"(2 junior and middle groups). Scenario "March 8!" (2 junior and middle groups) Dance with spoons

"Mom's holiday" Purpose: to create a warm holiday atmosphere. Tasks: to develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to participate in a festive atmosphere, hone the ability to read poetry, sing songs and dances. Cheerful music sounds, children enter the hall one after another. Leading: The holiday of our mothers always brings warmth, kindness. The sun begins to warm more tenderly and every day spring brings us more and more surprises: the chirping of birds that have arrived, the first green leaf. In March, on the first day, Spring begins! Mother's Day March 8 Celebrates the whole country! These are our mothers, We are always proud of you, Smart and sweet, Kind, beautiful! Child: We have gathered today in the hall, To congratulate our mothers, Great happiness and health We sincerely wish you! Child: We will sing a song about mother now, dear mother loves us dearly! Child: Listen to our song, Dear Mom, Be always healthy, Be always happy! Song "Mom" Child: On a spring, sunny day

Congratulations mom! We wish you a long, joyful life! Child: My dear mother, I congratulate you! And with all my heart I wish you Happiness, peace and kindness! Presenter: How nice it is to listen to poems about mothers, that even the snow melts from the abundance of warmth at our holiday. And your kids have prepared a fun dance for you. Children perform the dance "Dance with Flowers" Presenter: Guys, your mothers also have mothers. What do you call them? Children: Grandmothers Presenter: Yes, guys, March 8 is a holiday not only for mothers, but also for grandmothers. Our grandmothers relatives Love you very much, grandchildren! They cook jam for you, They even take you to kindergarten! Here are some good ones Our grandmothers are dear! Child: I help my grandmother, I'm already big. Grandma smiled, she became young! A young grandmother - people say, I am very, very happy for our grandmother! Child: My grandmother's hands do not get bored. Soup is cooked, pancakes are baked and flowers are planted.

Child: I will hug my granny And I will tell her without melting: It is better not to have you in the world, You are my star. Presenter: Guys, let's sing a song about grandmother on this spring holiday “Song about Grandma” Presenter: Yes, our guys not only know how to sing and dance, but they are also great helpers. Scene "Helpers" 1 child: I have only one son with my mother, My mother does not have a daughter! How can mom not help Wash handkerchiefs? Soap foams in the trough, I'm washing, look! 2 child: I help my mother, I work every day! I clear the table, My sex willingly. 3 child: Our mother is on the shore, I help in any way I can. Today, my mother cooked cutlets for lunch And said, “Listen, help me out, eat!” I ate a little Isn't help? Host: Well done guys! And now let's play! Let's see if your moms can dry clothes! Laundry drying game

Leading: Our dear mothers and grandmothers, the boys of our group have prepared a comic dance for you. Meet our "Chefs"! The boys perform the dance "Povaryata" Presenter: Well done, boys! Not a chef, but just a feast for the eyes! And we continue our holiday. And now we will read you poems about mom. Child: Spring itself sends greetings to our mothers on spring day. The sound of streams and the singing of birds. She gives for the holiday. Child: We wish happiness to mothers And we dance and sing. We love mothers and grandmothers Congratulations on Women's Day. Child: We will gather your kind smiles into a huge bouquet. For you, dear mothers We will sing songs today. The song "Oh, what a mother!" Host: And now I suggest you play the game “Collect a Bouquet for Mom” The game “A Bouquet for Mom” is being held Host: Dear mothers and grandmothers, now the guys and I will dance another dance for you. The dance “Here spring has come again” is being performed. Leading: Dear mothers, congratulations on this day! We give them wonderful gifts! Accept gifts from your children, They were made by our friendly, cheerful kindergarten! (To the music, children give gifts to their mothers). One of the grandmothers comes out: I also want to treat all the guys. Here I give! (Shows a big candy.) Leading: Wait, because there are a lot of guys, but you have one candy! Not enough for everyone, what to do then, huh?

Grandmother: And she is not simple, but with a secret. Look! (Unfolds from one end and pours onto a tray). Now there is enough for everyone! Presenter: Our dear guests! We sang to you, danced, How we could entertain you, Children congratulated you from the bottom of our hearts today! Thank you all for your attention, for the enthusiasm, cheerful laughter! For smiles, understanding, This is our great success! "Who will collect the flower faster" 3-4 large flowers are cut out, and yellow centers. All this is laid out on the floor. Each child collects and lays out by color. Get to know your baby

Children stand in a semicircle.

Vedas: March is a good month

We like him

Because in March

Holiday of our mothers!

Reb: Mom dear

Working for us

We thank mom

Let's say many times

Reb: A song for mom

We will sing now

Mom dear

He loves us deeply.

Reb: Listen to our song,

Dear Mom,

Be always healthy

Be always loved!

SONG "Oh, what a mother"

Vedas: The month of March is outside. In this spring month, the holiday of mothers and grandmothers comes to us. On this day, the sun shines in a special way. (Looks up and wonders) Where is the sun? There is no sun in the sky. It must be fast asleep in its house? We need to wake him up.


The sun enters the room.

Children: Hello, sunshine!

Sunshine: Hello my friends! I am very happy for all of you! What happened? Why did you wake me up?

Vedas: Sunny, today is the holiday of mothers and grandmothers! We want this day to be especially sunny.

Sunny: Now I understand.

My yellow rays

March is very hot!

Understand quickly

Let's dance merrily!

Distributes two yellow rays to the children.


Vedas: Thank you, Sunshine, for the warm rays. Now listen to how our children can read poetry.


I helped my mother

I baked buns

A bun with raisins

I couldn't bake.

Do you know what's the matter?

I ate all the raisins.

What is happiness?

Here I am

Grew up to summer.

I lived days

Now I know:

Happiness is

Stick to mom

We bake a pie

For my beloved mother.

And a wonderful cake.

It will be the most delicious.

What a pie

We will give mom

And decorate it

Sweet flowers.

Vedas: These are the pies we will bake for everyone now.


Sunny: Guys, you grow up to be good helpers to your mothers. Now we will play and see which of you will be the fastest and most dexterous assistants. Help move mom's shopping.


Reb: To kindergarten, to kindergarten

Send us telegrams -

To all the educators

Grandmothers and mothers.

Happy spring holiday

Spring holiday.

All the grandmothers in the world

We congratulate!

Vedas: And now our kids give their smiles and dance to all grandmothers


Vedas: Look, mothers, what kind of defenders are growing with us.

THE SONG "YOUNG SOLDIER" is performed by boys.

Sun: We played, sang songs,

But the hour of farewell has come.

Cooked a wonderful

Sunny surprise for you.

I wish mothers, grandmothers

From the heart of health I

I give the children the sun

To remember me.

(Gives a stitched sun)

The presenter unzips the zipper and takes out sweets from it.

Don't be bored without me

I'll be back soon, goodbye!

Vedas: Thank you. The sun, for warmth and affection.

The sun waves his hand and leaves.

Vedas: So the fun is over,

It's time for goodbye.

You say frankly

Did you like with us?

Our kids have tried

To please all of you.

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Come visit us!


"Kittens and Chickens"

(junior group)

Children become a semicircle.

Vedas: Guys, look how beautifully decorated our hall is. Why do you think?

The children answer.

Vedas: Have you prepared for the holiday of your mothers and grandmothers?

The children answer.

Let's congratulate them. The sun came up again

The children take turns reading the poems. warm the earth

And spring beauty Came to us again

It's cheerful, bright. The birds are coming

Great Mom's Day! Songs are sung

Starlings chirp songs, And icicles melt,

Drops are ringing in the morning! We are not allowed to sleep.

My mother dear

I congratulate you! Mom is congratulated

And with all my heart I wish: Friendly kids.

Happiness, peace and kindness! Very spring

If the sun woke up - Moms are good

The morning dawned.

If mom smiled

It became so gratifying.

We are our mothers and grandmothers

Congratulations on Women's Day!

It's fun for them today

Let's dance and sing

SONG "Oh, what a mother!" Ponamareva

Vedas: Today we have prepared many surprises for mothers and grandmothers. The children tried hard and learned poetry.


(While the children are reading poetry, the teacher puts on chicken and kitten hats for the children)

Vedas: Before moving on to the next part of our holiday, we will ask riddles for our guests. Let's see if your mothers and grandmothers can guess them.

Who is born with a mustache? (kitty)

Furry, mustachioed,

He sits down and sings songs. (Cat)

Scarlet hat, non-woven vest,

The coat is ribbed. (Hen)

A mother has twenty children

All children are the same age. (chickens)

Parents solve riddles.

Vedas: Correctly guessed the riddles. And now we will talk about the Hen with chickens and the Cat with kittens. It's time to tell our guests one interesting story

By the forest, at the edge

There were two huts.

Lived in one hut

hen with chicks,

Lived in another hut

Kitten with kittens.

Let's see how they played, how they pecked the grains

Chickens with Hen, obedient guys.


Chicken: That's what you are, chickens,

(adult) Naughty children,

Play from morning to night

You never help me - my mother.

I'll go to mother cat,

I'll take a look at the kittens.

(Chickens sit on the chairs, and mother chicken leaves)

Vedas: And now let's look at the kittens,

For fluffy little kids.

They adored their mother

But often she was offended.

GAME "Cat and kittens"

The cat sits on the chair, the kittens squat around. The cat sings a lullaby, the kittens sleep. The cat also puts his hand under his cheek and falls asleep. Music sounds, kittens get up and perform movements according to the text of the song.

Here come the kittens.

Naughty guys.

They all love to jump.

Wag your tail together.

Everyone ran in circles

They ran after each other.

That's how much fun we have

We start the dance.

The cat wakes up.

Cat: What kind of dance is this?

Quiet time is now!

You all need to sleep.

(Calls for kittens)

Fall asleep together!

(the game is repeated 2 times)

Cat: What naughty kittens,

They play hide and seek with me all day.

From morning to night they jump, play,

As a mother, they never help me.

Vedas: The cat was offended and now

To the neighbor - the hen goes.

The cat and the chicken meet in the middle of the hall.

Cat: Oh, tired, no strength,

Who would ask about health!

Chicken: I sympathize with you -

Chickens are bad for me.

Kosh .: I offend kittens,

I never offend.

Kur.: I love them all too,

I don't hit any of them!

Cat: You and I didn't do something right. Some mistake was made in education. Let's ask the parents if they have such children.

He gets up in the morning from his bed,

Where are you putting your shoes?

Where is the shirt? Where is the sock?

Do you have such a son?

The parents are responsible.

Chicken: I put everything on inside out,

She's been idle all day!

She would play all day

And to remove the toys is too lazy.

The parents are responsible.

Cat: No one has such naughty children as we do. Come on, Chicken, let's get away from them.

The chicken agrees and they leave.

Vedas: Kittens, Chickens, don't you help your mothers?

The children answer.

Let's show you how we can help moms.

GAME "Mom's helpers"

Well done, kittens and chickens. It turns out that you love your moms very much. And so that they understand this, let's bake pies for them.


Vedas: You guys are great,

Clean everything was removed.

You are a beautiful pie

Please mom.

Enter Hen and Cat.

Chicken: It smells delicious of pies, who bakes this?

Chickens and kittens run up to their mothers.

Kitten: Forgive us, mother Cat,

We've been a little off!

Chicken: We will not indulge,

And let's forget about quarrels!

Cat: We forgive you, so be it,

Just don't fool around anymore!

Vedas: And funny kittens,

And baby chickens

Congratulate your mom

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.


Vedas: So our holiday is over. Dear mothers and grandmothers, in the end, we want to congratulate you once again on the holiday and give gifts that your kids made.

Mom's holiday "Colorful flowers for moms" 2 junior group. Scenario

Author: Botvenko Svetlana Gennadievna, musical director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 27", Kamen - on - Ob, Altai Territory
Material Description:
The scenario is intended for the celebration of March 8 in kindergarten in the 2nd junior group, it will be of interest to educators, music directors in working with children
Create a festive mood for children.
- Instill love and respect for the mother;
- Learn to be kind, polite;
- Raise in children love and respect for mothers and grandmothers.
Game equipment:
Hats, beads, flower petals, a basket with multi-colored flowers (white, blue, yellow, red, green, pink), a carousel of ribbons, sets of paper clips, a set of balls.
Holiday progress:
To the music, the children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle near the central wall.
How smart are you
How neat are you.
And how can we not rejoice -
Today is our mothers day!
Happy 8th March,
Happy spring holiday
With the first flowers
In this bright hour!
Dear ours,
Dear, dear,
Most beautiful,
We dressed up today
Let's sing and dance
Let's have fun together
Let's congratulate mom!
Happy March 8,
Happy spring holiday
Dear mothers, congratulations!
Moms are beautiful
Good and beloved
We now congratulate
Let's give them a song!
Song "My Mom"
1. Who is the kindest in the world?
Who is the cutest in the world?
Who wakes me up in the morning?
My mommy!
2. Who will sing me a song?
Who will read me a fairy tale?
Who loves me dearly?
My mommy!

The cat has a kitten
The cow has a calf,
The dog has a puppy
And my mother has me, son!
Kiss mom hard
I will hug my family.
I love her very much
Mom is my sunshine!
The sun rises higher in March
Its hot rays
Soon it will drip from the roof
The rooks will scream in the garden.
We don't stand still
Let's have fun together
Music plays in the hall
Invites us to dance.
"Rattle Dance"
Look, basket. Let's see what's in it.
(Pulls out colorful flowers from the basket.)

Yes, there are beautiful flowers.
Look, the flower is white,
He's good at inventions.
We want to hear what affectionate words every mother says to her child.
(Mothers take turns saying an affectionate word to their child.)
What wonderful words...
(Pulls out a yellow flower)
This flower is not simple,
Look, golden.
And let's see if your mothers and grandmothers can solve riddles?
1. In my mother's ears sparkle,
They play with the colors of the rainbow.
Silver drops - crumbs
Jewelry ... (earrings)
2.Pointed nose, steel eye,
In the ear - a thread, girlfriend.
Helped to sew new clothes
Our grandmother ... (needle)
3. Edge her name is fields
The top is decorated with flowers.
Headwear is a mystery
Our mother has ... (hat)
4. Two glass pieces and two darlings
Worn by grandmothers - girlfriends.
Not newbies on the nose -
Hold on tight ... (glasses)
5. This is a meal for everyone
Mom will cook for dinner.
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into bowls ... (soup)
6. Grandma will cook from berries
Treat for the kids.
There will be food for the children -
Fragrant ... (jam)
What wonderful mothers you have guessed all the riddles. And for them our song
Spring is coming to visit us
Brings smiles to us.
Everyone wants today
Congratulate our moms.
The sun shines brighter
Fly away clouds
Because mother's day
The holiday is the best.
Song "Pies"
1. I bake, bake, bake,
All the kids have a pie,
And for the sweet mother
I'll bake two gingerbread.
2. Eat, eat, mommy
Delicious two gingerbread.
I congratulate you
You are my dear!

Leading:(Pulls out a pink flower)
The children prepared poems for their mothers
1. Our dear mothers.
There is nothing more beautiful in the world
Your lovely eyes.
2. I will tell my mother how much I love her
And then I'll give my mother a camomile,
You are this flower, mommy, take it,
Hug your son tenderly.
3. Mom, I love you so much
I don't know directly.
I am a big ship
Give the name "Mom"
4. I will help my mother.
Wash dishes and do laundry
And I won't get tired
Because I love my mom!

Look blue flower
He flickers from behind the clouds.
And flowers bloomed in our garden
Petals scattered
You try, collect!
Game "Collect a flower"
Multi-colored petals lie on the carpet, children collect a flower by color.

I raise a green flower
Congratulations to the grandmothers.
Very my grandmother
I love my mother's mother.
We are such friends with her
Where she is, there I am.
Our grandmothers are friends
They love us grandchildren very much.
Buy us toys
And they take us for a walk in the garden.
For love for them and for affection,
And for a new fairy tale
To my dear grandmothers
We say thank you!
"Our Orchestra"
I will help my grandmother
I'll pick up the balls.
Game "Collect the balls"

Take a red flower
And let's start playing.
Game "Dress up mom"
The child brings a hat and beads, dresses up his mother.

Now it's time to pay attention
Let's have a competition for moms.
Moms, who's the smartest here?
Show us your knack!
Competition "The most dexterous"
(clip bracelet)
And we have, and we have
There will be a merry dance.
We are for our beloved mothers
Let's all dance together now.
Dance "Kalinka"
And to make it more fun
Let's make a carousel out of ribbons.
Game "Carousel"
(They take out a carousel on a stick. Moms grab the tape with one hand and hold the child with the other. Everyone moves in a circle).
Barely, barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
We run, we run, we run
We don't stand still.
Everything faster, faster, run,
Carousel around, around!
Hush, hush, don't run
Stop the carousel.
One-two, one-two
Here the game is over.

It's good to play with moms, but it's time to say goodbye.
Dear mothers and grandmothers
Happy Holidays
And we wish you to always be in a great mood!

What is the scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group? Something unusual, special, bringing joy to guests and children.

The scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group involves a magnificent celebration. There can be many ideas. Just choose one of them. It all depends on your decision.

Scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group. Where to begin?

So, in more detail. The scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group begins with a greeting. Children enter the hall to the music. become a semicircle. The host greets guests. For example: “Greetings to you, our dear mothers, grandmothers, aunts and sisters! This holiday is ours! The sweetest and most gentle! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!”

Children clap their hands. And read the verses:

"The spring has come again,

Brought us a holiday.

Congratulations dear

This day is beautiful!

On this clear spring day

We invited all the guests!

They put everyone in the hall!

And acquaintances, and friends!”

“Congratulations to all women,

Grandmothers and mothers!

And we wish you happiness

Health and joy!”


The scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group can be continued as follows. Beautiful songs for guests! This is exactly what women will be pleased to hear. Pick up good words for moms and grandmothers. It will be even more pleasant for them to hear songs composed by you yourself. In general, prepare an interesting surprise for your family and friends!


How does the scenario of the matinee on March 8 continue? The 2nd junior group will please women... of course, with dancing! With toys, crackers or balloons. You can connect famous fairy-tale characters to the dance performance. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Spiderman, Batman, Fixies - the guys will be happy to see everyone! However, like the heroes of the occasion! After all, both adults and children love holidays.


Next moment. The holiday on March 8 (2nd junior group) continues with a variety of fun games. The first of them is "Collect words for mom in a jug." Each kid collects affectionate words written on cardboard in his jug. Who is faster and who is more?

An interesting game is also the one where children look for blindfolded mothers and grandmothers. Or vice versa. You can end the game with a fun song:

We love mothers and grandmothers,

We love you folks!

And we want to congratulate you

You are so good

Our best friends!

Do you remember that we

It's impossible to live without you!

Wrote many songs

For our beloved mothers,

And for aunts, and for sisters,

and for grandmothers - everything is for you!

Well, we'll sing to you

A special song.

We want to say, folks,

that we love you so much,

And your care, affection

We will never forget!

Our dear women

We want to congratulate you!

Wish love, health

On this day, right now!”

After the song, you can continue the game. And you can make riddles for women. For example:

“The toy does not want to lie down. They put it down - it gets up, it swings. What is it called? After the guests give an answer, girls dressed in tumbler costumes come out. Congratulate women and dance the dance.

Festive mood

Well, what else can the 2nd junior group add to the scenario "March 8"? Clown is a great addition! He can give mothers and grandmothers colorful balls, toys and other souvenirs. The most important thing is the creation of guests. A clown will help instill respect and love for women, teach a child to be polite and kind. For games with children you will need: beads, hats, rose petals, a basket of flowers (pink, green, red, yellow, blue, white), paper clips and balls. He will be able to show a variety of tricks.

So the clown enters the hall. Children stand in a semicircle. The leader states:

"What are you elegant,

How neat are you!

We rejoice in you

Today is Mom's Day!

After that, you can give moms gifts. Accompany them with pleasant words:

“Congratulations on the eighth of March,

Happy this wonderful day!

Let all the hardships go away

Troubles and bad weather!

Our dear mothers,

good relatives,

The most beautiful you

And our favorite!

We dressed up today

We will dance and sing.

Definitely have fun.

There is so much to do!

Congratulations to our mothers

And we will give them surprises!”

We continue to surprise women. Children read poetry. Examples:

“Who is the cutest in the world?

And, of course, everyone is kinder?

Who wakes me up in the morning?

This is my mom!”

“Who sings songs to me?

Or read fairy tales?

Who loves me so much?

My mom too!"

"The sheep has a lamb,

And the cat has a kitten.

The dog has a puppy.

And mom has a son!”

"I kiss my mother hard

And I will hug my family.

I won't give up my mom

For nothing and no one!"

"We do not stand still,

Let's have fun together.

Music plays in the hall

Well, they took mom by the hand!

Children invite their mothers to dance. After that, the host takes out a large basket. It contains colorful flowers. Children give them to their mothers, adding the following words: “Here is a white flower, skillful for inventions”, “Here is a difficult flower. It's not yellow! Gold!" etc.

Intellectual contests

And more riddles! We continue to develop the script "March 8" for the 2nd junior group. Spring itself dictates the rules. This day is all about women. So:

"In my mother's ears sparkle,

They play with a bright rainbow.

Pretty little drops-crumbs -

Jewelry ... (Earrings)".

"Steel ear, sharp nose,

And in the ear - a thread-girlfriend.

And what can help us with you

Sew up at least a dress, at least a pillow? (Needle)".

"Its edges are called fields,

The top was decorated with flowers.

Guess the riddle:

On my mother's head ... (Hat)."

"Two arcs and two glass

Worn by our grandmothers.

No newbies for a long time -

They sit on the nose ... (Glasses).

“What will we cook for lunch

Dear mommy?

Our ladle is right there!

Our mother will cook ... (Soup)."

“Grandma cooks from berries

Meals for the kids.

It's just a meal

This is delicious ... (jam)."

As soon as the women solve all the riddles, the children can again entertain them with songs. Example:

Spring is rushing to visit us,

Brings a lot of smiles.

And we all want it today

Do not see my mother as strict.

Let her smile

And let the sun shine.

And if mothers are well,

The children are happy too!

In general, this mother's day -

The holiday is the best.

Rain, stop dripping!

Fly away, clouds!

Here is another option. Performed by children dressed as chefs:

"I'm baking again!

Moms all for a pie!

For your own mother

Bake and gingerbread!

Eat my mommy

My delicious gingerbread.

My dear you

I congratulate you!”


We continue to compose the script "March 8" for the 2nd junior group. Again poetry. The children take turns reading the poem.

"Our dear mothers,

We congratulate you!

Happiness, joy, love

Today we wish you!

"Now I'll tell my mother,

How much I love her.

Both a gift and a flower

I'll give it to her today.

You are a flower, mom, take it

Hold me tighter.

Smile to all guests

After all, today is Mother's Day!

“I will help my mother

And wash and clean.

And I won't get tired at all

After all, I love my mother very much!

After that, poems for grandmothers are heard. Examples:

"I'm picking flowers,

Congratulations to all grandmothers!

“Grandmothers are our girlfriends.

Grandchildren are loved.

We buy toys

Souls in us do not have tea.

"For a brand new fairy tale,

For your love and affection

We say "thank you"

Good grandmothers!”

"Dress Mom"

The holiday on March 8 in the 2nd junior group can be diversified with the next game called “Dress up Mom”. The host announces:

“Now attention!

Competition for everyone!

Who is the smartest here?

Show some skill!

Children should make bracelets and beads from paper clips for their mothers as soon as possible. Or from other improvised materials. The game ends with a dance. The host announces:

"Mom, now we have

There will be a fun dance again.

We love our mothers

And we will dance for them!”

The guys dance to "Kalinka-Malinka". The leader adds:

“Maybe it will be more fun?

Carousels will help us!”

Children carry out a carousel on a stick with ribbons. Moms take the ribbon with one hand, and hold the baby with the other. Everyone moves in a circle and sings:

"Slowly, barely

The carousels unfolded.

And then, and then

We'll all run.

We run, we run

We don't stand still!

Everything is faster, everything is running,

The carousel is spinning!

Stop, stop, don't run!

Slow down the carousel!

And like this for one and two

Our game is over!"

The ending

That's all. This is how the scenario of the matinee on March 8 ends in the 2nd junior group. You just need to say goodbye to all the guests. The leader says:

"Congratulations again,

Women native!

It's good to play with you

Our dear ones!

But the time has come to say goodbye

We hug tightly.

And remember that we

We don't forget about you!"

It is important!

And finally. Don't forget to prepare your child for the upcoming holiday. He must be absolutely calm. The significance of this event should not be exaggerated. Don't worry baby.

Reassure the child that if he forgets the words, nothing bad will happen. However, do not forget to talk about what you need to try. The kid must be careful.

Tell your son or daughter about the attractive aspects of the matinee. Tell him so that he wants to go there himself. And don't forget that gifts will be given. This is very important for preschoolers. The scenario of the holiday on March 8 (2nd junior group) may involve a joint tea party with parents.

The pre-holiday day does not need to be turned into continuous preparation for the event. Otherwise, the baby will decide that they are only trying to complicate his life, depriving him of everyday joys. In this case, he will only oppose the preparation.

Learn the child's remarks in a playful way. Lessons don't have to be long. Take breaks.

“Through I can’t” is not an option! Do not force your child to memorize material in this way. Moreover, do not threaten him with punishment for unfulfilled work, in order to avoid losing any interest and reducing self-esteem.

Encourage your child to interact with the people around him. Learn to be friends with children. Only in this case, the baby will be able to find his social circle, in which he will be able to fulfill himself.

(Children run to cheerful music, stand at the chairs)

1. Vedas: The sun began to bake the earth, the sparrows began to chirp more cheerfully, which means that the kindest holiday has come - the holiday of our mothers. Today we will congratulate them, sing songs, dance, give gifts.

2. Vedas: On the first day of March, spring begins,

Mother's Day is the eighth of March - the whole country celebrates!

These are our mothers, we are not in vain proud of you,

Smart, and cute, kind, beautiful!

1. child: Dear mother, she loves us dearly,

A song about mom, we will sing now!

2. child: Listen to our song, dear mom,

Be always healthy, be always happy.

3.reb.: On a spring sunny day, congratulations to mom,

Life, long joyful, we always wish!

4. child: I will kiss my mother tightly, I will hug my own,

I love her very much, my mother is my sun!


(SponchBob appears to the music with gift box)

Hello dear mothers and grandmothers! You found out who I am, that's right - I'm SpongeBob, I came to you for a holiday, to congratulate all mothers, grandmothers, girls on March 8! And he brought you a box, difficult with riddles, surprises. Now I will see what is there?

- I'm mischievous Sponge Bob, I took my boots with me,

They should not lie in a box, they must ... dance in them!

1.Ved.; let's hear who else loves to dance:

My grandmother loves music and laughter,

She sings songs, just the best.

2.Ved.: My grandmother loves to knit socks.

And my grandmother knows how to dance best of all!

- And we just know the dance "Boots", come out, grandmothers dance.

Spongebob: Let's get out quickly, let's dance together.


- (children with grandmothers or mothers dance a pair dance)

1.Ved.; Thank you, Spongebob, for funny boots, do you like to read or listen to poetry?

2. Vedas: Then, listen to what verses you have learned.

3. child: My mother, dear, I congratulate you!

And with all my heart I wish you happiness, peace and kindness!

4th child: I love my mother so much that I don’t know directly!

I will give the big ship a name - "MAMA"!

5.reb.: The sun warms the ears, strokes the crown,

Gives mommy and me, red freckles!

Spongebob: I heard how much they love their mommy. Oh, someone rustles in my box, (meows to the side), but who's here, guess the riddle, then I'll show you.

- Soft paws, scratches on the paws.

He drinks milk, sings songs.

Kids: Pussy!

Spongebob: (Shows a toy - a cat) right!

1.Ved.: We also have a kitty (A child comes out in a Kitty costume), let's listen to her.

Song "Gray Kitty"

Dramatization - with a cat and a host (or a child)

1.Ved.: Kitty-murisonka, where was she?

Kitten: At the mill!

1Vedas: Kitty-murisonka, what did you do?

Kitten: Grind flour!

1. Vedas: Kitty-murisonka, what did you bake from flour?

Kitten: Gingerbread!

1. Vedas: Kitty-murisonka, where are the gingerbreads going?

Kitten: I ate it myself.

1. Vedas: (threatens with a finger) - do not eat alone, do not eat alone, give it to all the children.

- Let's listen to a song about "kalachi".

Song "Kalachi"

Spongebob: listen to another riddle.

- Nearby different girlfriends,

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other.

And just one toy.

Children: Matryoshka.

"Dance of Matryoshkas"

Spongebob: (growls to the side) - Oh, who's that growling?

2. Vedas: He is big and clumsy, and in winter he sucks his paw.

Children: Bear.

Spongebob (takes a bear out of the box) - Do you know the poem about the bear?

2.Ved.: We know, and now we will tell.

Verse "Bear clubfoot"

Spongebob: Let's play a game with a bear, I have a mask too.

Game "Children and Bear"

1. Vedas: These are our children, Spongebob, dance with us, my friend.

Spongebob: And I have handkerchiefs in the box for dancing.

"Dance game with handkerchiefs"

1. Vedas: Today, gifts and dances for you,

Listen to our song now.

Song "Love Mom"

2.Ved.: What a fun SpongeBob, everyone has fun and children and mothers and grandmothers.

We congratulate dear mothers on this day!

We give them wonderful gifts!

Accept gifts from your children, they were made by our friendly, cheerful kindergarten.

(Children put a tray with gifts on the table in front of their mothers)

SpongeBob: The gift box seems to be empty, although no, there is something else left on the bottom. (Pulls out a hotel)

It was fun here with you, I came to say goodbye, to return home as soon as possible. I wish you happiness, joy! See you soon!

1.Ved.: Our friend, SpongeBob, has left, and it's time for us to say goodbye. Once again, Happy Holidays to all, dear women!