Characteristics from the place of work to the manager. Characteristics of the head of the enterprise

Characteristics of a person’s labor and personal qualities are compiled not only for ordinary employees. A manager can also be described in terms of his professionalism, suitability for the position and quality of performance of his functions. How to create such a description and how such documents differ in different organizations, below.

Compilation of characteristics

This is an example, a diagram for drawing up an official document, which presents a review of a person’s work activity, his personal qualities that allowed him to achieve success, the characteristics of organizational work and the influence on the work team. It is convenient to have a sample specification with you and use it if necessary.

The document can be drawn up for various purposes: for transfer to another position or to another place, for awards by city and state structures, for provision at the place of request by various social structures.

A sample characteristic for a manager should present the overall picture, a plan on how to evaluate a person as objectively as possible. For example, if the enterprise began to work better, then what exactly is the merit of the manager?

The characteristics are often drawn up on letterhead. In this case, the text does not need to indicate all the coordinates of the place being issued.

What data does the characteristic consist of?

What does a manager include? A sample document is drawn up depending on the purpose and its purpose, but there are basic data that should be included in it:

  • personal data: full name, date of birth, information about education, previous positions (with dates);
  • the name of this organization, which provides characteristics, positions held here, responsibilities performed and achievements;
  • information about a person’s work in a managerial position: description of business qualities, personal characteristics, management style, achievements (what changes have occurred in the organization during his managerial activities), influence on the team;
  • data on advanced training, awards and incentives;
  • the place where the characteristic is submitted;
  • date, signatures.

Characteristics of a manager's business qualities

A sample profile for the head of an organization is a plan that necessarily includes a description of the person’s business qualities. What does this mean?

  • Labor path (career growth: mastering the necessary work skills, theoretical training, self-education, which helped a person achieve the position of manager).
  • Achievements (introduction of innovation, leadership in projects, increase in production volumes, etc.).
  • Advanced training, additional education (the extent to which a person is constantly developing his labor potential, “keeps up with the times”).
  • Additional professional knowledge and skills (knowledge of labor legislation, regulations relating to production activities, staff motivation skills, etc.).

Social and psychological data about the leader

In addition to presenting business skills, the sample characteristics for a manager must include socio-psychological data, which will later be included in the document itself. They make it clear thanks to what intrapersonal resources a person achieved a positive result in his activities and how he copes with a leadership position.

Psychological traits can be the following: dedication, responsibility, focus on results, initiative, willingness to take risks, goodwill, tact, willingness to defend one’s interests and interest in the team. Leadership and organizational skills are of particular importance.

In addition, it should be indicated what leadership style the person uses: authoritarian, democratic, liberal (connivance), how he makes decisions (independently or listens to the opinion of the team).

Sometimes a sample profile for a manager includes items about the manager’s marital status and the presence of children.

What does the profile for a school leader consist of?

The leadership of an educational institution is characterized from the point of view of educational influence on the younger generation, the exercise of effective influence on the workforce or student body, be it the managerial activities of the director, his deputy, or the characteristics of the class teacher. A sample of such a document includes the following items:

  • Full name, date of birth, name of the organization that issues the reference;
  • information about education (name, specialty and period of study at the university, additional places of education (courses, trainings, advanced training, etc.);
  • work experience: general, teaching, in current position;
  • business qualities, leadership style, mastery of techniques for teaching and raising children, the use of new techniques, self-education;
  • personality traits, the nature of relationships in the team and with children;
  • availability of state and other awards;
  • achievements (participation in pedagogical skills competitions, scientific publications, creation of original methods for working with students).

Characteristics for a class teacher, sample

Ivanova Elena Ivanovna, born in 1990, has been working as a mathematics teacher at... (name of school) since 2013. She has a higher education in mathematics and graduated from... (name of university) in 2013.Since 2014, he has been the class teacher of a specialized physics and mathematics class. At the moment it is 11-B.

- a teacher of the second category, an initiative, loving child and selfless teacher. Thanks to her active life position, creative approach and constant self-education, she manages to find a common language with the students of her class and their parents. She has skills in resolving conflict situations, knowledge in the psychology of children, and applies an individual approach to their education.

Mastery of the theory and practice of educational activities, advanced training and self-education allow us to draw conclusions about Elena Ivanovnek as a qualified teacher. Elena Ivanova takes part in the scientific activities of the school and publishes her articles in state periodicals.

In matters of raising children, she places emphasis on the development of value orientations of the younger generation. He often holds conversations on this topic, invites parents to round tables, and encourages children to participate in socially significant events. She is engaged in developing the leadership qualities of her students. Thus, student 11-B... (name, surname) became a repeated winner of the city competition "Leader".

She was awarded the school’s diploma “For the active implementation of innovative technologies in mathematics lessons” in 2015.

Elena Ivanova is a cheerful, tactful and responsible person. He enjoys authority among students and respect among the team.

The specification is issued at the place of request.



Characteristics of the head of the preschool educational institution

In general, it repeats the requirements for writing characteristics for the director of other educational institutions and characteristics for the head of a preschool educational institution. A sample of such a document can be supplemented with several data:

  • participation in the formation of groups of kindergarten students;
  • monitoring compliance with sanitary standards in a preschool institution;
  • administrative, financial, personnel policies of the manager;
  • coordination of the activities of professional groups of preschool educational institutions - teachers, nannies, kitchen workers, etc.

An official document that provides a description of a person’s business and personal qualities, his achievements in his position and merits that are the basis for an award, and is a characteristic for the head of the enterprise. The sample award document must contain the following information:

  • questionnaire part;
  • education data;
  • all previous and current positions held in accordance with the staffing table;
  • full name of the enterprise (organization);
  • introductory part: general data about a person’s work activity (general work experience and at a given workplace, work in the specialty, level of skill, retraining, positions held and promotions);
  • main part: assessment of business and personal qualities (what traits, knowledge and skills allowed a person to achieve certain heights in his work, what his services are to the enterprise itself, employees and the city);
  • the final part (attitude towards the person being characterized by the work collective, data on previous awards).

Characteristics of a manager for an award, sample

has been an employee of the metallurgical region of the city... (name of the city) since 1987, after graduating from... (name of the educational institution). He began his career in... (name of enterprise) as a slinger. Initiative and strong leadership qualities allowed Ivan Ivanovich to become a shop foreman in 2 years. The desire to learn and improve one's skills was expressed in the desire to work for results. After receiving higher education at... (name of university) in 1994, Ivan Ivanov continued to work as a foreman. Over these 5 years, he has shown himself to be a development-oriented, qualified employee who is responsible for the development of many innovations (you can specify which ones) at the enterprise.

Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov received the position of director... (name of the enterprise) in 1999, by order... (number and name of the order). Ivan Ivanovich’s merits for the award are confirmed by a number of his achievements as a manager: over 17 years, he completely updated the technological process at the enterprise, reconstructed equipment, and commissioned production facilities that were significant for the city. Thanks to this approach, the enterprise has become more economical in using resources (give specific examples in numbers); modern equipment allows large volumes of work to be completed on time (examples in numbers). Under the leadership of Ivan Ivanov, the enterprise became more environmentally friendly - for this, a number of measures were carried out (which ones exactly).

When working with the team, Ivan Ivanovich adheres to a strict mentoring style. An effective motivation system allowed 35 employees to improve their professional level and occupy leadership positions. The team is stable, socially protected, working conditions meet all safety standards. Great importance is attached to working with junior employees: since 2005, a Training Center has been established, where employees receive theoretical and practical training for working at the enterprise.

Ivan Ivanovich is an example of hard work and determination for the team.

Characteristics provided for awarding in... (name of organization).



Characteristics of the manager's secretary

The characteristics of the manager's secretary have some peculiarities. A sample of it can be kept both in the personnel department of the enterprise and with the director himself. In addition to basic personal data, it should contain:

  • level of compliance of skills with the requirements of the position, initiative, responsibility;
  • quality of performance of organizational and technical functions;
  • computer and office equipment skills;
  • knowledge of office administration;
  • ability to work in correspondence, conduct business correspondence and negotiations;
  • planning skills;
  • communication with visitors;
  • maintaining the condition of the office premises;
  • performance, appearance (neatness).

Characteristics for certification

In addition to the above points, the certification characteristics for a manager may include additional information about the person. A sample of its preparation can be supplemented with some important data for certification:

  • flexibility, strategic thinking, analytical mind, ability to make quick decisions;
  • the degree of correspondence of knowledge and skills to the position held, the ability to exceed job responsibilities;
  • orientation towards oneself, business, result or interaction;
  • performance, level of labor intensity;
  • demandingness;
  • ability to teach, mentor, transfer experience;
  • ethics.

For certification, data is also important on how interested a person is in scientific activities, how many hours he spends on self-education, and the nature of the implementation of the recommendations of previous certifications.

Running a business is a process in which an entrepreneur is faced with a million different nuances and issues not directly related to his main activity. Especially when it comes to small businesses, where you have to do everything yourself. There are many examples of such combinations, one of them is drawing up a profile for an employee.

Let's look at what an employee reference sheet is, why it is needed, and most importantly, how to draw it up correctly? In order to look like a worthy employer in the eyes of the surrounding business community.

What is an employee profile?

A character reference is a brief review (in our case, the employer) about a specific person (employee) with clarification of his professional, business, personal qualities, as well as a description of his work experience in a specific workplace.

It should be noted that the job description does not indicate a general biography or achievements and stages of work outside the given enterprise. That is, we write only about work in a specific company, other stages of life are indicated in the resume or individual characteristics. The situation is similar with indication of family status or education.

In most cases, the employee’s reference is issued on the company’s letterhead; if this is not available, then the full details of the company or entrepreneur must be indicated in the first section. Such a paper is signed either directly by the manager or by an authorized person with a wet stamp.

How to correctly write a job description for an employee

This document must necessarily consist of three main parts (minimum).

The first part is general

In it we indicate:

  • - last name, first name, patronymic,
  • - date of birth
  • — in the absence of a letterhead, indicate the full details of the company
  • - length of service in the employee’s specific company

The second part is work experience

We write in it

  • — stages of labor activity. Transfers, promotions, demotions, etc.
  • — we describe incentives, awards, reprimands (with mandatory indication of reasons)
  • - indicate completion of advanced training courses, professional training, education.

The third part is personal characteristics

We write in it

  • — presence of professional qualities;
  • — experience and skills of a specialist to perform quality tasks quickly and efficiently;
  • - communication skills;
  • — the relationship of the employee in the team;
  • — ability to work, etc.

Of course, this is a general layout for writing a reference for an employee from the place of work and no one is stopping you from making adjustments or adding information of your own, for example, about additional skills or knowledge (not related to professional activities but used in the workplace)

Examples of characteristics for an employee

Example one

Form for organizations (firms, enterprises, individual entrepreneur details)

Ref. No. ____ “______” _______________ 20___


Issued to Ivanov Sergey Ivanovich

(Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, position)

Sergey Ivanovich Ivanov has been working at Sell Everything LLC since January 1, 2006. By ___________ (fill in if issued to a non-working employee)

Work experience at the company is 10 years.

Hired on January 1, 2006 as a sales consultant.

On January 1, 2010, he was transferred to the position of senior sales consultant.

On January 1, 2015, he was transferred to the position of head of the sales department.

On October 10, 2012, he received the title of seller of the year for the highest level of sales.

During his work, he was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which he successfully completed, in marketing and management programs.

Ivanov S.I. has a large amount of knowledge in his specialty, systematically improves his professional knowledge through self-study, and uses the latest developments in the field of sales in his work. Has excellent business negotiation skills.

Personal qualities - punctuality, delicacy in communicating with clients and subordinates, is respected in the team, has leadership qualities. Demanding of himself.

Position I.O. Last name Signature

Example two

"______" _______________ 20___


This characteristic was issued by full name, date of birth: ___________________________, working in _________________________________________.

(name of organization and its details)

c “______” _______________ 20___ to present in the position of _________________.

The employee is a professional with ___ work experience. During this time, I did not go to advanced training courses; I carried out advanced training on my own. He has never been subject to disciplinary action.

He is on friendly terms with his colleagues, without strong leadership qualities. Friendly and reserved, always ready for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, conflict-free. There are no bad habits. Life priorities and guidelines correspond to generally accepted moral principles. Systematically participates in the social life of the team.

This characteristic was issued for submission to ___________________.

___________________ ___________________

Position I.O. Last name Signature

Sample characteristics from the robot site

Positive sample

The request to prepare a reference for an employee is most often addressed to HR department specialists:

  • by the employee himself;
  • government agencies;
  • head of the organization.

In the first and second cases, a ready-made reference from the place of work is needed to present it to some authorities outside the organization in which the employee works (for example, to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities; or to the educational institution in which he studies on the job ; or to a new place of work; or to court). Thus, the characteristic is required by an external customer.

In the third case, certain internal organizational procedures related to the evaluation of the employee are being prepared, and the document will be used within the institution. His customer is internal.

HR specialists are not required to write a character reference on their own, because they cannot know the business qualities of each employee, but they must organize the preparation of such a document: contact their immediate superior, assist him in writing and executing the document.

The content will depend on the purpose of creating the characteristic. Therefore, we will consider various options that are often encountered in practice.

Examples of positive and negative characteristics

To begin with, let's give an example of a positive testimonial from a place of work. This is the most common option, which lists a person’s strengths and positive professional qualities.

Semyon Ivanovich Nikiforov is a high-profile specialist who has been working at Electrosystems LLC for 15 years. His total work experience is 22 years. During his work at Electrosystems LLC, he established himself as a responsible, qualified employee. Semyon Ivanovich competently, quickly and effectively solves the tasks assigned to him. The electrical systems installation projects entrusted to him were completed with high quality and in a short time. The main positive qualities of Semyon Ivanovich are his responsibility and perseverance in achieving his goals. It is also impossible not to note his ability to competently explain the task to other specialists. Semyon Ivanovich Nikiforov was twice awarded gratitude from the management of Electrosystems LLC.

Now let's give an example of a negative characteristic:

Ivan Ilyich Mitrofanov worked at Electrosystems LLC as a mechanic for 1 year and 3 months. During this time he did not show high professionalism. Despite some positive qualities, Ivan Ilyich is characterized as a poorly disciplined worker. Lack of discipline manifested itself in non-compliance with work deadlines and regular lateness. Ivan Ilyich was twice subject to disciplinary sanctions.

Characteristics for promotion

Promotion can be initiated by the management of the organization. In this case, the requirements for the procedure can be flexible and determined by local regulations: Regulations on Incentives, etc. Often, the package of documents for submitting an employee for promotion includes a description of the immediate supervisor.

A sample reference from the place of work for a worker who is planning to be awarded a Certificate of Merit

To choose the right words for a description, you need to think about what qualities in the company are considered the most valuable, and based on this, define the employee. The job description example presented above emphasizes performance skills. However, it is possible that your company especially welcomes:

  • dedication, loyalty to the company and its leaders;
  • or the ability to make decisions, take initiative;
  • or a responsible attitude to the quality and timing of work;
  • or the ability to build relationships with clients...

But there is another type of encouragement - state awards of the Russian Federation. In this case, there are serious requirements for documents from the place of work (details about this can be found in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 09/07/2010 No. 1099 “On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation”, as well as in the Letter of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04/04/2012 No. AK-3560). The Letter contains methodological recommendations regarding the preparation of award documents.

Sample characteristics for an employee to receive a state award

Characteristics when deciding the issue of collection

The employee has committed an offense, and the question of punishment arises: a reprimand or dismissal. An internal investigation may be underway. What punishment should I choose? To answer this question, all the circumstances and materials of the incident are carefully examined. If a positive reference from the place of work is taken into account, containing assessments such as:

  • responsibility for the work performed;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • compliance with labor discipline, etc.,

then the punishment for the employee who committed the offense may be mitigated.

Sample characteristics when deciding on collection

Characteristic when increasing

In a large organization with an extensive hierarchical structure, or in state and municipal bodies, many internal procedures are strictly formalized. For example, there is . The set of documents for each participant in such a reserve includes characteristics. They focus on the employee qualities necessary for a candidate for a leadership position: competence, strong-willed, organizational skills, intelligence and authority.

Sample characteristics for promotion

Characteristics during certification

The Labor Code does not regulate the procedure in the organization. However, if such a procedure is planned, it is necessary to draw up a local regulatory act - the Regulations on Certification, having it approved by order. The Regulations must contain a list of documents provided to the certification commission, including characteristics of the employee being certified.

The specification should include:

  • information about education, advanced training, position, work experience;
  • assessment of work results and implementation of significant projects;
  • information about the presence or absence of penalties or incentives.

Sample characteristics for certification

Characteristics to the court

During court hearings, characteristics of the defendant (accused) are often attached to the case materials: they can be requested by any participant in the trial, including the employee against whom the case was brought. Look at a sample description of a driver from the place of work - it has become a circumstance mitigating administrative liability (decision of the Davlekanovsky District Court dated August 23, 2010, case No. 12-93/2010).

  • signed by the head of the enterprise;
  • certified by a seal (if available).
  • Modern office work has a certain style in the preparation of documents and the procedure for exchanging and recording official papers. The characteristics of the manager from the place of work are no exception. Samples of two characteristics will be presented below.

    What is it for

    Writing a specification is required quite often, so it is not surprising that people often look for instructions on the Internet. An official may receive a reference at his own request. In other cases, it is done upon request.

    A reference from the place of work for the manager must be submitted at the request of judicial and investigative authorities, the prosecutor's office, various inspections and other authorities. This document is often required during a transfer to another company or organization, as well as when selecting one or more candidates for a position. A common reason for writing a job description for a manager is to reward him.

    To make a document valid, it must be certified. If the reference is drawn up by an individual entrepreneur, then a simple signature is sufficient, but if the reference for the manager is drawn up by an enterprise, the signature and seal of the organization is required.

    Making decisions

    This document influences the form of punishment, reward or encouragement if the request comes from the traffic police, investigation, state security agencies, or court. Career advancement also often depends on it. Often, the form in which a character reference should be drawn up is common to all needs, however, in some cases there are some nuances in writing a character reference for a manager.


    Sergey Nikolaevich has held the position of General Director since February 2005. He carries out his official duties with high professionalism, strictly following the regulations, and showing initiative. He received a number of incentives from the company for his good work. Sergey Nikolaevich manages the enterprise's activities effectively, the result of his leadership is high financial and economic results. At the end of 2009, the profit volume compared to the previous year was 10% (the planned increase is 4.5%).

    About actions

    In the sample characteristics for the head of the department, it is necessary to indicate the ability or inability of the official to act strictly within the regulatory framework.

    Decisions are made quickly and reasonably, they comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulations, the interests of the enterprise are always respected. In daily work, the emphasis is on effective interaction between officials and structural units. Much attention is paid to the issue of improving management methods and improving the technical equipment of the enterprise.

    Professional quality

    A sample description of a company manager for an award or for other purposes will be incomplete without a clear description of professional qualities.

    For five years, Sergei Nikolaevich has ensured the full and timely fulfillment of obligations to local, regional and federal budgets, as well as state social funds. Obligations to customers, suppliers and credit institutions are flawlessly fulfilled.

    They take effective measures to provide the company with employees with the required qualifications. Particular efforts are made to recruit and retain highly qualified young employees in production teams, as well as to develop their careers. He coordinates and controls work aimed at ensuring compliance by company employees with production and labor discipline.

    Sergei Nikolaevich manages the work to improve and maintain safe working conditions in production and preserve the environment. He initiated the development and implementation of a number of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of information that is a company's trade secret. Performs other powers assigned to the General Director in full and with the highest professionalism.

    Personal qualities

    Also, in the sample characteristics for a manager, personal qualities should be indicated. Sometimes this is as important as professional skills. In our example, they speak about Sergei Nikolaevich like this: Constantly improves his own professional training, is ready to learn and acquire new skills and knowledge. In 2008, he successfully completed an MBA course at the Plekhanov Financial Academy. In his work he shows high professionalism and dedication, is highly productive and efficient, is neat, punctual, and has good health.

    He always reacts prudently and calmly to various work issues, and can, in a short time, independently develop and apply new forms of solving problems that arise in the company's activities.

    Also, the sample reference letter for the head of the organization should also contain information about relationships with colleagues.

    In relations with colleagues he is invariably correct and friendly. He always adheres to the rules and generally accepted norms of business ethics, and is invariably correct in his behavior even in conflict situations. I am not inclined to commit unworthy and dubious acts. He takes criticism adequately, thanks for constructive feedback on his work, and tries to quickly eliminate shortcomings.

    Music directors

    A sample reference sheet for a music director is most often required to obtain the highest qualification category. Most often, such a document is drawn up in the form of a characteristic. First, the surname, first name and patronymic, and the name of the preschool educational institution are indicated. The sample characteristics for the head of a preschool educational institution should contain information about education (for example, higher education, 1994, Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin, specialty - music, qualification - methods of educational work, teacher of music and cultural studies). If there is a secondary vocational education, information about it must also be indicated, as well as teaching and work experience, length of service in the position.

    In the sample job description for a teacher leader, you also need to write about personal and professional qualities. For example:

    Ivanova Maria Fedorovna is a competent, erudite and proactive music director, has high professional qualities, a desire for creative development and search, all this contributed to the rapid growth and development of her skill as a teacher. She works well with children's groups, and the quality of work does not depend on the size of the audience, skillfully uses communication skills, and is able to unobtrusively interest children in the activities or material presented at the lesson/event. Maria Fedorovna is demanding, punctual, careful, knows how to react quickly in unforeseen situations, organize her work space, make correct, timely decisions, and concentrate on the most important problems.

    Maria Fedorovna’s work is based on the educational program of a preschool educational institution, which was developed according to the main educational program “From birth to school” (Veraksa, Komarova, Vasilyeva, 2010). She also uses elements of a program for correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group. (N.V. Nishcheva, 2009).

    Applied systems

    She uses the “Ladushki” program (edited by I. Kaplunova and Novoskoltseva), which helps transform children’s organized musical activities into a rich, fun musical game. In addition, Maria Fedorovna actively uses the “Psychogymnastics” technology (M.I. Chistyakova, 1995). When working with children with speech disorders, she uses T. Borovik’s “Coordination and movement games” technique.

    Maria Fedorovna focuses on the development of children’s creative abilities, includes elements of logorhythmics in her work, and correlates her classes with lexical topics.

    About the students

    In the sample characteristics for the leader, it is necessary to indicate if the teacher works with children with developmental disorders.

    Maria Fedorovna works with children with disabilities and uses developmental technologies that enhance their musical activity. In this regard, she uses the health-saving technology “System of health-improving work in preschool educational institutions” by N. Arsenyevskaya (2011). In her work with children with disabilities, she actively includes elements of logorhythmics, music therapy, breathing, phonopedic and articulation exercises, fingering, speech games, relaxation and musical-rhythmic movements. This helps in optimizing developmental work and correction in a compensatory preschool educational institution.

    Program planning

    In the characteristics of the manager (sample below), you can indicate the compliance of the planning with any program.

    Planning of the educational process is in accordance with the principle of developmental education, and also corresponds to the complex thematic principle, the unity of teaching, educational, developmental, correctional tasks and goals. It reflects the integration of musical development into other educational areas; the individual characteristics and capabilities of students are also taken into account. The teacher's planning is correlated with the recommendations of qualified specialists, with general programs; there are card files and a selection by age.

    Maria Feodorovna has an excellent command of the forms of organizing children's activities. She builds educational activities in such a way as to interest each child and involve as many students as possible in exercises and games at the same time. All games are aimed at musical development and enhancing higher mental functions and their correction.


    The sample characteristics for a manager should end with conclusions. It is written in the form of a conclusion, which briefly describes the content of the entire characteristic. For example: Fully suitable for the position and highly professional.

    And briefly the conclusion, depending on the purpose of the characteristic. For example: Due to the expiration of the contract, he is worthy of being reappointed to the post of General Director. If the characteristic is for awarding, then : for high professional and personal qualities he is worthy of being nominated for an award.

    In the case of references for a teacher or other persons, the form is the same. In most cases, the nature of the conclusion depends on which structure made the request. If this is the traffic police or judicial authorities, it is worth writing that the employee deserves leniency due to his personal and professional qualities, or vice versa, if the characteristic is negative.

    Characteristics for the director of an enterprise - sampleyou can download from our website - it can be drawn up with the participation of the head of the company in a variety of legal relationships. Let's study what they can be, as well as the features of compiling this characteristic in more detail.

    Why do you need a reference for the general director from the place of work?

    Characteristics for a manager - a document that may be required:

    1. To the director applying for a departmental award.

    If a person runs a departmental enterprise, then submitting a reference for him to the body making the award decision may be one of the conditions for nominating him for a departmental award.

    For example, similar conditions are reflected in the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia dated October 26, 2016 No. 742/pr. The recommended form of reference for a distinguished employee is also given there.

    2. The director who is the accused party, plaintiff or defendant in the court hearing.

    In court hearings involving a director, his personal and professional data may be of great importance. The characteristics can reflect both.

    3. A director who is applying for a higher position (for example, a position on the board of the parent organization).

    In this case, the characteristics can clearly show the director’s achievements in solving complex labor and management problems.

    In this article, as an example, we will study the specifics of drawing up departmental characteristics for awards.

    Any doubts? Ask on the forum! , for example, you can see how to formalize the transfer of the right to sign the director of primary documents during his absence.

    Drawing up characteristics for awards: nuances

    We will take as a basis the form given in the above-mentioned order No. 742/pr. This form is attached to another document - the award sheet of the director, whom the owners of the enterprise are going to reward.

    The characteristics given in the appendix to Appendix No. 2 of Order No. 742/pr suggest the following:

    • Full name of the candidate;
    • the body recommending that the director be nominated for an award, as well as details of the documents that certify this recommendation;
    • the fact of the director’s consent to the processing of personal data in order to verify the information given in the characteristics.

    The reference is signed by the head of the authority to which the enterprise headed by the candidate for the departmental award is accountable, as well as by the council of the organization’s staff.

    In addition, the document is expected to be signed and sealed by department employees responsible for approving the specifications. The procedure for this approval is determined by individual departmental regulations.