How is the holiday celebrated? How to enter additional designations into a time sheet

Answer to the question:

Filling out a time sheet is one of the employer’s responsibilities (Part 4 of Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Working time sheet forms (No. T-12 and No. T-13) were approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia (Resolution No. 1 dated January 05, 2014).

There are 2 codes for designation leave without pay in the timesheet:

1. If an employee went on leave without pay, since he has an unconditional right to do so in accordance with the law (Part 2 of Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), then the code “OZ” (or the number 17) is entered on the report card.
Thus, the law provides for a number of cases when an organization is obliged to provide leave without pay at the request of an employee. For example, for working disabled people - up to 60 calendar days a year, or for employees in cases of the birth of a child, marriage registration, death of close relatives - up to five calendar days (paragraph 2 of Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For more information about these cases, as well as the duration of such mandatory leaves, see the table.

2. When an employee is granted leave without pay by agreement with the employer (Part 1 of Article 128 of the Labor Code), the mark “BEFORE” (or the number 16) is used. That is, this code displays ordinary leaves without pay, issued by agreement of the parties.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:


Conventions for recording working time in time sheets

Legend Letter code Digital code
Duration of work during the day I 01
Duration of work at night N 02
Duration of work on weekends and non-working holidays RV 03
Overtime duration WITH 04
Duration of work on a rotational basis VM 05
Business trip TO 06
Advanced training without work PC 07
Advanced training with a break from work in another area PM 08
Annual basic paid leave FROM 09
Annual additional paid leave OD 10
Additional leave in connection with training while maintaining average earnings for employees combining work with training U 11
Reduced working hours for on-the-job trainees with partial pay retention UV 12
Additional leave in connection with training without pay UD 13
Maternity leave (leave in connection with the adoption of a newborn child) R 14
Parental leave until the child reaches the age of three coolant 15
Unpaid leave granted to an employee with the permission of the employer BEFORE 16
Leave without pay under the conditions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation OZ 17
Additional annual leave without pay DB 18
Temporary disability (except for cases provided for by code “T”) with the assignment of benefits in accordance with the law B 19
Temporary disability without benefits in cases provided for by law T 20
Reduced working hours versus normal working hours in cases provided for by law Champions League 21
Time of forced absence in case of dismissal, transfer to another job or suspension from work being declared illegal with reinstatement to the previous job PV 22
Absenteeism while performing state or public duties in accordance with the law G 23
Absenteeism (absence from the workplace without good reason for the time established by law) ETC 24
Duration of part-time work at the initiative of the employer in cases provided for by law NS 25
Weekends (weekly vacation) and non-working holidays IN 26
Additional days off (paid) OB 27
Additional days off (without pay) NV 28
Strike (under conditions and in the manner prescribed by law) ZB 29
Absences for unknown reasons (until the circumstances are clarified) NN 30
Downtime caused by the employer RP 31
Downtime due to reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee NP 32
Downtime due to employee fault

The codes in the T-13 working time sheet are letter designations of the reasons for the employee’s presence or absence at the workplace on each day of the month. Read on to learn how to use them correctly.

If the earnings of an organization's employees depend on the length of the period worked, it must be recorded. Moreover, Article 91 of the Labor Code requires the employer to keep records for each worker. There is a special table for this: we will decipher the 2019 designations in this article.

What does the document look like?

And now we are interested in deciphering the 2019 working time sheet. As you can see, certain letters are written in the cell corresponding to each day of the month. Let's find out what they mean.

Letter designations for recording working hours

Let us turn to the mentioned Resolution. It provides not only the form itself, but also recommendations for filling it out, including codes for the 2019 working time sheet. Let's look at them by column.

In column 4 it is necessary to explain whether the employee was present on site on a given day.

The following options are possible here:

  • I (01) - appeared and worked during the daytime;
  • N (02) - worked at night;
  • RV (03) - went out on a holiday or day off;
  • S (04) - worked overtime.

If the employee was not there, the codes will tell you why. We will look at the most common ones.

  • K (06) - was on a business trip;
  • PC (07) or PM (08) - improved qualifications;
  • OT (09) or OD (10) - was on vacation (main or additional);
  • U (11) or UV (12) - was on study leave;
  • B (19) or T (20) - was sick.

There are more of them in the mentioned document:

How to designate maternity leave

Questions often arise regarding the codification of absence due to maternity leave. Its first part is marked with the letter P in the report card: interpretation - for pregnancy and childbirth. But it’s rare that a woman goes to work as soon as she’s been discharged from the hospital. But its further absence has a slightly different basis. That’s why they use the abbreviation OZH: the decoding is for caring for a child up to one and a half years old.

The form is valid for 31 days. For a month with 30 or 28 days, the missing days must be marked with a cross.

Other codes for time sheet 2019

In columns 5 and 6, the amount of hours worked is calculated - there are no symbols here. But column 7 contains payment codes.

They are similar to those used in the 2-NDFL certificate. You can find them in the Order of the Ministry of Finance dated September 10, 2015 No. ММВ-7-11/387@.

The designation in T-13 covers the following types of income:

  • 2000 - main working period;
  • 2012 - vacation pay;
  • 2300 - sick leave benefit.

It's worth clarifying here. The question often arises: how is unpaid leave indicated on the timesheet? Obviously, column 7 will be empty. If the salary is not paid, then there is nothing to reflect in it.

And the letter designation in the working time sheet is DO (16) or OZ (17), depending on the basis for granting leave.

No-show codes are entered in columns 10 and 12, and missed hours or days are summed up in columns 11 and 13.

A time sheet is the main document containing information about the number of appearances and absences for work of each employee of the company. It is transferred to the accounting department. And based on the data, wages are calculated and calculated.

The law provides for 2 unified report forms: T-12 – for filling out manually; T-13 – for automatic control of actually worked time (via a turnstile).

Data is entered every working day. At the end of the month, the total of attendances and absences of each employee is calculated. Report generation can be simplified by automating the filling of some cells using Excel. Let's see how.

Filling in input data with Excel functions

Forms T-12 and T-13 have almost the same composition of details.

Download the time sheet:

In the header of page 2 of the form (using T-13 as an example), fill in the name of the organization and structural unit. Just like in the constituent documents.

We enter the document number manually. In the “Date of Compilation” column, set the TODAY function. To do this, select a cell. Find the one you need in the list of functions and click OK twice.

In the “Reporting period” column, indicate the first and last day of the reporting month.

We allocate a field outside the timesheet. This is where we will work. This is the OPERATOR field. First, let's make our own calendar for the reporting month.

Red field – dates. On the green field he puts down ones if the day is a day off. In cell T2 we put one if the timesheet is compiled for a full month.

Now let's determine how many working days there are in a month. We do this on the operational field. Insert the formula =COUNTIF(D3:R4;"") into the desired cell. The COUNTIF function counts the number of non-blank cells in the range specified in parentheses.

We manually enter the serial number, full name and specialty of the organization's employees. Plus a personnel number. We take information from employees’ personal cards.

Timesheet automation using formulas

The first sheet of the form contains symbols for recording working time, digital and alphabetic. The point of automation using Excel is that when entering a designation, the number of hours is displayed.

For example, let's take the following options:

  • On a weekend;
  • I – attendance (working day);
  • OT – vacation;
  • K – business trip;
  • B – sick leave.

First, let's use the Select function. It will allow you to set the desired value in the cell. At this stage, we will need the calendar that was compiled in the Operator Field. If a day falls on a day off, “B” appears on the timesheet. Worker – “I”. Example: =CHOICE(D$3+1,"I","B"). It is enough to enter the formula in one cell. Then “hook” it to the lower right corner and move it along the entire line. It turns out like this:

Now we’ll make sure that people have “eights” on turnout days. Let's use the "If" function. Select the first cell in the row under the legend. “Insert function” – “If”. Function arguments: logical expression – address of the cell being converted (cell above) = “B”. "If true" - "" or "0". If this day is truly a day off – 0 working hours. “If false” – 8 (without quotes). Example: =IF(AW24="B";"";8). “Catch” the lower right corner of the cell with the formula and multiply it throughout the entire row. It turns out like this:

You need to do the same work for the second half of the month. It is enough to copy the formulas and change the cells they refer to. Result:

Now let’s summarize: count the number of appearances of each employee. The “COUNTIF” formula will help. The range for analysis is the entire series for which we want to get the result. The criterion is the presence in the cells of the letter “I” (appearance) or “K” (business trip). Example: . As a result, we get the number of working days for a particular employee.

Let's calculate the number of working hours. There are two ways. Using the “Sum” function - simple, but not effective enough. More complicated, but more reliable - by using the “COUNTIF” function. Example formula: . Where AW25:DA25 is the range, the first and last cells of the row with the number of hours. The criterion for the working day (“I”) is “=8”. For a business trip – “=K” (in our example, 10 hours are paid). The result after introducing the formula.

T-12 time sheet is a form approved by the State Statistics Committee and is one of the register options for recording working hours. We will tell you in the article where to download the working time sheet form and what the specifics of its practical application are.

What is Form T-12 (working time sheet)

Based on the T-12 form, introduced into document management practice by the State Statistics Committee in Resolution No. 1 dated January 5, 2004, a time sheet is generated, which is intended for use for the following purposes:

  • keeping records of employee visits to their place of work in accordance with the established schedule;
  • determining indicators for calculating employee salaries;
  • generation of certain statistical data on personnel (for example, sent to Rosstat or research agencies).

It should be noted that the form in question must be filled out manually (on a PC using Word or a similar program, or printed out with a ballpoint pen). And the time sheet, intended to be filled out automatically when access control systems are activated, is compiled on the basis of another Goskomstat form - T-13. The selected form of the 2017 time sheet must be indicated in the accounting policy.

Read the article about what the T-13 form is. “Unified form No. T-13 - form and sample” .

When is it expected to use the work time sheet form 0504421 according to OKUD

The work time sheet form corresponding to OKUD number 0504421 (T-12 has a very similar name to it, so sometimes confusion can arise when applying a particular document) was introduced into business circulation by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, which issued order No. 52n dated March 30, 2015. This document is used for the same purposes as T-12, but is subject to use in government agencies.

The time sheet corresponding to form 0504421 also has a fairly similar structure to form T-12. Therefore, for an employee of the HR department, as a rule, there is no problem adapting to a document approved by the Ministry of Finance if he is accustomed to using the form from Goskomstat, and vice versa.

Is the use of time sheets f. allowed in private companies? 0504421

The use of timesheets in form 0504421 is not prohibited for private companies. The fact is that since 01/01/2013, companies that are not directly required by law to use specific unified forms of primary sources are allowed to use any others. Therefore, a private company has the right to use, in order to monitor the time spent at work by hired employees, a time sheet on the form T-12, form 0504421, or another form developed independently. One way or another, the company must have such a document - due to the fact that, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employer must monitor the time spent at work by hired employees.

Read more about filling out the T-12 form in the material “Unified form No. T-12 - form and sample” .

Where is the T-12 form available for download?

You can download the time sheet - a simple form T-12 - on our portal.

Time sheet, form 0504421 (download form)

The working time sheet form 0504421 is also available for download on our website.

How are vacations indicated on the time sheet?

Unified forms for keeping records of employee visits at Russian enterprises T-12 and T-13 involve reflecting information about vacations using the codes given on the title page of form T-12.

These codes are presented in two varieties: alphabetic and digital. The use of both is equivalent. Moreover, the organization’s local regulations may also stipulate a certain mixed application option or involve the use of completely different codes. The employer also has the right to independently develop and use a report card form with symbols in it.

Let's see what designations apply to vacations.

Primary and additional leave

When an employee goes on regular paid leave, and the company uses the T-12 or T-13 form, the letter code OT or digital code 09 is recorded in the accounting table, which is given in the report card, for each day of the employee’s vacation.

If the rest is additional, then a different code is entered: OD (10).

Study and unpaid leave (administrative leave)

In the provisions of Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, leave at the expense of the employee is divided into 2 types:

  • provided by the employer voluntarily at the request of the employee - in this case, the DO code (16) is reflected in the timesheet;
  • mandatory provided by the employer at the request of the employee - OZ code (17) is used.

Study leave also has 2 types according to labor legislation (Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • leave for study with preservation of earnings - reflected using code U (11);
  • unpaid leave for passing entrance exams, sessions, state exams - is recorded in the report card using the UD code (13).

You can learn more about the legislative regulation of the provision of study leave in the article “Study leave under Article 173 of the Labor Code (nuances)”.

Maternity and child care leave

Maternity leave provided in accordance with Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is reflected in the report card using code P (14). Child care leave provided under Art. 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is fixed using the coolant code (15).

A scenario is possible in which an employee on maternity leave will work part-time. If this is so, then when recording her visits in the report card, the “double” code I (01) and OZH (15) will be used. These codes can be specified in one cell of the timesheet using the “/” symbol (for example, Я/Ож or 01/15), or you can add an additional line to the timesheet form.

Theoretically, there can be three codes in one cell. For example, if an employee agreed to go on a business trip and worked a day off there. In this case, the table will write: K/RV/Coolant (06/03/15).

What to put on your report card if your vacation falls on a holiday

In accordance with Art. 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, non-working holidays falling during the period of the annual main or annual additional paid leave are not included in the number of calendar days of leave and are not taken into account.

Holidays established by regional legislation are also excluded from vacation (see Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2011 No. 20-ПВ11).

It follows that holidays falling on vacation in the report card must be designated by code “B” or 26.

And if you want, you can set your own code for this. This was indicated by the Ministry of Labor in letter No. 14-2/B-370 dated April 27, 2017.


The Russian legislator has introduced forms for monitoring the presence of employees at work, adapted for employers of any form (including companies, both private and public). Employers who are not government agencies have the right to use any form of appropriate accounting documents. However, the T-12 uniform continues to be one of the most comfortable.

If the enterprise has adopted a different code system, the designation may change. Nuances Periodically, changes are made to the current legislation. They may also relate to recording information about time off in the time sheet. Thus, a new rule has come into force, which requires that changes made be certified by the manager. At the same time, today it is allowed to keep a continuous time sheet or record any types of rest for employees. There are other codes that can be used to specify the reason for providing rest. The following designations may be included in the report card:

  1. (I, 01) – normal working hours. The designation is supplemented by the number of hours worked.
  2. (C, 04) – overtime work.

How to correctly fill out time sheets on weekends and holidays

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We fill out the working time sheet in case of “deviations”

If the second wording is present, this means that the funds are transferred in double amount. Paid and unpaid time off on the time sheet Today there are two types of time off: paid and unpaid. In the first situation, the events specified in the law are compensated by providing a paid day off.

Information must be recorded in the time sheet. For ease of filling out the document, letter designations are used. If a citizen was given a paid day off, the following mark will be placed on the report card (OB, 27).

The letter designation is placed on the document form opposite the employee’s last name. Additional payment is not always provided.

Registration of time off in the time sheet


According to Part 4 of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee, for which a working time sheet is used. In this case, the employer can use timesheet forms No. T-12, No. T-13 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1) or independently develop its own timesheet form. If an organization develops its own report card form, it must also determine the procedure for filling it out.

If an organization uses a report card in forms No. T-12, No. T-13, then when filling it out you must be guided by the Instructions for filling them out. It follows from the Instructions that the duration of an employee’s work on a specific day is indicated on the timesheet in hours and minutes, that is, the actual number of hours and minutes that the employee worked must be indicated. According to Part 1 of Art. 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, night time is the time from 22 o’clock to 6 o’clock.

How are holidays recorded in the timesheet?

If your company is required to provide leave under the Labor Code, for example in the case of a wedding or the birth of a child, then reflect the OZ code on the timesheet (leave without pay under the conditions provided for by law). Finally, leave at your own expense under a collective agreement or industry agreement is marked in the report card with the code DB (annual additional leave without pay). All vacation days - both working days and weekends - must be marked with a suitable code.
Including holidays. After all, they are not included in the number of days of annual paid leave only. If the holiday falls during a vacation at your own expense, then this does not affect its duration in any way. Example 4: How to mark vacation days without pay on a timesheet Employee of Vector LLC Samokhvalov Yu.G.
wrote an application for leave at his own expense for family reasons in the period from June 9 to June 25.


Home/Time off/In the time sheet An employee working on weekends or holidays can count on receiving time off. Information about it is recorded in the working time sheet. An authorized person is responsible for entering time off data into the time sheet.

Recording of information is necessary for further calculation of wages. The procedure is regulated by current legislation. Attention: Data must be reflected correctly in the documentation.
An error on a timesheet can cause problems. In order to prevent this, the procedure should begin with an analysis of current information on the topic. Labor Code of the Russian Federation Remuneration for work on holidays and non-working days is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to reflect a working holiday on a timesheet

Source: Glavbukh magazine When filling out a time sheet for each employee, you need to use a whole list of codes. And special confusion always arises in situations with vacations. Meanwhile, an error in the code can lead to inaccuracies in calculating payments to employees.

This article will help you avoid this. In the unified report card form, each letter code has a digital counterpart. For example, vacation in the time sheet is marked with the code OT or 09. You can use any of them, but letter codes are more clear.

There is no point in specifying both codes at once. For its own time sheet form, the company has the right to enter its own coding, but this again can lead to confusion and incorrect calculation of salaries. Therefore, it is easier to use familiar codes from a unified form.
The report card is compiled in a single copy. It must be signed by the head of the structural unit and a senior HR employee and submitted to the accounting department. 3 The position of timekeeper was removed from enterprises due to the irrationality of maintaining an additional employee. The timesheet is filled out by a human resources specialist, accountant or head of a structural unit. This responsibility, in addition to the basic ones, is fixed by order and instructions for the position.
4 The timesheet is kept throughout the month. Forms T-12 and T-13 differ little from each other. At the end of the month, you must indicate the total number of hours worked by each employee. Total hours are calculated for both the first and second half of the working month.
5 The rules for filling out the timesheet allow you to enter attendance or absence for each date and month in the corresponding cell.

That is, Tarasov only had four days of vacation. He recovered only on June 16. By agreement of the parties, Tarasov completed his vacation immediately after recovery. He returned to work on June 27. A sample of filling out a report card according to Tarasov - see.

below. The holiday fell on a holiday. Let's assume that an employee is on annual paid leave from June 2 to June 30. June 12 is a holiday. In the timesheet, this day must be designated by code B (non-working day). The fact is that holidays are not included in the number of calendar days of paid leave (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It will be incorrect to mark them on the timesheet as vacation days with the OT code. But regular weekends (that is, Saturdays and Sundays), when the employee was on annual leave, do not need to be marked with code B on the timesheet. They are included in the calendar days of vacation.
Helpful advice The form is partially filled out by computer technology, for example the following details: structural department, position held, last name and initials, personnel number. Organizational managers do not often hire a separate specialist to fill out forms, considering this to be irrational. In this regard, the time sheet must be kept by a trusted person, who can be a personnel specialist, an accountant or the head of a structural department. Sources:

  • How to fill out a time sheet