Rules for writing a resume for a job. Examples of composing (writing) a resume

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In this article, you'll find step-by-step instructions for writing a resume, as well as tips and examples to help you get noticed, stand out from your competitors, and land a competitive position, no matter what your specialty.

Creating a resume is not inherently difficult; it is important to compose it in such a way that you stand out clearly enough among your competitors, and this is worth some effort.

For the most part, resumes look the same, of course there are some rules, but you need to make an impression, and for this, train yourself to have an individual handwriting. After all, 90% of your competitors will use standard phrases that will employers are already tired, even you will most likely say them:

  1. Responsibility
  2. Punctuality
  3. Performance
  4. Perseverance
  5. Communication skills, etc.

This is what is expected of you if you want to stand out among your competitors - you need to hook and interest the employer, then you will get an advantage and be deservedly rewarded. A correctly written resume really deserves attention, and if you carefully study the material on this site, compose a correct and catchy resume, it will be put in a separate folder and shown to your boss first!

You'll soon learn powerful rules to apply...

First Rule: When writing a resume, imagine that you need to sell the most expensive thing for you (yourself, of course). Make the employer need you, prove that you are an expert in a certain area and that this area is exclusively important to him. It is important to understand that your expertise matches the position for which you are applying.

Believe me! This rule has been working for many years and if done correctly, it may be enough. Although...this is only the first rule.

What is the main objective of a resume?

A resume is a business card, your personal, professional self-esteem, the task of which is to profitably sell you, or rather your experience, knowledge and skills, to obtain a pre-planned result. Think about these words!

The resume must be completed based on several rules, stick to them and you will succeed in acquiring a profession, and subsequently a career:

  • Brevity. The resume should not be very long; on average, about a minute of time is devoted to reading the resume, often even less. The optimal size is one A4 page.
  • Specificity. Try to be as clear as possible in dates, names, addresses. You will give the impression of a business person who approaches tasks with responsibility.
  • Truthfulness. There are times when you want to embellish reality. Don’t write lies, sooner or later they will be revealed, and you will have to be punished.
  • Selectivity. Select information for your resume, including exactly those aspects that will be useful in the position for which you are applying.

The most clearly marked are the areas that people look at first, i.e. This place should contain information that will attract the employer’s attention to your person. The procedure for writing a resume is described below.

Second Rule: The more clearly you can articulate your purpose, the more attention and professional interest you will attract. A person who knows exactly what position he needs and what skills he has already deserves attention. It is advisable to also indicate the salary level.

Order of writing resume sections:

The appearance of the resume should be pleasing to the eye and not contain unnecessary elements on the page! What matters is the presence of your photo and a clear structure:

  • Personal data– Full name, Date of birth, Place of residence, Telephone, E-mail.

Ivanov Vitaly Andreevich
Date of birth: 07/24/1980
Place of residence: Ekaterinburg, st. Bolshakova, 77–419.
Phone: 8 ХХХ ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ (mobile), ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ (home).
Email: [email protected].

  • Target– At this point, write what vacancy you are applying for. You must know exactly what you want! Moreover, this is the most important part of your resume!

Target, or life achievements– place the main emphasis on this part of your resume, it should be exciting and understandable, so that the reader would want to meet you live. This part should be located at the top of the resume under personal data.

  • Education– Indicate the basic education that allows you to apply for this position. Indicate the years of study, institution and assigned qualification (specialty). Also announce additional courses or trainings, but only if they are related to the vacancy.

2002 – 2007
Ural State University named after. A.M. Gorky
Faculty: History
Specialty: Historian-archivist
Additional education:
2003 Ural-Siberian Institute of Business
Integrated Marketing Program

  • experience– List your most recent jobs, starting with your most recent (current). Indicate the period of work, company name, field of activity, position and responsibilities, as well as specific achievements in indicators.

March 2009 – Present.
Company: "Zapad"
Field: Wholesale of food products
Position: Chief accountant
Responsibilities: Maintaining accounting and tax records, preparing reports for the Social Insurance Fund, Internal Revenue Service, working in the general taxation system.

Basically, the section resembles a work book, pay attention to this point and you will get an advantage. Do not indicate irrelevant experience that is not relevant to the vacancy! Compile it with due care and get the payoff

  • Additional Information– this point is not mandatory, but can influence the final decision. Indicate skills related to the purpose of the resume - knowledge of languages, computers, programs related to the profession, etc.

PC: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, CorelDraw, PhotoShop.

German - fluent, English - conversational.

In the main (most readable) part, describe the significant events that occurred in your professional career, what level of skill you have achieved over the past years and in what areas you are deservedly considered an expert. Write how you differ from other experts, perhaps you have awards, make the manager read your resume to the end!!!

How to please a hiring manager?

Before answering this question, let's understand what a manager's job looks like and the tasks he must perform to select candidates

  1. Create and post job advertisements.
  2. After a sufficient number of resumes have been sent, candidates need to be sifted out and the best ones selected for calling and interviewing.
  3. After the call, some of the candidates will be eliminated again, and the rest will need to be invited for an interview and the best will be selected again.
  4. And the last interview, perhaps already practice, will be in the department where the employee is required.

Don't be scared! You can attract attention to yourself if you write a high-quality resume. First, you need to get an interview, and for this you need to follow these steps:

  • Take writing your resume seriously and spend a lot of time on it. Make two options and send them together if you can't decide.
  • You should have a presentable mailbox, with your last name preferably (do not use mail like: superman@mail, etc.)
  • Try to use understandable language, do not use too abstruse or cliched phrases, no one reads them! Tell a professional story about your career - that's all you need.
  • Divide your resume into component parts and make the main information more prominent, but at the same time, do not overdo it.
  • Do not make multi-page pages with full information about yourself; your resume should be 1 A4 page (maximum 2)
  • Call the employer, if possible, find out whether the resume has arrived and how soon the result will be known.

Third Rule: Be confident! Everyone gets nervous during interviews, even employers. You should embody a confident person and inspire calm with your appearance, and not the feeling that you feel bad. How to achieve this? There is one way! But you will learn about it in the next article.

Here are a few non-standard resumes, which will attract the attention of the employer, but you must clearly understand how this will affect the attitude towards you. In some cases creativity is appropriate, in others it is not.

Hello! Some readers have asked me about how to write a resume for a job in 2019. I turned to my friend, who has been heading the HR department of a large company with more than 500 employees for more than 5 years. He has a clear idea of ​​what a correct and competent resume should look like, because... Many company employees went through it.

In today's article I will share this useful information with you. I will tell you how to write the right resume for a job, and also give you a universal resume form/template that you can download for free, and I will give you a sample resume! After which you can begin the article about.

8 main rules for writing a resume

Summary is a written document containing information about your professional and personal qualities, as well as containing additional autobiographical data about you that is important when applying for a job (place of previous work, personal qualities, contact details, addresses, etc.).

  1. Don't make foot wraps! The resume should be clear, concise, nothing superfluous, a maximum of 1.5 pages, at most 2. Without extolling your personality as a multi-armed, many-legged employee.
  2. Follow a common resume structure. Next, we will tell and show you how to write a resume.
  3. Only truth! And nothing but the truth! If you are asked to do something at an interview that you indicated in your resume, and you do not know how to do it, you are guaranteed to fail. If you speak Photoshop at the first-grader level, then there is no need to write that you are a “confident user of Photoshop”; if you have completed English courses at the Elementary level, then there is no need to write that you are “fluent in spoken English.”
  4. Competitive. These are the qualities your resume should include. This is especially true for residents of megacities, where competition in the labor market is fierce and it is important to show yourself in the best light. But don't forget about point 3.
  5. Resume style. This is important to remember. After all, if, when applying for a job as a lawyer in a large holding company, you provide a resume on pink paper with flowers, then it is unlikely that they will even consider it. A creative approach to resume design is only relevant for interviews for a creative position (showman, event host, graphic designer, etc.).
  6. Don't forget the purpose of your resume- make an impression and get an invitation to an interview. Your resume must match the position you are applying for. If you are a multifaceted person and at the same time are applying for the position of an accountant, then there is no need to write that you are also an “excellent toastmaster”; if you are applying for the position of a pastry chef, then there is no need to write about your knowledge in psychology and NLP.
  7. Literacy. If you are applying for a position as a lawyer, but in your resume you made a typo in the word appeal, then such a lawyer is worthless. Check your resume several times, run it through an online grammar (; orfogrammka) or using the F7 function in Word, and finally let a more competent person read it. No slang or emoticons, this is not a private correspondence. Speaking of which! Nowadays, many recruiting managers and department heads pay attention to how an official email is written: whether there is a subject line, address style, greeting, signature and contact information. And here, too, it is important not to forget about the rules of good manners and the rules of business correspondence.
  8. One position - one resume! If you are applying for the same position in different companies, then make sure that your resume meets the requirements of the personnel policy of each specific company. To increase the effectiveness of a positive interview, HR specialists advise preparing a new resume for each company.

Requirements for preparing a competent resume

  1. Maximum number of pages- 2 pages of A4 format. The resume should be easy to read, and the most important information should be on the first page, in plain sight, so to speak. At the end of the first page, be sure to indicate that it will be continued on the next page. At the end of the next page, indicate your last name (if the second sheet gets lost, the employer can easily determine who it belonged to).
  2. If there is little information, then place it entirely on one page so as to avoid emptiness on the sheet. Let your text take up 3/4 of the page.
  3. Preferred font- Times New Roman or Arial. Use only one font, no need to be colorful, this is a business document, not friendly correspondence. Size either 12 or 10. Remember, font smaller than 11 is not readable after faxing a document, so don’t go too small.
  4. Resume submission form. If you are sending a resume by fax, then first check how your photo will look in black and white, whether it will look like Malevich’s “Black Square”; perhaps it makes sense to abandon the photo altogether. Regardless of how you send your resume, by fax, email, mail or personal delivery, the text should always be the same. One company - one resume! As for the photo, it should not be larger than 3.5 by 4 cm, as in the passport. Just as strict and official, and not from the beach in Gelendzhik. Some employers make their conclusion about the candidate in the first 3-4 seconds, so the photo, in this case, can contribute or, on the contrary, aggravate the choice in your favor.
  5. All sections of the resume must be structured, in a certain order, each with a new line and highlighting the subtitle.

Resume form (template) for downloading

Before you start composing a resume step by step, download a ready-made resume form and then continue reading to simultaneously fill out the resume template with your data. As a result, by the end of the article, you will have a ready-made resume on your computer with which you can go find a job.

Download resume template.

How to write a resume - working structure

Well, it’s probably worth dwelling on the structure in more detail. This is very important because... this makes it easier for your resume to be found among others. There is no need to anger the employer even before applying for a job; follow the resume structure that HR officers are already accustomed to working with.

Document's name

We’re not inventing a wheel and we’re not being clever. Briefly, without dots and in one line:

Resume of Petrov Petr Petrovich

If you are applying for a position abroad, then it is customary to write Curriculum Vitae (CV, or “biography”). This is not practiced in our country.

The vacancy you came to apply for or the purpose of your resume

This is an important point, again, for the convenience of grouping applicants in the HR department. The vacancy for which you are applying must correspond to the position required by the organization. If you are applying for several positions, then create your own resume for each. No need to write: applicant for the position of lawyer, head of the legal department, sales manager or chief accountant. So the goal should look like this:

Purpose of resume- applicant for the position of sales manager.

If you have 2 higher educations and enough work experience to apply for several positions, then for each position, even if it is required in one company, create your own resume.

You can also indicate not a goal, but a specific vacancy:

Job vacancy- Sales Manager.

Brief details and contact information

Please provide the following:

  • Date of Birth
  • Family status
  • Residence address
  • Telephone
  • Email


If you graduated from several educational institutions, then write them in order, as you graduate. If it is important for you to indicate additional courses that you have completed, then indicate them after your main education. This point is very important, especially for young professionals who do not yet have work experience.

The school needs to be indicated only if you graduated from a specialized high school or with a gold medal. In other cases, it DOES NOT NEED to be mentioned.

Special education (children's art school, music school, etc.) or additional training or courses are indicated only if they are relevant to the position for which you are applying. After school, you must first indicate technical (college, technical school) education, and then higher education. So, what does education information look like?


  • Higher(full-time) 2009 - 2013 Astrakhan State Pedagogical University.
    Specialty: educational psychologist (bachelor).
  • Additional- second higher education (evening) 2010 - 2015 Astrakhan Law Academy.
    Specialty: lawyer (specialty).

If you were nominated for state awards, then this should also be indicated in this paragraph.

If you are a young specialist and have no work experience yet, then you can indicate in this paragraph your scientific publications (name of scientific work, edition and date of publication), list the subjects in which you have achieved the highest success, and also indicate the topic of your thesis.


This paragraph is usually written as follows:

The left column indicates the period of work, and on the right is the name of the organization, your position and your responsibilities in this position. Work experience is indicated in reverse order: last place of work, previous, first. If you are a young specialist and do not yet have work experience, you can indicate the places of your training internships, the period of your internship (date) and your job responsibilities.

If you have a long track record, do not rush to list all your places of work. In particular, there is no need to mention those where you stayed for a short time, this may alert the employer. Maximum 5-7 last jobs. Each new place of work is indicated on a new line, do not forget to write the full date accurate to the month, otherwise it will not be clear: “from 2000 to 2001 I worked there”, whether you worked for a month or a whole year.

Write the name of the organization in which you worked completely; you do not need to rely on the abbreviation being familiar to everyone.

Not allowed: OSK LLC

NEEDED: United Construction Company LLC, Moscow.

In the job responsibilities column, indicate only those that will certainly be useful to you in your new place of work. There is no need to list everything. If you worked as a legal assistant, then it’s hardly worth writing about such little things as filing cases and sorting the archive by year.

The work experience section looks like this:


Important rule : no matter where you work, where you do your internship, no matter what advanced training courses or trainings you complete, take recommendations everywhere. Life is long and no one knows where it will take you, so any piece of paper can come in handy. And as they say, “without a piece of paper, we... (you know who!)”

Achievements at previous jobs

If any, please indicate. If not, then skip this point. This point should be skipped by unskilled workers (cleaner, driver, cashier, etc.). In other cases, 3-4 points and your resume will be one level higher than your competitors for this position. It is important to show the employer that you took a direct part in the prosperity of the company in your previous place of work, which means you will be a valuable employee in the new one.

There is no need to write: “took part in reducing depreciation costs.”

NEEDED: “Reduced the company’s depreciation costs by 20%.”

There is no need to write: “worked to increase tender purchases.”

NEEDED: “With my fate, the number of auction purchases increased by 20%, and the percentage of tenders won doubled.”

There is no need to write: “worked on the company’s image.”

NEEDED: “With my participation, the number of mentions of the company in the media has increased 10 times. 17 press conferences were organized during the year and 4 off-site meetings at the international level.”

There is no need to write: “organized the department from scratch.”

NEEDED: Organized a work department... from scratch: hired 10 employees, developed job descriptions, trained employees, etc. More specifics!

Write numbers and statistics. This will attract the attention of the employer and the HR department.

Additional Information

This is also an important point. If you are applying for a job as a sales representative or driver, then here you must indicate that you have a driver’s license, as well as indicate the category and availability of your car (make, model, year of manufacture).

If you are an applicant for a position that requires knowledge of graphic design, then indicate at what level you are proficient in certain programs. For example: experienced user of Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw.

Today, almost any office position requires specialists who are confident PC users. Therefore, you need to point this out.

For example:

Computer skills: at the advanced user level (Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet).

If you are an applicant for a position where knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required, be sure to indicate this.

For example:

Language skills: English (spoken), German (basic).

Let's look at the levels of proficiency in foreign languages. By the way, you can also use these formulations to indicate your level of language proficiency.

  • Perfectly - free dialogue with a native speaker on any topic.
  • Fluency - the ability to communicate with a native speaker on most topics, I can easily present the information I need.
  • Good - competent explanation of your thoughts, understanding of your interlocutor.
  • Conversational - the ability to communicate at an everyday level, in simple words.
  • Basic - knowledge of only general phrases, the ability to understand the simplest text.

Personal qualities must also be indicated in this paragraph. Write the personal qualities that are inherent to you and relevant to the position for which you are applying and the corporate culture of the company. For example:

Personal qualities: diligent, attentive, proficient in methods of analytical psychology, as well as methods of personality analysis. (This is if you are applying for the position of psychologist). Mathematical and analytical mind (If your position requires such skills).

NONE: sociable, stress-resistant. These are all hackneyed phrases that fade if another applicant writes the same thing, but in different words.

As already mentioned in paragraph 5, recommendations are also of great importance. Some employers require references before the interview. The lack of a recommendation may raise red flags for some employers. This may indicate that at your last job you were unable to cope with your responsibilities or were fired, leaving you on bad terms with your employer.

If you cannot provide recommendations in writing, then provide contact information for your supervisor from your previous job. And don’t forget to warn your former boss that they may call him so that there is no mishap. Perhaps no one will call; the very fact of having contact information will indicate that you are not afraid for your review from your previous job.

LLC "Chrysanthemum"

General Director: Smirnov Semyon Semenovich

t. 8-987-654-32-10

Expected salary level

must be clearly marked. Don’t write: “I would like to...”, “better from...”, etc. In addition, if you are a worthwhile specialist with decent work experience, then you should know your worth. If you expect to get a job within the average salary currently offered on the labor market in your specialty, then indicate this amount. The main thing is to know the limits and do not overestimate the limit, but also do not underestimate the expected income.

Expected salary level: 100,000 rubles.

Ultimately, your resume will look something like this:

Overall, it's not that difficult. The main thing is to follow all the rules, don’t forget to indicate all your professional qualities and achievements and everything will be great!

9 main mistakes in writing a resume

  1. Inconsistency of biographical information with the requirements of the candidate for the position.
  2. Inconsistency between the described skills and reality. Having indicated your proficiency in certain programs, during the interview you may be asked a couple of questions regarding the use of these programs. Having indicated your language proficiency, be prepared for unexpected questions like: “Tell us about your interests.” And if you indicated “fluency in the language”, but were unable to give an answer, then your resume will receive a “minus”.
  3. Sentences are too long.
  4. The resume is too long, there is a lot of unnecessary information and is not relevant to the proposed position. Inappropriate humor or quotes. Some manage to insert links to their pages on social networks. This is unnecessary, besides, it can compromise you or show you not from your best side. Therefore, if you have not been asked to indicate this, then you do not need to do so.
  5. A resume that is too short raises suspicion: the person has no experience and no positive personal qualities, or he is overly modest and will be difficult to work with.
  6. Frequent job changes or prolonged absence from work.
  7. Banal phrases. More specifics and your resume will shine: implemented effectively; reduced costs by 10%; promoted in position.
  8. Spelling mistakes.
  9. There is no date for sending the resume and the name of the applicant.

Well, now you know how to write a resume correctly! Good luck in finding a job!

Video on how to write a resume


Well, now you know how to write a resume! But if you can’t find a job, then you can always start earning money on your own. Here is a list of articles to help you.

A good position is a very relative concept. For some, this is primarily (and perhaps only) high wages, which gives them a chance to fulfill old and very recent dreams with minimal energy expenditure; for others - an activity to their liking, ideally coinciding with a hobby; for others - the opportunity to learn something new every day and express themselves in previously unknown areas of activity.

But getting such a position by simply going to the HR department and writing is currently almost impossible - too many happy coincidences have to happen. If this happens, all that remains is to congratulate the lucky person; in other cases, the applicant, who has already looked at a suitable company for himself, will have to start by sending it by email.

The easiest way out is to download a ready-made, most suitable form in commonly used formats doc or docx, which open without problems in the “native” Microsoft Word program or in any other popular text editor.

A standard Word template is quite enough to design any resume:

  • regular text;
  • with a photograph;
  • with complex formatting.

However, filling it out without really thinking about the structure and opportunities that open up the very first, albeit written, contact with the employer is too easy for a true professional. I would like to personalize a document, turning it from template text with an attached photo into a small work of art. It will definitely attract the attention of a HR specialist; but in order to write such a summary, you must first learn more about the purpose and principles of drafting the document. After all, this is not a questionnaire with pre-written questions - it is a way to demonstrate your strengths as successfully as possible.

A resume is a document that presents in a concise and succinct form all the information about the applicant that is significant for a potential employer. You shouldn’t get carried away: HR department employees, and in the vast majority of cases the email goes to them, work with large volumes of information and read many other resumes every day. With all due respect to your work, you should not overestimate a document compiled independently or written according to a sample: most likely, the employer has seen letters that are more interesting.

You shouldn’t completely abandon your creative approach by simply entering the required information into an empty template: last name, first name and patronymic, places of study and work. It’s better to choose a middle ground: after downloading a couple of really successful resume examples, create your own, unique and inimitable one based on them. Such that the HR specialist, after reading it, decides that the applicant is worthy of the next stage of applying for a job - an invitation to an interview.

Important: regardless of the type of work and the requirements for a specific position, it is necessary to compose the document not only briefly and to the point, but also competently: an error or typo in the text can greatly spoil the impression of the resume, especially if the position for which the applicant is applying is related to intellectual labor. It is assumed that a person capable of serious mental stress can express his thoughts correctly; Therefore, before sending a letter, it is worth re-reading it thoroughly - at least twice.

It is necessary to indicate in the document the information required by the employer, even if it seems unnecessary or superfluous to the compiler. Don’t be lazy: you can always, if the form itself is not at hand, find your military ID or certificate of advanced training. How successful a job application will be depends primarily on the person applying for the position and, in particular, on how much effort he is willing to put in at the first stage of acquaintance. It's easiest to open a blank sheet of paper in Microsoft Word and fill it with superficial information, but there are thousands, if not millions, of such resumes; a good document not only provides complete (within reason) information about its originator, but also answers non-standard questions from the employer.

The first step a resume writer needs to take is to plan out its structure. Since there is no single universally binding sample, deviation from the rules for drawing up which will immediately deprive the applicant of a chance of employment, you should not worry too much: the resume should be beautifully designed, well-written and interesting- and how to achieve this, everyone is free to decide for themselves.

The document will look much better if you attach a photo to it. The requirements for the photograph are simple, understandable and correspond to the interests of both the potential employer and the candidate for the position:

  1. Photo must meet business standards. Of course, you don’t have to wear a formal three-piece suit to take a photo; Casual clothes are quite enough. But there is no need to offer the HR specialist photographs taken on the beach or during a trip to barbecue.
  2. Only one person should be shown in the photo. If this is a group photo, the rest of its participants must be “cropped” in any photo editor or using the built-in option in Microsoft Word.
  3. The photo must be of good quality. A HR specialist is unlikely to be interested in trying to guess, by looking at pixels, what an applicant generally looks like. In the end, this is a matter of respect for the future employer: if a potential employee has not found the time or opportunity to take a decent photo, it is unlikely that he will continue to work hard, devoting his energy to the benefit of the organization.

Brief structure of a standard resume:

  1. Contact details:
    • last name, first name and patronymic (depending on national traditions, this list may change);
    • date of birth (day/month/year);
    • number of complete years;
    • mobile and (if available) landline phone number;
    • Email;
    • optionally - links to pages on social networks, Skype, and so on.
  2. Goal of request: what position the applicant is applying for. If the author of the document would like to try himself in several positions at once, it would be logical to create a separate resume for each of them. This will avoid confusion and in further communication with the HR employee, go straight to the essence of the issue. You may not indicate a specific position at all, but this sharply reduces the letter writer’s chances of getting hired.
  3. Education. Here it is necessary to list in reverse order (from the latest to the earlier) all the educational institutions that the author of the resume graduated from. Secondary schools need not be mentioned: this data is unlikely to be useful or interesting to the employer. You can arrange the list in the form of a table with the following columns:
    • start and end dates of studies (it is enough to just indicate the month and year);
    • name of the institution (it is better to decipher the abbreviations in order to save the specialist from unnecessary work);
    • faculty;
    • specialty and qualification (digital code and decoding);
    • additional information (honors diploma, incomplete education, etc.).
  4. experience. As in the previous paragraph, you need to start from the end: first - the last place of employment, then the earlier ones. Contrary to popular belief, the applicant can indicate in this section not only the organizations in which he was officially employed, but also write about his experience of part-time work or working as a freelancer: it may well be that this information will be of interest to the employer. But there is no point in explaining why the author of the document left his previous position: if necessary, a HR specialist will find out about this at an interview. The information can also be tabulated with the following columns:
    • start and end dates of work (you can use employment contracts and orders to terminate them; as in the previous paragraph, it is enough to indicate the month and year of each event);
    • name of company;
    • the scope of the company’s activities and its small objective characteristics;
    • position held;
    • rate (half, full, combined, other options);
    • job responsibilities, powers, access to state secrets and other classified information;
    • presence of subordinates and their number;
    • service achievements: certificates, awards, social activity.
  5. Availability of additional education. If the applicant has attended advanced training courses, trainings or seminars, the topics of which directly or indirectly relate to the position he liked, it is necessary to list them, as before, in reverse chronological order. It makes no sense to mention courses that are not related to the specifics of the new job: for example, a resume writer applying for a programmer position is unlikely to use the massage therapist certificate he received several years ago.
  6. Other skills. At this point, you can mention everything that the author of the document considers important or capable of attracting the attention of the HR representative:
    • PC skills;
    • familiarity with certain software products (text, video editors, design, engineering, computing software);
    • level of proficiency in foreign language(s);
    • availability of a driver's license (you can specify the category) and your own vehicle;
    • other information.
  7. Personal qualities. Perhaps this is the most standard and tedious section for an employer. The applicant should try to come up with something more interesting than boring communication skills or learning abilities, especially if he positions himself as a creative employee.

Important: the desired salary amount (unless, of course, it is strictly fixed in the offer of the employing organization) is better to indicate not in the resume itself, but in the accompanying text - usually this is the body of the letter sent by e-mail. There you can also give other explanations regarding the document compiled, which are inappropriate in the summary itself.

If for some reason an applicant cannot cope with the formatting of the text, but does not want to use ready-made templates and forms downloaded from the Internet, he can turn to a company specializing in resume writing for help. The service, of course, is not free, but as a result, the potential employee will receive a high-quality, beautifully designed and well-written document.

Another option, which is increasingly gaining popularity, is storing resumes in the “cloud” of a large job aggregator, for example HH (HeadHunter). In this case, a potential employer can, on his own initiative, familiarize himself with the document and invite its author for an interview: the resume writer does not need to send it to every suitable place. However, it cannot be ruled out that under the guise of an employer there will be a fraudster who wants to lure money out of the applicant: despite all the efforts of the largest job sites, such cases are still quite common. Therefore, you should not lose your vigilance, especially if a person calling himself a HR specialist offers a deliberately inflated salary and working conditions that are disproportionately better than those of competing companies.

Whatever method of job search the resume author chooses, the main thing for him is, without abandoning his creative approach, to follow the generally accepted structure of the document, revealing all the truly important information in it and refraining from listing unimportant details. Such a resume, well-written, well-designed, detailed and succinct, will greatly increase the applicant’s chances of getting the position he is interested in.

How to write a resume

An important point when searching for a job is a resume or CV (curriculum vitae) - a short form of presentation of the basic personal and professional data of the applicant. This type of self-presentation has long been firmly established in the Russian labor market, but, unfortunately, a well-written resume is still a rarity.
The main purpose of a resume: to get an invitation to an interview.
Remember! A resume is your business card and a chance to get an interview.
A competent, concise resume will set you apart from other applicants.

When writing a resume, you must remember that your success in finding a job largely depends on how you present your professional experience in it. A resume is the document from which the employer receives the first information about the applicant for a vacancy and forms his opinion about him. Familiarization with a CV takes on average 2-3 minutes, so the information contained in it should be presented in such a way as to immediately attract attention.
A resume in English (or any other) language is prepared only if you are applying for a vacancy in a foreign company. You should send your resume to a Russian company or recruitment agency in Russian, because... it may reach a person who does not speak a foreign language, and at best it will be put aside, and at worst it will go straight to the trash bin.

An exception may be the resumes of specialists who are fluent in a foreign language, or for whom knowledge of the language is one of the selection criteria (believe me, a driver’s resume in English looks, at least, funny). But even in this case, it is better to duplicate the resume: one in Russian, one in English. This way, you can simultaneously demonstrate your knowledge of the language and respect for the person to whom your resume will reach.

Basic Rules

  1. The resume should be written for a specific field of activity (even better - for a specific position). Nobody needs a “jack of all trades” resume (even if you really are one). Do not apply for several significantly different positions in one resume. As a last resort, create several resumes and send only one to each company (of course, the one that suits them best). An exception is Recruitment Agencies - sometimes you can send them both resumes, explaining the situation in a cover letter.
  2. Try to keep your resume to one, maximum two pages.
  3. The resume should be printed in a clear, easy-to-read font, preferably on a computer, but in no case written by hand. It is important to take into account that the employer can receive your resume by fax, and fax machines significantly degrade print quality, so the font should be at least 11.
  4. Make sure your resume contains enough contact information so that employers can easily contact you.
  5. Place dates on the left side of your resume and job descriptions and educational institutions on the right.
  6. Be the first to describe the qualities that are important for the job you are applying for.
  7. Do not write information in your resume that could negatively affect the attitude towards you.
  8. Try to add as much information as possible to your resume that demonstrates that you are qualified for the position.
  9. Work activity is the part of your biography that is most interesting to potential employers. Therefore, it is worth spending more time on this and providing the most complete information. It is important to clarify the company’s profile (you must admit, sometimes the name of the company does not tell you much), as well as job responsibilities, where you can reflect what you directly had to do, which will significantly expand the range of your professional capabilities in the eyes of your future managers. The employer is interested in real experience, from which one can draw a conclusion about the degree of professionalism. This information must be indicated in chronological order (preferably from the last place of work), and it is necessary to clarify the periods of work in relation to a specific place of your work activity.
  10. Ask a friend to read your resume, this will help identify spelling and stylistic errors.
  11. Don't write your entire bio. It is unlikely that an employer will be interested in your school years.
  12. There should be no blank spots in your work history. If your work experience was interrupted for a long period, you need to figure out in advance how to explain such a break.
  13. Don’t write banal things: “hardworking”, “I work well in a team”. It is better to reflect this in the description of your achievements.
  14. Be careful when describing your interests/hobbies. It's better not to write about them on your resume.
  15. Your CV must include the date the resume was sent so that the HR manager can figure out when it was compiled, because... the data may be out of date, which means a preliminary conversation is necessary to clarify a number of questions, and the most important of them: are you continuing to look for a job?

Points that should be contained in a resume

  1. Personal information and contacts
  2. Profile
  3. Education
  4. experience
  5. Additional skills: Computer skills / Foreign languages ​​/ Interests (optional)

1. Personal information and contacts

Personal data - full name, age (preferably date of birth), marital status, address and telephone number.

2. Profile

If you are a qualified professional, you can write a short resume to highlight the areas in which you specialize and your main skills and abilities.

3. Education

It consists of two sections: basic (secondary, secondary specialized, higher, 2nd higher) and additional (internship courses, trainings, seminars, etc.). In both cases, it is necessary to indicate the name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty of the diploma (if we are talking about courses, then the specialization or name of the course is indicated).

4. Work experience

This contains information about previous jobs. It is more convenient for an employer or employee of a recruitment agency if they are arranged in descending order, i.e. starting from the last one. You indicate the month and year of employment and the month and year of dismissal, the name of the company, the field of activity of the organization and your position. Pay special attention to indicating the scope of activity of the company in which you worked. It is not enough to write “production” or “trade”. Be sure to disclose exactly what the company traded and what exactly the company produced. Do not use such general terms as “food” or “consumer goods”; try to specify as precisely as possible the group of goods or services with which you worked, because very often such narrow specificity is of fundamental importance for the employer. Do not forget to briefly describe the job responsibilities at each place of work, because... For the same position in different companies, the responsibilities are different.

5. Additional skills

Computer skills

Computer proficiency contains information about your PC skills (user, advanced user, operator, programmer), as well as programs, environments, languages, databases with which you have worked.

Foreign languages

Foreign language skills. You indicate all foreign languages ​​and the degree to which you speak them. Adhere to the following formulations: “perfect” - knowledge of the language at the native level, proficiency in simultaneous translation; “fluent” - proficiency in consecutive translation, the ability to communicate fluently in a foreign language within any subject. “good” - the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts in a foreign language, as well as understand the interlocutor. “conversational” - communication at the everyday level, the ability to understand simple speech, convey known information to the interlocutor. “basic” - knowledge of the elementary fundamentals of the language, communication at the level of “How are you?”, “The weather is nice today,” the ability to understand simple text.

Additional Information

Here you provide the information that you consider necessary to convey to the employer: availability of a driver’s license, personal car, international passport, the possibility of business trips. You can also include interests, hobbies and personal qualities here; it is also permissible to highlight them in a separate paragraph.

Example resume


  1. You received a call in response to your resume. Value your interlocutor's time. Be clear and specific. Optimal conversation time: about 5 minutes. If during a conversation you are invited to an interview, ask where and at what time you need to arrive. Find out what documents to have with you.
  2. There is no need to attach your photo to your resume, just have it with you when you are invited to an interview.
  3. Don't lie. This could lead to rejection if you are found out. The employer can make inquiries about you at previous places of work and you will find yourself in an awkward position if you tell a lie.
  4. Remember! Not only are you chosen, but you also choose where to work. Your task is to obtain as much information as possible about the vacancy and the company during the interview. It may very well be that the rules, limited smoking breaks or something else will not suit you at all.
    Here is a sample list:
    - salary (if in USD, then find out the exchange rate), regularity of payments, “black” or “white”.
    - work schedule (overtime, business trips).
    - social package (health insurance, sick leave, vacation, fitness, food, travel, mobile phone, car).
    - bonuses\fines
  5. When pretending to be active during an interview, don’t overdo it. Remember: the best is the enemy of the good. Everything is useful in moderation.
  6. Never be upset if you are not accepted. From personal experience: when looking for a job, I was rejected 2 times by companies where, as it later turned out, I shouldn’t have worked.
  7. Try to remain calm, no matter what tricky question you are asked during the interview. There's nothing personal here. A recruiter or employer asks you about things that, at first glance, have absolutely nothing to do with your future work, not out of idle curiosity or with the goal of hurting your pride. They have a completely different task - to find the most suitable candidate who meets the requirements. Show that you understand this, be patient, answer all questions kindly, without irritation. This willingness to cooperate will certainly be appreciated and will help you get ahead of other applicants for the vacancy.
    The questions that recruiters or employers ask you may turn out to be “uncomfortable”. Try to think through the answers to them in advance, and then your chances of getting a job will increase significantly.
  8. Be prepared to answer any additional questions about your resume.
    Remember! For each resume item, you may be asked: “Why......?” and you must answer calmly, without hesitation.
    To practice, you can go for interviews with companies that are not interesting to you in order to gain experience in passing interviews. At the 4-5th interview, you will already be able to calmly and confidently answer all questions and will be more likely to pass the interview.
  9. When applying through Recruitment Agencies, remember: you must follow all interview rules, even better than during an interview with an employer. KA makes money by providing candidates to various companies. If you did not get into one company, but managed to show the CA consultant that you are a professional in your field, then you will definitely be invited to an interview with other companies.

Looking for a job is always a very responsible task, so you need to write your resume correctly. Everything should be concise, spelling, style, and syntax should be observed. A resume with errors will not make the right impression, even if it is very interesting and complete.

Firstly, Full Name. They should be written at the very top in the center of the page in large, or possibly bold, font. You can also place your photograph next to it, always of good quality and in strict style.

Secondly, what is the purpose of submitting your resume? What vacancy would you like to find? Full time or not? There must be clear specifics.

Third, education must be indicated. Where did you study or are you studying? What specialty did you receive or are you receiving? Study dates? Also a big plus will be the indicated awards, victories in competitions, conferences, courses, etc.

Fourthly, An integral part of any resume is work experience. Here you must indicate the name of the organization where you worked, the date of employment and dismissal (month and year), your position and main powers. In addition, do not forget to clarify about your successes, but do not overdo it so as not to end up in an uncomfortable position, since if you are invited for an interview, you will certainly have to justify all this.

And don't forget! The place of study and work should be written from the last, that is, from old to new.

Fifthly, professional skills and knowledge. Write about all the certificates you received and the courses you took. Here you can indicate your knowledge of languages ​​and, necessarily, their level (beginner, basic, spoken, professional).

At sixth, "Personal data" item. Indicate whether you are married or married, whether you have children, how you consider the possibility of business trips - noting the presence of a foreign passport or driver’s license will be very useful, in case the company decides to provide you with a personal car for such an occasion.

Important! Don't go overboard with the design. You shouldn’t highlight everything in bold or paint items in different colors; it’s better to keep it simple and strict.

Finally, the summary is written. Do not rush to immediately send it to the employer; it is better to first let your family or friends read it; they may notice some shortcomings that you missed. After some rest, run your eyes over it again. As the saying goes, “measure twice, cut once.”

All is ready? Is your resume written as a "5"? Well, then send him straight to the employer.