The tender is about complex things in simple words. Participation in an electronic auction: step-by-step instructions Participation in state tenders step-by-step

In the modern era of high technology, industry is developing quite quickly. And in the construction field the level of quality of buildings and structures must constantly increase. Thus, competition develops, covering many different business entities that are in search of unusual solutions and original ideas. As for architects, for example, they can participate in a construction tender in order to demonstrate their own creation.

Important process

Enterprises decide for themselves how to participate in tenders. Thanks to such events, companies have the opportunity to reach a new level, which will benefit not only customers, but also those business entities that present their own ideas and projects. Companies participating in tenders must have some feature that will distinguish them from competitors.

What it is?

Based on modern practice, it becomes clear how to participate in tenders. This is not a very simple procedure, but it is already accessible to any business entity. So, a tender is an auction on a competitive basis, which is organized by the customer to find the most profitable, effective and high-quality offer. The customer is often the state, which is ready to purchase products for its own or municipal needs. A private company can also play the role of a customer.

The object of trading is various types of products, works or services. There are specific rules on how to participate in tenders, violation of which can lead to certain problems with the law. The business entity that makes the best offer, characterized by a low price, minimum execution time and, of course, good quality, can win these auctions.

How to start participating in tenders?

To win a government order, it is necessary to develop an appropriate high-quality application that takes into account the wishes of the customer.

The auctions are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the current Russian legislation (No. 94-FZ). They can take place according to three main procurement schemes using budget financing: quotation, auctions and competitions.

When opening commercial tenders, how to participate in tenders is established by the regulations for their conduct with the implementation of the procedure using both own and borrowed funds.


There are the following types of tender procedures: open, closed, two-stage and requests for price quotations. Thus, any interested business entity can take part in open tenders. This procedure is characterized by healthy competition and transparency. Where to participate in tenders of this type? You can find out about this in specialized media. Companies wishing to participate submit applications to the commission.

Basically, the tender is used to supply organizations with long-term and large supplies of various products or when carrying out construction work at a specific government facility.

In closed bidding, the number of participants who want to deliver goods or provide services is limited. In this case, we can talk about government procurement, for example, for the defense needs of the state.

How can individual entrepreneurs participate in tenders of this type? Quite simple. This type of procurement is used for small volumes (up to 250 thousand rubles). The process is carried out without intermediaries, and the number of suppliers at the auction must be at least three.

As for limited liability companies, they can expect larger orders.

Two-stage tender procurement

Business entities can learn how to properly participate in two-stage tenders from the relevant documentation. This type of bidding is mainly used when purchasing complex products or when performing development or research work, which are quite in demand in construction. Using this method, you can evaluate current technologies and methods, and the conditions of the supplier.

The first stage is for the customer to accept all proposals (without specifying the price), which are studied and supplemented. The second stage involves the provision by participants of already revised documents, which take into account all the amendments, and also indicate prices for products, works or services.


Both legal entities and individuals can participate in tenders. They confirm their desire to be bidders by submitting an application to the appropriate commission. This document is drawn up in accordance with the tender documents. It is a rare business entity that does not express a desire to take part in the auction at least once. Today, most types of products on the market can be purchased on their basis.

tender documentation

Bidders should carefully study the available tender documentation, the content of which may indicate the level of this procedure. So, for example, if the papers contain significant shortcomings or technical errors, then this fact indicates the lack of special training of the customer. If, in addition to prices, he is interested in supply conditions, payment and warranty obligations, then we can confidently say that the emphasis is on an interesting offer regarding the specifics of supplies.

The price of the product may include costs for attracting additional companies or qualified specialists, as well as for paperwork. A detailed explanation of the price is a kind of guarantor that can ensure decent payment.

Studying the tender documentation allows you to identify shortcomings and some inaccuracies, as well as missing information during the preparation of the proposal. It is the high-quality preparation of the proposal in accordance with the documentation provided by the customer that will be one of the successful steps taken by the supplier.

Thanks to the transparency of this procedure, even newly registered business entities can win tenders. For these businesses, it is enough to study the relevant legislation well and submit the application correctly. Of no small importance in this process can be the adoption of the following measures: development of in-demand industries that have important social significance; improving technical training when participating in electronic auctions and bidding; correct preparation of tender documentation.

Training courses

To successfully participate in tenders, enterprise managers often send their employees to special courses, in which training is carried out according to a special program that explains in detail the provisions of the current Russian legislation, and also examines the technique of working on electronic trading platforms.

However, the knowledge gained cannot always guarantee successful competition in the market. To increase the effectiveness of participation, it is necessary to study in detail the process and results of bidding in terms of products or services; find auctions that are of particular interest to a particular enterprise; learn how to correctly formulate tender documents; appoint a person who would be responsible for participation in the auction.

Electronic trading

When participating in a special type of tenders on electronic platforms using the global Internet, a business entity also needs to know several mandatory rules. Thus, the Russian government has determined a list of electronic trading platforms on the World Wide Web, where orders are placed and effective selection of contractors is provided. The applicant who participates in the bidding must select one of the approved sites. Any corresponding electronic document in this case is assigned a legal status based on a certified digital signature.

We will provide step-by-step instructions for participating in tenders, what types of tenders exist, we will tell you who can take part in tenders, and we will recommend services for searching for tenders.

Let's understand the concepts

To determine suppliers within the framework of 44-FZ (government procurement), the customer can use both competitive and non-competitive procedures. Competitive ones are used more often and are also called “tenders” or “auctions”. From 01/01/2019, trading within the framework of 44-FZ, with minor exceptions, is carried out in electronic form (electronic trading).

Competitive procedures are carried out in the form of:

  • Auctions, the winners of which are the persons who offer the lowest value of the government contract;
  • Requests for quotations, in which the winner is determined in a similar way. What distinguishes them from auctions is their low cost (up to 500 thousand rubles) and a simpler procedure;
  • Competitions where the winners are the participants who offered the best conditions for the implementation of the government contract;
  • Requests for proposals, where the winner is determined similarly to a competition. And a request for proposals is launched in certain parts of Article 2. 83, 83.1 cases.

How can a government procurement supplier participate in tenders on electronic platforms?

During the webinar you will learn:
☆ How and where to submit applications in electronic form according to Law No. 44-FZ;
☆ Which electronic platforms are intended for government procurement and which for commercial ones;
☆ How can a tender participant register on the sites and what documents are needed for this;
☆ Differences, conditions, tariffs of Electronic trading platforms (ETP);
☆ How much does it cost for a participant to work on the site, where participation is paid and where it is free, and much more.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Obtaining a digital electronic signature

You can search for trades by:

  • name of the purchase;
  • customer name;
  • region and many other parameters.

When selecting a tender, you need to correctly assess your strengths and, if necessary, you can use the help of a tender specialist who will assess the condition of the company. And if it is necessary to refuse to participate in the tender.

Step 4: Submit your application

After selecting a suitable tender, you must submit an application to participate in it. During submission, you need to ensure that your proposal and your company fully comply with the requirements set out in the procurement documents. Otherwise, the application will be rejected. As a rule, in addition to documents with information about the supplier, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the compliance of the product, work or service proposed for delivery with the established requirements.

Please note that the first parts of bids and auctions must not contain bidder details.

Step 5. Participation in bidding and execution of a government contract

In an electronic auction you are required to participate directly in the auction. The working method is simple - you take a step and, provided that no one interrupts him, you win the tender.

When reducing the price at an auction, as well as submitting a price proposal for other competitive procedures, you should be aware that if the price is reduced by 25% or more, it will be necessary to comply with anti-dumping measures established by Art. 37 44-FZ (pay security for a government contract at one and a half times the amount).

Having become the winner, you must provide security for the execution of the government contract, if such a requirement was established by the procurement documentation, and sign the government contract. If the company evades signing a government contract, it will be included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers and will not be able to participate in tenders for the next 2 years.

Do you want to know what tenders are, where to look for them and how the tender market works? In this article we will tell you in detail about electronic trading, and also share with you some secrets of searching, participating and winning in them.

So, in none of the laws of the Russian Federation, including the Civil Code, will you find a definition of the word “tender”. It so happens that almost all types of procurement are called tenders in the business environment.

Tender- This is a method of competitive selection of proposals that are most suitable for the customer. The winner of the selection is the participant whose proposal meets the requirements of the tender documentation, and the terms of the contract are the most favorable for the customer.

Securing the application- this is a transfer to the official account of the operator of the electronic platform up to 5% of the initial maximum contract price (NMCP). Simply put, securing a bid is a guarantee that you are a bidder with serious intentions and will come to the auction. The security is returned to the participant after signing a contract with the winning bidder.

On a predetermined day, auctions take place, during which participants offer their conditions, if this is an auction, gradually reducing the NMCC. As we noted above, the one who offers the most optimal terms for the execution of the contract wins. The contract is concluded with this supplier. Please note that the second place winner also has a chance to sign a contract with the customer.

You won the tender. What's next?

Be aware that winning a bid does not mean that you will be awarded a contract immediately. Winning a tender only gives you the right to conclude a contract, and if you win, you should not relax. There are cases that the winner has not carefully read the documentation, violated any clause of the regulations, and the contract is no longer concluded with him.

The help of qualified lawyers is also important here, who will monitor and help you comply with all the rules of the law.

To fulfill the contract, the winner must provide contract security.

Contract security- this is up to 30% of the NMCC, which the winner transfers to the customer’s account after the publication of the protocol. This is a kind of guarantee that the winner will fulfill all obligations under the contract.

The winner must either transfer funds or provide a bank guarantee. All funds transferred as security for the execution of the contract are returned after the terms of the contract are fulfilled.

There are cases when, during the execution of a contract, controversial situations arise between the supplier and the customer. As a rule, this can be resolved by signing an additional agreement. However, here you need to be extremely careful - often an unscrupulous customer can force the supplier to accept conditions that are not beneficial to the supplier.

Remember, every step of participation must be thought out and analyzed, since any wrong decision can lead you either to non-admission, to the Register of Unscrupulous Suppliers, or, in the worst case, to the dock.

As you can see, tenders and participation in them are a rather complicated process, but with the help of specialists, you will always win them, and your company will increase its profits by acquiring more and more new customers .

We will help you win tenders.

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Participation in a tender seems to the average citizen to be something extremely complex and incomprehensible.
As the practice of the last decade shows, an increasing number of producers of goods and services prefer to participate in tenders.

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What is a tender?

Competitive bidding organized by the customer to find a profitable, effective and high-quality proposal is called a tender. The customer is the state, purchasing products for state, municipal needs or private companies. The object of trading is products, works or services.

It is carried out according to specific rules, violation of which entails problems with the law. The winner is the company that makes the best proposal. This includes high quality, low price, and minimal deadlines. To win a government order or a commercial tender, you need to develop a high-quality application taking into account all the wishes of the customer.

Definition of concept and types

Tender is a word of English origin that means bargaining, competition. According to current legislation, the word competition is used, although in the business world they use the following terms: “tender application”, “tender commission”, “tender documentation”.

Government auctions are carried out in accordance with the provisions of regulatory document 94-F3. They occur according to three procurement schemes using budget funds: requests for quotations, tenders and auctions. In commercial ones, the rules for holding auctions are established, conditions are set and they are sold using their own or borrowed funds.

Tender classification:

  • Open. Any company can take part in it; it features healthy competition that promotes transparency in its conduct. Information about the upcoming tender is published by the customer in specific media sources and the Internet. Companies submit an application for participation to the commission. It is carried out to supply institutions with large, long-term supplies of products or to carry out construction work on a government facility;
  • Closed. According to the rules, it limits the number of participants delivering specific goods or providing special services. For example, it is used in government procurement for defense needs. Sometimes this status arises when the customer wishes to work with companies that have a certain status or license.
  • Two-stage. It is used when purchasing complex products, performing research, development and technological work, and is used in the construction industry. The method helps to evaluate existing methods and technologies, means and conditions of the supplier and formulate your wishes.

At the first stage, the customer accepts proposals without specifying a price. He studies proposals, makes amendments and additions to documents. At the second stage, participants submit revised documents. They take into account amendments and indicate the prices of products or services or works.

  • Requests for price quotes. Used for small volumes of purchases worth up to 250 thousand rubles. Procurement is carried out without intermediaries, the number of suppliers must be at least three;
  • Purchasing from a single source. Executed when only one supplier is able to fulfill the order, for example, a work of art or copyright.

Any legal entity can protect its own copyright. In this case, the procedure will be called

The most profitable business in Russia continues to be mining. What else can you do to make a good profit? Watch this one


Participation in the tender can be taken by any individual or legal entity who is an authorized representative of the company or simply a legal entity. They must confirm their desire to participate in the tender and submit an application to the tender commission. The application is drawn up in accordance with the terms of the tender documentation.

In rare cases, order executors avoid participating in tenders, since almost all types of products and services on the market are purchased on its basis.

Rules of the game

Free market orientation in their segment allows companies to submit a correct application, but each customer has their own rules of the game, so the question of how to participate in tenders to successfully promote proposals depends on them.

When participating in auctions, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Careful study of tender documents, the content of which indicates the level of bargaining. If they contain a number of shortcomings and technical errors, then the customer does not have special training. In addition to prices, the customer is interested in terms of delivery and payment, warranty obligations. Consequently, when considering proposals by the customer, the emphasis is on an interesting proposal on delivery terms.
  2. The price of the product must include the costs of preparation, costs of external companies involved, support, qualified specialists, and paperwork. Detailed information about the price is a guarantor that ensures decent payment, indicating to the customer the features of the proposal under consideration.
  3. Studying tender documents will reveal shortcomings and inaccuracies, missing information when preparing proposals. Therefore, the supplier company should clarify in advance how to develop them correctly.
  4. Compliance with the order and standards specified by the customer is one of the successful steps taken by the supplier company. Under no circumstances should you miss the application deadline. The customer’s instructions on the procedure for submitting applications must be strictly followed, and the documents must be drawn up strictly in accordance with the forms provided without clarification.
  5. The customer makes a note when accepting an application from the company, entering information about the company into the register. In the absence of a register, confirmation is issued by an acceptance certificate.
  6. The supplier clarifies from the customer the timing of consideration of the application, the procedure for making clarifications, the timing and procedure for announcing the results of the tender. If information is missing, submitting an application may be difficult or impossible to complete.
  7. It is worth checking the results periodically. If the customer makes a request for additional information, then send it to expand and supplement the information.

Compliance with the above rules increases your chance of winning.

Tender for beginners

The newly adopted law No. 44-FZ allows start-up companies to win the tender, as the procedure becomes more transparent. The customer forms a procurement commission before the day of official publication of information in the media and the Internet, identifying the supplier and contractor. The commission consists of specialists who have received professional retraining and have information about the subject of the purchase.

The commission team is formed separately for each type of trading.

Despite the law, many companies are puzzled by the question: how to start preparing to participate in a tender? In this situation, measures must be taken to:

  • development of in-demand industries with social significance of products;
  • studying tender laws;
  • improving technical training for starting work in electronic trading and auctions;
  • financial solvency to participate in government procurement;
  • correct preparation of the package of tender documents.

In addition, the company must have all other documentation in order, and tax payments must be made on time.

The company must know about the activities of competitors, their strengths and weaknesses. It must be prepared for the powerful pressure that the bureaucrats will exert. Be firm, confident, calculate the possible development of the situation, and be ready for anything.

It is difficult for an individual to go all the way, but it is quite possible, because in a tender the main thing is profit, which simply does not come.

Preparation of documents

The customer prepares a package of tender documents, approves and provides them to bidders so that they prepare tender proposals for the procurement object or a separate part of it.

The package of documents for participation in the tender is filled out according to the established forms and consists of:

  1. applications;
  2. questionnaires containing information about the company;
  3. commercial offer;
  4. substantiation of the proposal by calculations, cost items and resource expenditures on the separation sheet. The absence of an explanatory note may result in refusal to consider proposals;
  5. a list of involved subcontractors with attached information about the subcontractors;
  6. additional documents provided by the customer.


The tender commission determines the basic conditions, procedure, timing and location of the tender. The procedure for completing documents by tender participants is published in the media and on the Internet a month in advance.

5 days before the implementation of the tender, the issuance of tender documents is completed.

Applications are registered in a special journal, numbered and laced by the commission, which it accepts. The tenderer pays for services for the production of a package of documents at the actual cost. Acceptance of tender proposals ends the day before the tender.

After reviewing applications, the Commission notifies companies in writing of the results it makes regarding the application. Tender proposals are drawn up in triplicate and sealed in an envelope. The commission opens the envelope and announces the proposals in the presence of the companies participating in the bidding. The results are published in the press.

Difference in procedure for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

There is no fundamental importance for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to take part in the tender. The form of ownership does not affect the results of the tender; the difference is the form of taxation.

When submitting documents, a legal entity submits an application, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certified by a notary, and an individual entrepreneur submits a notarized extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and a passport.

Watch a video about the benefits of bidding for small businesses

Successful trading can be learned

Bidding requires knowledge to be successful. Announcements about the organization of courses and seminars teaching the basics of participation in tenders can be found on the Internet and in the media. During the courses, training is carried out according to a program that explains the provisions of the current legislation in Russia, and covers the technique of working on electronic trading platforms.

What is needed for this?

The knowledge gained is not always a guarantee of successful competition in the market.

For participation in the auction to be effective, you must:

  • study monitoring of bidding for products or services that exist in the company;
  • find and set up auctions of interest to the company;
  • be able to recognize the signs of negotiated bidding, master the procedure for submitting applications; learn how to competently draw up a package of tender documents;
  • appoint a responsible person responsible for participation in tenders, train staff in courses, conduct seminars.

Selecting a site and topic

According to a special system of interaction, the customer and supplier carry out electronic trading using the global Internet. The Government of the Russian Federation has identified electronic trading platforms on the Internet, where wide functionality is displayed with placed orders, allowing for the effective selection of performers.

The applicant participating in the auction must choose one of the five trading platforms presented:

  1. OJSC "Unified Electronic Trading Platform";
  2. CJSC "Sberbank-AST";
  3. OJSC "RTS";
  4. CJSC Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange;
  5. State Unitary Enterprise “Government Order Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

Any electronic document is assigned a legal status, which is based on an electronic digital signature within the selected site. The digital signature is issued within five working days by a certification center, the list of which can be found on the site’s website. Any company has the right to register as a customer or contractor.


An electronic trading platform allows you to make purchases much faster, saving time and not spending money on advertising.

To carry out transactions on a website online, standard software is used that can secure digital certificates, digital signature private keys, and ciphers. Software users, using Russian identifiers, protect the database from unauthorized use of information.

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Earning money from tenders: is it profitable?

Participation in tenders has become an everyday reality, so many companies regularly participate in them and receive significant profits through tenders. But it is worth taking into account that not all tenders live up to expectations. The ability to distinguish an honest tender from a fraudulent one, a profitable state tender from a losing one that simply takes time and effort, ensures the success of the company in advance.

The result of a successful operation is a profitable contract and the creation of a certain image of the company. Otherwise, experience is gained, so you need to take part, being well prepared, having calculated the likely benefits.