The history of one city creation presentation. Kukryniksy illustrations for Saltykov-Shchedrin's novel "The History of a City" presentation, project, report

Basic Basic Literary Terms Literary Terms Satire is a revealing literary work depicting the negative phenomena of life in a funny, ugly way. 1) irony - ridicule, which has a double meaning, where the true is not a direct statement, but the opposite; 2) sarcasm - caustic and poisonous irony, sharply exposing satirical devices: phenomena that are especially dangerous for a person and society; 3) the grotesque is an extremely sharp exaggeration, a combination of the real and the fantastic, a violation of the boundaries of plausibility.

Satirical techniques Satirical techniques 4) Allegory, allegory - a different meaning, hidden behind the external form. 5) "Aesopian language" artistic speech based on forced allegory. 6) Hyperbole is an excessive exaggeration.

Historical basis The historical basis of the work of the work "The History of a City" is the greatest satirical work, which shows the true events and facts of Russian life, raised by the author to the level of grandiose generalization.

History of creation History of creation  January 1869 – the first  60s - the most fruitful years in the writer's work6 public service made it possible to learn and understand a lot  The image of Mr. Glupov is the embodiment of autocratic-landlord Russia: essays “Our Foolov Affairs”, “Folupov and Foolovites » chapters in «Domestic Notes. The work was interrupted due to "Tales"  January 1870. - continuation of work. In the same year - a separate edition. Sharply negative reviews

Genre. Plot. Composition Genre. Plot. Composition  No through  Form – chronicler-archivist's narrative, historical framework: 1731-1826. This is not a satire on the past, this is the present for the writer, time is a convention.  Genre - grotesque satirical novel - dystopian plot. Each chapter is, as it were, a complete work  The plot is the history of the city of Glupov: a study of the principle of autocratic statehood. City of Fools - conditional, allegorical, grotesque

Historical basis Historical basis of the work of the work The author turned to the historical past of Russia in order to denounce the modern political system. The city of Fools is an image-symbol, it personifies Russian state 70-80s of the XIX century. The novel convinced that it could not continue like this: changes were needed.

“About the Root” About the Root of the Origin of Origin Construction is a retelling of the chronicle. Foolovites" Foolovites" The beginning is an imitation of "The Tale of Igor's Host" A grotesque picture of the "great power" idea of ​​​​the emergence of the city of Satire

Images Images of city governors of city governors Prototypes Prototypes of city governors of city governors Ugryum-Burcheev Melancholy Negodyaev Perehvat-Zalikhvatsky Arakch yeev Alexan dr I Pavel I Nicholas I

Identify heroes by Identify heroes by drawings. drawings.

"Organchik" "Organchik"  Main techniques - Aesopian language, fantasy, hyperbole  Implemented metaphor: stupid, i.e. headless, brainless: in order to rule the Foolovites, the head is not necessary  interweaving of fantasy and reality, mixing the tragic and comic  Office of the headless mayor  Surname Brudasty - from the name of the breed of dogs, broad-haired hounds, having a particularly ferocious character  Brusty personifies the main features of the ruler - a despot, dull, limited

“Organchik” “Organchik”  “The inhabitants rejoiced; not yet seeing the newly appointed ruler in the eyes, they were already telling jokes about him and calling him "handsome" and "clever".  “The new mayor locked himself in his office, did not eat, did not drink, and kept scratching something with a pen.”  Unheard-of activity suddenly began to boil in all parts of the city: private bailiffs galloped, block ones galloped; the assessors galloped ... They seize and catch, flog and flog, describe and sell ... "

“The Tale of the Six Tale of the Six Mayors” A bloody, brutal struggle for power Not only a satire, but also a parody of numerous historical works that appeared in the 60s  “Ambitious personalities appeared who planned to take advantage of the disorganization of power to satisfy their selfish goals. And, strangest of all, this time only women were representatives of the anarchist element.

“News about Dvoekurov” “News about Dvoekurov” A clear allusion to  “.. Introduced the honey brewing of Alexander I “Pobediteli” correct history and brewing and made it mandatory to use mustard and bay leaves ... he was in a straight line the ancestor of those bold innovators who three quarters of a century later, they waged wars in the name of the potato" "Dvokurov was a progressive man and looked at his duties more than seriously"

Straw City, Fantastic Straw City, Fantastic Traveler, Hungry City Traveler, Hungry City  Natural disasters in Foolovo  Ferdyshchenko, former orderly of Prince Potemkin  Not very smart, but very fond of food  Robbed and deceived, died of gluttony  Disasters on a huge scale. But the people are silent and patient (a satire on the peasant)  “They made a picnic, they burned the fireworks,“ but they didn’t provide bread ... to the little people ”  Meanwhile, the Foolovites lived and lived  ... the stupid people sat on the rubble and waited  With the help of two invalids, the brigadier ... dragged almost the whole city to the exit

"War for education" "War for education" which with special energy  Vasilisk Semenovich manifested itself with energy in Borodavkin, a hint of issues related to Nicholas I of the eaten egg  Title of the chapter -  Striking with quickness ... an oxymoron  Cruelty, diktat, senselessness of actions, inhumanity  Shouted he was screaming all the time, and shouted unusually  ... slept with only one eye  ... he was a writer  Section without consideration and section with consideration  And the Foolovites knelt and waited  Ignorance was suppressed, and enlightenment was installed in its place

“The era of dismissal from wars” “The era of dismissal from wars”  Towards the end of it  Different forms of government in Russia: (Mikaladze) the government of the Foolovs  Vogue - tried to hide the deeds of his chaotic bunch of predecessors dilapidated and blackened huts ... The Foolovites ceased to be ashamed, overgrown with wool and sucked paws  Mikaladze - elegance of manners, womanly love. He didn’t delve into anything  Benevolensky (with  ...legislative activity in Foolov boiled Latin - “wishing well”) - composed sermons  Pimple - minced meat instead of brains

 The period of “indulgence” – idolatry, mysticism, reprisals against sanity  Some generalizations and results  Ivanov replaces Du-Chariault, then Sadilov “Adoration of mammon and “Adoration of mammon and repentance” repentance”  …stupid people implicitly submit to the vagaries of history  ..steel throw bread under the table...  A new language was formed, half-human, half-monkey  ...continued to consider themselves the wisest people in the world  The Foolovites dispersed in horror around the tavern and began to wait for what would happen  But there was still no increase in cereals in the fields, because the Foolovites from the inaction of the merry-killing switched to gloomy inaction

Confirmation of repentance. Confirmation of repentance. Conclusion Conclusion  Everything amazes with improbability: oppression and arbitrariness, general destruction, militarization of life  Ugryum-Burcheev (Arakcheev) – he is an idiot, never doubts anything, no feelings, mechanism, intransigence  Sameness in everything, unanimity  He was terrible  ... walked forward, sweeping away from the face of the earth everything that did not have time to get out of the way  No questions were visible on his face ... confidence that all issues had long been resolved  ... none of the townsfolk saw either his wife or his children ...  In there were no assumptions about anything in his head  There are no schools, and literacy is not supposed  No god, no idols - nothing ... no passions, no hobbies, no affection  A terrible mass of diligence

Finale Finale  Allegory. Gloomy Burcheev - a symbol of arbitrariness and cruelty, brazen violation of the rights of people who create material values ​​ He is opposed by wildlife (river)  IT is creepy, deadly, gloomy, came from outside  What is it? There is no answer…  Adults and strong people chopped and broke…  Until now, only the works of human hands have been destroyed, but now it’s the turn of the eternal, miraculous case  … Who eats a lot, let him share with those who eat little  History has stopped its course. .

M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin ... I had in mind a satire directed against those characteristic features of Russian life that make it not quite comfortable: ... complacency, brought to friability, the breadth of scope, expressed, on the one hand on the other hand, in continuous scuffle, on the other hand, in firing cannons at sparrows, frivolity, brought to the ability to lie without blushing in the most shameless way. In a practical sense, these properties produce results that, in my opinion, are very bad: the insecurity of life, arbitrariness, hindsight, lack of faith in the future, and so on. ... If this people produces Wartkins and Gloomy-Grumblings, then there can be no talk of sympathy, if they express a desire to get out of the state of unconsciousness, then sympathy for them is completely legitimate, but the measure of this sympathy is still determined by the measure of the efforts made by the people on the way to consciousness (From a letter to the editor)

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Basic literary terms Satire is a revealing literary work depicting the negative phenomena of life in a funny, ugly way. Satirical techniques: 1) irony - ridicule, which has a double meaning, where the true is not a direct statement, but the opposite; 2) sarcasm - caustic and poisonous irony, sharply exposing phenomena that are especially dangerous for a person and society; 3) grotesque - an extremely sharp exaggeration, a combination of the real and the fantastic, a violation of the boundaries of plausibility.

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Satirical techniques 4) Allegory, allegory - a different meaning, hidden behind the external form. 5) "Aesopian language" - artistic speech based on forced allegory. 6) Hyperbole - excessive exaggeration. Which of these satirical devices does M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin use?

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"The History of a City" is the greatest satirical work, which shows the true events and facts of Russian life, raised by the author to the level of grandiose generalization. The historical basis of the work Genre: satirical novel

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The historical basis of the work The author turned to the historical past of Russia in order to facilitate the contemporary political system. The city of Foolov is an image-symbol, it personifies the Russian state of the 70-80s of the XIX century. The novel convinced that it could not continue like this: changes were needed.

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"On the Root of the Origin of the Foolovites" 1. How does this chapter begin? 2. When and where does the story of a city take place? 3. Tell us about the inhabitants of the city.

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Images of mayors Prototypes of mayors Ugryum-Burcheev Arakcheev Sadtilov Alexander I Negodyaev Pavel I Perechvat-Zalikhvatsky Nikolay I

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Images of mayors 1. What is the role of the head of the "Inventory for mayors"? 2. What similar features can be noted in the images of Gloomy-Grumbling, Brudasty, Pimple and others? 3. Tell us about the artistic means used by the author to create images of mayors. 4. What is the meaning of combining the realistic and the fantastic?

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Text content of presentation slides:
Literature lesson in grade 8 based on the novel by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The History of a City" "Reading the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin means deciphering the cunning cryptography." I. Goncharov The biography of the authors will help to understand the meaning of the work, the author's outlook, the content of the text, the theme and idea of ​​the means of expression Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin (01/27/1826-05/10/1889) a prominent statesman, adviser to the provincial government, employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, vice-governor of Ryazan, Tver, head of the state chambers, writer, editor of the journal Sovremennik ". Life position of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin - restoration of justice The statesman Saltykov-Shchedrin took part in the development of the peasant reform, controlled court decisions. The writer Shchedrin denounced the vices of society; honestly and directly spoke of the shortcomings of power. Roman M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin "History of one city" as an artistic and political satire. Chapter: “On the root of the origin of the Foolovites” Dictionary of literary terms Satire is a revealing literary work depicting the negative phenomena of life in a funny, ugly way. Satirical techniques: irony is a mockery that has a double meaning, where not a direct statement is true, but the opposite; caustic and poisonous irony, sharply exposing phenomena that are especially dangerous for a person and society; Glossary of literary terms Allegory, allegory - a different meaning, hidden behind the external form. "Aesopian language" - artistic speech based on forced allegory. Hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration. These and other satirical techniques help to understand the meaning of the work of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The History of a City" - the greatest satirical work, which shows the true events and facts of Russian life, raised by the author to the level of grandiose generalization. The historical basis of the work The neologism of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin Golovotyap is a person who conducts business irresponsibly and stupidly. Bungling is the extreme negligence and stupidity of conducting any business. Causes of bungling: - Intractability. - Malevolence. - Lack of education, darkness, downtroddenness. - Own barbarism. Bunglers and other tribes of fold-eared lapsheeds, dolbezhniks, thick-eaters, frog-eaters, kurales, walrus-eaters, salted ears, gingerbread, cranberries, swirling beans, black-palatine bast shoes * * Alogism is a sign of the grotesque, an extremely sharp exaggeration, a combination of the real and the fantastic in a way they mutually ruined their lands ... and at the same time they were proud of it. ." “It began with the fact that ...” Proximity to folklore Stylization of a fairy tale: “and the thief-innovator first led them all with a spruce tree and a birch tree ...”, “three years and three days” Assistant character: Dobromysl, Poshekhonets - blind beard, Chukhlomets - hand, thief - innovator Permanent epithets: good fellow Hyperbole: death in a swamp, characterization of one’s qualities - “there is no wiser and braver”) Allusion is one of the forms of allegory, the use of any word, phrase, quote as a hint of a well-known fact - literary, everyday, socio-political. A WORD ABOUT IGORE'S REGIMENT Translated by N. Zabolotsky Is it not time for us, brethren, to begin About Igor's campaign, To tell in an old speech About the deeds of the daring prince? behind Boyan. That Boyan, full of marvelous powers, Starting to the prophetic melody, Circled the field like an eagle, Soared under a cloud like an eagle, Spreading his thoughts over the tree. * * Allusions N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba” “Everyone who did not stand was greatly disassembled by such a speech, which reached far, to the very heart. The oldest in the ranks became motionless, their gray heads bowed to the ground; a tear quietly rolled in old eyes; they slowly wiped it away with their sleeves. And then everyone, as if by agreement, waved their hands at the same time and shook their experienced heads. Allusions A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” (ch. 7) “It is impossible to tell what effect this folk song about the gallows, sung by people doomed to the gallows, had on me. Their formidable faces, slender voices, the dull expression that they gave to words that were already expressive - everything shocked me with some kind of piitic horror. Autocracy brought trouble to the bunglers: “And you will pay me many tributes” “When I go to war - and you go!” “And you don’t care about anything else” “And those who don’t care about anything, I will pardon; the rest of them all - to execute "The chapter" On the origin of the Foolovites "is the key to the novel" The History of a City "Dear Mikhail Evgrafovich, I understood you ... I want to say ... I felt ... I learned ... * * Homework: fill in the table, analyze the data obtained, draw conclusions. * *

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The presentation on the topic "Illustrations by the Kukryniksy to the novel by Saltykov-Shchedrin "The History of a City"" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Literature. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 17 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Kukryniksy's illustrations for the novel by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The History of a City"

Kukryniksy's illustrations for the novel by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin are a major event in the history of Russian graphics.

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KUKRYNIKS, creative team artists, masters of Russian caricature of the 20th century. The composition of the team, named after the first letters of the names of its members (as well as the name of one of the participants), included: Mikhail Vasilyevich Kupriyanov - born in Tetyushi (now in Tatarstan) on October 8 (21), 1903, died in Moscow on November 11, 1991; Porfiry Nikitich Krylov - was born in the village of Shchelkunovo (now the Tula region) on August 9 (22), 1902, died in Moscow on May 15, 1990; Nikolai Alexandrovich Sokolov - was born in Moscow on July 8 (21), 1903, died in Moscow on April 15, 2000. All these artists became friends during their studies at the Vkhutemas (Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops) (1921-1929) and since then have worked together.

N. Sokolov, M. Kupriyanov, P. Krylov

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Organchik-Brusty. The portrait reflects main feature Organ: having unscrewed his head from the body, he holds it above him at about an arm's length. This means that he can govern Foolov even without a head. And rule cruelly. This is also emphasized by the decoration (decor) to the frame: at the top of it is a symbol of power - a two-headed eagle, which grabbed the handles of crossed whips with its claws. That's what the ruler of Brodysty is: without a head, without brains and with a whip! .. By the way, his surname, Brodysty, comes from the name of a breed of dogs - broad-breasted hounds, which are distinguished by a particularly ferocious character and "dead" anger towards the beast.

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Ferdyshchenko is a former batman of Prince Potemkin. “With a not very extensive mind,” he loved to eat. In the portrait - exorbitant fullness and stupidity of a man in a high-ranking military uniform; his hands are hairy, like those of a monkey (a hint that he himself did not go far from our ancestors). This mayor died of overeating, but the city during his reign "was subjected to famine and fires." At the top of the frame, in which the portrait of Ferdyshchenko is enclosed, is a clawed double-headed eagle, on one of its heads (left) is a royal crown.

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Borodavkin Vasily Semyonovich. In the portrait, he is in a blue uniform, fastened with all buttons (he loves order in everything and strictly requires its observance!); He holds his uniform cap in the palm of his right hand - also strictly according to the charter. The eyes are huge, round, evil, and one is always open, even during sleep: the formidable ruler sees everything, knows everything - no one will hide from his "watchful eye". His mouth is gaping to the limit: another rumble of thunder is heard from the lips of the lord: “He contained so much screaming,” the chronicler says on this occasion, “that from it many Foolovites, both for themselves and for their children, were forever afraid.” At the corners of the frame of Wartkin's portrait are tightly clenched, weighty fists.

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Mikaladze. “... He had a seductive appearance and was eager for the female,” we read in the novel. He did not delve into city affairs; walked, led round dances, like the first guy in the village. Being in a military rank, he did not pay attention to the form. “He always went in an unbuttoned frock coat, because of which the pique waistcoat and turn-down collars were temptingly visible on the snowy whiteness.” In this suit, Mikaladze is also depicted in the portrait. Thin, gracefully curved at the waist, he twists his mustache with one hand, coyly pushing his little finger away, he raised the other, ready for a hug: he fell in love without end; died of exhaustion; Glupov's population doubled during his reign. At the top of the frame of Mikaladze's portrait is cupid with an arrow, ready to pierce the heart of another beloved of this heartthrob ruler, and at the corners of the frame - hearts!

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Acne. He loved to eat and only cared about food. That is why the corners of the frame with his portrait are decorated with pretzels. The picturesque portrait of this gourmet fully corresponds to the verbal one: “The pimple was no longer young, but it was unusually preserved. Broad-shouldered, folded in a circle, he seemed to be saying with his whole figure: do not look at the fact that I have a gray mustache: I can! I can still do it! He was ruddy, had red and juicy lips, behind which a row of white teeth could be seen; his gait was active and brisk, his gesture quick. And all this was decorated with shiny staff officer epaulettes, which played on his shoulders at the slightest movement. There are flies in the portrait above Pimple's head. And they curl and crawl along his bald head, trying to bite through it. As it turned out later, all this was not without reason: the head of this mayor was stuffed with minced meat. Fearing for the fate of his stuffed head, Pimple slept on the sofa during the day, furnishing himself and everything around with mousetraps, and at night he went to sleep on the glacier. And yet the poor man did not escape ...

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Sadtilov - “a friend of Karamzin, distinguished by tenderness and sensitivity of the heart; wrote compositions of an idyllic character, for example, a story about the love of Saturn and Venus. On the portrait of the Melancholy - in full growth; with a coquettish blue bow around her neck, with a sweet smile, with full ruddy lips and cheeks. It stands with a fert (on the fingers of both the left and right hands - rings); not a uniform uniform is thrown over the shoulders, but a romantic cloak with a cape; on his head is not a uniform cap, but a hat with a huge lush feather. Handsome! Mod! Although "burdened with years." Arriving in Foolov, Sadtilov "somehow languidly" asked the quarterly: "Are there girls ... girls ... are there?" On this issue, it was not difficult to guess what would be the main thing in the activities of the new mayor. And so it happened. Sadtilov doubled taxes; “I dedicated the rest of my time to worship” the goddess of love Cyprida. "Died of melancholy."

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Gloomy - Burcheev

let's follow the example of the story about this governor the ratio in the book of headpieces, page illustrations and endings. The endings in the vast majority of cases illustrate one or two sentences of the previous text; this is a kind of drawings-replicas. For example, we read: “In one place, the Chronicler tells how the mayor flew through the air.” And the ending drawing: the mayor in full dress, spreading his “wings” arms wide, flies ... in a flock of crows.

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The endings basically end the story about the next Foolovsky mayor. But in two cases they play the role of a bond between the previous part of the book and the next. The chapter "Fantastic Traveler" ends with encouraging information: "A week later, a new governor arrived from the province<...>, in which there was so much money divorced that even chickens did not peck at them ... Because they were banknotes. After these words - a drawing: piles of money, and chickens leave them, one of them spits, the other proudly raised her head.

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The second ending is a brace: Sadtilov and Foolov's "cavaliers and ladies" gathered at night in the abolished nursing home; they read Strakhov, portrayed only to them "occupations" - "admirations". This was reported to the right place by a staff officer who was inadvertently offended by the governor. And then one day, when the night-time visitors to the abolished home for the disabled had already begun to portray “admiration”, “a noise was heard outside ... At the very main entrance stood Gloomy-Grumbling and fixed his numb gaze into the crowd ...”. And under this sentence - the ending drawing: uniform military cap; shoulder straps depart from it, in which instead of a hanging fringe, predatory claws.

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Night. The sky is lead gray. Not a month. Not an asterisk. The building of the prison with lattice windows. Barrier. And in the open air, right on the bare ground, without taking off his uniform trousers and shoes, putting a cobblestone under his head, instead of a pillow, stretched out to attention, as if at the command "Attention!", Gloomy-Grumbling is sleeping. Nearby is a pack of shag, a uniform, a cap, a saber; at his feet - a drum, on it - sticks ready for the "case": Burcheev "got up with the dawn, put on his uniform and immediately beat the drum"; "smoked shag<...>, ate horse meat and freely chewed ox sinews. In the screen saver, the main qualities of Grim-Burcheev are expressed by means of painting - idiocy and inflexibility.

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“He is a man of medium height with a kind of wooden face, obviously never lit up with a smile. Thick, comb-cut, jet-black hair covers a conical skull and, like a yarmulke, tightly frames a narrow and sloping forehead. The eyes are grey, sunken, overshadowed by somewhat swollen eyelids; the look is clear, without hesitation;<...>lips thin, pale, trimmed with trimmed mustache stubble; jaws developed,<...>with some inexplicable bouquet of readiness to crush or bite in half. In the portrait, the Burcheevs are wearing a dark blue military-style frock coat, fastened with all buttons; his arms are crossed on his chest, however, even in this position, he holds a whip in his left hand, and a saber is ready in his right hand. “In the portrait of Grim-Burcheev, one can easily recognize the appearance of the ferocious temporary worker Arakcheev.” The frame, into which the portrait of Ugryum-Burcheev is “inserted”, is not gilded, as usual, but of dark steel color and is decorated (in the corners) with heavy chains.

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"Gloom-Grumbling marches." “How terrible is the idiotic figure of Ugryum-Burcheev marching on an empty parade ground, and what a sure addition to his characterization are the long prison that obscured the entire horizon, and the languishing skinny horse in shackles, carrying the shackled "criminal" accompanied by two guards - even their legs are in The artists succeeded in creating the image of a martinet-temporary worker in all its cruelty and dull narrow-mindedness. One more detail cannot be overlooked: the crow, which looks with surprise at the marching idiot, is also in shackles! There is no mercy for anyone and anything! Not even for the city and the river!

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Burcheev's struggle with nature was unsuccessful. And nature overcame him: once the sky darkened, “there was a crack, and the former scoundrel instantly disappeared, as if melted in the air.” Under these words there is an ending drawing: flying on the ground, driven by the wind, a boot with spurs, a uniform hat with a feather, an award cross, a whip and papers...

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The illustration is perceived as a symbol of the hopeless poverty of the people. ...Under the scorching rays of the sun - dried up, dissected by deep cracks in the earth. A skinny, barely standing horse, harnessed to a wooden plow, cannot budge it. And the owner, just as skinny, in rags, a peasant, unable not only to help her, even to follow her - stands and thinks: what to do? And on the horizon to the right, you can see a little house, where, perhaps, his family lives, which needs to be fed. On the left rises the church: the priest also has to pay for everything. With what? There is no hope for a harvest. The situation is hopeless, hopeless poverty.

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. the speaker's clothes also play big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.