Internal and external factors of personnel motivation. Employee motivation: purpose, types, methods and working tips

High staff motivation is the most important condition for the success of an organization. No company can succeed without a high-performance mindset, a high level of employee commitment, a vested interest in the outcome, and a desire to contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals. That is why there is such a high interest among managers and management researchers in studying the reasons that force people to work with full dedication in the interests of the organization.


The concept of motivation………………………………………………………..6
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs………………………………….7
Intrinsic motivation……………………………………………………12
Pygmalion effect……………………………………………13
Extrinsic motivation……………………………………………………….15
Problems and obstacles to influencing labor
staff motivation…………………………………………………………….22

List of sources and literature used…………………….26

The work contains 1 file





“Internal and external motivation of the organization’s personnel”

Group student GP-04-07 Koltsova M.A.

Scientific director Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences, Sergeeva Tatyana Fedorovna.

Submitted for inspection 11/13/2009
Returned for revision
Accepted for defense

Moscow 2009


  1. The concept of motivation………………………………………………………..6
    1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs………………………………….7
  2. Intrinsic motivation……………………………………………………12
    1. Pygmalion effect……………………………………………13
  3. Extrinsic motivation……………………………………………………….15
  4. Problems and obstacles to influencing labor

Personnel motivation……………………………………………………………….22

  1. Conclusion……………………………………………………………...24
  2. List of sources and literature used…………………….26
  3. Applications……………………………………………………………...27


A successful manager and leader is one who can clearly motivate and knows how to inspire other people to achieve their goals. Therefore, every manager needs to have at hand time-tested, but at the same time progressive, clearly configured and effective tools for motivating all members of his team.

Adair D.

High staff motivation is the most important condition for the success of an organization. No company can succeed without a high-performance mindset, a high level of employee commitment, a vested interest in the outcome, and a desire to contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals. That is why there is such a high interest among managers and management researchers in studying the reasons that force people to work with full dedication in the interests of the organization. And although it cannot be said that the work results and work behavior of employees are determined only by their motivation, the importance of motivation is still very great.

What makes workers choose one job over another? Why do they respond differently to the same stimuli? Why do they, in some cases, work diligently on the tasks assigned to them, and in others, waste time talking and smoking breaks? These questions are often asked by managers, and they can be boiled down to three main ones: what and why motivates people, and how to make sure that they are interested in the final results of the assigned work and work with full dedication.

At the beginning of the century, for the vast majority of managers, the answer was obvious: money is the main incentive for a person to work. And today many leaders adhere to precisely this point of view. Although it is known that in some cases a person can work selflessly, even if the salary clearly does not satisfy him. On the other hand, many people will not undertake any kind of work for any money. This means that in work motivation, which determines both the choice of place of work and the attitude towards work, there is something other than money, and sometimes even stronger than money. Money primarily serves as a medium of exchange, allowing work in one narrow area (for example, raising children or building roads) to be converted directly into the results of work in other areas - food, drink, shelter and warmth that satisfy our physiological needs. 1

« Children got into the habit of playing under the windows of an elderly man’s house. Every evening they gathered on the lawn in front of his house, ran and made noise, which greatly disturbed his peace. No amount of requests or persuasion to play away from his house helped. And then he came up with an idea - he went out to the children and said: “You ran very cool today, frolicked and screamed. For this, each of you will receive 1 dollar today.” Can you imagine the children's reaction?! Not only did they enjoy the game, they also received money. The children were very happy. The next day, the owner of the house came out to the playing children and said: “You know, children, today my circumstances have changed and I can only give you 50 cents each.” The children took the money, but played and shouted with less enthusiasm. The next day, this wise man handed out 20 cents to the children and said: “Come tomorrow, I will give you 5.” To this the children replied: “That’s it! We’ll run around here and scream for some 5 cents!” So this elderly man got rid of the noise and screaming under his windows.”

V.I. Chirkov “External and internal motivation” [p.86]

What is this story about? It's about internal and external motivation. What did this old man do? He reduced the children’s internal motivation (their own emotions, the desire to play freely, “run and scream”), turning it into external motivation (money), and then removed that too.

Intrinsic motivation- this is why we invest our efforts, why we act every day, building our team and our organization. We do this to change our lives and the lives of others for the better. Internal motivation is the “fuel” that supports us and does not allow us to go out and cool down when overcoming difficulties and failures. Intrinsic motivation encourages you to ACT.

Intrinsic motivation is:

  • dream, self-realization
  • ideas, creativity
  • self-affirmation
  • conviction
  • curiosity
  • health
  • need someone
  • personal growth
  • need for communication

Extrinsic motivation- this is your desire to achieve achievements in the society around you. Just as yin and yang flow into one another, separated by a thin line, so internal and external motivation are most effective when in balance.

External motivation is:

  • money
  • career
  • status
  • confession
  • prestigious things (house, apartment, car)
  • decent aesthetics of everyday life
  • the ability to travel

The purpose of the course work is to study the labor motivation of the organization’s personnel in order to increase labor productivity and how internal and external motivation are related to a person’s work behavior.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were identified:

  • give a general concept of motivation and its influence in management;
  • reveal the concepts of “stimulus” and “motive”, “stimulation” and “motivation”, “need”;
  • study the existing theoretical provisions on internal and external motivation of personnel.
  1. Concept of motivation.

Concept motivation broader concept motive, because it is something that can be applied to another person. Thus, to motivate means to give a person an incentive or incentive to perform a particular action. This initiates his actions or behavior, i.e. stimulation of a person’s interest in a certain action occurs.

Motivation- this is the internal state of a person associated with needs, which activates, stimulates and directs his actions towards the goal. The main thing in motivation is its inextricable connection with human needs. A person strives to reduce tension, expressed in a state of restlessness and anxiety, which arises when he experiences a need (not always conscious) to satisfy some need.

Need- this is a lack of something experienced by a person, located outside him, necessary to maintain normal life activity. Not all needs that activate human behavior are fully realized by him. So, for example, the need for power and independence can manifest itself in an extremely painful reaction of an employee to any pressure or to increased external control, although the true origins of such behavior may not be realized.

Stimulus- external motivation to work. Helps people begin to strive for work.

Motivation makes a person's behavior purposeful. Target here is what can lead to the elimination of the state of need for something experienced by a person. Achieving a goal leads to a decrease or disappearance of tension. Achieving a goal restores physiological and psychological balance. Eating food satisfies hunger, meeting friends helps fill the gap in communication. The goals in these cases are food and receiving recognition from other people.

The main functions of motivation are:

    • encouragement to action,
    • direction of activity,
    • control and maintenance of behavior.

Incitement to action.

Motives are what makes a person act or is a stimulus to action. In this sense, a person who actively acts to achieve a certain goal that will allow him to satisfy some need will be considered motivated, and a person who is passive, indifferent or inactive will be considered unmotivated or having low motivation.

Area of ​​activity.

People are constantly making decisions about how they will achieve their goals. For example, a hungry person may choose between having lunch at home, at work, or grabbing a snack on the street. A person experiencing feelings of loneliness may choose between different friends or different companies. An employee who wants to make a favorable impression on his manager may also choose different options: working extra hard on an important task, doing some kind of favor for the manager, or flattering him. All these actions have something in common - they represent some choices that direct a person’s efforts to achieve a specific goal that allows them to satisfy a corresponding need.

Control and maintenance of behavior.

Control and maintenance of behavior aimed at achieving a goal is expressed in a certain persistence in achieving this goal. Motivation makes a person partial and interested. Thus, a person whose behavior is determined by monetary motivation, striving to earn money, will act in accordance with this dominant in different situations and under different circumstances. He will consider the tasks assigned to him or the opportunities that open up primarily from the point of view of the possibility of making money.

The most important tool for increasing the efficiency of the company, achieving specified goals and objectives. The coincidence of the employee’s personal goals and the tasks facing the organization provides the most significant economic effect for both parties.

Typically, the task of developing a system for motivating staff is dealt with by the HR department, which not only selects appropriate methods of motivating staff, but also carefully calculates the financial side of the issue: how much will it cost to motivate staff in the organization to perform current tasks?

According to the classical definition, work motivation is an incentive to action. Those. the employing company seeks to manage a person’s behavior and set the direction for his actions to achieve its own goals. At the same time, labor motivation at the enterprise increases employee engagement and increases his interest in the success of the common cause. To increase the effectiveness of employee motivation methods, a systematic approach should be introduced, including different forms and types of personnel motivation.

There are several ways to divide staff motivation into types, the first and most global being external and internal. External motivation of employees in an organization is an administrative influence that is exerted by a manager to encourage an employee to do quality work (order, threat of a fine, reward with a bonus).

Intrinsic motivation of employees refers to the category of a person’s psychological state, when the employee himself has personal qualities that allow him to work effectively without administrative influence. The internal form of staff motivation can and should be developed. This requires significant effort, experience and deep knowledge in the field of personnel management theory from the manager.

To obtain sustainable internal motivation for an enterprise’s employees, it is often necessary to use whole complexes of various types of motivation, starting with simple verbal praise and ending with an offer of career growth for the successful implementation of a project.

Typical work activity is a close interaction between internal and external motivation of work, allowing for maximum economic effect.

What other types of staff motivation exist? Experts distinguish two main types of personnel incentives in management theory: material and intangible.

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Material types of staff motivation

In many companies and organizations, managers from the lower to the top level place the material motivation of employees as the basis for stimulating subordinate personnel. Managers with special education in the field of personnel management know that financially motivating employees to work or rewarding them with money (salary) does not bring the necessary improvement, especially in the long term. But this type of staff incentives is the most common.

At the lower levels, team leaders reward good employees with higher salaries and increased bonuses. If you work harder and better, you get more. The salaries of top managers are often directly dependent on the results of their work. For example, often when hiring top-level managers, a direct dependence of bonuses and bonuses on the level of profit received by the company or organization they manage is stipulated.

Modern management has several different methods of motivating employees at its disposal, including:

  1. Salary. Increasing earnings perfectly motivates employees: news of a salary increase is always received with enthusiasm. But the effectiveness of this type of staff motivation is far from 100%: an employee who no longer wants to work in a given position due to monotony and lack of development is unlikely to agree to continue working if his salary is raised. Salary increases work great when used across an entire enterprise, service team, or department.
  2. Awards. Rewards for achieving set goals are a strong motivator. This HR tool is most actively used in the sales area. A bonus for fulfilling a plan often makes up a significant part of earnings and morally stimulates staff to be active and take initiative.
  3. A percentage of a company's sales or performance. The most striking example is in the same field of sales, where employee earnings are often offered as a sum of the rate and a percentage of sales for the month, and sometimes even calculated as a percentage only without a base salary. So the percentage of sales becomes an effective motivation for sales personnel with minimal financial costs.

Material types of motivation include monetary fines if an employee violates pre-agreed conditions: being late for work, failure to fulfill the plan, all kinds of administrative violations. The fine system is most often used at enterprises specializing in the production of products and associated with hazardous production, where discipline and order are important factors for normal operation. Penalties are applied in a single system with bonus payments, forming an effective motivation system.

This category of staff motivation and incentive system also includes indirect material motivation, which includes employee incentives in the form of vouchers, tickets to cultural events, tuition fees, paid time off, etc.

Types of non-material motivation of personnel

Material methods of stimulating staff work are not only quite expensive for the enterprise, but also sometimes turn out to be ineffective. Monetary incentives may not be enough to motivate employees to give 100%. In this case, tangible tools should be combined with intangible types of effective motivation for staff, which include:

  • career advancement opportunities;
  • recognition of employee successes, public expression of gratitude;
  • creating a friendly, welcoming atmosphere in the team;
  • improving working conditions for employees (opening canteens, gyms, organizing corporate lunches);
  • involving employees in meetings;
  • congratulations on significant dates;
  • professional competitions;
  • corporate events;
  • opportunity to participate in important decisions.

Modern management of innovative companies sometimes practices such methods of staff motivation and stimulation as corporate quests, various competitions, rating tables, which stimulate the activity of specialists and professional growth. Employees develop a healthy passion and desire to stand out in the team. The winners of such gaming events receive valuable prizes or cash rewards.

Types of personnel motivation at the enterprise

At enterprises, labor motivation and labor stimulation can be implemented in the form of a well-functioning system or within the competence of immediate supervisors - middle managers. In any of these cases, the types of staff motivation described above can be applied.

  1. Direct monetary motivation, paid in the form of a bonus for exceeding the plan, a percentage of sales, a bonus for working without violations or achieving certain indicators.
  2. Indirect monetary motivation, which is often included in the social package. This includes additional medical insurance, training or internship at the expense of the company, a flexible schedule, payment for travel or provision of company transport, work clothes, payment for mobile communications, Internet, and additional leave.
  3. Moral motivation. It can be expressed in the form of written gratitude, verbal praise, presentation of a certificate for the best employee, provision of additional time off, organization of an honor board.

The formation of a staff motivation mechanism that will be used at the enterprise largely depends on financial capabilities. A profitable company without financial problems often relies on material incentives, corporate events, and a powerful social package.

Small companies or organizations try to rely on moral motivation and stimulation of staff (intangible), and offer inexpensive indirect monetary options. Most often this is due to the inability to motivate employees with large bonuses.

All types of personnel motivation used at the enterprise must demonstrate an acceptable ratio of remuneration and results obtained. HR professionals should also constantly monitor employee satisfaction levels. This indicator is the most objective assessment of the value of the offered rewards. High performance is the reason for a high degree of satisfaction, because employees not only receive decent compensation for their work, but also feel in demand and fulfilled.

Main types of personnel motivation systems in an organization

The system of motivation and incentives for personnel in an organization is based on the types of motivation that are used to encourage employees to complete assigned tasks. The system includes material and non-material types of personnel motivation. At the same time, monetary rewards are clearly stated in the terms of the collective agreement or contract, and non-material types of motivation are used by managers based on their management style, the characteristics of the team and the current situation.

In foreign practice, specialists are faced with the use of various motivation theories based on the dominance of a certain group of factors in labor relations and on the performance of employees. The most prominent place here is occupied by the theory of needs, when their basic satisfaction entails the need to achieve a new level. Also, the choice of types of incentives for the organization’s personnel can be based on the theory of labor enrichment, fair remuneration, and expectation of results.

Such theories represent human work behavior from the point of view of various psychological or physiological concepts.

The use of an employee motivation system in an enterprise is the basis of result-oriented management. The transition to it, with a competent approach, is accompanied by a noticeable increase in labor productivity. This confirms one of the basic truths on which economics is based: the personal contribution of each employee in an organization plays a critical role in the success of the entire enterprise. In other words, proper motivation is the basis for the effectiveness of all categories of personnel.

Another system of staff motivation is based on status (it is called motivation by rank). This strategy is based on integral assessments of employee success. It includes data on the level of qualifications of personnel, the quality of their work, and their attitude towards their duties.

The indicators used make it possible to find out the main types of motivation to work, which will have the greatest effect when used in a specific team or for an individual employee. The choice of personnel incentive strategy is determined by the current management style in the company, the accepted corporate culture, and national traditions.

“All management ultimately comes down to is stimulating activity in other people.”

Lee Iacocca

What makes workers choose one job over another? Why do they respond differently to the same stimuli? Why do they work selflessly in one case, while in another they waste time talking and smoking breaks? These questions are often asked by managers. They can be reduced to three main ones: what and why motivates people and how to make sure that they are interested in the final results of their work and work with full dedication.

Motivation- this is what activates, stimulates a person and directs his actions towards achieving his goal.

High motivation is the most important condition for the success of an organization. No company can succeed without a strong work ethic, a high level of employee commitment, a vested interest in the bottom line, and a desire to contribute to achieving its goals. That is why managers are so interested in the topic of staff motivation.

First of all, it is important to distinguish between external and internal motivation.

Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation comes from within. This is the motivation due to which a person does something that brings him pleasure, when the very possibility of solving a problem is a reward. Even if the task is difficult to complete and a person experiences resistance to starting action, once he begins to perform this task, he experiences pleasure.

When performing a task like this:

  • It is easy for a person to maintain a high level of concentration.
  • A person strives to complete a task as efficiently as possible.
  • The material reward for completing this task fades into the background.

Internal motivation is a very good driver, but it can also become a matter of mood. There is a mood (“inspiration”) and the employee completes the task with pleasure. There is no mood... This is where external motivation comes to the rescue.

Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation comes from outside. This is the motivation that makes you work on something not for pleasure, but for reward.

The power of extrinsic motivation is often underestimated. Most difficult tasks become more or less bearable when you solve them with the outcome in mind.

Under the influence of external motivation, a person:

  • Has difficulty concentrating and tends to complete tasks slowly.
  • Interested in completing a task, but not always in the quality of the result. (External motivation contributes to an increase in the volume of work performed, and internal motivation contributes to the quality)
  • Most likely, I would not solve this problem without a reward.

If they pay well for work, this is external motivation. If the work is interesting to a person in itself, he has internal motivation. In this case, external motivation can be motivation from the outside (carrot, incentive, organization of the situation) and motivation from within (through managing the vision of the situation, feelings and state).

It is easier to manage an employee’s external motivation than internal motivation. A manager can increase an employee’s external motivation to complete a task if he knows what is a reward for the employee, what is important to him, promises this reward and monitors the completion of the task.

Motivation K - OT

Another interesting topic for us in terms of employee motivation is the topic of achievement and avoidance motivation. Or it is also called “K” motivation and “OT” motivation.

There are two basic types of motivation:

  • Achievement motivation or “K” motivation. Motivation by how good it will be when you do it)
  • Avoidance motivation or "OT" motivation. Motivation by how bad it will be if you don’t do this).

Motivation "K"

This person cares about what he will win, acquire, achieve. A person with K motivation is focused on the goal, not on what he wants to avoid. This is the person who "goes to a new job" and not “leaving the old one.”

These people are good at identifying what they want to achieve, but may have difficulty identifying what they want to avoid.

They cope better with matters where the ability to relentlessly strive for a specific goal is required.

Motivation "OT"

This person moves away from the negative, from what he doesn’t like. This does not mean that he does not have a goal, but first of all he pays attention to what is unpleasant to him and what he wants to avoid. He is “quitting his old job,” not “taking a new one.”

These people are good at identifying what they should avoid, but have difficulty identifying what they are striving for.

They are excellent at detecting errors and will work well, for example, as quality controllers.

Only a small proportion of people (about 15%) have striving motivation, or, as they say, “K” motivation. The main thing for them is to achieve their goal and get what they want faster. It is they who need to be promised a career advancement, a bonus, an increase in status, etc. The rest has an avoidance motivation, or a “from” motivation. These people, first of all, do not want problems. Their slogan is “they don’t seek good from good.” These people are not motivated by the promise of future benefits. In order for them to want to act, provide them with the fear of losing their position, money, and the respect of others - what is their motivator.

How to find out what is a motivator for an employee

The first thing you need to do is understand what motivates the employee. What is a motivator and driving force for him. This can be done through testing, interviews and observation. Collect a “dossier” for each employee with information about what is important to him, how he lives. Everything that will help you increase his motivation at work.

The range of such motivators is very limited. Their list includes: career advancement, relationships with workmates, money, relationships with management, public recognition of professional achievements, growth in one’s own eyes from doing difficult and responsible work.

The question arises - how to find out what motivation your employees have?

The easiest way is to see how they work. Employees with “k” motivation are active at the beginning of work and are attracted by the result. Employees with “from” motivation wait until the last minute, and only when the specter of future troubles becomes inevitable do they get to work.

The second way is to listen to how a person constructs his speech, what formulations he uses. For example, “Let’s start now, I don’t want to stay late after work.” What is he focused on: achievement or avoidance?

Now I propose to determine your own motivation. Interestingly, it may differ depending on the action in question.

You can easily determine which motivation is more characteristic of you in a particular action by asking yourself, why am I doing this? Ask yourself the question: “Why am I working at this job?” The answers can be very different, but they can be grouped into two categories: “To make money” and “So as not to be left without money.” The first response shows achievement and the second response shows avoidance. The way your answer is worded and shows your motivation strategy in this context. Another strategy for you personally will be less effective or not effective at all. In other contexts (leisure, study, shopping, etc.), perhaps everything will be quite the opposite. Test the contexts of your life with the same question, and determine your favorite motivation strategy in general in life.

Knowing your own motivation strategy will help you motivate yourself. Knowing the strategy for motivating your employees, you can set tasks for employees in the language of their motivation.

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In a general sense, motivation is a process motivating oneself and others to act to achieve certain goals.

There are various personnel motivation factors that determine what is most valuable and important for a person. As a rule, this is not one factor, but several, and together they make up a map or set of motivational factors for personnel. Personnel motivation factors are divided into external and internal.

Domestic staff motivation factors:

  • Dream, self-realization
  • Ideas, creativity
  • Self-affirmation
  • Conviction
  • Curiosity
  • Health
  • Personal growth
  • Need for communication

External staff motivation factors:

  • Money
  • Career
  • Status
  • Prestigious things
  • Aesthetics of everyday life
  • The ability to travel

In addition, the motives of human behavior also differ in nature: they can be positive(purchase, save) or negative(get rid of, avoid). Thus, a positive external motive of behavior is a bonus that a person can receive for good work, and a negative one is punishment for failure to do it; a positive internal motive is the fascination of the activity in which he is engaged, and a negative one is its routine nature, as a result of which a person, on the contrary, seeks to get rid of the activity.

We can divide all possible motivation tools into two large groups: tangible and intangible motivators.

Material motivators of personnel

The reward received by a worker depends on individual and group differences in the performance of the activity. This is specifically expressed in flexible wage system, variable wage system.

1. Commission. This is perhaps the simplest and at the same time the oldest motivational scheme. The essence of this motivational scheme is that the employee receives a certain percentage of the amounts that customers pay him when purchasing goods from him. Commissions can be used either in combination with the base salary or independently of it, making up the entire employee's salary. Although commissions are the most "direct" incentive scheme, their peak popularity is certainly in the past.

2. Cash payments for achieving set goals. This is the most common type of motivational plans. Such payments (it would be adequate to call them bonuses) are generally made if the employee meets certain pre-established criteria. These may include economic indicators, quality indicators, and evaluation of the employee by other persons. Each company sets its own goals of this kind, and sometimes they are quite unusual.

3. Special Individual Rewards as recognition of the value of a particular employee. Firstly, these could be special bonuses paid to employees for possessing skills that the company urgently needs at the moment. Secondly, these may be bonuses for loyalty to the company, which are received by employees who have worked in the organization for a certain amount of time. Such bonuses can also be paid to specialists whose departure is very undesirable for the company. Thirdly, these could be bonuses for the company’s “stars”.

Non-material motivators of personnel

Intangible, or more precisely, non-financial staff motivation refers to all methods not directly related to remuneration that companies use to reward their employees for good work and increase their motivation and commitment to the company.

1. Benefits associated with work schedule. First of all, these are measures related to payment for employee non-working time. In addition, it provides the employee with a flexible work schedule.

2. Material non-financial motivation of personnel. This block includes all material motivators that the company uses. First of all, these are various gifts that the company gives to its employees. These can be small souvenirs, larger gifts as a symbol of the employee’s importance to the company, or family gifts. In addition, this also includes various financial “indulgences” for employees. This is primarily payment for health insurance, as well as loans under a preferential program and discounts on the purchase of company products.

3. Various company-wide events, not directly related to work. These are internal company holidays dedicated to significant events. In addition, various events to which employees have the right to invite their families, out-of-town and excursion trips arranged by the company. We would include paid centralized lunches in this category.

4. "Rewards-appreciation". This category of non-material motivation of personnel is the most significant. These are basic compliments to employees for their work, photographs of the best employees in prominent places, mention of achievements in the company newspaper.

5. Rewards associated with change in employee status. This block includes not only promotion, but also training of an employee at the expense of the company, inviting the employee as a speaker or lecturer, an offer to participate in a more interesting or financially profitable project, as well as the opportunity to use the company’s equipment to implement their own projects.

6. Personnel motivation related to change of workplace. This block includes all those measures that lead to changes in the technical equipment of the employee’s workplace and its ergonomics, as well as providing the employee with a company car.

Staff motivation directly affects the increase in enterprise income. Therefore, the motivation of personnel in the company should be regularly analyzed. To effectively manage business, a successful manager needs to know about the symptoms and weak signals of the lack of motivational management in enterprises, a comprehensive system of staff motivation, and be able to correctly use staff motivators.

Presentation of the training STAFF MOTIVATION

What are the basic and non-standard types of staff motivation? How to motivate employees in an organization? Who can help you choose the most appropriate type of staff motivation in management?

Every manager - be it a large enterprise or a small one - is concerned with two questions: how to increase profits and at the same time spend less? That is, how to achieve an increase in income without extra costs, and so that employees feel comfortable and do not want to look for something better.

In a new article from the staff motivation section, we will tell you about different types of motivation. Anna Medvedeva is with you, a regular author of the online magazine HeatherBeaver.

Those who read the article to the end will receive a bonus - you will learn about completely unusual types of motivation that do not exist in theory, but are used in real-life companies. Read and adopt other people's experiences - perhaps this is exactly what is missing in your team.

1. What is staff motivation

Who has the right to call himself a good leader? Someone who knows the principles of effective personnel management and skillfully applies them in practice.

What does it mean to skillfully apply in practice? Here it is worth paying attention to the result.

Employees are satisfied with their wages, they do not seek to leave for competing companies, because your team has a wonderful microclimate, and everyone works with desire, showing a creative approach to their work. This is the result of quality management.

In order to lead competently, you need to use various management tools. One of these auxiliary techniques is the introduction of a motivation system at the enterprise.

What it is?

Staff motivation- this is the creation of an internal incentive for employees to perform high-quality and productive work using various techniques.

Related to the concept of motivation is the concept of stimulation. Many people believe that these are similar terms. We would differentiate them a little.

Stimulation - this is the use of more stringent, categorical measures. Methods and forms of incentives vary, but most often they are negative in nature (that is, they represent a system of fines and restrictions).

Motivation but a more flexible and multifaceted system. It includes many techniques and is based on a variety of factors - from the specifics and goals of the entire enterprise to the needs of each individual employee.

We described in detail various types of staff motivation in the next section of our publication.

As in any other area related to the human factor, when drawing up motivational programs it is indispensable creativity And use of non-standard techniques . Only a combination of traditional and non-traditional methods makes any motivation system truly interesting and worthwhile.

4. How to motivate staff - step-by-step instructions

How to implement a motivation system so that it works from the very beginning and is protected from at least the most common errors?

Let's create an algorithm of actions.

Step 1. Inform employees about plans to increase motivation

Employees must be aware of all changes in the enterprise, and the introduction of a motivation system is no exception. Everyone should see the prospects and advantages of upcoming events, and most importantly, the benefits.

In a small organization, it is easier to make an announcement at a general meeting where all employees can gather. If the enterprise is large, then the general director sends orders to department heads, who, in turn, convey information to subordinates.

Step 2. Carefully study the staff members

Often, ordinary written surveys and questionnaires are used for this. They make it possible to determine employee satisfaction with working conditions, relationships in the team, everyone’s desire for career growth, etc.

However, we recommend conducting staff certification. This more in-depth study will help you identify the best employees, as well as divide employees into those who work steadily and with varying success, assess the level of knowledge and skills, suitability for positions and other very significant indicators.

Step 3. Analyze the motivation system of other companies

Studying the types of staff motivation in similar companies will be especially useful if you do not involve third-party specialists, but develop the program yourself.

Of course, you should not borrow completely ready-made schemes, even if they work well, because each enterprise and team has its own characteristics. But there is undoubtedly a rational grain in such practice.

Step 4. Approve the final version of the motivation program

Taking one of the systems as a basis, using the experience of competitors and data about your personnel, you can create an effective motivation system for your team.

Let us add that help or at least consultation from a competent specialist will not be superfluous. Especially if your team is small and there is no separate marketing service that would deal with such issues.

Step 5.

When the motivation program is ready, it again needs to be conveyed in detail to subordinates. Everyone should understand the system for calculating bonuses and bonuses and other nuances of the process.

Be sure to tell us about the main goal pursued by the set of upcoming events. When employees not only strive for personal rewards, but also feel like an important part of a larger process, this takes the quality of work to a completely different level.

5. Help in increasing staff motivation - review of the TOP 3 service companies

For those who are not strong in management theories, there are companies that professionally develop motivation systems adapted to the specifics of different institutions and teams.

There are also various kinds of training organizations - business schools, where you can get initial or in-depth knowledge in this area.

Meet representatives of this direction and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

1) MAS Project

The company that develops an effective business management system offers the most reliable solution - to teach employees planning, time management and many other things that make their work as productive as possible.

From the video posted on the site, you will learn about strategic planning tools - project management, tasks and salary amounts, regulations, goal maps and much more. The program will help you constantly be aware of the performance of each employee.

The MAS Project system is an online service that can be deployed both in the Cloud and in the internal corporate system. Your employees will have access to it 24 hours a day, regardless of distance.

2) Business Relations

With this company you are guaranteed to make a breakthrough in the development of your enterprise. Business Relations offers training, after which the level of employee motivation increases to the maximum. The main goal of the training is to create a cohesive team, eliminate conflict situations and inspire employees to a new attitude to work.

Order a free test on the website to assess your team and a call back for consultation.

3) Moscow Business School

The business school, located in Moscow, provides training not only in the capital. Seminars and corporate training in the business field can be attended in many cities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Vietnam.

If you need practical skills in the field of business and management, feel free to contact one of the best domestic business schools that meets the international level. Diplomas and certificates issued here are valued both in the CIS and in the West.

The website conveniently provides a schedule of training events. For those who cannot attend in person, distance learning in the form of video seminars is provided.

6. What non-standard ways exist to increase staff motivation - 4 main ways

Non-standard and unusual ways of rewarding employees are not needed to show the originality of management’s thinking.

A creative approach allows you to expand traditional motivation schemes and show attention to employees from different sides.

Method 1. Arrangement of a place to relax in the office

Even a small office needs additional space for changing rooms and rest areas. In this way, workers’ needs for comfort will be met.

Each employee will have the opportunity to drink tea or coffee during the working day without disturbing others and without showing their five-minute rest to visitors, if we are talking about an office where they work with clients.

In addition, during such snacks the atmosphere in the team is discharged, since employees have the opportunity to take a break from the work rhythm in an informal setting, simply chatting over a cup of tea.

Method 2. Award for good relations with colleagues

In a sincere, friendly atmosphere, we work more fruitfully. In a prosperous microclimate in a team, everything becomes easier, creativity and mutual assistance flourish.

If management encourages this, the staff will be a true team of like-minded people from which no competitor will lure away valuable personnel.


The company "JapanGeneralEstateCo" has established a rule - to pay a bonus to the salary of about $3,000 to the manager of the company, who has developed friendly relations with employees.

Agree, this is a good incentive to reach a higher level of communication.

Method 3. Bonuses for vacation used for recreation

Often, instead of taking a vacation, people prefer to spend the money and time allocated for it on something else. Some people stay at work altogether, having received compensation, while others, instead of relaxing at the seaside, start another renovation or use their vacation pay to buy something useful for their home.

But human resources are not limitless, and everyone needs rest just as much as they need good nutrition. Without good rest, a person's productivity and quality of work decrease.

Therefore, some companies have the practice of paying compensation to those employees who replenish their physical and moral strength with the most rest. To do this, the employee only needs to present a voucher to a sanatorium or rest home and travel tickets. Naturally, for the period when he is on vacation.