Changing the assortment by varying the product means. Test marketing additional materials

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

The concept of “product levels” reflects?

1. availability of several types of product packaging

Positions from which product characteristics are viewed

3. type of product, its quality

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

Changing the product range by product variation means?

1. creation of a complementary (related) product

2. creation of a new product with changes in parameters along with old product options

3. creation of a new product to replace the old version of the product

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

Is it advisable to create a modification of a product based on improving its quality?

1. in the presence of technology that improves the quality of the product

2. if resources are available for R&D

3. if the results of marketing research are available

If there are quality parameters, the improvement of which the consumer can evaluate as positive changes

5. there is no correct answer

A trademark is intended to?

1. compensate for the missing quality of the product

2. justify to the consumer a higher price for the product

Differentiate a product in the market among its own kind

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

Is this the quality of the product?

A set of necessary functional characteristics of a product intended by consumers is mandatory

2. the ability of a product to fulfill its functional purpose

3. the product has no visible defects

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

With a slight reduction in price, demand increases significantly

2. with a significant reduction in price, demand increases slightly

3. when the price changes, demand does not change

4. demand changes regardless of price

5. all answers are correct

6. there is no correct answer

61. How will the quantity demanded change if it is known that the elasticity coefficient is 1 and the price increases by 10%?

1. decrease by 10%

2. will increase by 10%

3. decrease by 1%

4. will increase by 1%

5. will not change

6. there is no correct answer

What is the break-even point?

The price at which the company begins to make a profit

2. the volume of production at which the manufacturer operates without losses

3. level of costs required to produce products

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

How does a pricing strategy aimed at selling products at low prices differ from a clearance sale?

Duration of action

2. the price at which the product is sold

3. no different

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

The price elasticity for a “normal” product at a price of 48 rubles is 0.8. If in the initial period of time the sales volume is 1000 units, then how many units will the sales volume change if the price increases by 4 rubles?

1. The consumer goods market consists of:

a) companies that purchase goods for their subsequent sale;

b) buyers purchasing goods for personal use;

c) people purchasing goods for sale;

d) manufacturing companies of consumer goods;

e) there is no correct answer.

2. Consumer goods are characterized by:

a) distribution through a network of special stores;

b) purchase of a large amount of money;

c) no need for additional consultations with the seller;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

3. The objective of product policy is:

a) management of the life cycle of goods and their competitiveness;

b) searching for consumers willing to purchase goods;

c) produce as many goods as possible;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

4. The first stage in the process of creating a new product is:

a) management analysis;

b) product design;

c) creating an idea;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

5. The concept of “product levels” reflects:

a) the presence of several packages for the goods;

b) positions from which the characteristics of the product are considered;

c) type of product, its quality;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

6. Changing the assortment by varying the product means:

a) creation of a complementary (related) product;

b) creating a new product with changed parameters along with old product options;

c) creating a new product to replace the old version of the product;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

7. It is advisable to create a modification of a product based on improving its quality:

a) in the presence of technology that improves the quality of the product;

b) if resources are available for R&D;

c) if there are results of marketing research confirming the positive attitude of consumers towards the product;

d) in the presence of quality parameters, the improvement of which the consumer can evaluate as positive changes;

e) there is no correct answer.

8. The product is new if:

a) the market evaluates it this way;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

9. It is advisable to create new products in the following way:

a) through one’s own efforts;

b) acquire patents;

c) everything depends on the goals and resources of the company;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

10. The trademark is intended to:

a) compensate for the lacking quality of the product;

b) justify to the consumer a higher price for the product;

c) differentiate the product on the market among its own kind;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

11. What is the difference between the assortment and the nomenclature:

a) the nomenclature is part of the assortment;

b) assortment is a narrower concept that is part of the nomenclature;

c) assortment and nomenclature are not used simultaneously to characterize the same set of goods;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

12. Increasing the range means:

a) changing the characteristics of the product in the direction of improving their parameters;

b) a change in the characteristics of the product in the direction of reducing their parameters;

c) expansion of the total number of goods;

d) answers a) and b are correct);

d) all answers are correct.

13. The breadth of the product range reflects:

a) the number of options and varieties of an individual product within the assortment group;

b) the total number of assortment groups;

c) ensuring the profit of the enterprise;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

14. Product quality is:

a) a set of necessary functional characteristics of the product that are recognized by consumers as mandatory;

b) the ability of the product to fulfill its functional purpose;

c) the product has no visible defects;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

15. Which stage of the product life cycle is usually characterized by the lowest possible price:

a) introduction to the market;

c) maturity;

d) decline;

e) there is no correct answer.

16. The provision of the service is related to:

a) with reinforcement of goods;

b) with a high price of the product;

c) with sales promotion;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

17. Service is required for goods:

a) only for investment purposes;

b) consumer use;

c) any technically complex goods;

d) all answers are correct;

e) there is no correct answer.

1. creation of a complementary (related) product

2. creation of a new product with changes in parameters along with old product options

3. creation of a new product to replace the old version of the product

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

Task 5. All speakers of the abstract are additionally tested for knowledge of terms and definitions from the dictionary of the textbook “International Marketing” (20 definitions)


Topics of planned individual reports:

1. Selecting a distribution channel

2. Direct distribution channels

3. Management of distribution channels

4. Product distribution channels

Questions for discussion on the conceptual apparatus of the topic and essay topic:

1. The essence of distribution policy in foreign markets

2. Specifics of distribution policy in foreign markets

3. Distribution channel integrity

4. Distribution channel structure

5. Distribution channel level

6. Direct distribution

7. Indirect distribution

8. Distribution channels for consumer goods

9. Distribution channels for industrial goods

10. Service distribution channels

11. Selecting a distribution channel

12. Criteria for choosing a distribution channel

13. Market coverage

14. Costs

15. Control

16. Stability

17. Direct distribution channels

18. Basic prerequisites for using direct distribution channels

19. Main factors determining the choice of direct distribution channel

20. Organization of direct sales

21. Indirect distribution

22. Feasibility of using intermediaries

23. Main functions of intermediaries

24. Types of intermediary activities in foreign markets

25. Management of distribution channels

26. The essence of distribution channel management

27. Choice of intermediaries

28. Monitoring the activities of distribution channels

29. Analysis of the activities of distribution channels

30. Motivation for the activities of distribution channels in foreign markets

31. Regulation of the activities of distribution channels

32. Vertical marketing systems

33. Corporate vertical marketing systems

34. Managed vertical marketing systems

35. Contractual vertical marketing systems

36. Horizontal marketing systems

37. Market structures and distribution of goods in foreign markets

38. Opportunities for using e-commerce

39. Using the Internet to inform about a product

40. Use of the Internet only by commodity producers

41. Use of the Internet only by intermediaries

42. Internet use by all distribution channel participants

Test task for the first topic of the report:

1. Control over the activities of the distribution channel means:

2. The stability of the distribution channel in the foreign market assumes:

A) the use of certain distribution channels by the commodity producer in foreign markets;

B) the presence of the maximum number of both different intermediaries and intermediaries of a given type in each foreign market;

C) obtaining by an intermediary the exclusive right to sell a certain trademark in a given region or particular country;

D) the ability of the commodity producer to influence the decisions and actions of other participants in the distribution channel;

E) a reasonable choice of intermediaries in foreign markets who are capable of functioning quite effectively in the face of negative changes occurring in the economic, political and legal environment of a particular foreign market.

3. Within the marketing distribution channel, resellers perform two functions. One of them is marketing functions for conducting negotiations with potential buyers, adapting the export range to the requirements of the foreign market, and assistance in carrying out promotions. Another group of functions include:

a) logistics;

b) communicative;

c) supply;

d) cargo insurance;

e) none of the above.

4. The length of the distribution channel in marketing is defined as the number...

a) links

b) levels

c) similar intermediaries at a certain level of the distribution channel

d) participants in a certain distribution channel

B. Differentiated Marketing

B. Concentrated Marketing

D. Undifferentiated marketing

Sample answer: B

TZ 26 6.3 US 2

Factors that form the basis for product positioning:

A. Buying Behavior

B. Post-purchase behavior

B. Consumer perception of products

D. Consumers' purchase intention.

Sample answer: B

TK 27 6.1 US 2

The consumer goods market consists of:

1. companies that purchase goods for their subsequent sale

2. buyers purchasing goods for personal use

3. people purchasing goods for personal use

4. manufacturing companies of consumer goods

Sample answer: 2

TZ 28 6.1 US 2

Everyday goods are characterized by:

1. distribution through a network of special stores

2. purchase for a large amount of money

3. no need for additional consultations with sellers

Sample answer: 3

TZ 29 6.1 US 2

The objective of product policy is:

1. management of the life cycle of goods and their competitiveness

2. search for consumers willing to purchase the product

3. produce as many goods as possible

Sample answer:1

TZ 30 6.2 US 3

The first stage in the process of creating a new product is?

1. management analysis

2. product design

3. idea creation

Sample answer: 3

TZ 31 6.1 US 2

The concept of “product levels” reflects?

1. availability of several types of product packaging

2. positions from which the characteristics of the product are considered

3. type of product, its quality

4. product manufacturer

Sample answer: 2

TZ 32 6.4 US 2

Changing the product range by varying the product means:

1. creation of a complementary (related) product

2. creation of a new product with changes in parameters along with old product options

3. creation of a new product to replace the old version of the product

Sample answer: 2

TZ 33 6.2 US 2

Creating a modification of a product based on improving its quality is advisable:

1. in the presence of technology that improves the quality of the product

2. if resources are available for R&D

3. if the results of marketing research are available

4. in the presence of quality parameters, the improvement of which the consumer can evaluate as positive changes

Sample answer: 4

TZ 34 6.3 US 2

The trademark is intended to:

1. compensate for the missing quality of the product

2. justify to the consumer a higher price for the product

3. differentiate the product on the market among its own kind

Sample answer: 3

TZ 35 6.3 US 1

The quality of the product is

1. a set of necessary functional characteristics of a product recognized by consumers as mandatory

2. the ability of a product to fulfill its functional purpose

3. the product has no visible defects

4. absence of defects in the product according to the results of the examination

Sample answer: 2

TZ 36 6.3 US 1

Product positioning is

1. determination of the main consumer properties of the product and their comparison with similar properties of a competing product to clarify the place of the product in the market

2. analysis of the entire complex of the enterprise’s market policy in relation to the product

3. identification of potential consumers of the product

Sample answer:1

| next lecture ==>

Total questions: 73

3. only by price

4. only goods

5. there is no correct answer

6. all answers are correct

^ 7. What is the main marketing mix?

1. macro environment

2. microenvironment

3. model 4P

4. Marketing subjects

5. there is no correct answer

6. all answers are correct

^ 8. Does the marketing mix include?

1. enterprise management

2. a set of tools (product, price, sales, promotion)

3. selection of conditions for the sale of goods

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 9. The functional diagram of the organization of marketing services at an enterprise is formed by?

1. geographical regions

2. types of markets

3. functions

4. product groups

5. otherwise

^ 10. What is the marketing environment of the enterprise?

1. part of its microenvironment

2. part of its macroenvironment

3. combination of micro and macro environment

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 11. Does the concept of macroenvironment reflect?

1. forces affecting the activities of the enterprise directly

2. forces that do not affect the activities of the enterprise

3. forces influencing the microenvironment in which the manufacturer operates

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 12. What is the microenvironment of a company?

1. set of product properties

4. forces and subjects that the company can influence

5. forces and subjects that the company cannot influence

6. there is no correct answer

^ 13. What is the macro environment of a company?

1. set of product properties

2. functional structures of the enterprise

3. formal and informal groups

4. forces and subjects that the company can influence

5. forces and subjects that the company cannot influence

6. there is no correct answer

^ 14. 14. Not related to the microenvironment of an enterprise?

1. media

2. population of the entire country

3. trade organizations

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 15. Contact audiences - what is this?

1. subjects that can influence the ability of the enterprise to achieve its goals

2. entities that directly come into contact with the enterprise and supply goods to it

3. subjects who are in direct contact with the enterprise, buying its goods

4. there is no correct answer

16. “Marketing philosophy” states that the goals of an organization can be achieved in the area of?

1. production

2. distribution

3. Satisfy needs

4. implementation

5. all answers are correct

6. there is no correct answer

^ 17. Is the favorable attitude of consumers towards widespread and affordable goods (services) the basis for the implementation of a marketing concept?

1. product improvement

3. production improvement

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 18. Is the company’s focus on making a profit mainly by increasing sales volumes of the goods (services) produced characteristic of?

1. modern marketing strategies

2. intensification of commercial efforts

3. production improvement strategies

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 19. Is a strategy based on the assumption that consumers will buy only the highest quality goods (services) consistent with the marketing concept?

2. modern marketing

3. product improvement

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

20. According to the marketing concept, to operate effectively in a market economy, an enterprise must strive to obtain maximum profit from its activities through?

1. maintaining maximum prices for goods (services) allowed by market conditions

2. maximum reduction of production costs

3. best satisfying the clientele’s demand for goods in the most profitable manner for the enterprise

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 21. The concept of intensifying commercial efforts determines the goal of marketing activities - increasing sales due to?

1. use of intensive production technologies

2. Sales promotion

3. Meet consumer needs

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 22. Which concept states that consumers will favor goods and services that are widely available and affordable?

1. production improvement

2. product improvement

4. Marketing

5. Marketing-engagement

^ 23. Which concept states that consumers will favor products and services of superior quality, regardless of price?

1. production improvement

2. product improvement

3. intensification of commercial efforts

4. Marketing

5. Marketing-engagement

^ 24. Which concept states that desired sales cannot be achieved unless aggressive advertising is done?

1. production improvement

2. product improvement

3. intensification of commercial efforts

4. Marketing

5. Marketing-engagement

^ 25. Which concept states that organizational goals can be achieved by satisfying needs more efficiently than competitors?

1. production improvement

2. product improvement

3. intensification of commercial efforts

4. Marketing

5. Marketing-engagement

^ 26. Depending on the nature of the research, what could be the goals?

1. office or field

2. promising or current

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 27. According to the significance of the study, what can be the goals?

1. office or field

2. promising or current

3. exploratory, descriptive or experimental

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 28. According to sources of information, research can be?

1. office or field

2. promising or current

3. exploratory, descriptive or experimental

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 29. Closed questions include?

1. sources of information

2. possible answers

3. secondary information

4. primary information

5. all answers are correct

6. there is no correct answer

^ 30. What type of market research includes the study of various reference books and statistical literature?

1. desk research

2. field research

3. not relevant to research

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 31. A set of information about an object moving in a stable direction represents?

1. database

2. information flow

3. marketing information system

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 32. The purpose of the functioning of the marketing information system is?

1. creating a marketing plan

2. providing information for making management decisions

3. implementation of the marketing concept of enterprise management

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 33. The main processes that need to be organized for the functioning of a marketing information system?

1. collection, processing, analysis, transmission and storage of information

2. making decisions on enterprise management

3. decision making on marketing management

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 34. Are the following resources required for the functioning of a marketing information system?

1. qualified personnel with skills in collecting and processing information

2. Methodological techniques for working with information

3. office equipment

4. all of the above

5. there is no correct answer

^ 35. Marketing information depending on the stage of processing maybe?

1. external

2. internal

3. primary

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 36. The marketing information analysis system includes?

2. marketing information system

3. bank of methods and models

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 37. Is a model bank necessary for?

1. performing statistical calculations

2. support for management decisions

3. simplified communication

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 38. The product of the functioning of a marketing information system is?

1. databases on the state of the enterprise’s marketing environment and marketing research reports

2. sources of primary and secondary information

3. bank of methods and models

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 39. The company needs to estimate as a percentage the portion of store visitors who made purchases. What research method is appropriate to use?

1. observation

3. experiment

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 40. The study of people's behavior in a store involves the following form of observation?

1. laboratory

2. office

3. field

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 41. In cases where it is necessary to ensure the stability of the research conditions, such a form of observation is used as?

1. field

2. laboratory

3. with direct participation of research

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 42. What is the difference between a panel survey and other types of survey?

1. carried out on the same topic at different workings

2. carried out on the same sample on different topics

3. carried out on the same topic on the same production at any time

4. conducted on the same topic, on the same sample, over clearly defined periods of time

5. there is no correct answer

^ 43. Questions called "detector" is used to check?

1. level of knowledge of the respondent about the subject of research

2. sincerity of the respondent’s statements

3. correctness of the questionnaire

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 44. Open questions are used when?

1. the audience does not have a clear position regarding the problem posed

2. it is necessary to obtain the respondent’s assessment of an event

3. a diverse group of respondents is required

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 45. The survey does not include open-ended questions?

1. sentence completion

2. word association

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 46. ​​A method of communication with an audience, which is characterized by the ability to quickly obtain information at low cost, is this?

1. phone

3. internet

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 47. The complexity of the questions can be a barrier to using this type of communication with the audience, how?

2. phone

3. interview

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 48. What is market segmentation?

1. dividing competitors into homogeneous groups

2. dividing consumers into homogeneous groups

3. division of goods into homogeneous groups

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 49. Product positioning – what is it?

1. determination of the main consumer properties of the product and their comparison with similar properties of a competing product to clarify the place of the product in the market

2. analysis of the entire complex of the enterprise’s market policy in relation to the product

3. identification of potential consumers of the product

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 50. Segment evaluation criteria are necessary for?

1. determining market capacity

2. Justification of the target market

3. creating an offer for the segment

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 51. The market for consumer goods consists of?

1. companies that purchase goods for their subsequent sale

2. buyers purchasing goods for personal use

3. people purchasing goods for personal use

4. manufacturing companies of consumer goods

5. all answers are correct

6. there is no correct answer

^ 52. Are everyday goods characterized?

1. distribution through a network of special stores

2. purchase for a large amount of money

3. no need for additional consultations with sellers

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 53. The task of product policy is?

1. management of the life cycle of goods and their competitiveness

2. search for consumers willing to purchase the product

3. produce as many goods as possible

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 54. The first stage in the process of creating a new product is?

1. management analysis

2. product design

3. idea creation

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 55. The concept of “product levels” reflects?

1. availability of several types of product packaging

2. positions from which the characteristics of the product are considered

3. type of product, its quality

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 56. Changing the product range by product variation means?

1. creation of a complementary (related) product

2. creation of a new product with changes in parameters along with old product options

3. creation of a new product to replace the old version of the product

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 57. Is it advisable to create a modification of a product based on improving its quality?

1. in the presence of technology that improves the quality of the product

2. if resources are available for R&D

3. if the results of marketing research are available

4. in the presence of quality parameters, the improvement of which the consumer can evaluate as positive changes

5. there is no correct answer

^ 58. A trademark is intended to?

1. compensate for the missing quality of the product

2. justify to the consumer a higher price for the product

3. differentiate the product on the market among its own kind

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 59. What is the quality of a product?

1. a set of necessary functional characteristics of the product intended by consumers as mandatory

2. the ability of a product to fulfill its functional purpose

3. the product has no visible defects

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 60. Demand can be considered elastic if?

1. with an insignificant reduction in price, demand increases significantly

2. with a significant reduction in price, demand increases slightly

3. when the price changes, demand does not change

4. demand changes regardless of price

5. all answers are correct

6. there is no correct answer

^ 61. How will the quantity demanded change if it is known that the elasticity coefficient is 1 and the price increases by 10%?

1. decrease by 10%

2. will increase by 10%

3. decrease by 1%

4. will increase by 1%

5. will not change

6. there is no correct answer

^ 62. What is the break-even point?

1. the price at which the company begins to make a profit

2. the volume of production at which the manufacturer operates without losses

3. level of costs required to produce products

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 63. How does a pricing strategy aimed at selling products at low prices differ from a clearance sale?

1. duration of action

2. the price at which the product is sold

3. no different

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

64. The price elasticity for a “normal” product at a price of 48 rubles is 0.8. If in the initial period of time the sales volume is 1000 units, then how many units will the sales volume change if the price increases by 4 rubles?

1. will decrease by 63 units

2. decrease by 126

3. will increase by 126

4. will increase by 63

5. there is no correct answer

^ 65. Under what conditions of demand can a manufacturer not use advertising?

1. with decreasing demand

2. in case of negative demand

3. in case of negative demand

4. in case of excessive demand

5. there is no correct answer

1. non-personal communication

2. non-mass communication

3. two-way communication

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 67. What is the disadvantage of the direct advertising distribution channel?

1. confidentiality of treatment

2. high cost of contact per contact

3. conservatism of the audience

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 68. Physical distribution of goods means?

1. selling it through intermediaries

2. transportation and storage

3. free transfer of goods to the client

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 69. Is there intensive distribution of goods?

1. supplies to a network of specialized stores

2. through a large number of mass retail outlets

3. by delivering the goods directly to the consumer

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 70. What is a distribution channel?

2. a set of organizations and or persons belonging to the manufacturer

3. via mail

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 71. When using a direct distribution channel, is the product sold?

1. traveling salesmen of the company

2. retail stores owned by the manufacturer

3. via mail

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 72. Distribution channel width means?

1. number of intermediaries at one level of distribution channel

2. number of product groups sold

3. number of distribution channel levels

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer

^ 73. The fundamental difference between wholesale and retail trade is the following?

1. buyers of wholesale trade are not individuals purchasing goods for subsequent resale

2. buyers of wholesale trade are not individuals purchasing goods for personal consumption

3. buyers of wholesale trade are only organizations

4. all answers are correct

5. there is no correct answer