Distribution of advertising on the Internet for money. Earning money from mailing lists

Greetings, dear friends! With you are the founders of the business magazine HiterBober.ru Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok.

In this article we will tell you how we ourselves earn more than 150,000 rubles on our website HeatherBober.ru and look at the most popular and truly working ways of making money from advertising on the Internet with examples.

1. Advertising on the Internet: how and how much you can earn from it

Making money from advertising on the Internet is one of the most accessible and effective ways to make a profit online. Below we will look in detail at all the features, nuances and types of making money from advertising with specific examples. This method of generating income is especially relevant if you have your own Internet resource, however, ordinary users can also try their hand at this “advertising business.”

Let’s say right away that we will mainly talk about making money from advertising using your website (blog). And this is not another theoretical article, but our real experience of starting a business on the Internet (your website) and earning decent money on it (for today $3000 per month).

A few words about advertising in general

It is difficult to imagine modern civilization without advertising. She accompanies a person everywhere - in shops, on the streets, in the media, in transport.

Almost all sites we visit, especially popular ones (highly visited), contain advertising - banners, links, images, by clicking on which you can go to third-party resources.

Simply by placing banners and links from an advertiser, you can earn income from $50 to $10,000 per month and more. Of course, you won’t be able to reach an income level of several thousand dollars right away - you need several months (from 6 to 12) of hard work and often some financial investments.

As soon as traffic to your site begins to grow, more and more profitable offers from advertisers will begin to appear, and with them your profits will increase.

We suggest comparing it with classic “street” or other media advertising and highlighting the clear advantages.

Degree of influence (trust) depending on the age of the audience

2. Profession Internet marketer. Learn it and earn from advertising from 100,000 rubles and more remotely

Today you can earn more on the Internet than at a regular job, and this despite the fact that you don’t need to travel anywhere.

The task of an Internet marketer is to promote goods and services of companies on the Internet. In this case, it is possible to pay both for the marketing campaign carried out and to receive a percentage of sales made thanks to you.

How it works. Suppose you know how to make one-page websites and set up advertising on them, or you are a specialist in promotion on social networks.

Then you need to find a customer who has a business and offer him your services.

If you conducted an advertising campaign thanks to which, for example, the customer organized an event for 1000 people and sold tickets for 2 million rubles. feel free to ask for 20-25% of this volume. That is, you can earn 400 - 500 thousand rubles as a reward.

The example is even simpler. Do you have friends who provide services: apartment renovation, website creation, built-in furniture, and so on.

By bringing them clients, you can easily agree on your commission percentage in the amount of 10 to 30.

Thus, Internet marketers earn from 50,000 rubles and more without leaving home.

This is great, of course, but where can I learn how to promote in order to earn money like that? - you say.

Dmitry created a remote online promotion business, visited 32 countries in 2 years and is successfully developing his project with a team without reference to a location.

You can do this too, the main thing is to start. When we created our website HeatherBeaver several years ago, we also studied hard and today our project brings in more than a million rubles a month.

Start small and gradually you will learn from your own example what prospects for making money on the Internet and the profession of an Internet marketer open up for you.

3. Where should a beginner start making money from advertising on the Internet?

But what to do if you don’t have your own network resource and the funds to create and promote it? Is it possible to make money from advertising on the Internet without investment? Yes, there is such an opportunity: it will require you not to spend money, but to spend time. Time, as you know, is the same as money - but not everyone knows how to cash out this resource. Below we will teach you how to do this.

The opportunity to earn good money via the Internet is of interest to many, this is especially true for those who have certain problems with traditional employment. The reasons may be significant or far-fetched, but this does not mean that you should give up: making money on the Internet from advertising really exists, people receive a certain profit. It’s worth figuring out exactly what type of activity in this direction can bring good dividends at minimal cost, and after that you can get down to business.

Types of earnings from advertising

Those who profit from can be divided into two groups. The first one receives little and sooner or later is disappointed, the second one receives a lot, but this requires certain expenses. For example, boxes and teaser applications that are popular among beginners are quite low-paying earnings on the Internet from advertising (these are just paid visitors to advertised resources). For what purpose advertisers attract this particular category of visitors is a separate conversation, and there are probably many reasons. It is impossible for an ordinary user to earn a significant amount, even if he registers on several dozen such sites.

Significantly higher than other types of earnings. This is the placement of advertising links, articles and reviews on your own resource, and there are many resources offering different types of link placement, from manual to automatic. These are the well-known “Blogun”, “Rotaban”, Sape and other less popular resources. Contextual advertising is offered by such systems as YandexDirect and Google AdSense.

Earn money on the Internet by viewing advertisements

Books are the name of resources that charge users approximately 2-5 kopecks for one click and viewing an advertising site for 20-60 seconds. A simple calculation will show exactly what kind of salary awaits users per hour of work. If we assume the most expensive click, then this is approximately three rubles per hour. It’s not inspiring, but making money like this on the Internet by viewing ads really doesn’t require any investment.

The exception is very cunning owners of axleboxes who offer paid access to a special section where there is a lot of advertising. Trying to make a profit on pennies does not bring any noticeable profit, so you should not bet on axle boxes. They are only good as a kind of rosary while watching the series.

Earning money by placing advertising links

Even a completely free blog on one of the popular blog hosting sites can become a platform for posting paid links and advertising reviews. Of course, advertisers value such resources lower than an autonomous blog with a second-level domain hosted on paid hosting.

This way of making money on the Internet from advertising has its own disadvantages - a link for which you paid once and relatively little remains on your resource forever. Over time, the link mass increases and worsens the characteristics of the blog, reducing the attractiveness of the resource for advertisers.

Attracting users to advertisers' websites

But contextual advertising from venerable corporations has virtually no drawbacks. The vast majority of reputable sites make money on this, they are selected in such a way as not to destroy the design and layout of the resource. The placed contextual advertising script shows the user exactly what he usually looks for on the Internet himself, thus attracting targeted visitors to the advertiser’s website who are interested in its subject to varying degrees.

Making money on the Internet from advertising does not necessarily require having an offline blog or website. Google AdSense offers everyone who wants to use the power of the Google corporation completely free of charge - to do this, you need to place your own resource on the Blogger hosting, its functionality allows you to immediately place scripts from Adsense and make a profit for attracted visitors.

Earning money without investment: a magical myth

It’s worth figuring out whether it’s really possible to make money on the Internet from advertising without investment, or whether there’s some kind of secret hidden here. As already mentioned, an offline website or blog on a second-level domain and on paid hosting already implies certain investments. At a minimum, this is payment for a domain and hosting. But even if you make do with free platforms and a third-level domain, you have to invest substantial reserves in the development of the resource. And if this is not money, then you have to pay for the profit with time and effort.

Profit in this case depends on the number of visitors to your personal resource, and they come provided there is a large amount of in-demand content. This can be not only articles, but also photographic materials, video or audio content. It takes time to create it, and simply pressing a button and getting a lot of money will not work. And if we consider that time is equal to money, as in one famous saying, then a simple question arises: when will the site begin to make a profit if one person does everything? Naturally, this will not happen soon.

How much can you earn from advertising?

The question of profit is far from the least important in choosing a field of activity. Most of those who believe that advertising on the Internet is a waste of time have actually made some serious tactical mistakes in the process, and it has not brought the expected dividends. In fact, making money from advertising on the Internet is exactly the same job as any other: it requires time, effort, work on yourself and learning in the process.

Since the Internet is changing dynamically, you need to not only be willing to learn something new, but in some cases be able to calculate the future. The cost of one click in Google AdSense depends on the topic; there are cheap and expensive ads, from one cent to several dollars per click.

Pitfalls: where can problems arise?

Even such primitive methods of earning money as axle boxes are fraught with considerable danger. It is very easy to fall into error: after all, a person can really be busy with clicks, watching advertisements, and collecting bonuses. However, without attracting referrals, the final profit will be microscopic. Of course, this is the same way to make money on the Internet without investments - viewing advertisements does not require any financial investment, but this is a real chronophage, insidious and deceptive.

If you engage in contextual advertising and fundamentally do not invest a penny in it, then all the profit received will be yours, and in case of failure, only time and effort will be lost. It is a personal matter for each person whether to consider these losses significant or not.

Prospects for earning money from advertising

The times of chaotic advertising are gradually giving way to the living space of the context - scripts do not affect the site’s position in search results, and significant indicators do not sag. Of course, some users will use special programs that hide advertising from them, but their number can be neglected.

Nowadays, making money on the Internet through advertising is experiencing a new rise and acquiring new qualitative characteristics. This is partly due to new search engine algorithms that require sites to be meaningful and useful to visitors. In general, these changes are for the better, and advertising is becoming a reliable source of income.

Remote work on the mailing list is one of the types of work in which you do not need to leave your home. Such Kind of activity very popular among freelancers. But there are several nuances and features in this case, which we will tell you about later.

    • What is a newsletter?
    • Responsibilities for remote mailing
    • Types of mailings
    • Why do we need newsletters anyway?
    • Secrets and tips for successful promotion
    • How to determine the effectiveness of remote mailing

What is a newsletter?

7 secrets of teaser advertising

First of all, you should know that mailing is not just spam. This is any information or messages, its placement, to which people subscribe voluntarily and can unsubscribe at any time. Many companies use this method of disseminating information. And it’s more convenient for people to track news or receive urgent materials. After all, it’s easier than going to the site every time, looking for the right section, etc. Company owners, in turn, provide an audience and growth in the number of people.

Responsibilities for remote mailing

Not everything is as simple as you might think. The responsibilities of a mailing list manager, including freelancing, include:

  1. Selection of material;
  2. Decor;
  3. Selection of photos;
  4. Advertising;
  5. Promotion on the Internet.

To do this kind of work, you must have certain skills in online marketing and PR promotion. Because, most likely, the author or customer will blame all the development of the material, advertisements and their placement on you. And the success and growth of the audience will depend on you. If you have experience working as a freelance copywriter or journalist, then this will be easy for you.

In this freelancing industry, you will work more on promotion than on writing materials. It is very important to promise the customer real numbers of subscribers that you can achieve over a certain period of time. Immediately clarify what specific actions are included in your responsibilities and what results you must achieve.

Types of mailings

There are two types of advertising mailings. The first of them can be called commercial. That is, this is information that should be the same for all people and sent to a large number of users. Such mailings are carried out by email by one person. Or there are special programs thanks to which this process can be automated. The disadvantage of such a newsletter is that for freelance worker there is no interest. And most often, this type of work is performed by one of the company’s full-time employees, because the information that is sent out concerns the company itself and does not require promotion and improvement.

The second type is mailing, which is carried out through special sites. For example, Subscribe.ru or Maillist.ru and others. These services allow you to track and manage advertisements and mailings more comfortably than you had to do manually, but still in freelance mode. Moreover, such services offer some services and assistance in promoting the material and improving it.

Why do we need newsletters anyway?

As mentioned above, mailings are needed to promote a product or any information. But, in addition, various services help retain and increase the audience. People can subscribe without thinking about the content, and then, when they receive another email, become interested in your idea. This can happen if you are working through a service site.

It is worth knowing that if a person, a potential subscriber, fills out a form to participate, then he is already interested in something. Maybe this person needs to receive specific information from you, or something caught their attention and they decided to subscribe. These actions also need to be analyzed, as well as the audience.

This way you will understand what you need to work on, what to improve, and what to remove. This way, you can achieve great success in freelancing work and make a good profit.

In order to satisfy the customer’s wishes and achieve their goals in work, you need to follow some rules or tips in promotion. First of all, you need develop a concept. And to do this, you need to analyze the target audience, design immediate plans and ideas that you will bring to life in the future. Formulate specific goals that you need to achieve. That is, exact numbers of the number of people, timing, announcements and mailing format. All this can be discussed with the customer, but basically all such decisions remain yours. In this and plus freelance work.

  • First you need to choose a topic and category in which you will develop the material;
  • Determine the content, design and frequency of advertisements and mailings;
  • Decide on promotion methods, techniques and additional services.

It is better to take into account all the nuances in advance, so that during the freelancing process you do not encounter any force majeure or unresolved issues. Because, in this case, the success of the company you work with depends on you.

Watch the video - How to send advertisements en masse on message boards

How to determine the effectiveness of remote mailing

Oddly enough, the effectiveness and “usefulness” of remote mailing is assessed not only by the customer. You must independently analyze the work done, refine flaws and correct errors. There are several criteria by which effectiveness can be determined.

First option - number and dynamics of audience growth. Your responsibilities, as mentioned above, include promoting and increasing subscribers, and announcing the results to your superiors. So the work you have done will be measured by the number of people who have signed up since you started work remotely. In this case, the customer can pay either for the number of people reached, or for a certain number after each mailing. You will discuss this among yourselves.

The second option is exact payment based on the number of placements and advertisements, regardless of the number of subscribers or other bonuses. This option is more profitable for you than for the customer. Because there are days when part of the newsletter for some reason was unsuccessful and few people ended up signing up. But you will still receive your salary.

Your responsibilities will include remote design, placement and promotion of material or ideas. Therefore, if you do not have any knowledge in the field of marketing, then you may find it difficult.

It is better to immediately warn the customer about this, because there are times when without skills it is difficult to “promote” something. But there are customers who are ready to train you and tell you everything you need to show good results.

Making money from advertising on the Internet is one of the fastest, easiest and most effective ways to make a profit from the World Wide Web. It is available to everyone almost anywhere in the world. Moreover, there are quite a lot of ways to make money from this and not all of them require start-up capital or your own website. For some, it is enough that you have stable online access and free time.

Earn money from advertising if you have your own web resource

The most common approach to making money from online advertising is placing it on your own web resource. Monetization in this case can occur using the tools listed below.

Contextual Internet advertising

A type of advertising, the content of which depends on the content of the page or the interests of the user (determined by queries in search engines), i.e. from the context. It is quite popular because it shows high returns and is initially aimed at its target audience, and not at the general public.

The implementation of contextual advertising occurs either with the help of specialists or thanks to services such as Yandex Direct or Google AdSense. Earnings depend on the advertiser’s payment per click and how many such clicks there were. The average cost of one click fluctuates around 0.05-0.1 dollars.

Banner Internet advertising

These are static or animated images with a hyperlink to the advertiser's website. Earnings from online banner advertising directly depend on what the advertiser pays for: per view - 1000 impressions costs from 10 to 500 rubles; per click - from 0.001 to 0.1 rubles per click; during the demonstration (month, six months) - the cost is determined individually. And also on the popularity of the banner among visitors, its effectiveness (conversion).

Selling links

This income from advertising on the Internet involves the sale of anchor and non-anchor links (temporary, eternal) to third-party resources to increase their “authority” in the eyes of search engines. This is a dangerous type of income, since if such activity is detected on a massive scale, search engines can impose an AGS-type filter on all links emanating from the site or block it completely. The cost of links can be found on such resources as Gogetlinks, GetGoodlinks.ru, Miralinks, Blogun, Rotapost and Sape.ru.

Earning money from affiliate programs

They make money on affiliate programs by receiving commissions from sales of various services and a wide variety of goods, if the buyer purchased them based on your recommendation, i.e. via an affiliate (referral) link. The amount of profit in this case depends on the size and quality of the site’s traffic, as well as on the terms of the affiliate program. Some pay 5-10% of the purchase (online stores), and others pay up to 100% (cashbacks, hosting).

Placing custom texts

This is the placement of custom content on your resource: reviews, testimonials, articles with hidden advertising or anti-advertising. It’s not difficult to make money from this, but the amount of profit depends on the views and authority of the site - it must be trusted. It is worth noting that custom texts do not always need to be written yourself; the advertiser can issue material completely ready for placement.

Teaser advertising

This type of advertising lures people using their curiosity. Its essence is that users are given a piece of information as a “riddle”, the beginning of an interesting story or question, the essence of which can be revealed (learned) only after clicking on the link. Income from posting teasers depends on the method of their monetization, the advertiser’s payment and the popularity of the advertising platform.

Pop-up windows

These are advertisements in windows that pop up on the device screen after the user has performed some action. You can make good money with Pop-up windows if they are used correctly without annoying users. The amount of income depends on the topic, authority and popularity of the web resource. For clicks in narrowly targeted areas they pay 0.1-2 dollars.

Video advertising

Everything is simple here. You post a video on your website that contains open or hidden advertising. At the same time, the video itself can be useful, and the advertising text in it will occupy only a small part. You can earn quite a lot from a specific type of advertising if you pay through commissions on purchases made. Or little if they pay for clicks or views.

Earning money from advertising if you don’t have money, special skills or your own website

The next group of earnings from advertising on the Internet is suitable for those who do not have a personal website or specific professional skills in creating or distributing advertising content. That is, absolutely everyone will be able to earn money: which allows you, even in an easy or temporary way, to increase your budget a little if you want.

Internet surfing (viewing advertisements)

It’s elementary, it couldn’t be simpler. You watch advertisements, download applications or respond to mailings, i.e. you are engaged in “cheating” either the advertising itself or the advertised content (site). The income from this is small - from 10 to 300 rubles per day, but it is simple and accessible to everyone. True, it eats up a lot of time.

Participation in advertising surveys

Another type of income available to everyone is from advertising in the online Universe. But the income from it is even less than from surfing, since surveys are rarely conducted, and they pay little for them - on average from 20 to 100 rubles. It takes 5-20 minutes to fill out one survey, depending on the number of questions.


This involves writing simple “selling” texts or simple advertising brochures, leaflets, advertisements, attractive slogans and the like, where a monetary reward is paid for the number of characters written. The amount is measured in characters with or without spaces, so the price of one thousand characters varies on average from 0.30 to 5 dollars.

Advertising posting

A fairly simple way to earn money, since everyone can write posts and comments on forums, social networks or under videos. The main thing is to understand that some resources will ban you for this. True, such prohibitions can be circumvented. The amount paid depends on the advertising platform - on average from 50 cents to 20 dollars per post. For posts on some English-language resources, they can pay much higher. In addition, there are sites where, based solely on the number of views by visitors, the rules usually include the criterion of accruing profit only for every 1000 impressions.

Advertising on social networks

We are talking about using your “authority” in one or another social network to advertise services or goods by reposting and spamming in private messages to subscribers. They pay for the time a post is on the page (from 100 to 1000 rubles, if there are a lot of subscribers and the page is not littered with advertising), per click (0.1-20 rubles) or per action (for example, subscription). A very simple type, which does not require any investment of money or skills, is offered by many sites specially designed for PR. The main thing is to have more live subscribers.

How to make a lot of money from advertising on the Internet


This trend, which is gaining popularity, is called “Infobusiness”. In this case, we are talking about creating a product or services related to online advertising or making money from it. For example, creating tutorials on how to place banners or teasers on your website or how to make money from advertising on social networks. Depending on the person’s skills, this may require quite a lot of time, which is needed both for preparing the training material and for its promotion (implementation). You can sell your information business not only on the Internet (books, videos, blogs, webinars, courses), but also offline (lectures, seminars). Potential profit - from 10 thousand rubles to 100 thousand dollars per month.

Traffic arbitrage

Internet traffic arbitrage refers to the resale of advertising consumer attention (advertising traffic) under more favorable conditions. The difference between the purchase price and the sale price is arbitrage (or marginal profit). As a rule, this type of earnings includes the use of affiliate programs or promotion of web resources. That is, you either purposefully participate in various network programs and increase the number of active referrals in them, or increase the popularity of sites, blogs, and social pages. networks or on YouTube, using someone else’s reputation (authority) for this.

There are 3 main types of arbitration on the network:

  1. direct - purchased traffic is directly transferred to affiliate programs or a promoted resource;
  2. via Landing page - purchased traffic is transferred to a landing page where visitors are asked to follow a referral link;
  3. via Landing page + e-mail registration or Landing page + login via social networks - users are required to register to continue further actions.

You can make money on arbitrage both by selling traffic and by reselling it. The amount of income depends on the quality of traffic and its quantity.

Creation of an advertising product on the Internet

This means direct participation in the creation of a high-quality advertising product (media, graphics, texts, audio) or participation in organizing this process at a professional level. For example, in creating advertising campaigns (web resource promotion), videos, banners or teasers. You can earn a lot from this. In this case, income can be permanent (salary), one-time (payment for work done) or in the form of commissions (percentage of sales).


Of all the above methods, choosing the most suitable and rational solution for a beginner will not be difficult. Having estimated all the possible pros and cons from the tables, everyone can try to make money from advertising on the Internet. But the amount of income will appear not from your desires, but from your actions, and either it will be a modest monthly part-time job, or an area that will reward you with financial independence and eliminate the need to wake up every morning to an alarm clock so as not to be late for a boring office job.

Find your calling, don’t be afraid to experiment and see you on the site!

Many people are interested in making money from advertising on the Internet. For most, this is an opportunity to quit work and work only for themselves, receiving income depending on the efforts made. Even someone who has never thought about it has probably seen hundreds of ads like “I earn $2,000 a month on the Internet.”

In addition, many believe that such income can become almost passive over time, that is, you can do nothing at all, and the income will continue to flow. This is true for some methods, which will be discussed below, but I will note right away that there is no easy and quick money here.

Now let's figure out which sites are best suited for making money on a certain type of advertising. I note that in more or less large projects you can easily combine or even use all types.

contextual advertising

What you need here is traffic, and the more the better. At the same time, its quality is also important. Ideally, your visitor should come to the page looking for information about a product or service, and relevant ads will be shown to them.

Good example: a visitor searched for “What is needed to produce concrete?” to the article “Equipment for concrete production”.

Bad example: a visitor searched for “What is needed to produce concrete?” to the article “Basic characteristics of concrete.”

Most likely, he will be shown the same ads, but in the first case, he will definitely linger on your site and read the article. Accordingly, the likelihood of a click on the ad will increase. Many people forget or don’t talk about this, but it is very important.

To make money on the context, you can create a website on absolutely any topic, as long as it has advertisers and a wide enough audience. Making a website on a topic that 1,000 people a month are interested in is not a good idea. Due to low traffic, earnings will be small in total.

It is better, for example, to make a website about all BMW cars than about a specific model. Obviously, in the first case, your audience will be much wider. And it will be even wider if you make a website about all cars. That is, it is necessary to evaluate, among other things, the possible attendance ceiling. But if a particular model is in great demand, then you can make a narrowly themed project; all other things being equal, it will be easier to promote than a large auto portal.

Partnership programs

How to cash out?

There are many ways to cash out. For payments on the Internet, payment systems are most often used: Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex.Money and others, and money is withdrawn from them to bank accounts, by postal transfers or using payment systems like Contact. But in fact, a beginner should definitely not worry about this issue - if only you had the money, and you can always withdraw it.

Is it possible to find partners?

Many beginners are looking for partners, especially those who already know something. I don't recommend going this route. Firstly, in practice, one person always achieves better results than several (we are talking only about online), and secondly, it is better to control everything yourself and be the sole owner of the site. In addition, it often happens that partners begin to quarrel after some time, especially on the topic “I did more than you.” In addition, you may simply be deceived since you are a newbie.

Rely only on yourself and your strengths. After all, a huge number of people are already making money from this. If it worked for them, then why shouldn’t it work for you?