules. But it was at this moment that a miracle happened. Soichiro came up with a way to ride a bicycle without expending energy. He attached a small motor to his wife’s bicycle and made his first moped. If at that moment he had listened to the “well-wishers” and refused to continue inventing, perhaps all his life he would have been just one of thousands of Toyota suppliers. An unknown, but quite wealthy man. It was from this failure that the great Honda empire was born, which is now one of the five largest automobile giants and produces 75 percent of all motorcycles in the world and a huge amount of necessary household appliances.
Remember Soichiro Honda's formula for success: “99 defeats give one victory!”

Let's look at how Sony was born. The first product of the designer Akio Morita were rice cookers, which worked disgustingly, burned rice and often failed. It was a defeat. The product was extremely unsuccessful. But it was this failure that served as the impetus for Akio Morita to create the first tape recorder, the first transistor. The first failures of the Sony company changed its face and determined a completely different path of development. And it was this path that turned out to be fantastically successful, and it was he who brought Morita wealth and fame (in the 70s, Akio Morita was the richest man in the world).

You are all well aware of such wonderful candies as “Roche”, “Raffaello”, “Kinder Surprise” - chocolate eggs with amazing toys. But few people know how the Ferrero empire was born. Today it is a company with a turnover of more than 10 billion dollars and a worldwide reputation.
It was after the war in a small provincial Italian town. Grandfather Ferrero decided to start a business on homemade sweets and bought cocoa, milk powder, butter, sugar, investing all his savings in them. The family spent several days preparing for the city holiday and making sweets, hoping to sell them profitably. And then, literally the day before the holiday, a tragedy occurred. The day was very hot and all the candy melted. Ferrero's wife, entering the makeshift warehouse, saw instead of sweets a spreading sweet mass. The tragedy was so strong that her legs gave way, and Ferrero himself, looking at this disaster, simply turned gray.
But a way out was found. They cut the bread and began to spread this sweet paste on it, making sweet sandwiches. The next day, Ferrero and his wife not only saved themselves from complete ruin, but also earned good money, because these sweet sandwiches flew away “like hot cakes on a frosty day.” This is how an amazing product was born - Nutella chocolate-nut spread. Later, when the Ferrero company was experiencing financial difficulties, Ferrero proudly said: “Holy Nutella will help us!” Indeed, this product has always generated super profits for Ferrero and has been popular with children all over the world for decades.

Another interesting example. John Castor suddenly lost sleep and was attacked by terrible insomnia. But unlike a huge number of fools who immediately grab tranquilizers, sleeping pills and kill their health, their psyche and their lives, he simply began to read books on law. And he became a successful lawyer, began to earn huge money! He was happy that insomnia befell him, because due to the extra hours he became more competitive and had more time to prepare for processes, study documents, and study.
Have you ever had insomnia? I had. Fortunately, I already knew this amazing story, and when this time came, I just read books, enjoyed life and said: “Lord, thank you!” My daylight hours, my life, increased by several hours.
In every disaster, in every failure there is a breakthrough, a seed of success. "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger." Here it is, the formula for success!
In every failure, in every disaster, there is a new opportunity, but we simply don’t know about it. We were simply not taught this. We perceive every failure as a blow of fate, as a slap in the face, as a trip, as bad luck, as a disaster. But only through the struggle with failure can you achieve something worthwhile if you stubbornly continue your work.
Personally, I get the greatest inspiration, the greatest boost of energy from reading stories about Cinderella. I am always inspired by the fates of people who, seemingly from the deepest bottom, from the deepest abyss, soar upward and turn into beautiful, great princes and queens.

We all admire the amazing literary hero Harry Potter. But few people in Russia know that the miracles happening to this amazing boy and his friends are nothing compared to the miracle that happened to his literary mother, writer Joanne Kathleen Rowling, or Jo, as her family called her from childhood.
This amazing woman was born on July 31, 1965 in England, in the small town of Chapingrodtree. She spent a typical childhood of a girl from a small town without any troubles or shocks. Years later, she gave her birth date to her favorite hero, Harry Potter. As a child, Rowling, in her own words, was an insecure, plump girl in horned glasses, a crammer and a “nerd.” By the way, low bow to her from all the parents of the earth, since with the help of her books she was able to introduce a fashion for nerds - children who strive for knowledge, such clumsy bespectacled people.
Few parents paid attention to this, but indeed, before Harry Potter, in most schools in Russia, Europe, and the whole world, the heroes were strong, hooligan, cocky, bright children, but not “nerds.” This amazing writer, with the help of her books, introduced the fashion for knowledge.
After graduating from school, Joan enters the University of Exeter, where she chooses to specialize in Philology, studying in depth French, Latin and Ancient Greek. Joan began writing her first book about Harry Potter back in 1990, when she was twenty-five years old and worked as a secretary in a publishing house in London. She didn't have a computer, she wrote her bestseller on pieces of paper and put them in a shoe box. Soon, in 1990, her beloved mother dies of multiple sclerosis at the age of 45, and Joan and her sister are left alone.
At the age of 26, Joan goes to Portugal to teach English and soon meets Jorge Arantes, a journalist and playboy, and a year later marries him.
The ambitious husband could not find a job for a long time, and therefore Joan, in order to support her family, had to teach English almost until the birth of her daughter Jessica. And already in October, Joan, whose family life had not worked out, with three-month-old Jessica in her arms, went to her only relative and close person - her sister in Edinburgh. She became a semi-destitute single mother and lived on government benefits on the outskirts of the city in a gloomy slum. Rowling received only £70 a week, which was entirely spent on food and some clothes for Jessie. She was very embarrassed by her plight, literally turning into a beggar.
When Joan first went to the post office to receive her cash benefits, she felt “like there was a neon arrow burning above my head, pointing everyone towards me. I quickly put my deposit book in my pocket so that no one in line could see what it was.” . Another episode that Rowling recalls with pain and sadness is the distribution of old toys in the form of humanitarian aid. Jessica got such a dirty teddy bear that Joan refused to take it: “I felt that my previous humiliation was nothing compared to what I felt when I saw this teddy bear.”
The death of her beloved mother, a constant lack of money, a difficult separation from her husband, who literally pushed her out of the house with a small child in her arms, contributed to the development of severe depression. Sometimes on rainy evenings, when her daughter was sleeping, it seemed to Joan that this dark streak of life would never end. Joan's only escape from the terrible reality was at her desk.
Joan wrote her first book for almost five years. Joan sent the manuscript of the book “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, retyped on an old typewriter, to various publishing houses, from where they received standard replies: “Too difficult for children. Children will not be interested in it.”

But in 1995, the streak of terrible failures finally ended - the manuscript ended up in the Bloombury publishing house, which specialized in publishing children's books. The first professional who paid attention to her books was literary agent Christopher Litel. He saw something unusual in the young writer and recommended that the publisher give the book manuscript to a special children's expert council, consisting of boys and girls of different ages, so that they could evaluate the manuscript. The children were delighted with the book, and it was decided to publish The Philosopher's Stone. Then the writer's literary agent, Christopher Litel, took The Philosopher's Stone to Europe's largest book fair in Frankfurt.
And soon the Bloombury publishing house paid JK Rowling an advance of $2,250 - a fantastic amount for her. For the first time in her life, Joan went to a jewelry store and chose an aquamarine ring to match the color of her eyes. From this moment on, JK Rowling's fate takes an amazing turn - the ugly duckling turns into a beautiful swan.
The first book was published in July 1997, the same year Joan received a grant of 12 thousand dollars and finally bought a computer.
Further more. The Americans bought the rights to The Philosopher's Stone from her for $110,000, and by the summer of 2000, the first three books had sold thirty-five million copies and been translated into 36 languages. Rowling was finally able to leave her job - she taught French - and fully concentrate on creativity. Books about Harry Potter have literally conquered the whole world. And Rowling herself became a superstar, a cult writer of our time. What is our time like? Of all times!
The woman writer who made over a billion dollars!
In the United States alone, in the two months since the publication of the sixth volume of Harry Potter, eleven million copies of the book have been sold. Sales of the sixth volume reached seven million copies within the first 24 hours of its publication. This means that on average more than 250 thousand copies were sold per hour, which broke the record of the fifth book, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” when five million books were sold in the first 24 hours. It is worth noting that, now famous and outstanding, the writer remained a sympathetic, modest, noble person.
We are not all born in equal circumstances. Some are born into a family of rich people, others into a family of poor people, or even worse, into a family of people who cannot make their way in life because of racial or national prejudice. But even this does not prevent purposeful people from finding their path in life.

The number one star in show business, TV presenter Oprah Winfrey, has broken all records in terms of money making and popularity on television. Today, tens of millions of television viewers look with admiration at this plump African-American woman. She is an idol for millions of people on the planet. Imagine what this means in America, where two hundred years ago black people were slaves, and a hundred years ago they refused to even ride on the same bus or buy goods in the same store.
But Oprah did not come to her victory quickly. In childhood and adolescence, Oprah’s fate was not the best. She was born in the slums of one of the poor neighborhoods, where prostitution, violence, drugs, and crime were almost the main occupation of young people. She left home very early, wandered, took alcohol and drugs, and led a promiscuous sex life. At the age of 16, she gave birth to a stillborn child, without even knowing from whom. As a child, it was only by chance that she was not sent to a juvenile prison for theft - she was saved by the fact that the prison was overcrowded.
A tramp, thief and drug addict, Oprah naturally missed classes for months and wrote with many errors. Most people with her fate would have folded their hands long ago and never dreamed of millions of dollars, of fame, of fame. Many would sign in their blood that a child who grew up in poverty, in a criminal environment, who has known the underbelly of American society since childhood, cannot initially achieve at least some success in life. Her peak is at least to marry a quiet, hard-working guy. But only those people who have given up and resigned themselves to their poverty can think this way, those people who have said to themselves: I will never achieve anything in life, my destiny is life in hell, torment and hopeless darkness.
Oprah had hope, had a dream to achieve the best in life. And fate smiled at her: she managed to find a job at some small provincial radio station. At first she did all sorts of auxiliary work around the office, then she was entrusted - for the first time in her life - to go on air.
And the star lit up!
Today she is the owner of more than a billion dollars, a giant global megastar!
At one of the last shows, she allowed herself to give a royal gift. There were 240 spectators in the studio watching the talk show. Several people participated in the talk show, and Oprah gave these participants a gift by giving them a Cadillac. Then she suddenly turned to the audience and said: “Dear friends! Now each of you will receive a beautiful holiday box, but only one of them will contain the key to the Cadillac, which is already waiting for you on the street.”
Imagine the surprise of TV viewers when each of the 240 people found the treasured keys! As the excited crowd of talk show participants poured out of the studio, they saw 240 shiny new Cadillacs tied with huge pink bows in front of the building.

Why did I remember these stories? Guys, I know that a lot of people are in the same position as Oprah and JK Rowling once were. Do not give up! Fight! Fight! Dream! A major victory can only be achieved in struggle, only by winning, overcoming all sorts of obstacles and failures. You can overcome everything, even disasters. The main thing is not to give up, not to give up.
I understand that your enemies: poverty, dullness, disease, injustice, contempt of society - these are the most terrible enemies you can imagine, but remember - you are created in the image of God, remember that you have a great star in your heart. Let them laugh at you, let them consider you an ugly duckling, the last sucker - don’t expect from society, and often even from your closest people, that they will tell you the most important, most important words: “I believe in your success, I believe in your bright wonderful future, you were born under a great lucky star!” You will most likely never hear this. The main thing is to repeat them to yourself.
Amazing stories in the lives of ordinary people, Cinderella stories are repeated in our world again and again. Every hour a miracle occurs on each continent. Believe in this miracle! Believe no matter what!
Believe and it will happen to you!

And another success story. When I watched films with Sylvester Stallone in the title role, I admit honestly, I did not like this rich, handsome, arrogant man. For some reason, in my imagination, he was a lucky guy, a darling of fate, to whom chance and fate presented everything on a silver platter. But how deeply I was touched when I learned the real story of his life.
Sylvester Stallone dreamed of acting in films. He went to screen tests, participated in extras, but no one took him. A couple of times he was filmed in extras, where in the background someone punched him in the face - that was all that he achieved over several years of knocking on the thresholds of studios, directors and film producers.
At twenty-five he was still unknown to anyone. He didn't even have acting experience! Who needed him in Hollywood, where from morning to night 250 thousand talented, already established actors are waiting for invitations and are ready to rush out to any meeting that offers a chance? The likelihood of Stallone being cast in the lead role was not just zero, it was negative. Only in delirium can a person imagine that he will have a career with such competition, insignificant personal data and the absence of a track record in cinema!
I am far from the world of theater and cinema. But one day my wife and I were at the birthday party of our neighbor and my friend Mark Kaufman, where Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, a megastar of cinema and theater, an outstanding person of our time, was present. We chatted happily and joked. Oleg Pavlovich is very charming, everyone was amused when he answered some question in the voice of his famous character - the cat Matroskin. Unexpectedly for myself, I decided to take the opportunity and asked: “Oleg Pavlovich, at what age do you need to become an artist, at what age does a person have a chance to become an outstanding actor? Judging by modern sports, in gymnastics, in most cases, female athletes 25 years old already finish their career. Naturally, they start very early. But what about the theater world? And he told me this story. A very good friend approached him and asked him to place his daughter in the theater, who was delirious about her career as an actress - she was 19 years old, to which Oleg Pavlovich - this master, this master of his craft, replied: “It’s already too late.”
What can we say about Sylvester Stallone, who was 25 years old, and had no acting experience and no roles behind him - nothing. He irritated absolutely everyone with his dream of acting in films. He ran out of money. His wife told him many times: “Listen, get down to real business. Stop delusional, stop living in illusions! We have nothing to live on anymore.” Indeed, by that time they had to sell all things of any value from the house. Soon the wife herself slammed the door and left this “crazy man.”
Stallone was left with only one dog and an empty apartment without heating or electricity, because in America they quickly turn off gas, electricity, and water for debts. He turned into a beggar, he was terribly poor - there was no money even for food. But this dreamer really wanted to act in films. All his friends and family told him: "What are you doing? Stop! You don't have a chance!" Sylvester Stallone was still living his dream. When it became cold and it was impossible to stay in the house, he went to public libraries to warm up, leafed through magazines and read books there. And then one day it dawned on him - he said to himself: “I will write a script, through this script I will achieve the leading role, and my dream of becoming an actor will come true!”
He began writing one script after another, but no one accepted these scripts, he received refusal after refusal. When things got really bad and there was nothing to eat, he was forced to sell his only friend - his dog. When he was selling it, he told the buyer: “I will definitely find you. I’m not selling my friends, I’m not selling my dog ​​- I just have nothing to feed it. When I have money, I will definitely find you, and I will definitely buy you back.” But there was no money, and no chances either.

Complete dead end, complete loneliness, complete poverty. What to do? Maybe refuse? Oh no! I'll act in a movie! I will achieve my goal. And then one day, when he saw Muhammad Ali fight on TV, it dawned on him! He felt such inspiration, such a trembling in his body, he was literally “sausage”. He took pen and paper and wrote the script for the movie Rocky.
Inspired by his work, for the thousandth time he went in an endless circle from producers to directors, from directors to producers. But no one wanted to take his script. Everyone refused to even pay attention to him. This went on for several weeks until two young producers read the script. They told him, "Great, guy. Good script. Here's $15,000. We'll buy it, and be happy!" To which they received an unexpected answer: “No! I won’t give away the script just like that. I have to star.” They were amazed by his impudence and sent Sylvester Stallone to hell. But after some time they called him again and offered him 100 thousand dollars. He again disagreed.
The producers popularly explained to him: “Look at you. You are small, unprepossessing, you have no talent, you are unprofessional. What the hell is the main role. Take the money! We will hire a good actor and earn even more money, and we will give you a percentage of the box office collection." Being in the most dire situation, experiencing dire need, Sylvester Stallone replied: “No! I don’t agree. I have to play the main role!” Again he was sent to hell, again time passed, and again a conversation took place: “250 thousand dollars, a very good, profitable percentage of box office receipts - and all your problems will end. Well, why do you need this main role? Why are you missing out, perhaps, on your the only chance in life? “No!” said Stallone. “I will sign the documents only on the condition that I play the leading role.”
More time has passed. Since these producers really liked this script, they spat and agreed. Naturally, they only gave him 15 thousand dollars and a percentage of the box office receipts.
Having received the first money, he was delighted and ran to look for his dog. Having found that buyer, he asked to sell his faithful friend back to him. But a clever businessman, who heard about his luck, told him: “No. I won’t sell.” He agreed to return the dog, bought for just $50, only after Stallone paid him his entire fee - $15,000. Moreover, this clever gentleman took advantage of the opportunity and bargained for himself a small role in the film “Rocky”. Today Sylvester Stallone is a cult actor. His scripts, his films, his roles have become classics of world cinema. He achieved his dream, he achieved his goal. But what he had to go through, how many trials he had to carry his dream of becoming an actor!

Honestly, when I found out his story, I was shocked, I was excited. I asked myself the question: “Hungry, cold, needy, could I refuse 250 thousand dollars, which would immediately solve all my problems?” That's another question.
But, on the other hand, when I was offered 10 million dollars to bottle Dovgan vodka in Ossetia, you understand with what quality, I, too, could immediately receive a decent amount and solve all my problems. But at that moment, without hesitation, I did not take a penny. I survived because I had a main dream - to create vodka with protected quality and save people from death. At that time, and even now, tens of thousands of people a year die in Russia from low-quality vodka - this is a terrible figure.
My dear reader, my dear star! I gave these examples because I sincerely want to reach your heart. I want to do everything so that a star lights up in your heart, so that you can achieve your success, even if you are hungry today, live at the station, your loved ones despise you, and consider you an idiot, a loser. You yourself see that success comes regardless of the place of birth, the race of a person, or his religion. He comes to those who really expect him and do everything to achieve him no matter what in the world.
I am absolutely sure that you have hidden strength, you have talent, you have everything to achieve success.
When I gave the manuscript of this book to my friend Igor Lvovich Yakimenko to read, he was delighted, but drew attention to the fact that I constantly address the reader, you, my dear friend, as a star, as an outstanding person. Igor Lvovich doubted it a little and said to me: “Listen, won’t the reader perceive such non-standard treatment as flattery, as something overly cloying, unpleasant?” Then I explained to Igor Lvovich that I was completely sincere. Behind these words lies the whole story of my life.
If no one in the world speaks the most important, most inspiring words, imagine how many failed destinies, how many undiscovered people live among us! Who knows how many victories we would have seen if every person had received this powerful support in time. I have seen these victories many times in my seminars. That’s why I never tire of repeating: “You are a wonderful, amazing person! You will definitely achieve success! It’s as simple as twice two!”
If you, my dear reader, believe in yourself, then my book was not written in vain.
I am recording this chapter on a voice recorder, returning from a powerful seminar in Ulan-Ude at an altitude of ten thousand meters. I whisper these words, afraid to wake up the passengers sitting next to me, I am excited.
My heart is filled with great strength.
Having told you these amazing stories, dear reader, I again experienced with you the pride and delight for the opportunities that life gives us. All religions in the world argue and fight, everyone defends their point of view, their truth, but they all agree on one thing.
Faith works miracles. Believe in yourself!

Another very striking example from our history.
Our grandmothers remember the time when they had to live under a torch, in the dark. Today, every home has electric light, and we simply cannot imagine our life without it. But, habitually pressing the switch, few parents think about the history of this invention.

To create an electric light bulb, Thomas Edison performed more than a thousand (!) experiments. All his colleagues had long ago lost faith in the possibility of creating a working model. One failure followed another. And when once again an explosion occurred in the laboratory, Edison’s assistant, unable to bear it, shouted: “You’re crazy, it almost killed us! You can’t understand that it’s impossible to create an electric light bulb!” To which Thomas Edison calmly replied: “Yes. Every failure we suffer is the only path to the truth. Every failure brings us closer to the right decision. Every time we learn that this path will not lead to success, but we immediately choose a new one.” way and do a new experiment." The assistant ran away in horror, and Edison had to continue the experiments alone.
It wasn't until the 1016th time that Thomas Edison's light bulb came on and changed the course of our civilization. Apartments, enterprises, factories, mines - everywhere, on the ground and underground, Edison's light bulb is burning today. An everlasting monument to perseverance and the right attitude towards failure.

"Nothing in the world can replace perseverance. Neither talent - there is nothing more common than talented people who have not achieved success. Neither genius - unappreciated genius has become a commonplace saying. Neither education - the world is full of educated renegades. Only persistence, determination and hard work dramatically change a person."

These words come from another remarkable man, one of the most amazing examples of perseverance in the face of many defeats. Judge for yourself:

He was born into the family of a poor settler. At the age of nine he lost his mother. At fourteen he became a day laborer, a farm laborer for wealthy owners. At twenty-four he worked as a postmaster for meager pennies. At twenty-five, he was elected to the state legislature. At twenty-seven, he passed the bar exam on his own. At thirty-one he failed in business. At thirty-five, his girlfriend died. He suffered a terrible nervous breakdown. At thirty-seven he was elected to Congress. Failed in business again. At thirty-eight years old, he was not chosen for the position of speaker. At forty-three he was not elected to Congress. At forty-six years old, he was elected to Congress. At forty-nine - not elected to the Senate.
But two years later, in 1860, Abraham Lincoln became President of the United States.
Believing in yourself and in your success sometimes remains the only weapon in the fight against the vicissitudes of life. But it is precisely this that can become the lever that can help a person turn the world upside down - turn failures into a brilliant victory.

Frank Woolworth dreamed of becoming a salesman. To gain experience, he worked for two years as a clerk in a grocery store for free. Then he went to work in a large store, where he received $3.50 a week. This money was barely enough for him to pay for room and board. Then he began to earn 10 dollars. This inspired him so much that he decided to get married. But the owner suddenly reduced his salary to 8.5 dollars, citing the fact that he is an unimportant salesman and there are many workers who work better. Frank lost faith in himself so much that he was forced to undergo treatment for a nervous disorder for a whole year. His mother told him: “The time will come, son, and you will become a rich man!”, but there seemed to be no reason for optimism.
Unexpectedly, the former owner called him and entrusted him with the design of shop windows and the arrangement of new stores - this is what Frank did best. Then he learned that there were stores where they sold five-cent goods, and trade was very brisk. He was instructed to open such a store. But the store went bankrupt.
Frank realized that the five-cent barrier limited the seller's options, and began selling ten-cent goods. Three of his five such stores went bankrupt.
But Frank did not give up; he managed to convince his brother and several shareholders to invest money and develop a whole network of similar stores.
Fifteen years later, F.W. Woolworth's cheap goods stores covered all of America and brought him his first million dollars. By the end of his life, he owned more than a thousand stores, selling $100 million worth of goods annually. Woolworth's personal account alone had $65 million.
He built the first 55-story skyscraper in New York, calling it the "Temple of Commerce." In one of his interviews, Woolworth modestly shared the secret of his success: “Of course, disappointments await you. But you must always hold on!”

Few people know the story of the creator of the famous Barbie doll, which became the idol of billions of girls. This doll sold like no other toy in the world - every two minutes on the planet another happy girl became the owner of a long-legged beauty and her large family. In its heyday, Mattel, then the family business of Ruth Handler and her husband Elliot, owned 12 percent of America's $2 billion toy market. Ruth herself, the president of the company, was warmed by the rays of fame of Barbie and Ken, named after her children, to the fullest - she became the first female vice president of the Toy Manufacturers Association, the 1961 Outstanding Business Woman, the 1968 Woman of the Year in Business, the first female member Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve System. In 1970, President Nixon appointed her to the President's Business Advisory Council. Her business acumen and instinct for new opportunities could not be broken even by a terrible illness - Ruth Handler was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy. Losing her breast seemed to her then the greatest misfortune that could happen to her. But it turned out that this disease was only the beginning of the trials.
A terrible failure, the loss of her entire fortune and even prison overtook Ruth Handler at the very peak of her success. In 1975, she was wrongfully accused of manipulating company securities and, although Ruth was never found guilty, she was given the longest term of forced community service. In 1978, the mother of the “society model” was sentenced to five years of probation, subject to completing 2,500 hours of community service and paying $57,000. She left the management of Mattel and for many years her name was banned from the company. Shareholders, concerned about Barbie's falling sales, tried to prevent the unwanted association of "blond gold" with the name of her hapless creator.
“It seemed to me that everyone was pointing the finger at me. I couldn’t go outside. Even in my own apartment, I only went up in the freight elevator,” Ruth later recalled.
For any person, a disaster of this magnitude would mean the end of an active life in business. But not for Ruth. She was disgraced, humiliated and ruined, but did not quit the game. As Ruth herself admits: “I still have a lot of fighting spirit left in me; perhaps the meaning of life is to fight.”

Oddly enough, her illness gave her a new impetus to action. Ruth fully experienced what it was like to wear prosthetic breasts designed by men. Breast prostheses were then produced in a meager assortment; they did not meet the requirements of female anatomy and were not divided into right and left. Her trial was not yet over when Ruth approached a qualified prosthetic technician and invited him to start a new venture with her: Ruth decided to make the best artificial breasts in the world. In a matter of months, she set up a new office and hired eight women who, like her, had undergone mastectomies. Each of them served as a living advertisement for the new company's product.
In 1980, the new company's sales exceeded $1 million. For Ruth Handler, that million wasn't just a lot of money. It signified her triumph, her rebirth as a fighter and entrepreneur. Moreover, mother and “daughter” were reunited again - on a wave of nostalgia in the 90s, Barbie festivals began to be held throughout America and listeners really wanted to hear how she was created. The name Ruth Handler turned out to be the most delicious bait for the organizers, and Ruth traveled half of the world with the story “how Barbie was born.” Her advice to people experiencing failure is simple: "Don't cling to what you've lost, no matter how great the loss. Find something else to do. I've had a lot of nightmares, but I've always found the strength to get up and move on."
We learn the names of such people only at the moment of their sparkling success, at the moment of ascending to the victory podium. We do not see those decades of exhausting work, humiliating failures, hundreds and hundreds of small and large failures that made up their ascent.

Remember Soichiro Honda's formula for success: "Success comes only through repeated failure and self-analysis. In fact, success itself is only 1% of work, the remaining 99% is failure."

Si Yong won more baseball games than anyone in history. He became the best pitcher and had five hundred and twelve wins, a record that will probably never be broken. But another record is associated with his name - three hundred and thirteen defeats, which no other pitcher has ever experienced.
Indeed, many people have become great only because they had the right attitude towards failure.

There have already been examples with writers... But why go far if there is our wonderful writer Daria Dontsova. I think there is no point in describing her success, since everyone knows who she is. But does everyone know that very moment in life when success knocked on her door?
At just over thirty years old, Daria, then still Agrippina, was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor! She had four operations in a row. The only person who believed in Dontsova's future was Dontsova herself. Lying in the ward, she saw a woman who came to her, dropped the cakes and went out the window from the sixth floor. THEN she began to see how this woman was driving in the car, to see who she was communicating with, etc. She not only saw it, she even heard and felt it. The doctors thought that she had gone crazy... She thought so herself, but not her husband Alexander Ivanovich - a psychologist. He calmed her down and suggested that she write down everything she sees. As a result, six months later, Daria left the hospital with the first five books, which immediately became bestsellers. Now she has over 70 books, popularity, Respect, Well-being and Health)

Success in trading, and in any other business, begins with character.

Marion Brehm once thought that she would never succeed in this life. Judge for yourself, a thirty-year-old mother of two children hears from a doctor a terrible diagnosis - “cancer”; she will only live for five more years. Her marriage cannot withstand such terrible stress and falls apart. Brem becomes a dying mother, alone without a job or health insurance.
Her friend unexpectedly gives advice: “You love communicating with people. Why don’t you try yourself as a salesman?” This advice became the starting point on the path of her psychological, physical and spiritual recovery.
Brem “sold” her abilities to the owner of a car dealership, that is, she got a job there. Two months later she was “Seller of the Month”, by the end of the year she was “Seller of the Year”. Less than five years later she already had her own salon. The key to this strong woman's successful career was her character.

The path to human success is to achieve the goal by first choosing the right path. The secret of an individual’s success is expressed in the correctness and duration of the actions taken. To achieve the desired success, you should start working on yourself, your inner qualities. Moving forward towards your goal and success will be the development of your capabilities, talent, self-development, and setting new goals. Successful people say that the path to success is the ability to move from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm. By starting to change and improve step by step, you can achieve the success that an individual has dreamed of.

So, the path to success is a system similar to an accrual effect, in which the more effort a person puts in, the more he gets in the end result. Even a slight rise leads to greater growth, and if you carry out actions with pleasure, then the path to success will not seem so difficult. Something small can often grow into something big over time. Such an example would be a large company that has achieved success in business. Most companies begin their journey with a small staff, having a small premises, and only over time they expand and achieve success. None of the companies start their journey with anything grandiose. The vast majority of companies achieve their goals by starting from scratch, making many attempts until they achieve the desired result. The people who stood at the origins of the companies did not remain idle, but did everything possible to implement their plans. If something did not work out, then failures did not stop them, but only made them stronger and fueled the desire to achieve their goal. By studying the experience of other companies and developing their talent, they achieved their goals.

The path to success is recommendations. Most people are not ready to develop, work on themselves and expect changes immediately, in one day or month. It doesn't happen that way. Often a person is intolerant of practical actions, and the path to success depends on the determination to move on to specific actions and requires developing a plan according to which he will act in the near future. And for the plan to be effective, you need to learn several recommendations, without which actions will be completely in vain.

Some of them read:

- only a person is responsible for all the actions he commits;

- only he and no one else can build the life that an individual dreams of;

- don’t blame other people for your failures;

- you should do more things and not be afraid to take risks;

— it is necessary to turn failures into invaluable experience;

— you should start acting and put your plans into practice right now, without postponing your dreams for later.

The path to success begins with knowing the philosophy of success and it will begin if you stop denying inevitable success. Many people dream of wealth, of a beautiful life, of realizing their plans, but do not achieve all this. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out. Where do a person’s thoughts and words begin when he is about to do something, or receives any proposal? An individual “tryes on” a proposal or a business and says: “no, this is impossible, the proposal is interesting, but it’s not for me, I don’t believe in success.” A person immediately questions or denies everything and is always looking for a reason to either not start a business or confirm his denial. But the path to success does not tolerate denial, and it will be where there is no denial. Therefore, it is necessary to always speak and think positively. You should look not for a reason, but for a way to achieve success faster. An individual can do whatever he wants, he can become whoever he wants, he just needs to make a decision right now and go towards his goal. It must be remembered that the tragedy of life lies not in the fact that a person does not achieve his goal, but in the fact that there are no goals to achieve. Achieving success in any area is often hampered by negative thinking, which does not motivate the individual to take action.

Negatively minded people attribute their failures to bad fate, lack of necessary connections and other external factors. With all this, most of them are educated, well-read and knowledgeable in the theory of modern psychological technologies, the knowledge of which allows them to set themselves up for success.

What do people lack to take the path of success? After all, everyone wants to be successful, but many cannot even mentally imagine this because they think incorrectly. What exactly is a negative way of thinking expressed and how exactly does it prevent you from getting on the path to success?

Firstly, a negative way of thinking blocks access to desires and dreams, which play an important role in determining life goals. Often people drive themselves into a cage of prohibitions and restrictions. Why is this happening? Because other people - relatives or the immediate environment - begin to interfere with their way of thinking in the individual’s world, imposing their point of view. So gradually a person stops dreaming, because in his opinion it is already becoming useless.

Secondly, a negative way of thinking is dangerous because an individual focuses his attention on the negative aspects of everything that happens to him. And only on the basis of negative observations does he make the same forecasts for the future. For example, a person’s statement that he will never achieve success and prosperity is an example of a negative forecast. Thus, the individual sets himself up for failure and prepares himself in advance for failure. People always willingly justify such personal “programming,” even finding confirmation that they are “right.” Thirdly, in the life of such individuals there are only two colors: black and white, but there are no shades. Therefore, such people choose the path of least resistance and settle for a miserable existence in which they do not have to make any effort. And in order to take the path of success and, you need to believe that this is achievable and first make you take at least some steps.

The hardest thing for a person is to change internally and work on himself in a positive direction. On the path to success, reluctance to change radically internally turns into the main obstacle for a person. Therefore, outwardly nothing changes in a person’s life and, as a result, there is no progress towards the set goal.

The path to success involves abandoning the style of behavior and stereotype of thinking that has developed over a number of years. They urgently need to be replaced with constructive and productive thoughts that will inspire the individual to take action.

This requires:

- analyze your thoughts, feelings, behavior every day;

— adjust your habits, actions and thoughts that have been established over the years towards optimism and positivity;

— specifically decide on a goal, develop a plan for achieving it and not deviate one step from the plan.

No matter how much an individual studies success theories, it will not work in practice without his desire to change. Everyone must independently choose their life position: strive for success or go with the flow.

The path to success is often unattainable because a person does not do what he intended to accomplish and his intention irrevocably becomes obsolete over the years. What's stopping him from doing what he wants? The answer is simple: the individual has the habit of postponing important matters until later. It seems to a person that he still has a lot of time ahead, and he will return to his plans, but this does not happen. There is a simple way out of this situation - to urgently change your habits by adopting one rule called the “72-hour rule.” Its essence is as follows: when a person has an idea that he wants to bring to life, then in the next 72 hours the individual must take the first steps to implement it. If a person has not done this in 72 hours, then there is a high probability that he will never do it again. This happens because a person’s enthusiasm is present at the moment an idea arises, and this is what pushes him to action and acts as self-motivation.

After a certain time, the individual’s enthusiasm fades away, so the launch of the implementation of the idea should not be put off for a long time. You need to act while the idea is still “hot”. It doesn’t matter if this is initially an unimportant step. It must be done within the allotted hours, otherwise the idea will remain unrealized. After the first step, it is necessary to take the next step, which will allow the idea to acquire real features.

The simple path to success is to do things that haven't been done before. At the same time, a person’s goals must be clear and understandable, but the means of achieving them can be different, and they can change. The difference between a goal and the means to achieve it is obvious and clear in theory, but in practice people get confused. If you ask some people why they did not achieve their goals, they will answer that they lacked money or knowledge, or maybe support. People believe that they are stopped by a lack of resources and do not take into account the fact that these resources are just methods and ways of achieving, but they can be replaced by other methods.

If a person writes down on paper all the methods known to him for achieving a goal, then this will already be the fulfillment of the assigned tasks, and the goal requires the invention of new resources, new methods, and the development of new strategies in relation to itself. If you do something that a person has never done before, then this will be the path to success and achievement of the goal. If a person just does familiar things, then it will be working with existing methods. Often people go through existing methods in their minds, relying on experience, and do not do anything new for themselves. They do what they are used to doing and are surprised that nothing new happens in their lives. If you limit your actions only to what the individual considers reasonable and possible, then the person deprives himself of what he really wants. Therefore, it is necessary to do something that was not previously dared due to internal limitations.

In theory, someone else’s success should motivate and, therefore, move an individual forward, but often other people’s achievements force one to give up, since small personal successes in comparison with the significant achievements of successful people seem insignificant and even somewhat shameful. A person needs to fight such thoughts, since they are negative, throwing a person back and destroying dreams. It will be better if you break down the path to success step by step.

If great success appears to an individual as something unattainable and incredible, then it is important to understand that the path to success consists of steps. Without immediately aiming for the highest levels and concentrating on immediate goals, it is necessary to achieve intermediate success. Thus, a person gradually acquires new capabilities that can easily achieve what he had previously only dreamed of.

So, by concentrating on real, close goals and doing everything to achieve them, a person thereby follows his own path to success. Great success is not only wealth, but also balance in the spheres of life and harmony with oneself, which is quite possible for any person to achieve, and this path to success is not so long.

Thought acts like a magnet. Accordingly, and due to the law of attraction, we attract various situations or events. I want to offer you an exercise that will help you speed up the path to your abundance.

We mentally create a situation, or rather a mental form, that we find a coin of denomination... (at your discretion), for example, 50 kopecks or 50 cents, if you are at a higher material level, then you can start with $100 or higher. Realistically assess your situation today; if a person is in a very difficult financial situation, then you don’t need to start with a large bill, but start with 10 kopecks. It is important that you present this situation as if it were real. Imagine how it happened - a warm sunny day or vice versa, you are in a great mood, you saw the shine of the coin, you feel how it attracts your gaze, how you lift it, feel its shape, visualize what is depicted on it, how happy you are, how warm you feel, your love in your heart is endless.

Be sure to write affirmations in the present tense., For example:

  • I attract a coin (bill) ..... 50 cents
  • I found (found) 50 cents (or other denomination)
  • I always physically feel you 50 cents
  • I love the 50 cent coin
  • 50 cents come to me
  • 50 cents and me is mutual love
  • 50 cents always come to me
  • 50 cents I am your reality
  • I always gratefully accept 50 cents, etc. use your imagination!

So, do this exercise for about 10-15 minutes. It is very important that you do this very directed and with great concentration. The fact is that at this moment you send a mental form (thought form) to the Universe, but this is not just a thought, but it must be a very strong thought that comes from within your Self, only then this method will begin to work. The Universe, having received your thought, may try to test you how much you really want it. The power of thought is important for getting what you want. This is how you will develop the power of your intention, which will gradually begin to materialize.

Throughout the day, mentally scroll through these affirmations, visualize a coin (bill), and strengthen your intention. Of course, at first the results will be slow, but every day the intention will gain strength and the results will come more quickly and sometimes in the most unexpected way. Please do not forget that your desired coin or banknote, and subsequently the amount (increase the denomination of the coin or banknote as you progress), can come in the form of gifts, presentations and, of course, in monetary terms. If you are an employee of a company, this could be a promotion or an unexpected bonus. If you are in business, there may be a windfall or other situation that will bring you money. It is very important that when results begin, you always thank the Universe; you don’t need to think that this would have happened on its own. When money comes into your life, thank the Universe, it loves you.

Those who are in Reiki can call upon the energy of Reiki (in which one practices TR, KR) and work through intention. Results start almost immediately, but move gradually, starting with small amounts, moving up to larger amounts as you see results.