What is work? What is it like? Mechanical work: definition and formula What is work definition.

Job, - s, feminine gender.
1. The process of converting one type of energy into another ( specialist); generally being in action. Unit of work (joule). Uninterrupted operation of the machine. Work of the heart. The work of thought.
2. Occupation, work, activity. Physical, mental work Responsible work Urgent work Social work Work in the specialty. Do a lot of work.
3. Service, occupation as a source of income. Permanent, temporary work Go to work. Remove from work. To get a job.
4.plural h. Production activity of creating, processing something Agricultural work. Repair work.
5. Product of labor, finished product. Printed works. Exhibition of the artist's works.
6. Material to be processed, in the process of manufacturing. Homeworkers take work home.
7. Quality, method of execution. Clumsy work A thing of excellent workmanship.
hire someone ( colloquial) to have a decisive influence on someone
Whose job? ( colloquial) who did this, whose handiwork was it?
My (yours, his, etc.) work ( colloquial) I (you, he, etc.) did it. Broken glass is your job.
diminutive noun work - and feminine gender.(to 2, 6 and 7 meaning), work, - and, feminine gender.(to 2, 3 and 6 meaning; vernacular) and hard work, - and, feminine gender.(to 2 and 6 meaning; vernacular).
adjective working, - aya, - oe (to 3 meaning;old). Working people (in the old days: workers 1, workers).

Examples of using the word Job in the context

    . If it is determined which Job privates, in addition to their actual ship work, then they must correct it without any excuse, under the fine of deprivation of the stomach, or other cruel punishment, depending on the severity of the guilt.
    . Around the same time Job declined everywhere.
    . The round table participants believe that joint Job will allow us to identify violations, abuses of a dominant position and unfair competition, as well as take appropriate measures against violators, which will ensure equal conditions for competition in the commodity markets of the Common Economic Space.
    . You probably think that our main Job- come up with new words.
    . It was one of those dreams when the daytime continues in the landscape characteristic of the dream. Job thoughts: ideas and facts are revealed to you, which remain new and significant even after awakening.

Most folk tales and tales of every nation are dedicated to human labor (work). Today, even a small child understands what work is. However, not everyone can give a clear explanation of this concept, list its types and essence.

What is “work” (labor)

Work, or labor, is a financially rewarded activity of an individual, aimed at creating specific benefits, both material and intangible. Scientists believe that the word “work” itself in the Russian language arose from the word “slave”.

Very often, many people believe that work means having official employment with a corresponding entry in the work book and a salary. In this vein, “work” evokes in most people negative emotions and a feeling of something obligatory and joyless.

However, in reality, the concept of work is much broader than a place or way of earning a living. In fact, not all work is paid. So, for example, work is considered to be the free daily work of a mother in keeping the house and its inhabitants clean. This concept also includes a person reading books or articles on the Internet, watching video tutorials in order to learn how to do something new or improve their skills. Studying at school and university also qualifies as work. Growing vegetables and fruits for yourself in the country is also work. Thus, it can be argued that the entire period of conscious wakefulness a person performs some kind of work.

The essence of working in society

In addition to the enormous benefits that high-quality work brings to society in the modern world, it also determines the social status of a person. How and where a person works, how much he earns and how much his work is connected with other vital public spheres is one of the main factors determining success or failure. Thus, the more prestigious a person’s field of activity, the higher the salary and social connections in different layers of society, the higher the status a person has due to his work. It is worth mentioning the term “master” (professional) - this is the name given to workers who have mastered their profession to perfection. Ideally, the better a professional an employee is, the higher his social status and salary should be. But in reality, it is not only mastery in one’s profession that determines a person’s position, but other factors, for example, the ability to find a common language with subordinates and superiors, the ability to resolve conflicts, and quickly find a way out of critical situations.

Functions of operation

Having dealt with the question of what a job is, it’s worth moving on to its functions. First of all, work allows a person to financially ensure his existence. The next function is productive. The essence of the work comes down to the opportunity for the individual to satisfy his need for creativity and self-expression. It is thanks to this function that progress and the invention of new technologies are possible.

Socializing function. Thanks to work, a person not only receives a certain status, but also expands his social circle and begins to feel like a part of society.

The social development function forces the employee to monitor his level of professionalism and, if necessary, constantly improve it in order to continue to be in demand in his profession.

Socio-economic. The influence of workers on resources (most often natural: plants, minerals, etc.) in order to transform them into benefits necessary for society. For example, oil is processed not only into gasoline, but also into plastic, from which almost everything is made: from spoons to furniture.

Socially controlling. Over many centuries, thanks to human labor activity, a certain system of relationships between employer and employee has been formed in society, which is reflected in legislation and many other social spheres.

Social-structuring. Thanks to it, various functions are assigned to certain employees, which contributes to the identification of various professions and specializations.

Social-statistical. Thanks to it, professions are divided into less/more complex, important, and prestigious.

Classification of types of work

There are many classifications that distinguish certain types of work. However, they are all divided into two large groups - physical and mental.

1. Physical work is work in the process of which the person himself is the instrument of labor. Physical labor can be dynamic (a worker moves his body in space, for example, a driver) and static (the work load is carried out on a separate part of the body, for example, for a massage therapist, the main load falls on the back and arms).

2. Mental work is work in which the instrument of labor is human thinking. In this type of work, a person needs to analyze, sort and transform information. Most creative professions belong to this type.

Methods for attracting people to work

Despite the fact that work surrounds a person constantly throughout his life, there are a number of methods that encourage people to work.

1) Work for economic incentives: a person performs work to ensure the existence of himself and his family.

2) Voluntary work - work at the request of a person.

3) Work for non-economic incentives - a person is forced to work in a certain place. The motivation may be the need to repay a loan, a court decision on community service as punishment, debt and traditional slavery, and others.

Remuneration (salary)

Having understood what main types of work exist in modern society, it is necessary to pay attention to the topic of remuneration for work performed - wages. In most cases, it is material interest that motivates someone to do a certain job.

What is payment for work? This is a reward (monetary) for work performed, which depends on its quality, complexity and professionalism of the employee.

Wages can be nominal and real (this is the number of material goods that can be purchased for a nominal wage).

The main function of wages is to stimulate employees to perform their work in a high-quality and timely manner.

In the old days, when slavery was considered normal, it was believed that slaves worked, and the owners could afford to do nothing. However, this opinion is fundamentally wrong. After all, freed from the need to serve themselves, the owners also had to work: monitor the work of their subordinates, plan expenses, organize balls or other social events that they were obliged to hold by virtue of their position. In addition, to be at the level, the rich needed to have a certain amount of knowledge and skills, be it the ability to hunt or play the harp. Therefore, even the most noble people in all centuries knew what work was, it’s just that their work was different from slave labor. So work always and everywhere surrounds a person, regardless of his origin or achievements, because it is part of human nature. Thanks to work, society has reached the current level of development and continues to progress.

If someone talks about work, then we immediately get the impression that the person is officially employed and receives a good salary. Nowadays, you rarely meet a person who is satisfied with the type of activity, the position held, and the size of the salary. A person works for years, goes to work every day, which does not bring any pleasure, and is often paid quite little money. This is not yet critical, since the site knows the position, which is very difficult and does not pay at all.

This position is called Mom. Every day she performs many tasks, cooking, cleaning, caring for the child. Sometimes there is no time left for herself, and no matter how tired the mother is, she is always happy to occupy such a position. Many working women envy housewives, wanting to take their place, but they do not see the full amount of work, thinking that it is very simple.

What does "work" mean?

Human activity aimed at a specific creation of goods, which is rewarded materially, is called work. The status of a person today is determined by the availability of work and the field of activity in which they are located. In a general sense, a working person must direct his activities towards a positive result, or rather its achievement.

It is believed that the word work comes from the noun slave. And it came to us from the times when labor was sold. Previously, slaves worked, and their owners rested safely and at their expense could afford some luxury. Today, the situation in some enterprises is reminiscent of ancient times, where work was carried out according to the boss-subordinate scheme. But, fortunately, nowadays, a person himself can choose what type of activity to engage in.

Pros and cons of having a job

To earn money, many of us sometimes have several jobs, some work night shifts, or overtime, just to satisfy their needs, and they are different for everyone. Each job has its own degree of difficulty, some work physically, others mentally. And to say unequivocally what is more difficult is almost impossible. Don't forget that every job has both pros and cons, so think carefully about which profession to choose. Let's look at some of them:


  • making profit and cash,
  • status in society
  • knowledge, skills and abilities,
  • gaining experience,
  • new social circle.


  • bad team
  • no opportunity for career advancement,
  • sometimes harmful to health,
  • low wages.

A person often works at a job he doesn’t like, which can affect his psychological state and damage the nervous system. Everyone should find a profession that they like. Remember: work should not only bring money, but also pleasure. Before you decide on it, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

Why and for what do people work?

Sometimes a person has to endure humiliation from his superiors, face his non-objective assessments and erroneous opinions. Not every person can object to their employer and most have to obey, even if they do not agree with him.

The main reason is the fear of losing your job. Many people hold on to their position because they are afraid that they will not be able to find a more worthy replacement. Another reason is the fear of deprivation of wages. Naturally, no one will deprive her of her for disobedience. But if you turn your boss against you, he may stop turning a blind eye to some of your shortcomings and delays, and will begin to be more attentive in looking for defects. Well, the third reason is that any worker does not want to antagonize his boss, other workers and the entire team as a whole.

Work takes up most of the time of your life, so you should take a responsible approach to its choice. If it brings you joy, then you will spend most of your time in positive emotions.

Works, women 1. units only Action according to verb. work; what someone else busy, occupation, labor. “Citizens of the USSR have the right to work, that is, the right to receive guaranteed work with payment for their work in accordance with its quantity and quality.”... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

This is a type of neurosis. Don Herold Work is the last refuge of those who can't do anything else. Oscar Wilde Maybe work is not a very pleasant experience, but you have to go somewhere in the morning. Yanina Ipohorskaya Some people love everything they do... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Business, doing, occupation, labor, suffering, feat, exercise; product, craft, work, creation, creation, product. The work is exhausting, painstaking, hard, hellish, Egyptian, field, assiduous, menial. He has a lot to do. All income... Synonym dictionary

- (in thermodynamics), 1) one of the forms of exchange of energy (along with heat) of a thermodynamic system (physical bodies) with surrounding bodies; 2) quantitative characteristics of energy conversion in physical processes; depends on the type of process.... ... Modern encyclopedia

WORK, s, women. 1. The process of converting one type of energy into another (special); generally being in action. Unit of work (joule). Uninterrupted river cars. R. heart. R. thoughts. 2. Occupation, work, activity. Physical, mental r.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Force, a measure of the action of a force, depending on the numerical magnitude and direction of the force and on the movement of the point of its application. If the force F is constant numerically and in direction, and the displacement M0M1 is rectilinear (Fig. 1), then P. A = F s cosa, where s = M0M1, and the angle... ... Physical encyclopedia

Force, a measure of the action of a force, depending on the magnitude and direction of the force F and on the displacement s of the point of its application. If the force F is constant and the displacement is linear, then the work is equal to F?s cosa, where a is the angle between the direction of the force and the displacement; V… … Modern encyclopedia

WORK, in physics, ENERGY imparted to a moving body at the point of application of force. Equal to the numerical value of the force multiplied by the distance traveled by the body in the direction of the force. If a force acts in the direction opposite to the motion of a body... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

The force along the entire path traversed by the point of application when moving from one position to another is equal to the integral taken over all elements of the path. The absolute unit is the erg, i.e. the work done by a force equal to one dyne along the path of one... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

In thermodynamics:..1) one of the forms of energy exchange (along with heat) of a thermodynamic system (physical body) with surrounding bodies;..2) a quantitative characteristic of energy conversion in physical processes, depends on the type of process;… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


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